Magic symbols and stars. Star in Circle: What does this sign mean? Who is used for

Magic symbols and stars. Star in Circle: What does this sign mean? Who is used for
Magic symbols and stars. Star in Circle: What does this sign mean? Who is used for

0 Nowadays, people again began to actively get involved in various vintage symbols and signs. However, the meaning of many of them is hidden in the fog of unknown. Today we will talk about one of these images, this is the so-called Star in Circle, You can read a little value. Our site site is trying to provide you with access to useful information, and distribute various expressions and terms. Therefore, do not forget to add this resource to your bookmarks, and share information about us with your friends.
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So, will continue what does Star mean in a circle?

Star in Circle- In Christian symbolism, this sign indicates five wounds of Christ; This comprehension of the dual nature of Jesus and Trinity (that is, the connection between God and man)

How many circles of hell?

Star in Circle - In White Magic, this symbol means a person, that is, five of his hidden centers of power and five human members who should wake up from hibernation

In fact, today no one knows who for the first time began to use Five Blue Star. On all over its existence, the Pentagram became very popular, and then again went into the shadow. Nowadays, the fame of this mysterious symbol again hits all records.

The pentagram, sometimes called a pentafata or pentagon, is a figure of a five-pointed star drawn by five straight strokes.

Pentagram was used as symbols in ancient Greece and Babylon, and today apply as a symbol of the faith of many vikaban(also called pagan witchcraft, is a modern pagan new religious movement). This phenomenon is akin to the use of the Cross Christians and the Star of David Jews. Pentagram has magic associations. Many people who practice faith of neo-language are jewelry containing this sign. Christians most often used the Pentagram to designate five wounds of Jesus. The pentagram has associations with Freemasonry, and is also used as a symbol with other totalitarian sects.

The word pentagram comes from the Greek word πεντάγραμμον (Pentagrammon), from πέντε (penet), "five" + γραμμ (grammē), "string". The word "Pentacle" is synonymous with "Pentagram".

Early History

Shemers have a clinox symbol of a five-pointed star in a circle served as a logogram for the word "Ub", which means " corner, Corner, Small Room, Cavity, Hole, Trap" It later led to the appearance of a clinical sign " UB.", consisting of five wedges, additionally abbreviated to four in Assyrian clinopy.

Word Pentemychos.(πεεέέμυχχς Lit. "Five angles" or "five deepening") was the name of Syrosh Syrosogony. In this case, "five angles" is a place where the seeds of the chronos are placed on the ground to be born space.

It is said that in the neoplatonism, the star in the circle was used as a symbol or a sign of recognition by Pythagoreans, which were called the pentagram ὑγιεία hugieia "Health".

Western symbolism

The star in the circle was used in antiquity as a Christian symbol to designate five senses, or five wounds of Christ. This sign plays an important symbolic role in the English poem of the 14th century, about Sir Gavein and the Green Knight, in which the Pentagram decorates the shield of Hero Gavein. The nameless poet believes that the origin of this symbol is directly connected with the king Solomonand explains that each of the five interrelated points is a virtue tied to a group of five people. Gaven is perfect in his five feelings and five fingers, sympathizes the five wounds of Christ, accepts the courage from five joys that Maria received from Jesus, and illustrates the five merits of the knighthood.

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and others perpetuated the popularity of the pentagram as a magical symbol, attributing five neoplatonic elements of five points in the typical style of the Renaissance. By the mid-19th century, another difference between the occultists developed relative to the orientation pentagrammas. With one beam up, she portrayed the Spirit, dominant over four elements of matter, and was essentially a good sign. However, the influential writer Eliphas Levi called it an evil if the symbol was portrayed in an outstanding form.

"The facing pentagram with two rays protruding up is a symbol of evil and attracts demonic forces, because she overturns the right order of things and demonstrates triumph of matter over spirit. This is a goat of lust, attacking heaven by horns."

"The fiery star, which, overgrowing up" legs ", is a hieroglyphic sign of a goat of black magic, the head of which can be drawn in the star, two horns on top, ears on the right and left, and the beard below. This is a sign of antagonism and death. This is the goat of passion, attacking heaven by horns. "

"Let's keep the figure of a five-pointed star that is always vertically, with the upper triangle pointing to the sky, because it is a place of wisdom, and if the figure will be reversed, the result will be perversion and evil."

Apotropic use of the Pentagram symbol in the German folklore (the so-called Drudenfus in German) is mentioned Goethe in Fauste (1808), where the star in the circle prevents Mephistophel to leave the room (but did not interfere with him in the same way).

East Asian symbolism

Wu Xing. (Chinese: 五 行; Pinin: Wǔ Xíng) - these are five stages or five elements in the Chinese tradition (medicine, acupuncture, feng shui and Taoism). They look like ancient Greek elements, with a large focus on their cyclic transformation than their material component. Five phases: Fire (火 HUǒ), Earth (土 Tǔ), Metal (金 Jīn), Water (水 shuǐ) and wood (木 mù).

Based on the occult of the Renaissance, the star in the circle was reflected in the symbolism of modern occultists.

Following for Anton Lavadel, and eventually relying on the drawing of the French nobleman and the occultist of Stanislas de Guita (La Clef de la Magie Noire, 1897), Sigil Buffomet, a pentagram with two rays, inscribed in a double circle with a goat's head inside the pentagram, is a protected copyright logo " Church of Satan. "

Alistair Crowley used a pentagram in his telememic magic system. An unfavorable or turn over the pentagram personifies the descent of the Spirit into matter, according to the interpretation of the Lon is a cute duckle. Crowley contradicted with her old comrades in the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn, which, following the Levi, considered this orientation with the symbolism of evil, and tied him with the celebration of matter in spirit.

Use in new religious movements

A five-pointed star is a symbol of Bahai faith. In the faith of Bahai, the star in the circle is known as Aikal (Arabic: "Temple"), and it was initiated and installed Bab. Bab and Baha'u'llah wrote various works in the form of a pentagram.

Saints last days

The church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days began to use both vertical and outbounded five-pointed stars in the temple architecture, starting from the church of Navo Illinois, April 30, 1846. Other temples decorated with five-pointed stars in both orientations include the Salt Lake City Temple and the Logan-Uta Temple. These customs comes from the symbolism found in Chapter 12 of Revelation: "And a great miracle appeared in heaven: a woman, dressed in the sun, and the moon under her legs, and on her head - a crown of twelve stars."

Due to the proposed connection with Satanism and Occultism, many United States Schools in the late 1990s tried to prevent the disciples to display a pentagram on clothes or jewels. In public schools, such actions of administrators were identified in 2000 as a violation of the first amendment of a student on the free exercise of religion.

The star in the circle (called the Tentacle of the Plaintiff) was added to the list of 38 approved religious symbols, which should be placed on the tombstones of the dead members of the Service at Arlington National Cemetery on April 24, 2007. The decision was made after ten applications from the family of fallen soldiers who practiced Vicca (also called pagan witchcraft, is a modern pagan new religious movement). The government paid 225,000 US dollars to the settlement of their awaiting court processes.

After reading this article, you learned Star in Circle Value Symbol, and no longer fall into a stupor when you find this sign again.

Pictures consisting of figures and signs were used since time immemorial. Who was the first to come up with the Pentagram, depicting an equilateral five-bearing star, is unknown. This sign is found in the tomb of the pharaohs and at the Sumerian clay signs dating from the IV millennium BC. Follow the Pentagram path from those old years to this day not easy. She went to the shadow, then she stated himself loudly. Now this sign is at the peak of popularity. An inverted devil pentagram is used by Satanists for its dark cases, and the correct-christians to protect against these very satanists. What is the essence and attractiveness of this sign?

The word "Pentagram" has a Greek root. "Pente" (πέντε) in Greek - five, and "grams" (γραμμ) - line. In Ellad, this sign got from Mesopotamia. There, the five-beam star was a powerful protective guard. Its in its power believed so much that they even painted on the doors of houses and shops. The rulers of the ancient Babylon tied the star with strength and power and depicted it on their seals. However, there is a version that the Pentagram originally belonged to the Sumerians, but the goddess of the crust. Its sacred fruit was an apple in which the great mystery of the universe was concluded, and which should not be the property of a person. It is this forbidden fruit that the cunning devil slipped Eve. Cut the apple across - and you will see a small five-bearing star there. How to know, perhaps this legend about the pentagram is the most reliable? After all, there is no wonder how much humanity exists, as much as it is looking for this "apple of knowledge."

Pentagram and "Divine Section"

The famous Pythagora Pentagram has conquered the ideality of its proportions corresponding to a gold, or divine, cross section, which has a mass of mathematical and magical properties. According to it, the Egyptian pyramids, the tomb of the pharaohs, the figures of the gods and the goddesses. Pythagoras saw mathematical perfection in this sign. There is an opinion that it was he who called him a pentagram. The scientist and his fraternity of the Pythagoreans tied the corners of the Pentagram with five elements. Earth, physical strength and stability (angle at the bottom of the left), fire, courage and courage (angle at the bottom right), air, mind, talents (angle at the top of the left), water, emotions, foresight (angle above right), ether, spirit and his Higher destination (top corner). In the inverted form, they meant the Universal Chaos from which our world had. Darkness was then in five shelters (corners) and was considered the source of wisdom. This inverted image, called now, is not different as the "Satanic Pentagram", is considered the most ancient.

The value of the pentagram in other nations

The Jews associated the Pentagram with the God Pentateumed Moisa himself. Ancient philosophers, orpheists, Egyptians - members of the Guardians of Secrets, Templars, Ancient Gnostics, who had a special idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, are also associated with a five-beam star. Their overall symbol is a pentagram. They painted it on their coat of arms, shields and seals. Since almost all of these organizations were shrouded in the curtain of secrecy, their signs and symbols received a certain mystical element. For example, the Pentagram "Star in Circle". The value of this symbol was translated as silent dedicated. He was attributed not only protective forces, but also the ability to give power, invincibility, power. The Pentagram was depicted on his seals Alexander Macedonian and Konstantin I, the Roman emperor, and on his shield - the nephew of the glorious King Arthur. For the knight, the star meant burden, nobility, piety, chastity and politeness.

Pentagram and Christianity

For Europe's Christians, a five-radial star has always been a symbol of good and health. They associated her with five human feelings, five fingers on her hand, five wounds of Christ, five joys of St. Mary, who delivered her divine son. It was also the most important symbol of what Christ is the Son of God, but has human nature.

And only Torquemada, which began the beginning of the terrible, unprecedented on scale and cruelty of the Inquisition, saw something Satanic in the five-beam star. The church banned this good sign. Now he was regarded as a federal pentagram.

Printing the legendary king Solomon

According to the Bible, a great and mystical king Solomon lived a long time ago, who was incomprehensible to reconcile and merge into one two unreasonable states - Israel and Jew. It is believed that Solomon prescribed to reign himself, having gone it with a mass of talents. From his father David, he received a special sign - a six-pointed star composed of two regular triangles imposed on each other. This star Solomon placed on his seals and a ring, which, according to legends, gave him power over the spirits. Now some depict this seal with eight rays, and some with twelve. All these signs are called "Solomon's seal" and used in the occult. Thus, special symbols fit into the center of the twelve-beam star, because of which the Pentacle enhances talents and opportunities. Very interested in the seal of Solomon and medieval magicians, only they portrayed the star not with six, but with five rays. It is possible that the use of a pentacle in magic and pushed the Torquemada to call it this way: "Devil's Pentagram", or "Winth Noga".

Five-pointed star and occult

Another symbolism of the Pentagram was adopted by the occultists of the revival era. They tied it with a microcosm. This word also has a Greek root. μικρός in the Greeks means "small", and κόσμος - "People" or "Universe". The star began to fit the figure of a person, tied it with the Pythagorean five elements. Now the pentacle acquired material importance as the result of the work of the spiritual principle. At the occultists, the Pentagram "Star in Circle" was depicted. The value of the circle was defined as the unity of all five elements, as well as the sacred mystical place, where the spirit manages four other elements. The beginning of the connection of the Pentagram with the microcosm put the cornellium Agrippa, the most famous magician of the 16th century. Therefore, some call this sign "Pentacle Agrippa". Often over the tops of the rays are written by the name Ihshvh, the Divine Savior in the Occultis, and in particular in Kabbalah.

When the first inverted pentagram has become a symbol of Satanism

A five-pointed equilateral star for thousands of years was used by many peoples, secret societies and trends. They called it like this - the "Devil Pentagram" - in the 18th century with the light hand of the French Elimas Levi. At first he was a clergy. Subsequently, he was fascinated by the occult, left his abbey and all dedicated himself to mysticism. He issued several books about magic and rituals. For one of them even served in prison. Answering the question of what the Pentagram means, Levi stated that she concludes the domination of the Spirit, helps to subordinate the angels, demons and phantoms, you just need to be able to contact her. Who will master this knowledge, will be able to see infinity. In the book of practical magic, called the "Teaching and Ritual of Higher Magic," he wrote that an inverted pentagram framed the head of Mendez's goat. I do not want to disappoint Satan fans, but the unfortunate expelled goat Mendez existed only in fantasies of the Roman Church. But the god of Mendez was. This is known to many Egyptian God Amon Ra with the head of the Aries. Smart Levi, of course, knew it and, inventing the satanic symbol of the Pentagram, most likely created a trap for the uninitiated.

Symbol of modern satanists

The idea of \u200b\u200bLevi supported American Anton Leave. For many years he was a priest in the Satan church created by him and in every way promoted Satanism, in particular, spent satanic weddings, funeral, and even baptized her daughter Zein on Satanian rites. He created his own teaching, uniting the ideas of magic and occultism, wrote the Satanic Bible and many articles. The symbol of his church became the fetagram devil. The photo clearly shows how this sign looks like, which the Satanists call the bladge stamp. Satanic God Bafomet is depicted in the form of a goat with large horns and wings behind his back. For the first time in the 12th century, Trubadur Gavaudan wrote. Inquisitors believed that the Baphometon worshiped the Templars, for which many of them were buried. Augay gave a sign of worldwide fame, participating in television gears and removing in films about the devil. In one of them he played the Supreme Priest, in the other - Satan himself.

Pentagram - Dream protection

Satanists use their symbol to subjugate the strength of evil. All other pentagram protects from these forces. To the sign worked, it is necessary to draw it with one continuous line clockwise. It is believed that there should be no breakdown in the pentagram circuit. Demons and evil spirits penetrated into such a slot, it will be very difficult to neutralize. An example of this is Mephistofel from the "Faust" Goethe. In addition to solid surfaces, the pentagrams for protection are drawn in the air, visually imagining this image and mentally, as if by entering into themselves inside. It is only for those who have a powerful imagination. Many people wear a pentagram-charm as a medallion, and both one beam up and two. Such pentagrammas only with the filing of Levi became satanic. Previously, they denoted the descent of Christ to our Bench Earth. Confirmation of this is the icons of Andrei Rublev, stained glass windows and frescoes in many cathedrals.

Currently, there are three types of pentagram - personal, protective and planets. Personal are drawn up taking into account the date of birth, the names of the guardian angels and the sign of the planets, under which it was lucky to be born. Such a pentagram helps to establish a close connection with the guardian angel and a patron angel.

Pentagrams with planet signs help to achieve any desire to achieve the goal. These pentacles are also compiled individually.

Pentacles of protection are the most ancient. They were still made by our rapids. The protective pentagram helps in a particular situation, for example, during a trip or for recovery.

That any pentagram began to work, it needs to be activated by conducting special rituals. So they say white magicians. True or not, everyone can check personally.

Pentagram - Meaning

Pentagram is the most common and popular symbol of magic in the culture of Europe. The pentagram looks like a five-pointed star with equal corners, often concluded in a pentagon. In this article, we will look at what pentagram are, and what kind of varieties there are.

Initially, the pentagram meant a sacred geometric sign associated with nature worship. Symbolized health, human nature, was a guard from evil forces. Subsequently, they also began to mean power over the world, strength and courage was the source of wisdom and soul.

The Pentagram in the Circle is often used in magical practice, it is used as defense, it allows the magicians to not exceed the permitted security gap in this work.

Pentagram inverted - meaning

An inverted pentagram for a long time is considered the image is occult and is the main symbol of satanism, this is the symbol of evil. The inverted pentagram has two ends unfolded up and one down, this sign symbolizes the refusal of spirituality, from the faith in the bright and is a symbol of destruction.

It is the opinion that an inverted pentagram is a kind of image of a goat, and schematically depicts his beard, horns and hairy cheeks. This is a symbol of the underworld, the place where fallen angels live. It also represents the power of the human body, which reacts to the carnal joy. Pentagram elements do not contain spiritual power, they characterize chaos.

Pentagram Agrippa

This symbol is the main amulet in magic ceremonial. The Pentagram Agrippa defends a person from unclean forces, evil thoughts and from otherworldly sources of evil. Such a pentagram gives its owner's defense and provides a return to the "Living World". If you decide to wear such a sign as your talisman, he will protect you from bad predictions, as well as damage, curses and evil.

Solomon Pentagram: Meaning

The image of this sign is recommended to do from silver or gold, and wearing a chest as a talisman. It will save the owner from the danger and from the influence of unclean forces. The pentagram is not called the stamp of Solomon. It is often used in predictions and fortune telling, it symbolizes five numbers. The designation of the Pentagram is as follows: This is the figure of a person who has drawn hands and legs, dominates the head, in this case implying power, controlling four elements. The five-pointed star is also a sign of infinity, which means good luck, strength and perfection of the circle. The pentagram in the circle means the silence of that man who will know the sacrament of magic. In addition, in Christianity, this symbol denotes five wounds of Jesus Christ. The Celtic Pentagram meant the symbol of protection, the Celts used it as an amulet from various diseases for collective and individual protection, calling her "trail of a druid."

Amulet - pentagram value

In the world, each thing has positive and negative sides, so absolutely any symbol can be used both with benefit and to the detriment - it all depends on the person himself. There is an opinion that a person who carries an amulet in the form of a pentagram will always be accompanied by luck, happiness in the family and an excellent health condition.

In order for your amulet-pentagram to be acting, it is recommended to make from silver and gold, but the most important factor for the work of your guard will be your mood and your energy that will accumulate in it, so be careful, choosing a pentagram as your overag .

Six-pointed star: value. Symbols of Judaism

At all times, people paid special attention to symbolism. And not so important, whether there is a conversation about religion, occult or ordinary hobbies. And the six-pointed star was always special place. The value of this symbol cannot be determined uniquely. In a large variety of cultures, it is interpreted in different ways.

In general, the star sincerversion was an important symbol, since its image was suggested by nature itself. The person inevitably pulls towards the sky, so she was compared with people with superiority, force, constancy and protection. Flickering and bright overflows pointed at hope, a dream and a miracle, which also had a positive effect on the attitude towards the corresponding symbolism. The six-pointed star in different cultures received its special definition. But one thing can be said for sure: there were no such civilizations that would not pay their attention to it.

The origin of the star David.

There is no doubt that David's star refers to Jewish culture, since it was first discovered in the 7th century. BC e. In Sidon. The seal on which she was, belonged to a certain Jew Yoshua Ben Yehskau. Then the symbol had no other definitions, its name sounded like this: six-pointed star. The photo of that printing has been preserved until today. Later, the symbol received another name - "Malendavid", as well as known in modern times - "Star of David". It happened in the early Middle Ages, when the first sources appeared with the legends about the king David. It was believed that the shield with such a symbol defended the commander and his army in battles, so they all brought only victories.

Speaking of what the star of David, it is impossible to miss another version of the name. It describes how a certain David Alra, who considered himself the Messiah, led the army in Jerusalem to return the city conquered by the Crusaders. It was believed that he was a mystic and sorcerer, besides, pretty vain, so I called the star in my honor.

From the thirteenth century, the star becomes more popular, it appears on the walls of the synagogue, on amulets or in books with Kabbalistic texts. Most historians and researchers believe that the symbol was then only decoration, he gained his own specifics a little later, in 1354. At that time, the Roman emperor complained to Jews a special privilege, they became owners of their own flag of red, which decorated the star David. Since then, all references to this symbol are oriented in most cases on Jewish and Jewish culture.

Understanding a six-pointed star

The symbol "six-pointed star" is typically depicted in the form of equilateral triangles, superimposed on each other so that their tops watched one up, the other is down. Also these figures have one center. In some cultures, the symbol is corrected in accordance with those convictions that are observed within society. However, most often this image belongs to Judaism, since the star has a broadest distribution of Jews.

At one time, this symbol crossed in history with a fascist swastika. It is possible to give a single example, where this symbol is considered in a positive key, but it will not affect the opinion of people, because a large period of time hexagram was in the same rank with Nazism.

In fact, the most common understanding of the symbol is incorrect. Speaking of what the star of David means, Judaism usually mention and her presence in this religion. Today, the magtendavid is meant by freedom, and there is an explanation. There are several opinions as to when it was the hexagram that began to personify the Jews, but they all have about the same ending.

In the 5-6th century, King David lived, whose people were under the oppression. In the fields in battles with the enemies, Jews often lost, as they could not keep the onslaught of the most severe warrior - Goliath. But David, taking a shield with the image of the hexagram, after all, won it. As a result, the Jews received freedom from the enemy oppression.

Later (in the 13th century), the Jews again intersect with a hexagram. Now for merits in front of the Empire, the Roman emperor Karl favor the nation flag with the image of Malendavid, only then he was scarlet (in modern times - blue). And again getting a star is associated with freedom.

And finally, in the 18th century, Europe, which was at the time developed by the region and played an important role in the activities of mankind, takes a six-pointed star as a symbol of the Jewish people. Thus, in this case, the understanding of Malendavid is invariably connected with the freedom of Jews.

How did the star of David appeared on the flag of Israel?

If a conversation comes to what flag has a six-pointed star, Israel is always mentioned. Some other countries throughout the history of mankind also assigned this symbol to their own kind, but in fact he passed in this interpretation only in Judaism. There are several assumptions about how the hexagram appeared on the flag of Israel.

According to one version, this symbol was borrowed in ancient Egypt. The Egyptian pharaohs of the Jews have been in slavery for a long time until the Prophet Moses came and did not become their liberator. In the occult of that ancient civilization, the six-pointed star occupied a special position, it was used in the drawing of signs associated with deities. Quite a truthful story, except for its most common name - "Star of David". And here the name, which the symbol corrected, does not appear.

Another version is that some David was the liberator of the Jewish state, and in his military campaigns, he always advanced, carrying a shield in the shape of a six-pointed star (according to other sources, this symbol was drawn on the shield). After the defeat of the stronger troops, third-party observers had an impression that David's shield was the reason for the liberation of the state.

It should be noted that the symbols of Judaism did not immediately turn on the six-pointed star. It is likely that the Israelites are closer not a philosophical or religious component of the hexagram, but decorative.


The symbol in question from the 7th century BC. e. Blaries the minds of historians, occultists and bodybuilders. And all because it appears in many written sources, on rock paintings, seals, coat of arms and other similar elements. This means that almost every civilization, which ever existed on the planet, invariably showed its interest in this symbol. What is his mystery?

No Culturove still approached this issue closely, all new facts associated with a six-pointed star open up even more unsolved secrets. On the one hand, there are many historical data or information from mythology, where the star of David plays only a positive role. For example, Solomon wore a ring with the printing of the corresponding image. With his help, he called on spirits that helped him in all good endeavors.

Or the history of David himself, in which he wins Goliath not without the help of a shield with an image of hexagram. Since then, this Jewish military leader has become not only a hero of the whole nation, but also the liberator. Despite the fact that from the specified moment, no one hundred years has passed, all Jews still honor the symbol as a defender from demons, carry amulets and mascots with this image.

But there are also absolutely opposite stories associated with the hexagram. She often appears with the fascist swastika, so many people relate negatively to it. In fact, her participation in the historical events of that terrible time was very limited. In concentration camps, there were experiments over people, and after certain experiments, some marked. This was done by the image of a yellow hexagram on the forehead. Such a state of things allowed the fascists to distinguish those who have already been experimenting with "clean" people.

Consequently, wherever the six-pointed star appeared, its value is always either positive or negative. It takes the golden middle of it only as a symbol in some cultures, and only because it is considered not a hexagram as a whole, but its separate images (for example, triangles lines).


In magic and occult, as far as the modern story knows, a six-pointed star was always attended. Its value is great not only for rituals, but also to create amulets, talismans, champs, books with spells and so on. In magic, three sides of the triangles personified the matter, spirit and middle nature (the same as in science - space). Thus, it can be divided into three components:

  1. Mind or consciousness, an element that is responsible for the creation of energy.
  2. Matter (median nature, space). The occultists considered the matter as a certain space substance, which is harmoniously distributed through the universe. Therefore, this element was responsible for the safety of everything that ever existed.
  3. Physical matter. Since it is rather dense, it ceases to skip the light of the sun, gradually becomes darkness. Therefore, the element in question is responsible for the destruction of energy.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that the six-pointed star occupied a special place not only in some religions, but also in magical exercises that were not popular until today. Thanks to this, the symbol could be explained by any event. Magical amulets with the image of the hexagram opened the future, past and present.


The six-pointed star at all times personified powerful protection, actually impenetrable. Therefore, until today, it is often used when creating amulets and faiths. Starting from the Middle Ages, talismans with a hexagram were considered powerful defenders from cold weapons, as David defeated Goliafa, using a shield with its image.

Later, overalls found additional values. It was believed that they were protected from fire and a sudden attack from the enemy. Over time, this property has lost its importance, but another appeared. Closer to the 16th century, the six-pointed star of David on the talismans was used to protect against unclean power.

One way or another, any material object has its own energy, which can serve as in evil, and for good. However, there are also such signs and symbols that are not simply tested by time, but also gained the generally accepted status of assistants. That is what Malendavid is, because for thousands of years they are interested in all nations and cultures.

Why is a six-pointed star in Christianity perceived as a symbol of unclean power?

The symbol of the "Star of David" in Orthodoxy has a not too good reputation. The fact is that the hexagram since ancient times was considered a symbol of Judaism - religion, which Christians perceive negatively.

But there is another explanation for her relationship. The fact is that in Judaism, the specific meaning of the star is that only 6 days have passed (6 ends of the figure), and the Messiah comes to the seventh. In the Christian faith, Jesus has already visited Earth, so the seventh day has come. In Judaism, it is only expected. Consequently, Christians perceive the symbol as irrelevant.

Six-pointed star - evil or welcome?

Many cultures have never been negatively to such a symbol as David's star. The photo depicting this figure described in the negative key is found only in eschatological interpretations. This religious doctrine compares the symbol with the number of the beast. It has 6 angles, 6 small triangles and 6 sides inside hexagon.

Indians, namely yoga and tantra, compare the character with a chakra of a person located at the heart level. She is responsible for love, compassion and devotion. The direction of the triangle down means the sky, up - the earth. Accordingly, it is for the universe in this case a six-pointed star is focused. The symbol value expresses the essence of a person who constantly rushes between spirituality and carnal components.

When the first alchemists appeared, they were also interested in the hexagram, and were depicted with its help a philosopher's stone, gives eternal life. Masons compared the symbol with the Great Wisdom, to which, in fact, they sought. Anyway, each course compared the six-pointed star with his own.

Value in different cultures

The six-pointed star has not only esoteric or religious significance. Many civilizations used it in various spheres only because it looks beautiful. So, for example, from the fourteenth century, it was used as a reward for special merit. Moreover, some modern military units are still handing a star of David as a sign of a special honor.

But, of course, it is impossible to exclude the religious or occult component, which has a six-pointed star. Its value in the Christian faith cannot be called unequivocal. On the one hand, the Orthodox dislikes it, as the figure of 666 is in terms of the number of angles, sides and triangles. On the other hand, it was the six-pointed star pointed to the house where Jesus was born. But the generally accepted Orthodox view is oriented that the Lord has been engaged in 6 days by the creation of the world for people, and he must come on the seventh. Therefore, in early Christianity, this symbol was more significant than today, because the Messiah has already descended to Earth.

Eastern cultures also did not refuse this symbol. In Tibet, for example, it means 6 syllables of the most important Buddhist prayer. Hindu culture considers not a star in general, but only its triangles. They personify Cali and Shiva, or the destruction and creation of the world. Thus, oriental traditions perceive the hexagram as a symbol of equilibrium, the inevitable and constant struggle of good with evil on the planet and / or in one particular person.

In Masonia, Malendavid is also found, but the members of this society give more preference to the pentagram - Solomon's print. It is believed that Solomon was the son of David, and if you remove any small triangle from the image of the hexagram, then a five-pointed star will be. Therefore, the masons are still associated with Malendavid, but indirectly, honored by him as Solomon's father, a ring holder with a five-pointed star, which he commanded perfumes and ghosts.

Theosophical interpretation is focused solely on the perfection of the universe, as well as in the occult. Two triangles (2 are the number of women), three faces and angle in each (3 - the number of men) allow you to idealize not only the universe, but the symbol itself, which is explained by its high meaning.

Star six-pointed in the circle appeared almost immediately for ordinary maghendavid. However, she received his greatest distribution only in astrology. So I was depicted all the signs of the zodiac within one particular symbol.

In general, it is impossible to say for sure where and when the star of David met in history, since each culture necessarily used it in the scriptures, on amulets or in engraving on buildings.

Image of a symbol in different cultures

Quite often, various symbols of religion, in their essence, are the same, but are depicted in different ways. So, for example, kabbalists draw a hexagram in the form of two triangles of black and white. They personify the spirit and matter. And the value of individual lines or hexagon generated in the center is missing.

Still in the culture of Kabbalists there is a similar symbol - a six-pointed star is drawn in the form of a snake that swallows its tail. The image is inside the circle. In this case, the symbol personifies the three deities and the eternity of their board. Kabbalists in the West are cut off the vertices of a triangle, and they become similar to Egyptian pyramids.

In Judean culture, the hexagram image is perfect, here the triangles are watching up and down, with one uniting them. There are no additional shades or intersections, together they constitute a full picture. There are also no certain interpretations of individual lines, except that the symbol of Jews is the star of David. Photo with a Jewish hexagram image can be seen on the flag of Israel. By the way, despite the fact that the star initially accompanied the Jewish culture, the generally accepted sign of the Jews was only in the eighteenth century, before Europe did not consider it as a symbol of one particular state.

Let us summarize the ways of image the six-pointed star and its values \u200b\u200bin various cultures in the table below.

Use of hexagram in different cultures
Culture / Religion As the symbol portrayed Value
Judaism Standard image Symbol of freedom
Kabbalah Snake that bites your tail. The image was placed in a circle The symbol of the eternal struggle inside a person between light and darkness, spiritual and material values
Eschatology Beast inside a star Lucifer symbol, number 666
Occultism Two intertwined triangles Symbol of perfect universe
Alchemy Here, first of all, a pentagon converted in the center was considered. He became a symbol of philosophical stone Symbol of immortality
Astrology Hexagram in Circle Zodiac symbol
Early Christianity Standard image Symbol of christmas Christ
Masonry Standard image Symbol of wisdom

Thus, it is impossible to say exactly what a six-pointed star means. In most cultures, it is a good symbol, personifying the deity, female or male start, matter and spirit. But there are also negative interpretation of hexagram interpretation, such as the number of beasts. If you give the most common definition, then the star of David has always been a symbol of freedom, since once a long time the Roman emperor laid the beginning of the liberation of Jewish nationality, giving it their own flag with Malendavid.

What does the sign in the form of 5 ultimate stars in the circle?

Yesterday I was driving on the car and near the DC them. Gogol saw the tower, on the tower spire, on the spire of the Iron flag with the image of a five-pointed star in a circle. For some reason, he attracted my attention, and he should not just like it, but as a sign in life. Slim light on this sign, who knows.

I do not agree that there are two semantic concepts.

For example, Muslims this sign denotes the compound of the main directions of religion.

In Soviet times, it was just a symbolism, uniting countries that are included in the Worshivsky Treaty.

This sign is distributed throughout the planet Earth. And for each people has its semantic load.

In your case, I think this is inheritance remaining from the USSR. At that time, all the spiers were decorated with stars.

And the best interpretation of this sign (in my opinion) gave Pythagoras-this golden cross section, mathematical perfection.

With this you will not argue at all.


Interesting sign, and very old. There are two semantic concepts of this sign. Interest, as protection against other forces, and is often used by esotericists to call spirits, like a portal. And the second person, the latter is connected with Da-Vince. He gave it not dedicated to Mysteria.Golov, the hands of the leg, in a circle. A krug of life, in different religions, is called different, Kolovrat, Sansary Wheel, and so on. In magic, it is used as protection from any encroachment of unclean spirits. Immediately knows how to know how The star of David.Madic lodges used him as a sign of devoted to magic mysteries. In the modern world, it is used as a protective seal for the house. More details you can learn in the symbols of Kabbalay.

The images of the first pentagrams were found in Sumerian cities in historical plants belonging to 3500 BC. Scientists correlate with this symbol during this period only one value is the trajectory of Venus.

In the next century, this sign appears from almost all nations. Its value was transformed, different peoples entered their meaning to it.

In ancient Egypt, the space component (stars) is complemented by the Divine (Anubis Star).

In Babylon, the Pentagram was considered the strongest faith, it was drawn over the entrance to the house, a shop. She also attended the seals of the rulers. There is another interpretation related to the same period - the symbol of the afterlife.

Ancient Jews called the sign of Pentalf and tied it with the pentateuch of Moses.

Pythagoreans chose the Pentagram with their sign and tied it with five elements.

From this time since this time, people and communities begin to choose a pentagram as their "logo". The most famous were such: the seal of King Solomon, the symbol of the Templars.

The five rays were attributed to different meanings depending on the general meaning of the symbol, including five wounds of Christ, and an inverted pentagram was a sign. On the icon Rublev see such an image.

The negative meaning of the Pentagram took at the time of the Inquisition, when it began to call "a witch's foot", but all the former interpretations were relevant.

French Occultist Eliphas Levi in \u200b\u200b19 century. He took the pentagram and transformed it into the symbol of Satan.

Since then, she walks around the world in such a multi-valued form.

The star was the main symbol of the USSR, the stars in the circle and without found at the US awards, the USSR


A five-pointed star is a pentagram. The sign of the Pentagram met on the ancient Egyptian buildings. He was called the star Anubis, the conductor of the dead in the afterlife. Many ancient peoples believed that this sign would remove from any evil and unclean. Later, the symbol often began to portray on the premises of barn and warehouses, for the preservation of content. Jews tied this symbol with a pentateuch (the first books of the Canonical Jewish Bible), and Christians with five wounds of the crucified Jesus Christ. In many exercises, such as Kabbalah, Gnostics, the symbol is associated with intellectual omnipotence. The pentagram was also one of the symbols of the Templars. Chinese peoples endow this symbol of the power of five elements - water, earth, fire, air and soul (person). In the era of the revival, the symbol was identified with the ideal proportions of the human body.

In other words, the symbol has always been associated with special power, was idealized and is represented not only as a charm, but also a sign that gives a person to a special authority.


This is nothing more than a pentagram (penta is five, grams - the line, line). This symbol is used in many religions of the world, but it has become widely known thanks to Kabbalists. The history of the pentagram meanwhile is one of the millennia.

It is believed that the Pentagram is used exclusively for witchcraft, although earlier this symbol was rather leaving from any adversity. So, in the Babylon on the doors of the outlets, the pentagram was painted in the doorway so that the case was profitable and the merchant did not know not profitable days.

There are a lot of myths and superstition around the pentagram, although some of them can be prosperous. Here, for example, video revealing such a thing as a "pentogram", wider:

At m k a

A similar symbol is inherent in a special and characteristic name "Pentagram".

In Greece, the meaning of this sign comes down to protect against unclean strength and different spirits.

Other peoples have a similar symbol personified immense power and belonging to a secret society that has special knowledge.

Some this sign refers to unclean strength.


As for the most common version about this sign, he denotes a sign of peculiar protection against various kinds of evil spirits. That is, in other words, this sign has a mystical meaning. And also this sign acts in the role of symbols of the otherworldly world.


This sign has many interesting values, but the most basic is that it is "Pentagram" and is connected with mystical forces. This symbol appeared before our era and many ancient peoples considered this sign by protection against evil spirits. Also, now there are a lot of films and TV shows, where this sign is very popular and means protection or just the symbol of otherworldly.


This is a pentagram in a circle, occult and mystical sign. For the first time, the use was recorded in messenis. Used by Kabbalist, wits and sorcerers.

Accompanied by more points is interpreted as the seal of King Solomon.

Vlad Sandrovich

This star is mainly considered and called pentagram. Its main focus, comes down to the fact that according to the beliefs of people, it is able to protect them, from evil spirits and any other, other unclean.

Tell me please, what does a five-pointed star mean in a circle?

Desislava Ivanova

A five-pointed, an inverted star in a circle is a distinguishing mark of antichrist adepts. And yet - one of the most important symbols of the followers of the cult of Wicca is the cult that originated< в > Europe. He is imagined< в > Many doharistian practices


The five-pointed star is one of the traditional symbols of the ancient God of Marsa war.
A five-pointed star - Pentagram, Phantakl - symbolizes the figure of a person with elongated hands and legs, a holistic person, human microcosm. Being an endless, five-pointed star perceives the value, the strength and perfection of the circle. Five her vertices mean the spirit, air, fire, water and earth. With the letters S, A, L, V, S at the peaks, it means health and five senses. Like a circle, the pentagram is able to associate evil forces and elements, so it also symbolizes good luck.

Intended or drawn five-pointed star is called a pentagram. In the witchcraft rites and magic, the pentacle is a round disk made of clay, wax or mineral ore (in some traditions - from copper or silver) on which the pentagram and other magical engraved

Azamat Ninth

A five-pointed star - Pentagram, Phantakl - symbolizes the figure of a person with elongated hands and legs, a holistic person, human microcosm. Being an endless, five-pointed star perceives the value, the strength and perfection of the circle. Five her vertices mean the spirit, air, fire, water and earth. With the letters S, A, L, V, S at the peaks, it means health and five senses. Like a circle, the pentagram is able to associate evil forces and elements, so it also symbolizes good luck.
Christianity - corresponds to the five wounds of Christ. The emblem of Sir Gavein, depicted on his shield.
In black magic, the inverted danklot symbolizes the goat Satan and the "Witch's Witch". In addition, in an inverted form, this is a symbol of perversion of the true nature of man.
A five-pointed star, according to the ideas of philosophers of ancient China, shows the interaction of the five main elements of the world.
Fire, earth, metal, water and wood are in collaboration and confrontation.
Five-pointed star facing up, symbolizes inspiration, light, spiritual education; The five-pointed star facing down, evil, witchcraft, black magic. Pentagram is also a symbol of security, security. Used as a military emblem.

Lucifer fallen light oblivion not subject to

Depending on what image is to provide
Inverted this symbolism-star bafomet
still denoting the superiority of the flesh above the Spirit
Indicates the elements of water, fire, earth, air, and spirit.

What does this sign mean? Five-pointed star in a circle.

I found today in the bath, whose I do not know, not my mother's and not dad.
Tell me that this is at least meaning. .

Satanic icon. "Take the broom with me to the Sabbath, take our apocalypse-symbol, today I will come Valpurgiyev night!". So this thing is, and there is the very "apocalypse", since the apocalypse is only an abstract concept of chaos.

Mila Saliy.

Magic figure A five-pointed star with one top point is the most important symbol in the witch. This is a religious symbol, like a cross in Christianity or a six-pointed star in Judaism, and at the same time a symbol of magical art in witchcraft. Intended or drawn five-pointed star is called a pentagram. In the witchcraft rites and magic, the pentacle is a round disk made of clay, wax or mineral ore (in some traditions - from copper or silver) on which the pentagram and other magical engraved
Signs and symbols. It is used to concentrate magic circles, attract the energy of the Earth and serve food on it. In rituals, such as the reeling of the moon, the Supreme Priestess can adopt the shape of the Pentacle - putting the legs and stretching into different directions of the hand, symbolizing such a birth and revival.
Many sorcerers wear a pendant or a ring in the form of a five-pointed star as a sign of their religion or both amulets and talismans; Basically, they are made of silver, metal moon and mental strength, but sometimes they are made of gold, metal forces and energy. Some communities use pentacles as an occult sign of the initiated sorcerers of the second degree. Pentagrams are drawn in the air, sword or spear. Methods of drawing pentagrams are very accurate and vary depending on the goal of the rite. Causes of Pentagram Spirits are drawn differently than those intended to be exposed to them. In witchcraft, the pentagram is a symbol of protection and positive strength, they are used to control the elemental forces. Pentagrams are also used in meditation exercises, in which each point of the star is associated with special quality, definition, concept, emotion, or the name of the pagan deity. The magic pentacle is a round disk or a drawn circle with a five-pointed star. He is also called Solomon's star. Star is an important and powerful magic symbol of divine power. In accordance with various interpretations, it represents God or humans, as well as four priest element of nature, five senses, five wounds caused by Christ on the cross, as well as five points of the human body with scattered on different sides by the limbs: head, hands, legs. Mages embroider five-pointed stars on their clothes and paint them inside and outside the magic circle used during ceremonies and rituals. Stars engrave on rings. As an amulet, the star protects the wizards from the attacks of demons and spirits, as a talisman he allows them to communicate with demons and command them. Some figures are also symbols, although they do not have the shape of a five-pointed star: these are circles, semicircles, squares and crosses, on which the names of the angels or demons are inscribed,
Magic names of God. These symbols act as talismans to achieve special purposes: wealth, love or revenge. The sacred character of the witchcraft, which is often misunderstood due to the associations of an inverted five-pointed star, which is lowered down, and the other two raised up, with hell. If in a normal position, a five-pointed star represents God or deity, then the inverted usually represents Satan.

The tattoo in the form of a pentagram has become especially popular in the last few decades. Someone is connected with greater prevalence of such a direction as satanism, as well as youth subcultures, and for someone a five-pointed star, on the contrary, is an important talisman and defender, evidence of faith in God. In fact, the Pentagram may not be associated with Christianity at all, since this sign has appeared much earlier.

History of symbol and tattoos

The pentagram tattoo is popular now a symbol who actually appeared long before the spread of Christianity, about 4,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Scientists assume that then an ancient sign was an astronomical scheme of the trajectory of Venus. Later, a five-pointed star was the sign of the stars and the Sumerians and Egyptians. In Egypt, she also symbolized approximity to heaven and depicted on the graves. In the ancient Celts, the drawing symbolized the harmony.

In about the V-VI centuries BC, the symbol appeared in Pythagoreans. For them, such a star was an impersonation of health, well-being, eternal beauty and adolescence. She also meant the spiritualization of all the living, nature as a whole. It is interesting to know that the value of the Tattoo of the five-pointed star in the circle is the silence of the dedication. Five edges of the star symbolized 5 years of silence about the process of exercise, which should have passed to become a Pythagorean. In other interpretations, such a drawing also carries the meaning of God himself and light, which reflects, owns and manages at once every elements. The circle also symbolized Divine Wisdom and Protection.

What does the pentagram tattoo mean?

The most common is the opinion that the Pentagram is a symbol of magic used by supporters of a wide variety of cultures. White and black magicians used a sign to call the spirits, he often acted as a symbol of secret communities and protective guard from evil forces.
It is believed that in initially the symbol of the pentagram was an apple. It was considered a sacred fruit and a storehouse of knowledge of the goddess of a bark hidden from people. Indeed, if you cut the usual apple across, you can get a similar to a five-pointed star display. There is another interpretation: Each of the ends of the symbol denotes the elements (except for the usual water, fire, land and air, and the spirit is also light).

In Christianity, the drawing means 5 feelings and health, and also personifies 5 deaths of Jesus. It is believed that the sign protects from evil forces, not only in Christians, but also at Vikanov (white magicians). You can find examples and in the literature: Faust depicted a pentagram around the house, so that Mephistofel could not enter it.
There are other interpretation in Christianity, according to which two corners of the stars are the nature of Jesus (human and divine), and the remaining three - Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit). Often, the Pentagram was associated with a manner of a simple person, where the upper edge was headed, and the other four were hands and legs.
Satanists have a five-pointed star in witchcraft and when calling evil spirits. Inside the sign, the goat head is placed, and each point of the star in the letter L, V, Y, T and N in the meaning of Leviathan's meaning. So called the mythological sea monster, which is told in the Old Testament.

The current tattoo value is a five-pointed star may be different: health, youth, love for nature, luck, prosperity or leadership.

Tattoo value in prison

A tattoo with a pentagram at the zekov is rare and exclusively in the form of a ring. She is a symbol of Satanists either indicates that the person has passed the law on religious beliefs. Sometimes the ring means condemnation for desecrating the graves.

Location pattern

On the body, the pentagram is most often stuffed on the wrist or a little higher in the forearm. In combination with other elements, the location of the tattoo on Ires, back or chest (mainly in men) is also found. Representatives of subcultures and, in general, expressive personalities are often pinching a drawing on a brush or neck - in order to attract even more attention to others.

The value of the pentagram tattoo depends on the position of the vertices of the five-pointed star. If the figure is located upstairs, then it symbolizes good and faith in God, and also protects against evil spirits, and if the book is evil and witchcraft, involvement in Satanism. The reverse location is associated with the devil, where two ends of the stars are ears or horns, and the lower edge - beard. Because of this, the inverted tattoo of the Devil Pentagram may be a symbol of hell.
Due to the ambiguous wizard value, it is usually not recommended to fill the five-pointed star on the wrist, because with a different position of the hand the position of the drawing is different. However, such a riddle does not rarely like tattoo lovers, and they pentagram it is for several confusion for several confusion.

Color solution for tattoo

According to the photo tattoo with a pentagram, it can be seen that it is traditionally depicted in black, although sometimes used red. Bright shades for sketches with a five-pointed star practically do not apply, with the exception of drawings with a large number of additional elements.

Pentagram for a guy and girls

The five-pointed star has the same value for both sexes, and they are stuck with the same frequency. It should only be noted that the guys usually choose larger sketches and an abundance of gloomy elements and parts, and girls are trying to make an image of more artistic, neat and practically imperceptible to curious eyes.

Ideas of style solutions for tattoo

  • The tattoo in the form of a pentagram in the style of minimalism is a common option, since the sketches do not have special small parts and require only the figurative pattern.
  • The decoration of a five-pointed star is a realism or black and white tradition (suitable for composite drawings).
  • The combination of tribal styles, steampunk and biomechanics - a tattoo made in these techniques looks realistic and often somewhat frightening, it is assumed that the pentagram is part of the human body.
  • Motor or graphics - the original version of the image of the pentagram with the help of points and thin lines.
  • Tresh Polka - Addition of the drawing by crumbling elements, red paint drifts (perfect for tattoos with satanic value)

Will the mascot become a negative impact?

Before filling the tattoo with a religious motif, you should seriously approach the choice of sketch, and especially the design of the picture. Take care so that with any position of your body pentagram, the top viewed up, and two ends down (if you feed the drawing in the wubble value). It is also better to choose accommodation at which the tattoo will be hidden from curious eyes. If you have other tattoo, do not stuff a pentagram nearby, as it can affect the meaning of the sign. Remember that the ancient characters can significantly manage the life of a person, even if he does not believe in it.

The pentagram symbolizes the figure of a person with elongated hands and legs, a holistic person, human microcosm. Being an endless, five-pointed star perceives the value, the strength and perfection of the circle. Five her vertices mean the spirit, air, fire, water and earth. With the letters S, A, L, V, S at the peaks, it means health and five senses. Like a circle, the pentagram is able to associate evil forces and elemental, so I also symbolize good luck. In Christianity corresponds to the five wounds of Christ. The emblem of Sir Gavein, depicted on his shield. In black magic, an inverted pentacle symbolizes the goat-Satan and the witch to the leg. In addition, in an inverted form, this is a symbol of perversion of the true nature of man. Pentagram (5-finite star) - there is a truncated hexagram (6 star), in which harmony is broken. In the pentagram (5) vertex, light elements are dominated, and down -tema. The sum of the angles of the pentagram is equal to 180 degrees, i.e. Similarly, one of the triangles constituting hexagrasse (6th finite) is kind or evil. Medieval philosophers said that the pentagram (5 finite), in contrast to the hexagram (6 finite), cannot be decomposed into two figures, therefore it is one that symbolizer is the stability of a single-pole world. Pentagram top up - the emblem of the celebration of good and truth. According to Western esoteric tradition, at the beginning of his training, the magician was supposed to comprehend the secret of the pentagram and master her ritual. Those who register this ritual, as an easy way to call or expel the Spirit, are not worthy to possess them. The first known images of the Pentagram are based on the Sumer and Ancient Egypt, countries where magic originated by legend. Pentagram images are found on Egyptian statues. The Egyptians called it the "Star of P. Anubis." Two interpretation of the Pentagram was already found in antiquity: 1) as a kind, protecting the sign of protection against any evil, and 2) for dedicated - a powerful sign of power over the earth's world. For example, in Babylon, the pentagram is usually found on royal seals, personifying the power of the ruler, spreading on all 4 sides of the world. Pythagoras argued that the pentagram, or as he called her, hygieus (in honor of Greek. The goddess of Gigii) is a mathematical perfection, because Hides in itself a golden cross section. If you split the length of any color segment of the pentacle for the length of the longest left of the remaining smaller segments, a golden cross section will be obtained. In the Kabbalistic, the Jewish letters constitute the name of God (Tetragrammammaton) at the ends of the pentagram. Used in magician dedication rites, as well as for divination and spells. In India, the pentagram is a symbol of Venus. In China - personifies the union and interaction of five elements (U-syn). Pentagram (with Greek. "Five" and "Damage, Line") is the right pentagon, on each side of which the right triangles are constructed, equal in height. Pyphagoeans have a symbol of health and perfection, identifying community sign. In the Christian symbolism symbolizes five wounds of Jesus, or in the number interpretation the sum of the Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) and the dual nature of Christ (Divine and Human). In numerology and magic, a direct pentagram with one beam upstairs - symbolizes a person (head, arms, legs), reverse - with two rays up, - the symbol of the devil (Mandes goat, similar to his head with a goat beard, ears and horns). Sometimes the Pentagram (especially in Alchemy) is referred to as a protective sign, because The caused daemon could not cross her lines, for example, in the "Faust" Goethe himself, Mephistofel could not leave the room while the pentagram was drawn at the exit.

Stars since the most long-old times were interested in the minds of people. The five-pointed star, or, as it is also called, the pentagram, or the pentacle with the rays intersecting at one point corresponds to the golden section of Leonardo da Vinci and the addition of twins and three, meaning the difference and perfection of Pytagora. Top up it means the divine beginning, and down - satanic symbols. This is a matrix of a space man, the star of priests and alchemists. In masons, it symbolizes the revived person.

Light, spirituality, inspiration personifies the top of a five-pointed star. The value is directly opposite it takes at the top down. This is darkness, black magic and witchcraft.

In ancient Egypt, she meant the highest god of Zorus. The Bible is the key to the kingdom of heaven, and the peaks personify five wounds of Jesus Christ and the Bethlehem Christmas Star. In Judaism, this is a pentateuch that Moses received.

Pythagora addition of twos and three, the difference and perfection means a five-pointed star. The symbol in ancient Greece meant five elements: air, fire, ether, earth and water.

And the Red Star of Bolsheviks symbolized Mars - the god of war, as well as the peaceful work of workers.

It is present among the symbols of many countries and means invincible, strength and power. In addition to the detailed description, the article describes how to make a five-pointed star.

Stars of six, seven-, eight, ten-, twelve-finite. Value

Stars can have a different number of corners and endowed with various sacred meaning.

Triangular in the Bible means the fishery of God (all-seeing eye).

Quadrangular - symbol of light and guide, cross.

The six-pointed star of David, which is two intersecting triangles, served as the Jews of the champion. In Hebrew, she was called the "shield of David". In Kabbalah, she defended evil spirits. And currently is a symbol of the Zionists.

Bethlehem six-pointed star - Christmas sign of Christ.

Seven-pin - the star of the East.

Eight-pointed, like doubled four-spin, symbolizes the cross. It has long been such a star and in Russia. It meant not only the essence of being, but also was the first-axis other magical signs. Later, in Christianity, such a star was not rejected, but began to wear the name of the Virgin.

A star consisting of twelve rays means perfection.

Ancient symbol

Another primitive people used this symbol in ritual drawings and totems.

In ancient times, these signs were also known in Sumer and Egypt. On the one hand, they meant the world and charm, and on the other - the power over the world. The top corner personified the lord, and the rest - the conquering side of the world.

Pythagores represented that a five-pointed star is perfection, and his disciples believed that the world consists of elements - five elements: air, water, land, fire and ether. These elements, in their opinion, means a five-pointed star. The symbol of the strength and fortress of the Spirit, she defended and defended people. For Druids in Gaul, Ireland and Britain, she meant the same. A called Druid Cross, the pentagram could be found on many window glass gothic buildings.

It was read even the Japanese and American Indians.

The Saama of Russian Lapland considered it to be a faith, and in North Karelia, Hunters from forest predators were defended by her.

The magic pentacle is a five-pointed star in a circle, which is also called Stomon's star. She symbolizes the divine strength of God or man. Mages embroidered her on their clothes and painted inside or outside the circle. Such amulets were protected from demons attack.

Leonardo da Vinci symbol

Italian genius associated the star with the body of a person, in which the head was given to the top of the star, and the remaining four corners mean their arms and legs. He was named Witruvian man.

The figure of a young man is located inside a circle with divorced hands and legs. This drawing and explanations of Da Vinci are sometimes called canonical proportions, perfect person.

Symbol in christians

In Christianity, also honors this star.

The print of the Roman emperor Constantine, who created the official Christian religion, was in the form of a pentagram, because he believed that it was she who pointed him the way.

A five-pointed star means not only five wounds of Jesus. It is also five joys of Mary with the ministry of Christ. No wonder the sign has long been used to decorate the Christmas trees.

Symbol in Masonov

Another, the sinister sense received a five-pointed star in the Middle Ages. The value inverted with two ends up is a Satan sign. It was used in the rituals of sorcerers and witches, taking for the symbol of Satan. In this form, it looks like a horned goat.

As a seal of Freemasonry and Kabbalah, the star has become known to many not so long ago.

In the fourteenth century, it was shown to the world as a symbol of God of Allah and Magomet.

Masons during their spells put on their heads with a pentagram and tetragram. As they themselves say, a five-pointed star is a symbol of the power of the mind, depicting Satan in an inverted form.

Somehow at the end of the eighteenth century in France and Italy, the Masons were held by public magnificent processions in the city. The Roman Dad Leo thirteen stated a protest against such arrogant praise of Satan. However, the masons quietly objected him in the magazine released. Thus, the cult of Satan spread over the light.

For example, in New York, the club of thirteen was formed, in which Satan was elected by a lifelong member.

The whole of Europe covered the teachings of masons. However, it fell into Russia only after Peter the first gave the window to Europe.

Symbol in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR

In Russia until 1917, such stars were used in symbols infrequently. But after the revolution, the pentacle was chosen as such. Some believe that the first suggested the War Commissioner Nikolai Polyansky star, others say that it was Konstantin Eremeev. But she roasted her as a symbol of Bolsheviks finally lion Trotsky.

It really spreads first during the Great French Revolution, a five-pointed star was perceived as a symbol of the god of Marsa war. In the same interpretation, her and Soviet revolutionaries were picked up in the Red Army, as well as many other world armies, although it was introduced by Nikolai first in the first half of the nineteenth century.

Few people know that initially the warriors of the Red Army had an inverted red star as a difference. Only later, it was changed, since such an image caused numerous indignation among the people, associating it in this position with the horns of the devil.

Star in the modern world

For example, the six-pointed star of David Judaism is depicted on the flag of Israel.

The eight-pointed star is depicted on the coat of arms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - the symbol of the Virgin.

The Turkish flag has a five-pointed star, located next to the crescent.

Azerbaijani - eight-pointed, and Malaysian - fourteen.

How to draw a five-pointed star

A ruler, pencil, eraser and paper are taken. The first angle is drawn. This is the top. Next, the perpendicular line under it is outlined, the same speakers on both sides, and the same angles are delineated from the ends, but the lines should be longer. After that, lines are connected to the top of the corners, forming lower angles. Then, armed with an eraser, erase the inner arrows.

Since I can draw a five-pointed star in a simple and difficult way, at this stage stop or make it further. For the second option, exactly from the middle of the figure, lines with all angles are stuck. To give the volumetric effect of the shade shadowed every second triangle. Here is a complicated drawing of the star ready!

How to make a star

A five-pointed star can be made of one square paper sheet with scissors.

To do this, it must be folded in half with the fold line at the bottom. Two times the square again bend twice in diagonals. The folding line this time should set up in the opposite direction. The lower left corner is connected to the center of diagonals. His corner will be rejected back. Then the right side of the sheet is connected to the bend, which turned out, and the corner is rejected, as with the left side. The resulting figure resembles an airplane.

From recent corners, still small corners that need to be cut off. As a result, after straightening, a five-pointed star is obtained.

Star Making Template

To make a five-pointed star from paper, you will need: paper of any density, scissors, printer and glue.

Cardboard, book or journal sheets may well come up for this purpose. However, if the construction of a five-pointed star is planned, then the paper should be sufficiently dense. For this, five cardboard sheets are taken, the blanks of the rays liked the template you liketed, cut out, glued first separately, and then together. That's all. The last start rugs are decorated with all sorts of sparkles, beads and sequins.

How to make a five-pointed surround star

In another version, the crafts will need color or patterned paper, glue and scissors, line, transport and pencil, and a printer.

First, a five-pointed star pattern is made or downloaded from the Internet. The two transverse axes are discharged - vertical and horizontal. Then the lines are scheduled every thirty-six degrees. From each second line, the segments are outlined, cutting out that the future stars are depressing. The resulting segments are connected at the separation points with adjacent lines at the location of the circle.

After the template is cut, a five-pointed star from paper folds along the lines in half.

Turning the star up, the same is repeated with the depressions.

Having made two stars, glue them for special paper tongues inside with an inside.

After drying, the volume is neatly attached, gradually and slowly, the aircraft is filled with air from the inside. So it turns out the right five-pointed star.