Morua biography. Andre Morua - letters of a stranger

Morua biography. Andre Morua - letters of a stranger
Morua biography. Andre Morua - letters of a stranger

The participant of the first and second world wars Andre Morua, in front of whose eyes was the tragic events of the first half of the twentieth century, it was incomprehensible to preserve in his work as a spark of good irony. Thin humor and psychology of his stories attract the reader to this day.

The second business card of the French author is a biographical prose. While the contemporaries wrote about the lost generation and tragicity of Being, Morua was looking for the origins of the internal force capable of overcome the disaster of the 20th century, in the stories of the life of writers and thinkers of the past.

Childhood and youth

The future author of biographies and books on national history was born in 1885 in the small French town of Elbeff in Normandy. His parents - the Jewish couple on the surname of Erzog, who applied to Catholicism - moved to the North-West of France for a half decades before the birth of the Son. Before that, the family lived in Alsace, but after following the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, the Earth annexed Germany, it was decided to remain French subjects and move to the West.

Emil's father, Ernest Erzog, and grandfather in the father's line owned in Alsace with a textile factory. Thanks to their efforts, not only the family of the owner of the enterprise, but most workers moved to Normandia. The government awarded the grandfather of the Writer by the Order of the French Legion for the salvation of the national industry.

By the time of the birth of the boy, the well-being of the family strengthened. When baptized, the child received the name of Emil Salomon Wilhelm. With the beginning of writing activity as a real name, Andre Morua pseudonym was established. Initial education received in the Gymnasium of Elbef, and in 12 years he entered the Rueny Lyceum of Pierre Cornel. After 4 years, he was assigned the degree of license.

Despite the potential, Emil got an administrator to the father's factory. According to some reports, the Council to leave school gave him a teacher of the lyceum Emil Shartier, who published philosophical essays under the alias of Alain. The views of Charter influenced the worldview of the student. Nevertheless, Herzog entered the University of Cannes.

Emile was 29 years old when World War I began. Through three years before, he left the work in the factory and tried to decide on the profession. Erzog in battles serves as an English officer in the English headquarters in France and provides translator services to the British Expeditionary Corps. The experience gained later is reflected in his debut product - the novel "Silence of Colonel Brambla".


The hero of the first novel Andre Morua is close to residents of all countries fighting Germany. The book brings debutant recognition not only in France, but also in the United States and the UK. In 1922, the second novel is published - "Speech of Dr. O'Gredy", which also turns out to be successful. Morua is convinced of the choice of literary activities.

The author is arranged in the "Croa de Fe" magazine, and after leaving the father sells an enterprise. In these years, he collects material for the first biographical trilogy. In 1923, Ariel, or Susli's life comes out, four years later - a book about the British Prime Minister Benjamin Dizraeli, and in 1930 - biography. This series, later published called "Romantic England", strengthened the author's popularity in the UK.

In parallel with the work on the biographies of Morua produces novels. Governed in 1926 Bernar Kenu tells about the young veteran of the First World War, who, being gifted in art, should work against the will in a family factory. Trace the autobographicity of the plot is not difficult.

In 1938, 53-year-old Morua receives special recognition - he is elected to the members of the French Academy. The institution studies the national language and takes care of the preservation of its literary norm, including through the presentation of about 60 annual premiums to writers.

The literary creativity Andre Morua interrupted the tragedy of the Second World War. The writer is again written by a volunteer and serves as a captain. When the fascists manage to occupy France, he leaves in the US and teaches some time at the University of Kansas. However, in 1943, Morua, along with soldiers, allied troops falls into North Africa. Here and earlier in the emigration, he meets his friend, a military pilot, the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Mother Morua returns in 1946. Here he publishes the novel collections, which includes the "Hotel Tanatos", and writes a new biography - "In Search of Marseille Proust." During this period, he changes the documents, and the pseudonym becomes its true name. In 1947, "History of France" appears - the first of the series of books about the history of states. Also applied to the history of Great Britain, the USA and other countries.

At the beginning of the 50s, the collection of its writings is coming out: texts are occupied by 16 volumes. At the same years, elegant, full humor "Letters of the Stranger" is published. Morua continues to work on biographies. He is interested, and even Alexander Fleming, who created Penicillin. Completed this block book about. The author created it for 79 years of life.

In the last decade of life, Morua his articles were often published in Soviet newspapers. As RIA "News" writes, the writer was friends with many Writers of the USSR. In France, collaborated with various editions of a democratic sense. It is known that Morua left a signature under the protest of social activists against taking into custody of the painter from Mexico David Sicairos.

The own life of Morua comes out in 1970, after the death of the author, under the simple name "Memoirs". In it - all the stoken of creative life, scenes of meetings and informal conversations with politicians, philosophers, writers. The literary heritage of the French author unites two hundred books and over thousands of articles. Aphorisms and statements of Morua are widely known, for example:

"Time spent with a woman cannot be called lost."

Personal life

Morua's biography includes two marriages. At the age of 28, he married Zhanna-Marie Shimkevich. The spouse gave him two sons, Gerald and Olivier, and the daughter of Michelle. When the writer was 39 years old, his wife died. The cause of death became sepsis.

The second marriage is concluded with Simon Kayech, relative. For some time, the couple lived separately from each other, while Simon was known that the spouse has extramarital connections. There were no children from Morua and Kayech.


Andre Morua passed on October 9, 1967. At that time, he lived on the territory of Nei-sur-Saint - the commune adjacent to the capital of France in the West.

The grave of the writer is located on the local cemetery. Here the body of Anatol France, the cinematographer Renele Clera, the artist-symbolist Puwe de Galianna.


  • Roman "Silence Colonel Brambla"
  • Roman "Speech Dr. O'Gredy"
  • Roman "Ariel, or Shelly's life"
  • Roman "Life of Dizraeli"
  • Roman "Byron"
  • Novel "Letters of the Stranger"
  • Collection of "violets on Wednesdays"
  • Roman "Bernard Ken"
  • Roman "Violence of Love"
  • Essay "Feelings and Customs"
  • "The History of France"
  • "History of England"
  • "Olympio, or the life of Viktor Hugo"
  • "Three Dumas"
  • "Prometheus, or Life Balzak"
  • "Memoirs / Memories"


School comrades are the best educators than parents, for they are ruthless.
The epoch of the Middle Ages is dating two worst inventions in the history of mankind: romantic love and cannon powder.
The art of aging is to be for young support, not an obstacle, as a teacher, and not an opponent, understanding, not indifferent.
No enemy is more cruel than the old friend.
Make a small thing, but master them perfectly and treat him as a great one.

French writer, classic genre of the biographical novel Andre Morua; The real name - Emil Erzog (Emil Herzog) was born on July 26, 1885 in the town of Elbeff near Rouen. Morua originated from the wealthy Jewish family from Alsace, who adopted Catholicism. After 1871, having received the French citizenship, the family moved to Normandia. Father Andre Morua owned a textile factory. Andre visited Elbef and Rouen gymnasium. A considerable role in the formation of Morua's views on the world, society, the art was played by his school teacher Emil Shather, the French philosopher, a moralist and a writer known under the name of Alain.

In 1897, Morua entered the Kornel's Lyceum in Ruang, after the end of which he entered the University of Cannes. At the same time began working at the father's factory, where from 1903 to 1911. Served by the administrator.

During World War I, Andre Morua was a communications officer at the command of British forces in France and served as a military translator in the British Expeditionary Corps. Military impressions served as material for the first novels of Morua "Silent Colonel Bramblble", 1918 and "Talking Dr. O'Gredy". After the death of the Father in 1925, Morua sold the factory and devoted himself to literary creativity. In 1920-1930. Andre Morua created the trilogy of the life of English romantics: "Ariel, or Shelly's life", "Life of Dizraeli" and "Byron", which was later published under the general name "Romantic England", and released several novels: "Bernard Kene", "Transformation Love "," Family Circle ".

In 1938, Andre Morua was elected a member of the French Academy.

When the Second World War began, the writer was signed by a volunteer in the operating army, and after the occupation of France by German troops, emigrated to the United States. He taught at Kansat University. In 1943 he served as part of alliatic troops in North Africa. In 1946, Morua returned to France.

Close friendship bonds associated Morua with the pilot and writer Antoine Saint Exupery. In the autumn of 1939, both left the Ministry of Information to serve in the army. The fate brought them again to emigration in the United States, then in the liberated from the Germans Algeria.

After returning to Motherland, Morua published the novel collections, the book "In Search of Marseille Proust" (A La Rechelche De Marcel Proust, 1949).

The creative heritage of Morua is truly huge - 200 books, more than a thousand articles. Among his works are psychological novels and stories, fantastic novels and travel essays, the biographies of great people and literary portraits, historical works and philosophical essays - "Feelings and customs", "Paul Verlin. Kaliban, who was Ariel", popular science work - "History of England" and "History of France".

At the beginning of the 50s. Xx in. The publication of the essay of Andre Morua in 16 volumes was published.

French writers are dedicated to literary portraits, who made four books by Andre Morua: "From Labryuer to Proust" (1964), "From Prut to Cami" (1963), "from Zhid to Sartra" (1965), "from Aragon to Monterlan" (1967 ).

In 1956, "Letters of the Stranger" were published in Paris in Paris. In Russian, appeared in 1974 in abbreviated form in the journal "Foreign Literature".

But, first of all, Morua - the master of the biographical genre, where, on the basis of the exact documentation, he draws live images of great people. He won the worldwide fame (1930), "Turgenev" (1931), "Lelia, or the life of George Sand, 1952)," Olympio, or the life of Viktor Hugo "," Three duma, "" Life of Alexander Fleming "(1959).

In the year of the 80th anniversary of Morua wrote the last biographical work "Prometheus, or the Life of Balzak".

In 1970, the book Andre Morua "Memoirs" was published in France, in which the writer spoke about his life, about meetings with such great contemporaries as Roosevelt and Churchill, de Gaulle and Clemiso, Kipling and St. Exupery.

Many works of the writer are translated into Russian, among them "the infancy of love", "Family Circle", "Life of Alexander Fleming", "Career Diezer", "Bayron", "Olympio, or the life of Viktor Hugo", "Three Duma", "Prometheus, or Balzac's life", etc.

In the sixties, Morua willingly performed on the pages of Soviet press. They were established friendly relations with Soviet writers.

Morua was a member of a number of public organizations, collaborated in democratic publications. Signed the protests of cultural figures against the arrests of the Mexican artist David Sicairos, the Greek poet Jannis Ritzos.

Andre Morua was married twice. After the death of the first wife of Yanina de Szimkievik, he was combined with a marriage with Simona de Kaywe, the niece of Marseille Prutes.

Andre Morua

Letters of a stranger


© Héritiers André Maurois, Anne-Mary Charrier, Marseille, France, 2006

© Translation. Y. Lesyuk, 2015

© Edition in Russian Ast Publishers, 2015

Letters of a stranger

You exist, and at the same time you do not. When one of my friend suggested that I write to you once a week, I mentally painted my image. I created you beautiful - and face, and mind. I knew: You will not slow down to arise my dreams of my dreams and you will have to read my messages, and answer them, and tell me everything that craresses to hear the author.

From the very first day I gave you a certain appearance - the appearance of a rarely beautiful and young woman, which I saw in the theater. No, not on stage - in the hall. None of those who were with me near, did not know her. Since then, you have gained your eyes and lips, voice and become, but, as applied, still stranger remained.

Two or three of my letters appeared in the print, and I expected to receive answers from you. Here "you" - a collective face. You have a lot of different stranger: one - naive, other - nonsense, and the third - chalunya and a mockery. I could not have failed to start a correspondence with you, however I could resist: you should have remained everyone, it was impossible to become one.

You buy me for restraint, for my unchanged sentimental moralism. But what can you do? And the most patient of people will be faithful to the stranger only with the condition that one day it will open to him. Merima quickly learned that his stranger is the name of Zhenya Daken, and soon he was allowed to kiss her adorable legs. Yes, our idol must have legs, and everything else, for we are tired of contemplating a disembodied goddess.

I promised that I will continue this game until then, while I would like pleasure in it. For more than a year, I put a point in our correspondence, no objections followed. Imaginary gap is not difficult. I will save about you a wonderful, unlucky memory. Farewell.

A. M.

On one meeting

That evening I was not alone in the "Comedy Frances." "Granted only the Moliere", but with great success. Iran's masterman from the heart laughed; Robert Kemp seemed blissing; Paul Leoto attracted gaze to him.

Sitting next to us the lady whispered to her husband: "I will say on the phone aunt Clemans, which saw Leoto, she will be delighted."

You sat ahead, having wrapped in a sanding fur, and, as in the time of the Mussy, it was shared by me from the selected "black braid on a wondrous flexible neck." In the intermission you lit down to your girlfriend and asked lively: "How to become a loved one?" I wanted to get into my turn to you and answer the words of one of the contemporaries of Moliere: "To enjoy others, you need to talk with them that it is nice to them and that it takes them, evade disputes about the subjects of unimportant, rarely ask questions and in no way The case does not give them to suspect that you can be wisdom than they. "

Here are the advice of a man who knew people! Yes, if we want us to love, you need to talk with others not about what occupies us, And about what occupies them. What does it take them? They themselves. We will never be bored with a woman, since I will talk to her about her moral and beauty, since they will ask her about childhood, about tastes, that it is sad. You are also never bored with a man if you ask him to talk about yourself. How many women saved their glory of skillful listeners! However, there is no need to listen, just to pretend to be listening.

"Shopping about the subjects of unimportant." The arguments set out by a sharp tone are derived from the interlocutor. Especially when the truth is on your side. "Any little remark hurts," said Stendal. Your interlocutor may have to recognize the irrefutableness of your arguments, but he will not forgive you forever. In love, a man seeks not to war, but to the world. Blessed tender and meek women, they will love them stronger. Nothing does not lead a man from himself as a woman's aggressiveness. Amazons are deified, but do not adore.

Another, quite a decent way to like - Foreign response about people. If they retell it, it will give them pleasure and they will feel in response to you.

I do not like my mistress de ... - Someone spoke.

What a pity! And she finds you just charming and speaks about it to each conversation.

Is it really? .. comes out, I was mistaken at her.

True and reverse. One stinging phrase, besides, retreating unfriendly, generates worst enemies. "If we all knew all that they say about all of us, nobody would talk to anyone." The trouble is that sooner or later everyone will know what everyone talks about everyone.

Let's return to Larancyfort: "By no way give them to suspect that you can be wisdom than they." Isn't it impossible to love at the same time, and admire someone? Of course, it is possible, but only if it does not express its superiority with the arrogance and it is balanced by small weaknesses, allowing others to act as to patronize him. The smartest person from those I knew, Paul Valerie, very naturally showed his mind. He enhanced deep thoughts in a joking form; He was also inherent in the childhood, and cute leprosy, which made it unusually charming. Another intelligent person is serious, and important, and still amuses the friends of his unconscious teachlessness, scattered or fad. He is good because he is talented, because it is ridiculous; And you will forgive what you are beautiful, because you hold on to just. Woman never tired even a great man if he remembers that he is also a person.

How to become a beloved? Giving those whom you want to capture, good reason to be satisfied with themselves. Love begins with the joyful feeling of his own strength, combined with the happiness of another person. Like - it means to give, and take. This is what, my soul stranger (as the Spaniards say), I would like to answer you. I will satisfy another one - the last - advice, he gave Merim his Stranger: "Never talk about yourself anything wrong. This will make your friends. " Farewell.

On the limits of tenderness

Paul Valerie excellently reasoned about many, and in particular about love; He liked to interpret about passions, using mathematical terms: he quite reasonably thought that the contrast between the accuracy of expressions and the elusiveness of feelings would cause an exciting discrepancy. I especially had to taste one formula, which I dubbed the theorest Valerie: "The number of tenderness, emitted and absorbed everyday, has the limit."

In other words, no man is able to live all day, and even more than a week or years in the atmosphere of tender passion. Everything tires, even what loves you. This truth is useful to remind, because many young people, as well as the old people, about her, apparently, are not suspected. A woman revels the first delights of love; It overwhelms the joy when she in the morning to the evening they say how good she is, as witty, which bliss is to have it, like wonderful speeches; She will restore these Slavs and assures his partner that he is the best and smart man in the world, an incomparable lover, a wonderful interlocutor. And this and the other is how nice. But what's next? Language capabilities are not limitless. "At first, in love, it is easy to talk to each other ..." said Englishman Stevenson. "I am me, you are you, and all others do not represent interest."

You can immediately repeat: "I am me, you are you." But not for a hundred thousand! And ahead is an endless string of days.

What is the name of such a marriage union, when a man is satisfied with one woman? - asked the American student a certain examiner.

Monotonous, - she replied.

In order, the monogamy did not turn in monotony, it is necessary to virtue to ensure that the tenderness and forms of its expression alternate with something else. Love Cepe should refresh "winds from the sea": communication with other people, common work, spectacles. Praise touches, born as if by chance, involuntarily - from mutual understanding, separated pleasure; Becoming an indispensable rite, she comes.

Oktawa Moble has a novel, written in the form of a dialogue of two lovers, which every night are found in the park at the light of the moon. Sensitive lover whispering with a voice, even more gentle than the Moonlight Night: "Take a look ... Here is the bench, about kind bench!" Beloved in despair sighs: "This bench again!" We will beware of benches that have turned into places to worship. Tender words that appeared and focusing at the very moment of manifestation of feelings are charming. Tenderness in configuration expressions is annoying.

True name of a person who readers all over the world know how Andre Morua, – Emil Salomon Wilhelm Erzog. This is the famous French writer, literary critic, historian; He is recognized as an unsurpassed master of writing the biographies of famous people in the form of a novel. Creative pseudonym after a while turned into his official name.

Morua appeared on the light in Elfbe, a place near Rouen, on July 26, 1885, His family had Alsas Jews who adopted Catholic religion, who moved to Normandy after 1871 and became French submenses. In 1897, Andre is a student of the Ruon Lyceum, at the age of 16, he becomes the owner of the degree of license. After completing training in a lyceum, he enters the University of Cannes. Almost at the same time, his workplace begins: the young man is arranged at the father's factory and works there by the administrator during 1903-1911.

When World War I broke out, Andre Morua took part in hostilities as a communications officer and a military translator. The impressions received in the war helped Morua to try themselves on the literary field and became the basis for his first novel - "silent Colonel Brambl". After his publication in 1918, Morua learns what success is, and his fame immediately went outside the native country, the work began to be warm in the UK and America.

After the end of the war, the place of work Andre Morua was the editorial office of Croa de Fe magazine. Inspired by the success of the first novel, a beginner writer dreamed of not about his career in the journal, but about a professional literature. Already in 1921, his new novel "Speech Dr. O'Gredy" saw the light. When Father, Morua died, sales, since 1925 gave all the forces to the creation of literary works. For 20-30. They were written the trilogy about the life of the famous English representatives of romanticism - Shelly, Dizraelie and Bairon. He wrote a number of other novels. On June 23, 1938, there is a significant event in Morua's life: his literary merits are recognized as election to the French Academy.

When the Second World War began, the writer left the volunteer in the current French army, served as a captain; Then he was 54 years old. When France occupied German-fascist troops, Morua moved to the United States, where he worked in Kansat University as a teacher. 1943 - I was marked with departure to North Africa; Return to the Motherland took place in 1946. During this period, Morua writes the book "In Search of Marseille Proust" (1949), NOVEL'S collections.

The writer worked to a deep old age. In the year of the 80th anniversary, they were written by a novel, who became the last - "Prometheus, or the life of Balzak" (1965) in a series of biographical works. Literally a few days before the death was put the last point in his memoirs.

The contribution of Andre Morua to national literature is truly great - two hundred books, as well as more than a thousand articles. He was a split writer, from under his feather, not only glorified his biographies of great people, but also fantastic novels, psychological stories, novels, philosophical essays, historical works, popular science essays. Morua was elected Honorary Dr. Oxford and Edinburgh Universities, was the cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion (1937). The writer and quite active social life, he entered several public organizations, collaborated with the publications of a democratic orientation.

The death of Nastagla Andre Morua in his own house, located in one of the suburbs of Paris, October 9, 1967.

Biography from Wikipedia

Andre Morua (FR. André Maurois, real name Emil Salomon Wilhelm Erzog, Émile-Salomon-Wilhelm Herzog, 1885-1967), French writer and member of the French Academy. Subsequently, the pseudonym became its official name.

Master of the genre of a novel biography (books about Shelly, Bairon, Balzac, Turgenev, George Sand, Duma father and Duma-Son, Hugo) and a short ironic psychological story. Among the main works of Morua - the psychological novels of "the infancy of love" (1928), the "Family Circle" (1932), the book "Memoirs" (published in 1970) and embodied the beauty of the thin, ironic talent of the writer "Letters of the Stranger" ("Lettres à L'INCONNUE, 1956).

It took place from the wealthy family to those who applied to the Catholicism of Jews from Alsace, who had chosen the French citizenship after 1871 and moved to Norman. In 1897, Emil Erzogu entered the Rueny Lyceum. At sixteen years he was awarded the degree of license. According to the advice of one of his teachers, Emil Shartier, after the end of the course, instead of continuing studies in Ecole, the Normal came with his employees to the Sukonny Father Factory. During the First World War served as a military translator and communication officer. In 1918, Morua published the novel "Silent Colonel Brambl" (Fr. Les Silences du Colonel Bramble), which was successfully met both in France and in the UK and the United States. In 1921, the Roman "Speech Dr. O'Gredy" came out (Fr. Discours du Docteur O'Grady). After the war, he worked as an employee of the editorial board "Croa de Féa". June 23, 1938 was elected to the French Academy.

Participant of French resistance.

During the beginning of World War II, Morua serves as a captain in the French army. After the practice of France, by the German troops he left in the United States. He worked as a teacher at the University of Kansas. At this time, he wrote the biographies of Frederick Chopin (1942), General Eisenhawer (1945), Franklin (1945) and Washington (1946). In 1943, Morua went to North Africa, and in 1946 returned to France.

Morua argued that "the time spent with a woman cannot be called lost."

A family

He was married twice. The first marriage - Zhanna-Marie Wanda Shimkevich, from which three children were born - Gerald (1920), Olivier and the daughter of Michelle (1914). Shortly after the early death of the first wife (1924), Sepsis entered into a second marriage with Simon Kayep, the granddaughter Leontin Arman de Kayechi (nee Lippmann), Anatoly France's mistress. The relationship with the second wife was relatively free, for some time Morua lived from her separately, and the wife knew about the presence of his other mistresses.


  • Morua A. Three dumas. - M.: Young Guard, 1962. - 544 p. 1965 ("ZhZL").
  • Morua A. Life Alexander Fleming. Per. With Fr. I. Ehrenburg, aftergot. I. Kassirsky M.: Young Guard, 1964. - 336 p. ("Zhzl").
  • Morua A. Prometheus, or the life of Balzak. - M.: Progress, 1967. - 640 p.
  • Morua A. Georges Sand. - M.: Young Guard, 1968. - 416 p. ("Zhzl").
  • Morua A. Paris. - M.: Art, 1970. - ("Cities and Museums of the World").
  • Morua A. From Monteni to Aragon / Per. With Fr. Cost. and preface. F. S. Drugship. Comm. S. N. Zenkina. Ed. Z. V. Fedotova. - M.: Raduga, 1983. - 678 p.
  • Morua A. The infancy of love. Three novels. Letters of a stranger. - Mall: Mastotskaya Literature, 1988. - 351 p.
  • Morua A. Bayron. - M.: Young Guard, 2000. - 422 p. ("Zhzl").
  • Morua A. France. - SPb.: B. S. G.-Press, 2007. - 272 p.
  • Morua A. Holland. - SPb.: B. S. G.-Press, 2007. - 224 S.-7.
  • Morua A. The history of France. - SPb.: Humanitarian Academy, 2008. - 352 p.
  • Morua A. Three dumas. - M.: Ast, Ast Moscow, VKT, 2010. - 512 S.-6-2.
  • Morua A. Olympio, or the life of Viktor Hugo. - M.: Russia-Cyrillic, 1992. - 528 p.
  • Morua A. Prometheus, or the life of Balzak. - M.: Raduga, 1983. - 672 p.
  • Morua A. Open letter to young man about science live
  • Morua A. The life of Dizraeli. - M.: Polizdat, 1991. - 254 p.
  • Morua A. September roses. - SPb.: ABC. 2015 - 220 s.
Bernard Kenie, the hero of the novel of the same name, becoming the director of the textile factory, subordinates his life concerns about production. His bride, without preparing rivalry with the plant, breaks the engagement.

Andre Morua (1885-1967) is the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of many brilliant biographical works, novels and stories. He traveled a lot and gladly shared with readers with his travel impressions. The story of Holland is full of the most unexpected observations, curious excursions in the distant past, reflections on how the national character of the inhabitants of the Netherlands was formed.

Collection "For Piano Solo" (1960) - an invaluable collection of masterpieces of small prose of the great Andre Morua, united the novels created by the writer throughout his life. Laconically and Emko, with a truly Gallic humor - exquisite and evil - the author writes about human vices and weaknesses.
And at the same time, following the favorite principle of paradox, the writer finds a place in his soul for benevolence and sympathy for his heroes and heroines, thirsting to take the best places under the sun.

About A. Fleming, who discovered Penicillin, we can say without exaggeration: he won not only illness, he defeated death. Few doctors honored as great historical glory.

An exciting biographical novel Andre Morua is devoted to the life of the French writer Aurora Duduevan (1804-1876), whose works were printed under the pseudonym Georges Sand. Her creativity was widely known to the Russian reader in the year before last, the Belinsky and Chernyshevsky gave him a high appreciation.

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, and others, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose.
For the first time in Russian, his novel "The Land Promised".

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, Shelly and Bairon, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose. However, a significant part of the heritage of the writer constitutes historical writings.

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, and others, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose. However, a significant part of the heritage of the writer constitutes historical writings. He owns a whole series of books dedicated to the history of England, USA, Germany, Holland.

Andre Morua - Literary Portraits

To the reader
The reader, the right friend my friend, my brother, you will find several etudes about books that all my life gave me joy. I would like to hope that my choice coincides with yours. Not all the great works will be dealt here, but those that I chose, they seem great to me.