Mikhail Zichi. Russian Creativity page of the Hungarian artist Michaia Zychi

Mikhail Zichi. Russian Creativity page of the Hungarian artist Michaia Zychi
Mikhail Zichi. Russian Creativity page of the Hungarian artist Michaia Zychi

The name of the artist M.A.zichi little says to our contemporaries. It is known only to the connoisseurs of Russian painting. But in the middle of the XIX century, his work was greatly popular in Russia, although abroad were almost unknown. Gauthier in his notes about traveling to Russia jicely notice that Russians hold Zichi only for themselves. However, it was a fairly peculiar and interesting person. My story about M. Zichi is broken into two parts: M. Zichi - a court painter, M.zyzichi-illustrator and an artist of nature and life.

Born on October 15, 1827, the future artist Mihai Zichi (and his name was Mikhail Alexandrovich) received his education in the Vienna Academy of Arts, studied painting in Italy and France, where he was hired to the daughter of Nicholas I Catherine as a drawing teacher. In 1848, along with the Great Princess, he went from Paris to St. Petersburg. But in a year, in protest against the suppression of the "gendarm of the whole of Europe" of the liberation war of Hungarians against the Habsburgs, leaves the courtyard. Having left in St. Petersburg, it lives at the expense of retouching photos, doubts, marries and soon turns out again under the royal yard. In 1856, Alexander II coronation ceremony will be imprinted on the canvas. Two years later, it becomes a member of the Russian Academy of Arts. In 1859, he receives the title "The painter of his imperial majesty".

Ball in honor of Alexander II, organized by G. Helsingfors in September 1863 in the building of the railway station, 1864

Wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Great Princess Mary Fedorovna, 1867

Portrait of Empress Mary Alexandrovna, a widowing empress Alexandra Fedorovna and Great Princess Alexandra Josephovna, 1857

For 30 years, the artist was a "historian of court life." He lied his albums to the pages of both the front and family events: court balls, theatrical performances, parades, camp life, imperial hunt and caricatures on the courtiers. He was a favorite portrait of Nicholas I, Alexander II. His works were collecting Alexander III and decorated his rooms in the Gatchina Palace.

Coroon Alexander II in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on August 26, 1856, 1857

Front in the imperial palace in the royal village, 1865

During the Hungarian campaign, Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich instructed him to illustrate military relations. After the war, the emperor ordered the artist an album of drawings from St. Petersburg life. Zichi to the death of Nikolai Pavlovich remained a chronicle illustrator of court life in Gatchina. But the fame of Zych was ensured only after an enthusiastic review about him of the French writer Teofil Gautier. In 1858, Zychi was recognized by an academician for three watercolors depicting the killed wolves, a fox and lynx. In 1859, Emperor Alexander II appointed him by the court painter.

Portrait of the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich, 1852

Nicholas I on construction work, 1853

Zychi performed 15 years to 500 illustrations of the most interesting events from court life. In 1869, all his works were collected at the exhibition, the arranged royal family in favor of the wounded. Of these, paintings were issued: "Messiah", "Luther in Worms", "Florentine Orgy", "Death of King Kandavla" and "Martyrs of the Spanish Inquisition". From the noteworthy of his courts of court life, it is necessary to mention the picture performed on the occasion of the celebration of the silver wedding of Emperor Alexander II on its own heads of the sovereign. A favorite material used by Zich, looking at the tone, watercolor paints, a pencil, a growing or a mixture of both.

Costume Ball in the Palace of the Princess Elena Kochuby in honor of Emperor Alexander II February 5, 1865, 1865

Cavaliangard attack. Episode Parade on a Marsfield in honor of the visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm I, 1873

Parade lunch in the concert hall of the Winter Palace on the occasion of the visit to St. Petersburg German Emperor Wilhelm I, 1873

Alexander II and Nasir-Ad-Dean Shah during a parade on the Tsaritsyn meha, 1874

Ball in the concert hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasir-Ad-Dina in May 1873, 1874

The ability to notice in a sad funny and vice versa, express it with a colorful watercolor language allowed Zich to create the most interesting scenes of court hunting on playing cards. "Persons who have happiness to be invited to those produced in the highest presence of hunting", as guests were called, accompanying Alexander II during hunting fun, depicted Zich with a large share of humor, some were frequent jokes. Especially got a fatal-general adjutant Ogharova, who, apparently, was good-natured man. Among the characters who became the heroes of funny hunting scenes, the grandson of Suvorov, the future Governor General of St. Petersburg, Alexander Arkadyevich Suvorov and the Svetle Prince Warsaw, Count Erivanian Fedor Ivanovich Pashevich, the son of the famous commander.

Hunting cards. Reprint playing cards with the scenes of the Emperor Alexander II hunt.

Self-portrait-cartoon, 1861

Maecenas. Character game, 1859

Mihai Zychi in the imperial courtyard was charged with the fixation of the events of state importance - military reviews, parades, teachings, ads and various other important ceremonies! Accompanying the emperor on trips around the country, Zichi did many sketches, which subsequently served material for working on large compositions.

Public holiday on the Khodynsky field in Moscow on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Breakfast Alexander II and Wilhelm I in the Winter Palace, 1873

At the exhibition, 1869 there were many works fully reflecting creative hobbies of the artist, after one, however, a very important exception: in the exhibition there were almost no drawings and watercolors on the topics of modern Russian life. The responses in the press were reduced to a high assessment of the artist's technical skill, but criticized the content of his work. " Zichi does not live the life of their people - Hungarian, but does not live and live our, Russian "Critics wrote. The results of the exhibition, its estimates in circles of Russian artists, near Zichi with Russian artists.
The freedom-loving temple of the artist could not long to endure the despotic atmosphere of the royal court, aimed at persecuting the advanced intelligentsia. In 1874, the established life path of Zichi changed dramatically: he asks and receives a resignation and, together with his family, leaving for Hungary.

Reception of Persian Shah Nasr-Ed Dina in St. Petersburg during his visit on May 11-14, 1889, 1889

Session of the State Council in 1884, 1885

In 1883 the artist is forced to re-become a court painter. Amazes the number of works performed by Zych in this position. Almost every day he had to sketch the life of the courtyard. In 1898, he was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Arts of Russia. Already a weak artist continued to create until the last days of his life. Died in Zychi on February 15, 1903 for 79 years of life. In the necrologist of the magazine "Niva" was written: " In the face of MA Zychi The Russian Art World lost one of the most important representatives. Russian art is one of the devotees and fiery chambers, and all Russian society - a rare soul of a man who dedicated their second birthday the best years of his life " Buddha was buried in Budapest. Motherland arranged the solemn funeral of the artist at the Kerpeshsky cemetery.

Scenes of the meeting of Alexander III and the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph in Cremamir in August 1885, 1887

Solemn lunch in the Granovic Chamber, 1883 - 1895.

Alexander III on mortal apparel, surrounded by angels with a mournful young man, symbolizing the Romanov dynasty, 1895

Descent of the coffin with the body of Alexander III in Sevastopol, 1895

In Budapest in the Church of Matyash, there is a chapel dedicated to St. Imre, the son of the first Hungarian King of Ishthan. The sash of the carved wooden altar is decorated with paintings by the Hungarian artist Michaia Zichi, born in the town of Hall. There, in the surname estate of the artist, the Mihai Zychi Museum is now working or Mikhail Alexandrovich, as he called him at the royal court in St. Petersburg.

The next small chapter-continuation of Mikhail Alexandrovich Zichi is an illustrator and just an artist. I.E. Repin called him one of the best illustrators of Russia, I abstensively add that " he would illustrate yes to illustrate, and he is engaged in all sorts of nonsense "(About nonsense a little further ...). " Between us, artists, there are no illustrators at all, and such as zich - are centuries "(N. Alexandrov).

The name of the zych-illustrator is found already in the 1850s. In the traditions of Russian book graphics in 1853, his lithographs were made to "the word about the regiment of Igor" (Igor, Prince Seversky. Translation N. Gerbel. St. Petersburg., 1854. 4 Tone lithography). At the beginning of the 70s, Zich appeals to the illustration of modern works of Russian literature, often the work was chosen and topically in their public sounding. The 1860s dates back to his illustration to the "song about Oleg" A.S. Pushkin. This works are adjacent to the watercolor sheet "Maria and Zarema" on the topic of Pushkin "Bakhchisarai Fountain" (State Tretyakov Gallery).

M. Zychi drawings are very famous for the Poem Lermontov "Demon". Poem "Demon" during the life of M.Yu. Lermontov for censorship did not printed. The full text was published in 1856 abroad, and in 1860 - in Russia. This event could not not attract the attention of the artist.

Zichi, brought up on the classic Western European literature and knew the "demonic" topic on the works of J. Milton, I.-V. Goethe, J. Bairon, was passionate about the romantic elements of Lermontov's poetry. "

Since I learned Russian warehouses , - wrote M. Zichi, - creativity Lermontov gave birth to me the authentic cult of this poet<...> I tried to illustrate it "(From the letter to A.A. Bilderling, the organizer of the Lermontov Museum under the Nikolaev Cavalry School in St. Petersburg). Transferring its initial sketches of illustrations to the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon" to the newly educated museum, the author dated them in 1860s. Nineteen subscription sheets of this series are now stored at the Museum of the Institute of Russian Literature. The sketches tell about the struggle of good and evil for the soul of Tamara: "flying demon", "Tamara at the source", "Demon over the Watching Tamara", "Sleeping Tamara and Demon", "Praying Tamara in the Church", "Tamara in the arms of the demon", "Angel, belonging to the soul of Tamara", "Angel with the soul of Tamara and the demon."

Engraving "Tamara. From Lermontov "Demon". Simmons drawing MA Zychi.

The drawings gradually compiled a whole cycle of machine illustrations to the most significant episodes of the poem. In the same letter M.A.zichi reports in one of the letters: " Just now I am working on a big illustrated overwhelming, conceived Glazunov. This edition will have about a hundred sheets of drawings, in which I will try to correct the shortcomings of my preceding drawings.<...> There is no doubt that among the masses of these drawings and many different options will remain a few that I will try to add to those devoted to the memory of your great poet ... "

The intention of I.I. Glazunov is released separately, with illustrations, the luxurious edition (Edition de Luxe) of the poems marked in 1879 the beginning of a new stage in the history of illustrating the works of Lermontov related to the name of Mikhail Alexand Rovich Zichi.


In 1881, he made several trips to the Caucasus, visiting the place associated with the Caucasian theme in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, and made sketches of landscapes and buildings. In 1883, the collections of their drawings of Zichi presented as a gift to the Museum Lermontov in Pyatigorsk.

Remembering your trip, Zychi told: " Traveling in the Caucasus in order to explore the nature and types of the country for the illustrations of the works of Lermontov, I was struck by the extraordinary accuracy of its descriptions of very even non-life-own localities, as well as buildings, where, according to his story, a novel "Princess Mary" ... accuracy Such a description was predetermined and pursued by Lermontov, as a means to achieve the greatest impression and assurance in the plausibility of his story ... My drawings are not there that either fictional and fantastic, but, so to speak, an accurate copy of the originals described.
By placing several figures in the form of Staffaja, I conveyed all the outstanding scenes of the novel. So, the meeting of the landscapes available here represents an almost complete illustration of the novel "Princess Mary".

Illustrations for Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Princess Mary"

Illustrations Zichi to "Princess Mary" were partially published in 1891 in the form of an album with appropriate excerpts of the text ("Picturesque application to the novel M. Yu. Lermontov" Princess Mary ", SPb, 1891; The album is re-epitipic in 1900).

Illustration to Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of Our Time": Duel Pechorin and Grushnitsky

Epilogue attempts by M. Zichi Illustrate the poem Lermontov "Demon" was its publication in Tiflis in 1891. A small book is decorated with five engravings made from Rich's drawings anonymously, without specifying the author of the originals. Guardian Angel engravings, "Temptation", "Kiss", "Tamara in the Coffin", "Tryurf of the Good Angel", collected together and placed in the context of the literary work, only partly give an idea of \u200b\u200bthat series of drawings that the artist has decided yet in 1860s. He worked a lot over her in the 1870s and was going to complete this work with a big scope at the beginning of the 1880s.


For illustrating the Georgian epic "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", Georgia believes Zich with its national artist.

In 1883, the artist is forced again becoming a court painter. Giving a lot of time the responsibilities of the chronicler of court life, Zychi sought not to limit his creative life only by this. There is a significant place in his artistic life, among other things, illustrations to the works of Hungarian poets. The most significant work of this plan was an illustration of the poem Imre Madcha "Tragedy of Man". The philosophical work of Madcha "Man's tragedy", deploying throughout the history of mankind, gave a gracious material for such an artist as Zichi.

Illustrations for the poem Imre Madcha "Tragedy of Man"

MA Zichi illustrated not only Russian classics, but also Goethe, Shakespeare and other well-known writers. Here are some pretty fun illustration of this artist.

From watercolor works, M. Zichi attracts the attention of unique images of the beloved "royal fun" - hunting.

In 1858, Alexander II, a passionate hunter himself, made Gatchina the official hunt destination. At that time, the Gatchina Zodnets was filled with different animals, even such exotic, like a bison. In the archives, reporting documents were preserved on how much Russian bears, bison and game lambers were "risen".
On many sheets of the artist, captured scenes of hunting are accompanied by fun comments, for example, such an inscription is made on the watercolor "Bear Hunt": " Morally affected by the accuracy of shots of hunters in the bear, four sensitive dogs fell victims of sudden apoplexy. Evil languages \u200b\u200bassure that in each of those dogs was found on the pool; But it is a judge slander " It can be seen in the cast hunters shot their own dogs.

In 1867, Hungary was a compromise Austro-Hungarian agreement received some political rights, making up a dual empire with Austria. These circumstances played a well-known role in the solution of Zichi settle for further work in Paris, where the conditions for his work were more favorable than at home. Here he creates the most significant work - the painting "Triumph of the genius of destruction" (Museum-Manor Zychi, Hall village, Hungary). The idea of \u200b\u200bher was born with real events, shaking Europe of those years: the destructive Franco-Prussian war, Ottoman atrocities over the Slavic population of the Balkan and the Russian-Turkish war. On the canvas, it is possible to distinguish the features of Alexander II, the German Emperor Wilhelm and Roman Pope IX. Despotic monarchs in their lowest interests unleashed wars, and the ruling church, each of the parties, blessed them.

"Triumph of the genius of destruction"

Demon (sketch to the picture)

Zich's Manor Museum

You can consider in detail this work here: Triumph genius destruction

A few more pretty interesting works Mikhail Alexandrovich Zichi. It can be seen that he was a fairly talented artist.


Falstaf with a mug of wine and tube, 1873

Rescue boat, 1847

Dog family

Well, now a little about what the artist's house looked out of himself. His description, we left all the same gauth, who managed to meet with Zich.
... Spacious living room, one of the walls of which was hunted by hunting weapons. On the deer horns and skins, the wolf and foxes were hanging rifles, carbines, knives, hunting bags and powder. Everything was like in the house of Ober-Egermester or the athlete-hunter. But on other walls hung engravings and paintings in the frames, and also hung several empty frames that were waiting for the canvas. This has already pointed to the artist's home. On the window there were vases with greenhouse plants. In the middle of the room stood a big round table, which were going to visitors on Fridays.

Immediately after her, the second, a much smaller room. The angular sofa decorate two walls in it. Opposite him stood a carved partition (Gauthier notes that such partitions are masterpieces of Russian carpentry art). Outwardly, she resembled work from wrought iron, as, obeying the fantasy of the master, there were Arabesque, and lattices, and the tree ornament, and various curls. From the Jardinerok stretched ivy and other curly plants, having filled their real leaves on carved wooden. All together it looked charmingly. With the help of such openwork partitions, you can retire in the corner of the living room or in the middle of the room, you can make a bedroom, an office or a boudoir, i.e. You can retire and at the same time be in the overall atmosphere of the house. On consoles formed by the speakers of the ornament, there were statues of half. Through the grille could be seen on the wall of the national costumes of Circassians, Lezgin and Cossacks. On the side walls hung gorgeous engravings with the frescoes of Kaulbach, who decorated the staircase of the Berlin Museum. The picture of the Duke Giza Murder of the Duke Giza, a few medallions with portraits of the work of Zych himself, as well as other belligers, were also hung.

In the room, where Zych took the goiter, the children's armor of the XVI century, which stood on the fireplace shelf, where the clock is usually worth it. Instead of the mirror on the fireplace, the armor hung and weapons of different nations. Here were: Tolesky swords, Damascus, Yatgana, Malay Daggers, Cortiks, rifles with long black trunks, whose buttons were inlaid with turquoise and corals. The wall was hurt by quiver, onions, large musketones, pistols, Georgian colts, Persian bayonets, Nargile from the Kurassian steel, African darts and many more objects. The weapon was the passion of Zichi, who leaned it, where only possible. Another wall was occupied by bookcases, where there were masterpieces of almost all European literature in the scripts. Two other walls occupied windows curtained with beautiful heavy curtains. The artist's facet stood near the window, in the corner, and the artist could only work in a bright day of day.

Well, now a little about the promised "nonsense", for which the artist Jew, I. Repin. These are funny pictures from the life of the people, often quite frivolous content. But they are made masterfully.

Art love, 1861

Sales Love, 1861

Selenedki seller, 1850s.

Other works of the artist: MA sichi work

Well, for more serious stupidity it loves and knows lovers of "strawberries" or as they say - erotica and pornography. Mikhail Alexandrovich is probably familiar to them only from this side ... Alas. I will take the courage and putting some of these works here. No comments...

For those who wish to consider the details and other similar works of the artist continued here:
Erotic M.A.zichi

But still I hope that the latter will not be the main in the legacy of this wonderful and interesting artist. Many of his work became raritets, books with illustrations Collectors tear with hands ...


Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zychi or Mihai Zichi (Weng. Zichy Mihály; 14 or 15 October 1827, Hall (Hungary) - February 28, 1906, St. Petersburg) - Hungarian draftsman and painter from the notable kind of Zich, who worked a lot in Russia

He received a gymnasium and university education in Budapest, and then studied drawing and painting first in the same place, at the Italian artist Maostontoni, and then in the Vienna Academy of Arts, where his main mentor was F. G. Waldmüller. Having deserved some known to be exposed in Vienna pictures: "The recovering girl praises in front of the way the Lady", "Dying Knight" (1844), "Child Musk" (located in the Budapest Museum), "Crucifix", PRACTICAL MACHINE FOR THE FUNFKIRKHEN CATHREN (1845) And others were invited by the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in the teachers of drawing and painting to her daughter, the Grand Duchess Ekaterina Mikhailovna.

He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1847 and, except for classes with her Highness, received lessons in some aristocratic Petersburg houses. Two years later, he had to abandon the teacher and seek himself a means of life with the manufacture of drawings for sale and retouching of light-colored portraits. In this difficult, Zych's life, I found some support in Prince Alexander Hesse Darmstadt. The improvement of its position is obliged to the theophile of Gauthier, who visited St. Petersburg in 1858. In the book "Voyage EN RUSSIE" Gauthier dedicated to Zichi to the whole chapter, which significantly raised his reputation from the Russian public.

In 1859, Zychi was appointed a court painter, and in this rank remained until 1873. In this 15-year period of its activities, he performed a lot of drawings depicting the various incidents of court life, the scene of the imperial hunt, caricatures on people close to the yard, etc. (were mainly in the imperial palaces and albums of the highest Persons).
"Alexander III on the hunt in Belovezhskaya Forest in August 1894"

Even before that, in 1856, they were reproduced in watercolors the main sketches of the coronation of Emperor Alexander II, for which the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded him the rank of academician. In 1869, an exhibition of his works was arranged. In 1874, he went to Paris, where he wrote, including by order of the Hungarian government, the picture: "The Austrian Empress Elizabeth lays a wreath on the deacus coffin," and placed his drawings in illustrated editions.

Since 1880, Zichi again in Russia, in the previous position, and worked as a chronicle-chronicle of ceremonies, entertainment and family events of the highest yard.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zychi or Mihai Zychi (Weng. Zichy Mihály; 14 or 15 October 1827, Hall (Hungary) - February 28, 1906, St. Petersburg) - Hungarian draftsman and painter from the notable kind of Zich, who worked a lot in Russia.

He received a gymnasium and university education in Budapest, and then studied drawing and painting first in the same place, at the Italian artist Maostontoni, and then in the Vienna Academy of Arts, where his main mentor was F. G. Waldmüller. Having deserved some known to be exposed in Vienna pictures: "The recovering girl praises in front of the way the Lady", "Dying Knight" (1844), "Child Musk" (located in the Budapest Museum), "Crucifix", PRACTICAL MACHINE FOR THE FUNFKIRKHEN CATHREN (1845) And others were invited by the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in the teachers of drawing and painting to her daughter, the Grand Duchess Ekaterina Mikhailovna.

He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1847 and, except for classes with her Highness, received lessons in some aristocratic Petersburg houses. Two years later, he had to abandon the teacher and seek himself a means of life with the manufacture of drawings for sale and retouching of light-colored portraits. In this difficult, Zych's life, I found some support in Prince Alexander Hesse Darmstadt. The improvement of its position is obliged to the theophile of Gauthier, who visited St. Petersburg in 1858. In the book "Voyage EN RUSSIE" Gauthier dedicated to Zichi to the whole chapter, which significantly raised his reputation from the Russian public.

Fancy Dress Ball at the Palace of Princess Helena Kochubey in Honor of Emperor Alexander II on Feb 5, 1865


In 1859, Zychi was appointed a court painter, and in this rank remained until 1873. In this 15-year period of its activities, he performed a lot of drawings depicting the various incidents of court life, the scene of the imperial hunt, caricatures on people close to the yard, etc. (were mainly in the imperial palaces and albums of the highest Persons).

Even before that, in 1856, they were reproduced in watercolors the main sketches of the coronation of Emperor Alexander II, for which the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded him the rank of academician. In 1869, an exhibition of his works was arranged. In 1874, he went to Paris, where he wrote, including by order of the Hungarian government, the picture: "The Austrian Empress Elizabeth lays a wreath on the deacus coffin," and placed his drawings in illustrated editions.

Since 1880, Zichi again in Russia, in the previous position, and worked as a chronicle-chronicle of ceremonies, entertainment and family events of the highest yard. From his works, in addition to those already mentioned, drawings are worthy of attention: "Messiah and Luther in Wartier", "Man between intelligence and stupidity", "Jewish martyrs", "Florentine Orgy", "Death of King Kandavla", "Earth Earth and to Earth Returning "," Tamara and Demon "(on the plot from the poem Lermontov)," Roshovshchik "," Bernard Palissy "," the last minutes of the vertera "," The project of the theater curtain for Anichkovsky Palace "and some others.

Alexander II and Nasir Al-Din Shah During The Parade On The Empress Meadow
Digital reproduction of this picture is in the collection of online gallery Gallerix.ru

Digital reproduction of this picture is in the collection of online gallery Gallerix.ru

Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II AND WILLIAM I IN THE WINTER PALACE



Carrying Out Of Alexander IIS BIER

Ceremonial Dinner in the Faceted Chamber


Dead-Office for Alexander III In His Bedroom In The Small Palace at Livadia


Design of a Theatrical Curtain

Love on Sale.

Luther Latomasa, 1871

Mihaly Zichy The Knight in the Panther "S Skin 27

Ante-Room in the Imperial Palace at Tsarskoye Selo

Public Festival

Recumbent Nude.

Romantic Encounter.

Performance In The Bolshoi Theater


Emperor Nikolas II "Family

Eleven Lithographic Prints Of Nudes

Eleven Lithographic Prints Of Nudes 3

Eleven Lithographic Prints of Nudes 4

Eleven Lithographic Prints Of Nudes 5

Scene from the Crimean War

AZ Emberi Tehetetlenseg.

Abrand a festekes Lada Feltt, 1888

Taras Bulba


Theatrical Improvisations ON Various Subjects

The Love Potion.

Digital reproduction of this picture is in the collection of online gallery Gallerix.ru

Mihai Zychi.

(Mikhail Alexandrovich - so it was important in Russia) Born in the town of Hall (Hungary) in October 1827.

Student years spent in Budapest, where he graduated from the gymnasium, and the university. Drawing and painting He taught him the artist-Italian Mostrotoni. After admission to the Academy of Arts of the City of Vienna, Mikhaya Zychi Mentor became the artist Waldmüller F.G. Having to deserve the name of the writing of paintings in the capital of Austria-Hungary, the painter goes to St. Petersburg at the invitation of the Grand Duchess of the Imperial Court Elena Pavlovna. The goal of the trip was to train drawing and painting her daughter Catherine Mikhailovna, the Great Princess.

In the capital of the Russian Empire Artist Mihai Zichi arrived in 1847. Two years later, teaching in the family of Great Princess had to leave - the artist goes to "free bread." Now he is engaged in selling his drawings and ruled the light-pain portraits, retouching them. Times for the artist came heavy. Some support these days was given to the prince Alexander from the genus Hesse Darmstadt.

Positive changes in life Micah Zychi Must is obliged to the famous, in the time, the French poet theophile Gauthier. Having been in 1858 in the city of St. Petersburg, he, on the basis of his impressions, writes a book "Journey to Russia". Dedicated to Mikhail Alexandrovich Zichi The head raised the reputation of the artist among the Russian Beaumd and already in 1859 he became a court painter, having spent almost 15 years in this post, until 1873. In these years, in their drawings and paintings, Mikhail Zichi captured many moments of court life: state affairs and life of the Imperial Persons, the royal hunt, caricatures on the courtyard of the courtyard of persons and much more.

Watercolor work artistwritten in 1856 and dedicated to the coronation of the Russian self-container Alexander II, appreciated the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg and assigned Mihai Zich's title of academician. In 1869, a personal exhibition of the artist was arranged. In 1874, the artist departs in Paris and returns to Russia only in 1880. He is again taken to the previous position - a draft-chronicle at the Imperial Russian Dvor. The artist Zychi Mihai died (Mikhail Alexandrovich) in St. Petersburg. It happened on February 28, 1906.

The performance in the Moscow Bolshoi Theater on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Congratulations, brought by His Majesty's Emperor Alexander II members of the Imperial Familia after the coronation of 26 August 1856

Public holiday on the Khodynsky field in Moscow on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Taras Bulba

Portrait of Empress Mary Alexandrovna, the widowing empress Alexandra Fedorovna and the Great Princess Alexandra Josephovna. 1857.

Alexander II with the courthouse in the Arsenal Hall of the Gatchina Palace. 1859

Costume Ball at the Palace of the Princess Elena Kochuby in honor of Emperor Alexander II on February 5, 1865.

Wedding of the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and the Grand Duchess Maria Fedorovna. 1867

Emperor breakfast Alexander II and Wilhelm I in the Winter Palace.

The scenes of the meeting of Alexander III and the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph in Crembra in August 1885. 1887

Wedding of the Great Princess Ksenia Alexandrovna and the Grand Damaz Alexander Mikhailovich July 25, 1894 in the Big Church of the Peterhof Palace 1895.

Young Lady.

Years of Life: 1827-1906

The online store BigArtShop presents a large catalog of artist Mihaya Zychi. You can choose and buy your favorite paintings of Pictures Michaia Zichi on a natural canvas.

Mihai Zychi or Mikhail Alexandrovich Zychi was born in Hungary in a small town hall in 1827. Gymnasic and university education in Budapest. Drawing and painting studied at the Italian artist Maostonte, then in the Vienna Academy of Arts under the mentoring of Waldmüller.

With its first pictures in Vienna, "A recoverable girl prays in front of the dimension of Our Lady", "Dying Knight" "Crashing the Muskik of the Child", "Crucifix" proven himself as a talented perspective draftsman and his teacher Walldmüller, having received an invitation from Great Princess Elena Pavlovna for learning drawing and Painting her daughter Catherine strongly recommended her beloved student Michaia Zychi. So Zych in 1847 came to Russia.

In addition to classes with her high, received lessons in some aristocratic Petersburg houses.

Two years later he had to abandon the teacher. He engaged in the manufacture of drawings for sale and retouching of light-profile portraits. Having lost the permanent earnings, Zych has experienced material difficulties for some time. The improvement of its position is obliged to the theophile of Gauthier, who visited St. Petersburg in 1858. In the book "Voyage EN RUSSIE" Gauthier dedicated to Zichi to the whole chapter, which significantly raised his reputation from the Russian public.

In 1859, Zychi was appointed a court painter, and in this rank remained until 1873. In this 15-year period of its activities, he fulfilled many drawings depicting various incidents of court life, the scene of the imperial hunt, caricatures on people close to the yard.

Watercolor works of the artist, written in 1856 and dedicated to the coronation of the Russian self-container Alexander II, appreciated the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg and assigned to Mihai Zich's title of academician.

In 1869, a personal exhibition of the artist was arranged.

In 1874, he went to Paris. By order of the Hungarian government during this period, they created a picture: "The Austrian Empress Elizabeth lays a wreath on the Coffin Deak"

Returns to Russia only in 1880. He is again taken to the former position - a draft-chronicle under the Imperial Russian yard.

The most famous were his paintings "Messiah and Luther in Wartburg", "man between intelligence and nonsense", "Jewish martyrs", "Florentine Orgy", "Death of King Kandavla", "Earth Earth and return", "Tamara and demon "(On the plot of the poem Lermontov)," Roshovshchik "," Bernard Palisi "," The last minutes of the verter "," The project of the theater curtain for Anichkovsky Palace. "

The artist Zychi Mihai died (Mikhail Alexandrovich) in 1906 in St. Petersburg.

The texture of the canvas, high-quality paints and widescreen printing allow our reproductions Micah Zychi not to yield the original. Canvas will be stretched to a special subframe, after which the picture can be messed up in the chosen baguette.