Manganesm for the health of plants is reliable and indispensable. Canning Green Peas at home

Manganesm for the health of plants is reliable and indispensable. Canning Green Peas at home
Manganesm for the health of plants is reliable and indispensable. Canning Green Peas at home

Greetings! And continue the topic of the preparation of our basements by winter. And today we will look at how to preserve the green peas at home. Here all the advantages speak for themselves: it is preparing quickly, the taste is much richer than the purchase, completely eco-friendly product. After all, we are not going to add chemistry to conservation.

In winter, he can act as a necessary additive to and, and still tasty to eat kebab or any baked meat.

Well, at the same time secure yourself from the substandard purchased goods. Maybe you met earlier on the shelves of a glass jar with stratum kernels in a turbulent solution. And sometimes there can even swim worms. Of course, there are also such manufacturers who are preparing for their reputation and supply selected products to consumers. But still it is better to have a couple of jars of their home peas.

Let's figure out how to take peas for conservation.

  1. It must be milk ripeness. This is when the pods are still young and soft, and the nucleoli themselves are green and juicy, they immediately want to eat. Here are such nucleists for us exactly fit. Because they are still a low starch concentration, but the high proportion of sugar, so in canned it is soft, juicy and tasty.
  2. The same culture must be made of brain varieties.
  3. There are two ways to prepare: with sterilization and without it. We will look at both. But I still advise you to first peel peas in simple water, and the brine is prepared separately. Then the empty nuclei, non-thendition and bugs with worms will pop up in the first cooking. Yes, and preservation will not get muddy.

You noticed that when applying different types of preservative, the color of the peas is changing. For example, when adding vinegar, it remains green, and in the marinade with lemon acid, it acquires a yellowish tint.


  • 600 g Gorakhar.
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 50 g
  • sugar sand - 50 g
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.

1. First of all, we need to rinse the fruits well, remove non-thendition and empty grains. Especially this stage is important if you have purchased fruits.

2. Then go to the cooking marinade.

Pour in advance in the kettle of water and boil. We take a liter of boiling water, pour out the same amount of salt and sugar and put the saucepan on the slab to bring brines before boiling so that all crystals were dissolved.

3. To boiling marinade, we pour the dried and gone kernels.

At the time of cooking, peas can not be born, just shake. Because thin skin when welding becomes soft and can easily break. And such lochmatic fruits spoil the entire form of canned food, and the brine is muttered from them.

4. After boiling, we reduce the fire and cook a lot of 15-20 minutes. Almost until readiness.

Readiness to check this way: caperate the grains and try it. The kernel should already become soft, and the peel is not sprawling.

5. At the end of the cooking, we pour out 1 tsp. Lyondons without a slide, mix and spill on sterilized banks, separating the kernels from the brine noise.

It is important not to shove peas to the top of the banks about 1.5 cm. And then fill our packaging boiling marinade.

We close the future canned sterile lids and put the "under the bath", where the workpiece will still take place the natural sterilization with residual heat.

How to preserve polka dot for winter without vinegar

If you do not want to take vinegar or lemon, then here is a recipe with aspirin. This is also an acid, and it will also perfectly hold back the growth of bacteria and will not give the bank to explode.

But before using this recipe, make sure that in your family all tolerate acetylsalicylic acid.

Per 1 kg peas:

  • 1 liter boiling water
  • 2 tbsp. salts
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara,
  • acetylsalicylic acid based on oh, 5 l can 0.5 tablets.

1. We rinse the kernel and fill them with water so that it completely hid them. We put to boil on the stove for 15 minutes.

If you have a very young polka dot, there will be enough less time. Try to remove the foam if it is formed and mixing very carefully so that ripe fruits do not burst. It is better to remove the spoon at all while, and mix the fruits with shaking pan.

2. Return the kernel on the colander and put the marinade.

3. On 1 liter of boiling water, we post 2 tbsp. Salts and as many sugar sand. We boil so that they dissolve and add peas to them. Cook another 10 minutes on slow fire.

4. In sterilized banks, a little at least reaching the top, spread the grains with a shimmer or a pitch. And add 1 tablet aspirin by 0.5 liters. So, if you have a liter, then you will need 2 tablets.

5. Pour our workpiece with hot brine. To the bank not cracked from the temperature drop, you need to put it on the blade of the knife, he will select residual heat.

6. And immediately spin the entire container with covers. I turn over the throat and remove the "under the fur coat", where we are already cooling, and.

Simple recipe for blanks with 9% vinegar, like in the store

If there is no acetic essence at hand, then 6-9% vinegar is also suitable. Some hostesses are happy to use apple exposure. That's your business. But the taste of this polka dot turns out as the store.

Ingredients for 2 kg of young peas:

  • 7 Paul liter sterile jars
  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. Sololi.
  • 2 tbsp. with a slide sugar
  • 3 tbsp. 9% vinegar

1. The washed grains immediately fade into sterile jars.

2. In a saucepan, we pour 2 liters of water and add 2 tbsp to them. Salt and sugar.

3. On the floor, a liter jar is poured at half a tablespoon of vinegar. It can be added immediately to the cans themselves.

4. We put the marinade on the fire when it boils spill in tanks and cover the lids. The covers need to boil in advance.

5. Put the towel in a wide pan.

And I exhibit our glass container glass containers.

Fill with warm water, not reaching the edge of three centimeters. We turn on the fire and after boiling sterilize for about an hour.

6. If the brine in the root process is slightly evaporated, then it makes it boiling water so that the bank is full to top.

7. Close the blanks with covers and turn them over.

We leave for a day under layers of warm fabric. Before saving polka dots for storage in the subfield, check the cover for tightness and see if the foam did not appear inside. If it suddenly appeared, then the bank must be discovered, to drain the brine from the can, rinse him and pour marinade again.

How to make green polka dots without sterilization

I liked another wonderful cooking pot on the winter home. It includes several spoons of acetic essence.


  • 1 liter of water,
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 1.5 tbsp. salts
  • 600 g peas,
  • 1.5 ppm 70% acetic essence.

1. Pour the fruits with simple water and put to boil. It should boil 10 minutes.

2. Then drain the water and shift the nucleists in the marinade.

3. Fill a saucepan with 1 liter of water, add 2 tbsp. Sugar sand and 1.5 tbsp. Salt. Let the marinada boil and descend our boiled peas.

4. Let him boil another 10 minutes and add vinegar.

5. Immediately spread our workpiece into sterile jars and roll up with a regular key. We use only boiled covers.

So in general, it can be easily stock canned canned green peas for the winter. It turns out the larger than to purchase it in the store. After all, even if you do not have your own garden, it is possible to buy its fruits on the market.

In the season, the kilogram of these grains is not very expensive, and you can close 3 or 4 jars from it. I am pleased to find out your opinion on the conservation.

How to preserve green polka dot at home

For canning, only the freshly placed peas of dairy ripeness is used - in the overwhelmed and long-haired peas a lot of starch, it causes the formation of a muddy sediment. We offer some simple and delicious prescription recipes of green peas for the winter.

1. Green peas recipe not requiring sterilization
(To taste reminiscent of the store).

- Green peas in any quantity;
- For marinada, 1 liter of water takes: 3 st. Salt tanks, 3 st. Supplies of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid. One liter marinade is enough for 3 half-liter banks.

How to cook
1. Polka dot is deprived and rinsed well.
2. Preparation of marinade: water, salt and sugar are adjusted to a boil and fall asleep into it prepared peas. Marinade must completely close the polka dots.
3. After boiling, the marinade with peas is boiled for another 15 minutes, citric acid is added at the end of the cooking.
4. Then the peas shimmer shift into pre-sterilized banks, not sleeping to the top of 1.5 cm. Pulling the polka dots with boiling marinade and roll with covers.

Store such polka dots in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

2. Canned green polka dot

How to cook
1. Green peas to deprive out of the pods, rinse the water jet.
2. Prepare marinade from 1 liter of water, 1 table. Spoon with sugar top, 1 dessert salt spoon. Bring marinade to boil and pour polka dots to them (be sure to cover completely).
3. Boil 3 minutes, then shifting everything into sterilized half-liter banks, not filling to the top - 3 cm should be left between the lid and refueling.
4. Sterilize green peas you need 2 times. The first time to boil 30 minutes, then cover with covers. The next day sterilize another 20 minutes and roll.

Store such polka dot better in the cellar.

3. Recipe for cooking canned green peas

1. Peas to deprive, go through, rinse in colander, pour into the pan and pour water in a ratio of 1: 2; Cooking up to boiling on a strong heat, then reduce the temperature and cook on moderate fire for another 30-35 minutes, depending on the maturity of the pea.
2. Burnt and crushed in the process of cooking grain need to be removed - they can make marinen muddy, which is undesirable.
3. In another dish, cook marinade: 1 liter of water to bring to a boil, and then add salt, spoonful sugar and a bit of citric acid.
4. Prepare in advance and sterilize banks, it is better to use a volume of 0.5 liters.
5. Pour jars with peas boiling marinade, add a teaspoon of vinegar to each jar and cover with covers.
6. Heat 40-45 minutes in a water bath, then wrapped with towels and do not open before cooling so that the peas are better soaked by marinade.

Try homemade polka dots already on the second or third day after cooking.

4. Simple green peas canning recipe

All ingredients at the rate of 0.5 liters in the usual jar:
- 650 grams of purified pea;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
- 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
- 3 grams of citric acid.

How to cook
1. Polka dot deeper from the pods, go through, rinse in colander with running water and blanch 2-3 minutes in boiling water.
2. Preparation of marinade: dissolve salt in water, sugar, citric acid and boil.
3. Blanched green peas is hot to shift into sterile banks and pour the boiled marinade, cover with covered covers.
4. Banks put in a saucepan with hot (70 ° C) water on the grille or on a wooden circle. Sterilize 3 hours from the moment of boiling water in a saucepan.
5. Get banks and roll, flip, bite the blanket, and do not open until complete cooling.

Homemade canning, including green peas, requires accurate compliance with the recipe, in particular the mandatory addition of lemon or acetic acid, long-term heat treatment, otherwise there is a chance of damage to the product or the development of the pathogens of botulism fatally dangerous for humans.

Canning green peas can be considered successful if for four days marinade in home billets has retained transparency and has not changed its color - such polka dots can be stored until the year in the refrigerator or cellar. If the marinade cloudy or changed the color - it is impossible to use it in food.

Fresh green peas is kept for a maximum of 2 weeks. Canned - up to the year. The harvesting of green peas for the winter is the ability to diversify the diet, there is a delicious and saturated with vitamins food all year round. We offer two options - preservation and drying. Each method is good.

Blank of green peas for the winter: conservation

For preservation you need to use only unripe, gentle, homogeneous grain color. Old and overripes become savy and starchy. They are not suitable for billets.

For preparation of 3 half-liter canned peas cans, one liter of marinade or brine will be required.

Recipe number 1.

on 1 liter of water will be required:

  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid.


Pods free from grains. The peas are rinsed well. Through all the fruits spoiled or pests affected.

To determine the amount of pea, it needs to be scattered on half-liter banks, not reaching the edges 2 cm. Then the polka dots are poured with cold water with salt and sugar. Give boiling. Half an hour is boiled, citric acid is added to the end of the cooking.

Ready peas crowded on a colander. Then stacked in sterile jars and covered with covers.

The water in which the grains was cooked are filled with gauze. It is better to take several layers of fabric. The liquid is boiled and poured into polka dots. Banks are sterilized in boiling water at least 1 hour and rush.

Recipe number 2.

  • 700 gr. purified pea
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 3 grams of citric acid.


Young peas is well crossed and washed. Laid out in enameled dishes. Add water. Conduct to boil and boil on a slow heat for 15-20 minutes. The water is drained, peas are fixed.

Sugar with salt add to clean water. Mix well. Give rise, add citric acid. Marinade ready.

We sterilize the banks, there are hot grains in them, they just poured the boiled marinade, covered with sterile covers, put it sterilize at least an hour, then rush.

Recipe number 3.

  • peas - 700 gr.,

For marinada:

  • 1 liter of water,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 3 teaspoons of vinegar.


Salt, sugar are added to the cold water, allowed to boil, add vinegar. Peeling peas peeled and spoiled grid and spoiled grains. They are lowered into boiling water for 10 minutes. Then it is neatly removed with a spoon and lay out according to sterile banks. Poured brine. Covered with covers. We definitely sterilize banks at least 1 hour.

Blank of green peas for the winter at home: how to put

Canned or salty green peas is good in snacks, salads. Dried add to soups and basic dishes. For the workpiece it is better to use unripe green grains. They must be large enough - from 5 mm in diameter.

Recipe number 1.

  • young peas - 1 kg,
  • drinking soda - 10 g


Polka dots are deprived of pods. Catch through. Throw stranded and too small grains.

In the water add soda. Conduct to boil and pour peas. If you do not add soda, dried grains will be more solid.

Polka dots are boiled 10 minutes. Cool and dried in the oven at a temperature of 80 degrees 1 hour. After it downgrade it up to 65 degrees. Dry grains for another 2-3 hours.

The billet is stored in a glass jar with a hermetic lid. Before use, peas are soaked for 3 hours. Cook from 30 minutes to 1 hour in unsalted water.

Recipe number 2.

The peas are put into the metal strip and blanch for a few minutes. Wash and give a little cool. Repeat the procedure again.

Grains lean on a colander. Lay on fabric or paper. Clean the dark place and give a little to dry.

The oven is warmed up to a temperature of 70 degrees. Put the peas on the baking sheet and dried 12-14 hours. After cooled.

Grains rolled the board or put something heavy on them. It is necessary to impart density and eliminate emptiness. Leave under load by 8-10 hours.

Peace in the oven for a few more hours at a temperature of 60-70 degrees.

If everything is done correctly, the grains of pea will get dark green. Their surface will become matte and velvety. If the peas are light, they need to taste again.

Green peas is one of the most important products in the kitchen with almost any hostess, because it is often used not only as a salad ingredient, but also as a delicious header for meat and other dishes. Despite the large variety of shopping options, canned peas, cooked at home is the most beloved. Today you will familiarize yourself with the best recipes that will be prompting how to preserve polka dot for the winter at home (photos of materials are attached).

About the benefits of green peas

Green peas uses considerable popularity among vegetarians and it is not surprising, because it is a real storehouse of vitamins and important for the human body of trace elements.

Peas is quite nutritious and very easily recycled. At the same time, it contains a considerable amount of valuable vegetable protein. The protein nutrition can explain the ability of the peas quickly saturate the body and charge it for a long time.

In addition to protein, peas also contain a considerable amount of vitamins (especially group B), sugars (about 6%) and fiber. Thus, in mature peas there are about 35% of pure protein, and in calories, this culture exceeds potatoes almost twice.

Council. Green peas is actually for the body a battery, especially in extreme or close to any conditions. That is why he recommends to take in long trips. Even if you are not an extremal, but lead an active lifestyle - green peas - a product that should regularly appear on your dining table.

Also, green peas is known for its beneficial effect on the skin, hair (thanks to antioxidants contained in it). In addition, it is capable of (with regular use) to normalize the work of the intestine and the organs of the digestive tract.

Green pea

Unfortunately, like most country crops, peas are seasonal, therefore it makes sense to stock by them for the winter.

Criteria for the choice and features of the preparation of green peas for conservation

It is worth noting that not every grade of green peas is suitable for winter conservation, so the question of choosing a suitable variety should be taken very seriously, so that with confidence it was possible to enjoy the fruits of his work.

So, for preservation, only the pod green peas should be chosen, still soft enough to crush it only with two fingers (the so-called "brain" peas). Fully matured or overwhelming peas as a product for preservation is not particularly suitable, since in the process of conservation it will give a brine of unpleasant turbidity, and the taste of the finished product will be too starch.

As for the treatment of the peas before conservation, it is quite simple and does not require special skills: it is quite thoroughly washing the peas (if preservation is separately peas) or pea pods, if you want to pamper yourself in winter with juicy sweet peas pods.

Best Recipes Canned Peas

Your attention is delicious and at the same time very simple recipes for preservation peas for the winter.

Recipe number 1. Canned polka dot with vinegar. For the preparation of canned peas according to the first recipe, you will need a product for preservation, as well as brine. Below are the main components for the brine at the rate of 1 liters of water:

  • sugar - 1 h. spoon (complete);
  • salt - 2 h. spoons (full);
  • vinegar (6%) - 2 h. spoons.

Milk polka dot must be rinsed and rinsed thoroughly. Then pour cold water and put on a weak fire. After boiling water, cook about 20 minutes (until water is popping almost completely). Boiled polka dot shift into pre-sterilized banks and pour the prepared brine (the water add salt and sugar into the polka duct on the peas). Then pour vinegar into each bank.

Each of the cans cover with a dense polyethylene film. Leave in a warm place, covered with a blanket. Check the quality of the conservation simply: just look at the film - it will drag into the jar. After that, you can rearrange banks in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. Canned peas without vinegar. This option is suitable for those who do not like sour taste in conservation or has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For the preparation of the peas you will need only water, sugar, salt. For each liter of water should go about 1 tsp. Sugar and 1 tbsp. Spoon salt.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water, put on fire. Bring to a boil. Pour into the brine of polka dots and negotiate it about 3-5 minutes. Place in the prepared banks, leaving about 2 cm to the edge. Sterilize banks about half an hour. Then leave cool and, cover with plastic lids, send to the refrigerator. After 12 hours, put banks into the water again and approximate about half an hour. Slide banks.

Recipe number 3. Marinated polka dot. Suitable for those who would like with the onset of the first numbers of December to enjoy the gentle taste of green peas. Pre-selected green peas needs to be rinsed in water. Then omit in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After shifting into sterilized banks.

Separately boil water for marinade. Then add salt to it (1 tbsp. Spoon), vinegar (3 tbsp. Spoons). The numbers are based on 1 liter of water. Pour hot marinade peas and sterilize banks in hot water for about 20 minutes. Slide banks.

Canned peas

Recipe number 4. Soldering puffer. Salted pod polka dot - perfect garnish for meat dishes. Now you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes in tandem with a gentle peas even in winter.

Pea pods should be carefully sorted, removing hard and damaged. Then the pods need to be rinsed and lowered into boiling water. Peel around 10 minutes, give to cool the product. After that, it is necessary to distribute polka dots on banks and pour prepared brine (300 g of salts per 1 kg of product). Roll banks.

Council. If you like spicy slightly sharp conservation, you can add a couple of garlic cloves cut into several pieces and some pepper peas, red and any other pepper into each jar.

On this we end the consideration of the best recipes for the preservation of peas for the winter. Bon Appetit!

Buy green polka dots in the store is not a problem. In the sense that the shelves are stuck with peas from different manufacturers. The problem is different - how to determine that the product that you acquire is really consistent with the stated quality. Well, if the banks are glass, at least somehow you can evaluate the transparency, see if there is a muddy sediment, do not chopper yellowish.

Not very good polka dot is able to spoil the festive salad, so such doubts they are quite substantiated.

In order not to suffer in the store, it is better to roll the polka dot personally, especially since this is easy: peas are bridle from the pods, we swore, rinse; In the enameled peas saucepberry boil from 5 to 10 minutes - looking by ripeness. By this time, he was already succeeded in advance of sterilized banks, peas are placed in them and fill with a special fill (or marinade) in a boiling condition. It's all - it remains to be sterilized and roll.

Of course, this is a classic recipe, repelled from it, you can come up with various options and features. As a rule, it concerns fill, but not only.

Prepare your own canned peas is very seductive. It is cheaper, and you will know exactly how to feed the family. After all, the peas is not only for the notorious "Olivier". It can be easily served a classic breakfast - sausages with green peas, or use polka dots as a side dish to a second dish - meat or fish, or cook soup, or incorporate in various salads.

In short, we turn into the winter peas. Especially since now is the time. A lot of young peas in pods appeared on the market. It is necessary to choose peas of brain varieties, young. The old peas is not suitable for: his taste is not the same, and the muddy precipitate in the banks will appear.

So, chose polka dots, brought home and engaged in deft. Along the way, banks are cooked and sterilized, put on to be dried.

We have the best recipes. Choose ...

As we know, freezing products allows you to maintain its useful substances. Pea can also be frozen.

Frost of green peas

Blanched peas (1.5 min) cool, immersing in cold water, even in ice, with ice cubes - it is better. We decline it for drying, then distribute on cardboard boxes or polyethylene packages. Freeze.

In order to use it in winter, it is necessary in a frozen state to lower it in boiling water and cook for 6-8 minutes.

Preservation: Green peas for Olivier


Polka dots from Strochkov

Water, 1 l

Salt, 1.5 hours l

Citric acid, 3 g

1. While the lubricated polka dot fade in cold water, we prepare the brine - we can cook salt in water.

2. The polka dot is removing, constrain the water and fall asleep it into the boiling brine for 10-15 minutes.

3. Putting it to banks along with the brine, in each jar we put a part of the citric acid except for it. To determine the parts, we guide the recipe and save the specified ratio.

4. Sterilization will last ½ hours. We ride banks and cover them to complete cooling. Store in the cold.

Green peas natural for winter


Peas, dairy ripeness

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 15 g

Salt, 30-40 g

Vinegar 9%, 100 ml

Peas are greedy ½ hours and learn for complaining to colander. We shift into banks and pour brine, the ratio of which is set in the recipe. The brine must be hot when pouring into banks. Such polka dot is stored in vain, it is covered with kapron lids and stored in the cold.

Green polka dot marinated (1st way)


Polkah Deta

Ox, 1 l

Salt, 1 st l

Vinegar table, 100 ml

Blanch polka dot 3 minutes, cool and we give water to the water. Cook marinade, boiling in jars with a cooked peas. Sterilize (liter - 1 hour, half-liter - ½ hours). We ride.

Green polka dot marinated (2nd way)


Polkah Deta

Water, 1 l

Salt, 20 g

Vinegar 70%, 1 st l - incomplete

Polka dots blanched, taking water (the ratio in the recipe is set). Together with water distribute on jars. Sterilize 30-40 minutes. Pour vinegar to each jar and ride. I turn over. This polka dot is the first, it is stored not particularly long.

In the continuation of the marinen theme - pickled pods. Everyone probably remembers how in childhood he was fond of such pods, they are tender and sweet. Here is a good way to remember childhood.

Marinated Green Pea Pods


Peas pods, clean and young

Pepper, 2 peas on the jar

Carnation, 1 bouton in a jar

Lemon acid, in each jar - on the tip of the knife

Marinade is preparing in the ratio

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 40 g

Vinegar 9%, 3 st l

1. Pods soaked for 2 hours in cold water, then blanch (1-2 min) with the addition of citric acid. Pods remove and distribute to banks. In each jar, put everything that is indicated in the recipe for this account. Cook marinade, referring to the recipe, and pour pods. Sterilize (15-30 minutes) and ride.

Green polka dot canned


Peas of dairy ripeness

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 1 hour, with a slide

Salt, 1 dessert l, with a slide

Vinegar 6%, pour 1 dessert L - to each jar

1. Polka dots, filled with water so that it only slightly covered it, put on fire. Cook for about 15-20 minutes, water during this time will almost pop up. Immediately place polka dots on banks, leaving 1 cm from the top edge.

2. Pour hot brine into the banks (the ratio and set of products for it are set in the recipe) and pour vinegar.

3. Banks instead of covers tightly pack cellophane and wrap. After complete cooling, stored in the cold.

By the way, I envelop jars, check the status of the film: if you did everything right and the air does not arrive in the jar, the film will be drawn inside the jars.

Green polka dot "Wonderful"


Green peas, ½ kg

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 50 g

Salt, 50 g

Vinegar 9%, 2 st l

Polka dots blanch 5-10 minutes, lay out, moving, in banks. Cook marinates and pour each jar. Sterilize for 30-40 minutes. We ride.

Green peas with lemon acid


Green peas, 1 kg

Water, 1½ l

Sugar, 3 st l

Salt, 3 st l

Citric acid, ½ h l in each jar

1. Boil brines from 1 l water, sugar and salts - 2 st l. Draw a peas in a boiling brine. It must fully hide in the liquid. Cook polka dot 15-20 minutes to become softer.

2. Russe merge, peas are packaged by banks.

3. The fusion brine replenishes ½ l of water, salt and sugar, 1 st l, and boil again.

4. Pour jars with brine, in each throwing citric acid, as indicated in the recipe.

5. We ride banks - they do not need sterilization. But you need to bite them.

6. Store in the refrigerator, we spend first.

Salted green peas


Green peas, 2 kg

Salt, 600 g

Weganing up peas in a bit of confused water up to 10 minutes, no more. We fold, grinding water. When water stands completely, mix the peas with salt, we are packaged by banks. Pour boiling water, steep, and cover. We take polyethylene caps.

Store in the refrigerator.

Green peas with pepper fragrant


Green peas, 1 kg

Pepper fragrant, 5 peasants

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 1 st l

Salt, 1½ st l

Vinegar 70%, 1 hl

Cook polka dots until it becomes wrinkled. Join and decompose into banks. We are preparing marinam, throwing into it and fragrant peppers, and pour polka dots in banks. We are sterilized by ½ hours. We ride.

Green peas canned without vinegar


Polkah Deta

Water, 1 l

Sugar, 1 st l

Salt, 1 st l

1. Swarim brines and praises in it polka dot 3 minutes.

2. Disclosure polka dots with brine together by banks, leaving 2 cm from the top edge of the jar.

3. Sterilize ½ hours.

4. Cutting banks, cover with kapron lids and put on the cold - in the refrigerator.

5. We get them in the next morning, we make a warm water and begin to warm. Sterilize in boiling water for 20 minutes. We ride.

If you have a lot of peas, you can try it and put it.

Drying of green peas

Polka dots and blanch, 2-3 minutes. Cool, dried in air. Then turn on the oven and put in it a baking sheet with a layer of peas - do not close the door. Temperature should be kept at the beginning of the process of 40-50 ° C, and at the end - 55-60 ° C. And the time it will take the whole of 1-2 hours. However, the process must be interrupted, turning off the oven, and such interruptions should be 2-3. The intervals between heating are also 1-2 hours.

When the polka dot gets ready, he will acquire a dark green color, wrinkled and will be sweet, pleasant to taste.

By the way, there are electrical dryers for drying, they can be very useful. There, there is a timer and you can set the temperature - very convenient.