Masha and the Bear are dangerous for children. Psychologist's opinion about the cartoon "Masha and Bear"

Masha and the Bear are dangerous for children. Psychologist's opinion about the cartoon "Masha and Bear"

Do your children watch the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"? Yes? And our children too! And then it turned out that this cartoon, according to psychologists, the most harmful. Specialists suddenly (in five years since the appearance of the cartoon) spoke about the danger of "Masha and the Bear". The blacklist also hit the "Monster High", "Sponge Bob Square Pants", "Tom and Jerry". Why these cartoons found dangerous for the children's psyche, which then you can watch, tell us in our heading "Question-answer".

What is the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" are dangerous for children?

Psychologists found out that in this cartoon Masha demonstrates bad behavior and bad character. At the same time, the non-native tricks are always going to go from the hands (by the way, I did so without a cartoon in my childhood).

Little children tend to believe everything that is happening, and also copy the behavior of the main characters. Thus, the child initially forms an incorrect behavior model, and subsequently parents may experience great difficulties in its upbringing.

The bear appears in a kind and soft cartoon. In the cartoon Masha systematically mocks him. And, in fact, behind the Bed Bear there is an image of an adult, a little inhibited, but adequate person. He is capable only to be offended. Experts believe that the child takes an example from Mary and forms his model of communication behavior with adults: it is necessary to mock them!

Only here you know what ... We have tried to remove the daughter of the deputy editor from viewing the next series of the cartoon here yesterday from viewing the next series of cartoon. And at that moment the lack of Masha and her bear in the children's life and her bear seemed more dangerous than their presence. Although this is our subjective opinion and it apparently dispelled with the opinion of psychologists.

Suppose I agree about Mashki, but what's wrong with "Tom and Jerry"?

We all grew up on this cartoon, and nothing terrible with us happened (we at least did not notice this). But psychologists claim that in "Tom and Jerry" mock mocking over the cat, and this also affects the psyche of the child.

The cartoon "Monster High", which turned out to be in the second place of antitreaging, forms, to put it mildly, a bad vocabulary in children. The main characters in it are spoken in Slane, and also show a bad example on the walking of lessons. Here specialists are perhaps right. "Sponge Bob Square Pants" teaches a child to conflict, argue with friends and scold adults (bad bob!).

And what cartoons then look if you show some monsters and pokemon?

It is not necessary to look at what shown on TV. Almost every home has the Internet or a DVD player. Parents can choose the repertoire of cartoons and fairy tales for their children.

Psychologists from the center of psychological and pedagogical examination of games and toys are recommended to give preference to old cartoons and fairy tales. Older children like adventure cartoons. Well, remember these wonderful "12 months", "Gus-Swans", "Snow Queen", "Thumbelina", "Winnie Pooh". These cartoons vaccinate children good, justice and mercy. We grew up on them, and they still cause the warmest memories.

And what, new cartoons do not look at all?

See, of course, it is possible, but it is necessary to approach the repertoire very seriously. In many modern cartoons, a quick change of episodes occurs, because of this, the child does not remember the plot and cannot retell the content. Such cartoons will definitely do not benefit. It is also worthwhile to beware of computer games where fights occur, since the child can subsequently transfer some episodes into real life.

How old are children can be shown cartoons?

Psychologists recommend not to include television children up to two years. View any, even the most kind of cartoons, can cause irreversible changes in psyche. So until this time, you should not sit in front of the TV, even if you have a very hour and child you need to take something. Better to give the baby toy.

If your child has already played three candles on the cake, then you can watch cartoons. But the session should not last more than 15-20 minutes. At the same time, parents are recommended to attend when viewing and in the course of the cartoon give their explanations, what happens on the screen and why the hero did so, and not otherwise.

And do you know that from this year (without the announcement of wide social masses) Installation is introduced - secondary schools are not obliged to take into the tenth class of those in whom in the troika certificates and who Nevaznets passed OGE. That is, by autumn, students who did not enter other educational institutions can go ... Forest ... Field ... Meadow ... Looking for a job. Perspective with work, understandable, the most irrelevant ...
So what happens, we are secretly moving from the mandatory average to incomplete average? Of course, I will try to find documentary and legitimate confirmation of this trend. But maybe some of you are already known?



I thought here. Previously, everyone was worn in the wallet pictures of children / husbands / loved ones.
Now often these pictures and pictures of their animals put on borrowing. I never understood why. Well, okay there, if you live far, but when do you see every day?
How are you?)



Forgive me for a heavy topic. The video itself about the baby can not watch: immediately root. Poor quotes, how she is trying to hug all doctors in a row just because they praise her and smile at her. As a whisper asks chocolate. How obedient turns, raises the handle how tolerate all manipulations. As the Ingush Ombudsman asks to become her mother (here I spared right in my voice). The rollers are all on the Internet if that wishes will find. Although on TV it all has ever been shown.
And now I am all the choir of the girl and her mother - shoot creatures, tear into pieces, amputate all the hands-legs without anesthesia and so on. And I ask everyone to stop and think !!

It is now very convenient to hang everything on the aunt, especially since she has already been tried for cruel treatment of children. But why does the barbaric custom staying behind the brackets, when after divorce children take away from the mother and transmit to the education of their father's relatives? Where is the father himself, damn it? Oh yeah, it works in Chechnya at a construction site while his daughter beat, biting, break her ribs, plant in boiling water and so on. He knew that his sister was convicted! How could he entrust the girl selected from a former wife such an inadequate woman?!

Why in the shadow of the prosecutors left uncle girls, a police officer? He did not see what you do with a child under his nose? Did not see injury, burns, fractures and bites?! The policeman did not notice all this, was given? Wouldn't it be that now accuses to be accused of everything inadequate aunt (why is it not in the hospital? Why didn't she planted her in the previous episode? Why didn't they deprived the parental rights to her own children and did not find out what a girl lives with her without documents? ) Aaaa, who will find out, there is a policeman's husband, right?

And yet: where did the neighbors watched?! After all, in Ingushetia, everything is in sight, everyone knows about the neighbor all? Everybody did not care about the fact that the baby went in that kind ?? All in cuts, bruises and bite?

If a woman, this aunt is inadequate - it needs to be isolate and treated. And then deprive parental rights and prohibit on the gun shot to approach children. But it would be quite good to find out whether all the injuries caused a little aunt, and there is no complicity of uncle-politinate.

And before accuse the mother of the girl, think: how could she confront the birth of her ex-husband, when women after divorces in this republic are completely damped, and the police are almost gods?

P.S. I just read in the news that the right handle of the baby would most likely be saved. That for too long she was pulled by something like a harness, and the bloodstream was irreversibly broken.

And what wishes to adopt it is already a whole republic of Ingushetia.
Only by the girl now there was a good family, it is completely not afraid of people and hugs everyone, despite everything experienced.




I have two children. Mother helped me a lot with them and helps me. But again and again her condition is disturbed - the clothes are dirty, dragged everywhere, things home brings from everywhere. In general, I wrote about this already in my topics. It came to the conclusion, it is necessary to move, there is where to move, but have not moved until. No repair, and a lot of work there. It moves everything slowly, so while we continue to coexist with your mother.

So actually what is the problem. I don't really like what she drags my son everywhere, went to the scrap metal - the grandson dragged with him, to transport something to the cottage, again he is with her shopping too with him. I have no one for any permission. I went and took the guy. Even the son does not say anything to me, (i.e. the grandchildly may say, Mom does not have to know where we went). Well, it is not necessary, at least to say the mother, I will go to the store there, I will take a child, and if what happens? The child is a sick (mental illness), she will not cope with the kid, what will happen then?

Here's how to build conversations with my mother on this topic? Son to teach him to ask at least not granted it possible, he remembers today, which had to be affected, forgot tomorrow. In general, it does not want my mother to reckon with me. I don't want to go to the conflict.


Zhenya Matrosov

A lot of text, but as shorter I don't know, maybe someone will help someone in the future or someone will tell you how to stop that arbitrariness that happened to me.
In my family there was a loss, dad died. I think this or happens or has already happened with each who came here. Let's watch the truth! We will also conquer this world. I think everyone wants to be able to spend a loved one with a lovely person, while keeping understanding and consent to him that you did everything right and did not defile the memory of your close person. Also, I think every person, and if not everyone, then many would like to maintain a normal human appearance after their death at the time of farewell while in the coffin, when relatives and relatives are forgiven with you. Of course this happens sometimes impossible and then the dead are in closed coffins.
My dad lost consciousness on the street, he was without documents, delivered by ambulance to the hospital, where he died. Therefore, I had to go through the procedure of identification in the morgue and from all relatives could only do this, apparently my nerves in my big family are considered the most stronger. I think it is clear that this is all not easy, but (I am writing and crying) I went there and saw my dad. He looked just like in life, he did not look dead at all. Apparently this feature is ours with him, we are dark, and he returned from the south, so tanned, fresh. It did not have any bruises or damage. I could not even believe that he was dead and around us Morg, police officer and morgue employees. He was a little bit alone, apparently from the sheet, but his hair could be slightly smooth and he would have become so what was in life. I so wanted to stay a little bit with him, at least a couple of minutes, but in the conditions of the morgue, when everyone is in a hurry, everyone has the work when the darkness of the people and the Conveder from the dead and their relatives are certainly not possible. I thought I could fight him for a funeral day.
In the morgue, very kindly gave advice that and what will happen next. Everything went normally in a hurry, but in general without problems.
In the window, where the girl is recorded for the issuance of the body and the goodbye, the consultant said that it would be necessary to make embarrassed and preservation of the body, and so that the dead man looked in a coffin (did not scare the rest of the closest) it should be combed (washing and laying), impose makeup, t .to. May be after opening terrible damage and other horrors. I said that my father looks good and I would like to see him exactly the same, only dressed and combed. She ran to recognize whether an autopsy was, because It can not be that he would have looked normal after that. It seemed to be what was, but she continued to insist that until the day the funeral could all deteriorate. And even drew my attention to the camera where the sound and the image is written and the image that I am not officially warning you that if your relatives are scared of the kind of late and someone will have a shock that it is not to blame.
Of course, I don't understand anything in this thread, I do not know how much the view of the deceased in the fridge of the morgue can be spoiled in four days. And I didn't want to scare anyone to scare anyone, no other people who come to say goodbye, because they will see him last, and then they will remember him including that time of farewell. We surrendered, ordered and paid a full package of body preparation for farewell.
All other standard ritual attributes were also ordered and paid.
The funeral day it turned out that relatives living in other cities would be able to come that his colleagues would come, etc. We were very surprised (nice) that he was so dear to so many people. Everything went well and worthy.
On the day of the funeral, everyone came to say goodbye and accompany the dad on the last path, we were invited to go to a mourning hall. There, in the middle of the hall, there was someone in the coffin and they said that this is my dad.
His body was so "prepared and grained" that it can only be called and were aburred.
A huge face of a generously bustled paint beige color. To say that I was shocked by what he saw, it was nothing. It would be better not to do anything at all. Neither make a make-up there speech there, just a smooth thick layer of thickly smeared and lips and eyes and eyebrows. Nothing was visible. Just the ball of one color in the place of the face, I became the workers to ask what was the matter, and there were already people around, they were offered to call the Sanitars, they say they have been stuck, the mother has already sobbed into the voice, they all defeated me, they might not have disassembly, now nor What can I correct.
I did not understand right away, maybe in vain.
People are kind, those who at least understand, tell me this is normal at all?
Everyone so urged the faces of the deceased relatives or is it so lucky?
Is there any standard or quality standard that governs this so-called makeup service or make-up?
I just don't want to want someone anyone and I can't do anything?
I will definitely complain, just until I understand where and to whom.
If someone knows how to identify and punish the guilty, please write an approximate algorithm of actions.
Those who work in the morgue, please write the people of which profession / positions are preparing the bodies of the deceased.
And last, think a hundred times before you do / order such a "service" with your deceased.


For many years in a row, people who (like me) rose on the beautiful Soviet cartoons, complained that Russia, as a country, the manufacturer of children's animation, disappeared from the world map. The situation has changed several years ago, primarily thanks to the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", which became a global hit. He is watched in different countries, people are far from Russian folklore, with his eternal theme of the girl wandering closer to bears.

"Just a couple of weeks ago in the states. We sit with relatives in a Japanese restaurant, sushi rush, we communicate ... Here the daughter says "something familiar sounds somewhere." Listened - it seems that something somewhere, but I did not remember ... The daughter came to walk, returned slightly in misunderstandings: in a couple of tables sits black woman with her daughter (the same) and daughter "Masha and the Bear" on the table"- read yesterday in Facebook.

Something similar today can be seen in many countries: from France to South Korea. Moreover, the general opinion that can be read in the reactions in different languages: this series refers to the rare category that adults can look along with children. And together to fill in laughter.

But not everyone is satisfied with the series. There are critics that warn about the dangers that Masha can cause children's psyche, public consciousness, state ideology. Twenty years ago, one little hysterical head of an incomplete family (in the surprise: a single mother) told me:

- And why no one draws attention that the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats" is about the problems of non-trap.

- Walker?!

There is no goat. Goat one children raises. No goat.

This woman could be understood. I did not argue.

But it was with this method of interpretation approached the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" critic"Gaarette" Rogel Alper, sawing in the popular Russian cartoon "Annoyable and gloomy sediment, dotted in a double day." Seeing this news onwebsite Izrus I didn't believe it first.

Rogel Alper, following my friend's interpretation method, discovered the main problem in the absence of parents: "Girl, where are your mom and dad?". He managed to diagnose in a cartoon a whole bundle of unhealthy and ideologically harmful complexes: from paranoid existential fears of loneliness in a girl who is afraid that the bear will run away from her, because they ran from her before (where are the parents?), Before the unhealthy sense of guilt and unrealized debt Dreaming escape from the child of the predator. With animal seriousness analyzed the alper relationship of Masters and animals, which prevents a little girl in all his nose. "Masha is a foreign body in this environment that is placing with its existence," the alper concluded, calling for parents to pay attention to the frightening essential content of the Russian cartoon. After all, children can involuntarily absorb these psychologically unhealthy, ideologically harmful and nasty ecology of sending.

People who read the text immediately began to brand the "left bastard" and "Russophobia", began to mock "that they smoke in this Garetz" I have a hurry to assure. Alper - so not one. Russian professor Lidia Vladimirovna Matveyeva, who heads the Monitoring Commission for the Implementation of the Federal Law 436 "On the Protection of Children from Information Having Having Haval Health and Development" with the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of Russia for the Rights of the Childshared with the "psychological newspaper" with their reflections on what impact is on the psyche of the child, the series "Masha and the Bear". Lydia Vladimirovna - Man Diezhen Serious - Professor of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Research Group "Psychology of Mass Communications", studying the problem of the impact of the media to the human psyche and the problem of human psychological safety in the information global space. She is a scientist official authorized by the state to supervise over content. And the sentence does not sound like a childish seriously.

"Let's, for example, consider how the cartoon series" Masha and the Bear "affects children. It is made according to the laws of children's perception and therefore she likes the children. But, as we know, not all that you like the child, it is useful for him. Like a specialist, I believe that this animated series makes harm to the children's psyche, moreover, from a psychological point of view, this is the "information bomb", laid under the Russian mentality, "says Lydia Vladimirovna. The sentence is so strict that it is completely incomprehensible why it does not encourage to ban the cartoon, and its creators send not so distant.

Her a lot of charges of the cartoon. And pictures in the cartoon, as it seems a professor, move too fast, and therefore the child may have logoneurosis. And in it there is a "mismatch of the hierarchy." In the old folk fairy tale, coming to the house to bears, the girl does not sit at the table at the place of the Pope Bear, and chooses the place adequate to his age, that is, the place of the younger, then Masha from the cartoon, to great professorship, behaves differently. "Showing the bear (which simultaneously embodies the image of the sacred animal for our country, and the image of the Father) and constantly violates social norms with impunity, receiving positive reinforcement for it. That is, the father is not authority ...". And if today allow the girl to violate the taboo in relation to the Father and the Bear, then tomorrow, growing, she will turn on and on the "bear" party "United Russia", and even, it is terrible to think about the All-Russian Father President Putin!

And the emotional limitations of Masha: "even not the most developed child is experiencing much more emotions than a heroine. In fact, all of her emotions are manifested only in the field of cognitive experiences - it is interesting to her, I am surprising something, I am amusing and she wants something Find out. It's all. She does not sympathize with anyone and even his own pain, for example, when falling, it does not experience. As a biorobot, she does not perceive criticism, it is indifferent to the state of others. " Indeed, here you can agree with the professor. In the image of the machine, the theme of the fifth size of civil liability is not disclosed, and the willingness line to die for Russian spring near Lugansk.

And the accuracy of the status role of the Russian woman also affected the image of a small girl of Masha. "Historically, it so happened that in Russia a woman is the one who supports a man helps him in his work, emotionally and energy feeds, accepts, selflessly regrets, sympathizes." And the little Masha, as we see in the cartoon, far from complying with this high standard. She pulls the bear, and does not support. It does not help in work, but interferes and spoils.

But in this note, we are interested in items in which the supervising professor is similar to the criticism of the liberal newspaper. And the similarity is amazing. Matveyeva also condemns the film for the fact that the girl in the forest is a foreign body, the destructive principle, which all animals are afraid: "In the first cartoon series, there is a familiarity with the heroes. We are not yet visible, but as soon as the girl appears on the screen, we see the reaction of animals - All animals are hiding more accurate, as there is a destructive force that is dangerous. "

The head of the monitoring commission for the execution of the law "On the protection of children from information that hurts their health and development" also believes that the cartoon is harmful from an ecological point of view, since it destroys the connection of the child with nature, with the environment, part of which the smaller man must feel . Professor brand emotionally limited masha for the inability to love, irresponsibility, etc.

And the topic of the relationship of children and parents who are absent in the cartoon, Professor Matveyev also worries: "And how does this giving Masha be treated for their own children?". Interviews of Professor Matveev generally full of pearls. And I am on my non-hearth efforts to stop quote, because it has already repeatedly exceeded the size of the notes recommended by the editors of the site.

Verious conclusions will not do. I will not list the arguments of aesthetic, ethical, psychological plan in defense of Masha and the Bear. This masterpiece does not need this masterpiece. I have only one question: why is the opinion of the liberal author of the progressive newspaper "Gaaretis" so much coincides with the opinion of the Russian reactionary Derportord?

2016-11-03 19:16 5366

The source of information about the harmfulness of the cartoon

In the central media, it was widely published information that Russian psychologists compiled a list of harmful cartoons. The first place in this ranking was taken by the series "Masha and the Bear", the second -, on the third -, on the fourth - "Tom and Jerry". The site of PLANET TODAY became the first-source of publication. The news was published on October 30 and the original looks like this:

Russian psychologists have studied the action of various popular cartoons for children's psyche and made up their top of the most dangerous animated series.

One of the most successful modern projects for children - the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" took the first line of the ranking. According to scientists, due to the fact that Masha's main heroine can be capricious and behavior badly, children can be adopted by Her behavior and not understand why they do something wrong.

The second line was taken by the American cartoon about Monsters Monsters "Monster High". Experts believe that the vocabulary used in conversations between the main characters can significantly ruin the vocabulary of kids.

Bronze "Ant-Range" took the series "Sponge Bob Square Pants", which became popular and more adult generation. According to psychologists, the main character is too selfish creature, constantly criticizing adults, even if they give him akin tips.

Interestingly, the classic series "Tom and Jerry" took only fourth place, despite the fact that in each series, one protagonist (mouse) is constantly mocked over another (cat), and in turn, there is constantly aggression.

Scandal development

Despite the high resonance caused by this information, it is still not known that the cartoons as a group of psychologists, and no disclosed arguments about the harmfulness of cartoons in the press still appear. In this situation, the director of the cartoon Masha and the Bear Denis worm has already hurried to declare that "Internet is a garbage, in which everyone can write anything." And psychologists, according to him, most likely not even watched the cartoon, and indeed nobody would tell you, "as an affected by a particular work of art on the psyche of man."

Other publications, such as, began to disseminate the opinion of the President of the Association of Children's Psychiatrist and Psychologists Anatoly Northern, who called the situation with the hype around the cartoon Masha and the Bear "provocation". According to him, there is nothing criminal in the cartoon, and harmful tips can allegedly be even useful for children. "Russian psychologists did not give such an assessment of the cartoon Masha and the Bear, I tell you quite exactly. Yes, this is an anti-advertising, "said Anatoly North, for some reason the right to speak on behalf of all psychologists of Russia.

View of the doctor of psychological sciences L.V. Matseva about the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Although the situation with the announcement of the list of harmful cartoons looks really strange, calling for readers not to succumb to the safety of the Masha and Bear animated series of such affiliated persons, like Denis worm and Anatoly Northern, one of which says that psychology cannot assess the effect of art at all And the second justifies the teaching of children to harmful behavior models.

As an argument, in this article, an interview with a much more qualified specialist - Professor of the Department of Psychology Psychology of the Psychology of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, Doctors of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Research Group "Psychology of Mass Communications", which studies the problem of the impact of the media on the human psyche and The problem of psychological safety of man in the information global space Lydia Vladimirovna Matveyeva, who in 2013 headed the monitoring commission for the implementation of the FZ 436 "On the Protection of Children from Information ..." with the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of Russia.

Let's consider for example, as affecting the children's "Masha and Bear" animated series. It is made according to the laws of children's perception and therefore like the children. But, as we know, not all that you like the child, it is useful for him. As a specialist, I believe that this animated series does harm the child's psyche, moreover, from a psychological point of view, this is a "information bomb", laid under the Russian mentality. Historically, it so happened that in Russia the woman is the one who supports a man helps him in his work, emotionally and energy feeds, takes, selflessly regrets, sympathizes. The maximum embodiment of this role is a loving and disinterested mother. It is this position that the women who helped our country to overcome difficulties, while preserving themselves. It is this image that is embodied, including in art. Now, thanks to the emergence of information technologies, created by someone animated films can see many children. What images do they lay in them and how many of these images correspond to our mentality?

Let's talk a little about the fact that children see on the screen. If you analyze the video, you can see that the pictures in the cartoon change rather quickly - in a child who often looks a lot of cartoon series can occur logoneurosis, since the cognitive information that it receives does not absorb. In the first series of cartoon, acquaintance with the heroes. We still do not see everyone, but as soon as the girl appears on the screen, we see the reaction of animals - all the animals are hiding hopefully, as there is a destructive force that is dangerous. From the very beginning, the opposition to the child and nature is laid. As psychologists, we know that small children, on the contrary, often associate themselves with animals, they perceive themselves as part of nature and is in harmony with her. The authors of the cartoon this connection destroy, showing the child that the world around and everything who lives in it is just a means to achieve your goal.

How does the plot develop further? We see that the heroine is very difficult to determine the boundaries of their behavior. We can remember the ancient Russian fairy tale about Masha and the Bear: having come to the house to bears, the heroine of this fairy tale does not sit at the table to the place of the Pope Bear, and chooses the place adequate to his age a bearish place, that is, the place of the younger. Unfortunately, the cartoon heroine behaves differently, manifesting disrespectful to the bear (which simultaneously embodies the image of the animal for our country, and the image of the Father) and constantly violates social norms with impunity, receiving positive reinforcement for it. That is, the father is not authority, the father can be used by anything. A message that is hidden getting girls when watching this cartoon: "The world is an interesting place where you are - Home, you can play with this world and do whatever you want. Even if you break all the social taboos, everything will be fine with you. " It acts scary for children, because positive reinforcement teaches them what behavior is safe and desirable. But, as adults, we know - it is not.

The spectrum of emotions that demonstrates Masha is very limited - even not the most advanced child is experiencing much more emotions than the heroine. In fact, all her emotions are manifested only in the field of cognitive experiences - something is interesting for her, she surprises something, I am amusing and she wants to know something. It's all. She does not sympathize with anyone and even their own pain, for example, when falling, she does not experience. As a biorobot, it does not perceive criticism, the state of others is indifferent - in one of the episodes it creates a very difficult situation for Santa Claus (sacral, archetypal character) and amuses it. And such examples can be given a set.

As a specialist, I am most worried about that the authors of the multiplication series for some reason, consciously or unconsciously, created a heroine for our children, which is deprived of the ability to love. It does not have a female start - making, sympathy and tenderness. We know that children learn to perceive this world, imitating favorite heroes. The image of the heroine is an example to which a little girl will be focused, so psychologists and parents need to carefully look at the image of the heroine that the authors created, and decide for themselves - whether they want the children to perceive the world and communicate as Masha communicates ? And how will this giving Masha be treated for your own children?

It's not a secret that modern mothers often refuse to breastfeed their child, afraid to spoil the shape, and refuse them to take care and love when they cry on a three-week or three-month aged, or closer to the year, believing that the child manipulates them with his cry. And in fact, the child is simply intestinal colic or the teeth begin to cut, it just hurts and scary. It is enough for my mother to hug it and press him, and the pain and fear go, but for this grew up Masha should be able to feel someone else's pain as his own, but our Masha from the cartoon is practically not experienced.

Video review "What does the cartoon Masha and the Bear teach?" And attempts censorship

On the basis of this interview, as well as the classification of signs of harmful cartoon, the project of teaching is good in 2014 created a video review "What does the cartoon Masha and the Bear teach?". Immediately after the video began to recruit a lot of views, it was blocked on Youtube hosting at the request of copyright holders, allegedly for copyright infringement. In fact, it was an element of frank censorship from those who seek to prevent the proliferation of the truth about the influence of such content on the psyche of children. In response, our project was carried out, and the video review has since spread through other video hosts and social networks, already gaining millions of views.

We hope that the current situation with the hype around the cartoon Masha and the Bear will attract even more attention to the problem that flooded the Russian television screen and in the literal sense to destroy the psyche of millions of children. We urge to actively distribute the truth, which even despite censorship, will always find my own way.

Barely, comrade, publicity - our strength!

The series Masha and the Bear present the following:

  1. The main characters of the cartoon behave aggressively, cruelly, crippled, kill, cause harm. Moreover, all the details of this "are saved", even if all this is filed under the mask of humor.
  2. The poor behavior of the characters in the plot or remains unpunished, or even leads to improving their lives: receiving recognition, popularity, wealth, etc.
  3. In the plot there is a dangerous, in the case of attempting to repetition in real life, for health or life behavior.
  4. In cartoon characters inherent behavior, non-standard for their gender: Men's characters behave in female, female - male.
  5. The plot present scenes of disrespectful behavior in relation to people, animals, plants. It may be mockery over old age, weakness, weakness, physical disabilities, social and material inequality.
  6. An idle lifestyle is cultivated in the cartoon, the ideal of "life is an eternal holiday" is promoted, the policy of avoiding difficulties and achieve the goals lightly, without difficulty or even deception.
  7. The plot is ridiculed and shown from emphasized the unsightly side of the value of family relations. The main heroes of children conflict with their parents, which are shown with stupid and ridiculous. Heroes spouses behave in relation to each other, disrespectful, unprincipled. It is promoted by the ideal of individualism and the refusal of the reverence of family and marital traditions.

Talk the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" is harmful to children? What is the cause of such fears of psychologists? What is the negative component of this animation masterpiece?

More recently, in the autumn of this year, Russian psychologists have drawn up the rating of the most harmful to children's psychology of cartoons. What was the surprise of Russians, when the masterpiece of the Western animation cinema called "Sponge Bob Square Pants" was the leader of this anti-Range, and our domestic product is "Masha and the Bear".

Masha and the Bear are the most harmful cartoon, is it?

This animation tape created by domestic designers and programmers using the most modern achievements of the IT industry. True, at first glance, the quality of the cartoon simply shakes: great detailing, excellent color depth, the game of light and shadows, truly live animation, exciting its realism.

Even despite the fact that the film is already about 7 years old, he now looks very worthy. It is clear that we are talking about a present breakthrough in the field of animated cinematography of domestic production, which benefits from its recent years, which is advantageous.

As a basis, the eponymous Russian folk fairy tale is based on, but it will be more correct to say that the cartoon is based on the traditional Russian epic and with the original has only a few similar plot line, which at the very beginning will dramatically led to some not quite understandable side.

From the point of view of children's perception, everything is created absolutely competent. The creators obviously stood a specific task - to captivate the attention of children by creating a tape that would like the most wide children's audience and force parents to lay out money at the cinemas and counters of stores selling thematic products. And it should be noted that they did it perfectly.

What is harmful to the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"?

If you abstract from the quality of animation and degree of earnance graphic elements of the multiplication world, the causing behavior of the main character simply rushes into the eyes. From the first moments of the appearance of it on the screen, the whole animal world begins to turn off legs on the head, the beasts are hiding in their own nora, but it is rather the only negative reaction of the cartoon world on a malicious girl.

From the very beginning, the opposition of a restless child to the world of animals is laid. Many psychologists know that children are more willing to associate themselves with representatives of the animal world, perceiving themselves as part of nature and seeking to live in harmony with her. In the cartoon, everything happens exactly the opposite.

Further development of events contributes to raising the age strap for the viewer. Let me remind you, the tape is deprived of any age limitations. You can watch it literally from the first days of life - Rating 0+.

The main heroine behaves defiantly and constantly violates any social norms. Her behavior leads to the emergence of the mass of problems in others. It methodically builds various Caverza, because of which the second main mountain falls into an awkward position - the Bear.

The image of a bear may, according to the creators of the tape, personifies the image of the Father. Masha behaves in such a way that no doubt remains in the complete absence of any respect for the eldest, and the bear, instead of punishment or at least conviction, constantly forgives the main heroine all her pants.

How can I interpret the events of this cartoon from the point of view of the psychology of a child, no matter, a boy or a girl: the world is an amazing place where you can be yourself and do what I want. Any pranks, mischief, the absolute irregularity of the eldest, everything will be forgiven. For bad actions will not follow any punishment. The present incarnation of the phrase "This world belongs to you," although it is completely from another story.

Opinions of psychologists

From the point of view of children's psychologists, the cartoon has a bright antisocial orientation. Therefore, it was included in the list "Harmful cartoons for a children's psyche". Penetrating the ideas of the ribbon, children may not form the face of permitted and extrapolate the actions of the animation tape for real life: if it was allowed by some Masha from the cartoon, why do I forbid it to do, why do me scold me for what Masha was allowed?

Child psychology will not find an intelligible response to these issues, and moving along the path of least resistance, hurry to declare his victims of their distinguished adults.

I suppose should not be explained to how much a destructive there may be such a situation in which the child is firmly confident that adults do not like it, but only try to build a goat, constantly angry it. Long stay in such a state can lead to defects of personality formation, developing a resistant dislike for parents and to the mass of other no less dangerous complexes.


Answering the question: whether the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" is the most harmful to the child a masterpiece of animated cinema, I suppose will be difficult to answer unequivocally.

Of course, if you just sit down the baby in front of the TV, turn on the cherished channel and go about your business, in this case, probably, yes - is. This animated series can pose a threat to child psychology.

On the other hand, if the view will be joint, and the parents can clarify the child in time that this is an antiprode and such behavior is unacceptable, perhaps the children's reaction will be another and in the consciousness of a small person he will consolidate the understanding that Masha is not too good a character.