The best divorces on April 1st. Laughter's day: ideas of jokes and draws

The best divorces on April 1st. Laughter's day: ideas of jokes and draws
The best divorces on April 1st. Laughter's day: ideas of jokes and draws

H. Ore draw for school. Write a note during the lesson with the words "on the mop ceiling" and transfer the neighbor in the desk. To tell him that after reading the note altered on. The effect will be stunning when everyone who reads a note will look up, and with him and teacher!

And you can still risen your favorite guy, changing it with a glove to your (of course, a smaller size).

N. Unde to ask a friend to become in the middle of the room, stretching hands forward. Further in the hands (between the index and thumbs), bother two matches, heads to the bottom. The following two matches are placed under the shoes of the friend, barely stuck them. At the end, ask him the question of what a month in the yard. Of course, in response to hear: "April". And then the attribution: "Why then are you skiing?" The laughter in the room will not be sick!


Z. An amicing joke for drawing in the institution with a huge number of visitors. Plate pointing to the toilet, place on the doors of one of the offices. It will be better if his employees will come out infrequently from the Cabinet. It will give time for a joke until the plate is removed. Imagine office staff watching the following picture, very fun. "The door to the office opens rapidly, almost runs the next visitor and with a surprised look quickly goes out."


N. And on April 1, you can make such a draw at work to play colleagues. Take at home glass bottle with a capacity of 250 grams from under vodka. Pour water there. Bottle with water to fit into the bag. At work, you can first start a conversation about a healthy lifestyle, while delivering this bottle and drink water from it. You could also offer to drink from this bottle to someone from colleagues. Especially ridiculous, if you drink a person who did not drink before.


FROM The assistance is hopelessly dilapidated, but surprisingly effective. If you have a good company of friends and you need to play "the sullen himself" - then there is a good way to raise the mood. On ordinary gatherings, you offer to smoke new, presented by some distant shared familiar, cigarettes. A few minutes you can do anything: run 10-current chickens into the room, turn paint, or even turn on some melody quietly. The main thing is to pretend that no one notices anything. The expression of confusion on your friend's face is to raise you for a long time.


R Lyhygrysh is suitable for people who are not very well versed in astronomy. It is that you are talking to a person that today the news transferred information that from the Sun, with the next outbreak, a piece was broken off and he flies towards land. On our planet, he will reach the end of this day. And they say that it is not yet known what damage it can apply, but most likely - a colossal one. So far, the details are unknown, in such a short sentence scientists are unlikely to be able to do something.


D. La such a draw should be found when there is no person and then returns home. Throw up the door decorated box with the inscription "Your Surprise from the company" with a note inside - "Your Prize for Stubborn Work." Inside the box to put on the choice - a turtle, a lizard, snail or someone else, of course, it is necessary to make the beast to have air access. Also insert a business card with the number of the phone "Firms". If there is a surprise, it will at the same time will be a gift. If not - will return to the "firm".


Z. the wizard at 6 am a friend - native, help, robbed at night, beat, woke up in the morning outside the city - not even something to get on, there is no money, the phone in the mushroom painted (it is better at all, so that the mushroom mark began to be a conversation - here, here your friend is supposedly - All beaten, etc.). He says where to drive up ... by such a highway, bring money. The friend is lucky and hits the holiday, where the table is covered and all his friends.


D. For a draw, we need:
1. Bowl with water (preferably plastic);
2. Mop;
3. The person who will play (preferably a girl);
4. Chair or staircase;
5. Room (with minimum items);
Raisher himself:
We take a bowl of water, climb on a stool or staircase and lean the bowl to the ceiling. Next, call the playable and ask you to stop the moc of mop (in advance left nearby) to the ceiling. We get from the staircase or stairs, go and take with you (stool / staircase), leave a person on one with the uncomfortable hands and the bowl of the ceiling. Next to the choice or observe or remove the video. We are waiting for our victim will not stand and let go of a bowl. Congratulations on the first of April already wet played.


R Looks for a child (play a son or daughter). It is preferable to the family where there are children under 13, and better at once. Behind breakfast or lunch seriously says to one child (the second can even be aware of jokes), that they decided to buy a goat, who, if you have to trust this very responsible order to milk her! And not only to milk, but also feed, and clean behind her ... Choo naturally shock (especially when you are seriously discussing questions about the delivery of goats to you) ...


D. Arim is a future victim of an envelope in which one hundred rubles lie, the bill must be in excellent condition. We give with a cunning face and warn it as if necessary, they say, only in the ATM, do not sui. Most of the victims lose about half an hour trying to find the difference. In no way, do not admit that the money is authentic, you can beat off phrases: well, almost, almost a script. To torment is preferably at least one day.


J. Eah in the morning spread with her husband sits down the car, allegedly need to go down on business. After 30-40 minutes, let the man call on the phone of her husband, preferably with a Caucasian accent in a rough form, swearing says that his wife broke him a car. It's all right -, but if it is not in half an hour with money to pay damage in an agreed place, - with his wife will be great trouble. If friends gather to the place of meeting - this will strengthen the draw and eliminate the possible conflict.


I I work the conductor on the route bus and on the first of April we did for passengers, which is what kind of draw. You need to take 1 dollar, it is desirable that it is old and marked. Bind a colorless thread for one tip. Put the seats in the cabin from the passengers, so that it is not very noticeable. And the second end of the thread must be kept in the driver's cabin. As soon as a person wants to raise the bill, the thread needs to pull. And it turns out that the passenger runs over the dollar. It will be very funny.


P I minimize your attention one of the draws, which is tested on personal experience. So. We take the brother in the amount of 1 thing, preferably a schoolboy or a student (there is no brother, replace your sister. Of course, you can my mother or dad, but only if they have a positive reaction, and no one has canceled the belt's law from the parents). From the evening, when a relative is falling, we translate his alarm clock an hour earlier. And also, do not forget to transfer the clock in the room an hour earlier. Time must be identical. Going to bed and wait for the fun at morning. In the morning, turning off the alarm clock, your little brother, still half a hand, sticks into the bath, wash, not understanding why so dark outside the window and why I want to sleep so much. But the real surprise suits him when it comes to a closed school. Just imagine. There are few people on the street, and the school stands in a dark bullfin, towers over your patenter. For a consuming effect, you can kill him in the footsteps and shoot all this on the video, quietly laughing.


M. We were on a business trip. Lived in the barracks. April 1 issued a day off. Dmitry, our fighter, gave an ad in the newspaper about selling a mobile phone. He was erased in the shower, and the phone left. We had some kind of local yellow press, where there were ads of the "guy would like to meet a guy." Taking a number from there, we sent SMS to it with the text: "I will be happy to meet with you, there is no money, call back! Dima". After 5-10 minutes, the call from this guy. We call Dmitry - he takes the phone. Approximate conversation:
He: Hello, Dmitry?
Dmitry: Yes. Are you talking about announcement?
He: Yes, meet?
Dmitry: drive up to me. I'm just free.
Gives the address. We were very friendly, grinning, but went to meet with Dima, you never know what ... without a fight 🙂


IN Last year I was in finding work. This my problem knew friends who played me. They called and say that there is an interesting job, high payment and no trick. When I went to the address specified by them, then the personnel department perceived me originally, as a "a little sick", which came to the interview without warnings and consistency. As it turned out (purely randomly), they really needed workers. Now I thank friends for a joke and I am happy to work with pleasure.

SMS sent, with a message: "Congratulations you won a million, take the winning box."
Someone will miss by, someone will immediately run to watch.
In the mailbox you need to put an envelope.
When a person sees an envelope, then almost jumps up to heaven, in 80% of the case.
In the envelope there will be a postcard dedicated to the subject of April 1.


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Create postcard

For a calm friend
Tie a Christmas cracker to the railing,
and her tail to thread and door handle.
Call the door and quickly hinge.
If a friend does not open the door, you need to carefully repeat.
The main thing to run is needed quietly.

Draws on April 1

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Create postcard


My best girlfriend called me to the cell phone and said that I had an accident and now in the hospital. My day was loaded with work, and I forgot that today it is just that day, when you can easily get to the "fishing rod" of the pussy. I am strongly alarmed, I rush into the bus and repeat the address of the hospital, the floor, the number of the chamber. Nervous, throwing calls on the phone.
I come to the hospital, climbing the floor and run up to the first doctor who fell to the eye. We grab the hands and quickly telling the name, the surname of my girlfriend, that she fell into an accident on a personal car .. The doctor looks at me with "huge" eyes, something wants to ask ... But I do not let you insert words. Moms pass by moms with children, but I don't notice this! Finally, he closes his mouth with his hand and says softly: - Dame, this is a children's office.
I rang the phone, my friend informs me:
- Since the first of April, girlfriend! Of course I calmed down and laughed at myself for a long time.


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Create postcard

Expensive gift

On April 1, I very successfully played my wife. This is a draw of this drawing every day
As you know, an excellent woman does not only clothes and a figure, but also what is called the "highlight". It is much better when the woman has several of them. Give all your familiar women to women a real highlight! We will need a small velvet case for jewelry and one large raisin. We insert the highlight into the groove for a ring and the present woman's case with the words: "You know, yesterday I accidentally got to sell, and now, I could not resist!"

A woman who did not expect any gifts on this day, especially those who put into velvet boxes, freezes, opens the charter and sees Raisins. If you add a small note to the highlight to the highlight with a cool inscription, for example, "a lot of not enough" or "in the farm will come in handy!" - The woman will surely laugh. My spouse laughed very long, since then you have to dine in the restaurant, because at home, dinner stopped being prepared fundamentally.


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Raffle harmless, but fun. If you are a loving sister, then I think you will not work out from the evening on March 31 or in the morning on April 1, to sew the bottom of the trouser's beloved brother. That he will be delighted, to school or institute do not have to go. At least in these trousers. Just stop, use thread and needle, and not a sewing machine ...)
My brother laughed for a long time, realizing what it was.


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Propelle drawing for her husband.
Send a SMS husband, supposedly by mistake: "Cute, come soon, my husband went to work." The reaction of the spouse can be the most unpredictable, silence to the grand scandal. Therefore, such a draw can be applied only when you know the character of the blessing.
Pre-about your intentions and text SMS record on paper and imperceptibly invest in the pocket of the husband's clothes. On all in case, for evidence

Draws on April 1

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Create postcard

Suitable size

Raffle harmless, but funny. When guests come to you, you can joke above them. In the socks of their shoes to lay crumpled pieces of the newspaper, or wool, so that the steel boots are less. Have fun when guests can hardly wear shoes. Do not forget to congratulate them from April 1 and confess everything! It is necessary to pour everything in a glass of alcohol, on the doll.


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Raffle colleagues.
This is one of the most popular drawing in the office. No skills, except the ability to laugh at a responsible moment, you will not need. At the end of the conversation with a colleague, casually mention that the chief economist (accountant, the head of the AHO, the head) asked him to go to him into the office. The figure should be quite terrible so that the employee does not solve the recruitment about the meeting directly by phone. For a whole day, you can send 15-20 employees to the boss, and even the entire department department. And will get to everyone: and employees who come to non-existent meetings, and the leader who will hear a knock on his door every ten minutes and a timid voice: "Called?". True, be prepared for the fact that all visitors by gathering in a bunch, they have a challenge to the wall and weekly ask: "Who told you that we have a meeting?!". Then you no longer have anything else, how to break into a foolish smile and shout loudly: "Since the first of April !!!". If colleagues have a sufficient sense of humor, collective laughter is secured, and if not, you will hear everything about you think.


Order a call to the one you want to play, from celebrity: Putin, Zhirinovsky or famous artist! You can also choose a call: April 1, a birthday, some kind of holiday. You just imagine that Putin calls your friend in the morning and congratulates it personally with the holiday, or the famous politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. I can only imagine your friend's face. I assure you, get you and your friend a lot of not forgotten minutes!

This draw is well done for a person who often uses a computer, but not very confident. Although an experienced user for several minutes, too, will probably be discouraged.
So, step by step instructions:
Step 1. To lure the "sacrifice" because of the computer and send to walk outside the visibility zone and hear of 5-10 (can be more) minutes.
Step 2. Create the visibility of work on the desktop. For example, we open a text editor and write there the phrase "Hi, peace!".
Step 3. We make a screenshot (click Printscreen on the keyboard).
Step 4. Open the Paint Program and insert our image from the clipboard (Ctrl + V).
Step 5. We save the document, remember the path to it, close the graphic editor.
Step 6. We find in the explorer our picture, right-click on it and select the item "Make the Background Image of the Desktop".
Step 7. We are waiting for the victim and enjoy the result at a safe distance.

You can very richly play people in the subway. Log in one of the stops into the car and, slightly waiting, approach the driver's call button. Next, by clicking on it (of course, only by doing the form), it is necessary to say loudly: "Two colas and hamburger, please, in the car number ...". And then calmly wait for the next stop, at which the accomplice must log in and ask loudly: "Who ordered two colas and a hamburger?" Having received payment, the accomplice should go out. Once the train is touching, you need to approach the call button again and pronounce loudly: "To the end without stops, please."

The draw can and a little childish, but at the same moment and cruel, so if you play someone in this way, then you will probably know that no one will seriously ... After February 14, one unnecessary, but insanely beautiful valentine. Everyone in the team has guys, which, one way or another, puff the "weak" floor. Here, in my opinion, this joke is just for them. We take Valentine, beautiful cut it in the middle into two parts. We subscribe: "Find your half!" And imperceptibly put on the table, in the upper clothes (pocket), maybe in a bag. There, where our victim will find in a short time. Well, I think it is clear that the halves are put on one floor (two guys or two girls). Especially it will be funny if the audience will be the whole department.

With this drawing, the funnier is ridiculously joking over a person, very scrupulously relating to the purity of its things and appearance. It is necessary to mix the Purgen tablet and a bit of ammonia alcohol, the result is a solution of red-pink color. It is poured into a cup and at a convenient case "by chance" poured on the unfortunate played. It is possible to pretend that it was cherry juice, which, as is known, poorly dismissed.
After a few seconds, the stains, of course, will disappear, since the ammonia will disappear. But it is better just in case at first at home to spend this experience on an unnecessary piece of light material to completely eliminate the opportunity to spoil someone else's thing.

This draw can be represented as a bet. Stretch a friend 100 rubles and say: "The store has slipped fake bills. We argue by 100 rubles, which will not find differences from the real? I searched for half a day, I barely found. " At the end of the draw or enjoy an extra hundred, or reveal the secret.

For a draw, you need to stand a little earlier than usual, and in advance will agree with your friend's wife, whatever you play rifle, call early in the morning and say that he is late for work, a little later call his wife and negotiate a meeting, and before the arrival of a friend You cover on the table and look at his surprised reaction, tell him about his long-time hidden feelings and that I wanted to admit to him for a long time ... that today is April 1!

We need a preferably young couple. They sit at home, windows overlook the courtyard. All conditions have been created in the room, as if part-time (light or color music) goes. The windows are open, playing loud music (day). Purpose: Group of Friends Planning a friend who does not know that married couple. Previously call it to this courtyard, they say, everyone in the apartment is going to the party. When the playful comes, he is told that in the apartment party, until everyone gathered, but there is a very beautiful girl. With her a guy (whose friend), who is trying to conquer her, but she refuses him. All this time, our couple should stand by the window and depict a lightweight quarrel. It is necessary to briefly explain that the played rose, called, explained the guy that he was superfluous, and that now "his turn" to conquer the lady. When a joyful guy rises, calls the door, he shows a passport with a stamp during a short conversation.

Washing powder

In an empty box from under the washing powder plays
polyethylene bag and dry milk falls asleep.
It is interesting to watch others when in Ludna
whether you start there is a contents of the box with a spoon.

Raffle with glue

We glue a superclone 10 ruble coin somewhere on the sidewalk, clean it before this tassel from dust, sit down close to the shop and watch ... jokes can be modified: do the same in the place where people crowded, and then ask: "Who Coin dropped? "

Spotted drawing

To his girlfriend (naturally, there must be a close relationship between you) you need to call the killed voice to say that you have a prenentary news that you report when meeting. While she, torn by the alarm, runs to you, take an ordinary watercolor and in some place (approx. What - a fantasy tells) to make small dots. Believe me, it looks not just natural, but you can say, it is unpleasant. Well, when my favorite comes to you, sadly swinging clothes and think that it appeared after the last meeting. The effect is stunning.

Raffle with lysome

Very simple draw. At the party in the boot of the most emotional girl puts lysun. Who does not know, this is such a jelly-shaped ball, which, being thrown into the wall, spreads as the hero of the cartoon about the ghosts. I used to sell everywhere, now you need to search. When a girl is going home and converted into an entrance hall, her leg snaps in his boot something very nasty.


The draw is notable for the fact that with all its simplicity it is very often possible. In the midst of any conversation, such a question must be screwed down: "By the way, do you know how the abbreviation" Dunya "is decrypted?" After a natural answer "No. And how?" Answer: "Fools we don't have". After that, your interlocutor in 90% of cases on the machine says: "Do I?" ... After a second confusion and following him, the explosion of laughter of all other listeners can already be commented: "Well ..., if you ..."


For a friend or girlfriend, you can arrange a funny and pleasant surprise. Take baby finger paints or any other enough thick paint and make it so

Then, turning on the wipers, your friend or girlfriend will be pleasantly surprised by this such drawing)

Flour draw

In the middle of the table put an inflatable ball. The contest is announced, and the meaning of him is such - the two participants are tied with eyes, and they sit at the table. They are invited to compete in redoning this ball. Gently remove the ball and put a plate, abundantly filled with flour. When they begin to blow with force on this plate, they come into amazement, and when their eyes are unleashed, they come to indescribable delight.

Jumping draw

With a large number of participants and video shooting, it is especially interesting. Everything, except the lead, get up in a row, stand, looking at each other in the back. The presenter tells that he falsifies everyone one animal, and then he will be randomly called them, after which the participant who corresponds to this beast must jump on the back in front of standing. The essence of the draw is that everything is called the same animal.


The presenter causes two men and announces the task: "Imagine that you came to fishing, developed fishing rods, the participants are depicting how to unwind fishing rods, they abandoned them, the participants show, and began to catch. If you go to pebbles, you can take further, participants are depicting, How they go to stone and are arranged to catch. Begins to arrive water, you feel sorry for pants, raise them, players raise, the water is higher and higher, players raise pants even higher. " And when the presenter decided that the pants were raised enough, he announces: "And now a competition is announced on the most beautiful legs of our wedding (birthday, etc.)" :)))

Bottle jigsha

Previously in the bottom of the bottle (from under vodka, with a screw stopper) a hole with a diameter of about 5 mm is drilled. You need to drill with a diamond or a winning drill with water. Then, holding the hole with a finger, fill in water and tightly spin the plug. After that, the finger can be released, water is not poured for known reasons. At the midst of the evening, the bottle can be put on the table and the first one who will try to open it, pours water.

Loud jigshaw

Attach the "Cracking" door, then when you open the door, your friend / colleague / neighbor will be very "delighted") is not recommended for particularly impressionable natures!

About Mouse

The "victim" is asked: what do you think, who will come down faster from the slides: a mouse or krynok? Regardless of the answer, we say that incorrectly. Any normal person will ask: "Why?" With smart (or any other), the face is responsible: "And he is on a bicycle." Now the soil is ready for coming. The offended "victim" we ask the following question: how can you determine who in the refrigerator: a mouse or konson? Here people invent options (by sound, by smell, etc.). Naturally, we say that everything is wrong. To the legitarious question "And how?" We answer: "Do you need to watch a bicycle ..."

Chemical prank

Ammonia solution (ammonia alcohol) and phenolphthalein (in common "Purgen" is mixed, it is sold in pharmacies). The result is a red-pink liquid. It is poured into a feature handle and, if possible, accidentally shake on a white blouse or shirt. The chain of red spots causes a storm of indignation. After a second, three ammonious alcohol evaporates and stains disappear.

In some socks

The draw is very simple and old. In the company, where everything is already suitable and better not quite closely familiar with each other, playing in some way draws the attention of the played to the floor (if the carpet is too shaggy, if the floor of the linoleum is slippery, etc.) and trying Call him to the dispute, that in some socks it will not pass on the floor, and naturally, everyone should be in shoes. The situation is real in a cafe or bar. If the playful becomes and, arguing, remove the shoes, and will pass on the floor, then we draw his attention to the fact that the condition of the dispute was to go in some socks, and there is a lot of things!

Raffle with clothespins

Actually, the draw is extremely simple. To do this, we need a foreign company, preferably a slightly underwear, two dozen clothespins and a good mood. To begin with, the host offers a simple competition: to collect clothespins, raised on the partner's clothing. Eyes are tied two guys and are offered to the touch to find raised 5 clothespins. Naturally, the crowd believes the collected clothespins, the girls are playing, blushing, but the game is not interrupted. After the last removed clothespins, everything is very applauded, and the presenter offers pairs to change roles. Argumenting by the fact that women are the people more familiar to the clothespins, it proposes to increase their number to 10 for each person. The clothespins hang out, the ladies tie their eyes, summarize to partners, after which the master of the warder removes the clothespins from each pair. Would you see the movement of these "pinching devices" !!! Police officers from militants do not check those places that chopped the furious handles of girls in search of the last clothespins.

Warm sausage

A man with tied eyes determines: what kind of body parts in front of him. The main thing is that he orient himself: where the head, where the legs, and in the middle there is a warm sausage (without a shell).

Festive draw

For this joke you will need the boxes of matches. One match sticks into boxes, the other is given to the object. You immediately warn it that if he does not know the answer to any of your question, it should immediately light his match on the box. Specify some simple questions to which he knows the answers. After some time, ask: "When is Idiota's birthday?" He, of course, does not know and lights a match on the box, and you solemnly stretch it on this boxes with a burning match and pick: "Happy Birthday to You!"

Drawing with clothes

Draw for conducting in educational institutions on April 1 and not only. You need to contend one girl in advance so that she put men's clothing together with the notebooks in the package. There is a lecture. Last 15 minutes, it comes (also sought) a young man, wrapped in a blanket and appeals to the girl: "I left you in the morning ... Did you happen to take with you?" The girl shrugged, begins to get from the package along with the notebooks pants, shirt, socks, panties ... so that everything goes smoothly, the main thing is not to laugh by the main participants. The result will not make yourself wait.

Draws with bags

Find a suitable place to carry out this bullying, it may be a trolley bus stop (on its example I will consider the sequence of actions) or a bus, a pedestrian crossing, railway station or something else. It is so ... A fragile, pleasant look is put at the bus stop, a girl with two mid-type bags. When trolleybus is suitable, a girl with an innocent look asks any young man to help her make bags in transport. No fool will not refuse to help the beautiful girl, so with the view of the hero, pompous, it is enough for the handle ..., and in the bags load something such that every weighed kilogram is 80, no less ... Watch the result: with The parties look cool, but the main story itself. You can enter the camera (only the operator does not see). At the pedestrian crossing, you can put a grandmother that asks to help move the bags across the road.

Raffle with elevator

Take a table, brought it into a cargo elevator, cover the tablecloth, put a vase with flowers, a cup of coffee and sit down one comrade in a bathrobe with a newspaper at the table. So, what was the reaction of a resident of the house, which caused the elevator and after opening the doors heard: "Yes, how you dare to break into my apartment, who gave you such right and so on ..."