Marion Cotiyar and Curse "Oscar". French actress Marion Cotionar gave birth to her daughter Guillae Cana with his wife and son

Marion Cotionar and Curse
Marion Cotiyar and Curse "Oscar". French actress Marion Cotionar gave birth to her daughter Guillae Cana with his wife and son

The first love Marion Cotionar ended in the death of her beloved.

Marion Coodyyar (Marion Cotillard) was 16 when a novice 23-year-old director Julien Riza Invited her on the main role in the short film "Game". The girl was happy - the first role in the movie, and also the director of such a handsome! Soon young people began to meet, together removed the apartment in the center of Paris. Julien acquainted Marion with actors and directories.

"Says imagined me Marion Coodyyar In 1998, - recalls the director Alexander Azha. - At that time I was looking for an actress that could fulfill the role of a Yellow Rights of the Mode in the film "Fury". I remember, Julien said: Forget about all these races on cars (the film has just come out Luke Misson "Taxi" with Marion Coodyyar In the role of a girlfriend of the main character. - approx. Starhit), this girl is capable of greater. Julien was delighted with Marion, and she loved him and bastville. "

But even a strong feeling Marion Coodyyar Could not save Julien Riza From a detrimental habit. He was a complete addict. In the summer of 2000, learning that his mother had committed suicide, Julien took a huge dose of drugs and jumped out of the window. Rasians survived, but remained paralyzed. For more than two years, he was chained to bed. Marion Coodyyar All this time cared for her beloved. In 2002, Julien did not become Marion with grief left in India .

Take on "weakly"

Diana Kruger and Guide Canoe in the movie "How to say". Marriage of the actors lasted six years.

Marion Coodyyar returned to Paris and received an invitation from Yana Samuel Stream in the film "Fall in love with me, if you dare". Then she recalled in an interview as the director she said: "Your partner is called Guide Kane. Actually, he is a director, but was a jockey. At 18 years old I broke my back, falling from the horse, so the rider's career had to forget. In general, Marion, I think you have something to talk about. "

Guide Kane At that time was married to actress Diana Kruger(Diane Kruger). BUT Marion Coodyyar Paparazzi photographed in an embrace with DJ Bob Sinclair. "I consider it indecent to talk about personal life," said Marion.

Marion Coodyyar and Guide Kane Quickly made friends and, like their heroes Julien and Sophie, constantly podded each other. The actors played so natural and at risk that after the release of the film, rumors went as if they had a novel not only on the screen. Kane and Cotionar denied all. "We are friends and know the main thing: you don't need to believe everything that they say about us or write. It is better to stay in the shadow at all and live your life, "said journalists Guide Kane.

Just friends

Marion and Guya fell in love with each other on the film from the film "Fall in love with me if you dare."

In January 2003 Marion Coodyyar For several months I went to America to shoot in the picture Tim Berton "Large Fish", Guide Kane Waited to access the screens of the movie "Narco"which played a major role, and wrote a script. The actors were constantly in touch.

"I sent the marion pages of the script, - did not hide Guide Kane. - I have a perverted mind - I see everything in the gloomy light. It is important for me to hear another point of view - smart and light. We are good friends with Marion, so I advise me. "

In January 2007, a plane from Paris landed at Los Angeles airport. Marion Coodyyar descended from the ramp of the plane at hand with ... Guide Kane. At the airport, many have seen a couple kissed. However, in February at the presentation of the award "Oscar" that Marion Coodyyar awarded a role Edith Piaf In the picture "Life in pink light"The actress came alone. Marion Coodyyar and Guide Kane hiding relations two years, although Kane divorced Diana Kruger(Diane Kruger) back in 2006.

Looking at this charming girl with shining eyes, it is difficult to believe that in his life she survived terrible grief. She closed in himself, in his despair and longing for his beloved person and did not even think that the one who could save her will appear in her fate.

To the world glory, she arrived at the Taxi Luke: the image of Lily Bertino was so charming that no one had doubted her star future. And now, when Marion Cotiyar is coping with another birthday (on September 30, the Oscar holder, several "golden globes" and "Cesar" hit 43 years old), she, as before, conquers us with his cute smile, not older. By the way, somehow in one of the interviews, the famous Frenchwoman boldly admits that it is not afraid of that moment in life when a revered age will be replaced by youth.

The role made by Marion Star

Today, Marion can, with full right to say about himself, which has acquired in life anything with every woman. Family, beloved husband, two children, a spacious apartment overlooking the ocean - and amazing calm in the soul, bordering the idyll. "In fact, I can live only with love" - \u200b\u200bin these words, the star actress probably lies a special meaning. She was always and remains a true Frenchwoman: a sensual, charming woman who can give an unforgettable happiness in his heart. This sacrifice, dedication and kindness of the soul once will play a fateful role in the fate of Marion.

Meeting with the French actor Julienne Rossim before filming the film "Taxi" turned the life of Marion Cotiyar. He became her first love, in which she barely burned down her dumb. Julien was beautiful, talented and smart. For the sake of his beloved girl, he used high connections in the world of cinema (good, his family consisted of completely from famous directors, scripts) so that Marion finds himself a worthy place. Julien was confident that Cotionire had outstanding acting abilities. Praise her beloved man flattered a girl, she was more and more trusted to him. And no longer thought of his existence without Julien, was ready for any sacrifices. This time, unfortunately, Marion, soon came. The cloudless paradise corner of the two souls in love, where nothing foreshadowed a bad, soon was destroyed before the foundation. And the first stone in this house of romantic well-being threw himself Julien Riza. He fascinated by prohibited drugs, he opened the way to his fall. In the literal and figurative sense of this word.

The tragic died beloved Julien Rossam

The death of Mother Julian was destructive on his psyche and moral state. He and manic persistence pounded himself into the corner. Neither the love of Marion, nor her suffering and thorough attempts to help did not affect Julien. In 2000, the fall from the window of the high-rise house made it a full disabled person. Caring for his beloved and shedding tears, Marion hoped that someday her man would overcome his nightmare. But even in the wheelchair, Julien did not leave the thought of ending with her, and as if unclean power pulled him into the middle of death. In the end, in two years, he repeated his act in order to leave his life forever.

With her husband and father of his daughter and son Guyoma Cana

0 September 23, 2016, 21:53

Guillae Cana and Marion Cotionar

Divorce and put under the strike actress. Because of the fact that she starred with Pitt in the film "", where they have romantic relationships on the scenario, Western journalists wrote that Jolie joined her husband to a partner on the set, so she filed on. However, the beloved Marion and the father of her child - an actor and director Giyom Kane - came up for his beloved woman and posted an open appeal to everyone on his page in Instagram.

I also didn't get used to comment on rumors about us, I do not have the habit of talking openly about my personal life, which I always tried to protect until this moment. Forced me to change my own principles and express stupid and selling people, calling ourselves to journalists, representatives of tabloids, as well as Haters who feel so almighty, sitting at the keyboard and watering the mud of unusual people. It was forced me to say that I am proud of Marion, I love her, respect and admire her - she remains strong and smart, despite the fact that she is imposed by stupid and unreasonable charges. Even in such an ugly situation, I want to be positive and not to descend to the level of these people. And as Marion said, I wish you all better and strive for something more in your life than throwing the surrounding mud. - Posted in the post of Guillae Cana.

Rumors about the novel Marion Cotionar and Brad Pitta also got the news about the news that the French actress of the second child. However, Marion first decided to put an end to the gossip and in his Instagram-diary an open letter in which he confessed to the love of Guillaume Kane. Recall, the couple raises the 5-year-old Son of Marseille, who will soon have a native brother or sister.

Marion Cotiyar and Guide Kane meet from 2007 to this day. The French actress Marion Cotiyar saw the French actor and director Guy Kane, when they met on the filming of the film "Fall in love if we dare." Feelings broke out between actors with an unknown force and do not fade away and now. Currently, the couple lives together in Paris. Nevertheless, they refuse to discuss their relations in the press.

In 2010, rumors were rumored that Guillaume gave his beloved ring and soon the couple was going to get married, but to this day the actors did not bore their feelings of marriage.

Child Marion Cotionar and Guide Kane

In January 2011, the press reported that Marion is waiting for the firstborn. For French actress and Guillaume, this is the first and long-awaited child. But it did not come up with a happy dad to make a maroon offer. Perhaps the reason for this is that Guillaume was already married and does not want to repeal himself to marry himself.

In May 2011, the fruit of Love Marion and Guillaume Marcel Knet appeared. It should be noted that almost immediately after the birth of the baby, Marion came into the form and after two weeks looked amazing.

Marion Cotiyar and Guide Kane were a pair for almost six years. The strength of their love has not yet been fading, because recently lovers were noticed passionately kissing in a grove in Los Angeles. The French couple hugged firmly, later, their adorable son Marseille approached them, and the trio went for a walk.

The 37-year-old laureate of the Oscar Oscar Marion Cotiyar, who lives in Paris with its 39-year-old partner on the set by Giome Kane. The chic model of Dior was dressed in blue jeans, gray knitted jumper, and black boots that she revived with a colorful scarf and bag.

As for the chief of Marion, the beautiful Frenchman was previously married to the German actress Diaan Kruger, but the couple divorced in 2006 due to the fact that their creative ways were separated.

Canoe recently removed his beloved in the film "Bloody Tives", the film should come out at the end of 2013. Loving couple also appeared together on the screen in the film "Last Flight" in 2009.

In 2013, Marion will play with such stars like Jeremy Renner and Joaquin Phoenix, in the romantic drama "Pathetic existence", and Guillaume will perform in French productions "Solitaire" and "Jaiplup".

Photos of couples

Birth of the second child

On March 10, 2017, the actress Marion Cotiyar gave birth to a second child with his companion Guyoma Cana. To the greatest happiness of his parents, Little Louise joined his older brother Marsel, six years old. The second pregnancy of the French star did not interfere with the actress enthusiastically surrender to her work, just a little more and enjoy the rest after pregnancy. She told Madame Figaro magazine that at that moment she was very nice to devote himself to his family, and relax after the bustle and the turmoil of the last advertising tours, which were a lot for a pregnant woman. But she did not think did not accompany the films in which she participated. So, she promoted the film "Allies". But the hype around this film is also associated with the divorce of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, in which she was involved in rumors.

Marion Cotiyar, Mom, who gives a lot of strength to his roles, emphasizes that she was lucky to be an actress, and she has no right to complain. She made her choice, which allows it to combine the luxury to be an artist and have children around which she builds all her life. On the set, they are always with her, and she can see them between scenes.

However, the 41-year-old owner of the Oscar, while he wants a little rest. She refuses to all offers, even from their favorite directors. She says:

"I want to take some time for my family and for me. My son grows, and there is a little daughter. I want to live with them, with their father. This is my desire and my need. "

And here is the first photos of Marion with the child: