Kozhevnikova Maria Semenovna Birthday. Maria Kozhevnikova: the boys easier to understand and easier to educate

Kozhevnikova Maria Semenovna Birthday. Maria Kozhevnikova: the boys easier to understand and easier to educate
Kozhevnikova Maria Semenovna Birthday. Maria Kozhevnikova: the boys easier to understand and easier to educate

Antenna spent a day with the actress and her sons: senior, Vanya, and younger, Maxim, for which our shooting was the first photo session. "I'm crazy mom. I uncomfortable when children are far away. It is necessary for them to be in the field of my vision. Only then I feel solid, "says Maria.

For the sake of children, we remove the house outside the city, each trip to Moscow is an event for us. And today I was worried. More for maxim. How will he take shooting? After all, while it did not participate in us in such events. Yes, and our usual schedule moved, I had to abandon day sleep. But it turned out that Maxim was surprisingly obedient and calm, but in Vanya the spirit of contradictions woke up. His age comes to three years, when the child begins to deny everything. We have this period, apparently, early began - in two years eight months. Therefore, the shooting turned out to be emotional.

Vanya called Maxim Typ

Vanya we have a firstborn, but I don't want to impose the responsibility of the older child for his brother, I don't want him to feel that Maxim is more permitted.

We have passed different periods. When Maxim only brought from the maternity hospital, Vanya everything was interesting. He approached his brother, stroking, kissed him. It was he who called Maxim Typ. And now we are all the younger so call, although he calls himself Max.

Then the rivalry period came when Vanya could hurt. Quarrels mostly happened because of the separation of toys. If Vanya saw that some kind of toy was strongly interested in Maxim, at the same second she became vital and for Vanya, and he made every effort to expropriate it! At the same time he could push and make a brother hurt. I put Vanya in the corner and explained why he stands there. He said that he had to approach, apologize and kiss Maxim as a sign of reconciliation. True, Maxim quickly realized that this situation could be wrapped in their favor. Seeing the brother's approach, Max immediately started screaming: "Poholko! Poolen! " He and now successfully uses this technique, taking toys already at Vanya. Now Max has already come a period when he dies with Vanya. And if you usually say the older: "I will give way, he is small," I, on the contrary, I configure Vanya not to give myself offense. I do not want the elder child to feel like it can be offended only on the grounds that he is a senior. My children are equal. Probably, therefore there is no jealousy between them.

I strive to raise a sense of fraternity in the sons. The word "brother" entered our lexicon simultaneously with the words "Mom", "Pope", "Grandma". What only is such, for example, phrase. Once in the car Maksimka, I cried, and Vanya took him for the handle and touchingly so said: "Do not cry, Maxim, I'm with you!"

Vanya has its own schedule. He goes into English, rhythm, football. This winter, our grandfather has already gathered to put Vanya on skates. The stick with the washer is waiting for him almost from birth. Ivashka is interested in all that is associated with space. He knows what planet is the smallest, what the biggest and even from what they consist. I always try to visit your interesting places in my weekend. Our favorite is planetarium, aquarium and, of course, developing creative centers.

I consider the less free time in children, the less they will make nonsense. Of course, Vanya still has time and run, and jump, and with his brother to lose weight, but we are already starting to download it in the game form. The main thing is that the child enjoy the classes. Now Vanya himself suggests, for example, take a map and look at the oceans or takes the cards with the planets and begins to tell about them.

With the boys it is easier for me

Women's wisdom teaches her husband

My husband is not public. He refers to the side of my life, which implies outbreaks of the cameras, but from the very beginning of the relationship said: "Masha, dismissed me from the obligation to do it together. I'm not interested in me. " I will not hide, there was a moment when I was attributed to my husband because of the lack of visibility in the field of visibility. And Zhenya for my calm was already ready to get out of his comfort zone and agree to shoot. But I understood what he was going exclusively for me. And I do not want to force your loved one to experience even the slightest discomfort, for me his calm - in the foreground. But in the depths of the soul, somewhere very deep, I hope that he will ever agree to remove.

I was very lucky in my life - I met my soul mate. And although my husband and I am very different, I am open, emotional, impulsive, and Zhenya - Pragmatik, is looking for rational grain, we are together, and we are happy. We complement each other. On this "Yin and Yang" we exist.

In the past I had complex relationships. I constantly felt the pressure and, apparently, constrained this pressure resisted. I had to defend my interests in order not to lose my own "I" and not break. And with Zhenya, I don't even have the desires of such.

Oddly enough, the female wisdom and the ability to make a compromise I taught me that my husband taught me. He never sought me to remake me. If we have disputes with him, he just begins to lead a calm and reasoned dialogue. And in the end, I myself admit that he is right. It seems to me that if all people begin to perceive the family as "we", and not as "I" and hear each other, it will be much less problems in relationships.

Sometimes it seems to me that the husband knows me even better than I myself. He already understands that I will say or make the next second. And I also feel it. I am also ready for a compromise, I can calmly give way. In my understanding, love is manifested just in the fight against its own egoism.

When children appear, you already think about their interests. With the birth of Vanya, my mother moved to live to us. Of course, at first there were doubts how they were entered with Zhenya. After all, one thing, when you two, and the other - when parents enter the family. Fortunately, a wonderful relationship with Mom has a great relationship. And I my mother is very grateful for the fact that she devotes to us life. Although, it seems to me, she himself likes to be in the epicenter of events. When near children's energy, tears, smiles, first kisses, hugs - all this gives the strength to our parents.

Houses - Mugs for Interest

Arriving from the next business trip, after two- or three-day separations with the family, I try to turn off the phones immediately, cancel everything and become just a mom. We still have that from every trip I give sons of gifts. Even if there are few minutes left before the train, I still have time to buy them to please Vanya and Maxim. And the biggest for me is happiness - when we together and I don't have to rush anywhere.

The younger son is very similar to dad - and outwardly, and in character. They were born on one day, January 26, and their hobbies are common - cars, motorcycles, in a word, technique. Moreover, Maxim distinguishes almost all the brands of cars. This is his passion! And Vanya is my copy. Creative child. Loves to sing, dance. We often organize mugs of interest at home. We feed something with Vanya, and the dad with Max is designed.

It is often said that, they say, with children and the time does not remain. But I have such a need to spend time on yourself - it does not arise. Moreover, I'm sorry for myself. I have not been in the salons for a long time, fortunately, learned a lot to do myself. Vanya with Maxim, for example, also string on his own. It is important to cut the moment when children are busy. And it turns out, in my opinion, not bad.

Back with friends we were very lucky. Of course, someone moved away when children appeared, and we had less time on traveling to visit. But real close people understand everything and try to get to us. The doors of our house are always open. It happens that come without warning. It even happens that in the evening, the guests are replaced by others. I can make midnight for tea and a conversation with a friend. And then I convince her to stay: where to go in two or three in the morning.

Between Moscow, Peter and Vilnius

Now I am constantly in the road, I live between Moscow, Peter and Vilnius. In October, the shooting of the full-length feature film "Legend of Escape", where I play the Polish Jew. This is a large-scale international project. It tells about the feat of the Soviet officer Alexander Pechersky, who headed the uprising of prisoners in the Nazi camp of the "Sobibor", which was located in Poland. Shooting pass under Vilnius. And in St. Petersburg, I am starring in the main role in the television series "execute you can not pardon" for NTV. This is the history of the former Soviet explosion, but, as you know, there are no former intelligence officers. And you will understand this, looking at the series. I confess, the role bribed me. Although in recent times I do not agree to shoot in the series, for this project made an exception. After all, my grandfather was a military intelligence during the Great Patriotic War, and I always wanted to give a tribute to his memory.

Now I will have a trip to Peter, again the train. And I, not yet left, already miss the house. But the thought warms: when I return, your favorite men will meet me with so sincere joy that I will immediately forget about all my problems and fatigue.

Maria Alexandrovna Kozhevnikova was born in 1984 on November 14 in Moscow. The father of the girl is a famous athlete, famous for the whole of Russia.

Alexander Kozhevnikov became a well-deserved master of sports and two-time champion of the Olympic Games. Little Masha has always admired his merit. Parents were confident that the daughter would become an athlete.

She even managed to win the title Master of Sports on Rhythmic GymnasticsBut a small growth and a strong physique put a cross on its grand future athlete.

Children's years remember Mary with a smile on lips. The girl was very stubborn, always came to the aid to her mother and adored to play active games.

She always stretched to work, read poems and danced perfectly.

At the school made great progress, despite frequent artistic gymnastics, always responsible for their homework.

Mary tried in different spheres, even consisted in 2002 in a popular maiden group called Lyceum, but the career of the singer did not drag on for a long time.


In 2002, Mary had to decide - studying at the acting institute or continue to participate in the Lyceum Group. The girl preferences ratty guitis.

Already in 2005, began to film, albeit only in some small episodes and extras. In 2006, Maria received a long-awaited diploma.

Personal life

The personal life of Mary was associated with different novels, but with one of the most memorable relations with Ilya Mitelman. The couple met in 2008 in Chelyabinsk. A year later, young people filed a statement to the registry office, only the wedding did not take place. It was not able to withstand everything Jealous Ilya, I could not withstand the tests.

Interesting notes:

In 2010, Kozhevnikov began to meet with another guy - the head of the "Manege" complex in Moscow, but the relationship between them did not work out. The planned wedding at the beginning of 2011 had to postpone.

In 2011, Maria met a businessman Evgeny VasilyevWith which in 2013 played a wedding. Already soon, the new chip acquired by children. Ivan - 2014 year of birth and Maxim 2015 of birth.

Maria tries not to put his personal life to show. She does not postpone the Internet photo of a spouse and kids on the Internet, trying to keep her family further from public events. In 2017, it became known that Maria was pregnant with a third child.

In July 2017, Maria gave birth.

Political activity

After ambitious success as an actress of comedy sitcom, Maria decided that it was time to combine this activity and a promising political figure. Kozhevnikova adequately took a place in the State Duma of Russia, plus the lists of the most significant women in the native country have replenished in 2014.

In 2011, she entered the party of the Young Guard of United Russia. After the interests of the All-Russian Popular Front, and entered the members of the trusteesteen council of the orphanage at number 39.

In December of the same year, Maria took the place of deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Sixth convocation from United Russia. For 2016, Maria sought justice and helped those in need. In the seventh convocation of the Kozhevnikovoy Login failed.

Professional life

In 2005, Masha fulfilled his first role in the series called "Rublevka Live". The episodes were followed by the episodes in the TV series "Gift of God" (2007) and "Hearts" (2008).

The track record of the roles in the showrooms at Kozhevnikova is truly solid.

Maria was able to find the desired fame in 2008 when played the role of Allochka in the series "Univer".

She appeared in front of the audience in the image of a unprincipled and greedy person, which is absolutely unable to shine with its intellect.

Maria became so popular that she was invited to be filmed into different glossy magazines. She even shined on the cover of Playboywhere her photo was naked.

Already soon, Allochka fans were able to hear the song Kozhevnikova in a duet with called "Who, if not we", she brought the artists a great popularity.

In 2012, Kozhevnikova pleased the fans with their appearance in the "Spirie" film, Ghe played a steroid person. In 2015, Maria fulfilled the role in the film "Battalion" I. Golnikov. This role has become the most serious and strong enough in her acting career.

To be convincing, Mary had to sacrifice her hair. She shaved under zero.

In the eyes of his colleagues, she was called her head. The actress admitted that he was experiencing this moment especially exciting. For his talent, Kozhevnikov was awarded the Golden Eagle Award.

In 2016, Masha surprised all his participation in the circus "without insurance". After giving birth, she wanted to surprise the audience again and believe in her strength and beauty. The jury were delighted with the Acrobatic numbers of Kozhevnikovoy and boldly nicknamed its example for all women of the Russian Federation, which the mother of two children can achieve.

In 2017, Maria performed the roles in two films "execute cannot be pardoned" and "Legend of Escape", and in 2018 he starred in Sobibor.

Had negligence to drag under the guise of ordinary post in instagram Advertising a fur salon, and suddenly ran into a virtual crowd of animal right-time advocates.

Symmetry of fate: I remember, in the film, the heroine Kozhevnikova poured paint for having a fur coat.
Among the centners spam, Maria read the angry comments of the "Green" and was impressed that he was not lazy and went through the pages of his loans, it was predictable to find photos of leather bags and buzzing from meat dishes of feasts. This act of arrogless hypocrisy was so outraged Mary that she decided on counter attack . In the response tirade, Maria opened the readers sealed with cosmetics to the terrible truth: no matter how hard we try, animals will still be bad.

"I read almost all comments under the previous post and know that" amazing-wonderful "that people write about poor people with closed pages, but even in the profile you can see a down jacket with a fur collar, with cosmetics on your face, and open pages, The most tary animal fighters are a feast with meat and fish, with various photos in boots and jackets ... And this approach, I consider it more immoral than to wear a fur coat.
The hypocrisy is in double standards, when 10 minutes ago you deliciously buried a sandwich sandwich or a sausage, and later in an instacy with sadness write about the killed animals, with a call to someone else's conscience. Or even lower food, here you can find a "excellent" justification. Are you, unless, dear judges do not use medicines? Yes, but after all, the tests pass on different animals or the mice you do not feel sorry for? And since, most of the "Inquisitors" were women put the discussion in a dead end when cosmetics use, do not think how to test it? Let's imagine for a second that happens with the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye of the experimental rabbit, who gets a drop of your favorite shampoo? Continue to continue? I continue, many wrote about the down jackets, and I have a question, the fluff from the birds himself disappears and increases again? Or did you mean from synthetic materials? Well, but don't you feel sorry for a lot of no less valuable resources, often non-renewable? By the way, the production of artificial materials, surrounded by a factory, is also dying animals. True, there are a lot of such production in China, or do not want to think about the health of the Chinese?
Most people are sorry for animals, but all every day use such a number of things that harm and kills them and the nature that began to live in the invented illusion, having believed that by signing the petition or writing a comment, became defenders. The benefits of civilization are so entered into our lives that the actual phrase is remembered for this self-deception "Sins of others to judge you are so diligent - start with your own, and not get to others"
P.S. It is so, thoughts out loud ... Do not put yourself to the place of the Creator, do not become judges, you can change only with your own example, maybe then millions of people will think and will be ready for global changes in their lives. Peace for everyone!"