Maria Sirotinsky daughter. Daughter Irina Khakamada marries

Maria Sirotinsky daughter. Daughter Irina Khakamada marries
Maria Sirotinsky daughter. Daughter Irina Khakamada marries

62-year-old Irina Khakamada brings up the daughter of Maria, which she hid many years from the public. Now Masha, who was born with Down syndrome, for 19 years! The heirs of politics soon is going to marry your chosen one.

Masha meets Vlad Sithdikov: A young man is also endowed with the same development features as she. The couple is found almost a year and their intentions are already serious. Masha and Vlad became the heroes of the Male / Women's Transmission on the Channel One. The release was dedicated to people with Down syndrome, which manages to live ordinary life.

Evelina Bledans appeared in the studio, raising the "sunny" son of seeds. In Instagram, the artist told about the release, saying the daughter's ambulance daughter Khakamada: "I really ask you to see today" Male / Women's "at 16.00. On 1 channel! An important topic is socialization and achievements of people with Down syndrome. About our Olympic champions, about the village "Svetlana" near Peter, where people live with the features of development, and which, of course, need help (the account will be posted on the screen), as well as the coming wedding of the daughter Irina Khakamada, Masha Sirotinskaya, and a guy with Dauna Syndrome Vlad Sithdikov. "

"In plans, I have a good family, get married for my beloved and to be with him always together and have your children. I want to open my company, I will also earn money, provide my family and even a husband, "Shared on the air Masha.

The other day, a new release of the "Male and Women's" program was released on the first channel, dedicated to the important topic - socialization and achievements of people with Down syndrome. The daughter of Irina Khakamada, a 20-year-old actress Maria Sirotinskaya, and her boyfriend, a 22-year-old champion of the world at the rod Sitdikov, 22-year-old, and her boyfriend. The couple told the audience about their lives, hobbies, a recent romantic trip to Greece, and also shared their plans for the wedding.

Maria and Vlad met in the theater and, according to Masha, it was love at first sight.

I went to the theater, and I saw Vlad, he rehearsed in the play ... After that, we had mutual love. I immediately realized that I need this person and he would be my support. I love him very much and I will always be true.<...> In plans, I have a good family, get married for my beloved, to be with him always together and give birth to children.

When we met her, I found something in her that I could not find before. This is loyalty, love, happiness. And, of course, she is kind, affectionate, beautiful girl. I found the one with which I would like to connect my life, once and for all, - told Vlad.

Maria Sirotinskaya and Vlad Citdikov with Alexander Gordon and Evelina Bledans

Vlad, who not only loves to read poems, but also writes them himself, read the fragment of one of his writings dedicated to Mary:

Years passed, I grew up in bad weather.
The road was led to Moscow, in the theater standing at the threshold.
And in the head of Euphoria, suddenly hear: "And I - Maria!"
I struck me like tsunami ...

Vlad and Mary have already introduced each other with their parents, and both sides approved the choice of their children. At the end of the conversation with a pair of lead Alexander Gordon asked Mary direct question: "When is the wedding?". Maria, smiling, modestly replied "NOTORS", then Vlad was entered into the conversation.

Alexander, you are experienced. I would like you to become my wool, as you know the mother of my mother.

Alexander promised to talk to Irina Khakamada, as he said, Vlad made a very good impression on him.

We offer to see the full release of the program in which Evelina Bledans and Son took part:

They do not hide serious intentions towards each other. Boyfriend Mary admitted that he was going to ask the hands of the girl.


Loves became one of those who decided on a frank conversation with the leading "Male and Women's" program on the first channel Julia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon. The next release of the transfer is devoted to "sunny" people. The ether has already seen residents of the Far East.

"She is very cheerful, I like how she laughs loudly," Vladova Vlad. Maria considers the boyfriend very kind and responsive. "My beloved man," she confessed with tenderness.

Young people have already met with relatives of each other who, in turn, approved their choice. To the question of Alexander Gordon about when the wedding will take place, the daughter of Khakamada did not answer. She was impatient, giving the floor to his chosen one.

"So far," Vlad said. At the same time, the athlete is going to make an offer to his beloved. "Alexander, you are a durable person, experienced. I want you to become my wool, because you know the mother's mom well," the guy turned to the lead. Gordon responded to his request.

Maria is also configured to a long joint life with Vlad. "In the plans, I have to create a good family, get married for my beloved and be with him always together and have your children. I want to open my company, I will also make money, provide my family and even a husband," the girl said.

Remember how the children we climbed to the TV screen when there was our favorite movie "Three Musketeers". As we admired the fearless troika of Musketeers, the young d. Artanyan "It's time to rejoice in your age." And as unpleasant, we were sly cardinal Richelieu, Rochefort and the most negative hero of the novel - Milady. She - Countess De La Fer, Lady Winter - constantly pursued our heroes, worked on Kozny and carried death. But at the same time, some power attracted a woman to this cullen flower of lily, her strength and trick also deserved admiration ....

Terekhova - Milady.



I do not believe in a child.
Here at all psychological sites they write: the main thing, faith in a child, support for parents.
Fine, gentlemen psychologists.
And if faith in the child is not? Well, you do not believe it.
Always stupid children, children with UO, inequate, are somewhere there, far away in other families.
And here you argue about faith here.

And if you? If you have the most unreasonable degrading baby?
Whereas? Chant "Believe in yourself!", How in the final of the film "Requiem for a Dream"?
Spit and not do at all?
So the public presses.
- Oh, he will go to school for fools (and he is there the very place,
For he is a fool and is)!
- Oh, you yourself crude your child.
"But with Tanya-Kelie Petya do, and they have advocates, and you do not do, and Vasya loses skills."

And how to deal with him? How to get yourself? How to make it, Egyptian power?
So he sat down - and went to walk the province:
You are your finger in the book, and he plays the second hand in the hand.
Remove the cars - just turns.
Trying to read the book - on each word interrupts and carries some heresy.
And still yells-yell, harking (I apologize) to your clothes, puzzling your finger in the eyes, throws things ...

I want to sometimes talk about your problem.
But who will you talk to?
With husband? He is horrified.
With parents? They will not listen to, say: "It's guilty itself," - or - "I do not have enough nerves on all these things."
Well, when you can just say "I do not have enough nerves," and go home (hang up, get out of Skype ...).
And you can not allow yourself such a luxury. You have to spend all your remaining life next to this child.
Every day, day after day. Always. You are on life, dinner.

And you are always to blame that you would do.
Give pills? - badly. Do not give? - even worse.
Are you doing - trying to fuck? Poor, it is impossible to yell, it loops the and without that raised system of the child,
Which is jumping on your head, while you are half the heart.
Do not you do? Bad - the child and now does not shine, but will grow up and that church.
I went to walk with him to the street, is he kogotit there? Bad, lead it home.
Are you sitting at home? Poor, child must move.
In short, there is a bad on all sides, no matter how sprinkling. For others is bad, and for yourself the incarnation of evil on earth.

You can go to the forum - there you will grab so much abuse, which is enough for an average of six months.

Fuh, spoke.
Let's, what, chat?
Tell us about your difficulties with children and how you overcame them. Or not overcome.
If you really hunt with sneakers to run - well, go, what now do something with you ...



Girls hello everyone. Today I lost the wedding ring, while I was engaged in meat, I decided to remove and put on a hundred, and forgot to wear. After that, the table was wiped many times and all there is no ring! Already all searched, every corner. Now what to do with a husband's ring? Wearing the same or so far to postpone? We are not painted, just began to wear since 2017. Type collected for the next summer.


The more I sleep, the less damage from me

Good day!
What do you say about classes in paid speakers?
I looked at their network in almost all cities. What is it really useful? In some reviews they write that children are harmful to learn, grammar allegedly suffers ...
Girls from Ufa, tell me good development, sections, dancing .. just now everywhere recording for September ...
Thank you all who will unsubscribe.


Marianna Tarasova

Girls, please support.

I live with my husband and a child of 4 years. Relatively recently went to work, only getting used and life was established. But it became worse with her husband. He stopped ceased to finance at all. Even the fare and products do not give. Something looking in my things, watching the contents of my bag, pockets, reads the messenger in the phone, reads the history of the browser. It was not dressed, not there was placed there, etc. reproaches me with new clothes. It became very hard. Neither lead a response. He goes to his parents, communicates with relatives, and I'm all at work or one with a child on weekends.

The topic of divorce has arisen a long time ago. But I was not ready to go to a removable housing with a child. Once he in my absence changed the castles in the apartment. The child was 6 months. 5 hours stood with a child in his hands in the entrance (((then my parents did not support me, it was just nowhere to leave a child ... then it was apparently complicated, let me go. Awesome it was. But I could not leave to leave. Slept like a swamp . It seems that I do not arrange life, I do not earn accommodation.

Support positive experience. I am in the depressed and desperate state.


The daughter of Irina Khakamada Mary Sirotinskaya and her boyfriend Vlad Sithdikov decided to get married.

The daughter of the famous Russian politician - Maria Sirotinskaya - married his friend Vlad Sithdikov's heart.

The bride and groom themselves told about this in the program "Male / Women's" on the first channel.

And Masha and Vlad were born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome. But it does not prevent them from living in full life, learn, play sports and build plans for the future. And plans for young people, as it turned out, serious: Maria and Vlad are about to create a family. They already presented each other their loved ones.

"In plans I have a good family, get married to my beloved and to be with him always together and have your children. I want to open my company, I will also make money, provide my family and even a husband," said Maria Sirotinskaya.

But in love with the wedding are still not going to hurry. But the potential son-in-law of Irina Khakamada directly in the studio appealed to become his wool, because the TV presenter is familiar with his beloved mother.

"I promise you that since I know Iru, I will definitely talk to her. I will say what the impression you made on me how happy next to you Masha. I think I will grow up," Gordon replied.

As you know, Masha is the late child of Irina Khakamada. She became a mom for the second time after 40. Irina has hidden a "special" girl from the public for a long time, but when she grabbed, began to actively take her with him to secular events.

Irina repeatedly told that he believes Masha with a completely normal person and communicates with it appropriate. True, the upbringing of children with Down syndrome is still a special story, Khakamad notes.