L in Beethoven brief biography. Childhood Beethoven

L in Beethoven brief biography. Childhood Beethoven
L in Beethoven brief biography. Childhood Beethoven


House where the composer was born

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in December 1770 in Bonn. The exact date of birth is not established, presumably on December 16, only the date of baptism is known - December 17, 1770 in Bonn in the Catholic Church of St. Remigia. His father Johann ( Johann Van Beethoven., 1740-1792) was a singer, tenor, in court chapel, Mary Magdalene, to Marriage Kevterich ( Maria Magdalena Keverich., 1748-1787), was the daughter of the court chef in Koblenz, they got married in 1767. The grandfather Ludwig (1712-1773) served in the same chapel as Johann, first with a singer, bass, then a dropmeister. He was from Mechelen in the South Netherlands, hence the prefix "Wang" in front of the last name. The composer's father wanted to make the second Mozart's son and began to train the game on Clavesis and Violin. In 1778, the first speech of the boy took place in Cologne. However, Beethoven's miracle child did not, the father rearmed the boy to his colleagues and buddies. One taught Ludwig game on the organ, the other on the violin.

In 1780, an organist and composer Christian Gotlob Nefa arrived in Bonn. He became a real teacher Beethoven. Nefa immediately realized that the boy was talent. He introduced Ludwig with a "well-tempered key" Bach and the works of Handel, as well as with the music of senior contemporaries: F. E. Baha, Haydna and Mozart. Thanks to the neopa, the first essay of Beethoven was published - variations on the topic of Marsha Dressler. Beethoven at that time was twelve years, and he had already worked as an assistant to court organist.

After the death of the grandfather, the material situation of the family worsened. Ludwig had to quit school early, but he learned Latin, studied Italian and French, read a lot. Already becoming an adult, the composer in one of the letters admitted:

There is no essay, which would be too scientified for me; Without pretending to anyone in the greatest degree into learning in his own sense of the word, I still have sought to understand the essence of the best and wise people of every era.

Among your favorite writers Beethoven - ancient Greek authors Homer and Plutarch, English playwright Shakespeare, German poets Goette and Schiller.

At this time, Beethoven began writing music, but did not hurry to print his works. Much written in Bonn was subsequently recycled. Three children's sonatas and several songs are known from the junior essays of the composer, including "Summer".

He will make everyone talk about himself!

But the classes did not take place: Beethoven learned about the Mother's disease and returned to Bonn. She died on July 17, 1787. The seventeen-year-old young man was forced to become the head of the family and take care of the younger brothers. He entered the orchestra as an altista. Italian, French and German operas are put here. A particularly strong impression on the young man was produced by the Opera Glitka and Mozart.

Driving from England in Bonn stopped Haydn. He came with approval about the composer experiments of Beethoven. The young man decides to go to Vienna to take lessons at the famous composer, because, returning from England, Haydn becomes more famous. In the autumn of 1792, Beethoven leaves Bonn.

The first ten years in Vienna

Having arrived in Vienna, Beethoven began his classes with Gaidn, subsequently argued that Haydn did not teach him anything; Classes quickly disappointed the student, and teachers. Beethoven believed that Haydn was not attentive to his efforts; Gaidna scared not only bold at that time the views of Ludwig, but also rather dark melodies, that in those years it was small enough. Once Haidn wrote Beethoven:

Your things are beautiful, these are even wonderful things, but here, then there is something strange, dark, since you yourself are a bit sullen and strange; And the style of the musician is always he himself.

Already in the first years of life in Vienna, Beethoven won the fame of pianist-virtuoso. His game struck the listeners.

Beethoven in 30 years

Beethoven boldly opposed the extreme registers (and at that time they played mainly on average), the pedal was widely used (then they were rarely treated to it), used massive chord consonances. In fact, it was he created piano style, far from the exquisite-lace manner of Clavesinsis.

This style can be found in its piano sonats No. 8 "pathetic" (the name is given by the composer himself), No. 13 and No. 14. Both have the author's subtitle Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia ("In the spirit of fantasy"). Sonatoo No. 14 Poet Robalstab later called Luna, and, although this name is suitable only for the first part, and not to the final, it has fixed all the work.

Beethoven also highlighted his appearance among the ladies and cavaliers of that time. Almost always, he was casually dressed and unsuccessful.

Beethoven was distinguished by extreme sharpness. One day, when he played in a public place, one of the guests began to talk with the lady; Beethoven immediately cut the performance and added: " I will not play such a pig!" And no apologies and persuasion helped.

Another time Beethoven stayed at Prince Likhnovsky. Likhnovsky very much respected the composer and was a fan of his music. He wanted to Beethoven played before the gathered. The composer refused. Likhnovsky began to insist and even ordered to break the door of the room where the Beethoven locked. The outrageous composer left the estate and returned to Vienna. Nutro Beethoven sent Lichnov's letter: " Prince! What I am, I owe myself. Princes exist and there will be thousands, Beethoven is only one!»

However, despite such a harsh nature, the friends of Beethoven considered him a pretty kind person. So, for example, the composer never denied close friends to help. One of his quotes:

None of my friends need to need until I have a piece of bread, if my wallet is empty and I can not help immediately, well, I only stand at the table and get up to work, and rather soon I will help He get out of trouble.

Works of Beethoven began to be widely published and enjoy success. For the first ten years spent in Vienna, twenty sonatas for piano and three piano concerts were written, eight Sonatas for Violin, Quartets and other chamber compounds, Oratage "Christ on Omal Mountain", the ballet "Creation Prometheus", the first and second symphony.

Teresa Bruunswick, loyal friend and student Beethoven

In 1796, Beethoven begins to lose hearing. He develops tinitis - inflammation of the inner ear, leading to a ringing in the ears. On the advice of doctors, he will leave in a small town of Hiligentadt. However, peace and silence do not improve his well-being. Beethoven begins to understand that the deafness is incurable. In these tragic days, he writes a letter, which will later be called the Highigenstad Testament. The composer tells about his experiences, recognized that he was close to suicide:

It seemed unthinkable to leave the light earlier than I fulfill everything I felt designed.

In Hiligentadt, the composer starts working on a new third symphony, which is called heroic.

As a result of the deafness of Beethoven, unique historical documents were preserved: "Spoken notebooks", where the friends of Beethoven recorded their replicas for him, to which he answered either verbally or in a response.

However, the musician Schindler, who has two notebooks with the records of Beethoven's conversations, in all likelihood, burn them, since "they contained the most coarse, fierce attacks against the emperor, as well as the Crown Prince and other high-ranking faces. This, unfortunately, was a favorite topic of Beethoven; In conversation, Beethoven was constantly indignant by the power by the pre-war, their laws and regulations. "

Late years (1802-1815)

When Beethoven was 34 years old, Napoleon refused the ideals of the Great French Revolution and declared himself an emperor. Therefore, Beethoven refused to devote his third symphony to him: "This Napoleon is also an ordinary person. Now he will hide all human rights and makes Tyran. "

In the piano creativity, the composer's own style is noticeable in early sonata, but in symphonic maturity came to him later. According to Tchaikovsky, only in the third symphony " all the immense, amazing power of creative genius Beethoven revealed» .

Because of the deafness, Beethoven rarely comes out of the house, the sound perception is deprived. He becomes sullen, closed. It was during these years that the composer one after another creates its most famous works. At the same years, Beethoven works on his only Opera "Fidelio." This opera refers to the genru of the "horrors and salvation" operas. The success for Fidelio came only in 1814, when the opera was put first in Vienna, then in Prague, where she conducted the famous German composer Weber and, finally, in Berlin.

Shortly before death, the composer handed the manuscript "Fidelio" to his friend and secretary Schindler with the words: " This is a child of my spirit was made to the light in stronger torments than others, and gave me the greatest chagrins. Therefore, it is more expensive to me ...»

Last years

After 1812, the creative activity of the composer for a while falls. However, in three years, he begins to work with the same energy. At this time, piano sonatas were created from the 28th to the last, 32-year, two sonatas for cello, quartets, the vocal cycle "to a distant beloved." Much time is paid to the treatment of folk songs. Along with Scottish, Irish, Welsh, there are Russians. But the main creatures of recent years have become the two most monumental writings of Beethoven - "Solemn Mass" and Symphony No. 9 with a choir.

The ninth symphony was executed in 1824. The audience arranged composer ovation. It is known that Beethoven stood back to the hall and heard nothing, then one of the singers took his hand and turned his face to the listeners. People waved with scarves, hats, hands, welcoming the composer. Ovation lasted for so long that the police officials had immediately demanded that it stops. Such greetings were allowed only in relation to the person of the emperor.

In Austria, after the defeat of Napoleon, a police regime was installed. The government frightened by the revolution was stopped by any "free thoughts". Numerous secret agents penetrated all sectors of society. In conversational notebooks, Beethoven, it is also there are warnings: " Cherry! Caution, here is a spy!"And probably after some particularly bold statement of the composer:" You cum on scaffold!»

Beethoven's grave at the Central Cemetery of Vienna, Austria

However, Beethoven's popularity was so great that the government was not solved to touch him. Despite the deafness, the composer continues to be aware of not only political, but also musical news. He reads (that is, he listens to the inner hearing) Opero Rossini, browsing Schubert's songs, meets the operators of the German composer Weber "Magic shooter" and "Evrianta". Arriving in Vienna, Weber visited Beethoven. They have breakfast together, and Beethoven, usually not inclined to ceremonies, cared for his guest.

After the death of the younger brother, the composer took care of his son. Beethoven puts a nephew in the best guesthouses and entrusts His disciple Carla Cherni to engage with him music. The composer wanted the boy to become a scientist or artist, but he attracted not art, but cards and billiards. Confused in debt, he attempted suicide. This attempt did not cause much harm: the bullet only slightly scratched the skin on his head. Beethoven was very worried about this. Health has deteriorated sharply. The composer develops severe liver disease.

Funeral Beethoven

He was an artist, but also a person, a man in the highest sense of the word ... It can be said about him, as nor about a friend: he committed great, there was nothing wrong with him.


Beethoven began to give music lessons in Bonn. His Bonnie student Stefan Breuning remained the most devoted friend of the composer. Breigning helped Beethoven in the alteration of Fidelio Libretto. In Vienna, the student of Beethoven became the young countess of Juliet Gwitchchadi. Juliet was a relative of Brunsvikov, in the family of which the composer was especially often. Beethoven fucked by his student and even thought about marriage. Summer 1801 he spent in Hungary, in the estate of Brunswicks. According to one of the hypotheses, it was there that was described "Moon Sonata". The composer devoted her Juliet. However, Juliet preferred to him Gallenberg's graph, having counted him with his talented composer. About the writings of the count of critics wrote that they could be accurately indicated from which product of Mozart or Kerubini is the same melody borrowed. The student of Beethoven was Teresa Brunswick. She possessed musical gifting - played perfectly on the piano, sang and even conducted.

Having become acquainted with the famous Swiss teacher Pestalozzi, she decided to devote himself to raising children. In Hungary, Teresa opened charitable kindergartens for children of the poor. Until the death (Teresa died in 1861 in old age), she remained faithful to the chosen cause. Beethoven tied a long friendship with Teresa. After the death of the composer, a great letter was found, which was called "Letter to the Immortal Beloved". The addressee of the letter is unknown, but some researchers consider the "immortal beloved" Teresu Broinsvik.

The student of Beethoven was and Dorothea Ertman, one of the best pianists of Germany. One of the contemporaries so responded about it:

High, static figure and beautiful, full animation face, called in me ... Stressful wait, and yet I was shocked, more than ever, Her execution of the Beethoven Sonatata. I have never met the compounds of such a force with the heartfelt tenderness - even the greatest virtuosos.

Ertman was famous for the execution of Beethoven works. The composer dedicated her Sonata No. 28. Having learned that the child died the child, Beethoven played her for a long time.

Dorothea Ertman, German Pianist, one of the best performers of the works of Beethoven

In late 1801, Ferdinand Fig arrived in Vienna. Ferdinand was the son of the Bonn Kapelmeister, a friend of the Beethoven family. The composer accepted the young man. Like other students of Beethoven, rice has already owned the tool and also composed. One day Beethoven played him just finished adagio. The music liked the young man so much that he remembered her by heart. Going to the prince of Likhnovsky, played play play. The prince learned the beginning and, having come to the composer, said that he wanted to play his essay. Beethoven, little ceremony with princes, categorically refused to listen. But Likhnovsky still began to play. Beethoven immediately guessed about the trial of rice and terribly angry. He forbade the disciple to listen to his new essays and really never played anything else. One day, Rice played his march by giving him to Beethovensky. The listeners were delighted. The composer turned out to be immediately not exposed to the student. He only told him:

See, cute rice, what are these big experts. Give them only the name of their pet, and more they do not need anything!

Once I had a chance to hear the new creation of Beethoven. Somehow, they got lost and returned home in the evening. On the way, Beethoven growled a stormy melody. Having come home, he immediately sat down for the tool and, passionate, completely forgot about the presence of a student. So the final "Appassionates" was born.

At one time, Beethoven began to study and Karl Mobile. Karl was perhaps the only child among the Beethoven pupils. He was fulfilled only nine years old, but he already spoke with concerts. His first teacher was a father, a famous Czech teacher Wentsell Mobile. When Karl first got into the apartment of Beethoven, where, as always, the mess reigned, and saw a man with a dark unshaven face, in a vest of coarse wool fabric, he took him for Robinson Cruzo.

Beethoven at the work of the house

He was engaged in Beethoven for five years, after which the composer issued him a document in which the "exclusive successes of the student and his worthy surprise musical memory". The memory of the mobile was really amazing: he knew all the piano works of the teacher.

Cherni early began pedagogical activities and soon became one of the best teachers of the vein. Among his students was Theodore Leshetitsky, who can be called one of the founders of the Russian piano school. Since 1858, Leshetitsky lived in St. Petersburg, and from 1862 to 1878 he taught in just an open conservatory. Here he studied A. N. Esipov, afterwards the professor of the same conservatory, V. I. Safonov, Professor and Director of the Moscow Conservatory, S. M. Makapaar.

In 1822, a father came to hell with a boy who came from the Hungarian town of Doboryan. The boy did not have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe correct landing, nor about the applicature, but an experienced teacher immediately realized that in front of him an extraordinary, gifted, maybe a brilliant child. The name of the boy Ferrenz leaf. The sheet was engaged in blacks for a year and a half. His successes were so great that the teacher allowed him to speak in front of the public. Beethoven attended the concert. He guessed the gifting of the boy and kissed him. The leaf has kept the memory of this kiss.

Not rice, not black, and the leaf inherited the Beethoven player of the game. Like Beethoven, the sheet interprets the piano as an orchestra. During the tour in Europe, he promoted the work of Beethoven, fulfilling not only his piano works, but also the symphonies that he adapted for the piano. In those days, Music Beethoven, especially symphonic, was still unknown to a wide audience. In 1839, the sheet came to Bonn. Here for several years now I was going to put a monument to the composer, but the case was slowly slow.

The sheet filled the missing amount by revenue from its concerts. Just thanks to these efforts, the monument to the composer was delivered.

Causes of death

In cinema

  • On the fate of the composer films "Tophew Beethoven" (director Paul Morrisssi) and "Immortal Beloved" (in the main role of Gary Oldman). In the first, it is represented as a latent homosexual, which jealous of the Karl's own nephew; In the second, the idea is being developed that the ratio of the composer to Carlo was due to the secret love of Beethoven to his mother.
  • The main hero of the cult film "Clockwork Orange" Alex really likes to listen to the music of Beethoven, so the film is saturated with her.
  • In the film "Remember me like this" shot in 1987 on Mosfilm Pavel Chukhray, Beethoven's music sounds.
  • The comedy film "Beethoven" has nothing to do with the composer, except that the dog was called in his honor.
  • In the film "Heroic Symphony" Beethoven played Jan Hart.
  • In the Soviet-German film "Beethoven. The days of life "Beethoven played Donatas Banionis.
  • In the film "Snaging", the main character loved to listen to the music of Beethoven, and at the end of the film, when the end of the world began, everyone died under the second part of the seventh Symphony of Beethoven.
  • In the film "Rewriting Beethoven" describes the last year of the composer (in the lead role of Ed Harris).
  • The art 2-serial film "The Life of Beethoven" (USSR, 1978, director B. Galanter) is based on the preserved memories of the composer of his close friends.
  • The film "Lecture 21" (Italy, 2008), debut in the cinema of the Italian writer and musicologist Alessandro Barycko, is dedicated to the "ninth symphony".
  • In the film "Eklilibery" (USA, 2002, director Kurt Wimmer) The protagonist Preston discovers the inconspicuous number of records. One of them he decides to listen. The film sounds a fragment of the ninth symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • In the film "Soloist" (USA, France, United Kingdom Director Joe Wright) The plot is based on the real history of the life of the musician Nathaniel Ayers. The career of the young virtuoso cellist Ayers is interrupted when he gets schizophrenia. For many years later, a journalist knows about the homeless musician Los Angeles TimesThe result of their communication becomes a series of articles. Ayers is just with Beethoven, he constantly performs his symphonies on the street.

In non-academic music

  • In the song The Moon from the TAROT album of the Spanish Power Metal-Magroup, Dark Moor contains significant fragments from the "lunar sonata" (I part) and the fifth symphony (I and IV part).
  • In 2000, Neo-Classic Metal -ollecting TRANS-Siberian Orchestra released the Rock Opera Beethoven's Last Night dedicated to the last night of the composer.
  • In the composition Les Litanies de Satan from Bloody Lunatic ASYLUM album ( english) Italian Gothic-Metal-Metal-Sollecting Theatres Des Vampires As Sonata No. 14 was used as accompaniment to verses of Charles Baudelaner.
  • "Beethoven Was Deaf" ("Beethoven was deaf") - so called his Morrissey's concert album, the singer from the UK.

In popular culture

You are familiar with a pregnant woman who already has 8 children. Two of them are blind, three - deaf, one - mentally underdeveloped, she herself is sick with syphilis. Do you advise her to make an abortion?

If you advised to make an abortion - you just killed Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Beethoven's parents got married in 1767. In 1769 their first son was born, Ludwig Maria, who died in 6 days, which was quite common for that time. It has not been preserved about whether he was blind, deaf, mentally retarded, etc. In 1770, Ludwig Van Beethoven was born. In 1774, the third son was born, Kaspar Carl Wang Beethoven, who died in 1815 from the tuberculosis of lungs. Neither blind nor deaf, nor mentally retarded he was. In 1776, the fourth son, Nicaus Johann, who had enviable health and died in 1848. In 1779, Anna Maria Franciska's daughter was born, she died four days later. It also did not preserve the data on whether it was blind, deaf, mentally retarded, etc. In 1781, Franz Georg was born, who died in two years. In 1786, Maria Margarita was born, she died in a year. In the same year, Ludwig's mother dies from tuberculosis, distributed at the time of the disease. There are no reason to assume that it suffered from sexually transmitted diseases. Father, Johann Van Beethoven, died in 1792.

Case in Teplice

Musical fragments

Concert 4-1.
Help on playback

see also



  • Alcvang A. Ludwig van Beethoven. Essay of life and creativity.
  • Korganov V.D. Beethoven. Biographical etude. - m.: Algorithm, 1997. (DJVU-book on www.libclassicmusic.ru)
  • Boris Kremnev. Beethoven Zhzl
  • Kirillina L. V. Beethoven. Life and creativity: in 2 tons. - M.: Moscow Conservatory, 2009.
  • Alfred Amennda. Appassionate. Roman from Ludwig Van Beethoven.


  • All concerts and Sonata for Piano Beethoven performed by Masters
  • Piano Sonatas N. 22, 27 MP3 CREATIVE COMMONS RECORDING

Beethoven was born in Bonn, presumably December 16, 1770 (baptized on December 17). In addition to German, the Flemish Blood: the grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, also Ludwig, was born in 1712 in Malina (Flanders), served as a singing in Ghent and Luerman and moved to Bonn in 1733, where he became a court musician in the Koyling Archbishop Caerem . It was a clever man, a good singer, a professionally trained instrumentalist, he retired before the court of court chapelsuser and enjoyed the respect of others. His only son Johann (the rest of the children died in infant age) from childhood sang in the same chapel, but his position was shaky, because he drank himself and led a messy life. Johann took Maria Magdalene Lime, a chef's daughter. They had seven children, of whom three sons remained alive; Ludwig, the future composer, was the eldest of them.

Beethoven rose in poverty. Father drank his scarce salary; He was engaged in the son of a violin and piano in the hope that he would become a welded, new Mozart, and would provide a family. Over time, the Father added a salary based on the future of his gifted and hardworking son. With all that the boy was unsure of the violin, and on the piano (as in the violin), he loved more improvise than to improve the technique of the game.

The general formation of Beethoven was as unisexual as musical. In the latter, however, the practice played a big role: he played an alte in the court orchestra, performed by the artist on keyboard tools, including on the body that managed to quickly master. K.G.Nefe, with 1782 Bonn Court Organist, became the first real teacher of Beethoven (among other things he passed with him the entire well-tempered key I.S. Bach). Responsibilities of Beethoven as a court musician have significantly expanded when Erzgertzog Maximilian Franz became Könnechist Cologne and began to take care of the musical life of Bonn, where his residence was located. In 1787, Beethoven managed to visit Vienna for the first time - at that time the musical capital of Europe. According to the stories, Mozart, having listened to the game of the young man, highly appreciated his improvisation and a prediction of him a big future. But soon Beethoven was supposed to return home - his mother was lying at death. He remained the only breadwinner of the family, consisting of a disturbed father and two younger brothers.

The gentlemanship of the young man, his greed to musical impressions, dusty and susceptible nature attracted the attention of some enlightened Bonn families, and brilliant piano improvisations provided him with a free entry into any musical assemblies. I especially made a lot of brooded family, which took care of a clumsy, but the original young musician. Dr. F.G.Vegeler became a friend of all his life, and Count F.E. G. Waldstein, his enthusiastic admirer, managed to convince the Ertzgerce to send Beethoven to teach Vienna.

Vein. 1792-1802. In Vienna, where Beethoven came for the second time in 1792 and where he remained until the end of his days, he quickly found titled Metzenate Friends.

People encountered with young Beethoven, described the twenty-year composer as a Conguest young man, inclined to the scope, sometimes daring, but good-natured and cute in a relationship with friends. Understanding the insufficiency of his education, he went to Josef Hyidna, recognized by Vienna authority in the field of instrumental music (Mozart died a year earlier) and some time brought him to check the exercise in counterpoint. Haydn, however, soon cooled to the challenge student, and Beethoven secretly began to take lessons from I.Sheka and then more solid I.G. Albrechtsberger. In addition, wishing to improve in a vocal letter, he visited for several years the famous Opera Composer Antonio Salieri. Soon he entered the circle, uniting titled lovers and professional musicians. Prince Karl Likhnovsky introduced a young provincial in the circle of his friends.

The question is how much the environment and the spirit of time affect creativity is ambiguous. Beethoven read the works of F.G. Klopshtok, one of the predecessors of the motion "Storm and Natiska". He was familiar with Goethe and deeply read the thinker and poet. The political and social life of Europe of that time was anxious: when Beethoven arrived in 1792 to Vienna, the city was agreed by the Westons about the revolution in France. Beethoven enthusiastically took revolutionary slogans and chased freedom in his music. Volcanic, the explosive nature of his creativity is undoubtedly the embodiment of the spirit of time, but only in the sense that the character of the Creator was to some extent formed by this time. A bold violation of generally accepted norms, powerful self-affirmation, the thunderstorm atmosphere of Beethoven Music - all this would be unthinkable in the era of Mozart.

Nevertheless, early Beethoven essays are largely followed by canons 18 W .: This refers to a trio (string and piano), violin, piano and cello sonatas. The piano was then for Beethoven the closest tool, in the piano works, he expressed the most intimate feelings, and the slow parts of some Sonatas (for example, Largo E Mesto from the ero. 10, No. 3) are penetrated by a romantic volume. Panthetic Sonata OR. 13 is also an obvious anticipation of later Beethoven experiments. In other cases, its innovation is the character of a sudden invasion, and the first listeners perceived it as an obvious arbitrariness. Published in 1801 six string quartets. 18 can be considered the largest achievement of this period; Beethoven clearly did not hurry with the publication, conscious, what high samples of the quartet letter left Mozart and Haydn. The first orchestral experience of Beethoven is associated with two concerts for piano with the orchestra (No. 1, to major and No. 2, Si-Barol Major), created in 1801: In them, he apparently was also not sure, being well acquainted with the great The achievements of Mozart in this genre. Among the most famous (and least causing) early works are the Septhet OR. 20 (1802). The next opus, the first symphony (published in late 1801) - the first pure orchestral essay of Beethoven.

Approach of deafness.

We can only guess, to what extent the Beethoven deafness affected his work. The ailments developed gradually. Already in 1798, he complained about the noise in her ears, it was difficult for him to distinguish high tones, to understand the conversation led by a whisper. In horror, from the prospects to become an object of pity - a deaf composer, he spoke about his illness to a close friend - Carlo Amente, as well as the doctors who advised him if possible to take care of his hearing. He continued to rotate in the circle of his Viennese friends, took part in the musical evenings, composed a lot. He was so well able to hide the deafness that up to 1812, even the people who often encountered him were not suspected how serious his illness was. The fact that when you conversation, he often answered the nefple was attributed to poor mood or scattered.

In the summer of 1802, Beethoven retired in a quiet suburb of Vienna - Highigensteadt. There appeared a stunning document - "Highigenstadt will", painful confession of the tantwichared musician. The testament is addressed to the Bethoven brothers (with an indication read and fulfill after his death); In it, he speaks of his spiritual suffering: painfully, when "a man standing next to me, hears the infidental from published a naigry flute, not heard for me; Or when someone hears the singing of the shepherd, and I can't distinguish any sound. " But at the same time, in a letter to Dr. Weregeler, he exclaims: "I will take fate for a sip!", And the music he continues to write, confirms this decision: at the same summer, a bright second symphony, ORs appear. 36, Magnificent Piano Sonata Op. 31 and three violin sounds, op. thirty.

Second period. "New way".

According to the "three-period" classification, proposed in 1852, one of the first researchers of the creativity of Beethoven V. Von Lenz, the second period approximately covers 1802-1815.

The final gap with the past was rather implementation, the continuation of the trends of the early period, rather than a conscious "Declaration of Independence": Beethoven was not a theoretical reformer, like a glitch to him and Wagner after him. The first decisive breakthrough to the fact that Beethoven himself called "new way," occurred in the third symphony (heroic), the work on which belongs to 1803-1804. Its duration is three times more than any other symphony written earlier. The first part is the music of the extraordinary force, the second is a stunning outpouring of the sorrow, the third is a witty, whitewashing scherzo, and the final - variations in a smoking, festive topic - the traditional finals in the form of Rondo, which composed by Beethoven's predecessors. Often they claim (and not without reason) that at first Beethoven dedicated heroic Napoleon, but learning that he proclaimed himself with the emperor, canceled dedication. "Now he will pour human rights and satisfy only his own ambition," such, according to the stories, were the words of Beethoven, when he broke the title page of the scores with dedication. In the end, heroic was dedicated to one of the patrics - Prince Lobkovitsa.

Writings of the second period.

During these years, brilliant creations came out from under his pen one after another. The main compositions of the composer listed in the order of their occurrence form an incredible flow of ingenious music, this imaginary sound world replaces his creator from him the world of real sounds. It was a victorious self-affirmation, a reflection of the tense work of thought, evidence of a rich inner life of the musician.

We will be able to name only the most important essays of the second period: a violin sonata of a major major, OR. 47 (Creceraova, 1802-1803); Third symphony, op. 55 (heroic, 1802-1805); Oratoria Christ on Omal Mountain, OR. 85 (1803); Piano Sonata: Waldshtein, OR. 53; Fa Major, OR. 54, Appassionate, OR. 57 (1803-1815); Piano concert number 4 Salt Major, OR. 58 (1805-1806); The only opera Beethoven - Fidelio, OR. 72 (1805, second edition 1806); Three "Russian" quartet, op. 59 (devoted to Count Razumovsky; 1805-1806); Fourth Symphony Si-Bf Major, OR. 60 (1806); Violin concert, op. 61 (1806); Overture to the tragedy Crowl Coriolan, OR. 62 (1807); Mass to Major, OR. 86 (1807); Fifth symphony to Minor, OR. 67 (1804-1808); Sixth Symphony, OR. 68 (pastoral, 1807-1808); Cello Sonata in A Major, OR. 69 (1807); Two piano trio, op. 70 (1808); Piano concert number 5, op. 73 (emperor, 1809); Quartet, op. 74 (harp, 1809); Piano Sonata, OR. 81a (farewell, 1809-1910); Three songs on the poems Goethe, OR. 83 (1810); Music to tragedy Goethe Egmont, OR. 84 (1809); Font Minor Quartet, OR. 95 (1810); The eighth symphony of F Major, OR. 93 (1811-1812); Piano Trio Si-Bembol Major, OR. 97 (Ertzgercog, 1818).

The second period includes the highest achievements of Beethoven in the genres of the violin and piano concert, violin and cellular sonatas, operas; The genre of the piano sonata is represented by such masterpieces as Appassionate and Valdshteinovskaya. But even the musicians were not always able to perceive the novelty of these writings. It is said that one day someone from colleagues asked Beethoven: I really consider music one of the quartets dedicated to the Russian Messenger in Vienna, Count Rumumovsky. "Yes," the composer replied, "but not for you, but for the future."

The source of inspiration for a number of writings was the romantic feelings, which Beethoven experienced to some of his large-minded student. This may refer to two Sonata "Quasi Una Fantasia", OR. 27 (published in 1802). The second one (later the name of the "lunar") is devoted to the Countess Juliet Gwitchchadi. Beethoven even thought to make her proposal, but in time I realized that a deaf musician was an inappropriate couple for a flirtatious beauty. Other familiar ladies rejected him; One of them called him a "freak" and "half-handed". Otherwise, it was the case with the Brounswick family, in which Beethoven gave music lessons to two senior sisters - Teresa ("Tezi") and Josephine (Pepper). It was long ago a suggestion was discarded that the addressee of the message to the "immortal beloved" found in Beethoven's papers after his death was Teresa, but modern researchers do not exclude that Josephine was this addressee. In any case, the idyllic fourth symphony is obliged to stay by Beethoven in the Hungarian estate of Bruntsvikov in the summer of 1806.

The fourth, fifth and sixth (pastoral) symphony were composed in 1804-1808. The fifth is probably the most famous symphony in the world - opens with a brief motive, about which Beethoven said: "So fate knocks on the door." In 1812, the seventh and eighth symphony were completed.

In 1804, Beethoven willingly adopted an order for the writing of the opera, since in Vienna, success on the opera stage meant fame and money. The plot briefly was as follows: Bold, an enterprising woman, changing into men's clothing, saves her beloved husband, imprisoned with cruel tyrant, and exposes the latter before the people. To avoid confusion with the already existing Opera on this plot - Leonor Warvo, the Beethoven work was named Fidelio, by the name that he takes a disrepair of the heroine. Of course, Beethoven had no experience experience for the theater. The culmination moments of the melodrama are marked by excellent music, but in other sections the lack of dramatic alone does not allow the composer to rise above the opera routine (although he was very striving for this: Firodio has fragments that were alone until eighteen). Nevertheless, the opera gradually won the listeners (during the life of the composer, the three her performances took place in various editions - in 1805, 1806 and 1814). It can be argued that in any other essay the composer did not have so much labor.

Beethoven, as mentioned, deeply read the creation of Goethe, composed a few songs on his texts, music to his tragedy of Egmont, but he met Goethe in the summer of 1812, when they were together at the resort in the greenhouse. The exquisite manners of the great poet and the sharpness of the behavior of the composer did not contribute to their rapprochement. "His talent struck me extremely, but, unfortunately, he possesses an integrity, and the world seems to him hated creation," says Goethe in one of the letters.

Friendship with Erzgertzog Rudolf.

The friendship of Beethoven with Rudolph, Austrian Erzgertzog and the emperor's consolidated brother, is one of the most curious historical plots. At about 1804, the Erzgertzog, who then was 16, began to take the piano lessons at the composer. Despite the huge difference in social status, the teacher and the student experienced sincere pleasant to each other. Being lessons to the Palace of Ersgertzog, Beethoven was supposed to pass by countless Laces, to call his student "Your Highness" and fight his amateur attitude towards music. And all this he did with amazing patience, although he never shy to cancel the lessons if he was busy writing. According to the order of the Archduke, such writings are created as the piano Sonata Farewell, a triple concert, the last and most grandiose fifth piano concert, a solemn Massa (Missa Solemnis). It was originally intended for the ceremony of the construction of Erzgertzog in San Archbishop Olmyutsky, but was not completed on time. ERCGERSOG, Prince Kinsky and Prince Lobkovitz established something like scholarships for the composer, who glorified Vienna, but did not receive support from the city authorities, and the Ertzgerce turned out to be the most reliable of three patrons. During the Vienna Congress in 1814, Beethoven extradited a considerable material benefit from communication with the aristocracy and kindly listened to the compliments - he managed to at least partially hide the contempt for the court "brilliance", which he always experienced.

Last years. The material position of the composer has improved markedly. Publishers hunted his scores and ordered such, for example, essays, such as large piano variations on the theme of Waltz diabelli (1823). His caring friends, especially deeply devotee Beethoven A.shindler, watching a random and full of deprivation of the musician's lifestyle and hearing his complaints about the fact that His "revolved" (Beethoven became unfortunately suspicious and was ready to blame in the worst of almost all individuals from his surroundings. ), could not understand where he would reveal money. They did not know that the composer postpones them, but does it not for himself. When his brother Kaspar died in 1815, the composer became one of the guardians of his ten-year nephew of Charles. The love of Beethoven to the boy, the desire to ensure his future entered into a contradiction with the distrust, which the composer experienced Karl to Mother; As a result, he just quarreled with both, and this situation was painted the last period of his life tragedy. In the years when Beethoven sought full guardianship, he composed little.

The deafness of Beethoven has become almost complete. By 1819 he had to go entirely to communicate with the interlocutors using a stylist board or paper and a pencil (the so-called. Conversation notebooks Beethoven). Fully immersed in work on such writings as the majestic solemn Massina Major (1818) or the ninth symphony, he behaved strangely, inspired to unauthorized people: he "sang, howled, hooked his feet, and in general it seemed that he was committed to death with Invisible opponent "(Schindler). Brilliant recent quartets, the five last piano sonatas - ambitious on-scale, unusual in shape and style - seemed to many contemporary works of crazy. Nevertheless, the Viennese listeners recognized the nobility and the greatness of Beethoven Music, they felt that they were dealing with the genius. In 1824, during the fulfillment of the ninth symphony with her choir finals, Beethoven stood next to the conductor at the text of Ode Schiller (An Die Freude). The hall was conquered by powerful culmination at the end of the symphony, the audience was rampant, but Beethoven did not turn around. I had to take it over the singers for the sleeve and turn the face to the listeners so that the composer bowed.

The fate of other late works was more difficult. Many years have passed after the death of Beethoven, and only then the most receptive musicians began to fulfill its last quartets (including a large fugue, or. 33) and the last piano sonats, opening people of these higher, the most beautiful achievements of Beethoven. Sometimes the late style of Beethoven is characterized as a contemplative, abstract, in some cases neglecting the laws of prowness; In fact, this music is an inconsistent source of powerful and reasonable spiritual energy.

Beethoven died in Vienna on March 26, 1827 from inflammation of the lungs complicated by jaundice and water.

The contribution of Beethoven to world culture.

Beethoven continued the overall line of development of the genres of symphony, sonata, quartet, scheduled for its predecessors. However, his interpretation of well-known forms and genres differed in great freedom; We can say that Beethoven pushed their scope in time and in space. He did not expand the composition of the symphony orchestra who prevailed to his time, but his scores demand, firstly, a larger number of performers in each party, and secondly, an incredible in his era of the executive skill of every orchestrant; In addition, Beethoven is very sensitive to individual expressiveness of each tool tone. Piano in its writings is not a close relative of elegant harpsichord: the entire extended range of the instrument is used, all its dynamic capabilities are used.

In areas of melody, harmony, Rhythm Beethoven often resorts to the reception of a sudden shift, contrast. One of the forms of contrast is the opposition of decisive topics with a clear rhythm and more lyrical, smoothly current sections. Sharp dissonances and unexpected modulations in distant tonality are also an important feature of the Beethoven harmony. He expanded the range of the pace used in the music and often resorted to dramatic, impulsive change in the dynamics. Sometimes the contrast acts as a manifestation of the Beethovensky of Beethovensky, a somewhat rude humor - it happens in his frantic scherzo, which in his symphony and quarters often replace more power-made minuet.

Unlike its predecessor of Mozart, Beethoven composed with difficulty. Handbook books Beethoven show how gradually, a grandiose composition arises step by incremental sketch, marked with convincing logic of construction and rare beauty. Only one example: in the original sketch of the famous "Motive of Fate", which opens the fifth symphony, he is entrusted with flute, which means that the topic had a completely different figurative meaning. Powerful artistic intelligence allows the composer to draw a lack of dignity: Mozartt spontaneity, an instinctive sense of perfection Beethoven opposes unsurpassed musical and dramaturgical logic. It is she who is the main source of Beethoven's grandeur, its incomparable ability to organize contrast elements into a monolithic integer. Beethoven erases traditional cesuras between shape sections, avoids symmetry, merges parts of the cycle, develops extended construction from thematic and rhythmic motifs, at first glance that do not contain anything interesting. In other words, Beethoven creates a musical space of the strength of the mind, his own will. He anticipated and created those art directions that were decisive for musical art 19 V. And today, his works are among the greatest, most revered creatures of human genius. Beethoven.
Soshenkov S.N. 2009-02-18 17:40:24

Cool man. His musical and dramatic (just like that!) Works, especially the first and second part of the ninth symphony, are not equal in the global art in the depth, beauty and purity of the content.

2 2007-11-13 13:00:01

norms wrote to come

Beethoves with us!
Reward 2010-05-14 20:01:08

Nature put a barrier between her and mankind: morality. A person always aware of his social level challenges fate with his work and the highest strength looks close to his rebellion. However, they are preparing talent for such a protest. They form him as much as required to accomplish the main affairs of his life, in the case of Beethoven - his music, for to present humanity without his symphony, it's not like to pull out Columbus, to flood the fire presented with promoter or return mankind from space. Yes, there would be no Beethoven to Cosmos, I would have to make hands on the starts: something is missing, something slows down, somewhere we "Mahu Dali" ... But - everything is in order, friends! Beethoven with us. With humanity forever, this Buntar, this single, who sacrificed with a successful cozy spallet, a comfortable family nest and despite the respectable burgher morality, it is he who has a shoulder of any breakthrough of mankind into the future, he, this breakthrough, without Beethoven unthinky.

Good article, thank you. Whether the Beethoven was looking for children and found this article. Just today I wrote a thought that if people were not so obsessed with sex and reproduction, they could approach the greatness of the geniuses of humanity, whose bright sample is Beethoven. When I fall in spirit and life is ready to crush me when I am trying to intimidate death - I always remember the sounds of his 9th symphonies heard in his youth and I understand that the one who passed and survived the 9th symphony with Beethoven to the end - that invincible and displeasure. 9 Symphony - This is my personal nuclear weapon, the nuclear button turns me into the Beethovensky superman. His spirit comes to life and lives in me in the tact of moments and my weak body and the mind for it and not the burden. Feelings are such as if the engine was put on the car from Belaz, and even from the reactive aircraft)) this is a unique experience. But, however, I cannot listen to the Beethoven music for a long time. She boils the heart order and you start to climb on the wall, to quarrel with everyone .. In this regard, Tchaikovsky more harmoniously affects the spirit and mind. In Tchaikovsky's music there is not only a fierce struggle, but a lot of things that touches the heart, melts him and makes crying is incomprehensible from what. From the fact that Tchaikovsky awakened your soul and showed you yourself .. And the symphones of Beethoven are well suited for some titanic efforts and accomplishments. Or to pull out itself from a complete swamp, like the Baron Munhausen for the Cule .. Tchaikovsky gives a mind, thanks to which you can not go alroc, but with the mind, which eliminates the titanic overvoltage. However, not everyone thinks so. Some told me that the music of Tchaikovsky compared to the Beethovenskaya waters. I do not think so. Not a single note will throw out. In general, these 2 composers are my teachers in life. Who listened and lived 6 Symphony Tchaikovsky, he considered he lived a whole life and his soul became wiser on this life ..

Ludwig Van Beethoven and today remains a phenomenon in the world of music. This man created his first works, being a young man. Beethoven, interesting facts from which to this day are forced to admire his personality, he believed his whole life that his destination was to be a musician, who, in fact, was.

Family Ludwig Van Beethoven

A unique musical talent in the family had grandfather and father Ludwig. Despite the faded origin, the first one was able to become a dropmeister at the courtyard in Bonn. Ludwig Van Beethoven Sr. had a unique voice and hearing. After the birth of the son of Johann, his wife Maria Teresia, who had addiction to alcohol, was sent to the monastery. The boy at the achievement of the six-year-old age began to study singing. The child had an excellent voice. Later, a man from the family of Beethoven even performed together on the same scene. Unfortunately, the father of Ludwig was not distinguished by the big talent and hardworking of the grandfather, that is why they did not achieve such heights. What was not to take away from Johann, so this is love to alcohol.

Mom Beethoven was a daughter of the chef of the Kurfürst. The famous grandfather was against this marriage, but nevertheless did not let it be. Maria-Magdalena Kevterich in his 18 years was already a widow. From seven children in the new family survived only three. Maria loved her son Ludwig very much, and he, in turn, was very tied to his mother.

Childhood and Youth

The date of birth of Ludwig van Beethoven is not subject to any documents. Historians suggest that Beethovenov was born on December 16, 1770, as baptized was on December 17, and on the Catholic custom of children baptized the next day after birth.

When the boy was three years old, his grandfather died, Senior Ludwig Beethoven, and Mom waited for a child. After the birth of another sibling, she could not pay attention to the eldest son. The child grew up a hooligan, for which he was often locked in the room with Claviersin. But, surprisingly, he did not ripped the strings: Litwig Van Beethoven (the composer later) sat down and improvised, playing with two hands at the same time, which is unusual to small children. Once behind this occupation, the child found his father. In it played ambition. Suddenly his little ludwig is the same genius as Mozart? It was from this time that Johann began to study with his son, but often hired him teachers, more qualified than he himself.

While the grandfather was alive, who was actually the chapter of the family, a little Ludwig Beethoven lived harshly. Years after the death of Beethoven-older became a heavy test for a child. The family constantly needed because of the drunkenness of the Father, and the main mining agent for the existence was thirteen-year-old Ludwig.

Attitude to school

As the contemporaries and friends of the musical genius noted, rarely at that time met such an inquisitive mind, which possessed Beethoven. Interesting facts from the life of the composer are connected with its arithmetic illiteracy. Perhaps a talented pianist could not master mathematics due to the fact that without graduating from school, he was forced to work, and perhaps, the whole thing in a purely humanitarian warehouse of the mind. Ludwig van Beethoven can not be called ignorant. He read the literature, adored Shakespeare, Homer, Plutarch, was fond of the works of Goethe and Schiller, he knew French and Italian, mastered Latin. And it was the initiousness of the mind that he was obliged to his knowledge, and not the education obtained at school.

Teachers Beethoven

From early childhood, Music Beethoven, who is not similar to the works of his contemporaries, was born in his head. He played variations on all sorts of song famous to him, but because of the conviction of the Father, that he was still early to compose melodies, the boy did not write his writings for a long time.

The teachers whom the Father led him was sometimes just his drinking companions, and sometimes became the virtuosi mentors.

The first person, about whom Beethoven himself remembers himself, was his grandfather's friend - Court Organ Eden. Full Pfeife taught playing a boy on a flute and clasine. For some time, playing the body taught Monk Koh, and then Hansman. After the violinist of Romantini appeared.

When the boy turned 7 years old, his father decided that the work of Beethoven Jr. should be the public of the public, and organized his concert in Cologne. According to the reviews of the experts, Johann realized that the outstanding pianist from Ludwig did not work out, and, nevertheless, his father continued to lead to the son of teachers.


Shortly in the city of Bonn, Christian Gotlob Nefa arrived. Whether he himself came to the house of Beethoven and expressed a desire to become a young dating teacher, or the father of Johann attached to this hand, unknown. Nefop became the mentor, whom the Beethoven Composer remembered all his life. Ludwig after his confession even sent some money as a sign of gratitude for the years of learning and assistance to him in his youth. It was the nehpha Helded the promotion of the thirteen-year-old musician at the court. It was he who became acquainted by Beethoven with and other cornea of \u200b\u200bthe musical world.

The creativity of Beethoven had an impact not only Bahh - young genius Bentworked Mozart. Once upon arrival in Vienna, he was even lucky to play for the Great Amadeu. Initially, the Great Austrian composer was coldly perceived by the game of Ludwig, having taken it for the work in the previously developed. Then the stubborn pianist suggested Mozart to ask the topic for variations. From this point on, Wolfgang Amada listened, not interrupted, the game of the young man, and later exclaimed that the whole world would soon speak about young talent. The words of the classic became prophetic.

Beethoven managed to take a few lessons of the game in Mozart. Soon the news came about the close end of the mother, and the young man left Vienna.

After his teacher was such as Josef Haydn, but they did not find one of the mentors - Johann Georg Albrechtsberger - considered Beethoven with complete prissthood and a person who is unable to learn something.

Character of musician

The history of Beethoven and his life's peripetics imposed a noticeable imprint on his work, made sullen his face, but did not break the stubborn and volitional young man. In July 1787, the closest person dies for Ludwig - his mother. The young man has suffered a loss. After the death of Mary Magdalene, he himself went down - he was struck by a typhus, and then an osp. Ulza remained on the face of a young man, and the eyes struck the myopia. Taking care of two younger brothers, another immature young man takes over. His father by that time was finally cut and died 5 years later.

All these vital troubles reflected on the character of a young man. He became closed and dislike. It was often a sullen and cutting. But his friends and contemporaries argue that, despite such an unbridled temper, Beethoven remained a true friend. Money helped all his friends who needed, provided brothers and their children. It is not surprising that the music of Beethoven seemed to his contemporaries of sullen and gloomy, because she was a complete reflection of the inner world of Maestro himself.

Personal life

There is very little about the mental experiences of the great musician. Beethoven was tied to children, loved beautiful women, but did not create a family. It is known that his daughter Elena von Breing - Lorcher was known. She was devoted to the music of Beethoven of the late 80s.

He became the first serious love of the Great Genius. This is not surprising, because the fragile Italian was beautiful, the stokeyman and had the tendencies to music, on it and focused her gaze already a mature thirty-year-old Teacher-Beethoven. Interesting facts from the life of the genius are related to this particular. Sonata No. 14, later called the "lunar", was devoted to this angel in the flesh. Beethoven wrote the letters to his friend Franz Wueler, in which he confessed in the ardent feelings for Juliet. But after a year of occupation and tender friendship, Juliet married a count of Gallenberg, who found more talented. There is information that in a few years their marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, and Juliet turned to Beethoven for help. Former lover money gave, but he asked no longer coming.

Teresa Bruunswick is another student of the Great Composer - he became new hobby. She devoted himself to raising children and charity. Until the end of the life, Beethoven tied a correspondence friendship with her.

Bettina Brentano - the writer and girlfriend Goethe - became the last passion of the composer. But in 1811 and she tied their lives with another writer.

The most long-term attachment of Beethoven became love for music.

Music of the Great Composer

Creativity Beethoven perpetuated his name in history. All his works are masterpieces of world classical music. During the years of the composer, his style of execution and musical compositions were innovative. In the lower and top register at the same time, no one played and did not compose melodies.

In the work of the composer, art historians allocate several periods:

  • Early when variations and plays were written. Then Beethoven wrote a few songs for children.
  • The first - Vienna period - dating from 1792-1802. The already famous pianist and the composer completely refuses the manner of execution peculiar to him in Bonn. Music Beethoven becomes absolutely innovative, alive, sensual. The manner of execution makes the audience in one breath listen, absorb the sounds of beautiful melodies. Your new masterpieces author numbers. At this time, he writes chamber ensembles and piano plays.

  • 1803 - 1809. Characterized by gloomy works reflecting the raging passions of Ludwig van Beethoven. During this period, he writes the only opera "Fidelio". All compositions of this period are filled with drama and supervision.
  • The music of the last period is more measured and difficult to perceive, and some concerts did not perceive the viewer at all. Such a reaction did not take Ludwig van Beethoven. Sonata dedicated to Exchercogu Rudolf is written precisely at this time.

Until the end of his days, the great, but already very sick, the composer continued to compose music, which will later become a masterpiece of the world musical heritage of the XVIII century.


An extraordinary and very hot-tempered person was Beethoven. Interesting facts from life belong to the period of his illness. In 1800, the musician began to feel the doctors after a while admitted that the disease was incurable. The composer was on the verge of suicide. He left the society and the highest light and lived in solitude for some time. After some time, Ludwig continued to write in memory, reproducing sounds in his head. This period in the work of the composer is called "heroic". By the end of the life of Beethoven completely flames.

The last path of the Great Composer

The death of Beethoven became a huge grief for all composer fans. He died on March 26, 1827. The reason was not clarified. For a long time, Beethoven suffered from a liver disease, he was tormented by abdominal pain. According to another version, the genius was sent to the light of spiritual flour associated with the magtym of their nephew.

The latest data received by British scientists suggest that the composer could unintently poison the lead. The content of this metal in the body of musical genius 100 times exceeded the norm.

Beethoven: interesting facts from life

A little summarizing the article. The life of Beethoven, like his death, hooked in many rumors and inaccuracies.

The date of birth of a healthy boy in the family of Beethoven and to this day is of doubts and disputes. Some historians argue that parents of the future musical genius were sick, and therefore a priori could not have healthy children.

The talent of the composer woke up in the child from the first lessons of the game on Clavesis: He played the melodies that he had in his head. Father, under the fear of punishment, forbidden the baby to reproduce unrealized melodies, was allowed only to read from the sheet.

Music Beethoven had imprint of sadness, gloominess and some despondency. One of his teachers is the Great Josef Haydn - wrote about this Ludwig. And he, in turn, parried that Haydn did not teach him anything.

Before the writing of the Music works of Beethoven, the head in the pelvis with ice water. Some experts argue that this kind of procedure could cause his deafness.

The musician loved coffee and cooked it always from 64 grains.

As with any great genius, Beethoven was indifferent to his appearance. He often walked disheveled and untidy.

On the day of the death of the musician, nature was aumed: the bad weather broke out with a blizzard, hail and thunder. In the last moment of his life, Beethoven raised his fist and mowed the sky or higher forces.

One of the great sayings of genius: "Music should carve fire from human soul."

Biography and episodes of life Ludwig van Beethoven. When born and died Ludwig Van Beethoven, memorable places and dates of important events of his life. Composer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of Ludwig Van Beethoven:

born on December 16, 1770, died on March 26, 1827


"On the very day, when your consonant
Overcame the complex world of labor,
Light overpowered the light, passed through the cloud of cloud,
Thunder moved to thunder, the star entered the star.
And fierce covered inspiration
In the orchestras of thunderstorms and the thrill of thunder,
You rose at cloud steps
And touched the music of the worlds. "
From the poem of Nikolai Zabolotsky dedicated to Beethoven


It did not see the talent's own father, and Haydn considered him too gloomy composer, but when Beethoven died - twenty thousand people went behind his coffin. The last years of life, the composer was absolutely deaf, but it did not prevent him from creating the most brilliant works at this time. Perhaps Beethoven really was not mistaken when he said that she was creating with God's help.

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in a musical family. Father since childhood did with the boy and taught him a game on various musical instruments. But the first speech of Little Beethoven passed without much success, and his father decided that he had no talent, and was rearmed by the Son to other teachers. Beethoven same, contrary to the disappointing forecasts of the Father, already in 12 years he received the position of an organist assistant at the court. And when his mother died, he took over the duties of the breadwinner and kept his younger brothers, working in the orchestra.

The first glory of Beethoven brought not his own writings, but a virtuoso execution. Soon the works of Beethoven himself began to be published. Especially successful for the composer was the period of the life of Beethoven, which he lived in Vienna. Despite the fact that the composer was distinguished by a rather sharp temper, high self-conceit, refused to bow the ranks and influential people, not recognizing the genius of Beethoven could not be admitted. And yet, the composer has always had many friends - hard and proud in humans, he was very generous and friendly towards his loved ones, ready to give them the last money or help in solving problems.

But the main passion of Beethoven remained music. Perhaps, so he never married, so he was passionate about himself and create his ability. Only the disease could prevent him from writing, and therefore the evil irony seems to be the fact that the brilliant composer began to lose his rumor into such a young age. But even this did not stop him, and his music became even more perfect and monumental.

The last years of Beethoven's life worked with a special zeal, creating one great work after another. But the illness and experience due to the nephew, whom Beethoven took on the content, significantly reduced his age. The death of Beethoven came on March 26, 1827. The funeral of Beethoven passed with huge honors. The grave of Beethoven is located on the central cemetery of Vienna.

Life line

December 16, 1770 Ludwig Van Beethoven's birth date.
1778 The first public speech of Beethoven in Cologne.
1780 Start of classes with an organist and composer Christian Gotoby Nef.
1782 Admission to the post of assistant court organist, the publication of the first essay of a young composer - variations on the topic of Marsha Dressler.
1787 Admission to the post of altista in the orchestra.
1789 Visiting lectures at the university.
1792-1802 Vienna period in the life of Beethoven - classes with Haidn, Salieri, the fame of Beethoven as a virtuoso performer, the publication of the works of Beethoven.
1796 Start the loss of hearing.
1801 Writing by Beethoven "Lunar Sonata".
1803 Writing by Beethoven "Cracel Sonata".
1814Setting the only opera Beethoven "Fidelio".
1824 Execution of Symphony No. 9 Beethoven.
March 26, 1827 The date of the death of Beethoven.
March 29, 1827 Funeral Beethoven.

Memorial places

1. Beethoven's house in Bonn, in which he was born.
2. House-Museum Beethoven in Baden, where he lived and worked.
3. The Theater of the An der Wine ("Theater on the Vienna River"), in which the premieres of such works of Beethoven, as the Opera Fidelio, the second, third, fifth and sixth symphony, the treble and fourth piano concerts.
4. Memorial board Beethoven at the house "At the Golden Unicorn" in Prague, where the composer stopped.
5. Monument to Beethoven in Bucharest.
6. Monument to Beethoven, Gaidna and Mozart in Berlin.
7. Central Cemetery of Vienna, where Beethoven is buried.

Episodes of life

Like Bach, Beethoven was confident that in his music there is a divine beginning. But if Bach believed that his talent was the merit of God, Beethoven argued that she had communicated with God while writing music. It is known that he possessed a little arrogant character. One day, one musician complained about a complex and uncomfortable passage in the work of Beethoven, to which the composer replied indignantly: "When I wrote it, I was sent by the Lord Almighty, do you really think that I could think about your little party when he spoke with me?"

Beethoven had many oddities. For example, before starting to compose music, Beethoven lowered his head into an ice water container, and at the moments when the difficulty came in the work, he began to pour himself into his hands. Very often he walked around the house in wet clothes, not even noticing it and plunged into his reflections. The neighbors of Beethoven often complained to the pouring water from the ceiling.

Once Beethoven walked with the German poet German Goethe, and he was outraged that he was tired of endless greetings of passersby. To which Beethoven condescendingly answered: "Let it not bother you, your excellency. Perhaps greetings are designed to me. "


"People themselves make their fate!"

Biography Ludwig Van Beethoven in the Encyclopedia project


"Haydn and Mozart, the creators of the new instrumental music, the first demonstrated the art in his unprecedented brilliance, but peered into him with great love and penetrated one Beethoven in his essence."
Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman, Writer, Composer, Artist

"The true reason for the success of Beethoven music is that people study her not in concert halls, but at home, at the piano ..."
Richard Wagner, composer

"Before the name Beethoven, we all should be bowed in the bow."
Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, composer

Hello, dear site visitors dedicated to Ludwig Van Beethoven. Today we will tell about the mother of the Great Composer.

Where and when the mother of Beethoven was born

Maria Magdalen Kevterich - That is how the mother of the Great Composer was called to marriage, who was devoted to our site.

Our today's heroine was born on December 19, 1746, in the house on Vibahstrasse Street in the Ereenbrajatstein area of \u200b\u200bKoblenz. This city at that time was a strategically important center of Trier's cronechery, and now one of the most beautiful cities of modern Germany.

Mary Mary Magdalene was Anna Clara Vestorf (1704-1768). Unfortunately, we do not know anything about her.

Her father, Heinrich Kevterich (1701-1759), was the main chef in the residence of the Tryrsky Kurfürst, Johann Philip von Wallderf; The residence itself was located in the castle FilippsUge, built at the foot of the Ereenbrajatstein fortress, proudly towering over Koblenz.

Of this one of the largest fortresses in a world, which includes more than four kilometers of underground tunnels, is simply a stunning view of all the attractions of Koblenz. Also, from there you can see the fantastic scenery of the merge of the Moselle and Rhine rivers.

Moreover, Erebraitytestein's fortress for a long time was one of the historically essential strategic centers of Germany. And this fully explains why the fortress, defeated by the French at the end of the 18th century and rebuilt rebuilt with some changes, joined the sights of UNESCO.

The family of Mother Beethoven was enough, and in the number of relatives included quite serious people: rich merchants, court advisors and even senators.

First Marriage Mary Magdalene

Another sixteen-year-old girl (January 30, 1763) Maria Magdalene married no one Johann Leime - Vasniner Trier Kurfürst.

However, this marriage did not bring happiness to the girl - at first she gave birth to a son who died still in infancy. Well, on November 28, 1765, Johann Lim himself died, her first spouse. Thus, at the age of 18, Maria Magdalene has already become a widow.

Second marriage Mary Magdalene

One of the cousin Mary Magdalene married a violinist Johanna Conrad Ridatini And moved with him to Bonn. There, in August 1765, he settled in court chapel, but already in November 1766 he would die. By the way, the son of Johann Ridatini, Franz GeorgSubsequently will learn to play on the violin of the little Ludwig.

It is possible that it was, thanks to acquaintance with Ridatini, Maria Magdalina got acquainted with his friend and a colleague on Chapel.

Maria Magdalene and Johann got married November 12, 1767 in Bonn. The girl was then only 19 years old, and Johann - twenty-eight.

It is known that - the father of Johann and part-time grandfather of the future of the Great Composer, objected to this marriage (we do not know why it is). However, despite this, the old dropletaster was completed with the choice of his son, and later, apparently, it was very good for his daughter-in-law.

Then local Bulkhechnoy Gottfried Fisher - The owner of the house, which Beethovens will be rented in 1775, said that the Kevterich family was also against this marriage (Heinrich Kevterich was then dead, therefore, there is probably due to other family members). But in the end, they also completed this event, though with some disagreements.

In particular, the relatives of Mary Magdalene had intention to arrange a magnificent wedding celebration in Erendantestein. But Kapellamester Ludwig Senior refused to go there, insisting on holding a marriage ceremony in Bonn.

Misfortune pursuing mother Beethoven

Maria Magdalina Van Beethoven could not be called a happy woman, for the death of her first husband and a child born from him was far from his last misfortune.

A year after marriage with Johann Van Beethoven, Mary Magdalene died - Anna Clara Vestorf. It so happened that the latter before death left the daughter an impressive condition.

However, from this inheritance, Maria Magdalene does not see any penny, since everything is formally transmitted by the property by fraudulent ways to the same relatives. However, it was just the beginning of the black strip for our heroine.

If at first after the wedding, Johann Beethoven was almost an ideal husband, then a little later his bad habit returns, and the demon of alcohol masters them again.It is possible that the death of their first son served as the catalyst of this madness. Yes, and, in general, few of the children of Mary Magdalene and Johann van Beethoven managed to live a normal, full-fledged life. See for yourself:

The three sons of Mary Magdalene were highlighted in yellow, who were able to survive the infant period and, as they say, "live life". This short list includes Ludwig Jr. (That the greatest composer) and two of his younger brothers. All other children died back in infancy. Maria Magdalene itself called his second marriage "chain of sorridge" .

Perhaps only once a year, in Day of St. Magdalene, Ludwig's father with neighbors and friends provided the unfortunate spouse due attention.

In the house of the Fischer Bowl, where Beethovens lived, Johann invited a whole orchestra by placing it in two rooms. Before that, Johann sent a spouse to sleep. In the evening, after all the preparations and settings of the tools, Maria Magdalene was walked, they asked to dress beautifully, put on a beautifully decorated seat, covered with a canopy, and a whole orchestra played beautiful music for her, audible to the whole street.

Although all this happened late in the evening, the neighbors were not against such a noisy festival. And after the end of the concert, as a rule, a feast followed. Such an event was carried out from year to year, turning it into a ritual.

When Mother Beethoven died

Maria Magdalen died July 17, 1787. Two months before, her son Ludwig went to Vienna, hoping to learn from Mozart and realize as a musician. But, having learned that the mother is sick (apparently, tuberculosis), Ludwig immediately returned to Bonn, put his mother in a few weeks to death.

Ludwig Van Beethoven spoke of his mother only good. He considered her not only a good and loving mother, but also treated her as a close friend. And it was really like that - even though Maria Magdalene and did not notice in his son's son of a genius, but she gave him so much love as he could.

That Bulkhech Fisher described Maria Magdalin Van Beethoven as "A beautiful, slim girl, quite high, with an elongated face, a bit bent nose and serious eyes" . His spouse added that he had never seen Mrs. Wang Beethoven laughing: "She was always serious." .