When Alexander Gudkov finds his wife. Alexander Gudkov: biography, personal life, photo What a higher education has Alexander Gudkov

When Alexander Gudkov finds his wife. Alexander Gudkov: biography, personal life, photo What a higher education has Alexander Gudkov
When Alexander Gudkov finds his wife. Alexander Gudkov: biography, personal life, photo What a higher education has Alexander Gudkov

    Sasha Gudkov - Member of KVN, Member of the Comedy Project Comedy Vumen

    Many adore Gudkov for his talent show different images

    Official family at Gudkov and of course root rumors about the orientation

    It seems to me that Alexander is a normal man, just did not find the one that would conquer his heart

    As with many artists, the work of Sasha Gudkov in the first place. But who knows what will happen in the future?

    Alexander Gudkov simply tried on the image of Gay. In this image, he managed to mix the public best. But what else needs a person of his profession.

    He dreams of a family and his son with her daughter. But, while strong employment at work does not give him the opportunity to create a family.

    Let's hope that soon the Sasiina dreams will be performed.

    Alexander Gudkov is not gay. However, such an impression could arise due to the fact that in what form it appears at some events. Although if he would be gay, it would be pretty funny. But still no.

    Alexander Gudkov is not gay, this is his stage image. Currently, it is one of the participants in the very popular female Show of the Comedy Vumen. And the fact that he has no children and wives means only that he has not yet met that the only one that would wanted to tie his life.

    To honestly, the question I laughed a little, you can not judge a person on the basis of his appearance and the manner of behavior, he has no family, wives and children, but this is not an argument to consider him gay, it is completely normal orientation

    Alexandra Gudkov know many of these programs like

    It is known to many as a member of the KVN team.

    To date, Sasha is still not married. There are no children yet than it is upsetting more and more your mom.

    Some believe that Alexander Gay Gay.

    It is not true. Just Sasha believes that it is too early to create a family. He catastrophically lacks time for his personal life.

    As many may seem, Showman Alexander Gudkov has unconventional orientation. All this is connected with his manner of behavior and voice that he is talking. In fact, it is completely wrong, he is an ordinary guy with the same preferences in his personal life. Just he will not yet meet the only one with whom I would like to link my life and create a family.

    Alexander Gudkov is one of the participant in the entertainment television show. He has a rather melodious voice that Sasha skillfully uses in work, mainly playing the role of Gaia. In life, he is not gay, he is natural.

    Of course Sasha Hudkov is not gay. And this is his image in which it was he who found the recognition of the audience. Any actor has its own image, and so he lays the people. He began himself in humor for a long time, while still playing in KVN.

    Now we see it in the program called Evening Urgant And already accustomed to his voice, with shades you know what, he manifests and simply plays his role that pays salary.

    And what we can see on the screen and a person in life, these are completely different aspects. He is not married, because while he says early, you need to create a material base for this purpose and helps materially to my loved ones, mom and sister.

    Even at school, and then in KVN in the team Foron Dvinyatin Alexander Gudkov created and successfully exploited the image of Gaya. Alexander 31 years old, he is not married yet, because too much work. Mom Gudkova is waiting for grandchildren, but to all recently showman, together with friends, opened the hairdresser in one of the fashionable places of the capital. Gudkov says that he doesn't care what they say and write about him, the main thing is that in fact he is not such. So that the Comedy Woman resident and the participant of the KVN team Fedor Dvinyatin Gay is not. He dreams of family, children and family program on television.

Account: Gudokgudok.

Occupation: writer, actor, humorist

Alexander Gudkov Instagram leads very original. We find out what exactly the famous humorist is divided with its fans, and will reveal interesting facts from his life.

Going to the page Instagram Alexander Gudkov, you can see a lot of different photos from the life of the showman. Often these pictures are associated with the workflow, rest, visiting events, and photos with friends. Despite its popularity, Alexander Gudkov photo from Instagram lays out not so often to the network, as it would like to fans.
Also in the tape of the actor, posts of an advertising nature often flashed, where he shares his impressions from a particular event, advertises the show and charitable funds.

Each of his post carries a certain meaning, emotions that are displayed in funny photos and sign up for them. No wonder it is called one of the most famous humorists in Russia!

Biography Alexander Gudkov

Speaking about the name Alexander Gudkov, the biography of which seems to be an ordinary user of ordinary, it is difficult to imagine that this guy could now work at one of the factories of the Moscow region. This is what His parents wanted to influence the fact that Alexander entered into one of the technological Moscow universities. Where he studied material research for four years. But in the soul, the guy wanted completely different, and all his talents were sent to the acting sphere of life. He spent all his free time at the city competition KVN, where he was one of the pet pets. His reliable partner in the scene becomes sister Natalia. Together they manage to break into the Higher League of KVN, speaking for the team "Fyodor Dvinyatin". From now on, Alexander's life takes a sharp turn up.

  • In 2007, together with his team, Gudkov enters Sochi to the KVN concert, where their performance is broadcast on the main channel of the country.
  • The first television experience is out of KVNA, Alexander receives a screenwriter for the popular "Comedy Women" show.
  • After some time, he himself goes to the stage of this TV show.
  • In 2010, it becomes the leading project "Laughter in the Big City".
  • At the same year, she launches his own show "Nellobin and Gudkov".
  • In 2012, he first tries himself as an acting dubbing, voicing the main character in the "Ralph" cartoon.
  • In 2013, becomes the co-favorite program "".
  • Also this year, the opening of the male hairdresser "Boy Cut" occurred.
    Looking at the foregoing, you can easily say that Alexander Gudkov's biography is pretty interesting. Born in the usual family workers, the guy managed to break into the very top of the showubusham, only thanks to his own talent. Agree, in our time it is worth a lot!
Alexander Gudkov.

Alexander Gudkov Born in the winter of 1983 in the near Moscow city of Stupino, grew up in a simple working family, where the thrust for the world of artists was not encouraged. Since 1999, he spoke on stage since 1999, and in high school he got into the national team of KVN hometown and forever fell in love with the world of the humorous genre. Despite this, parents believed that their son should get a "normal" working profession. That is why Alexander, though he was fond of KVF school, still graduated from the Moscow Aviation and Technology University of Tsiolkovsky, becoming a certified specialist in the field of metallic studies. However, in the specialty Alexander did not work any day, because, while still a student, he was finally convinced of his belonging to the world of the scene. At first he performed as part of the "Eftic Disaster" and "Family-2" teams, and then hit the KVN national team "Fyodor Dvinyatin".

Creative path of Alexander Gudkov

In 2006 Alexander Gudkov I acquired all-Russian fame when I started to perform with the members of the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin". In 2009, the guys became bronze medalists of the highest League KVN.

"You can not imagine, I thought I will work at the factory. And my mother now says: "You are doing a frivolous business. Work where there is a workbook. Pension copy. There is a place at the plant polypropylene film. There will be 35 thousand. Social package". Well, it happened, I did not choose. The fact is that there are much more brilliant people who are a thousand times talenter me, which is located on the first channel, on the other canals in general on television. In fact, what I am engaged in a script is me closer to a thousand thousand, than to perform with my solo numbers. "

Alexander Gudkov remembered the audience with his parodies on the stars of the national stage Dima Bilan and Valery Leontiev, as well as the stage image of the "feminine macho." His branded welcome phrase: "Buenos Nights".

Fedor Dvinyatin also plays his older sister Natalia and the famous participant of the Comedy Woman show on the TNT channel Natalia Medvedev.

On TV Alexander Gudkovi started as a scenario of the comedic program Made in Woman in 2005, and then he was invited to conduct a show"Laughter in the big city."

On the Channel MTV Gudkov led the project called "Nellobin and Gudkov" In a pair with the famous resident Comedy Club Alexander Nellobin.

In 2010, Alexander came to the casting show of the first channel Yesterday Live, thanks to his friend screenwriter Denis Rtishchev. He was met by a creative group that writes monologues for programs "ProjectorParishilton" and other comedy shows. Casting Gudkov was asked to read "glamorous news" and approved as a TV host.

"I would like my family show. About dogs for some reason. It seems to me that too many humorous programs are now on television. And now I appeal to the leadership of the Channel One. Please let's do transmission about dogs. I love cats, dogs, but they are not. On Animal Planet, there are any other days of dogs. And we had a "dog show" with Shirvindt, and it was gone. But the family show I would have done necessarily, revived the program "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family." Also disappeared. Where she, I do not know. Little family gears. Son or daughter would make anything to behave any project. But what are your plans for the future? Here to marry and make a family show. "

Alexander Gudkov Still stands in the composition of Fedor Dvinyatina, but the team itself goes on stage only on large holidays, as each participant is engaged in its solo projects.

In 2013, Alexander became the Union Urgant project.

In addition to working on television, Alexander is a co-owner of a network of hairdressing salons for men in Moscow.

Personal life Alexander Gudkov

Alexander's personal life remains a mystery for his fans and press. On his pages in social networks, he never posts pictures of women, although, by rumors, he has long been a chosen one.

"Mom would be glad if I created a family: she already wants his grandchildren, so I, and my sister scolds. Of course, I think about it. If you think I don't think about anything, then no. I believe that everything should happen unplanned. There must be some click, flash. And then everything will work. "

Today's article will tell you about the actor, screenwriter, TV presenter and Showman Alexandra Gudkov. He fell on TV screen thanks to long-term participation in KVN.

An ordinary TV viewer recognizes Alexander thanks to the TV project "Evening Urgant", which is broadcast on
First All-Russian TV channel. And also received a share of his fame because of participation in the show "Comedy Vumen". But few people know that its fundamental activities, according to the showman himself, is writing scenarios.

Many are interested, especially the female part of the audience, what is he has height, weight, age. How many years Aleksandru Hudkov you ask. After all, it is difficult to determine something similar, especially in scenic makeup.

It is worth noting that a rather frequent Internet query is: "Alexander Gudkov photo in youth and now," despite the fact that the showman is still quite young. So, the weight of the TV host is approximately 91 kilograms, with growth in 186 centimeters.

Applying external data for a 34-year-old man. Many love horoscopes and they are wondering who Alexander on the sign of the zodiac, and his sign is fish. For particularly loyal fans, it can be noted that his sign in the Chinese horoscope is a boar.

Alexander Gudkov's Biography and Personal Life

Alexander Gudkov's biography and personal life begins in the weak city of Stupino, which is located in the Moscow region. The showman was born in the Cold February Day 1983. Grew up the boy in the working family of medium wealth. Father - Vladimir Gudkov, and Mother - Raisa Aleksandrovna Gudkov before retirement worked at the Metallurgical Combine and Sister Alexander Gudkov - Natalia Gudkov.

Parents very much wanted to have a challenge of the measured and stable future. Namely, whatever he become a "breeder" and has accumulated working experience. But such a future did not suit Alexander at all, even though he did not think about the acting craft. Back in the youthful years, TV presenter, in every way manifested his creative "I", because I was distinguished by a unique sense of humor. The first stage experience was obtained in the 16th year of age when the head of the learning part proposed to participate to the wishing to schoolchildren in the KVN tournament.

For everyone, it became a big surprise when Alexander, on stage, began to show himself very professionally and let go of witty jokes. Fortunately for the guy, the head of the local KVN team was attended at the concert. And through some time Sasha's time, Sasha has already performed for the national team of the city.

After Alexander accepted the team, while taking a large amount of time with his team, he still decided to get a higher education. Entered the Materialist to the University of Technology. He dedicated to this 4 years and realized that it was not at all his, but for the calm of the parents for the stable future of Sasha. At the same time, he did not work in his specialty.

It is important to notice that Alexander Gudkov and Natalia Gudkov performed in the same team of the club cheerful and resourceful called "Fyodor Dvinyatin". By the way, in KVN, the artist became famous for the fact that the image of the "feminine macho" was performed on stage. In the further career, Alexander continued to support this image.

The next stage of the career of the artist has become television. The starting success in this area was scenarios for the show "Comedy Vumen". Alexander did his job very at ease, and the plots were incredibly scolding. That particularly contributed to the potential of the showman fully.

In the future, the Samples of the show called "Yesterday Live" to which they got accidentally and later taken to the place of the lead. In the same year, 2010 was led by a humorous TV show, which was called "Laughter in the Big City" and, while everyone, Sasha Parents were unhappy with the fact that he does not work around the factory in order to receive a decent retirement in old age. It is worth noting that the beeps tried his strength as a dubbing actor, giving his voice to the chief hero of the Ralph cartoon.

By 2013, Alexander Gudkov had already managed to settle at the first All-Russian, participating in the "Evening Urgant" project, as a screenwriter, and later as a co-host program.

Many fans are wondering, and what she, the personal life of Alexander Gudkov. In one of the interviews, the showman admitted that the dreams of his own family had been cherished for a long time, although it was completely given to work. Also said that working on television created a more liberated version of himself. This gave him a huge number of opportunities for acquaintance with the opposite sex and stupid will deny that the showman succeeded. But, according to Alexander himself, the one, the sole and unique, is not so easy to find.

Alexander Gudkov family and children

Many fans are interested in topics such as the family and children Alexander Gudkov. As mentioned above, Sasha grew up in a working family.

Family of the Showman of rather conservative views. Parents in every way tried to persuade the Son to work at the state enterprise for the sake of a stable future. Although Sasha finished higher education, but it was done to calm the parents, and in the specialty did not work. But the sister Alexander Gudkov supported his brother. Together with Natalia, a large number of jokes were written for the national team.

Natasha plays mainly KVN team in the prime minister and higher leagues.

It is worth talking about the opinion of Alexander about children. At the moment, the artist has no children's life path. Yes, what to talk about children, if the media are unknown even plans for the marriage of all the famous Showman.

The popular TV presenter holds such plans in the big secret. Unlike his leisure and workflow, in social networks, Alexander there are no hints for something like that. Although there are a lot of photographic materials from his life on his page in "Instagram", but I do not advertise my personal life.

Wife Alexander Gudkov

For fans of artist's artist's work, when articles or interviews called "Wife Alexander Gudkov" will appear in the media, will become a real holiday, because the person's personal part of the showman is covered with a thick curtain of the mystery.

All information that is in free access is limited by the fact that Alexander has plans for family creation. In one of the interview, he said that his heart was busy, and with his beloved more than a dozen years ago. But to all this, Alexander, is not going to disclose the identity of the girl and the details of their relationship.

Orientation of Alexander Gudkov

Fans of Showman are primarily interested in two aspects, namely personal life and orientation. You can find a huge number of questions on the similarity: "What is the orientation of Alexander Gudkov. He is a gay? Showman Blue? " and others.

The artist himself refutes such assumptions, to representatives of beautiful gender applies respectfully and beautiful. I also honors the "family values". And the main woman in the life of Showman is his mother. Everything else, supports good relationships with his sister.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Gudkov

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Gudkov enjoys very very popular among fans and simply, people are not indifferent to his work. On the official page in the service for sharing photos and the video "Instagram" often appears all sorts of content, leisure photos and workflow of the artist. An interesting fact, even online, Alexander, manages so extraordinary to express himself. In his profile there are publications that will be forced to experience joy and admiration, as well as something to think about something, and each in different ways.

Alexandra has its own page in the Wikipedia Internet Encyclopedia, which is information about himself, about his work, as well as filmography.

Gudkov is a very "media" person, he self-leading account in Twitter. He has his own fan group in the social network "VKontakte" or how it is loved now to call "VK". There, also publishes information related to life and the creative process of Alexander.

Full name: Alexander Vladimirovich Gudkov

Scenic pseudonyms: Beep

Age: 35 years

Zodiac sign: ♓Fish

Place of Birth: Russia, Moskvovskaya oblast, Stupino

Nationality: Russian

Family status:single

Activity: Showman, TV presenter, actor, screenwriter

Biography Alexander Gudkov

An ordinary guy from a simple family Alexander Gudkov, thanks to persistence and extraordinary humor, not only became an actor and a showman, but also entered the list of the best comedians of Russia. Alexander Vladimirovich Gudkov was born in the city of Stupino in the Moscow region on February 24, 1983.

Parents and sister

Family Sasha was medium wealth, parents worked at the metallurgical plant. They wished the same fate and son. Mom with dad believed that after studying the boy should go to the plant and earn an employment experience.

Children's photo Sasha Gudkov

At the time of birth, Alexander in the family had already been the eldest daughter Natalia. In one interview to the question of journalists: "Is there a person who knows everything about Alexandra Gudkov?", Showman replied: "Yes, this is my sister Natasha." Their dad went away from life, the tragedy very close to Sasha with her mother and sister. Until now, they managed to maintain a strong trio.

Alexander Gudkov with Mom Raisa Alexandrovna

Mom Gudkov, Raisa Aleksandrovna - the man is extremely emotional, she can urge Sasha and Natasha, not embarrassed in expressions. She has an excellent sense of humor, it was she who laid self-irony in children, because he can joke and laugh not only over others, but also on themselves.


In children's and school years, Alexander has allocated among the peers. But not only what was too thin and weak. The boy constantly laughed classmates. And if the parents did not see any special talents in their sons, then school friends told Gudkov, that he needed to go further on the creative path.

Alexander with Natalia's sister in his youth

The heads of the school, in which Gudkov studied, once announced a competition among students for the best KVN team. Sasha became a member of the team of 11 classes. His performance on the stage turned out to be so memorable and successful that the member of the KVN team of the city of Stupino, who was present at the competition, suggested a guy to play with them. Alexander did not even think, and immediately answered agree.

Career Alexander Gudkov

Alexander's creative career began in school years, at the age of sixteen, when he first met KVN.

2000-2003: Student RGTU

Mom still wanted her son to receive a higher education, and Sasha became a student of the National RGTU named after Tsiolkovsky, entered the faculty of "Material Science". The showman himself admits that in the specialty he never had to work, except for the practice while studying.

Alexander Gudkov in youth

In parallel with the training at the university, the Human disaster, "Family-2". He already wrote the original scenarios and played diverse roles.

2004-2009: KVN team "Fedor Dvinyatin"

In 2004, Alexander and his sister Natalia became the participants of the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin", which at the Moscow Festival represented the city of Stupino. In 2007, the team fell to the Sochi Festival, after which was selected to participate in the KVN Premier League.

Alexander Gudkov with the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin"

In the next 2008, the guys from Fedor Dvinyatina debuted in the Higher League of KVN. Spent in the club two seasons. In 2009, they became bronze winners of the final.

2010-2018: Writer, Actor and TV presenter

After completing the speeches in KVN, Alexander began for individual humorous projects. The first, and quite successful breakdown, was writing scenarios for the "Comedy Woman" show on the TNT channel.

Alexander Gudkov in the show "Comedy Woman"

The beeps came up with casual lightweight plots for the program, which fully uncovered it as the author of the humorous genre. Soon he was already not just a screenwriter, but also an actor overlooking the stage, and one of the brightest in the show.

Alexander Gudkov, Leading "Yesterday Live"

In 2010, Gudkov was invited to the humorous draft of the first channel "Yesterday Live", where he conducted a "fashion category". In parallel with this, Alexander became the leading reality show "Laughter in the Big City", but this program existed a little less than a year and was closed due to insufficient rating among the audience.

Alexander Gudkov with the Telemue Team "Evening Urgant"

Since 2012, Alexander is a permanent co-host and participant of the show on the first channel "Evening Urgant", although he began his work with Ivan Urgant as a screenwriter of his programs. Now Gudkov voiced texts behind the scenes, and also leads various conversational and musical headings, including: "The history of winter sports in Russia" and "Lady Club".

Alexander Gudkov with Olga Rustle

In his interview, Journalist Olga Shelest Alexander told why Laughter considers heavily work. Over the releases of the show "Evening Urgant" work 80 people, says the beeps. Yes, in the team a relaxed atmosphere, everyone jokes and laughs, but on Thursday after filming the last program "You are already like a squeezed cloth".

Alexander Gudkov in "Evening Urgant"

Alexandra is often asked how he belongs to what sometimes remains only a voice behind the scenes, and laughter for his jokes sounds to other actors. He admits that he gets great pleasure when his humor sounds from the mouth of others.

Gudkov's personal life

Alexander has long been dreaming about the family, but the work takes a lot of time and effort. By virtue of his profession, he is constantly surrounded by interesting and active women, but has not yet decided on the chosen.

Alexander Gudkov with Natalia Medvedeva

Gudkov with special respect refers to family values, he would like to make a television show about animals with the future wife, which was repeatedly recognized to journalists. In one of the interviews, Alexander wondered that he had a girlfriend with whom they were familiar from the student years. Perhaps soon she will be his legitimate wife.

Alexander with his beloved cat

Humorist has many godsacks, and he loves his children very much. In the meantime, in his apartment holds a redhead cat Nice, which Sasha calls Gundusya Alexandrovna Gudkov.

Alexander Gudkov now - what does

Now Alexander continues to take part in the "Comedy Woman" and Evening Urgant show. Although stage speeches calls his hobby, and the main profession considers writing scenarios. Gudkov calls himself "Creative Writing".

Alexander Gudkov, Writer and TV host

In 2018, he wrote scenarios and starred in episodic roles in the clips to the songs of Philip Kirkorov "The Color of the Mood of Blue" and Dima Bilan with Polina Gagarina "Drunk Love".

Alexander Gudkov, "Blue Mood Color"

Also, Alexander has his own business to which he pays a lot of time and strength. These are men's hairdressers, called Barbershop, "Boy Cut" on Malase and on the "Red October".

Alexander Gudkov owns Barbershop

Alexander is an open, cheerful and very relaxing person. Despite the criticism, which throughout the career spoke to the showman, he did not turn off the path. Thanks to the talent of Gudkov, humor in Russia acquired a new format, and the audience love him for it.

Photo: Instagram, YouTube.com, 24smi.org