Is it possible to drink incense. How to use church incense at home

Is it possible to drink incense. How to use church incense at home

Traces of use incense lead in the depths of centuries, this is one of the most ancient incenses. The use of incense in medical and cosmetic purposes is known from the IV Millennium BC, in the ancient Egypt tomb and pyramids, ointments and bottles with butter were found, with still a tangible smell of Ladan. However, in the sources of the ancient kingdom (2275-2150 BC), the combustion of the resin, which gives the flavor, is mentioned, but it is not indicated exactly that it is specifically incense, Mirra or a pistachio tree resin.

Mirry and Ladan filled the carcass of the bull, brought to sacrifice Izid in ancient Egypt. Then the car was burned, watering with plenty of oil.

In honor of the solar god of the Republic of Armenia in the Sunny city, Heliopole, the incense was talked three times a day: at dawn amber, during solar zenith - Mirrier, at sunset - a complex mixture consisting of a plurality of ingredients, which was, including, and Ladan - Kiift. As in honor of the gods, in special cases incense was intense in honor of Pharaoh. Ladan and Mirra were used, including in embalming.

Ayurvedic texts recommended the adhesive exudate of the Salai Gugul Boswellia for diseases of the joints, rheumatism, in the diseases of the stomach, diarrhea and dysentery, during asthma, bronchitis and various lung diseases, with a ring-dryer, with pimples, wounds, tumors, with dysmetrosis, as a diuretic and etc.

Pliny in the first century referred to incense as an antidote from Boligolov. In the 10th century, Avicenna recommended incense for the treatment of tumors, ulcers, with nausea, dysentery and fever. In China, incense was used in the treatment of leprosy. Holy Hildegard Bingen used incense with hearing loss.

It was used in religious ceremonies in ancient Persia, Babylon, Greece and Rome. Herodotus reported that the Arabs brought 1,000 talents in Ladan Godia annually as a gift that was used on religious festivals in Babylon. And describes the temple built in Babylon in honor of God Waal, in which there was a golden stella with the image of God weighing in eight hundred talents, which stood the altar, also golden. At this altar, about a thousand of the talents of pure Ladan were taken annually.

The Romans applied incense not only in religious ceremonies, but also in public and forgoing purposes. When committing important state events, Ladan smoked: it was believed that his smell "opens up" soul. This is an important component of the Oriental Incencies and the anti-inflammatory component of the drugs mentioned in the ancient texts of Ayurveda. Ladan, Sandal and Mirra are already mentioned in the Old Testament. Gold, Ladan and Mirra are described in the Bible as the gifts of Magi Jesus.

Christianity significantly increased the market of this incense, where it is widely used when performing religious rites.

How to distinguish selected from ordinary

The workpiece of the incense is carried out in February or March, cuts are made on the tree, of which the resin continuously flows for a fairly long time, covering the entire trunk of the tree until it gets up, after which the dried resin is collected from the tree and from the ground. This process usually takes from 10 to 12 days. As a rule, they collect incense in each tree for 3-5 years, and then take a break, giving a tree to relax and recover.

In Yemen and Saudi Arabia, there are quite a few gradations of quality incense depending on the appearance and origin:

  • The highest grade - Luban Al Hojari - consists of more or less smooth pieces of approximately 3 cm, white or yellowish color with intense aroma. Get it in the most dry and hot part of the range.
  • Just worse Luban Al Nejdli - pieces of broken, often matte, color golden or golden-yellow, with a rich aroma.
  • Below is Luban Al Shazri - pieces of medium size, opaque, painting from amber to reddish brown, fragrance is weak.
  • Luban Al Sha'abi is obtained from coastal areas. These are broken pieces, opaque, red-brown, with a weak aroma.
  • Luban Al Sa'Af is obtained after re-examining the crust, often the resin includes contamination and partially emit it in place.
  • Duqat Al Luban - only very small sizes of pieces are distinguished from the second and third. Usually it goes on processing for the preparation of aromatic mixtures.

For commercial purposes, it is often not complicated by the life of such a complex gradation of the sacred product and the assembled incense is divided into two grades: the selected incense - Olibanum Electum and ordinary - Olibanum in Sortis. The first consists of separate dry transparent light yellow "tears". The worst grades are a darker unevenly merged resinous mass with injecting "tears".

Quality control includes general indicators: size, color, transparency, shape, fragrance, cleanliness, consistency.

Good samples when combustion is cooping and burned without a residue. Bad samples after combustion leave coal. The first grade does not contain impurities, in the second grade pebbles, pieces of bark or sand can come across.

The quality of the resin is determined in the east to the tooth. When chewing resin is not elastic, but also does not scatter on small pieces. Taste bitter-fragrant.

The drying resin of the lade tree is insoluble in all in water, nor in alcohol, when rubbing with water, it sinks an emulsion, when heated softened, not melting and spreading a strong pleasant, balsamic smell, while further heating lights up and burns heavily smoking flame. The solubility of the components of the incense is approximately such - 30% - in water, 70% - in alcohol (this is primarily resin).

Given the high cost of this incense, it began to fake and falsify long before us, and in the last 2500 years little has changed. The simplest falsification is the substitution of a lower quality product, for example, Arabian incense is replaced by Somali.

The main thing is boswellive acids

Ladan is a mixture of essential oil, resins and rubberids.

It contains 27-35% of polysaccharides (D-galactose, L-arabinosis and galactose and D-galacturonic acid), 60-70% of terpenes (free and associated boswellic acid prevails), and 5-7% of volatile essential oils. When analyzing the resin and essential oil, more than 80 components were identified. The chemical composition of the Ladan includes about 30% of the gum, up to 56% resin, which is a mixture of free boswellic acid with 32 H 52 O 4 and associated with oliboresen (C 15 H 22 O) n, the essential oil is about 8% (α-tuyen , R-cymen, etc. Components), also have bitter substances, minerals. Standardization of Boswellity resin products is carried out by the content of triterpenoids - boswellian acids, derivatives of α- and β-boswellic acid, and more than 10 compounds.

Standardized industrial extracts of the resin of the Boswellia should contain from 30% to 65% of the amount of boswellian acids.

Finds of pharmacology

Ladan is used in perfumery and aromatherapy. For medical purposes, incense is used in homeopathy, in the manufacture of some plasters, toothpastes, elixirs, smoking candles and paper, etc.

Interestingly, due to the fact that Indian Ladan (from Boswellia.serrata.) Used in Ayurveda, most of the clinical studies were carried out with these species.

For the first time, the anti-inflammatory properties of the extracts of the Ladan resin were studied in animal experiments in 1971 - it was stated that the extracts were shown "painful and soothing effects". Pharmacological studies conducted in recent times (2000 g) have shown that the anti-inflammatory effect of the Ladan is associated with the content of boswellian acids. In this case, activity is similar to the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Boswellia inhibits the effect of pro-inflammatory mediators, especially leukoloids, through the inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase, a key enzyme that launches the biosynthesis of leukotrienes. Unlike other anti-inflammatory drugs, which are known to disturb the glycosaminglicane synthesis, contributing to diseases of the joints, boswellic acids show the opposite effect - reduce the degradation of glycosaminglikins. This means that the long-term use of boswellian acids does not cause irritation or formation of stomach ulcers. Protective, antimicrobial and immunostimulating effect was found.

According to preliminary data published on the results of scientific research conducted in India, acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswelic acid compared with other derivatives of boswellian acids showed the highest inhibitory activity of exposure to 5-lipoxygenase.

In England, they analyzed all the information on the research of Boswellia in medical journals and allocated only those that were conducted in compliance with all techniques and do not doubt in reliability. Research related to diseases such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, crooh disease, osteoarthritis and collagen colitis are included. The results of all tests have shown that the extracts of Boswellia Pillya were clinically effective. There was no serious side effects.

Studies also showed that boswellic acids suppress inflammation, including in a chronic inflammatory process, in particular arthritis. They suppress the development of inflammation mediators.

As a result of a 6-week study in the university clinic of Tübingen, it was revealed that patients aged 17 to 75 years old when receiving the drugs of the Boswellian resin, there was a general improvement in the state (the disappearance of the breathtaking, a decrease in the number of attacks), as well as a decrease in eosinophils and ESOs. Astmatic diseases are characterized by a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease. The anti-inflammatory effect mechanism of boswellium acids reduces the increased response of the body into an inflammatory process, facilitating the symptoms of the disease. Standard dosage of the extract of the resin of the lade tree in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and in the case of bronchial spasm was about 300 mg three times a day.

In the clinic of Technical University, Dresden (Germany) investigated the effect of Boswellia preparations on symptoms, quality of life and histology in patients with collagen colitis. It was revealed that the application at a dose of 400 mg for 6 weeks showed a beneficial effect on histology (colonoscopy) and the general condition of large.

The study of 30 patients in India with the osteoarthritis of the indigenous joint was noted a decrease in pain and inflammation, improving the mobility of the joint.

During the studies, no toxic reactions or side effects were found in the clinical use of the Extracts of the Boswellity resin.

On advanced aromatherapy

Aromatherapists use not only Ladan resin, but also essential oil, which is a dense yellowish liquid with a resinous balsamic aroma. It is obtained by steam distillation from Ladan.

Since ancient times, incense used in religious ceremonies. It was believed that it contributes to the immersion in prayer and renunciation from the worldly problems, that this is an aroma of meditation and immersion in the inner world. Man feels peace and peace.

According to modern aromatherapists, incense has antiseptic, warming, hemostatic and relaxing properties. Used in immunodify and depressive states, with asthma, with a cold, flu. The fragrance of incense normalizes sleep and contributes to the elimination of light depression. Sometimes it is added to the agent for aging, fading and wrinkled skin. For this, conventional cosmetic preparations enrich incense oil. When applied to the skin there is a feeling of burning and tingling, which passes after 1-2 minutes.

Jar Ladan

"To be afraid of the features of Ladan" - this is how they talk about strong fright. What is incense, what is so afraid of damn? What makes it? Where it is used now and where it was used before. In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Ladan - aromatic wood resin, obtained from certain types of trees (for example, the incense tree of the genus Boswellia), growing on the Arabian Peninsula (in Yemen and Oman) and in East Africa (in Somalia).

Ladan is one of the oldest incense.

How to collect incense

In February - March on the tree makes cuts, of which continuously follows the resin (quite a long time), covering the whole trunk of the tree until the wound is finally driving dry juice. After that, the dried resin is collected from the tree and from the ground.

Frozen resin on the incense tree

Separate two varieties of incense:

  • Selected incense - round or oblong pieces, similar drops, light yellow or pinkish, with wax glitter. From above, they are usually covered with dust from friction on each other, possess a pleasant balsamy smell and gittle, sharp taste. When rubbing turns into white powder.
  • Ordinary incense is less clean, larger and dark slices of resin.

Application in Ladan

The main use of incense - every day in liturgical rites. Every day is performed during prayer from apostolic times. Cadyl is stored and preparing for use in the cadyl niche, where burning coal is located in it, on which the incense is mounted - fragrant resin of Middle Eastern trees.

Ladan is also used in perfumery and aromatherapy (mainly in the form of essential oil). Previously, incense was used in homeopathy, medicine, in the manufacture of some plasters, toothpastes, elixirins, etc. Currently, the incense is not used for medical purposes.

Ladan is part of some ointment recipes from various types of suppurations used in folk medicine during mastitis, furunculaes and even some tumors.

It is known to the impact of incense on animals, in particular, incense in the mixture with wine was used to enjoy the fury of combat elephants before the fight.

And by entering the house, they saw the baby with Marieu, his mother, and, surfactant, bowed to him;
And, opening his treasures, they brought her gifts: gold, incense and Smyrna.
(Matthew 2: 11)

And the Lord said to Moses: Take himself incense substances: Stratsky, Onha, Halvana, Frail and Pure Lebanon, only half,
And make of them the art of the component of the masse the smoking composition, erased, clean, holy,
And the liberty of his finely, and believes it before [the ark] of the revelation in the tabernacle of the meeting, where I will open to you: it will be a great shrine for you;
Smoking made in this composition, do not make yourself: the shrine will be it for you for the Lord;
(Isch.30: 34-38)

What is incense? How did he appear? Why is it used in church? Is it true that the fragrance of Ladan scares evil spirits? We have collected interesting facts about Ladane, information about his history and application, tried to answer all the common questions about him and tell about how to apply incense at home. Many myths and superstitions are connected with the use of incense. Most of them are not justified. Folk medicine is full of recipe with incense. It is believed that a piece of incense can heal from a variety of diseases. How justified the use of incense for medical purposes?

What is Ladan

We know about Ladan since biblical times. Gifts, which received from Magi, the baby Jesus is gold, Ladan and Smyrna. What is incense? Ladan is an aromatic resin obtained from the special kind of trees - Boswellia. One of them is so called Ladan tree, and they grow in the Arabian Peninsula, as well as in East Africa. Ladan essential oil is obtained by distillation of resin. This oil has a brighter fresh and pure smell than the resin incense. Therefore, people who give incense with therapeutic properties are more commonly used by the essential oil of Ladan. For the human nose, his smell is more pleasant.

The chemical composition of the incense is quite complicated. It has aromatic substances, thanks to which the incense has such a rich smell. More than half of the composition (56%) is a resin of free boswellic acid and the associated oliboresen. About 30% of Ladan - gum. The rest of the composition is various essential oils (terpene, cymene, Fellandren and others). Scientists argue that in the composition of the smoke from Ladan there is an acetate of scenarosol, which is capable of providing a psychoactive effect and lead a person to the state of Euphoria. But for this, the concentration of incense should be very high, with ordinary worship in the temple of this never happens.

The history of the appearance of Ladane

Ladan traded more ancient Phoenicians. Caravans followed the valuable resin according to the orders of the pharaohs. Incense in the Egyptians was used in pagan rites.

Ladan resin is mined in remote regions of the Arabian Peninsula, Africa and India. In the Arabian Peninsula and in North Africa, incense was valued on the weight of gold, so the gifts of the Magi were quite valuable. The harvest of Ladan's resin was and remains to this day a very time-consuming process, so the fragrant substance is valued so high. A man who gets resin is made in February or in March an incision on a tree bark, which grows on limestone rocks in the desert. It will take two or three months until the juice will flow from the cut, and then harden in the form of white droplets, similar to tears. Then the resin minider returns to the same tree to assemble the crumbs of the quarrel of the incense tree. He also collects the resin that flowed on the leaves specially folded downstairs. The solidary resin can be processed to obtain essential oil incense. It can also be fragmented to use as incense.

In Europe, incense appeared as Frankish incense, as it was believed that he was brought there to Frank (Union of the Ancient Germinarian tribes). It was indispensable for cosmetic purposes and many natural spirits are still produced using incense. Quality incense can be assessed by its aroma. Connoisseurs can define selective or ordinary incense in front of them, listening to its fragrance.

From one tree you can collect only 400 grams of resin. At the same time, several thousand tons of incense are produced per year.

Varieties and varieties of Ladan

Ladan is divided into ordinary and selected. The resin, which was collected from the tree and from the leaves distribute to cleaner pieces, which are similar to drops, have a light yellow or pinkish shade and when rubbing become white powder. Not so clean, large and dark pieces - ordinary incense.

Ladan is applied not only in the church. It is used in aromatherapy, making cosmetics and perfumery. Thanks to the amazing properties of the incense, it was used in Egypt to emboss the dead, so mummy appeared. The Egyptians often used incense in their religious ceremonies. Some historians believe that Jews learned the use of Ladan precisely during the times of Egyptian slavery, having adopted this tradition from the Egyptians.

Church Ladan

Ladan has a specific smell. A person who first comes to the Orthodox church can feel a bright fragrance that is remembered for a long time. It is so smelling incense.
During worship, incense is based on the burning coals of Cadyl, a metal cup-shaped vessel suspended on several chains. With the combustion of the incense, fragrant smoke is formed - Fimiam.
Incense from Ladan was always used in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church. Smoke incense, striving up, symbolizes the prayers of believers, ascending to heaven. Old Testament contains a detailed instruction on how to use incense. Mentioned incense and song song. There he is called Levon and is part of the Fimiam, one of the 11 incense in the temple.

With a large cluster of people incense is useful as a disinfecting agent.

Ladan is preparing in some monasteries. Previously, Sofrinsky Ladan existed. After the war, he was produced in the workshops of the Moscow Patriarchate. It consisted of a mixture of pine gils and ordinary chalk. Now Ladan is produced in the workshops of the Holy Danilov male monastery. They will be taken to Russia and Jerusalem incense. It is often used in festive worship services.

Many believers are wondering about the famous belief, which states that the smell of Ladan does not like evil spirits. There are no instructions in the Bible that the fallen spirits have any preferences in smells or perception authorities that allow them to capture the aromas. The physical world does not have impact on them. If something demon does not like exactly, these are spiritual doings, including prayer. In the temple, in addition to the fragrance of Ladan, there is a sincere faith of people, their appeal to God, all this really has power over evil spirits. Satan fell across the pride, humming praying scares evil. Do not attribute spiritual properties in Ladan. He belongs to the material world.

How to use incense at home

Everyone knows well that in the temple incense is used during worship services. Is it possible to use incense at home? Many believe that the house cannot be likened to temple and incense, with the right to use it - the prerogative of the church. In fact, it will not be a sin to use incense and at home. The difference between the house and the church is obvious to the church-worked Christian, between the divine service in the temple and Caela Prayer. Ladan is just a pleasant smell. Myths that it is used in the church to drive off evil spirits - no more than superstition.

Therefore, if a person for prayer wants to burn incense at home, there is nothing wrong with that. If incense serves prayer, helps a person pray and focus on communicating with God, it can be used at home.

Many also apply incense for medical purposes. To do this, you need to enlist the support of the doctor.

Ladan essential oil is well combined with orange, lemon and other citrus oils. It is also suitable for oil Bergamot, Pine and Sandala. Ladan essential oil has woody, sweet, warm fragrance. The country of origin and the quality of the Ladan play a big role in how pleasant will the aroma of Ladan and whether he has healing properties.

Incense is not dissolved on air, water and alcohol. Such an emulsion loses its useful properties.

In order to ignore incense at home, you will need a cadyl or roaster, coals, candle and matches. Ladan does not burn, therefore, without a special device, which supports a sufficiently high temperature, nothing will work. In the church it is Kadyl, but the ordinary brazier, a metal plate or a bowl of refractory material fit at home. Under the container placed a candle or lamp. Capacity is placed hot carbon. Even the coal that sells for hookahs is suitable. Resin Ladan begins to melt and source aroma. The smaller the melting point, the thinner and more pleasant will be the aroma of Ladan. It is not worth moving with the fusion of the room incense. This may not have the best effect on the human body and cause headaches.

Healing properties of Ladane

Ladan oil can be applied for medical purposes. Before talking about what kind of malace can be useful, we would like to note that any medical manipulations with incense should be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician. In addition, it is important to remember that the health prayer does not replace the visit of the doctor. And, if you feel ailment, you should not hoped solely on the healing properties of Ladan. Prayer in the temple is important, the church knows many cases when people healed on prayer even in the most difficult situations. Nevertheless, it is necessary to contact the medical institution.

Before the appearance of modern drugs, Ladan was often used by the doctors of the past. It is difficult to say how effective its healing properties in each individual case, but it is believed that:

  • Ladan essential oil has antiseptic, tonic and disinfecting actions.
  • Ladan oil has a sedative effect. Ladan essential oil can be useful in stressful situation.
  • It may also have a diuretic effect.
  • It is taken as an expectorant and astringent.
  • It is also considered that incense strengthens the gums and roots of the hair.
  • Ladan oil helps reduce muscles and blood vessels.
  • Normalizes the work of the intestine. Accelerates the work of the gastric juice and peristaltics.
  • Ladan essential oil heals the wounds on the skin, stretching and squeezes the skin of the face.
  • It has a positive effect on female reproductive organs.
  • In China, incense is used for inflammation of the joints.
  • Aromatherapy with incense helps to overcome craving for smoking.

For massage mixtures, nature is also used: 5 drops per 20 grams of main oil or cream. For the adoption of an aromatic bath is enough oil pipette.
If you plan to add it to the ready-made shampoo, serum or cream, then the proportions are usually as follows: 4 drops of the essential agent by 15-20 grams of the base. A couple of drops are added to tea or herbic decoction for internal treatment: with asthmatic cough, cystitis, gynecological inflammation.

IMPORTANT: Before using incense as a medical device, you should consult with your doctor and with serious illnesses to calculate only incense. Ladan essential oil is not used during pregnancy, do not recommend it to small children and people prone to allergic reactions.

  1. In 1922, the tomb of Tutankhamon was revealed. In the vessels sealed there, incense was kept incense. Thousands of years later, he still retained his fragrance, which struck the archaeologists who made it an amazing discovery.
  2. Ladan is mentioned in historical documents belonging to 2500 BC.
  3. If you inhale the pairs of incense in a closed room, you can get a head.
  4. Ladan is mentioned in folklore all Slavic peoples.
  5. The famous doctor of the distant past Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote about the healing properties of Ladan.
  6. Inhalation of inhalation of the vapor of Ladan may cause the dependence similar to the narcotic one.
  7. Ladan is capable of calling hallucinations.
  8. People are allergic to incense.
  9. On the Holy Mountain Athos are also engaged in the manufacture of incense. Incense do in the Watoped Monastery, it is called "Watopeda" incense.
  10. The incense can be different colors - black, yellow, purple, depending on the chemical composition and used in the preparation of aromatic oils.

Ladan is a substance that is widely used in ritual ceremonies. Humanity since the most ancient times used him in the ceremonies of worship as incense. It has a sedative impact, slows down the operation of the respiratory system, thus adjusts the person to suitable for prayer and meditation. But the essential is distinguished not only by church destination, it is also widely used in perfumery and aromotherapy. In ancient Egypt, they were preparing anti-aging masks for the body and face, and also often used for embalming. Today, its use is also very extensive.

What the oil looks like, from which it is mined and a little historical chronicle

Ladan oil is a liquid of greenish or faded yellow shade. The substance has a sweet warm aroma similar to camphor.

A substance from a small tree is obtained, which grows in a number of Arab states in North Africa. Cutes are made from which the substance of resinous consistency is distinguished. It is thick in the air and hardens in the form of large orange-brown or amber droplets. Ladan essential oil is obtained from the resin using the distillation method with steam.

Essential oil based on incense its name received from the Greek word Ladanon, which is translated as "becoming godlike." In ancient times, it existed that the fragrance of this tool makes the mind clearer, dismisses the soul and relieves it from bitterness and fear.

In ancient Babylon, the product was equated with the sacred substance, with the help of his smell they cleaned the soul. In those distant times, the incense is incredibly appreciated, perceiving it as an exotic treasure, more than gold itself. In the myths of Egypt, it is referred to how Phoenix brought the Egyptians in his claws incense.

A long time ago the cost of such essential oil was incredibly high, and therefore the substance was considered a gift for the kings. It may be that that this product was among the offering just gave birth to the Messiah. The rich features of the oil characteristics were known very well, and therefore they were ready to give a fabulous money for him.

Emotional, erotic and bioenergy properties

Property Ladan oil has a wide variety. To begin with, consider its emotional, erotic and bioenergy qualities.

  • Emotional impact.It is believed that incense contributes to the rupture of relations with the last life and can become an invaluable help for the specimens and not valid on the past. Since it is characterized by a soothing effect, it can be used during the treatment of asthma, where attacks are often provoked by the sensations of anxiety. In addition, the oil of Ladan can eliminate the night fears, insomnia.
  • Erotic impact.This is an aphrodisiac, which is a pleasure to the highest degree.
  • Bioenergy properties.Ladan is one of the most valuable and most vintage enucleation substances. It returns the energy to its present owner, thereby renewing the energy "legality". If a person feels the evil eye, he can use this substance and thus return the contaminated energy imposed on it where it came from. Each person will receive what he deserves. Ladan is a tool for meditating and achieving the feeling of nirvana. It contributes to the more powerful human resistance to evil, makes his strength and faith more durable, helps to get space energy. With this incense, you can find your love and create a family. It closes the energy gaps, contributes to the alignment of the aura.

For body

Essential oil incense properties for the body is simply invaluable. The tool contributes to the cleansing of the lungs and positively affects all mucous membranes. Oil helps breathing: eliminates shortness of breath and, as already mentioned above, assists people who are ill-friendly asthma. Also, this substance at light shapes of inflammation reduces pain. With the help of oil you can get rid of the cold.

It has been established that the use of incense is an excellent prevention in cystitis, jade, in the penetration of infections into the organs of the urogenital system. The binding function of the substance is manifested in abundant menstruation from girls or when the woman begins uterine bleeding. The oil is considered a wonderful generic tool, in addition, it is successfully fighting with postpartum depression. These properties ensures the sedative function of the product.

Ladan warns the appearance of mastitis. He also eliminates belching and improves digestion.

Cosmetic properties

Oil incense, properties and application of which we consider, good use for any type of skin. It reflects the epidermis, smoothes all the wrinkles and folds on the skin, produces whitening effect. If acne and acne are present on the skin, then it is recommended to apply to the tool, and the available boils, ulcers and scars need to be lubricated no less gently.

If you have a greasy skin type, then the incense will reduce the appearance of the skin. Applying a dry skin, you can tone it and update. Pigment spots and freckles can also withdraw with this magic incense. An extraordinarily effectively oil with a variety of skin problems of dermatitis, eczema and other diseases.

For nails and hair can also be used incense. Oil makes hair stronger and accelerates their growth, revolt the follicles, helps to get rid of dandruff and makes braids elastic. Having keen and brittle nail plates it makes healthy and strong.

In the fight against cancer

According to scientists, efficiently oil incense with cancer. The means contains monoterpins - special compounds to help eliminate cancer cells at the first stages of development and during the progression of the ailment. Regardless of which stage the disease is found, the tool will be for oncological patients with the ideal option.

The use of such an oil can produce a real revolution in the field of studying and treating the disease. While chemotherapy affects the area around the tumor, thereby destroying healthy cells, incense will act exclusively on cancer, leaving healthy in integrity.

Application of oil

Ladan oil, properties and application of which we describe in the article are used both in pure form and in combination with essential oils of other shrubs and trees, for example, vetiver, geranium, sandalwood, cinnamon and others. As an additional component, the tool can be added to air conditioners and hair shampoos.

When having hair loss, experts recommend using the following mask: two drops of incense to mix with five rosemary drops, twenty drops of lavender and 50 milliliters of jojoba oil. Such a composition lubricate braids and wrapped with a towel head for a more powerful effect.

Other ways of application

Many different ways of use have ladian oil. Application It is possible for bathaking baths. A bath with such an oil wonderfully soothes and relaxes. You can make such a font: in the sea salt or in cream, four or five drops of oil incense should be dissolved. The mixture is poured into the water prepared for the adoption of the bath. You can swim in such a solution twice and three times a week for 15-20 minutes. You can add the lavender essential oil to Lavanda essential oil, which will help defeat insomnia and forget deep and calmly sleep.

If you want to cook a face mask, then you will need 30 milliliters of clay, two drops of lavender oils, incense oil and carrot seed oil. All this is mixed and superimposed on the face for 10-15 minutes.

Women suffering from strong menstrual pains can reduce them, rubbing a mixture of six drops of incense in the stomach, three drops of rose oil and 25 milliliters

Restrictions for use

Essential oil incense (application and properties are described above) is almost safe for the human body. But all the same, experts are recommended to drop a small amount of its skin before applying to make sure there are no allergic reactions.

Children under the six-year-old, the product is not worth using. Nursing mothers and pregnant girls use incense strictly prohibited. It is forbidden to accept incense and individuals that use anticoagulants, and people whose blood clotting is broken.

Esoteric was always quite popular in the people. People love to apply special incense in everyday life to improve the physical condition, increasing the tone and raising the mood. One of them is incense. How to use it in different cases?

Ladan is a mixture of hardened juice (resin) of the mass of African plants of various varieties and species. Its main feature is considered a strong aroma arising in the heating process. The smell is sweet, heavy and thick refers to the balsamic type. If the pieces of incense are heated and then, then in this case they will light up and will smoke. This substance does not dissolve in water or alcohol, but forms an emulsion. How to use incense at home? And what properties are attributed to this species of the hardened resin of exotic plants?

Basically, the use of Ladan is clearly demonstrated in churches. It is often ignited, and smoke is emphasized the believers of the parishioners. Ladan is known to people for a long time, since the time of the Board of the Egyptian Pharaohs. At that time, he was used as incense. Ladan has always been very valuable. His cost is practical

equated to gold, since such an exotic substance was quite difficult to get.

How to use incense yourself? First you need to decide on its properties. In antiquity it was believed that the fragrance of Ladan gives a person to enlighten and wisdom. Its smell soothes the nervous system, relieves stress and strong emotional excitement, tension. Therefore, incense is often used in the meditation process. Such evaporations make breathing more measured and deep, restore heart rhythm. How to use incense in your apartment? It is best to enjoy it with a wonderful smell with the help of special aromalamps.

In Egypt, it was previously believed that even strong pain in the joints could be removed. Therefore, it was neatly rubbed into the right places. In China, he was treated with leper and gold. Incense added even in masks to rejuvenate the skin of the face. Today it is also practiced. After all, such oil is well updated, restores and smoothes the skin. With it, you can even get rid of small wrinkles. How to use incense for oily skin? It can be added to the previously cooked creams or rub in the pores before bedtime. Due to the astringent effect, it is very useful even to the owners of problem skin. Incense is endowed with healing properties. They are recommended to treat small wounds, rash, inflammation of various kinds, furuncula and carbuncules.

How to use incense in magic? It is believed that his fragrance scares and drives out of the house of evil spirits that can harm the person. He can also give strength for the entire subsequent day. Therefore, morning, start with the burning of a small amount of incense in the candle or in the aroma. In the evening you can take a relaxing bath. Add a few drops and fatigue to the water as a hand.

For convenience, special aromatic sticks and cones from Ladan are now sold. They are designed specifically for use at home.