KPP Stratestries on all Machines Setup. How to set up a gearbox in the game Stratestries for different cars

KPP Stratestries on all Machines Setup. How to set up a gearbox in the game Stratestries for different cars
KPP Stratestries on all Machines Setup. How to set up a gearbox in the game Stratestries for different cars

The Drag Racing game is very popular now in many users of mobile devices on the Android platform. If you are the owner of such a device and often visit the "Play Market", then you probably had to deal with the mentioned project. The most basic parameter is to achieve success speak only after carrying out the necessary transformations over it, you can defeat your rivals. PPP settings in the Drag Racing game for all machines are not so easy to guess, but in fact it is quite real. And if you plan to continue to participate in these competitions, then you will sooner or later have to do this. The fact is that for each car, as well as for its transmissions, you will need to set certain parameters. This concerns not only speed, but also overclocking. The moment of switching from one transmission to another is also indicated, it all should occur on a specific revolution indicator. All the above factors are very important for victory over serious opponents.

Special approach

In Drag Racing, setting up the checkpoint for all machines can take away a lot of time. But still, if everything is fulfilled correctly, in the end you can come to good indicators and easily extinguish even with strong opponents. As you probably were able to understand, success will be completely depended only from the correct setting of the gearbox in the game. At the same time, for each car, set the parameters to be individually.

Only forward

The most interesting thing is that there is a "rash racing", so this is what you have no chance to perform tricks, for example, bypass the opponent on a turn or cut it, because the races in most cases pass in a straight line and it all depends only on your Dexterity and correct gearbox. If you use the Drag Racing game to Android, the settings of the machines (PPC) for some players are incredibly complex. This refers to the process itself. Therefore, if you install the parameters, according to all the rules, in the end, you can ultimately win races from such participants, and at the same time they will not even understand how it turns out. In Drag Racing, the checkpoint for all machines (4x4) plays an important role, but you have already been able to understand that each car needs not only in high-quality installations, but also in various improvements. In particular, it concerns power. When in Drag Racing, the CAT setup to all machines will be performed, you need to improve vehicles. In addition, it should be learned easily and deftly manage them.


If you have a lot of cars in the game for all cars will be mandatory for you, of course, if you plan to use all your vehicles in races. At any time you can even test the settings yourself and choose the best option. Note that the application can be hacked using a special Gamekiller program. The table given in this article will greatly facilitate the configuration process.

Computer games on social networks have recently begin to gain increasing popularity, because they offer gamers more mobile, operational and comfortable way of playing. You can not spend your hard disk space, money and time to play a quality project. You only need to add it in your profile on the site, and you can already upload it and play. Many people think that only all sorts of small games with a complete lack of graphics are available in this way, but this is far from that. An excellent example serves as a racing simulator "Stratestries", which is characterized by both decent graphics and detailed reproduction of all the trifles. So detailed that many gamers cannot understand how to configure the gearbox in the game "Stratestrayers". In this article, you will learn about the basics of this difficult process and learn how to correctly and correctly make the gearbox setting for any car available in the game.

Buying a car

In this game you need to acquire yourself all the cars you are going to ride. But this is not surprising - almost all car simulators provide you with such an opportunity. Only here in the "Stratestries" you are also invited to fully modify your car and prepare it for racing yourself. To do this, you will need to buy various improvements, install them, control absolutely everything in your car. At the same time, the most questions cause a complex gearbox system. Many people do not understand how to set up a gearbox in the game "Streetraisers" so that everything worked on the road in optimal mode, did not break and allowed you to win the races. Now you will learn all the necessary information in order to be able to configure manually without any problems. Start, naturally, it is worth buying a car - when you only get a new machine, the CAT setup menu is as follows: it turns out to be six gears, as well as the main one, and each of them has a runner that allows you to establish an emphasis at speed or on Acceleration. Many people think that by default the optimal setting is set, and they leave everything as it is, but this is a very big mistake. You need to do everything yourself. That is why you need to know how to set up a gearbox in the game "Stratestrayers".

Basic setting

So, first you need to consider how to configure the gearbox in the game "Stratestrayers" immediately after buying a car, that is, without taking into account possible upgrades that you will be installed in the future. There is no secret - almost for all cars in stock form (that is, in the state in which they hit you immediately after purchase) is suitable for one type of setting. You need to drag the runner of the main completely in the direction of speed, and all six gears are dragging completely to acceleration. It is with such settings that you will best ride in stock car. But it is not necessary to concentrate precisely on such a type of settings, since you are unlikely to spend a lot of time on the road driving the stock. However, even if you go to the race on the original machine, then you still better check immediately whether the gearbox is triggered correctly in the Stratestrayers game. As already mentioned above, the basic setting is suitable for many, but not for everyone.

Checking the setup of the checkpoint

Setting up the checkpoint in the game "Stratestrayers" is a very subtle and serious process that will require you to maximize concentrations, as well as a lot of time spent on tests. How to test the gearbox setting? This is done by checking the switching speed - they are installed for each car separately, so you need to always check, what is the indicator for you in an optimal form. After that, you need to go on a test drive, where you need to carefully monitor how the speed of the revolutions is behaved when switching transmission. If it does not reach the optimal number of revolutions or jumps it hard, then something is wrong with the setting, and you better try another configuration. As you understand, this method is suitable not only for the basic setup of the checkpoint, but also for all others. Once you learn how to configure the gearbox, you will notice how simpler for you will be playing in the "Striters". Customize the checkpoint should be able to each.

Optimization of settings

Naturally, you can not save all the time one configuration of the gearbox on the game "Stratestrayers". "Golf" requires one configuration in stock condition and pumped; Its configuration will be very different from the one you install, for example, "Dodja".

No jumps

In setting the gearbox, it is very important to avoid jumps. That is, if you have had to sharpen a lot of acceleration on the fifth gear, then take care so that it does not remain at a very high level on the fourth and sixth gears.

Streetraisers - a game, a gearbox in which is very important, and we will talk about configuring this item today. The considerable percentage of users recently registered in this project makes it difficult to produce the specified process. If someone means an abbreviation of a gearbox, decrypt - it's nothing but a box


Setting up the checkpoint in the "Stratestrayers" is made in the "Menu" in the "Garage" subsection. To do this, look into the game and get any like a typing machine. Next, send it to the garage and carry out the testing of the car. Following this, this subsection should pass access to the PPC item, click on it with the left mouse button. Note that the entire collection of cars is initially configured by a specific standard, according to the scheme of which the levers are located on the left side. We translate them right and test again. To select the optimal setting of the machine, you must alternately try to try all available offers. Pay attention to the arrow appearing during the arrival. If it does not go beyond the borders of the red line, it means that the settings are full order. When violating the limit border with them will have to be obedient.

Several useful tips, thanks to which the PPC setting in Stratestrayers will be the most comfortable:

1) We produce strip adjustment, starting with the last, and move to a single division. We test cars taking into account adjustments. When changing the last speed value at once, several points should be similar to the parameters of the previous speeds.
2) If during the race the arrow goes for a special line on the counter and remains in this position until arrival vehicles for the finish, the check-in gearboxes have come down. This did not happen? Congratulations, everything is fine with the settings.
3) The first transmission is adjusted to overclocking mode, and the rest is the speed that seems to you the most acceptable.


Setting up the checkpoint in the "Stratestrayers" does not have a single sample for the entire fleet. Features of the parameters depend on both the distance and the number of "horses" of the engine. When modernizing vehicles, it is recommended to study the functions of the motor and its overcoming of each subsequent level player gains more and more opportunities, and on earned funds you can buy an excellent car of the last generation. It is desirable to complete the manipulations with the settings before the start of the races. So now you know how to configure the gearbox in the "Striters". This will help to achieve high results in the game and ultimately win the victory in it.

Computer games on social networks have recently begin to gain increasing popularity, because they offer gamers more mobile, operational and comfortable way of playing. You can not spend your hard disk space, money and time to play a quality project. You only need to add it in your profile on the site, and you can already upload it and play. Many people think that only all sorts of small games with a complete lack of graphics are available in this way, but this is far from that. An excellent example serves as "street racers", which is characterized by both decent graphics and detailed reproduction of all the little things. So detailed that many gamers cannot understand how to configure the gearbox in the game "Stratestrayers". In this article, you will learn about the basics of this difficult process and learn how to correctly and correctly make the setting for any car available in the game.

Buying a car

In this game you need to acquire yourself all the cars you are going to ride. But this is not surprising - almost all car simulators provide you with such an opportunity. Only here in the "Stratestries" you are also invited to fully modify your car and prepare it for racing yourself. To do this, you will need to buy various improvements, install them, control absolutely everything in your car. At the same time, the most questions cause a complex gearbox system. Many people do not understand how to set up a gearbox in the game "Streetraisers" so that everything worked on the road in optimal mode, did not break and allowed you to win the races. Now you will learn all the necessary information in order to be able to configure manually without any problems. Start, naturally, it is worth buying a car - when you only get a new machine, the CAT setup menu is as follows: it turns out to be six gears, as well as the main one, and each of them has a runner that allows you to establish an emphasis at speed or on Acceleration. Many people think that by default the optimal setting is set, and they leave everything as it is, but this is a very big mistake. You need to do everything yourself. That is why you need to know how to set up a gearbox in the game "Stratestrayers".

Basic setting

So, first you need to consider how to configure the gearbox in the game "Stratestrayers" immediately after buying a car, that is, without taking into account possible upgrades that you will be installed in the future. There is no secret - almost for all cars in stock form (that is, in the state in which they hit you immediately after purchase) is suitable for one type of setting. You need to drag the runner of the main completely in the direction of speed, and all six gears are dragging completely to acceleration. It is with such settings that you will best ride in stock car. But it is not necessary to concentrate precisely on such a type of settings, since you are unlikely to spend a lot of time on the road driving the stock. However, even if you go to the race on the original machine, then you still better check immediately whether the gearbox is triggered correctly in the Stratestrayers game. As already mentioned above, the basic setting is suitable for many, but not for everyone.

Checking the setup of the checkpoint

Setting up the checkpoint in the game "Stratestrayers" is a very subtle and serious process that will require you to maximize concentrations, as well as a lot of time spent on tests. How to test the gearbox setting? This is done by checking the switching speed - they are installed for each car separately, so you need to always check, what is the indicator for you in an optimal form. After that, you need to go on a test drive, where you need to carefully follow how the shooting speed arrow behaves when it does not reach the optimal number of revolutions or jumps it hard, then something is wrong with the setting, and you better try Other configuration. As you understand, this method is suitable not only for the basic setup of the checkpoint, but also for all others. Once you learn how to customize you notice how simpler for you will be the game in Striters. Customize the checkpoint should be able to each.

Optimization of settings

Naturally, you can not save all the time one configuration of the gearbox on the game "Stratestrayers". "Golf" requires one configuration in stock condition and pumped; Its configuration will be very different from the one you install, for example, "Dodja".

No jumps

In setting the gearbox, it is very important to avoid jumps. That is, if you have had to sharpen a lot of acceleration on the fifth gear, then take care so that it does not remain at a very high level on the fourth and sixth gears.

Streetraisers in classmates is a pretty high-quality and developed game even for social networks. As it follows from the name, she is about races, about cars, about competitions with friends and unfamiliar people. The game captures with its dynamics, in contrast, for example, from pacifying.

Immediately it is worth noting that in the game Striters in classmates it is not about all the races as a whole, but about a particular type - Drag racing. If you speak brief, then these are races carried out on acceleration on a straight road, from 200 meters to 1.6 kilometers. Of course, a similar type greatly facilitated the task of game developers. The entire process of the game Streetraisers in classmates here is only in the shift shift at the right moment.

View here on the side, however, attention is paid. First, there are various backgrounds that dilute the situation. Secondly, the machines, although they do not use the images of real prototypes, are very kindly drawn. Playing street races in classmates nice.

Game process

At the very beginning of the game, you are offered to drive a couple of trial races to get acquainted with the gameplay. Then give a small amount of currency and the ability to buy any car.
If it is not investing from the first steps, then it can only be a VAZ 21083.

As in any similar game, in the street racers in classmates there are 2 types of currency: dollars and coins. The first are mined easily, by performing tasks and victories in racing. Completely more difficult. They either rarely come across or need to buy them at all. The game has several tabs, each of which is responsible for a separate function:

  • Garage. Here you can tuning and decorate your cars from Streyserov in classmates:
    • With the help of vinyls, you can add various inscriptions, figures or stickers. There are even individual letters, thanks to which it is possible to decorate the car with any slogan or your name;
    • Styling assumes a full body painting;
    • Tuning sets up the engine, suspension and other machine performance;
    • CAT is, in fact, a unique chicken. Starting from 3 levels, you can adjust the gear ratios for each transmission. On how to configure the gearbox in the game Striters on all cars in classmates written not one post on the Internet.
  • In the car dealership can purchase a new car. They are divided into classes, and the price starts from 15,000 dollars and ending with a hundred gold coins that in the street racers in classmates equals 500 ok.
  • Racing are also divided into different types:
    • Workout;
    • Autobots - Compete with your own best result;
    • Applications - directly, races with other participants;
    • Random (open at 5 level);
    • Tournaments - available from level 7;
  • Of course, there is a rating of players among street racers in classmates;
  • You can visit a friend's garage;
  • There are studios - the ability to independently create the appearance of the car and sell it or buy it created by another player - good, there are a lot of them there.

CPP settings

"How to set a gearbox in the game Stratestrayers in classmates" has become one of the most popular topics for discussion among all Striters' players in classmates, but this is too complicated the topic so that it can be accommodated in one instruction or even determine the algorithm. On the Internet there are many materials about how it is done correctly. In addition to the simple instructions, which settings will also be told, how much upgrade will cost and how in the future this car will show.

The feature of the game Striters in Odnoklassniki is that the gameplay itself (in the sense, the race) plays a smaller role than the rest. It is like a football manager. Your task is to configure everything correctly and determine the indicators. And already depending on this, even without due diligence and skills, a good car will show himself canceled on the track.

By a larger account, it is the ratio of costs for a certain machine and those indicators that can be placed in relation to it, and is the main secret of the game "Streetraisers" in classmates. Many experienced players with joy are divided by such advice in and simply on the Internet. However, it is worth remembering that good pumping is quite expensive, and if you do not invest real money, it will take a lot of time. But since the application is really interesting and qualitatively done, there is little for whom it will be a problem!
