Mongolian names and surnames are men's. What do Mongolian names mean: interpretation and history of origin

Mongolian names and surnames are men's. What do Mongolian names mean: interpretation and history of origin
Mongolian names and surnames are men's. What do Mongolian names mean: interpretation and history of origin

Mongolian anthroponymy of the late XIX - early twentieth centuries

This is a fragment of the book "Culture Constants of Russia and Mongolia: Essays of History and Theory"

(Ed. Shishita M.Yu., Makarova E.V., Barnaul, 2010, 313 p.)

< ... > Onomastics in general, anthroponymic vocabulary in particular, on the one hand, record the existence of certain traditions, on the other, they react sensitively to those changes that occur in culture. The study of Mongolian anthroponymy gives us valuable information about the history, household text of the people, his psychology, religion, external contacts, on the methods of self-identification of the person in this culture, about the perception of the people of the surrounding world, etc.

The studies of the study were the personal names of the population of Cesager Nuryn Khoshun of the current Céson Somon Hovdsky Aimak (in 1925. Hantyshire Wulyn Aimak), obtained as a result of the census of the population in 1925 [Baatatar, 2004, p. 67-83]. We studied 2659 personal names, including 1391 male, 1268 female.

To avoid terminological confusion, it is necessary to give some comments regarding the territorial administrative membership of modern Mongolia and the same country in the period of the 19th-20th centuries: Khoshun is a territorial administrative unit in pre-revolutionary Mongolia; At the moment, instead of Khoshun, the territorial and administrative membership in somo, correlated in magnitude with areas in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; Aimak is a modern unit of territorial administrative membership of Mongolia, correlated with the edge, the region of the Russian Federation.

Somon Zezg-Nuryn Hoshun is in the west of Mongolia, part of its population includes some Halhas, that is, the nationality, which is the main part of the Mongolian population. Somon Cesager directly borders in the West and the north with Somona Altai, Bridge, Manchan and Zerag, whose population makes the zakchins who speakers on the Oratsky dialect. The original Mongolian anthroponyms (we will also use the term "namesloval") from the Zhchin residents differ somewhat from personal names from Halhassev. According to our data obtained from anthroponimic materials as a result of the 1925 census, among the personal names of the district under study, anthroponyms characteristic of the Zachchins are almost not found. What indicates a sufficiently clear, territorially and lexically fixed self-identification of representatives of various ethnic groups of Mongolia of the 19th -xx centuries.

According to our estimates, among the anthroponimic vocabulary of the population of Khosuna CezzEng, the Tibetan-Sanskrit borrowing is occupied, which make up 71.5% to the total number of personal names. This is due to the penetration of the Tibetan form of Buddhism in Mongolia since the XIII century [Nambuu, 1991, p. 52; Luvsanzhav, 1970]. In 1925, Mongolia's population was still deeply religious and ladies were given the right to give the name of the newborn. The naming process is still perceived as a deeply sacred effect that affects the entire subsequent human life. Tibetan-sanskrit borrowing is unevenly distributed between male and female personal names. They make up 78% in men, 64.7% in women to the total number of relevant personal names. In our opinion, this is explained by the tradition that existed since the expansion of Lamaism in Mongolia, to give the first son in the family to Lama, thereby ensuring the well-being of the genus.

The gender specification of the sacred region affected and in the process of nominating outside religion. The original Mongolian names are 23.9% to the total number of personal names: of which 17.1% in men, 31.4% in women, which indicates a trend more often to give newborn girls Mongolian names. Light people were also allowed to give newborns. Among them, the right of championship had overwhelmed grandmas and "their AUGA" (Great Uncle), that is, the oldest uncle on the paternal line. After the obesive grandmother and the "Avga" the right to give the name of the newborn had "their nagats", i.e. Great Uncle on the motherboard or other relatives, including parents. Sometimes the name gave random people.

Thus, it can be said that still there was no strict rule in the target of the naming, which indicates a relative privilege of sacred processes. This also testifies to the mixed nameslov type: Tibetan-Sanskrit + original Mongolian or original Mongolian + Tibetan-Sanskrit. For example, Sainnorzhin (letters. Good Norzhin), Galsenhuu (letters. Galsen + Son). According to the composition there are also three-component mixed nameslov type: Tibetan-Sanskrit + original Mongolian + original Mongolian: Zagdzaganychuu (Zag + white + stone). Mixed nameslov make up 4.6% of all personal names. Among anthroponyms there are single words of Russian, Chinese and Kazakh origin, testifying to the main contacts of the ethnos. For example, Russians: Peodor, Puydor (Fedor or Peter), Andrei, Saander (Alexander). Chinese: Vandan, Emboo, Kazakh: Moldow (Molda). In composition, it is one, two-, three-, even four-component nameslov, where each of the components can serve as an independent anthroponym. For example, three-component (Zagangaanchulun) (Zag + Tsagan + Chuloon), four-component Dorzhzhanzanghamzhav (Dorzh + Zhanzan + Garam + Zav), where the latter is the personal name of the last Neuon (ruler) of Cesager Nueryn Hoshun. It is noteworthy that all parts of this name, including the name of Neuon, Tibetan-Sanskrit origin, which, in our opinion, is explained by the extraordinary activity of Buddhist expansion over several centuries.

According to the word-forming features, the following means of educational suffixes are distinguished: -Maa (Siylagmaa, Dungaamaa, Mangalmaa), -Ay (Manlai, Haltay, Magal, Haltmai), -Eee (Chimgyee, Tumee, Ishnee, Bujhee, Sukhee), - Dai (Tsaga-Dai ), -Aa (Handaa, Marghaa, Bambaa, Bataa), -At (Zayaaten), -At (Gal Thai), -a (Nazan, Tumen, Mangans), -He (Sudellch), -U (Baast).

Some of these suffixes have Tibetan origins. So, for example, suffix -Maa, almost exclusively found in women's personal names, means in Tibetan "mother". The transition of independent lexemes in suffixes is also observed among other words (original Mongolian and Tibetan-Sanskrit). This includes the Mongolian "Huu" (son) and Tibetan "Flash" (salvation), "drank" (get rich, to multiply) and other: TsErenghuu, Tserüpil, Shersignav.

The specificity of the genus in the Mongols is paradoxically reflected in anthroponyms. Although the Mongolian word "Huu" (son) denotes male people, it often and equally participates in the name of women's personal names. This word is widely used in the Mongolian language as a lexical unit, but does not occur independently in its main lexical value as a personal name, but it is used here only as a suffix.

Among anthroponyms there are also such that reflect the features of the worldview of the Mongols and once again emphasize the sacrality of the nomination, the ability to influence the cosmic forces responsible for the fate of the species as a whole. So, in the event of the death of previous children, in order to protect the newborn from "evil spirits," they gave him a name with derogatory semantics [Nambuu, 1991, p. 51; Aldarova, 1979, p. 6]. Among the personal names of Khosun CezzEg, there are such as a nohow (dog), Muhuuu (bad son). Haltar (dirty, blurred), baast (with feces), goal (puppy). Several times the name is outgonal, which means "the most (Aya), younger (Aya)." Such a name was given (and now it is found) when there is a need to interrupt the birth of children in the family, when a woman is already saturated with maternity. Meets the name salt (change, change). This name was probably given in cases where parents wanted to have a child of the other sex when one girls or boys were born in the family.

Mongols have cases of obtaining a second name person (nicknames). Certificate is the name of the grandfather on the author's mother line of this text. Grandfather in Khoshun Cesager called the name of the philazzi (singer). He was an outcomes from the neighboring Hoshun Darvi. When he came along with his sister to Khoshun Cesager, he fired songs. Since then, he has become called philanthropy, although his real name is Saman. One of the features of personal names in Halhassev compared to other Mongolian ethnic groups is that each of them has a second-name-master name, similar to how Russian names named and Fatherland. These eufemic names are associated with the tabulation of the names of the senior relatives and acquaintances. Our list meets two euhousemic names: Obyo (53 years old), manzhaa (54 years). Calling senior people by age by name-magty, younger in age often do not know their real name. Perhaps those who led the protocols of the population census did not know the official names of these two persons.

Most of the original Mongolian names studied by us semantically matters of benevolence: Bayar (joy), Burgargal (full happiness), AMAR (calm), Olonbayar (many joys), ChimGEE (decoration), etc.

The remaining original Mongolian namesal of Halhaste semantically can be grouped as follows:

Plant names: NROW (Leaves), MOG (Mushroom);

Description of human appearance: Monhor (honey nose), Tioohorbadi (spring), Honghur (eyes with a depression), shova (siled head), Todon (short), Magal (forehead), Khalzan (Bald), Nudeanhoo (Baby);

Animal names: Bulgan (Sobol), Schonhor (Falcon, Greets), Sogo (deer), goal (puppy),

Noah (dog), Gavar (Lisenok), Tuulaykhoo (hare), Hulgana (mouse), Mondul (cubs of Tarbagan),

Burur (camel manufacturer);

Names of geographic objects and weapons: Thomom (iron), Chuloon (stone), Hadahauua (rock), Altanhaua (gold), ZVSEG (gun), gift (gunpowder), sow, save (ax), SEVGEE (Luke Tip);

Nature's phenomena names: Dalai (Ocean);

Color name: Tsagaaday, Tsagan, Cegen (White), Boroo, Borchoo, Hyranhuu (brown), Nomo Hoh (lags), Sharbadi (Yellow).

Semantic groups of the original Mongolian names in Halhassev transmit the specifics of the formation of some cultural constants of this ethnic. The creation of a list of semantic groups of anthroponyms makes it possible to apply the interpretational approach to the detection of these constants updated in the language.

It is noteworthy that the personal names of Tibetan-Sanskrit origin are one of the carriers of the Mongolian language [Nambuu, 1991; Aldarova, 1979]. These are borrowings who came to Mongolia in connection with the adoption of Buddhism, semantically related to the name of the gods and goddesses (Jamsran, Damdin, Namsrai, Dolgogo), the religious and philosophical ideas and terminology of Buddhism (Ganzhaur, Gandan), the names of the days of the week (Nam, Bamb, PUREV), wishes of good, happiness, longevity (Dash, Sharara), etc.


Baatar Ch. Tobhein Hurauanguy. Ulaanbaatar, 2004.

Nambuu X. Hamgine Erham Yoson. Ulaanbaatar, 1991.

Luvsanzhav Choi. Oros-Mongol Ovormotz Hellegine Tol (Russian-Mongolian Phraseological Dictionary). Ulaanbaatar, 1970.

Aldarova N.B. Buryat anthroponymic vocabulary. Ordinal personal names: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of philological sciences. M., 1979.

The names of the Mongolok consist of three groups: the original national, borrowed foreign language and Buddhist names who came from Tibetan, Sanskrit, Indian languages.

The ancient Mongolian adhesions were nious, denoting the phenomena of nature and the surrounding world. Mongolian women's names were often formed from the names of flowers, plants, animals, symbolizing tenderness, grace, attractiveness (Kerma - "Protein", Zambaga - Magnolia, Owannavch - "Turquoise Sheet", Dalbee - "Petal"). Names could also occur from the names of the characteristics of the nature that parents wanted to give newborns, external features (Sirgalean - "Merry", Enchtuvshin - "Calm, Peacefulness"). The names-wishes of life benefits were also used - wealth, health, happiness (fry - "Happiness", BayanzEg - "Rich Flower", BatzEg - "Strong Flower").

With the distribution of Buddhism among the Mongols, Lamisian Tibeto-Sanskrit names, meaning various religious concepts, the names of the days and months of the Buddhist calendar, Heavenly Svetila (Dulmaa - "Savior, Mother", Sugar - "Venus").

In the process of interaction between the Mongols with other people of Europe and Asia, the national onomastics has been enriched with borrowed names of different origin: Arabic, Turkic, Chinese, Russians. These adhesions make up a small percentage of the total number of Mongolian names.

New names

New options for female names in the Mongols were formed using components indicating the category of grammatical genus: endings, ", -Su, -cine, - This allowed to distinguish female names from male, often having one base. New names also arose as a result of the connection of two names into one composite. The constituents could be both Mongolian and Tibetan names: for example, Davaaceseg - "Monday Flower" consists of the Tibetan name of Davaa, meaning "Monday" and Mongolian CESG - "Flower".

Beautiful female names of the Mongols

Beautiful Mongolian female names are mostly formed from the names of flowers, jewels (ChimAG - "Decoration", Altan - "Golden", Erjen - "Pearl", Erdene - "Jewelry", Honghorzul - Tulip, Sarnai - Rosa). In the national namemaster, there are many reasons originating from one basis - - -CEG ("Flower"), -This ("radiance") contributing to the sound of a gentle color. The name of the day of the week was added to the base, in which a girl or some good character trait was born, the name of the heavenly shine, jewelry, etc. (Suvent Decseg - "Pearl Flower", Naransseg - "Sunny Flower", Gocezzeg - "Beautiful Flower", BambacezEg - "Saturday Flower", Amarzseg - "Calm Flower", Alanteaaa - "Golden Light", Aryntuaa - "Sacred Light"). Many sonorous Mongolian women names and their meanings point to attractive female qualities - beauty, grace, meekness, cleanliness: Garel - "illuminating", Sina - "good", Tungalk - "Clear, clean."

Popular Mongolian Women's Names

The most popular women's Mongolian names are the traditional national adecutions: Mishel - "Smile", AltanzEg - "Golden Flower", Bullymaa - "Crystal", Erdanacheag - "Precious Decoration", Oyunchimeg - "Turquoise Decoration", Solongo - "Rainbow", Anzhuzh originating on behalf of the wife of Khan Hangdan Burshto Anu Hathan. Recently, short names are included: Pts - Iskra, Zul - "Candle", OD - "Star", Anu - the name of the Mongolian queen.

Modern traditions

Modern Mongolian names for girls are closely related to the centuries-old history of the people, most of these are old Mongolian adecutions, Tibeto-Sanskrit and mixed components. Among the Mongols, it is rare to meet foreign-speaking names - the people keep the traditions established by the centuries.

Mongols - the main population of the Mongolian People's Republic; Their number - more than 1.6 million people, which is 90% of the country's total population. Outside the Mongols, Mongols live in the PRC (more than 2 million people) - in the autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Uigur; There are small groups in the provinces of Gansu, Qinghai, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Yunnan. Mongolian refers to the Mongolian group of the Altai language family.

The anthroponymic model of Mongols has always differed simplicity and has not undergone significant changes over the past seven centuries, which can be judged by written monuments, the earliest of which is dated XIII century, and the late XIX end. It consisted of one personal name, which was at birth, and if there were no special reasons for his change, then the man wore him to death.

However, already in the XIII century, judging by the text of the "Secret History of Mongols", in many cases the names were accompanied by nicknames and titles: Duva-Sorry "Duva-Slepets", Dobun-Mergan. "Dobun - the tag shooter", Van-khan "Governor Van", Ambagai-Khagan. "Great Ruler Ambagai", etc. As a rule, the nicknames were characteristic of simpleness, titles - for hereditary nobility, but strictly this separation was not respected. Often, titles became names, as evidenced by the facts of the history of Mongolia.

Example of this - Chingis Khan - The title adopted by the founder of the Mongolian state after the election of His Great Khan Mongolian tribes and replaced his personal name Temujin.

The modern anthroponimical model of the Mongols includes not only a personal name ( ner.), but also patronymic ( ovog.). The latter is the form of a personal case on behalf of the Father and precedes a personal name, for example: Sodomal Samba "Samba Son Sodom", Ayyshyn Namdag "Judag Son Ayusha", etc. In everyday domestic communication, patronymic does not appear, it is indicated only in the documents.

In the formation of the Mongolian nameman, three stages can be distinguished: the ancient'Golsky, lamaist and modern. The unquestionably oldest can be attributed to such names as Baatar "Bogatyr", Maran "Tagged", Tumour "iron", Munh "eternal", Oyun. "wise", Ulziy "Beneguant", Naran "the sun". They can be found in the early Mongolian writings, legends, legends of different centuries. Currently, they are no less popular than in the XIII century, and are used not only by themselves, but also in the composition of numerous derivatives from them names, for example: Baatarjargal "Bogatyr happiness", Bathatnchulun. "Bogatyr Stone", Tumurzorig "Iron Demand", Tumurshig "Iron armor", Munhdalai "Eternal Sea", Ouungaler "Light of wisdom" and others. As you can see, such anthroponyms are formed from Mongolian appeals.

Lamisian reservoir in the name was formed in two periods: after the first (XIII century) and the second (XVI-XVII centuries) waves of the spread of Lamaism among the Mongols. The Sanskrit and Tibetan names who came with Lamaism were the names of the Gods of Buddhist Pantheon, the mythical and real preachers of Buddhism or were the names of the individual works of Buddhist canonical literature, the terms of Buddhist philosophy, the names of various ritual items, planets, etc.

All this religious terminology has undergone certain changes in accordance with the norms of the Mongolian language, almost three hundred years filled with Mongolian named. So, names Chozhil, Chozhilzhav, Chojinhorloo, Damdin, Damdingocho, Damdinnors, Zhambaa, Zhambaarinchen, Zhambanandag, Lham, Lhamaa, Lhamsuren, Lhamochir, Dalkhaa, Dulkhzhav, Dalkhsuren, Dulmaa, Dlamorg, Dalmizav, Mojdar, Mooker Go up to the names of Buddhist deities, and names Zhasty, Gorbishdorzh, Zhartvshang, Samadan, Samdavalchig, Samdangaleg, Samadjatz, Endon, Endonnor, Endonbazar, Endonbal, Colem - To the Tibetan Philosophical Buddhist Terminams: jean-sense "holiness", samdan "contemplation", ion-Dan. "knowledge", cul-Tim "moral"; Based on names Badamkhantan, Jadamba Lying the names of Buddhist sutras.

Among the Mongolian anthroponyms, semantically rising to the names of the objects of religious cult, the following can be noted: Erdene (SanskR. ratna) "Jewelness", Clear (SanskR. vajra.) "thunder ax", Badma (SanskR. padma.) "Lotos", Garma (SanskR. karma.) "Fate", Gombo. (SanskR. mGON-PO.) "Patron", "Defender", Dam (Tib. dampa.) "Saint", Ishi. (Tib. yE-SES.) "wise", Agvant (Tib. ngag-dban.) "eloquent", Sodnam (Tib. bsod-nams.) "Happiness", Sanga (Tib. sENG-GE.) "a lion", Caergan (Tib. tS "E-Ring) "Long life", etc.

In addition, Tibetan names are often found as part of Mongolian names that have a definite value: -Hell (Tib. skyabs. "Protection", "Help") - Maksarzhav, Gombozhav, CEVEGZHAV, Badamjav; -Suren (Tib. srung "Caution", "Vigilance") - Jadamsuren, Handsuren, Lhamsuren, Giggidsuren; -san (Tib. bsang. "Good", "Beautiful") - Choibalsan, Batnasan, Urnasan; luvsan- (Tib. blo-Bzang. "Good feeling") - Luvsanvandan, Luvsanbaldan, Luvsanganzan; -ball (Tib. dpal "Glory", "greatness") - Cedenbal; lodo- (Tib. blo-gros. "Mind", "Intellect") - LodoDamba; -punzag (Tib. p "UN-TS-OGS "Perfection") - Punezagnor etc.

There is no clear boundary between male and female names from Mongols, although in the semantic plan some regularity is still there. Say, the names that are included cEZEG "flower", thuya "Zarya", odone "Star" ( BadamzEg, AltanzEg, Zhargartseg, NaranzEg, ErdentsezEg, Enchtuyaa et al.) are preferably used as women's. At the same time, the presence of the name of such words as baatar "Bogatyr", bAT "strong", bold "steel", dorzh or clear 1 , zorigt "bravery" and others, which prevents these names predominantly to male ( Hatanbaatar, Munchbaatar, Batchir, Batmunh, Batzhargal, Ouunbaatar, Davadorg, Ganbaatar, Batzorigt, Chinbat, Dorzh, Nacagdorzh and etc.). However, many names formed from appellants can equally be used as men's, and as women's, for example: Cogtgarel "Flame light", Sirgalean. "happy", Zhalgan "happiness", Caergan "Long-lived", etc.

Until now, the names are very popular - the names of the week and the corresponding planets. They exist in two versions - Tibetan and Sanskrit. Tibetan series sounds like this: Nam. "Sunday", "Sun", Davaa Monday, "Moon", Mistor "Tuesday", "Mars", Lhagva "Wednesday", "Mercury", Purwe "Thursday", "Jupiter", Basan "Friday", "Venus", Bamba Saturday, Saturn. Sanskrit row Mongolized: Jadeaa, Sumyaa, Angara, Bud, Barhaswood, Sagar, Santchir. However, if Tibetan words are now officially adopted in the country's days of the week, the Sanskrit is used mainly as the names of the planets. All the names of the Tibetan series can act as men's, and as female names. From the Sanskrit row as a female name is used only Sagar "Venus".

The third, modern layer in the name has developed after the victory of the People's Revolution and the proclamation of the Mongolian People's Republic (1924). For this stage, the emergence of not only neoplasms based on the traditional Mongolian vocabulary, but also of various lexical Russian and international borrowing. In the Mongolian name of our days, Russian names are represented as personal names in full and diminutive variants ( Alexander, Alexei, Nina, Victor, Tanya, Boris., Bory, Lyuba et al.), Russian surnames ( Ivanov, Kozlov, Pushkin), the names of the mountains ( Elbrus.), nominal names ( Assets, Camel - from the brand of American cigarettes "Camel" - "camel", Queen from rus. king 2).

The use of Russian surnames as Mongolian names in each case has an explanation: this is either a close friend of any of the family members, or a comrade study, work, the hero of war, a doctor who worked in this area, the famous Russian poet, etc. However, such names are a bit.

In recent years, the trend towards the revival of Mongolian and even the ancient-tempered names like Tergun, Maran, Baatar and others. For this purpose, special advice on maternity homes are explaining. The results are already affected. The percentage of Tibetan, Sanskrit names, whose importance to current young parents is often unknown, has decreased. There is an increase and variety of names formed from Mongolian appeals.

It is still found, although rarely, widespread once the custom of replacing the initial name to another, new name. The first name is called oblivion. This was usually due to any extraordinary circumstances, for example, with recovery after severe illness, comprehended as "rebirth" of personality; In addition, the new name was to mislead those "evil forces" that caused severe illness. In the older generation, it is still possible to meet the humiliating names that served as peculiar overama of children from evil spirits: Enebish "not that" Hongbish "not a human", Nargui. "nameless", Hulgana "mouse", Nohoy "Dog", etc.

Interesting the Mongol circulation system to each other. Turning to the older by age, a man or a woman, a particle of predeterpanness is added to the name. -Guai: Samba Guai., Damdinsuren-Guai, Nam-Guai.. If the name of man is unknown, they turn to it like this: ovgon-Guai "respectable", "respected" (SL), if it is a man and eME. "Grandma", if it is an elderly woman, eGCH "Elder Sister", if this is a middle-aged woman. Referring to children called mine Huu. "my boy", mine Duu. "My child".

Curious phenomena are observed at the junction of Mongolian and Russian anthroponymic models. Russian girl, going married Mongol and wanting to change the surname, it turns out to be difficult, for the name of Mongols is absent. There is no unified way to solve such problems, so in some cases the new name of the Russian woman becomes the name of the husband, in others - his middle name. Children from mixed marriages usually receive names corresponding to the Russian anthroponymic model; Their patronymic becomes the name of the Father, decorated in the "Russian sample", and the patronymic of the Father, i.e. The name of the grandfather, however, is no longer in the parent, but in the nominative case, turns into the surname: Galina Batchirovna Munhbold. (Galina - Personal name, Bathchir - father's name, Munhbold. - Santa name).

1 Vajra, in Tibetan and Mongolian his sound dorzh, clear- the name of one of the ritual items of the Buddhist cult
2 It's curious to note that the original for English camel Arabic gamal Gave Muslim names Gamal, Kemal., and russian king, in turn, is due to the name of its own Charles. Thus, these anthroponyms have not arisen by direct borrowing from the relevant language, but "district" and very difficult

The correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to find the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are interpretations, which means male names, in reality the influence of the name for each boy is individually.

Sometimes parents are trying to choose a name before birth, preventing the child to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing the name of the name of all serious knowledge of the influence of the name on fate in the centuries.

Calendars of the Sky, Holy People, without a consultation of a seerful, inspired specialist do not have any real assistance in assessing the influence of names for the fate of the child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodic male names are completely closed with eyes to individuality, energy, child soul and turn the selection procedure into the irresponsible game of parents in fashion, egoism and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Mongolian names must first approach the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who is not affected by your child's life.

Diverse statistics - Positive features of the name, negative features of the name, the choice of profession by name, the influence of the name on the business, the influence of the name on health, the name psychology can only be considered in the context of the deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), the energy construction, the task of life and Skinny child.

The topic of compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurd that internal mechanisms of influence on the state of their carrier turns out of the interaction of different people. And annuls the whole psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Moves to one false characteristic all the multidimensionality of the interaction of people.

The meaning of the name does not have literal impact. For example, the seerbat (strong) does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the carriers of other names are weak. The name can weaken health, block the heart center and he will not be able to give and take love. Another boy on the contrary will help solve the tasks of love or power, will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all that there is a name that is not. Etc. And all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Mongolian names for boys is also a delusion. 95% of boys call names that are not facilitating fate. You can only focus on the congenital nature of the child, spiritual vision and wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The mystery of the male name, as a program of an unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in man, and not in the meaning value and characteristic name. And if this name destroys the child, then some kind of beautiful, minor with patronymic, an astrological accurate, benevolent it was not, it would still be harm, the destruction of character, complication of life and the weighting of fate.

Below is a list of Mongolian names. Try to choose a few you most suitable to your child. Then if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, .

List of male Mongolian names alphabetically:

Altanhag - Golden Ring
Altangeral - Golden Light
Arway - Barley

Baganadi - a small novice
Badma - Lotos.
Battlers - Bogatyr
Baatarjargal - Bogatyr happiness
Batachulun - Bogatyr Stone
Basan - Friday, Venus
Basan - Friday, Venus
Bayar - Holiday
Biabma - Saturday, Saturn
Bambasuren - Storable Saturn
Ballab - cheese

Ganbaatar - Steel Bogatyr
Ganzorig - Steel Will Power
Ganzhaur - Golden Light
Ganhuhag - Steel Ring
Gond - Tmin

Davaa - Monday, Moon
Damdinsuren - Storable Hayagriva
Danzan - Teaching Holder
Danjura - Golden Light
Jambul - Fortress
Jargall - Bliss
Jucci - Son of Genghis Khan
Longong - calm, quiet, soft
Dorj - Vajra
Dalger - wide, abundant, extensive

Erden - Jewelry

Jadamba - eight thousand, Sutra PrajnnyAparamites
Zhamyanmyydag - Sosoruria (Plant)
Jargal - Happiness, Bliss

Lhagva - Wednesday, Mercury
Liangua - Lotos.

Monh Orgil - Eternal Top
Munch - Eternal
Munhdalai - Eternal Sea
MEGEN - Tag shooter
Softar - Tuesday, Mars

Naran - Sun.
Naranbaatar - Sunny Bogatyr
Ningzhbadgar - Bashley (Plant)
Noah - Dog
Nougay - Dog
Narguy - Unnamed
Yam - Sunday, Sun
Namzo - Sunday
Nambu - Sunday

Okay - understanding
Ongoc - aircraft
Celene - Thunder Top
Clearbat - Strong as Vajra
Oyun - Wise
Oyunaler - Light of Wisdom

PUREV - Thursday, Jupiter
Pureavbaatar - Bogatyr, born on Thursday

Saw - Slept
Suke Bator - Bogatyr with an ax
Sirgalean - Merry
Sirzhmydag - Mak.

Tarkhan - Clevets
Tendzin - Teaching Holder
Tagal - calf
Tumor - Iron
Tumurzorig - Iron Deterurity
Tumurshig - Iron armor
Thuy - Loose
Tairbish is not the same

Ulzius - prosperous
Udvv - Watercolor (Plant)
UNES - root
Illure - rich

Hagan - Great Ruler
Haloon - Bulanaya
Hulan - Wild Horse
Hulgan - mouse
Hongbish is not a man

Tsagan - White
Cogtgarel - Flame Light
Cherendorg - Vajra Long Life
Carean - long-lived

Chagata - Child
Chagdarjav - guarded by four
Genghis Khan - Great Khan

Sean - Wolf

Elbugdorzh - Outstanding Dorje
Enebish is not this

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. The name you can easily facilitate the life of a person and harm.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable child name in 2019?

Make an analysis of your name - find out right now the meaning of the child's fate now! Write in the wicker, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

Neuromormyotic name
Your, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Mongols are a group of related peoples associated with a total centuries-old history, culture, traditions and customs. They speak Mongolian languages \u200b\u200bin which there are a lot of borrowing from Turkic languages. Mongols are inhabited by Mongolia, as well as the North of China and some regions of the Russian Federation: Buryatia and Kalmykia, Transbaikal region and the Irkutsk region.

To the question of choosing a name for a child, this population is very responsible. They reverily relate to the traditions of name and prefer the original Mongolian names.

Values \u200b\u200band principles of adventures

Mongols give the adherence of children very important. It is important for them that the name satisfies the national idea, and attracted the attention of others to the child, and therefore should be as beautiful as possible and unusual.

Mongols believe that a person with a huge number of acquaintances and friends is "wide, as if steppe." And the steppe for the Mongol is holy. Mongolian names are unique. Their education was influenced by the richest history and culture of this nomadic people, very much changed the world. One way or another, the acts of Mongols played a role in the lives of many other nations of the Earth.

Each Mongolian name carries a certain meaning, children can be called both simply in honor of a relative or a great man and in honor of any animal to instill its characteristic features. Parents who value history often called their children Chinese names (slightly modified), and religious father and mother called babies as Buddha's students or generally took the names from the scriptures.

Very often names are composite, that is, consist of two, three or even four words. For example, Alimceceg, where Alim - "Apple", and CEZEG - "colors", and together it turns out the "apple flower" or "flower of apple tree". Namzo - "Sunday", and Bamb - "Saturday" - another popular option of the child's adoption.

Children were simply called on the day of the week, in which they were born, or by time of day: Shono - "Night", or the Rooto - "Morning". Almost no borrowed Mongolian names. But borrowing from Mongolian in other languages \u200b\u200bis plenty.

List of options for boys

These are the most popular and unusual Mongolian names. Of course, they are much more, but this list will give a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the Mongolian male name.

  • Altai - the name of the Altai mountains, literally "Golden Mountain"; generous and not a stingy man;
  • Altangelel - Altan - "Golden", Garel - "Light"; Together - "Golden Light", "Gold Light"; The value does not differ from the previous one;
  • Altanhig - "Golden Armor", "Golden Armor", "Golden Kolchug"; So they made future warriors with thick, strong skin ";
  • Arva - "Barley"; Man everyone needs and undesident, capable of good acts and reversing in a difficult moment;
  • Airat. - Mongolian name Ohiratov - "Forest people"; So called children born in the forest or from the Orata's parent;
  • Amgalan - Translation says for himself - "calm", "balanced";
  • Arat - from the Mongolian "shepherd"; Son of the shepherd, most likely the future shepherd.
  • Baatarjargal - "Bogatyr happiness"; Such a name was given to the largest babies that were to become great warriors;
  • Batachulun. - "Bogatyr Stone"; the same as the previous name;
  • Baganadi. - "Little obedient" - on the contrary, was given to the smallest babies, usually younger children in the family, which will help parents in the farm;
  • Badma - "Lotos"; Beautiful not only externally, but also internally children who protect parents;
  • Basan, Basan - either "Friday", that is, the child was born on Friday, or "Venus" - that is, it is named after the Goddess of Love and Beauty;
  • Boyan - "Rich" not only for material things, but also spiritual.
  • Davaa - either "Monday" or "Moon"; If the second is a child with blond eyes or hair;
  • Damdinsuren - Storable Hayagriva, character of Hindu mythology, religious name;
  • Danzan - "The Holder of Teaching", the Son of the Smart and Wise Man, due to adopt the knowledge of the Father;
  • Jambul - "Fortress" - the boys large at birth, who are prepared by the fate of the defenders of the entire tribe;
  • Jargall - "Bliss"; So they made long-awaited children, finally appeared on the world;
  • Juci - in honor of the son of Genghis Khan;
  • Longong - literally "calm", "quiet", "soft";
  • Darj - in honor of Vajra weapons. Translated from Sanskrita simultaneously "Lightning" and "Diamond";
  • Dalger - so called pretty fat children; "Wide", "abundant", "extensive".


Yardder - "Jewelry", is considered one of the most beautiful names; Often, the name for the children of parents, who long time could not conceive a child.

  • Jadamba - Religious Buddhist name, Sutra PrajnnyAparamites;
  • Zhamyanmyadag. - Mongolian plant name is incurred from the genus of the perennial herbs of the Astrov family;
  • Zhalgan - "Happiness", "Bliss"; The same as Jargall, that is, the long-awaited child.
  • Kenz - from the Mongolian "last"; so called either the last child in the family for the health of parents, or a child whose mother died in childbirth;
  • Kirey. , Keri is the same as Gary; Black-haired, dark-haired baby.
  • Lhagva - either "Wednesday" or "Mercury", that is, named after the God of trade and bread;
  • Lianhua - Another name for the lotus plant, beautiful internally and outdoor youth.
  • Monh-Orgil. - literally "Eternal Top", a person who seeks his goal;
  • Munch, Monh - "eternal"; so called the child, if you wanted longevity for him;
  • Munhdalai - "Eternal Sea" - usually never unwilling positive boys;
  • Maran - "The tag shooter", most often the children of archers, properly continue the case of the Father;
  • Mistor - either "Tuesday" or "Mars", that is, the young men, named after the war of war.
  • Oktay - "understanding", babies with a heartfelt look, in the future who give all their help to other people;
  • Ongreeh - a modern name meaning "aircraft"; Men, quickly achieving success in life, but are overlooking noisy and cheerful, that is, stubborn;
  • Clear - Literally "Thunder Ax"; There is no certain meaning, but it can be assumed that such a name was given to fierce warriors, whose presence on the battlefield could not be noticed;
  • Ochirbat - "Strong, like Vajra"; the same as Dorj;
  • Oyun. - "smart", "wise", "enlightened"; It was given to children of the smartest people in the tribe, usually shamans and gunsmiths;
  • Ouungaler - "Light of wisdom"; The same as Ouun.
  • Savr. - "heavy paws", "bear lap", "bear force"; Children with major palms, in the future, strong warriors;
  • Syyn, Saiyt. - "Best", "important"; Another name for the long-awaited child, on which high hopes are assigned;
  • Sanal - "Dream"; in honor of the Great Mongolian hero of the epic "Dzhangar"; perfect bogatyr with all positive qualities;
  • Savory - "blind"; Children, born or with vision problems, or with heterochromia - different color of the eyes;
  • Suke Bator - "Bogatyr with an ax";
  • Sirgalean. - "cheerful", "cheerful", "funny", "careless"; Children that began to smile before the rest; in life go with a smile and never despair;
  • Sirzhmydag - name in honor of the plant's plants; Beautiful children with dark or reddish skin;
  • Subnamed - in honor of one of the best commander of Genghis Khan.
  • Tarkhan - "Clevero", "hard worker", "worker" - a very hardworking person who devoted his work all his life;
  • Tendzin - "Teaching Holder"; the same as Danzan;
  • Tag - "Calf"; Externally, a weak child, due to the future to become a great warrior, the real bull;
  • Tumour - "Iron", from Tatar Timur - a strong and decisive person;
  • Tumurzorig - "iron determination"; the same as the tumor;
  • Tumurshig - "Iron armor"; the same as Ganhuhigi;
  • TURGEN - "Fast", "Verny"; so called, in fact, the fastest and long-legged in the tribe of boys;
  • Tuya - "Ray"; a target man.


  • Ulziy - "Great", that is, carefree and always happy man;
  • Udvar. - named in honor of the plants, the catchment; young man, fast learning and absorbing knowledge throughout life;
  • UNES. - "root"; thoughtful and thoroughly a suitable person who does not allow himself to relax;
  • Innur - "rich"; Usually the children of the richest people of the tribe.
  • Hagan. - "Great Ruler", "Best Lord"; again the name for the children of the richest or influential representatives of the tribe;
  • Halioon - "Bulanaya", that is, named after the light red horse with a dark tail and with a dark mane;
  • Hulan - "wild Horse"; Swift, purposeful man, all his life is something sought;
  • Hulgana - "Mouse", inconspicuous, imperceptible person, but finding out of any situations;
  • Hongbish - literally "not man"; A name that helps the evil eye.
  • Tsagan - "White", usually blond young men;
  • Cogtgarel - "Flame Light"; Hot and temperamental men;
  • Cherendorg. - "Vajra of a long life", the name designed to extend the person life, especially if he is a warrior;
  • Caergan - "long-lived"; In meaning, the same as Cherendorg.

Sean - "Wolf"; The boy, named after this animal, is distinguished by ferocity, warlikeness and desire to do everything for the family.

  • Elbugdorzh - "Outstanding Dorje"; the same as Cherendorg;
  • Enebish - Another name designed to protect against the evil eye; "not this one".

As you can see, Mongolian names are fundamentally different from the names of neighboring peoples - the Chinese or Kazakhs, for example. They are beautiful and unusual, always carrying a certain meaning and accurately remembered others.