Lemon juice for barbecue. Marinade for shish kebab with lemon

Lemon juice for barbecue.  Marinade for shish kebab with lemon
Lemon juice for barbecue. Marinade for shish kebab with lemon

During the hot season, all kinds of kebabs with various marinades become increasingly popular. Today I will tell you how to cook kebab with lemon. Believe me, the meat will turn out juicy and flavorful!

Description of preparation:

Beautiful, juicy, tender and aromatic!
This is exactly how pork kebab turns out, marinated with lemon. Don't be afraid to experiment with (seemingly) familiar dishes, then you can discover new taste horizons.


Pork - 2 Kilograms
Lemon - 2 pieces
Onions - 2 pieces
Tomatoes - 3-4 pieces
Salt, pepper, seasonings - To taste

Number of servings: 4

How to cook “Lemon shish kebab”

1) Pork marinated with lemon acquires an incredible taste and aroma that was not familiar to you before. To prepare pork kebab with lemon, you will need to wash the meat and cut it into small pieces. Next, place the meat in a saucepan and season with salt.

2) If desired, you can add apples to the recipe.
If you still want to, the apples must be washed, cored and added to the meat. Peel the onion and lemon, cut into rings and also add to the pork. Now it's time for the spices.
The pork must be seasoned with pepper and your favorite herbs, stirring thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the meat. Marinate with the lid closed in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

3) After this time, we string the kebab onto skewers or place it on a grill and grill it on both sides, turning it over periodically. Pork shish kebab with lemon is ready.

The beginning of people eating pig meat dates back to ancient times. For many centuries, pork was practically the only meat product for Europeans. And to this day it is very popular, since raising these animals is not a very difficult process, and pork meat has excellent taste. It is more tender in comparison with the meat of other representatives of the animal world, and is easily absorbed by the human body. Currently, cooking has countless recipes and methods for preparing various pork dishes. It can be boiled, stewed, fried, dried and smoked, used as a separate product or in combination with many others.

with lemon

Of particular importance in the art of cooking is the preliminary preparation of meat before the process of cooking it. One such “pre-preparation” method is marinating. This is not always necessary, but for many dishes this processing of pork is traditional. Marinade for pork shish kebab with lemon adds a special, refined note of taste to the finished product, makes the meat softer and more tender, and helps reduce cooking time. Using lemon adds some piquant sourness to the meat and makes it softer, as the acid contained in lemon juice softens the fibers. This marinade for pork with lemon is often used when pre-processing meat before preparing dishes from portioned pieces that are subject to subsequent frying. But the main thing here is not to overdo it! In excess quantities, lemon or its juice can make the finished dish taste frankly sour. In this regard, during the marinating process it is recommended to use the following dosage: 2 medium-sized lemons per 1 kg of raw meat.

Shashlik. Meat selection, recipe

One of the most popular and beloved pork dishes is undoubtedly shish kebab! A special place in its preparation is given to the correct choice of meat and marinade. The most suitable parts of an animal carcass for barbecue are the neck and loin with rib bones. And for the marinating process, kebab marinade with lemon is very often used.

First, the meat is cut and placed in a deep, non-oxidizing container. Onions are peeled and passed through a meat grinder or grated on a fine grater. The amount of onion is approximately half the weight of raw meat. Next, you need to thoroughly mix the meat with onions and add Georgian or Abkhaz adjika at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 kg of pork. To prepare a marinade for pork kebab with lemon, cut the citrus into pieces and squeeze the juice into a bowl with meat. Once again, everything needs to be thoroughly mixed with force. An important nuance: real, professional barbecue masters do not recommend using salt before and during the marinating process! This is explained by the fact that pre-salted meat loses a lot of juice and turns out dry. Pieces of pork marinated in this way should be left under pressure for 10-12 hours. The shish kebab is fried on a grill over hot coals, for which pieces of meat must be strung on skewers and salted immediately before the frying process itself. Watering meat during cooking is permissible as a last resort, only if an open fire begins to break through. The skewers must be rotated periodically to ensure even frying. The readiness of the kebab is determined as follows: you need to make a deep cut with a sharp knife. If the juice is free of blood, that’s it, the meat is ready.

The marinade for pork kebab with lemon can be used to prepare many other dishes from the meat of this animal, for example, barbecue or pork on the bone. According to numerous reviews, meat marinated and prepared in this way has an extraordinary aroma, delicate taste and literally melts in the mouth.

What is summer without trips to nature? And what are trips without barbecue? And for the picnic to be a great success, the barbecue itself must be outstanding. We bring to your attention a selection of the best recipes for kebab with lemon. Why citrus? First of all, it's truly delicious. Secondly, lemon allows you to significantly reduce the time for marinating meat: of course, as in all other recipes, the meat should stand longer, but if there is lemon in the marinade, you can fry the kebab in 2-3 hours.

What should the ideal kebab be like? Not dry, juicy and aromatic. You will find recipes for preparing just such a dish on this page.

The main thing is that there should not be enough shish kebab. Buy meat at the rate of 400-500 g per person. Be sure to get your bearings in the world of barbecue spices. You can purchase ready-made mixtures, or you can take them separately. Basil, cloves, ginger, cumin, tarragon, sage and nutmeg fit perfectly into the barbecue marinade.

To prepare this kebab, take:

2 kg of pork (medium fat neck);

4 onions;

a large bunch of various greens;

dry spices - barbecue mixture, ground black pepper, salt.

Wash the meat, remove films and veins, cut into small pieces. Peel the onions and carefully cut into thick rings so that they do not fall apart. Wash the greens and chop coarsely.

Place the meat in a bowl for the marinade, add dry spices and herbs, lemon zest; pour in lemon juice. Add salt and mix. Carefully place the onion here so that it does not fall into rings. Leave it like this to marinate. Ideally, overnight, at least for 2 hours, after which you can string the marinated pork onto skewers interspersed with onions (for those who don’t like onions, you can get by with stringing just the meat), add salt and fry over hot coals.

Chicken kebab with lemon


2 kg chicken fillet;

juice of two lemons;

2 onions;

6 tbsp. olive oil;

4 cloves of garlic;

fresh cilantro;

salt, ground black pepper, ground red pepper.

Wash and cut the fillet, place in a container for marinating. Cut the lemon into rings; Squeeze the juice from each onto the meat with your hands and place the rings themselves in a bowl. Cut the onion into rings, coarsely chop the cilantro, add spices and garlic. Mix. Soak in the marinade for one and a half to two hours before frying.

The main thing in this dish is not to overcook it on the coals so that the chicken kebab with lemon retains its juiciness.

Lamb kebab with lemon

You will need:

2 kg lamb;

4 onions;

4 cloves of garlic;

ground red and black pepper, salt.

Rinse the meat, cut into small pieces, place in a marinating vessel, where immediately add salt and pepper. By the way, lamb shashlik should be marinated with lemon in a clay container. Next, sprinkle the meat with chopped onion and garlic. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and pour it into the lamb. Stir so that all pieces of meat are coated with marinade, and leave to marinate in a cool place for 5-7 hours.

Serve lamb kebab with lemon, preferably accompanied by fresh herbs.

Beef kebab with lemon

Beef kebab is not the most common option. You'll have to work a little to make it juicy. There are a few tricks here. Firstly, if you are preparing beef skewers with lemon, it is important to give it time to thoroughly marinate. Secondly, the composition of the marinade for this type of meat is specific, this must be taken into account. And thirdly, you can use veal instead of beef; you can pre-pound the meat, as if for chops, and while frying, grease each piece with vegetable oil.

We offer you this recipe for beef kebab with lemon:

2 kg of beef or veal;

1 large lemon;

3 tbsp. cognac;

2 tbsp. grape vinegar;

2 tbsp. chopped dill;

2 tbsp. cilantro;

2 tbsp. basilica;

10 small onions;

2 tsp ground black pepper;

1 tsp carnations;

Mix spices, chopped onions and coarsely chopped herbs, pour vinegar and cognac over them. Zest the lemon and squeeze out the juice - add the zest, juice and zest to the marinade.

Typically, beef kebab is fried on a spit in large pieces, about 200 g each, while as the top is fried, the meat is cut into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick, and the remaining meat on the spit continues to be fried.

You can try to fry this kebab in the traditional way, but each piece of meat should first be greased with vegetable oil.

Mackerel kebab with lemon

An unusual fish dish with a delicate taste and aroma. To prepare it, take:

mackerel fillet (at the rate of at least 1 fillet per 1 eater, respectively, the number of products must be multiplied by the number of people invited to the meal);

1 onion;

1 clove of garlic;

a piece of ginger root;

fresh herbs, preferably aromatic ones - basil or cilantro are quite suitable;

olive oil;

ground black pepper and salt.

If you have a whole mackerel in your hands, and not a fillet, it should be cut and pitted. Next, it’s time for the marinade: add a little water to the juice squeezed from the lemons, peeled and finely grated ginger (can be replaced with powder), chopped onion, chopped garlic and cilantro.

Rub the mackerel fillet with a mixture of salt and pepper and grease with olive oil - it is convenient to use a silicone brush for this. Transfer the fillet to an enamel container, pour over the marinade and leave in this form for 2-3 hours.

The mackerel kebab with lemon is fried not on skewers, but on a barbecue grill - it must first be greased with vegetable oil. This kebab goes well with new potatoes and vegetable salad.

Shish kebab with mayonnaise and lemon

Mayonnaise in a kebab marinade is designed to make the meat especially tender, which is why it is often used in marinating beef. But we will tell you about a recipe for shish kebab with mayonnaise and lemon from pork, traditional for this dish.

You will need:

2 kg pork;

one lemon;

1 onion;

black pepper - 6-7 peas;

3 canned tomatoes;

fresh herbs - 1 bunch;

ground red pepper;

We wash the meat and cut it into small pieces for skewering. Place in an enamel bowl. For the marinade, mix mayonnaise in a blender, 1 tsp. salt, ground red pepper, chopped onion and herbs, peeled tomatoes. Beat all ingredients with a blender until smooth. Add black peppercorns and squeezed lemon juice to this. “Dirty” the meat thoroughly in this mixture and leave to marinate for 12 hours in a cool place.

Grill over coals as usual. This pork kebab with mayonnaise and lemon is ideally complemented by chopped fresh vegetables.

Shish kebab in mineral water with lemon

This kebab turns out to be especially tender. Shall we try?

To prepare it you will need:

2 kg pork;

1 liter of sparkling mineral water;

4-5 onions;

spices - bay leaf, black pepper; you can use a dry mixture of spices for barbecue;

fresh herbs - basil, cilantro, dill and parsley;

Prepare the ingredients - cut the meat into pieces and the onion into thick rings. Cut each lemon into 8 pieces.

Place meat, salt, spices, onions, lemon juice in layers in an enamel bowl, along with pieces of lemon from which it was squeezed, and herbs. Repeat all layers. The last layer should be onion. Fill the container with soda so that the water lightly covers the contents of the bowl.

This kebab should be marinated with mineral water and lemon for 6-12 hours in the refrigerator.

Shish kebab in kefir with lemon

Rumor has it that shish kebab in kefir with lemon always comes out soft and juicy, even if the meat you get is, to put it mildly, not entirely successful. So, to prepare it you will need:

2 kg pork (necks);

1.5 liters of kefir;

ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;

salt - 0.5-1 tsp.

Wash the pork and cut into pieces, place in an enamel bowl and pour in kefir so that it lightly covers the meat. Meat should not swim in kefir! Squeeze the juice from the lemons by hand and add to the marinade. Cut the squeezed lemons into small pieces and send them there. Add black pepper and stir. Cover the bowl with a lid or cover with cling film and leave as is in the refrigerator for at least 10-12 hours. You will need to salt the meat for shashlik immediately before cooking.

Shish kebab with lemon and kiwi

An unusually tender version of pork kebab with lemon. Even if the choice of meat is unsuccessful, the kebab will turn out excellent. The whole secret is in the miraculous influence of kiwi. But the marinade will have to be prepared in two batches.


2 kg pork;

4-5 onions;

2 small or 1 large kiwi;

a bunch of fresh herbs;

barbecue spices, ground black pepper, salt.

Chop the onion and herbs, wash the meat and cut into pieces, and then put it all in a bowl, pour in lemon juice and cover with spices. Mix well and leave to marinate for 8-10 hours. After the specified time has passed, peel and chop the kiwi in a blender; add to meat and stir. Leave for strictly one and a half hours, otherwise the meat will begin to “creep”.

Thread the meat onto skewers and fry in the usual manner over coals.

Shish kebab in tomato with lemon

To prepare shish kebab you need to prepare:

2 kg pork;

3-4 onions;

500 ml tomato paste;

half a lemon;

half a glass of water;

ground black pepper;

Rinse the pork and cut into portions and season with pepper. You can add salt either now or before cooking—cooks have different opinions about exactly when to salt shish kebab.

Peel and chop the onion. Place over meat. Separately mix the marinade - tomato paste, juice of half a lemon, water and spices. Pour the marinade into the meat and stir. Leave to marinate for 7-8 hours.

To prepare shish kebab in tomato with lemon, you can use not only ready-made paste, but also fresh tomato juice.

The site administration wishes you a pleasant pastime and a lot of varied, juicy and aromatic kebab with lemon.

Eva Cascio especially for

2014, . All rights reserved. Copying materials is prohibited.

Hello! I would like to suggest preparing pork kebab, but in an interesting marinade - with lemon, it is really tasty, and also very healthy, because lemon has a very large list of beneficial properties for human health. And as you know, pork has the highest amount of fat and cholesterol. A lemon marinade for pork skewers will greatly neutralize these two factors.

All the benefits are both healthy and very tasty, I assure you, try marinating pork in a lemon marinade with various herbs and onions and the kebab will turn out excellent. So we read and prepare shish kebab with lemon marinade.

What kind of lemon can be used to marinade pork kebab?

The answer is simple - use plain yellow lemons with a distinct lemon taste and smell. The citric acid contained in lemon softens pork meat very well. By the way, shish kebab made from pork ribs in a lemon marinade with the addition of onions or onion juice turns out to be very tasty! This is just a super recipe. Okay, let's move a little away from the main thing - which lemon is not advisable to use when preparing marinade for pork kebab - do not use lime, this is not the kind of lemon to use for marinade.

Marinade for pork kebab with lemon - recipe


To prepare the marinade, use only fresh lemons!

  • Lemons - 3 pieces
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Ground red pepper - 1 tablespoon
  • Marjoram - 1 tablespoon
  • 1 glass of mineral water
  • 5 grams of chili pepper

This lemon marinade is super simple and easy! marinating occurs quickly, thanks to lemon juice, which is part of the marinade and softens pork very well - it can be pork neck or any fatty part of the carcass, I recommend using pork ribs as well, they are a little fatty but with lemon marinade they are very tasty. Try it

1) We use 3 lemons for the marinade - we will use 2 of them for juice, the juice from the lemon for the marinade can be squeezed out using a citrus juicer, or just with your hands, but in this option you won’t get very much... juice, you can do this Grind in a meat grinder or using a blender and squeeze out the juice. We cut another lemon into thin pieces; we will need them for rearranging the kebab.

Next, mix all the ingredients in a container - lemon juice, a glass of mineral water and onion slices, you can use onion juice, (it will be tastier) ground red pepper, marjoram and chili pepper! Leave the marinade for 10 minutes and you're done.

3) Arrange the chopped pork in layers - a layer of pork and then onion and lemon slices as in the photo and pour over the resulting lemon marinade. Marinate the kebab for 4-6 hours in a cool place.

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