Bought Boxing Blood Gloves. Leader of the Blood Group - Shilo

Bought Boxing Blood Gloves. Group leader
Bought Boxing Blood Gloves. Leader of the Blood Group - Shilo

The band "Blood" was formed in Moscow in 2003. In his work, the team united various genres of modern music - Hip-Hop, Gangsta-Rap, Hardcore and Parody.

The songs are filled with a sharp obscene lyrics, in fact, the vocalist monotonously reads poems against the background of music. This name was chosen to intimidate the public, and what it means for the participants, remains a mystery.

The history of creation and composition

The leaders of the group became Anton Chernyak (Shilo) and Dmitry Fine (Feldman). They met while studying in MGAU, after consisted of the art group "Fenzo". Also, Shilo was a member of the creative association "anti-tank grenade" ("PG").

At that time, the musicians, writers and artists were included in it. They positioned themselves as social marginals, expressing their own creativity to the world.

With a third party, Sergey Krylov (halfup), met in the club "Pushkin", based "PG". Sergey worked there Bartender.

As a result, Shilo is the author of texts and vocalist, Feldman - the producer of the team and also writes poems, and Sergey becomes a bitmaker. Music for the first two albums created it. Since 2007, a new participant has appeared in the team - Fantomas 2000. He participates in the record of the album "Dumbbell", speaking as a new bitmaker. Sergey by this time left the team.

Since 2011, Fantomas 2000 becomes a back-vocalist "blood flow". Konstantin Arshba (cat) participates in the first album record. Soon Konstantin left the group, now he plays in a hip-hop musical "cops on fire".

Musicians are extremely reluctant to share information about the events taking place in personal life. But from an interview with Anton Chernyak, it is known that he lives in the Moscow district of textiles, the artist's children have no children. As can be seen in many photos, Shilo is a big tattoo fan. On his body a lot of images that rapper demonstrates appearing with bare torso in front of the public. Dmitry Fine on the topics of the family in the press does not apply.


The music of the "Bloodstock" is quite originally, it is not necessary to listen to impressive children and adolescents. In the texts raised near-criminal topics: violence, sex, drugs. However, on its albums the group indicates age qualifications - 18+.

Many people think that such texts could write only those who personally participated in Crime and sat in prison. But it is not. Participants in the group can be safely called representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Shilo - Poet and artist, Feldman - Writer and installer. It turns out that they are not rapper, but art leaders. Their rap looks more like a parody, but the admirers of their creativity from this no less becomes.

On the albums "Bloodstock" indicated age qualifications 18+

Fans of the group appreciate the "blood flow" bright images, metaphoricity, personification. According to the musicians, they created a group in opposition to the available rap groups whose creativity was not satisfied. The performers of the "Bloodstock" were identified as artistic gangsta-rap.

The guys presented their first works on the official website of the group, later all the compositions entered the first album "Blood River". Mostly it was a lyrics imposed on break-bite music. In addition to the shocking images, the listeners were struck by bright metaphors found in the texts of the "intro tracks", "biography", "Losing my head". The group was noticed, and she began to give closed concerts.

The group "Blood" performs in closed concerts

The team began to cooperate with the undergraduate association "43 degrees". Together they released in the 2005th single "Talk about Napasy." In the same year, the guys worked with Mikhail Krasnodevshchikov, as a result, the song "Hydrogash" was recorded.

In January 2008, the second album was published - "through", which included the songs "Britney", "Godded", "dreamed", "Jurik Passas". The musicians did not retreat from their usual plot series, re-appealing to shocking topics. Critics were considered that this plate was weaker than the previous one, someone called her failure.

Therefore, the exit of the third album "Dumbbell" became for all revelation, no one expected that the "blood flow" would be able to surprise the audience something else. Despite the shift of the bitmeter (all the music for this plate wrote Phantas 2000), he retained the concept of the first album, but the sound was very high-quality. By the way, and the manner of chutka vocalist has changed - emotions appear instead of impartiality.

Between the release of the "blood flow" reinforce the fans of the Singles "Imagine", "stuffy" and "it's time", in which it is told about the hired killers, criminal investigation staff.

In March 2012, the Group posted a new album to the network - "Jelly". He was in open access, and he could download anyone. Some songs immediately became hits, of course, in the fan circles of the group: "Flowers in a vase", "Kurtz", "Imagine."

In 2014, 3 singles came out: "Nails", "Cherepovets", "Sex it". On the song "Nails" was mounted video from the frames of the Rain TV channel, from an interview with the group "Bloodstock", as well as frames from the court.

Logo of the group "Blood"

Mostly clips of the "blood flow" are minor, and sometimes they were removed on their own. For some songs, the team fans themselves create video clips. Sometimes these are shots from a feature film or from the game.

A number of video discs are made in cartoon techniques. For example, the "dumbbell" clip is fully fulfilled in a plasticine format. And "Kolkhozniki" as if painted by a simple pencil.

In March 2015, the musicians record the Lombard album. It turns out to be philosophical, there are many reflections and lyrics in it. But fans of a specific black humor and an accurate gloomy word are delighted.

In the spring of 2015, the band "Bloodstock" presented the album "Lombard"

Of course, such creativity has haters: some believe that music is too cruel, others - that she adversely affects the rapid children's psyche. Therefore, it is not surprising that the musical career of the "Bloodstock" did not cost without scandal and the court.

In March 2015, UFSKN employees in the Yaroslavl region turned to the inhabitants of the region, turning their attention to the fact that the concerts of the "blood flow" should not be released by minor children. According to them, such creativity affects the psyche. The group also promotes drug use. There are many aggression, criminal slang and obscene vocabulary in the texts.

Musicians of the group "Blood" challenged the decision of the court, which prohibited their songs

As a result, on July 14, after the examination, the court recognized the texts of the Bloodstock Group prohibited in Russia, and also demanded to close the official website of the team.

Participants of the "Bloodstock" were not agreed with the decision and filed an appeal. In their opinion, no district court may decide on the ban on the creativity of the musical team. By the way, earlier in Russia, the court forbade exclusively separate compositions, but the prohibition of the Group had happened for the first time.

On November 12, a court session was held, at which the court decision was canceled on the closure of the site and the ban of the Creativity of the Bloodstock. The musicians continued to create, and in 2016 two new singles were released - "Souls" and "Nao Ok".

Group "Bloodstock" now

In 2017, the team released the head "Head". In addition to the studio work, in May the group went on tour, which included the cities of Tel Aviv, Berlin and Moscow.

In early 2018, the musicians presented two albums at once. The concert version was called "Blood Lyv", after a while the group's discography was replenished with the sixth studio work "ChB", which included previously published singles and 8 more tracks. With the new program "Bloodstock" went to the touring tour in Russia. Rapere event schedule is located on the official account in "Instagram".

According to musical critics, the new record may seem like fans of the creativity of the nostalgic group. The musical language is similar to the first works of rappers, they do not intentionally use any new products. The track list was the songs of "Loss", "Stolyar", "Cheburashka", "Fire", "chill" and others.

Fans of the group "Blood" welcome black humor in lyrics

The album in text form came to the village of Oleg Navalny, brother. After reading, he created a set of tattoo sketches based on the plots of the songs of the Bloodstock. And in April Anton Chernyak Internet show video clrokery. The transmission came to talk about the problems of Russian society, facts from the history of the group, about interesting cases from the life of the participants of the Bloodstock.


  • 2004 - "Blood River"
  • 2006 - "Through"
  • 2008 - "Dumbbell"
  • 2012 - "Jelly"
  • 2015 - "Lombard"
  • 2018 - "ChB"


  • 2006 - "LIVE LIVE head"
  • 2008 - "Baklans Live"
  • 2009 - "Dumbbell Karaoke"
  • 2009 - "Karaoke Riots"
  • 2010 - "Kolkhozniki"
  • 2010 - "G. E.S.
  • 2012 - "Kurtz"
  • 2015 - "Nails"

The parodies in popular and rap performers are already popular for no first year. The leader of the group "Blood" Shilo became famous in this field. It creates texts in the style of rap, the filling of which is similar to Chanson. Many critics attributed the work of this team to Hansta Rapu, or rather the parody of him. It is believed that this is the first group that began to produce parodies.

Shilo ("Blood"): Biography

Shilo - one of the creative pseudonyms that is also often called a ripper. He is the author of the majority of the text of the group and its unchanging soloist. The exact date of birth is unknown. Shilo ("blood flow"), how many years he never speaks directly, but the lyrical hero from the songs was born at the beginning of the seventies.

Confirms the year of birth of Shilo and the site "Odnoklassniki" on his profile there in 2017 costs age 46 years, thus, in about 1971-1972, a soloist was born. You should not count that you will be able to talk with Anton through this social network. I went to my page he in 2013.

Before the start of work in the group "Bloodstock", Shilo was educated in MGAU. He is a graduate artist. He was offered a job in journals, but he considered the editorial tasks with stupid and wanted to spend his life on sketches. The talent of the artist he did not use for his career. At first, after graduating from the university, Shilo worked at various enterprises: a bartender, a loader.

History of group creation

Together with his fellow students, Dmitry Feldman Shilo ("Blood") began a creative career in the group "Fenzo". Later, Anton worked on the project "PG" and often acted with him in the Unusual Bar "Pushking". Initially, the creative alliance of Sila and other participants was based on the creation of modern compositions of lyric orientation, but such music did not bring fame.

Later, in 2003, "blood flow" was created. Silo called the name in different ways: as a derivative of two words "blood" and "east", as well as in direct value. It is believed that the class of work was put on the work of the group on the meat processing plant. The group positions itself as a funny passion for creative intelligentsia, parody of popular Hansta Rap.

The secret of success

Shilo ("blood flow") has no acting data and not very well transfers the mood of compositions and lyrical hero. His execution is estimated as deliberately bad, and the texts themselves tell about a typical brigade of infertimers from the 90s. It would seem, with such initial data, the listeners will be a bit, but it turned out the opposite - many are delighted with the style of the group.

Temple people admire the concept and execution of tracks, a thin irony, which permeates each composition. Youth perceives the history of the lyrical hero for a clean coin. The images of the "bloodstream" are quite colorful, so the listeners vividly imagine the atmosphere of gangster life. Interestingly, none of the leaders of the group was in prison. Many consider nonsense that the intelligents were able to tell the brutal stories so that they believe.
This group is good not by their rhymes and the manner of the chute. The admirers of Creativity sewed praise him for unusual personification, metaphors and created images. It is in this who lies the secret of success. One producers even said that whether the texts are a little more decent, he would have included the work of the group in history textbooks.

Lyrical hero

The main character of all songs is the lazy chamber, the main thing for which is to satisfy all his whims. It was on this image that rose "blood flow". Shilo believes that such a hero, as ever, is close to many Russians. Many people want first of all to be good to them, and not to someone else. Only the Criminal Code stops from reckless actions.

From the part it may seem that the creativity of the musicians is the same, but in fact it is not. Albums can be found both lyrical and vulgar songs. Despite the inconsistency of views, the musicians were able to turn away from an attractive thieves life. "Blood" shows it not like movies and serials of the late 90s, but tells what it really is. Each listener assesses the creation of the group. Some regard their tracks as philosophical, others consider parody, and the third realistic. There is always one thing in them - a simple and understandable lyrical hero, in the image of which appears in the concerts.

The participants in the group "Bloodstock" - Anton and Dmitry - together studied at the Moscow Mghah of 1905, then both participated in the Phenzo Art Group. After that, Shilo performed in the project called "PG" (anti-tank grenade). With Sergey, they met in the "PG" part-based group "Pushking", where he worked as a bartender.
Initially, they created lyrical poems, overlooking them on a fashionable brake-bit music. So the idea of \u200b\u200breading "monotonous" rap appeared on the antisocial topics: crime, sex and drugs. Mat added in the song. So the group begins to write his first songs by calling "blood flow" in 2004. On the Internet on the site, eight compositions were laid out, which later entered the debut plate "Blood River".
With concerts, originally closed, for their public, the "blood flow" began to appear in Moscow clubs since the fall of 2004. In the future, interest in the "blood flow" on the part of the club public declined noticeably, especially with the release of the second album in May 2006 "Pereny". This is partly due to the lack of a lyrical character - Shilo does not have sufficient acting abilities to meet the characters of the "bloodstand" songs on the stage. Many have considered that the texts have become superficial and limited.
In early 2007, the Songs of the "Dumbbell", "HPP", "Kisa", "Night", "Methadon" were hit the Internet with a "dumbbell that did not yet released at that time. The music produced fantomas2000 for him. The album "dumbbell" was released on January 22, 2008 and on its concept resembled the "blood river", only "better" in terms of sound recording. With the release of the album, the group's popularity has grown again.
Also together with Mikhail, the Krasnodoyevier was recorded the composition "Hydrogash" in 2005.
A distinctive feature of the "bloodstand" is a sharp obscene lyrics in a kind of monotonous design. Despite the formal signs of the rap group, the "blood flow" is largely a successful parody of the Gangster rap. Participants, fulfilling the texts of criminal themes with obscene content, themselves are representatives of the creative intelligentsia: Shilo - artist, poet, Feldman - installer, writer, participant of the fenzo art group.
Bloodstock worked closely with the underground association "43 degrees": Fantomas 2000 and "Kote" (Konstantin Arshba) participated in the project "Bloodstock" as back-vocalists. Joint compositions were recorded - "Conversations about Napasy" in the performance of Shilo and Cat and Deltaplan, together with Fantomic 2000. Also, the former Block's Boundaker was also a half-goum at the concerts of the group "43 degrees" as a sound engineer.
At the turn of 2010-2011. Single group called "Imagine", telling about hired killers and trafficking in persons, as well as two more singles: "stuffy" and "it's time to go home", the latter was devoted to the day of the criminal investigation.
On March 24, 2012, the new studio album was laid out by the group participants for free download.

To date, none of the team compositions was presented in public media (television, radio fleet).


* "River Blood" - 2004
* "Through" - 2006
* "Dumbbell" - 2008
* "Studin" - 2012
* "Lombard" - 2015
The official website of the group.