Mass Effect: Andromeda - Lost Ark. Description Passage Mission Loyalty Corn Harper Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda - Lost Ark. Description Passage Mission Loyalty Corn Harper Mass Effect Andromeda
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Lost Ark. Description Passage Mission Loyalty Corn Harper Mass Effect Andromeda

Brief description of the task

Mission to increase loyalty for Korah Harper Available after a character joins your team. To get this character, you will need to establish an availpost on the EOSE, and for this you need to visit three planets.
The overall passage of the quest will not take much time, it is recommended to get 20 levels before starting the passage of the quest, otherwise there will be difficulties.
Azari Ark

Quest begins with letters from the bark. We read the message, then speak the bark.

1. We turn on the bark in the detachment and go on the EOS. If you don't do this, the character even during the quest on will be included in the detachment and the task is simply will not start, so do not forget to add it before falling into the group. We find Hidaria on the second floor of a building, which is close to the place of our landing. We speak with the NPS, after which we go to the flight.

2. We fly to the blade, where you need to track the ship "Perphon" which belongs to Azari.

3. We follow the Azari ship's signal, and when you find its source, another task will appear - the communicator will also need to find. A few markers will appear on the map, where there may be a communicator, we go around everything, after which we get the item you need. When you reach the last marker, you will find a group of hostile kett.

4. By defeating all enemies, inspect the vessel vehicle. Return to the storm and talk to the bark. After that, she will not give another task, it is not a bug.

5. In order for the mission of the loyalty of the bark continued, you need to wait a bit. Complete several other missions and wait for a new notice from it.

Continuing the quest, the task "Duty Limits"

When we get a new letter, talking with the bark on board "Storm", which will offer a new task.

1. Go to the Valai system. In the upper right corner of the system, the scanner detects an anomaly, it needs to be studied to find the ark "Lessinia".

2. Spend a dock with the ark, go to his board, then head to the marker. Get to Monorail.

3. After the trip on MONORELS, you will find a squad of Azari, and near them the doors management console of the hangar. Turn on the console and get ready for battle. Enemies - a group of kets, shoot it until the doors of the hangar will open completely.

5. Ketty will appear, shoot them, then turn on the fire system. To find the cables, turn on the scanner and go to the trail.

6. Again, talk with a bunch, scan the device received.
Disconnect power cables. As soon as the wiring is disabled, ketts will appear, destroy them.

7. Move to the viewing deck, disappear with the enemy and disconnect the system. Go to 12 deck and read it.

8. Again, the battle with the Kett group will begin, only this time will join the unit of the brave with energy armor. While you do not remove the protection, it is invulnerable to most attacks. The combat mechanics are simple - shoot in areas around it, which will make it possible to remove power protection, after which they attack with all the defenseless brave.

9. Once with Ketty, you will have to decide what to do with the pioneer of Azari. The decision of the hero will affect only what Azari will participate in the final plot mission and in fact no matter what another does not affect, so we choose the option you like.

The main part of the quest is completed, after that, the Cora Harper becomes loyal and access to additional tasks.

Debt call

Playing for Scott Ridera Upon arrival at the storm you will receive a letter from the bark that will ask to look at it when you have a free minute. This is the beginning of the novel with her. For the development of the romantic branch, sometimes communicate with it and use the options for dialogue marked with a heart.
If you chose Sarah RiderThe letter will be grateful.
An additional task is extremely simple, having received a letter from the bark and talking to her after that go to the EOS and do not forget to turn it on the detachment. Just follow the markers.

More guides and descriptions you will find on our website. In addition, we have a lot of other interesting information, as well as a description of bugs, trains and cheats.

This mission is a continuation of the task "Cora Harper: Azari Ark". You found the Ark transponder on the chairs, and the mission was suspended, until the bark decodes the testimony. The letter received from the bark initiates the continuation of the search.

Read the letter from the bark


It is still unknown where the Ark of Azari "Lessinia" is located. Given the connection of the bark with Azari, it is she who takes over the task - to find "Lessinia" and send it to Nexus.

Talk with bark on a bore


As soon as you return to the storm, read the letter of cortex about the ark of Azari, and then talk to her in the cargo compartment (1) . She adjusted the on-board recorder data with Sam, and now you have the coordinates of the last destination of the ark. Go along these coordinates when you are ready.

Find the Ark "Lessinia" in the Valai system

Take the course to the Valley system and scan anomalies. Run the probe to detect the Ark "Lessinia". Start the rescue operation, just make sure the bark will go with you.

In a short cat-scene, you will learn that the core admires Sarissa, a pioneer bodyguard with Lessinia. For the bark of Sarisssa is a legend.

Dock with Ark "Lessinia"

"Lessinia": Docks

You start in the docking compartment (2) And the first navigation point sends you to the end of the passage. You ask Suvi if there are signs of life on the communicator. She replies that the sensors are damaged. Go through the first doorway (3) . You can scan the debris, but there are no signs of life. Go to the next door (4) which turns out to be blocked.

Get to the bridge

When you approach the locked door, the red lights light up, and you hear how the captain of the atrum threatens to start decompression. She takes you for Kett. Sam sends her identification codes. Atlar invites you to the bridge.


Go through through an atrium (all the ark is very similar to design). Keep moving forward through a pair of doorways until you reach the bridge (5) .


Here you meet with Captain Atanda and Sarissa Teris, the Bodyguard Azari, which is guarded by the bark. You will learn that the pioneer with Lessinia died, and it made Sarissa with a new pioneer of Azari. Sarisssa stole a module of kett, containing tactical data that allow the ark to move through the firm. During the conversation, you will learn that the Kett groups are still on board the ark, and moreover, the FTL kernel needs to be launched so that Levsini can develop superluming speed and get to the Nexus.

Getting on Monorail to Angar Control


After meeting with Sarissa and Captain, go to the monorail to the Angar control unit. The trip gives you a time to talk to the bark.

Find the paratroopers of Azari in the Angar control unit

Angar control knot
Third level

You leave at the third level (6) . Go down the corridor, following the navigation point. Get to the Angar Management Node (7) .

Second level

Find Damali Damary (8) , Sarissa's assistant. She is very glad to see you. The bark asks if Sarisse can help restore the power supply of the FTL kernel.

The Berecia says that she tracked the leakage of energy and believes that the closure of the door of the hangar compartment will solve the problem. Ketti hold doors open, and energy is lost because the security system is trying to close them. She asks you to take a look at the console.

Activate the hangar door control unit

Find the Angara Door Control Unit (9) . Activate it. Sam says that the sequence of closing the hangar began. Ketti burst into the room.

Protect the hangar door control unit

An angara tightness indicator appears in the upper right corner of the screen. When this meter is filled, the doors will completely close. You must restrain the kett attacks until this procedure is completed.

If possible, stay in the burglary zone of the control unit. Follow the area at the top level (10) Where Most Reinforcements of Kettov comes from.

Eliminate the remaining Kett

Kettam access will be cut off as soon as the hangar is completely closed. But you need to deal with the remaining enemies.

Talk with a bump

Follow the navigation point down the stairs and find a duty (11) . Tell her that Sam discovered faulty electrical nodes. The Berecia confirms the information and says that there were no fires that were not. She assumes that something consumes energy on the bottom deck.

The doseria offers to divide. Go through the bottom level, then open the door (14) To access residential premises.

Descend on the lower decks through residential premises

Living spaces
First level

Follow the navigation point down. Scan the wreckage, check containers and data blocks. Go to a closed door (15) . Enter the next large area - residential premises.

First corridor on the right (16) . In the first room (17) Find a container and sanctuary Matriarch Ishary. Scan the first aid station to obtain scientific data.

In the next room (18) Scan the locker under the big monitor to get scientific data. There is another locker on the floor on the left between bunk beds - some more data. On the table data block and nearby container.

In the last room (19) On the right, at the end of the corridor, there is a terminal where you can read a couple of letters, one of which is from Sarissa. Do not forget to scan all unfamiliar subjects and check the container.

Get out of the corridor to open space, here a couple of ghosts (martial beasts of Kettov) will run away from the following corridor (20) . Find ammunition and first aid modules in the next room (21) on right. a door (23) Through which you must pass to continue this quest, is also in this room.

If you are a hard "complisionist, then inspect the room (22) But get ready to open the fire as soon as you open the door. Inside the two ketta hid. The award is a large container under the monitor.

Musture Fire Protection

Point of fire protection
Level B1.

Go down the stairs, avoiding fire, and log in to the fire department (26) where you welcome hostile ketts. It will not work peacefully.

Activate fire extinguishing system

Follow the navigation point to find and activate the fire extinguishing system (27) . Violation of the system leads to a failure in work. Scan the wire in the floor and follow it to another part of the room.

Using scanning find a way to restore fire extinguishing system

Wire leads to the panel (28) on the wall. Scan this node, and then interact with it to redirect the power on the fire extinguishing system. Return to the console (27) On the platform and activate the fire extinguishing system. Exit the room through the corridor (29) .

Meet with a member

Here (30) You can restore health. In the room (31) Find data block, equipment for scanning, and big container With a high probability of content in it, Azari's sword. There is also a terminal with evacuation and security messages.

Leave this area and go to the observation site. (32) where you find how the bumps (33) Works on interesting equipment. Talk to her. It explains that this is a mass effect device and it is the cause of energy leakage.

Scan Mass Effect Field Module

Scan Mass Effect Field Module (33) So that Sam can turn it off. Sam says that it will take two people to solve this task: one disconnects the cables, and the other is the device itself.

Disable power cables

Disconnect three power cables. Number of power cables are located near the door openings. (34) and (36) , and third (35) Located at the top level. The wave of kett attacks occurs every time you disconnect the power cable, and you cannot interact with the following power cable until all kettes are defeated in this wave.

Destroy Kett on Looking Deck

Disable Mass Effect Field Module

After the last Kett defeats, go to the module of the mass effect field (33) And disconnect it. After that, the Captain Atera announces that the FTL kernel works again. A few minutes later the ark will be ready to go to the superluming speed. You ask whether it is possible with a damaged case. Sam gets access to the Ark data, and you hear the recording of Sarissa and the Matriarch of Ishary. It turns out that Sarisse left a pioneer to die to get kett data to move through the firm. At this stage, the interviews are beginning, in which you are invited to choose, agree or disagree with Sarissa solutions.

Get on deck 12

Ketti are sent to the platform in the "Lesini" housing on the deck 12. You need to get there as soon as possible. Go through the door (37) . Top up ammunition and health when you go to deck 12 (38) .

Reflect the kett attack on deck 12

Pay attention to the lack of gravity when you enter the deck 12. Magnetic shoes you and your team do not allow you to go to the free waging, unlike many items in this room. You can enable gravity with the console (37) .

Bring yourself from fierce attacks of Kettov. In the second wave to battle, the representative of the highest caste Kettov will join - ascending. You should first split it with a rotating sphere to knock down the shield and cause damage to this powerful enemy.

Give "Lessinia" to a safe place

Sarisssa and Cora put a powerful biotic shield to reflect the rocket attack of the Kett ship. Shells bounce back and destroy an enemy ship. The captain takes the ark from the explosion.

At the end of the mission, you tell the crust that she needs to discuss with Sarissa message Ishrai. The bark cuts the truth to the uterus and indignant as soon as Sarisssa is approaching to thank your team. It seems, Sarisssa is surprised that the records survived. She explains that he could not protect his pioneer, because she defended all his life on the ark. The only problem is that she did not tell anyone about his choice. During conversation options, you can support it, keeping everything in secret, or say that Azari should know the truth. In this dialogue, this is not finally the decision. But you will have to make a choice: to leave Sarissa pioneer or not, after the captain of Atrand is suitable for you. How do you feel about the accepted Sarisa solution?

Leave Sarissa pioneer?

This choice will not affect future events in Mass Effect: Andromeda. The presence of all pioneers in the meridian determines whether Captain Dunn dies. However, the pioneer of Azari may be Sarisssa or the bumping; If you perform this mission, then in any case in the final battle you will receive help from the pioneer of Azari. However, theoretically, this choice can be reflected in the following Mass Effect Games.

You comfort the bark on the way back to the bore. It is difficult for her to accept the betrayal of Sarissa, who was an ideal for her imitation. Catch the moment to use the romantic options for answers in the conversation. You have earned the faithfulness of the bark, and its level of the 6th level is unlocked.

The fourth part of the Mass Effect has already developed a completely different BioWare, so the game came out another. As in a good sense, so, alas, and in bad.

Mass Effect died, Long live Mass Effect? I would like, but ... After ambiguous (personally, I consider it a complete failure, but about tastes, as you know, do not argue) The ending of the third part of the Space Odyssea BioWare, the studio could either put the cross on the series, or try to pretend that no Shepard was not . Since no one kills the chicken, carrying golden eggs, was chosen by the second option, and here the player together with the twins and another pair of tens of thousands of participants The initiative of Andromeda is sent to colonize the planets into the galaxy of the same name, where they should already be expected to expect a new command center "Nexus", Reduced copy of the citadel. And the ark with the colonists leave the Milky Way very on time, immediately after the events of Mass Effect 2 (and therefore, you will not be able to save from Mass Effect 3, there is no transfer of progress from past parts here), so that the invasion of the reapers is like the next 600 years People, Azari, Turians and the Salaarians slept together in Anabiosa. But the krogans, who also found a place on the ships, spent these centuries to attempt to overcome the genera and even managed to slightly increase the percentage of offspring survival.

But when the colonization of the new galaxy took place without a bitch without a zadyrinka? Arriving at the destination, the crew of Hyperion, the ark of people, discovers: a dangerous space anomaly, a half-empty nexus, the complete absence of arks of the other races, hostile aliens of Kettov and unsuitable planets. Not very similar to what the initiative was written about in the advertising avenue, but what to do - resources on the outcome, in Crycapsulas are waiting for their turn on the awakening of a thousand people, so that the rider-senior is the pioneer (researcher, ambassador and commander in one person) Collects the team and goes to the nearest planet to find out why this reality is so sharply different from the results of preliminary research. On the planet, he, of course, heroically dies for an hour, unsuccessfully running some ancient mechanism (because the drama!), But while he has time to convey the burden of pioneer to one of the twins.

The new pioneer, apparently, was prepared to be prepared better than a famous and respected parent - he managed not only to cope with aggressive ketts, colonize and terraraform one planet for another, establish diplomatic relations with the only new allied race, but not to die from boredom During the execution of monotonous side tasks. The last test is perhaps the most difficult thing, because MMO-like fatch quests in the Mass Effect: Andromeda is a lot, precisely because of them the passage of the game you can stretch clock at the ninety. But about this later.

With all the warm feelings that caused the original trilogy, she had one big problem - in the second part of Mass Effect actually lost the fair stake of that research spirit, which moved forward the first game. The Milky Way, with all those inhabiting his views, ceased to be wonderful and amazing. Powders on Mako were removed as unnecessary, because to explore, by and large, there was nothing to study, we were preparing for war. Andromeda in this plan returns to the origins, here the player and characters are approximately in equal terms - nothing is unknown about the new house. There is only a small phora that of the part of the colonists who did not wait for the arrival of the arks and, after a short rebel on Nexus, left the station in search of independence. So, you want it or not, you will have to get used to the nomad of ND1, this analog Mako will become not only your home on wheels, but also asylum, because, as we said, the ecology of the planets in the accumulation of Elea leaves much to be desired - You radiation, then a terrible cold, then the toxicity of the environment rolls. Even with a weak threat, the system of life support can cope with a relatively long time, so you have to explore the planets for the most part on the wheels. However, it would be difficult to go around to be problematic even with a big desire, the scale here is not a couple of former games.

True, the joy of the opening of new lands is gradually coming to no, as soon as the realization of the fact that the process of colonization occurs on one template. We arrive at the planet, usually someone already intense, whether it is a few surviving colonists of the first wave, exile with Nexus or local hangar, we get starting tasks and go on freeze bread. All the main places of interest have already been marked on the map, including the speeds of rapid movement and location of the ancient monoliths. Monoliths, relics of lost civilization, play a key role in the development of the planets, actually these are non-working terravertation devices. To restart the terraformers, the rider has to first activate all the monoliths on the planet, and after descending into the underground storage factor in order to start the "cleaning" mechanism. Between the case, it is necessary to deal with numerous detachments of Kett, who have their own interest in monoliths, robotic security systems that have been inherited from the previous owners, and fulfill the role of a boy on bliss for the local population.

After completing the second tens of side tasks, I realized why the team of Nexus could not even be asked a single colony until the ark arrives with Rider. The thing is that these guys independently pants can not pull up, what is the development of a new galaxy. It is necessary to engage in all, from stripping enemy camps, investigating murder and salvation who came into captivity of the aliens before collecting minerals, scanning minerals, scanning bodies of dead colonists, scanning of wreckage of ships, scanning new life forms, scanning mutoving life forms, scanning consoles and mechanisms ... I already Spoke about scanning? But another man of alien appearance complains that he has a job somewhere nearby, does the Rayer have a minute of checking, what's the matter? Dear, so here is naturally this mountain bypass, if you believe the marker on the map. Too complicated? Well, now I'll be back. For all these garbage quests, even a separate category in the journal is available, something like the most optional "optional tasks", but we only remember what the effect on the ending had a total percentage of the game last time, so you have to do everything. Well, just in case.

The boredom of this useless runner dilute battles that have become much more fun than before. Unlike Shepard, Rider learned even not just to jump, but to soar with the help of jumping engines costume, this increased mobility has a positive effect on the overall dynamics of the battle, and although the shelter system still plays an important role, shootouts in Mass Effect: Andromeda has ceased to resemble the exchange of courtesies from the corner. You can still pass on the old manner, but also in lovers to break into enemy rows with a shotgun, there will be such an opportunity. The recycled role-playing system was surprisingly flexible, the player is wave at any time to switch between all the classes available in the game and can simultaneously equip any three skills from three available specializations - battle, biotics and technology. But to change the equipment for some incomprehensible reason only in specially designated places that damn is uncomfortable. Have you got somewhere in the middle of the plot mission the best weapon? Excellent, let the bag lie in the bag, go back to the ship or the nearest advanced station, there and change. Although the rider is still lucky, the members of his team and the exciption is not available at all.

By the way, about the team, it turned out very good. The partners are only six, the set is pretty standard - two people, Krogan, Azari, a touring and beginner hangar. The guys came up with colorful and tied to them pretty quickly, although on charismatics to our faithful companions from the original trilogy they are still not reaching, and there are no stresses between them. On the one hand, it is logical - the mission above racial or personal dislike, but on board the storms are all so illustively friendly in relation to each other, which sometimes reduces the cheekbones. I just once it was possible to catch the swearing Liam and Jala, and then this passage, as it turned out, was part of a social experiment, in which the crew members tried to find out what the representative of another race could touch, to try to avoid such situations in real life.

You can take two satellites to the task with you, but their presence is rather nominal. They can only give two commands - take a certain position or attack the goal. As a result, the guys seem to be fighting with you side by side and even kill someone, but more and more on the background. Even the potentially interesting mechanics of combinations of team skills and the rider turned out not very convincing. The conventians, of course, warn in advance that now they will use some ability, so that the player can run its next, but it is far from the fact that at this moment the ability of the rider will not roll back.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Dragon Age: Inquisition: This is a large-scale, complex game that will always find than to take a player, whether it is a lot of good and not very tasks, collecting reagents to create rare weapons or armor, sending detachments Apex special forces to perform tasks (immediately remember garrisons and class optics from World of Warcraft), a banal search for decorative items for the captain's cabin on a bora or a multiplayer cooperative, practically repeating what we have already seen in Mass Effect 3. It looks good. On FrostBite, and in some places surpasses the trilogy - the battles here are more interesting, the romantic lines are built up not just a banal prosperity of answers, and they themselves have become somewhat more complicated, it is possible to choose between serious relationships and sex for one night. The lack of the hero / apostate system caused fears, but the mechanism for choosing the emotional color of the replica in the dialog was not a good replacement. And in Andromeda, the topic of the origin of the symbiosis of biotics and synthetics is remarkable on the example of the rider coexistence and artificial intelligence of Sam. And at the same time, about a miracle, the protagonist does not look as if he was imagined with a Christmas garland. Hello to all lovers of the "green ending" Mass Effect 3.

Here just to Inquisition diseases, such as empty locations and a repeating sequence of actions during the development of the planets, technical problems and the simplest logical lamps, such as chests with cartridges for earth shotguns in abandoned ancient dungeons. I didn't hear about the horrors of the local animation, perhaps, only lazy, and yes, she is really so terrible, especially at the very beginning of the game - in the future the situation is a little corrected (some characters for some reason animated better than others, and sometimes the camera during the conversation is simply turns away From the interlocutor, it is obvious to spare a player). Yes, and a good voice acting to some extent saves the position. But the curve animation can be ignored, it does not particularly affect the gameplay, but the impossibility of completing the task due to the fact that you left the zone of its execution ahead of time, and the non-learning triggers of the beginning of the dialogue or the start of the game event is more difficult to survive, sometimes you have to reboot repeatedly Location and ride it several times on a nomad in attempts to understand - again something broke or you missed some condition that allows you to start or complete the quest. Is it worth saying that so the player's tired by the player's backtraking is somewhat ... takes out of themselves. And after all, it's a shame because the spirit of the most Mass Effect really felt in Andromeda, and the secrets of the lost civilization are no less interesting than trying to understand the motives of Kett. However, if technical problems are easy to fix with patches, then with disappointment from the lack of development of settlements after their foundation, just one new friendly race and the inability to customize partners will not get rid of it.

Site rating

Pros: Beautiful interstellar flights; dynamic fights; Landscapes planets; scale

Minuses: Bad facial animation; jasil bugs; The topic of cashposts is not disclosed

Output: Not the best start for the new plot arch of the franchise, but the Mass Effect spirit has been able to save, and this is the main thing

Missing ark is an important mission to improve relations with allies. The purpose of the quest is pretty simple, it is necessary to obtain information on missing arques of various races. In this article you will learn how to fulfill the missing ark mission Mass Effect Andromeda.

How to get the quest "Missing Ark"

You can get the mission missing ark when passing the first basic task. Find the Salaarians Tanne in the team center of Nexus and talk with him. During the conversation, you will get a quest to "Light on Nexus", as well as the task you need when it comes to the settlement on EOSE. At the request of Tannom, you need to get information that can lead to the disappeared ark, then proceed to the task.

Mission "Missing Ark"

We are looking for hooks about the three ark: Turian, Salaarian and Azari. Find out the details of all the ark, as follows:

  1. Azari Ark. You can learn about the disappeared Ark Azari when performing a personal quest from the crust. The purpose of the quest is to find the "Perphon" ship, which was part of the ark. Having found the ship on the blade, you will also find both the ark, you will lead to a transponder.
  2. Ark Turians. As it was known at the beginning of the game, the Turisy Ark was destroyed as a result of a collision with a bad. To get information about the ark, start passing the task "Tourisy Ark: Deaths in spite of", which can be obtained from Avitus Rix. When the task is made until the interrogation of the prisoner in Cadar-port, Avitus will send a message, it will be written in it that the scavengers discovered the remnants of the ark on Eladen. Tourian Ark found!
  3. The Ark of Salaarians. The last ark can be found during the passage of the "Hunt for Archon" task. The choice of whom to save Salaarians or Croogans will not matter - the ark is still found!

By summing up

Now you know how to fulfill the missing ark mission Mass Effect Andromeda. As a reward, you significantly improve relations with the Salarian, and also get some experience. Good luck!

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Features Several Different Races of Aliens Previously Seen in the Series. There Were Sevel "Arks" Launched to Reach Andromeda, Carrying The, Turian and Salarian Races, And The Seem to Have Gone Missing, Nowhere to Be Found. A Large Part of In General IS Comprised of Looking for the Arks Themselves and Finding a Suitable Home for them. From Personal Experience - and According To The Prima Games. Guide Here "S Where You Can Find Each Ark.


Your first Major Hunt for the Asari Ark Will Involve Your Shipmate Cora. You "LL Hear from Her Via Email After Finishing The Mission On Eos Called" A Better Beginning, "So Make Sure To Check Your Terminals Regularly. In Cora" s Email, She Requests to Speak With You, So Go Find Her On the Tempest For a Quick Chat. You "LL GET THE MISSION" CORA HARPER: Asari Ark. "After Starting The Mission, Go Back to Eos and Find An Asari Named Hydartia to Open Yet Another Mission. She" S Hanging Out At Prodromos, The Outpost You Helped Raise Up ON EOS.

Peebee, One of Your Shipmates, Is An Asari. Keirah / BSN Boards

Hydartia Has The Details on the Asari Ark, The Periphona, Which She "LL REFER TO AS A SHIP. IT" S Landed Somewhere on Voeld, Which You "LL Be Headed to After You Leave Eos If You Choose to Go There first. Go To Voeld And Track The Periphona "S Signal, Which You Should Now be Able to Track using your Journal and Waypoints on the map.

WHEN YOU A ASSISTANT SAM WILL NOTE THAT YOU "LL NEED TO HEAD TO THE NORTHERNMOST PART OF THE MAP TO FURTHER TRACK IT. GO TO THIS AREA, SCAN WHAT YOU SEE THERE AND THEN GO Back to the Story Mission Called "," As Your Original Mission Will Have Been Put On Hold. Check for Another Email From Cora, Which Will Launch "Cora Harper: At Duty" S Edge. " This is Considered Cora "S LOYALTY Mission, So You" LL Definitely Want to Complete IT.

WHEN YOU SWAP TO "AT DUTY" S EDGE, "YOU" LL NEED TO HEAD TO THE WAYPOINT FOR THIS MISSION, Which Will Take You to the Ark. IT "S Been Overrun by Kett, So You Need to Make Short Work of Them. Once You Take Out All The Kett, Chat With The Rest of the Asari There and You" LL Be Briefed on What is Happy to the Pereiphona. This Will Eventually Complete The Mission.


Shipmate vetra is a turian. Imgur.

There Won "T Be Whispers about the Turian Ark Until You Get to the Planet Havarl. You" LL Need to Access That After Finishing the Story Mission "A Better Beginning." When You Reach Havarl, You Can Seek Out a Group of Turians on the planet, Which Will Give You a Waypoint to Follow. This Is The Mission "Turian Ark: Not Dead Yet." Head Over To Where The Turians Are and Assist Them by Fighting Off The Angara Around Them.

Once You "Ve Fought Off The Embies, You" LL BE ABLE TO SPEAK TO THE TURIAN HERE NAMED AVITUS RIX. He "S Looking for The Turian Ark, So You Can Agree to HIM on His Search. Agree to do So and then the Mission Will Be Put on Hold. You" LL Have Access to the Planet Elaaden, But Make Sure You Keep Checking Your Emails, Much Like with the Previous Mission with the Asari Ark.

You "LL Have to Continue Playing The Game and Checking Your Terminal Email Periodically, Watching for An Email From Rix. He" LL Have Additional Information and Will Want To Meet Will Will Again. WHEN YOU GET THERE, FOLLOW THE WAYPOINT TO FIND SOME CRYO PODS THAT HAVE BEEN RANSACKED. This Is a Dead End. Go Back to the Tempest and Get Back in Touch with Rix Via Email, Who Will Instead Suggest Another Place to Look.




The Salarian Ark Mission Is A Little Different Than The Previous Two; IT WON "T REQUIRE YOU TO GO OUT AND FIND IT OR HAVE EMAIL Exchanges. Instead IT" S A Part of the Main Story Campaign.

You "LL Need to Be Working On The Mission" Hunting The Archon, "Which Will Be Available to You a Lot Later in the Game. When you Travel to the Tafeno System and Find a Kett Ship, You" LL Eventually Encounter The Salarian Ark instead. Get Onboard The Ark to Begin Your Mission to Save the Salarians from the Kett, Who Have Kidnapped Them for their Own Nefarious Purposes. Once You "Ve Completed The Quest-Line After This Revelation, You" LL Be Tasked with Freeing The Salarians from the Kett Ship.

The End of The Mission Will Offer You A CHOICE. You can Either Save the Salarian Pathfinder Raeka Or Save the Krogans That Have Been Held Captured by The Archon. No Matter Your Choice, The Ark Will Still Be Saved. You May Just Run Into Certain Consequences of Your Choice Later, But We "LL Get to That Another Time.

The Important Thing Here Is That You "VE Recovered All Three Arks. Way to Go.

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For More On Everyone "S Favorite Space Opera, Check Out The Rest of What Mic Have to Offer. Here" s ON TRUBLING HISTORY OF COLONIALISM IN MASS EFFECT, A STORY ABOUT THE CARRIED OUT AGAINST A FORMER BIOWARE EMPLOYEEE, A to Removing Ryder "s Helmet, a ON ROMANCING KERI, A To Romancing Reyes and A Quick Explainer On The in andromeda.