Mental map - a scientific approach to the execution of desires! Mental Maps Method.

Mental map - a scientific approach to the execution of desires! Mental Maps Method.
Mental map - a scientific approach to the execution of desires! Mental Maps Method.

Now almost everyone knows the expression "Business Training". They are used everywhere in large companies and small firms. As a rule, with their help, they are trying to organize the work of all personnel as possible. They came up with them not so long ago, but it was with the help of the method of visualization a trainings were much more efficient. Mental map is the best way to designate the goal and means. It greatly facilitates the details and organization of all elements.

History of creation

The system of popular mental cards today came up with a well-known psychologist and writer Tony Busen. He has already published several hundred articles and books on intellectual development, psychology and human thinking issues. Of course, he did not become a pioneer in visualizing the goals and techniques of their achievement. With the help of special charts and graphic drawings, Japan in the 70s was able to practically carry a revolution in the economy. But it was Busesen who presented to the whole scholar world in 1974 his own improved theory of radiant thinking. The mental card has become a hit on the change of thousands of years.

Tony was able to effectively combine psychology, neurolinguistics, mnemonics and ability to speed, as well as many scientific theories and methods for developing and improving creative thinking. For example, when noting, he introduced only two colors in the schedule, and they became much easier to memorize, and also more interesting. Together with Brother, Busesen was able to collect on pieces and build all scientific developments into a slim theory. So modern intelligence cards appeared.

The use of the developed program

The method of mental cards found its practical application in a wide variety of spheres of human activity. Mindmepping will be useful to the head, employees of any company, teachers, journalists, etc. In addition, it can be used in everyday life to solve various household and organizational problems.

This technique will be most suitable for the development of its own creative abilities and self-analysis. This will detect and overcome all flaws, as well as allocate directions for further development and improvement.

Mental maps will be particularly convenient in such areas:

  • memorization (preparation for all sorts of exams, memorizing lists, tables, etc.);
  • training (optimization of abstracts, writing creative tasks and better learning learning);
  • brainstorming (collective work, new ideas);
  • presentation (allocation of the main and efficient transfer of common goal and thought);
  • planning (development of own projects and behavior strategies, as well as the ability to qualitatively plan their own time);
  • decision making (deep analysis, weighted and reasonable conclusions).

Intellect Card Efficiency

Using this technique allows you to see many previous things and nuances hidden. At the same time, new creative possibilities are opened, it is activated all this helps to solve unsolvable problems and find an elegant way out of the most confusing situations.

Finished mental cards allow you to store and constantly return to important information and goals, structure and improve your own "I". At the same time, the information set out by the radiant method is easily perceived and quickly remembered. The main work occurs in the process of creating intelligence cards. Subsequently grabs one glance to remember all the necessary details. It can be useful in the performance of global tasks, and in everyday worries, when it is difficult to focus on the goal.

Of particular interest is that any person has a mental card perfectly special. It is as a reflection of individual thinking, imprint of the work of a specific brain.

Basic rules for creating mental cards

Each method has its own principles of operation and work order. Here and the compilation of mental cards has its own rules that determined Tony Busesen himself:

  1. Starting with a colorful color picture in the center.
  2. All words should be written in large letters.
  3. Structurally, all proposals must be visually linked.
  4. No need to use keywords too often. Optimally use one key per line.
  5. Pictures and familiar symbols will only give visibility to the map.
  6. It is better to use a few bright colors in the project.
  7. No need to try to limit your own thinking. It is required to fix absolutely everything that comes to mind according to a given topic.

Some features of building effective mental cards

Also in the process of creating and using an intelligent card there are some more features requiring sounding and selection:

  • For visualization of goals and tasks, a sheet of standard A4 format will be needed. Then the mental card will be well perceived and accommodate all the information you are interested in.
  • Keys should be straight over the lines. This promotes visibility.
  • Use printed letters.
  • The length of the drawn branch must match the key.

Mental map: how to make

Create Mind Card is simple enough. After all, this is a kind of tree diagram, where the central branch represents the basic idea.

To begin with, the main idea should be defined. Then it will take a clean sheet of A4 paper. It will easily fit the entire mental card. How to make a tree, prompt the subconscious. In the middle there must be a basic idea, and it is logically interrelated branches from it. To correctly draw a map, it is enough to follow the simple rules set forth by Tony Busen. In addition, the mental card can be supplemented with numerous notes, so as not to miss anything important.

As you know, we have a majority of life, we are learning something: at school, in a specialized institute, at work and even at home. But not everyone may not be used to memorize and, most importantly, practically apply the knowledge gained. Too large amounts of information and limited time do not allow to learn and memorize information fully. One of the solutions of such problems can be called mental cards in education. This method was used at the dawn of developing the theory of Tony Busesen and showed stunning results.

First of all, the method will be useful in creating simple and memorable abstracts, visualization of lectures, writing coursework and abstracts, etc. One of the brightest examples of the use of intelligence cards in international education is recognized by Cisco CCNA EXPLORAZATION. The essence of this program is that the Academy shared all the work into several parts, chapters and ply. In this case, each learning element is fed as a mental card highlighted in a certain color. It greatly simplified the filing and memorization of information, as well as halved the time to teach the theory. Lightweight and understandable courses are particularly popular with students and teachers.

Programs for creating various mental cards

We still live in the age of high and advanced technologies. Now you can use not only your own creativity and creativity, but also special templates and computer utilities. There are also special programs for creating mental cards. They can be easily found on the Internet, while the program are paid and free, complex and simple. This gives the right to choose an assistant. Parent of them:

Mind Card Build Errors

When for the first time you do something yourself, small blots and miscalculations are not excluded. The same approval also applies to building to avoid them, you need to explore the most common errors that occur when working:

  • Too complicated and multi-level mental card (it is best to use peculiar notes, and the cards are maximally simplified and understandable).
  • Same drawings, colors and fonts for different levels and branches (each level and key must be appropriately highlighted to visually different).
  • Lack of drawings and icons (it is these elements that provide a card functionality. But you need to choose in advance).
  • The ambiguity and disorder (all elements should be logically related. Otherwise it's just a list).

This technique is called differently: intelligence card, mental card, map of desires, value map. Why is a mental map able to fulfill desires?

The technique of fulfilling the desires "Mental Map" developed Tony Bjuzen. At first it was used to understand and quickly memorize new information. Different lectures, books, articles assimilated pretty quickly if there were schemes with drawings displaying basic concepts or allegations.

Then such radial schemes began to use both in other areas.

The mental card provides the opportunity to see prospects, good luck and failures of each project site.

She gave the opportunity to understand what to apply, and what not.

What is the relationship of the mental map to fulfill the desires?

To date, this method is used to make desires because it allows ... but about everything in order!

To create a mental card, you will need:

  • watman sheet of any size;
  • several magazines;
  • markers or pencils;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • some free time.

Fight a desire!

Now think about what you would like. It is important that your desires concern only you and have no relation to other people. Your desires will be implemented in the most natural way, you only need to go to the meeting.

Any magical practice or ritual is full of hidden meaning, so it will be very good if you create your mental map in a group of like-minded people who will fill the process of creating a positive.

The mental card can be made to some important day for you, it may be your birthday, the beginning of a vacation or a new year, which is the beginning of a new time period. The mental card is very individual, it only carries a semantic and symbolic load for you.

How to create a mental card?

As the basis of the card, use the Ba-Gua² mesh from Feng Shui³. No need to show your card to someone who can criticize it.

You can discuss your mental map of desires only with those who share your views and supports your undertakings.

Your mental card should receive positive energies, thanks to which it will gain strength.

The mental card can be created in any order. Conditionally draw a sheet of paper on nine parts, not necessarily the same size. In the center you need to place your photo or write a phrase that has a direct attitude to you.

The remaining eight sectors place according to the Ba-Gua grid:

Income, Profit, Earnings Recognition, success, objectives of social importance and implemented in society Marriage, partnerships, dating for marriage
Family, house, wealth in the house, the building itself Center, Home Idea, Image, Health, Your Energy Creativity, ideas and projects for the future, sales of talents
Training, teachers, mentors, books, diplomas, exams Career, efforts to achieve the desired Travel and help from

It is advisable to fill all sectors so that you do not have a skew in a particular area of \u200b\u200blife.

All drawings, pictures and photos must be signed, and any phrase must be supported by the pattern. Each desire in the mental map should begin with the words "I / I ..." the desire is formulated in the present time.

Approximately mental card at this stage looks like this:

Now think and determine how much the exercise of your desires depends on you, and what you need to do for their execution. Come up with the maximum number of ways to implement for each of your desire. Complex or great desire to break apart and disable the methods of exercising each part.

For example, here is a mini-card of one event:

After working on the analysis of each desire, your card looks like this:

Now well study your mental card and find out how your desires depend on each other. Find the most important desire from which the rest dependes. Show the dependence of desires on the map of the arrows:

Place a mental map in your room so that you can see it before bedtime and after waking up.

So why a mental card allows you to fulfill desires?

Because you come to this process from different sides.

You use your capabilities, determine the main desires, arrange priorities.

Such a wide and systematic approach will necessarily lead you to success, the main thing is to notice the possibilities that will appear before you, and use them!

"And if my desires changed?"

In case your intentions have changed, you can reconsider and write new wishes. You can also replace the wishes of others.

² Gua - a special graphic symbol. Depending on the number of traits included in the symbol, two types of Gua are distinguished: a trigram and hexagram. The trigram consists of three traits, their alternation forms eight possible combinations - Ba-Gua (Wikipedia).

³ Fengshui, or Feng Shui - Taoist practice of symbolic development (organization) of space (

Good time, dear readers and guests blog!
Today I want to talk to you about one interesting technique, which will help you better and more efficiently analyze any information: Mental map - examples of some of them you will learn from this article.

This reception is not so complicated, and its applicability does not know borders. After all, we all sometimes fall into a situation where you need to urgently understand in some kind of material, or maybe even in your own life? In this case, you should surely get acquainted with MindmEpping!

Small plan article:

  • What is a mental card?
  • How are the intelligence cards create?
  • What to pay attention to mindmepping
  • Types of programs for creating mental cards
  • Applying mental cards in life.

What kind of beast is?

Mental cards (MindMepping, MainDMapping) - a convenient way to structuring information, where the main topic is in the center of the sheet, and the concepts associated with it are located around in the form tree scheme.

Psychology, mnemonics and neurolinguistics are successfully combined here. In this article you will see examples of such cards.

One of my cards, a plan for a month:

For the first time this technique was offered Tony Busen, a British psychologist. He explains the high efficiency of mental cards with a peculiarity of human psychology to perceive information entirely and nonlinearly, as if scanning.

Therefore, the usual kilometers of text in ordinary abstracts is so quickly tired and bored, you yourself know.

How it's done?

As mentioned above, the mental map is such a bulky tree system. At the very beginning, you need to decide on topic - A word or a small definition that will specify the direction to all flowing data.

"The flowing" said not just like this: you need to ask various flows of follow-up information, drawing new and new branches.

A huge plus of the use of mental cards is that here, in fact, there can be no extra information! All the details that would be omitted in a regular table or abstract will find their place in the less large branches of our system, and the details of these details are on even smaller branches!

In this regard, the use of mental cards is very convenient when you need to sort out your own thoughts and desires.

You can fix anything, all associations and pop-ups, without any problems, structuring information on the main and flowing: one-piece picture will be formed by itself.

Several details to be paid attention to:

1. Bright colors

The psychology of a person is arranged in such a way that first we perceive the colors, lines, the general structure, and then we already go into symbols, which are the letters that make up the text. Therefore, it is useful to allocate outstanding moments with bright handles, markers, pencils and other things.

2. Special styles

Based on the same principle of psychology, it will be not bad if, when using the card, each branch will be framed in some special, different from other branches. In this case, there will be less chances to confuse information, as the data will not be associated with each other on subconscious level.

3. The system of signs

The chain of thoughts in consciousness can occur very quickly, and the other is also quickly replaced. Therefore, in order to eliminate the risk of incompletely filling the mental card, I recommend in advance to come up in advance and enter your own symbol system to use your own system: for time saving.

4. Illustrations and images

Do not limit the text alone. Additional visual materials will make the information enclosed in the card even easier for perception.

5. Additional notes

The whole effect may be lost if you begin to overdo it with the text. To deepen the material, you can use footnotes to special small paper bookmarks, where the mentioned theme will be explained slightly in more detail than the card allows.

6. Unambiguity

Clearly set out the material at the card levels, otherwise the mental card will not fulfill its main task: it will not help you successfully analyze information.

Computer programs

You do not need to draw up the entire card from hand, because there are special programs to help perform a mindmappling in digital mode.

Here is some of them:

imindmap - It is this program that I used before, very convenient in circulation, beautiful and spectacular cards are obtained. I am well acquainted with her, I will tell in the future in more detail.

But it has a significant minus - a big value, it is worth buying if you are going to accurately use constantly, I switched to paper, and in the examples my old cards ...

Coggle - simple interface and abundance of functions. Allows you to create high-quality mental cards in a short time. You can download files, just dragging from your desktop.

Allows collaboration on one card. There is a cancel function, as well as a detailed history of change.

XMind is a popular cross-platform program that exists in paid and free versions. In addition to Mindmappling, Ishikava charts support. It is quite useful for time management.

MAPUL is a paid program running on a monthly subscription. It is excellent with its original design. Good to create handwritten cards, there are Russian in the settings.

MindMeister is a simple program without a confusing interface. There is an application for Android and iOS. Generally paid, but there is a free trial. Allows you to work in conjunction in real time.

WiseMapping is a program that allows you to work on cards online, without downloading your computer. Supports both joint and personal work. Allows you to export the finished product to another format, insert into sites, presentations and so on.

Application Intellect Card

Mental maps can be useful in various fields of our life:

1. Studying a new material

Both in schools, universities and various courses and self-education. It makes sense to abandon the usual linear abstracts and go to the mental cards.

With intelligence cards perceive new information becomes easier. This is due to accented causal relationships, so the process of mastering the material is faster.

In addition, it can save time, because when writing long abstracts you have time and writing, and on the subsequent rereading is not very important.

And since in the sections of the information you make all the topics and submers as a multi-level system, you will not have time to learn long search and decipher the material.

Therefore, Mindmapping is a worthy alternative.

2. Analysis of life situations

When it is difficult to understand what you need to do what choice is to make and what actions to do, MindmEpping also comes to revenue.

Consistently laying out information on the shelves-branches, you can unexpectedly see the situation with new Parties, deal with the details and detect imperceptible outputs and opportunities at first glance.

3. Self-knowledge

It is difficult to determine with the profession, the profile of study, and even live in the modern world, if you yourself do not know what you can and what you want.

Cards of mind allow you to carefully analyze your emotions, feelings and tastes, helping to reveal sometimes unexpected causes of the present position of things.

4. Self-development

With the help of mental cards, it is quite convenient to control your own progress and promotion to the goals. It also helps to organize their time and the distribution of efforts, not allowing it to hide from attention to small things, whose ignoring often leads to losses.

5. Planning

I often make a plan in the form of a map, for example, almost every article on a blog begins with the preparation of an article plan, it is possible for more details.

Well, a compiled plan for a month you can look at the example above, there is just a plan for December, though 2014 ...

And we strive for success, right? Never give up, and let the intellect cards will be your faithful assistants even in the most confusing situations!

On this I think it's time to finish, everything is good!

"If you do not break the brains - I melt firewood"

There are dozens, and maybe hundreds of methods on the "pumping" of their brain, because it trays many opportunities in itself, access to which we are often limited. "Eat bitter chocolate", "hang stickers throughout the house", "start with the most important cases" and many other tips can be found on the Internet, the essence of which boils down to one - to push our brain to quickly work, run it on a complete coil or even "Follow". And everything for maximum benefit is to fulfill a lot of cases, remember more information, defeat laziness and so on. Man always tried to squeeze his maximum opportunities.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, another such method was invented - technology Mind Mapping or the use of mental cards. And as practice shows, the method is far from the worst, and deserving attention.

In this article we will consider such questions:

For those who love to listen more than reading - my interesting (hope) Report on GetDev:

What is a mental card?

What is this technology?
"In this world, to stand still, you need to run"

The use of mental cards - an imaging technique, with which you can better and more efficiently handle some information. Menantal maps have many different names:

Technology is widely used for many purposes:

  • Fixation information. Mental maps are a convenient form of data recording that allows even with a large amount to present it in an incision form.
  • Memory information. When you write something in a comfortable light form, it automatically postponed in the head.
  • Easy access To information. The data recorded in the form of mental cards is easy to remember, even throwing on them only one look.
  • Analysis information. The mental card is constructed in such a way that it allows you to see the previously not seen connections between its parts, minor unaccounted details, which is very valuable when making decisions. It can also be used to take all the information as a whole, comprehensively, which in general helps to understand the topic and it is better to understand this data.

Mental cards help to easily operate with information, which makes them very useful in many areas of our life:

Why apply it?

"The thought is well remembered, repeated twice.
Well remembered thought, repeated twice "

Mental cards help when working with any data, improve the brain's ability to perceive information, but why?

The first reason lies in the map itself - it is depicted in a radial form, the key image is in the center, and further branches are diverged. it simplifies the submission of information in the brain - After all, we also see the world around us in general - the central image and details around it.

The second reason also lies in the processing of information by our brain - visualization in general. Words with pictures we remember 6 times better than just words.

When building a mental card the various abilities of our thinking are activated.. When drawing up branches and keywords, we use hierarchies, for pictures - visualization and associative thinking, as a whole, a spatial-shaped thinking is used. All this activates memory and allows you to remember both the data structure and their important aspects, so the use of mental cards improves the memorization of information by about 32%.

Since we use various thinking abilities to build mental cards, such as creativity, logic, imagination, All of them develop and improve in the process.

Since the mental cards displays the whole picture as a whole, it allows install all relationships Between objects, even if initially they were not so obvious. In turn, this leads to the appearance new point of view For information, as well as new ideas and thoughts. The structure and logic of data becomes more "transparent", easy to understand and memorize.

Another indisputable argument in favor of using mental cards is that learn this technique very easy, I can remember information with its help immediately, in large quantities and very effective. There is little to write in this case that significantly saves time.

What is the difference from ordinary records?
"Clarity gives focus"

Linear recording is the main form of information recording that we use at school, university, work, and in many many institutions. It is used in the instructions, books, posters and generally everywhere. Therefore, the use of such a form seems logical, convenient and correct.

But maybe it's only a habit? There are some differences between linear recordings and mental cards, because of which it is possible to change their habits.

  • All structure Vertical text information is completely pretty to see hardAnd to view everything you may need additional actions, such as turning or scrolling the page. And maps are built on a circular principle, and one glance can be covered with a look all that is depicted.
  • Linear list "psychologically" not finishedHe may be continued that he does not give us a holistic perception of him. The completed card has all the elements in its place, it is thought out, is composed and holly.
  • Our brain not the best way remembers monotonous entriesUnlike a variety of pictures, multicolored branches and colorfully decorated keywords.

  • In ordinary records, pretty it is difficult to highlight Self main thoughtIt is lost in numerous lists allocated and underlined words. On the mental map, the main object of the study is always in the center, and it is precisely the secondary branches and additional information that.

  • Since when building a mental card, we use visualization, the right hemisphere of the brain is used, which is responsible for aesthetics and thinking over the problem as a whole. It is at the expense of this that we can think about the map depicted on the map. With linear records such the use of the right hemisphere of the brain is minimal.

  • Linear entries take a lot of time, After all, man from hand writes not very fast. It is necessary to reduce words, they are not always written in clear, and it goes to the detriment of the quality of records.

Are mental cards popular?

Who came up with mental cards?

Analogs of various ties diagrams were used from fairly early times, but the creator of the modern method of mental cards, such as we know it now is Tony Busen - English Psychologist, the author and co-author of more than 80 books, the most famous of which are considered "Supermanship" and teach think yourself. " The first book describing the technique of mental cards was published in 1974 - "Work your head."
"At one time, at the second year of the university, I somehow went to the library and asked if they had books on the theory of the brain and his practical abilities. The librarian, without hesitation, sent me to the department of medical literature!

When I explained that I was not going to make operations on the brain, but only to use it correctly, I politely answered that there are no such books in the library, apparently not.

I went out in full amazement.

Like other my fellow students, I stayed in a state known to any average student: the growing realization that as your brain's training increases, there is more and more with the positions of thinking, creative approach, memory, the ability to solve problems, analyze and " compose "in the course of written works. Like others, I became increasingly faced with the phenomenon, when the return on academic work falls, despite the accompanying efforts, and at times it seems to be zero. Paradox has consisted in the fact that, as it seemed to me, the more I abstract and taught Worse was the result!

The logical consequence of both possible strategies in the situation was, as it seemed to me, a dead end. Become, I make less effort, the mass of important information is not learned in the category, and, as a result, failure on the exam. I will continue with even more perseverance, - aspecting in more detail and spend on it more and more times - the result would be all the same coil of success.

The key to genuine success, I finally reasoned, should be sought in response to the question of how rationally I use my intellect in general and mental abilities in particular, - awareness of this and led me to the library.

When I got out of it that day, I suddenly occurred to me that the problem with which I encountered, not finding the right literature, perhaps, by the way. Since such books are not written yet, I stepped on the protected area, where there is a genuine space for an inquisitive mind. "

Do they use them in the world?
Over time, the feasibility of this or that technique is always determined by the number of people who use it. Since the output of the first description of the technique has passed more than 40 years, but nevertheless, the technique of mental cards lives, develops, and, most importantly, is used. Turn to Google Trends:

In general, Mind Mapping is a steadily used query over the past 11 years. Countries with the largest number of such requests were suddenly Indonesia and Thailand. A completely different statistics in Russia. Only in 2011, this technique began to enjoy the interest in our country:

Why don't people use them everywhere?
As well as in our world, the technique of mental cards also have shortcomings:
  • Complex, complex states of things are simplified, and many details are extremely generalized. Created visibility order where it is not. Sometimes it is useful, but sometimes it only creates the illusion of the situation controlling the situation, the illusion of a common understanding of the problem and the lack of complex hidden relationships.

  • Since pictures are used when building cards, associative thinking is included. But association - dynamic pieces change and transform Over time, and what caused half a year ago, we have one association, it is now exactly the same. Such pictures guide the stream of thoughts when reading the map is not at all the direction, as was originally planned. "False" Associations eventually slow down the understanding of the data on the map.

  • The mental map is a reflection of someone's thinking, or one person-compiler, or a group of such people, therefore cards Most often purely individual. If you give a card to read another person, it may happen that he either will not understand some details, or that even worse, they will be wrong with them.
  • When processing large or complex data when building a card, it may turn out sophisticated picture, with multiple divisions, with huge number of connections, branches and keywords. The effectiveness of such a mental card falls at times.

This is one of the reasons why the technique of mental cards has not yet supplanted linear records. But there are imaginary disadvantages that lie on the use of this technique:

  • Ignorance about technician. The popularity of mental cards has not yet reached such a scale so that everyone knows about them.
  • Opinion "I can not draw". Many believe that this is a serious obstacle to the construction of a card, but in fact such skill is not required. Moreover, there is a simple exercise that helps prove that the minimum set of characters can draw each. Try:

  • Conviction that this is a children's fun And she is nothing to do with this professional. In fact, each self-respecting professional has its own set of various tools to achieve goals: visualization, planning, time management and others. And many people all over the world are used by mental maps, is an indicator of the effectiveness of this tool.
  • Mental maps dolish dothan linear records. At first, at first, the use of this technique, it will really be like that - as well as in teaching any new business. But in the future, the cards will be clicked as nuts, much faster than ordinary notes.
  • Conviction "I think linear" And "I use all my life with linear notes, and normal." Yes, linear recordings are tightly included in our life since seven years old, and further much more convenient and becoming familiar with them, even in their reflections. But is it just a habit? And if other techniques give greater efficiency, then why not try them?
  • Opinion "Mental Maps you can not apply for everyday tasks". On the contrary, this technique is used for all spheres of life, where making decisions, any lists, analysis of something. This includes almost any area from our daily life.

How to create a mental card?

"Any artist was at first an amateur"

To build mental cards, it suffices to follow certain uncomplicated principles. Let's try to make a mental map for all this article.

First you need a clean horizontally rotated area, such as a sheet, board, tablet, telephone, or work area in graphic editors. The more data you will handle, the large workspace will need you. I will make my example using an online mental card editor.

In the center of the workspace, describe the image of the problem, tasks or area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. In our case, this is an article about mental cards.

Do not forget to use drawings and symbols where possible. It will make the card brighter and colorful, and as a result - more memorable.

From the central image to carry thick structural branches, the main subsections of our article. It is recommended to use different colors for key branches and words, as well as colorfully design them. Since I love minimalism, a little away from the rules.

But nothing bothers me to issue the main subsections to the corresponding pictures. Also adding the branches of the next level. It must be remembered that only one word should be on one branch. This allows not to overload the card, and in the process of inventing this one word, we can select the essence of the material.

The size and thickness of the letters on the branches vary depending on the remoteness from the central image. The further - the less. If there is a relationship between the details on the map - do not forget to show it. Such our example is the rest of the branches and connections.

So it turned out a finished mental card. Not the most colorful because of my love for minimalism, but very informative.