Lyudmila Petrushevskaya biography and creativity. Russian writer Lyudmila Petrushevskaya: biography, personal life, creativity

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya biography and creativity. Russian writer Lyudmila Petrushevskaya: biography, personal life, creativity
Lyudmila Petrushevskaya biography and creativity. Russian writer Lyudmila Petrushevskaya: biography, personal life, creativity

Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya was born May 25, 1938 in Moscow. Parents Petrushevskaya studied in IFLI (Institute of Philosophy, Literature, Stories); Grandfather (N.F. Yakovlev) was a major linguist.

In wartime, lived in relatives, as well as in the orphanage under Ufa. After the war, returned to Moscow. In 1961. Petrushevskaya graduated from the faculty of MSU journalism, worked as a correspondent of Moscow newspapers, employee of publishing houses, on radio, since 1972. - editor at the Central Television Studio.

The literature came relatively late. Its prose and dramaturgy artistically rehabilitated life, prose of life, the tragic fate of the "little man" of our days, a crowd, a resident of communal apartments, unfortunate half-micoin. The first published work of the author was the story "through the fields" appeared in 1972. In the journal "Aurora". From this time, Prose Petrushevskaya did not printed over a decade. It began to publish it only during the time of "restructuring". Rejected by state theaters or prohibited by censorship, Petryshevskaya's play attracted the attention of amateur studios, directories of the "New Wave" (R. Viktyuk et al.), Artists who performed them unofficially in the "home" theaters ("Man" studio). Only in the 1980s There was an opportunity to talk about the theater Petrushevskaya, the originality of its works of art in connection with the publication of the collections of plays and prose: "Songs of the XX century. Pieces "( 1988 ), "Three girls in blue. Pieces "( 1989 ), "Immortal love. Stories "( 1988 ), "On the way of the God of Eros" ( 1993 ), "Secrets of the house" ( 1995 ), "House of Girls" ( 1998 ) and etc.

Pieces Piezushevskaya plots taken from everyday life: Family linking and everyday lessons, difficult relationships between fathers and children ("music lessons"), the vocabulary of the personal life of "three girls in blue", secondary sisters, heiress of the collapsed cottage; The apartment question in the "apartment of the Colombina", the search for love and happiness ("staircase", "love", etc.).

The level of truth was so unusual that the prose of Petrushevskaya and the writers close to it (T. Tolstaya, V. Piezuh, etc.) began to call "another prose." His scenes, requiems, songs, legends, the writer draws from the roast of the city crowd, street conversations, stories in hospital wards, on the benches of the parade. In her works, the presence of an extra-made narrator is always felt (more often - narrator), leading your monologue directly from the very thick of the crowd and is the flesh from the flesh of this common.

The central theme of Petrushevskaya prose is the topic of women's fate. Destroying human utopias and myths at different levels - family, love, social, etc., Petrushevskaya depicts horrors of life, her dirt, malice, the impossibility of happiness, suffering and flour. All this is drawn so hyper-realistic (D. Bykov), which sometimes causes shock ("Medea", "Country", "His Circle", "Nyura is beautiful", etc.).

In the Harvard lecture "Tongue of the crowd and language of literature" ( 1991 ), speaking about the place of horror in the artistic work, Petrushevskaya claimed that "the art of terrible as a rehearsal of death."

In 1993. Petrushevskaya read the second Harvard lecture - "Language of Mowgli" (about childhood, about orphanages). Comprehensively examining and poetizing the female fate, Petrushevskaya "Truthfully to Chinkoba" depicts the life of a family, as a rule, "curve", a tragedy of love, not easy relationship between mother and child. Her heroines are trying to escape from the "His Circle" of Life, going to their goal often by the way of evil, for they believe that good steensally oppose the evil.

Mother tragedy in the image of Petrushevskaya ("Medea", "Child", "His Circle", "Time Night", etc.) is comparable to antique tragedies. Literary signs and signals, allusions on mythological, folklore and traditional-literary stories and images arise in prose Petrushevskaya at a very different levels: from the names ("History of Clarissa", "New Robinsons", "Karamzin", "Edip's mother-in-law", "Case Virgin "and others) - to individual words, images, motifs, quotes.

Through many stories and the story, Petrushevskaya passes the topic of fate, rock as the initial predestination of mankind. Mystical cases, mysterious meetings, the blows of fate, illness and early terrible deaths are connected with it ("Nyura is beautiful") and the impossibility of die ("meaning of life"). Fabulous, mythological plots of legends, terrible talks about communication with the dead, about the villains and actions, the oddities of the behavior of people constitute the content of the cycle of the Petrushevsk "Song of the Eastern Slavs" - direct allusion with Pushkin "Songs of Western Slavs." But the fatalism, the comprehensive dependence of the heroine Petrushevskaya from the rock is not. Some of them find the strength to overcome bitter fate.

"I don't write about horrors now," the writer recently stated. In recent years, she appealed to the genre of "fairy tales for the whole family", where good always wins evil; Petrushevskaya wrote a "puppet novel" - "Little Magician" by introducing a playing start not only in the plot, but also in the language of "linguistic" fairy tales and comedies about Kalushats and Both, Lhappe and "Ruski's Rusy". Creativity Petrushevskaya 1990s It clearly evolves towards soft lyrism, good humor, even confession. In the "Rustic Diary" under the literature and code name "Karamzin" ( 1994 ) written by verses or "styerosa", Petrushevskaya does not just appeal to the traditions of sentimentalism, it beats them, interpreting it seriously, then ironically in the modern spirit (ch. "Poor Rufa", "Luga's chant"), connecting names, images, themes , quotes, words, rhythms and rhymes of Russian and world literature and culture.

However, in the late 1990s In the work of Petrushevskaya there are such features that give the basis of critics to rank its works to the "literature of the end of times" (T. Calca). This is primarily the limiting thickening of the evil of a metaphysical plan caused by sometimes errors of nature, mysteries of biology and human psychology ("masculinity and femininity", "as an angel" and others). Archetype Hell, his most recent and hopeless circle, appears in the stories about drug addicts ("Bacillla", "Glitch"). It is terribly not only the content, but also the position of the storytellers, which is cold and calmly "logo" the facts of the life of heroes, being out of their circle. Petrushevskaya actively addresses the poetics of postmodernism and naturalism, which leads to certain creative luck and discoveries ("Men's zone. Cabare").

At the beginning of the XXI century. Petrushevskaya publishes several new Sat. News and fairy tales: "Where I was. Stories from other reality "(M., 2002 ), "Goddess Park" (M., 2004 ), "Wild animals fairy tales. Sea passionate stories. Ruski wielding "(M., 2004 ).

In 2003. Petrushevskaya finally released its "ninth volume" (M., 2003). This is a collection of articles, interviews, letters, memories, "as if a diary." The first section of the collection is called the author "My Theater Roman"; It includes autobiographical notes and stories about the difficult path of the Russian writer to their vocation. "The ninth volume" was created for many years: "Every time I wrote an article, I said to myself: it's for the ninth volume." It first presents the author's comments on some works, disclosed "secrets" of the creative laboratory Petrushevskaya.

    - (r. 1938) Russian writer. In the plays (love, production of 1975; Chinzano, the birthday of Smirnova, both productions 1977; music lessons, production 1979), the ones and stories (their circle, 1988; songs of Eastern Slavs, 1990; time night, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Petrushevskaya, Lyudmila Stefanovna - Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna (born in 1938), Russian writer. In the plays ("love", production of 1975; "Chinzano", "Smirnova's birthday", both productions of 1977; "Music lessons", production 1979), the posters and stories ("His Circle", 1988; ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (r. 1938), Russian writer. In the plays ("Love", production of 1975; "Chinzano", "the birthday of Smirnova", both productions of 1977; "Music lessons", production 1979), the posters and stories ("His Circle", 1988; "Songs of the Eastern Slavs", 1990; "Time ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna - (r. 1938), Russian Soviet writer. Pieces "Love" (post. 1975), "Chinzano", "Smirnova's Birthday" (both - post. 1977), "Suitcase Chepuchi" (1978), "Music Lessons" (post. 1979). Stories. Kinoscena. Translations. ■ Pieces, M., 1983 (in ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Proser, playwright; Born in 1938; He graduated from the faculty of MSU journalism; The author of the Pieces "Love", "Chinzano", "Day of Smirnova", "music lessons", "glass of water", "three girls in ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Lyudmila Petrushevskaya February 1, 2009 on the 25th anniversary of the rock group "Sounds MU" name at birth: Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya Date of birth: May 26, 1938 Place of birth: Moscow, USSR Citizenship: Rossi ... Wikipedia

    Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya - Anniversary Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, which on Monday marks 70 years old, will be marked by a special "Petrushevsky Festival", which stretches for almost a month and will present a writer in an unusual role for her. Proser, playwright ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

The grandfather's grandfather Lyudmila Petrushevskaya in childhood forbade her to read, and she herself had dreamed of being an opera singer. Today Petrushevskaya is a generally recognized literary classic. I started writing in the mid-60s and debuted in 1972 by the story "through the fields" in the journal Aurora. Her plays put Roman Viktyuk, Mark Zakharov and Yuri Lyubimov, and the premiere of one of them in the student theater of Moscow State University ended with a scandal - "music lessons" removed after the first view, and the theater itself was dispersed. Petrushevskaya is the author of many prosaic works and plays, among which the famous "linguistic fairy tales" "Ruskiyvoy", written in a non-existent language. In 1996, her first collection of works was published in the AST publisher. Not limited to literature, Petrushevskaya plays in his own theater, draws cartoons, makes cardboard dolls and reads rap. Member of the project "Snob" since December 2008.


Where was born


Who was born

Born in the Family of the Cyfli Sports (Institute of Philosophy, Literature, Stories). Grandfather - Professor-Orientalist, Linguist N.F. Yakovlev, Mom Last - editor, Father - Ph.D..

"The grandfather came from the genus Andreevich-Andreevsky, his two ancestors were arrested in the Decembrists case, one, Yakov Maksimovich, was convicted at the age of 25 and spent on Katorga (Petrovsky plant under Ulan-Ude) all his short life. Summer in 1840 In the hospital for insane. His portrait of the brushes N.A. Kestuzheva (a copy of P.P.Sokolov) is located in the state. Historical Museum

In our family, a home theater was adopted. The first mention of it belongs to the 20th Gg of the twentieth century (the memories of Evg.shulling). Yes, I do not think that only here. This wonderful tradition still lives in many Moscow families. "

"You know, my great-grandfather was a character of the silver century, a doctor and a secret Bolshevik, and for some reason he insisted that they were not taught to read."

Where and what I studied

Engaged in the opera studio.

"I, unfortunately, failed singer."

"I do not remember my headwall. In evacuation in Kuibyshev, where I was brought in three years, we, enemies of the people, were only a few books. Babushkin Choice What to carry with you: "Brief course of the history of WCP / B", "Survantes Life" Frank, a complete collected Works of Mayakovsky in one of the volume and the "room in the attic" Vanda Vasilevskaya. Praded ("Sedya") did not allow me to learn to read. I learned this secret, on newspapers. Adults found it by chance, when I began to quote the passages from the "short course of history" - "and moved the river of the people's movement, moved" (with the upset). I thought it seemed that these were poems. Mayakovsky I did not understand, apparently. My grandmother, Valentine was the object of Caring for the Young Mayakovsky, who called her for some reason "Blue Duchess" and called Marry. When grandmother and her sister Asya reunited in Moscow after decades of forced absence, harmful asya exclaimed: "I did not want for a poet, I didn't want to go for the student and that received!"

He graduated from the faculty of MSU journalism.

Where and how worked

Worked correspondent

He worked as a correspondent of the "last news" of the All-Union Radio in Moscow, then the magazine correspondent with the discovers of the "horizon", after which he moved to television in the review department, where, using complete neglect, wrote transmission reports - especially like "LUM" ("Lenin University of Million ") And" five-year-old steps "- these reports went to all TV instances. After a number of complaints of the chief editors, the department was disbanded, and L.Petrushevskaya fell into the Department of Perspective Planning, the only futuristic institution in the USSR, where it would be necessary from 1972 to predict Soviet television for a two thousandth year. Since 1973, L.Petrushevskaya has not been working anywhere.

Created a "studio of manual labor", in which he independently draws cartoons with a mouse. Movies "Conversations K.Ivanov" (together with A. Golovan), "Pensne", "horror", "Ulysses: driving-arrived", "where you" and "Muumu".

"My films are badly drawn, they are scored, however, they exist. And do not forget that you can laugh! "

What made this

Books fairy tales: "Treatment of Vasily" (1991), "lived TRP-R" (1992), "Tale about ABC" (1996), "Real fairy tales" (1996), "Suitcase Chepuchi" (2001), "Happy Cats "(2002)," Piglets Peter and Machine "," Petr's piglets travels to visit "," Piglets Peter and Store "(all- 2002)," Book Princes "(2007, an exclusive edition with ill. R. Khamdamova ), "Book Princes" (Rosman, 2008), "The Adventures of Peter Piggy" (Rosman, 2008).

The first book of the stories came out in 1988, before that, L. Petrushevskaya was listed in prohibited authors. In 1996, a five-volume (AST) was published. In 2000-2002, the nine-seater (ed. Vagribus, watercolor series). Four more books reached Eksmo and eleven collections released Amphora's publisher over the past three years. Speaks on the plays of L. Petrushevskaya walked with the student Theater of Moscow State University (dir. R. Viktyuk), in Mkate (dir. O.Fremov), Lenkom (dir. M. Zakharov), Contemporary (dir. R.victyuk), T-re them. Mayakovsky (dir. S.Arzibashev), in the theater on Taganka (dir. S. Arzibashev), in the "about" theater (dir. Yu.Pogrebnikko) and "On Pokrovka". (Rev.Artsibashev).

The play on the play "Apartment of the Colombina" was put in the theater "Contemporary" in 1985.

In 1996, the collected works in five volumes.


Prose and plays are translated into 20 languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

In 2008, the North Palmyir Foundation together with the International Association "Live Classic" organized the International Petrushevsky Festival, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of his birth and the 20th anniversary of the release of the first book by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya.

Public affairs

Member of the Russian Penag Center.

Public acceptance

Pushkin Alfred Topper Foundation.

The play "Moscow Choir" by her play received the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Prize "Triumph".

Stanislavsky's theater award.

Academician of the Bavarian Academy of Arts is a classic of European culture.

Participated in scandals

In 1979, after the premiere of the play "Lessons of Music" in the student theater, Moscow State University was removed, and the theater dispersed.

Roman Viktyuk, director: "Efros said then:" Roman, forget about her. With our life, it will never be set. " And when we set, despite all the prohibitions, he wrote in the "Soviet culture" that this is the best performance in twenty-five years. They felt such a right thing in this play, and in the Lyus itself, such a prophet, a seer for a long period of Soviet power, on this agony, which has already begun, and it was necessary to have an incredible courage to talk about it. "


books of Philosopher Merab Magamdashvili and writer Marseille Proust

A family

Sons: Kirill Kharatyan, Deputy Chief Editor of the Vedomosti newspaper, and Fedor Pavlov-Andreevich, journalist and TV host. Daughter Pavlova Natalia, soloist group "C.L.O.N." (Funk Rock).

And generally speaking

"Oddly enough, I am a philologist on the principle of life, I collect all the time language ..."

"I was always a minority and always lived as a scout. In any queue, I was silent - it was impossible, I was silent at work. I buried myself all the time. "

Mark Zakharov, director: "Lyudmila Petrushevskaya is a man of amazing fate. She came out of the most severe living layers of our life. It can be very simple in relationship, frank and honest. It can be ironic. Maybe angry. She is unpredictable. If I was told to draw a portrait of Petrushevskaya, I could not ... "

In contact with


Name: Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (Lyudmila Petrushevskaya)

Zodiac sign: Twins

Age: 80 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Activity: Writer, playwright, screenwriter, singer

Family status: widow

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya cannot be called the usual writer, her works penetrate deep into children's and adult souls ... This is a person with an unusual fate, she lived in his entire life, without giving up and no passing before another turn of fate.

For a long time, Lyudmila Stefanovna wrote his works "on the table", as they did not pass by Soviet censorship, and at the peak of a career, when her plays were already put in the famous theaters in the entire post-Soviet space, she opened the talent of a multiplier and musician.

Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya was born on May 26, 1938 in Moscow in a young student family. Stefan Petrushevsky became a doctor of philosophy, and his spouse was an editor. During the war, Lyudmila was for some time in the orphanage in Ufa, and later brought up grandfather.

Nikolai Feofanovich Yakovlev, Linguist Caucasian, an active participant in the struggle with illiteracy, for a long time adhered to such an opinion, so that Lyudmila's little granddaughter was taught to read. An ardent supporter of Marrism was greatly worried about the defeat of this theory by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, and, according to unofficial data, in connection with this, the scientist began to develop a mental illness.

Lyudmila Stefanovna perfectly knows the story of a kind. The writer says that Yakovlev came from the Andreevich-Andreevsky family, and his ancestors were Decembrists, one of whom died in reference in a psychiatric hospital.

Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, the tradition of home theatrical performances appeared in the family of Petrushevsky. Lyudmila herself never thought about the career of the writer, the girl was dreaming about the scene and wanted to perform in Opera. In childhood, Petrushevskaya actually engaged in the opera studio, but it was not destined to become a opera diving.

In 1941, Lyudmila with his grandfather and grandmother was evacuated from the Russian capital in Kuibyshev, the family could take with them only 4 books, among whom were the poem of Mayakovsky and the textbook of the history of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

The girl, not knowing how to read under the strict prohibition of his grandfather, considered the newspapers with curiousness, with the help of which she learned the letters, and later read the secret, he studied by heart and even quoted books. Grandmother Lyudmila Valentina often told his granddaughter that Vladimir Mayakovsky himself provided her signs and wanted to take his wife, but she chose to stop her choice on Linguist Yakovlev.

When the war ended, Lyudmila came to Moscow and entered Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov to study journalism. At the end, she settled in a correspondent to one of the publishing houses of Moscow, and then settled on the All-Union Radio, where he led the program "Recent Izvestia".

At the age of 34, Petrushevskaya became the editor on the central television of Goseradio of the USSR, wrote reviews on serious economic and political transmissions like "five-year-old steps". But soon on Petrushevskaya began to write complaints, a year later she quit and no longer attempts to get a job.

While still a student Jurfa MSU Petrushevskaya wrote comic poems and scenarios for student creative evenings, but he did not think about the career of the writer and then. Only in 1972 in the St. Petersburg literary and artistic and political magazine "Aurora" the first time a small lyrical story "through the fields" was published. The next publication of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya dates back to the second half of the eighties.

Despite this, Petrushevsky's work appreciated small theaters. In 1979, Roman Grigorievich Viktyuk on the scene of the House of Culture "Moskvorechye" presented the "Lessons of Music", which was written back in 1973. After the premiere director Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros praised the work, but said that this play would never pass by Soviet censorship, so radical and truthful thoughts expressed by Petrushevskaya, where she foresaw the agony of the Soviet Union. And Epros was, as usual, right. The play was banned and even dispersed theatrical troupe.

Later in Lviv theater, founded by students of the Lviv Polytech, was set by the play "Chinzano". On the professional stage of the work of Petrushevskaya appeared only in the eighties: First, the Metropolitan Drama Theater Yuri Lyubimov "Taganka" put the "Love" play, a little later in the "contemporary" showed "Colombina's apartment".

Petrushevskaya itself continued to write stories, plays and poems, however they were still not published, as they reflected unwanted country to the country of life of the USSR people.

Prosaic works of Ludmila Stephanovna were a logical continuation of drama. All Creativity Petrushevskaya adds to a single life-known life from the point of view of a woman. On pages you can trace how the young girl becomes a mature woman, and later turns into a moat lady.

In 1987, a collection of Lyudmila Petrushevsk "Immortal Love" was released, for which in 4 years the writer received the Pushkin Prize in Germany.

In the nineties, the writer began to write fairy tales for various age groups. Based on many of them, the cartoons were subsequently shot. Continued to write Lyudmila Petrushevskaya also in the 2000s. Now her works were normally published, and the admirers enjoyed the creativity of the beloved writer.

In 2007, a collection of Moscow Choir appeared in St. Petersburg, which included such plays as "raw leg, or a meeting of friends," "Bifem" and others. A year later, the premiere of the cartoon cycle for children was held, the main character of which was Petya's piglery.

An interesting fact in the biography of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya was a dispute about whether her profile was not the prototype of the famous hedgehog from the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Tuman". And in fact, if you carefully look at the photo of the writer, there are general features. Yes, and Lyudmila Stefanovna itself spoke about it in his works, although Norstein's multiplier Yuri Borisovich calls another version of creating his hero.

The sophisticated, permanently occupied by the art of Lyudmila tied his life with Boris Pavlov, who led the gallery in Solyanka.

In 2009, the writer died with a husband, but she had 3 children left: Kirill, Fedor and Natalia. The sons of the writer became journalists, and the daughter stopped his choice on music.

In parallel with the literary work, Lyudmila Stefanovna founded the "Studio of manual labor", where herself works by a multiplier. From under the "pen" of the writer came out "Conversations K. Ivanov", "Ulysses: driving-arrived" and other works.

In addition, Lyudmila Stefanovna writes pictures and sells them, and the revenue money sends children's homes. The exhibition-auction of graphic works of the writer took place in May last year. The most generous buyers got the work of Petrushevskaya with an autograph.


1989 - "Three girls in blue"
1995 - "Mystery of the House"
2001 - "Time Night Waterloo Bridge"
2001 - "Chepuchi Suitcase"
2002 - "... like a flower at the dawn"
2002 - "Where I was"
2002 - "Case in Sokolniki"
2002 - "The Adventures of Peter Black Coat" piglet "
2003 - "Innocent Eyes"
2003 - "Immature Gooseberry Berries"
2005 - "City of Light: Magic Stories"
2006 - "Little girl from" Metropol ""
2006 - "Ruski Foy"
2006 - "Apartment of Colombina"
2008 - "Black Butterfly"
2012 - "From the first person. Talk about past and present "

Date of Birth: 26.05.1938

Dramaturgome, Proser, Children's Writer, Writer, Multiplier, Artist. Dramaticria and prose Petrushevskaya is one of the most analyzed phenomena of domestic literature. Her creativity, which is a mixture of realism and absurd, physiology and spirituality, sometimes raises contradictory responses from critics and readers.

Born in Moscow in the family of an employee. He lived a heavy military half-starved childhood, wandered over his relatives, lived in an orphanage under Ufa. According to his own confession, "the herring heads from a neighbor's permanent bucket," and saw her mother for the first time at 9 years old.

After the war, returned to Moscow, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (1961). He worked as a correspondent of Moscow newspapers, employee of publishing houses, with 1972 - editor at the Central Television Studio. Stories began writing from the mid-1960s. The first published work of the author was the story "through the fields", which appeared in 1972 in the journal Aurora. Although Petrushevskaya and accepted the Writers' Union (1977), but her works were not pronounced for a very long time. No political topics, the writer did not even mention, but the unsightly description of the Soviet life contradicted official ideology. The first book of Petrushevskaya came out in 1988, when the writer was already 50 years old.

The first plays were seen by amateur theaters: the "Lessons of Music" (1973) was put by R. Viktyuk, the first stage on the professional scene - the play of love (1974) in the theater on Taganka (director Y.Lubimov). And immediately Pieses of Petrushevskaya were banned and until the second half of the 80s were not put on a professional scene. Despite the prohibition of Petrushevskaya was an informal leader of the post-ampilovsky new wave in drama 70-80s. Also in the 70-80s, by Petrushev scenarios, several animated films were shot. Including the famous "tale of fairy tales" Y. Norstein.

The attitude to the test of the writer has changed with the start of restructuring. Her plays began to actively put, prose print. Petrushevskaya became known to a wide circle of readers and viewers. However, despite the deserved glory, the writer continued literary experiments, creating works in the genre of absurdity, actively mastering the "profession" of the storyter. The writer draws watercolors and takes part in quite extravagant musical projects. At 70, Petrushevskaya became interested in animation and even created his own "studio": a studio of manual labor. Petrushevskaya member of the Russian Penaging Center and Academician of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts.

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya lives and works in Moscow. The widow, the head director of the gallery "in Solyanka" Boris Pavlov (he died on September 19, 2009).

Tore children. Two sons (Kirill Kharatyan and Fedor Pavlov-Andreevich) Famous journalists. Daughter (Natalia Pavlova) is engaged in music.

Military childhood left a deep trace in the Pershevsky personality. "German is always scary for me. I taught many languages, I speak several, just not in German," says the writer.

The cartoon film "Tale of fairy tales" in the joint scenario of L. Petrushevskaya and Y. Norstein is recognized as the "best animation film of all times and peoples" according to the results of an international survey conducted by the Academy of Cinema together with Asifa Hollywood, Los Angeles (USA), 1984

Petrushevskaya claims that it was her profile for Y. Norstein "the source of inspiration" when creating the main character of the "fairy tales" of the hedgehog.

In 2003, Petrushevskaya together with the Moscow free jazz-rock ensemble "Inquisitorium" released an album "No. 5. Middle of the Grand Julius", where he read and sang her poems under the accompaniment of whistle, the ocean roast or a barking dogs.

Awards writer

(Hamburg, 1991)
Twice nominated to "" (1992 and 2004)
Prizes of the magazine "October" (1993, 1996, 2000)
Journal Prize "New World" (1995)
Prize of the magazine "Banner" (1996)
Premium "Moscow-Penne" (Italy, 1996)
Prize them. S. Dovyttova magazine "Star" (1999) (2002)
Premium Festival "New Drama" (2003)
Stanislavsky's Theater Prize (2004)
Nominated on (2008)
In the nomination "Collection" (2010)


L. Petrushevskaya - Author of a large number of plays, stories, stories, fairy tales, etc. Works of the writer are collected in the following collections:
Immortal Love (1988)
XX century songs (1988)
Three girls in blue (1989)
Your Circle (1990)
Treatment of Vasily and other fairy tales (1991)
On the road of God Eros (1993)
Mystery of the house (1995)

Tale about Azbuka (1997)

House of Girls (1998)
Karamzin: Rustic Diary (2000)
Find me, sleep (2000)
Queen Lir (2000)
Requieres (2001)
Time Night (2001)
Waterloo Bridge (2001)
Chepuchi suitcase (2001)
Happy cats (2001)
Where I was: stories from other reality (2002)
Such a girl (2002)
Black coat: Non-reality stories (2002)
Case in Sokolniki: Non-Reality Stories (2002)
... as a flower at dawn (2002)
Testament of the old monk: stories from other reality (2003)
House with fountain (2003)
Innocent Eyes (2003)
Immature Gooseberry Berries (2003)
Cute lady (2003)
Ninth Tom (2003)
Wild animals fairy tales. Sea passionate stories. Rusky wielding (2003)

Goddess Park (2004)
Amended Time (2005)
City of Light: Magic Stories (2005)