Cryanonian appearance. Cryanonets: Lifestyle and Facebook Features

Cryanonian appearance. Cryanonets: Lifestyle and Facebook Features
Cryanonian appearance. Cryanonets: Lifestyle and Facebook Features

BC E) they settled in Europe, and lived simultaneously with the latest representatives of Neanderthal.

By the beginning of the era of the Upper Paleolithic include the so-called paleolithic revolution - the transition to the more advanced production technology and use of tools of labor that occurred about 40 thousand years BC. During this period, an explosive flourishing of the intellectual and cultural activity of a person related to the widespread dissemination of people of modern physical type, who changed the ancient species of people was occurred. The bone remains were first found in Grotto Cryanon in France.

It is surprising that for tens of thousands of years, doctromanone humanity does not undergo any changes. At the same time, according to modern ideas for the formation of the characteristics of the Kroanon skeleton, isolation and a huge number of years are needed.

Evolutionary anthropologists believe that the population consisting of Cryanons was between 1 and 10 million people, and for 100 thousand years, they had to be buried about 4 billion bodies with related artifacts. A significant part of the burials from these 4 billion should have been preserved. However, they found only a few thousand.

Another ambiguity is the extinction of Neanderthal. One of the dominant hypotheses about the causes of his extinction is the ousting (that is, the destruction) of its Kromanonian - a competitor to an ecological niche that occurred about 30 thousand years ago.

Food Cromanontsev

It has been established that the era of the Late Paleolithic Epoch (40-12 thousand years ago) who lived in Europe was wild fruit, vegetables, deciduous plants, roots, nuts, and low-fat meat. The results of anthropological studies unequivocally indicate that during the evolution of a person, a large role belonged to food containing little fat, very little sugar, but including a large amount of fiber and polysaccharides. The cholesterol content in the meat of wild animals approximately corresponds to its content in livestock meat, but in the meat of wild animals, there is a virtually the perfect ratio of fatty acids with saturated and unsaturated bonds. People of the Late Paleolithic Age consumed a lot of animal protein due to meat, which contributed to physical development and rapid sexual ripening, but not longevity. The analysis of the remains of the ancient people revealed characteristic diseases due to improper nutrition, in particular, avitaminosis, and their life expectancy was on average 30 years.

One way or another, due to the fact that meat food prevailed in the diet, they were more statutory than their descendants (and ancestors) preferred vegetable food.

Culture Cromanontsev


From the end of 40 thousand BC. The Matriarchate Flower has begun and the Croidonians associated with Krohanyonians and is mainly known to excavations in Europe. The worship of the mother goddess was not just a local cult, but a global phenomenon. Material from site.

Cave painting (skalny)

During the lifetime of Cryanons, there is a flourishing of cave (fastening) painting, the peak of which was reached in 15-17 thousand BC. (Galleries of cave drawings Lasco (Lascaux) and Altamira (Altamira)).

Fresco in Altamir depicts a herd of bison and others

About 40 thousand years ago appeared on earth neoantrops - People of the current appearance, but more massive than modern people. Neoantrops, or new people (from Greek. PEZ. The newest person) the generalized name of the people of the current species (Home Sapiens), fossil and now living.

Residents of Europe, which are quite often referring to the current species that lived in the era of the Upper Paleolithic (from 50 to 20 thousand years ago) are called cryanonians. The name of these people gave a discovery to the grotto Cro-Manon in the valley of the river. Veser in France. There, in 1868, students were discovered with 6 human skeletons, ancient corners from firebreads, flint tools and sea shells, in which holes were pretended. The find, which was found in the grotto Cro-Manon was the first, after which there was a serious study of the ancient people of the modern type, so all the fossil neoanthrops are called Crohanyonians.

For the physical type of Cryanons are characterized by the following signs:

  • high growth (in men - above 180 cm);
  • skull with a large brain department;
  • elevated rounded arch of the skull;
  • extensive straight wide forehead without a solid supervised roller;
  • less developed than most fossil hominids, face;
  • picking chin.

Cryanonians had a perfect culture, which is called the upper Paleolithic. In Europe, the most famous cultures of the Upper Paleolithic are called Orignac, Solutre and Madeleine, - by the names of those places in France, where the main finds were made.

Cryanonians produced a real technological coup in stone processing. Long and narrow plates were filmed from the prismatic nucleus, from which a variety of guns were then manufactured. Cryanonians began the development and study of new materials and fossil - bones and horns, which are sometimes called plastics of the Stone Age. They had huge differences, for example, they had ease, plasticity and ease of processing. With the advent of bone needles, sewed and seeling appeared fundamentally new opportunities in the processing of the skins and in the manufacture of clothes. An impressive sizes of animal bones also served as material for the dwellings of ancient hunters and fuel for foci. The technical equipment of people has increased - kopemetalki, onions and arrows appeared.

Cryanonian almost ceased to depend on the natural shelters of the type of caves and rock canopies, as well as other structures. They actively developed, engaged in extensive construction dwellings where they needed - it created additional opportunities for long-range migrations and mastering new lands. Only Kromanonians first arise art - rock painting, statuettes of bone and stone. The first drawings on the walls of the caves were portrayed animals, and only later in ancient painting and plastic appear plots, the participant of which the person becomes.

At that time, such a direction was actively studied and developed as art, seemingly magical meaning. Animal images are accompanied by signs of arrows and copies designed to alleviate the upcoming hunt. As a result, it can be said that a modern person, in the fact that he has in the modern world, in many respects acquired all the qualities and experience from Crogenian. Back in ancient times, this species was actively searching for food, housing, studied new fossils, developed. It is very active development and contributed to the further improvement of civilization.

Who are Kromanonians? These are fossil people, fully similar to their appearance and development on a modern person. They lived 40-10 thousand years ago in Europe. At the same time, at least 7 thousand years coexisted together with Neanderthals. Their first skeletons and tools of the era of the Upper Paleolithic were found in 1868 in France in Cro-Manon Cave.

It should be noted that such a term as "Cryanonian" implies several concepts at once:

1. These are people whose remains beat Cro-Manon in the grotto, and about 40-30 thousand thousand years ago.

2. These are people who inhabited Europe during the period of the Upper Paleolithic.

3. These are all people who lived on the globe during the upper Paleolithic period.

I must say that there is still such a thing as neoantrops. It implies the common collective name Homo Sapiens, that is, a reasonable person. It includes both Cryanonians and modern people. That is, we are neo-station, which completely changed Paleoanthropes (Cryanonians) 30 or 40 thousand years ago. And the first neo-intrigues appeared on Earth about 200 thousand years ago in Africa.

But let's not look so far away, and we will return to more close times. The fossil remains of Cryanonians were found on the territory of Africa in Fish Huke and Cape Flets. Their age was estimated at 35 thousand years. In Europe, as already mentioned, in 30 thousand years. In Asia, the age of the remains amounted to 40-10 thousand years. In New Guinea 19 thousand years.

Settlement of Cromanontsev

Ancient people and Australia reached. They lived there for 20-14 thousand years ago. But in America near Los Angeles, the settlement was found, the age of which is dating 23 thousand years ago. But there are also later settlements from 11 to 13 thousand years ago.

In places of excavations, experts discovered the remains of individuals of various sexes and age. At the same time, the ancients were buried in accordance with the funeral rites of that distant era. From modern people in their morphological structure, they differed very little. However, the bones of skeletons and skulls were more massive. At least, anthropologists came to this opinion.

Where did the modern type of man appear?

Currently, specialists are asked questions: Whom of the ancient people can be considered the ancestors of a modern person and in what historical period they appeared? The first traces of people similar to us were discovered in Africa. These findings have age from 200 to 100 thousand years. One of the finds was made in Herdo in Ethiopia in 1997. There, Paleontologists from California discovered the remains of 160 thousand years.

In South Africa in Claus River, the remains discovered are 118 thousand years old. In the northeastern part of South Africa, a cranial box of 82 thousand years old was found in Border Keive. The remains in Tanzania, Sudan were also found. They are characterized by the fact that the fossil human skulls in their form are very much reminiscent of the skull of modern people. They do not have a sharply protruding navel, large overbric arcs, beveled chin. In this case, the volume of the brain is extremely large. Similar finds found in the Middle East in the caves of the Kafséch and Sul.

Fashionable drawings in the cave

As a result of the efforts of paleontologists, it turned out that 40 thousand years ago, people who had a modern appearance lived in Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. In America, they appeared noticeably later, somewhere 11-12 thousand years ago. But there are archaeologists who call the time period of 30 thousand years.

Thus, it turns out that the first rounds saw the light in the southeastern regions of Africa approximately 200 thousand years ago. Initially, they settled the hot continent, and then hit the Middle East. It happened 80-70 thousand years ago. Settling the Middle East, moved to Europe and Asia, mastering the southern, and then the northern regions. They got up to Australia, and then found themselves on the lands of America.

Our direct ancestors were the exact opposite of Neanderthals. They had long limbs, height up to 180 cm, proportional bodies, well-developed lower jaws and skull of an elongated form. Subsequently, people of the present civilization went from them, the age of which has 7 thousand years.

Nowadays, it is the opinion that the modern type of people is a crown of biological evolution, which was transformed into social evolution. However, many do not agree with this. That is, biological changes continue today. Just so far has passed very little time to talk about some physical transformations. But as we all know, the United Kromanonians have changed significantly externally, due to the appearance of races.

The burial of Cromanontsev

Cultural achievements of Cromanontsev

From their predecessors, our direct ancestors differed not only by physical features. They possess a higher developed culture. First of all, it concerns the instruments of labor. They did them out of stone, horns and bones. Moreover, initially the workpiece was prepared in mass order, and then treated them and obtained the necessary guns. Invented onions with arrows and spears. It should be noted that the level of culture has practically not different from the ancient people who inhabited different ends of the planet. They were tamed wolf, which became a homemade dog.

But the main thing, of course, is rock painting. In the caves from Britain to Baikal, excellent samples of rock paintings are preserved. In addition to them, figurines depicting animals and people were also found. They are made of limestone, bones and the beer of mammoths. A thread was applied on the knives knives, and the clothes were decorated with beads, painting them with okra.

Our ancient ancestors lived with communities. They had from 30 to 100 people. Not only caves, but also dug, and huts, and tents served housing. And this already indicates the settlements. Dressed in clothes that were sewed from the skins. Communicated with each other through developed speech.

The main cult was the cult of hunting. This indicates at least the fact that many images of animals complement the arrows and spears. That is, at first, prey was killed in the drawings, and only then went to the real hunt.

Kromanonians have widely practiced funeral rites. This is primarily indicating that ancient people thought about the afterlime world. In the graves along with the deceased decorations, the guns of hunting, household items and food. The bodies sprinkled with blood-red chroas and sometimes covered the bones of killed animals from above. Dead bodies were taken to bury in the embryo pose. That is, in what position the embryo was in the womb, in the same position and went into the world another.

Ceramic statuette Westonitskaya Venus

Cryanonian culture is characterized as perigorean culture. It is divided into earlier chatelperon and later ingraft culture. The last subsequently passed into soltenian culture. An example of an engraft culture is Westonitskaya Venusfound in the Czech Republic in 1925. This is the most ancient ceramic statuette with a height of 11 cm and 4 cm wide. An ancient oven was also detected, in which clay crafts were burned, turning them into ceramic products.

In conclusion, it should be said that in the days of fabulous antiquity in Southeast Africa, a woman appeared from which the whole human genus went. This woman designates as mitochondrial Eve on mitochondrial DNA, inherited only on the female line. What is this woman, and how it was in hot Africa - unknown. But excellent creation has radically different from other women and laid the beginning of the human civilization that is now dominant on the blue planet..

Alexey Starikov

The first scientific research find of a modern type man was beheaded by a skeleton found in Wells (England) in 1823. It was a burial: the dead man was decorated with sinks and sprinkled with red okra, subsequently on the bones. The skeleton was considered female and called the "Red Lady" (after a hundred years he was recognized as male). But the most famous later finds (1868) in the grotto Kro Manon (France), for which all the ancient people often do not quite call Cryanonians.

These were the people of high (170-180 cm) growth, practically not distinguished from us, with large, coarse-beautiful features of wide persons. A similar anthropological type is still found in the now living people in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Subsequently, the remains of people like this type were found in many places in Europe, in our country from the Crimean caves to Sungir near Vladimir.

In antiquity, humanity was no less diverse than now. Along with Crohanyonians, sometimes next to them, in Europe and Asia, representatives of other forms lived.

Neoantropips lived in the era of the so-called upper paleotype. Like Neanderthals, they used not only the cave for housing. From the trunks of trees, mammoth bones and skins, and in Siberia, even from stone slabs, they built huts. The tools are becoming more perfect, except the stone, horn and bone are used. A modern type man drew the magnificent frescoes on the walls of the caves, depicting fishing animals: horses, mammoths, bison (probably for some magic rites), decorated themselves with necklaces, bracelets and rings from seashells and mammoth bones; domesticated the first animal - a dog.

Cryanonians lived in caves or huts at the very end of the last of the glacial eras. In the same time, the climate was cold, and winter snow, only low herbs and shrubs could grow in such conditions. Cryanonians hunted on reindeer and woolly mammoths. Cryanonians have learned to make many new weapons. To their spears, they tied sharp tips from a deer horns with a referred back of the teeth to a spear deeply stuck in the side of the wounded animal. In order to throw a spear as far as possible, they used special throwing devices. These devices were made of deer horns, and some of them were decorated with a different pattern.

They caught fish with the help of harpunov carved from deer horns, with tips and bent back by teeth. Gapunos were tied to the spears, and the fishermen skew the fish right in the water.

Cryanonians built huts from long bertov bones and mammoth beans, covering the frame of animal skins. The ends of the bones were inserted into the skull, as the builders could not stick them into the murous soil. In the earth's semi huts and Comanonian caves, many burials were discovered. This skeleton was covered with beads of stones and seashells, previously attached to his rotten clothes. Deaders, as a rule, laid into the grave in a bent position, with her knees, pressed against the chin. Sometimes various instruments and weapons are also found in the graves.

These Kromanonians cut the deer horns with the help of a chicken-shaped stone tool.

Probably, they were the first people who have learned to make needles and sew. From one end of the needle, they did a hole that served as an eye. Then they cleaned the edges and edges of the needle, losing her about a special stone. Perhaps they pushed the skin with a stone drill so that the needle could be touched through the formed holes. Instead of threads, they used thin skin strips or animal intestines. Cridnonians often sewed small beads from multi-colored pebbles to look good. Sometimes for these purposes, they used shells with holes in the middle.

Apparently, the Kromanonians and who lived at the time other people in the development of higher nervous activity were practically no different from us. At this level, the biological evolution of man ended. The former mechanisms of anthropogenesis stopped acting.

What were these mechanisms? Recall that the genus Homo starts from Australopites - in fact, monkeys, but with a two-legged gait. No monkey, who passed from the trees to Earth, did not, but not alone, besides our ancestors, did not make the basic instrument of protection and attacks first selected in nature, and then artificially made tools. That is why the main factor of anthropogenesis is considered natural selection for better instruments. That was what I mean F. Engels, who marked that a person created a man.

As a result of the brutal selection of the most skillful masters and skillful hunters, such achievements of anthropogenesis, as a large and difficult tokens, a brush hand, suitable for the most subtle labor operations, perfect two-legged gait and ai-part-based speech. It is important to emphasize the fact that a person from the very beginning was a public animal - already Australopita, apparently, lived with flocks and only therefore were capable of, for example, finishing a weakened and wounded animal and fight off from the attack of major predators.

All this led to the fact that at the Neoanthrop stage such powerful factors of evolution, as natural selection and intraspecific struggle, lost importance and replaced social. As a result, the biological evolution of man almost ceased.

Archaeological finds are talking about the weapons and methods for its manufacturer of Kromanons have been much more perfect than in Neanderthal; It was of great importance to increase food and population growth. The kophetalki gave the human hand winning in force, doubling the distance at which the hunter could rented his spear. Now he was able to hit prey at a great distance even before she had time to get frightened and run away. Among the jazbed tips was invented harpoon, Which could be mined salmon walking from the sea river throwing caviar. Fish for the first time became an important food product.

Cryanonians caught birds in the silt; They came up with death traps for birds, wolves, foxes and significantly larger animals. Some experts believe that this hundred mammoths got into such a travelers, whose remains were found near Pavlov in Czechoslovakia.

A distinctive feature of therigonians was hunting big flocks of large animals. They learned how to drive such herds to those sites, where animals were easier to score, and arranged a massory. Cryanonians also moved after seasonal migrations of large mammals. This is talking about their seasonal accommodation on selected sites. Europe of the late stone-century europe was a large wild mammal, from which there was a lot of meat and fur. After that, their number and variety have never been so great.

The main sources of nutrition for CroNews were such animals: northern and noble deer, tour, horse and stone goat.

In construction, Kromanonians basically followed the old traditions of Neanderthal. They lived in caves, they built tents of the skins, folded the dwellings of stones or pulled out in the ground.New steel light summer shalashiwhich built nomadic hunters (Fig. 2.18, Fig. 2.19).

Fig. 2.18. Renovation of a shala, the terra of Amate Fig. 2.19. Reconstruction of housing, mesin

The ability to live in the conditions of a glacial period besides housing provided and new types of clothing. Bone needles and images dressed in fur fur say that they wore closely adjacent pants, jackets with hoods, shoes and mittens with well-stitched seams.

In the era from 35 to 10 thousand years ago, Europe survived great period of their prehistoric art.

The range of works was wide: engraving animals and people made on small pieces of stone, bones, ivory and deer horns; clay and stone sculptures and reliefs; Figures ocher, manganese and charcoal, as well as images laid on the walls of moss caves or painted painted through the straw (Fig. 2.20).

The study of skeletons from burials suggests that two-thirds of Cryanons reached 20 years of age, whereas their predecessors - Neanderthal, the number of such people was also half; One of the ten Kromanonians lived to 40 years old compared to one person for twenty in Neanderthal. I.e, the lifespan of the Kroanonians increased.

For the burials of Crogenonians, you can also judge their symbolic rituals and the growth of wealth and social status.

Fig. 2.20. Figure Bizon, Nio, France Fig. 2.21. Pedsova Tooth Necklace, Moravia

The burdens often sprinkled with the dead red okra, which, as they suggest, symbolized blood and life, which, perhaps, testifies to the presence of faith in the harmonists. Some corpses were buried with rich decorations (Fig. 2.21); These are the early signs that in communities of host hunters. rich and respected people began to appear.

Perhaps the most amazing things were found in the burial of hunters, made 23 thousand years ago in Sungiri east of Moscow. Here the old man was lying in fur clothes, skillfully decorated beads.

The two boys were buried nearby, dressed in fur decorated beads, with rings and ivory bracelets; Near them lay long spears from the beer of the Mammoth and two strange, carved out of the bone and similar to the stem stem stem, which is called the "rod of the commander" (Fig. 2.22).

10 thousand years ago the cold era of Pleistocena gave way to the Holocene, or the "brand new" era. This is the time of the mild climate in which we live now. With the warming of the climate of Europe, the territory engaged in forests expanded. The forests fell, occupying huge sections of the former tundra, and the sea whose level was raised, flooded the low coast and valleys of rivers.

Fig. 2.22. Male burial, Sungar 1, Russia

Climate change and enhanced hunt led to the disappearance of huge wildeds, due to which Cryanonians were fed. But on land remained in the abundance of forest mammals, and in water - fish and waterfowl.

Use all these sources of food allowed tools and weapons to the North Europeans. These specific groups of hunters and collectors and created mesolita culture, or " middle stone century". He was so named, because he followed the ancient stone century, which was characterized by hunting for huge herds of animals. Mesolita culture laid the foundations for agriculture In Northern Europe, characteristic of the new Stone Age. Only 10 to 5 thousand years ago, Mesolithic was only a brief moment of the prehistoric period. On the bones found on mesolitic parking, it can be seen that the prey of the hunters of the Mesolith noble deer, Koslya, Kaban, Wild bulls, beavers, foxes, ducks, geese and pussy. Huge piles of shellfish sinks say they fed on the coast of the Atlantic and North Sea. Mesolithic people also engaged in harvesting roots, fruits and nuts. Groups of people obviously migrated from place to place, following seasonal changes in food sources.

Archaeologists believe that people of the era of Mesolithic lived smaller groupsthan their possible ancestors - Cryanonians. But food mining was now at a more sustainable level during the year, as a result of which the number of parking and, therefore, the population population increased. Life expectancy, too, apparently increased.

New stone tools and weapons helped people to master the forests and the sea, which took part of the North-Western Europe after the melting of the Northern Ice Shield.

One of the main types of hunting weapons was bow and arrowswhich were probably invented in late Paleolithic. A skillful shooter could hit a stone goat at a distance of 32 m, and if his first arrow did not get into the target, he had time to send another one.

The arrows were usually jagged or had tips in the form of small pieces of silica, which are called microliths. Microliths were glued with a resin to the bone bone.

New samples of large stone tools helped people era of mesolithic shunks, oars, ski and sleigh. All this together taken allowed to master the huge water sections for fishing and facilitated movement over the snow and wetlands.

Hominid Triad.

Since the only modern representative of the family is a person, from its features, three major systems that are considered truly hominid were historically highlighted.

These systems were called hominide triad:

- Strying (Baptius);

- brush adapted to the manufacture of guns;

- Highly developed brain.

1. Strying.Regarding its origin, many hypotheses are put forward. The two most important are myocene cooling and labor concept.

Miocene cooling: In the middle and end of the Miocene, as a result of global climates, a significant reduction in rainforest areas and an increase in Savannan Square has occurred. It could cause the transition of a part of hominoids to a terrestrial lifestyle. However, it is known that the oldest well-known spinners lived in tropical forests.

Labor concept: According to the well-known Labor concept of F. Engels and its later options, the emergence of straightening is closely related to the specialization of the arm of the monkey for labor activity - the transfer of objects, the young, manipulation of food and the manufacture of guns. In the future, labor led to the emergence of language and society. However, according to modern data, the strain arose much earlier than the manufacture of guns. The strain arose at least 6 million years ago from Orrorin Tugenensis, and the oldest guns from the hump in Ethiopia have dating only 2.7 million years ago.

Fig. 2.23. Skeleton of man and gorilla

There are other versions of the appearance of straightening. It could arise to orientation in the savannah when it was necessary to look over high grass. Also, human ancestors could get up to the hind legs to cross through water obstacles or graze on wetlands, as modern gorillas in Congo do.

According to the concept of K. Owen Lavjoy, the strain arose in connection with a special reproduction strategy, since hominids are grown by one or two youngsters for a very long time. At the same time, care for the offspring reaches such complexity that it is necessary to release the forelimbs. The transfer of helpless young and food over the distance becomes a vital element of behavior. According to Lavjo, the strain arose in the rainforest, and the two-legged hominids moved to the savanna.

In addition, experimentally and on mathematical models it was proved that movement over long distances at an average speed on two legs is energetically more profitable than on four.

Most likely, in evolution, there was not one reason, but a whole of their complex. To determine the fossil in fossil primates, scientists enjoy the following main features:

· The position of the occipital opening - in the opening it, it is located in the center of the base of the skull, opens down. Such a structure is known for about 4 - 7 million years ago. In four-legged - in the rear of the base of the skull, turned back (Fig. 2.23).

· The structure of the pelvis - in the open pelvis is wide and low (such a structure is known since the Australopithecus Afarensis 3.2 million years ago), in four-legged pelvis, high, tall and long (Fig. 2.25);

· The structure of long bones of the legs - the length-on legs are long, the knee and ankle joints have a characteristic structure. This structure is known, starting from 6 million years ago. In four-legged primates hands longer legs.

· Structure of the foot - Archprises are expressed (lifting) foot, fingers straight, short, the thumb is not allocated aside, minor (the arch is already pronounced at the Australopithecus Afarensis, but the fingers are long and curved in all Australopithek, the Homo Habilis stop is flattened, but Straight, short), four-legged foot flat, long, curved, movable fingers. In the Stop Australopithecus AnaMensis, the thumb was lacking. In the Stop Australopithecus Afarensis, the thumb was opposed to another, but much weaker than the modern monkeys, the arches are well developed, the footprint was almost like a modern person. In the Stop Australopithecus Africanus and Australopithecus Robustus, the thumb was very allotted from others, the fingers were very movable, the structure is intermediate between monkeys and man. In the foot Homo Habilis thumb fully reduced the rest.

· The structure of the hands - in fully spinning hominid hands short, are not adapted to the walking on the ground or climbing on trees, the phalanges of the fingers are straight. The features of the lending to the land or climbing on trees are Australopithecus Afarensis, Australopithecus Africanus, Australopithecus Robustus and even Homo Habilis.

Thus, the strain arose more than 6 million years ago, but for a long time differed from the modern version. Some Australopheca and Homo Habilis used other types of movement - climbing on trees and walking with a support for the phalange of the fingers of the hands.

Fully modern, strain has become only about 1.6-1.8 million years ago.

2. Protecting the hand adapted to the manufacture of guns. A hand capable of making guns, differs from the hands of the monkey. Although the morphological signs of the working hand are not quite reliable, but you can allocate the following work complex:

Strong wrist. Australopithecus, starting with Australopithecus Afarensis, the structure of the wrist intermediate between monkeys and man. Almost modern structure is observed at Homo Habilis 1.8 million years ago.

Contrasting a thumb brush. The sign is already known for 3.2 million years ago at Australopithecus Afarensis and Australopithecus Africanus. It was fully developed at Australopithecus Robustus and Homo Habilis 1.8 million years ago. Finally, it was peculiar or limited to Neanderthal European about 40-100 thousand years ago.

Wide finite phalanges of fingers. Very wide phalanges were at Australopithecus Robustus, Homo Habilis and all later hominids.

Attaching the muscles moving the fingers of almost modern type is marked with the Australopithecus Robustus and Homo Habilis, but they have primitive features.

The bones of the brush in the oldest binding hominoids (Australopithecus AFARENSIS and AUSTRALOPITHECUS AFARENSIS) have a mixture of signs of man-like monkeys and man. Most likely, these species could use objects as an instrument, but not to make them. The first manufacturers of real guns - Homo Habilis. Probably, the guns were made and South African massive Australopithecus (Paranthropus) Robustus (Paranthropus).

So, the labor brush in general was formed about 1.8 million years ago.

3. Highly developed brain. The brain of a modern person is very different from the brain of human-like monkeys (Fig. 2.24) in size, form, structure and functions, however, among the fossil forms, you can find many transitional options. Typical signs of human brain are as follows:

Large total brain sizes. Australopiteks have a brain size like modern chimpanzees. The rapid growth of the sizes occurred at Homo Habilis about 2.5-1.8 million years ago, and the later hominids observes a smooth increase to modern values.

Specific brain fields - Brock zones and Vernika and other fields began to develop at Homo Habilis and Archantropov, but completely modern species reached, apparently, only at a modern person.

The structure of brain shares. The person has significantly developed the lower dark and frontal lobe, the sharp angle of convergence of temporal and frontal lobes, the temporal share is wide and rounded in front, the occipital proportion is relatively small, hangs over the cerebellar. Australopiteks have the structure and dimensions of the brain were the same as human monkeys.

Fig. 2.24. The brain of primates: and - Disclaim, B - Lemur, Fig. 2.25. Phase chimpanzees (a);