Club young art historians. I will show you a museum, or how to get to a free excursion to Pushkinsky

Club young art historians. I will show you a museum, or how to get to a free excursion to Pushkinsky
Club young art historians. I will show you a museum, or how to get to a free excursion to Pushkinsky

History of work with children in the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin

Immediately after the discovery in 1912, a unique "Tutorial Museum" was visited not only by professors and students of the department of the history of the art of Moscow University, but also teachers-historians of Moscow gymnasiums. Already since 1916, it gave its unique "aesthetic lessons" an outstanding art historian, teacher-enlightener A.V. Bakushinsky.

Since the 1920s, there is extracurricular work with children in the museum. "In the current academic year, the Museum of Fine Arts was laid, on the proposal and initiative of the Employee of the Institute of Out-of-school work A.Y. Zelenko, the beginning of a new type of educational work ... Classes with children (from 10 to 14 years old)" (from article one of The first directors of the museum, Professor N.I. Romanova). Romanov formulated the idea of \u200b\u200b"saturation of children's fantasy by the images of a historic era that help revitalize the monuments of art" and substantiated the need "organization for children of more mobile classes, which can give them greater space for the initiative of the quest ... for motor reactions in the form of drawing by memory or from nature , To reproduce the movements of your own body, poses of this statue or shape in the picture, and in general to deepen experiences with the help of dramatization. " These provisions were actively used in the future in working with children in the museum. Since 1928, Researcher S.V. Razumovskaya organizes a planned circle work with students.

An important event in the life of the museum was the international exhibition "Children of the USSR and children of capitalist countries" (1934). The work plans of the Museyon Center are provided for organizing a series of exhibitions that are acquainted with the modern generation of viewers with drawings of children from different countries exposed to the Museum seventy years ago.

In the winter school holidays, 1935 \\ 36 years in GMIA was organized "First Children's Festival of Art in the Museum", organically included review and special excursions held by the most prominent employees of the museum (V.N. Lazarev, A.A. Sidorov, etc.) .

In 1949, school lectures were organized; From the mid-1950s, the topic of lectures covers almost the entire history of art.

Since the beginning of the 1960s, there are still existing directions for working with children of different ages. The concept of aesthetic education in GMIA is the principle of a continuous process of upbringing in the art of the art museum.

Currently, the current out-of-school museum-pedagogical system consists of the following main components:

1. izostudia for younger children. In the mid-1960s, the orsostudia was headed by Erna Ivanovna Larionov (1922-1992), which laid the foundations of the methodology of classes with children in the Art Museum. For 20 years, since 1973, the izostudia was led by Nina Nikolaevna Cofman (1906-1998), art historian, artist, honored artist. Having a gem experience of many years of leadership of the Moscow City Children's Art School, she created a unique methodology for the formation of the perception of art to small children in the museum.

Children at the age of 5 are accepted in the area of \u200b\u200bstudy. In class, they get acquainted with masterpieces of world visual art in the halls of the museum. Then, children under the leadership of artists-teachers Museum isostudia embody their impressions in the drawings. Classes are calculated for five years.

2. Family groups for children 5-8 years old with parents were created at the initiative of N.N. Cofman. For children aged 5-6 years, it is especially important to make the "first steps" in the "World of Big Art", in the "World of Museum", accompanied by parents or loved ones. Gradually, this form of work has gained great popularity, turned into a new direction of working with children in the museum. Currently in GMI them. A.S. Pushkin in family groups are engaged in about a thousand children and parents.

At the end of the school year, the Museum hosts reporting exhibitions and performances-concerts of participants of the family groups.

3. Club of art lovers for students of grades 5-8 exists in GMI them. A.S. Pushkin C1961. From the day of the club founding for more than 40 years, his soul was Alla Sergeyevna Stelmakh.

Kli unites schoolchildren of 5-8 grades interested in the history of visual art, archeology and numismatics.

The disciples of the 5th grade (the circle of the ancient world) are studying the culture and the visual art of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

Students of the 6th grade visit the circle of the Middle Ages. Renaissance. In class, they get acquainted with the culture and art of Byzantium and medieval Europe, learn about the life and work of the largest artists of the Renaissance.

In the mug, the great masters of the XVII century schoolchildren of the 7th grade can get acquainted with the works of famous artists of this era.

Circles are guided by researchers of the Museum's popularization department.

Students of the 6-8 grades can also be engaged in archeology and numismatics circles. Here, children learn about the famous archaeological discoveries, on the method of excavations, about coins of different eras and countries. Under the long tradition of classes in these circles, the best specialists of the museum are carried out.

Training in the clubs of the club lovers of arts since 1962 ends the exhibition of children's creativity and costume promotion. Children in historical costumes perform scenes from the works of ancient authors, passages from Pieces of Shakespeare, Moliere, Calderon, read poems of the Poets of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Epoch.

4. Club of young art historians For younger, 8-11 classes and students of junior courses of Moscow universities began work in 1960 with the support of the director of the GMIA. A.S. Pushkin A.I. Leschkin. First, Kyu numbered several dozen Moscow high school students who had visited a lecturers for schoolchildren in the museum. The first leader of the club was Lily Lavrentievna Macoo.

Thanks to the club, our museum has become Alma Mater for many young Muscovites - present art historians, philologists, doctors, architects, engineers, physicists, musicians.

Teachers along with students attend other artistic museums, galleries, artists and exhibitions of Moscow. The club is arranged in the evening, to which students with the help of executives are preparing quizzes, literary and musical compositions, show improvised pantomimes, read poems (often their own essay), put the plays of classical and modern authors.

Since the beginning of the existence of clubs, the tradition of collective travel of an asset in the ancient Russian cities and abroad during school holidays has arisen.

The uniqueness of the pedagogical process in GMI them. A.S. Pushkin is in the method of continuous training of the younger generation in the art of the Museum.

Many of our pupils that have long become adults come to the museum not just as spectators, but as his friends, lead their children, and some of the grandchildren. The museum has a lot of employees who have passed the school of the city, family groups, clubs of lovers of arts and young art historians.

"Children's" exhibitions in GMI them. A.S. Pushkin since the 1960s to the present:

1988 - "Chinese folk toy" (from the collection I.V. Zakharova); 1992 - "World and Images of Childhood." The exhibitions were "adult" folk and professional art, created for children telling about children facing children, but interesting and adults.

1994 - "Happy Birthday, Earth." The International Exhibition of Children's Figure, composed of the Gallery Collection "Children of the Earth" (Tokyo) and drawings of Russia's children, mainly students of the Museum Studio. Small artists reflected the world peace and ideas about him in their drawings.

1997 - "Moscow in the drawings of children of the XX century". A large international project implemented by the GMIA. A.S. Pushkin together with the Institute of Art Education dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow. At the same time, a unique retrospective section was exposed, introduced the viewers of the late twentieth century with Moscow, seen by the eyes or represented by the imagination of children of the 1920s - 1990s. 2001 - "We are from childhood." The exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Izostuddy GMI them. A.S. Pushkin and the memory of her leader N.N. Cofman, gave the opportunity to see the work of the students of Nina Nikolaevna, created by them in the orphanage in the city, and their adults professional works in painting, graphics, design, jewelry art.

2004 - "Mercy on the field of Brahi" (Joint project of the GMIA. A.S. Pushkin and the International Red Cross). The exhibition was devoted to the topical theme, especially relevant today. It featured the works of third-party students and family groups created within the framework of the program specially developed in the museum, with the involvement of children's drawings from the Izostuddy's archive.

Address of the Center for Aesthetic Education:
Kolymaya Lane, 6
(opposite the 5th entrance of the main museum building)

In the GMI named Pushkin, the action was held "I will show you a museum"

In GMI named A.S. Pushkin went on a bold experiment: for one day of the museum staff, young art historians replaced. Children worked as caretoes, told excursion groups about Rembrandte and sculptures of ancient Egypt and distributed prizes for the right answers in quiz.

We talked with new museum workers and learned whether they were going to associate the future with a museum, what are the exhibits of Pushkinsky and why the time spent at the art historian club is invaluable.

Olga Katova, 15 years old, learns to Lyceum № 1158

- What is your favorite exhibit and why?

- Perfectly. It's great that you can give people our knowledge, point of view. When you know the answer to the question that the visitor asks you, it gives confidence. You know more than other people. True, this room often skip people, he is a passing.

- Tell me how long have you got to the club?

- I am here for the first year. We were brought here our first guide. At first I did not understand anything, but now I understand that everything is very cool. I like the action we spend.

Alexandra Bondar, 14 years old, studying in gymnasium № 1567

- Tell me, what is your favorite exhibit in Pushkin Museum?

- Probably, after all, the Shada, who stand in the Assyrian hall. These are large sculptures with a bull body, a man's head, the Assyrian Tsar, and the wings of an eagle. This is a vivid example of how sculpture was used to intimidate. They are very massive, they were put in front of the entrance to the city itself, and they were also in front of the entrance to the King Palace. They had to scare a person who came in there with bad intentions.

- What gives you the role of the hall of the hall?

- You can communicate with the most different people. Even when you ask: "Do you want, I'll tell you something?" - And they say you: "No," - still try not to upset, and approach the next person, to believe. You can also learn about the exhibits that you would never have read it in life. For example, we have Hercules with Lanu. A small child somehow asked that in his mouth at Lani. We thought for a very long time, probably two weeks. Pick up all sorts of options, but it turned out that it was just a fountain.

- Tell me who you see yourself in the future?

"I would love to tie my life with art, but I don't know who I do not know." Maybe I will teach children to art, lead lectures. I draw here, in the museum, I go to engraving. I'm not sure that I will spite your life with painting. You will become an artist, well, what's a sense? You will draw portraits to order.

- How did you do in the art historian club?

"My aunt graduated from the club, and she told me a lot about him." She had a lot of friends with whom Aunt still communicates. Last year I went to the club of art lovers for fifth-seventh classes. When I found out that there is an opportunity to go further, I, without thinking, continued. First, I have a lot of friends, which I rushes. Secondly, we have stunning seminars and very interesting lectures.

Julia Nakishnya, Ekaterina Kadushkin

The State Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin invites Moscow schoolchildren and preschoolers in the circles of the Esthetic Education Center "Museyon" in the school year 2017/18.

To specify the availability of free places in the circles is better on the site of the museum. Some mugs are accepted only by the results of the interview.

Family group. 5-6 years and 6-7 years

october - May: Tuesday, 12:00, Wednesday, 12:00 or 15:00, Thursday, 14:00 or 15:00, Friday, 12:00 or 14:00, Saturday, 12:30, 13:00 or 14:30, Sunday, 11:00 or 13:00
September - April: Thursday, 12:00 or 12:30, Thursday, 15.00, Friday, 11.00 or 12:30, Sunday, 11:15 or 13:30

The smallest listeners together with their parents for two years discover pictorial arts, get acquainted with his masterpieces and learn to spend time at the museum with pleasure. Classes are held in groups, represent interactive walks on the museum exposure, during which children together with parents receive tasks, answer questions and listen to the stories of art historian.
Children are accepted 5-7 years. Classes are held from October to May 1 time a month on weekdays or weekends depending on the chosen group.
The cycle of 16 classes is designed for 2 years. All classes are held in the museum (in the main building or gallery of the art of Europe and America of the XIX-XX centuries). The subscription involves the participation of 1 child and 1 parent.
The cost of the subscription for 2 years of study - 10,000 rubles.

Conversations about art. 2-3 classes

september - April: Wednesday, 16:00, Thursday, 16:00, Friday, 16.00, Saturday, 14:00, Sunday, 12:30 or 14:00
October - May: Friday, 15:30, Saturday, 13:30, Sunday, 11:10

Younger schoolchildren learn to reflect and talk about fine arts and get acquainted with his story on the example of a museum collection under the guidance of art historians. The occupation is a conversation, participating in which children learn about the peculiarities of fine arts, its kinds, genres, styles and directions from the ancient world until the 20th century.
Classes take place 1 time per month on weekdays or weekends depending on the chosen group.
The cycle of 16 classes is designed for 2 years. All classes are held in the museum (in the main building or gallery of the art of Europe and America of the XIX-XX centuries).
The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription for the first year of study - 3,000 rubles.

Conversations about art. 4th grade

october - May: Friday, 17:00, every Second Saturday, 15:00

This course is designed specifically for grades of grade 4, which are starting their acquaintance with visual art, but are not yet familiar with history. The participants will get acquainted with the collection of the museum, will talk about the visual arts and its features to the next year, relying on knowledge of history, continue this conversation in the club of art lovers or in thematic "conversations."
Classes take place 1 time per month on weekdays or weekends, depending on the chosen group.
The cycle of 8 classes is designed for 1 year. All classes are held in the museum (in the main building or gallery of the art of Europe and America of the XIX-XX centuries).
The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription is 3,000 rubles.

Conversations about art: ancient world. Grade 5.

october - May: Sunday, 11:15, 13:10 or 16:00, Saturday, 14:30

The course for those who began in the framework of the school program to study the history of the ancient world. In the classroom in the halls of the museum, schoolchildren will not only see the works of art that they are familiar with the illustrations in history textbooks, but also will talk about the features of various ancient civilizations.
Classes are held 1 time per month in the main museum building on weekdays or weekends, depending on the chosen group.
The cycle of 8 classes is designed for 1 year. The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription is 3,000 rubles.

Computer graphics

october - May: 2 times a month on Wednesdays at 17:00

Classes are designed specifically in order to introduce children aged 9 to 13 years old with the basics of computer graphics, relying on the history of fine art. On the examples of the work of the artists of the Renaissance and other masters, children learn to use color, study the principles of perspective. Thus, in the classroom, children create their first graphic works on the basis of masterpieces of world painting, while receiving the basic skills of work in Photoshop.
The cycle of 16 classes is designed for 1 year. The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription is 8,000 rubles.
Reception is based on interview. The beginning of the online entry for the interview - August 22, 2017.

Club lovers of arts

2 times a month on weekdays at 16:00

The club was created specifically for those who study in secondary school classes and complements the school course of the history in an in-depth study of the history of fine art. That is why the club program is divided into 3 consecutive steps for students of 5, 6 and 7 classes.
In addition, there are two mug in the club, especially for those who are interested in archeology and numismatics; All those who want (students of grades 5-8) can join them.
All classes in the club take place 2 times a month on weekdays at 16:00 - lectures in the audience of the Center for the Aesthetic Education Museion and classes in the halls of the main museum building.
The cycle of 15 classes is designed for 1 year. The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription is 5,000 rubles.

"Ancient world". Grade 5.

october - April: Tuesday, 16:00, Friday, 16:00

The course is designed specifically for students of 5th grades. At lectures, children get acquainted with monuments of ancient civilizations, and study them in more detail in classes in the main building of the museum.

"Middle Ages and Revival". 6th grade

The course is designed for students of 6 grades and is a continuation of the "Ancient World" course, so the set of new students is not carried out for this course. At lectures, children get acquainted with masterpieces of the main masters of the era, and in the classrooms in the halls study the topic of the course on the example of works from the collection of the museum.

The course "Great Masters of the XVII century." 7th grade

The course is designed for students of 7 grades and is the continuation of the course "Middle Ages and Revival", so the set of new students is not carried out on this course. The course introduces schoolchildren with famous masters of the new time at lectures, as well as on the example of works from the collection of the museum.

"Numismatics". 5-8 class

september - April: Wednesday, 16:00

Special program for schoolchildren, developed by researchers of the GMI Numismatics department. A.S. Pushkin. This is a way to learn about the art and history of numismatics, learn to understand in ancient coins, and also to get acquainted with the work of scientists.

"Archeology". 5-8 classes

september - April, Thursday, 16:00

The program for those who are interested in the famous archaeological discoveries and finds, as well as the work of archaeologists in our day. The authors and the leading course are real archaeologists who introduce listeners with the history of archaeological discoveries and modern archaeology.

Ozostudia. 5-6 years old

october - May: Tuesday, 11.00, Wednesday, 12:00, Thursday, 11:00

The izostudia is designed specifically in order to introduce the collection of the museum of children who love to draw and draw a lot on their own. This course is not a art school or drawing lessons, which is why the set in the izostudia is based on the views. Classes are built in such a way that part of the time children spend in the halls of the museum, then in the workshop to portray what they inspired their works of art.
Children are accepted 5-6 years. The course is designed for 5 years. Reception is conducted on the basis of interviewing and watching the works of the child (drawings). The beginning of the online entry for an interview - August 21, 2017.
The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription for the first year of study is 7,000 rubles.

Art workshop. Ceramics. 9 years

september - April: 2 times a month on Wednesdays at 15.00

For two years of classes in the ceramic workshop, children work with different types of clay and learn to understand the differences between Fayans, porcelain and pottery clay. They will find out how an unreleased glaze looks like, pushing painting and painting on enamel, try their strength in sculpture and relief, study the works of applied pottery in the museum exposure.
Children are accepted for 9 years. The course is designed for 2 years. Reception is conducted on the basis of interviewing and viewing the works of the child (drawings, modeling). The beginning of the online entry for the interview - August 22, 2017.
Classes are held in the ceramics workshop in the Museyon CEV. The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription for the first year of study is 8,000 rubles.

Art workshop. Estamp. 11-15 years old

october - May: 2 times a month on Tuesdays at 17:00

Schoolchildren from 11 to 18 years old are engaged in Estamp Studio. The course of classes is designed for 4 years. During this time, children get acquainted with different techniques of engravings, master the technique of engraving on linoleum, wood, plastic and metal, and also gain experience in building a graphic composition - a clear rhythmic structure based on a combination of silhouette, spots and lines.
Children are accepted 11-15 years old. Reception is conducted on the basis of interviewing and watching the works of the child (drawings). The beginning of the online entry for the interview - August 22, 2017.
Classes are held in the Estampa workshop in the Museyon CEV. The subscription involves the participation of 1 child. The cost of the subscription for the first year of study is 8,000 rubles.

Club of young art historians

september - April: once a week on Saturdays at 16:00 (or 16:30)

This is a youth community at GMI them. A.S. Pushkin, where he studies the history of fine art. The club is designed for high school students (8-11 classes) and junior students. Classes in the club are lectures and seminars on the history of visual art from the ancient world to the XXI century. The club hosts various events that allow their participants to learn how the museum is arranged, to get acquainted with modern artists, try themselves as excursions and curators, as well as to gain new friends among like-minded people.
Classes at the club are designed for 4 years. Reception to the club based on interview. The beginning of the online entry for the interview - August 22, 2017.
Classes are held at the Museyon CEV, one of the buildings of the museum or in other museums of Moscow (depending on the subject of classes). Classes lead employees of Museyon and invited specialists.
The subscription involves the participation of 1 listener. The cost of the subscription for the first year of study is 6,500 rubles.

Once a few months, the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin. April 10 in it for the third time the action "I will show you the museum". Pupils of the club of young art historians at the museum conducted free excursions for everyone over the whole day - from 11 to 19 hours. "Tatiana Day" visited three excursions and would still have if she had enough strength.

At Pushkin's cash register, as usual, there is a crowd. There are no pointers about the campaign, find the right entrance is not easy. Teens will join there and here on the stairs. Brownian youth movement is especially noticeable among monolithic, greedy to the art of the queue.

"Buy a ticket only to the entrance, and the excursions themselves are free," suggest me.

Along the stairs, adolescents are sitting in white t-shirts with the inscription "I'll show you the museum." I remember the phrase of Comrade Melin from the movie "Welcome, or an extraneous entry is prohibited": "Children! You are the owners of the camp. " Today, children are the owners of one of the main museums of the country. For one day, they become caretakers, administrators, guided signs.

The same T-shirts, only black, wear the guys in the art gallery of the countries of Europe and America. They are curators: they themselves are suitable for visitors and offer to tell about paintings.

These young people from 13 to 19 years old with their curators from the center of the aesthetic education of children and the younger "Museyon" were preparing for almost two months more than 20 different excursions for adults and children, a quest quest with prizes for winners, live paintings, musical accompaniment. When the day of X is, visitors and young art historians are worried.

The main building of the GMIA is similar to the buzzing hive. At the entrance to the halls, a dark-haired girl holds high above his head sign with the title of excursion. Raspberry pants, spit to a belt sticking out of his pocket smartphone. Her name is Anya Volkovitskaya, she is 14 years old.

- Look look! She pushes a girlfriend. - Did you see how many people do I have?

Sin in mirrors epoch

In the main building of the museum on the Volkhonka, no curators come to visitors, but visitors to guides. To Ana, I was given to her friend Polina. We were late at the beginning of the excursion "Sin in Art", and now Anya "according to Blatu" repeats for us the first part.

- Do you like to learn here?

- I go to the club of young art historians the first year. We are engaged in Saturdays, and I really like, "says Anya while we run through Pushkin's halls.

Each promotion "I will show you a museum" your own topic. The topic of the third meeting is a trip.

- How are you preparing for an excursion?

- At first I write it. Then the curator checks written, introduces edits. Then I learn what I wrote, by heart. Then we have audition: the first with the curator, the second is with an unfamiliar man. And then we already go to groups.

Wishing to hear about sin in art a lot. Anya is proud of the popularity that has fallen on it.

- The concept of sin in antiquity was different from the Christian. Before you, the sculptural composition of Athens and Mariji. Does anyone know who Margi? .. As we know, Athena was invented by a commander or in Greek Avlin, on which she loved to play. Aphrodite and Gera laughed at her, because in the process of the game, Athena was very inflated cheeks. When she saw her reflection, Athena in anger threw a sweater to the ground. She was picked up by Silen Marsii, who was so virtuoso learned to play the instrument, which caused the half of Apollo himself. Until now, there are disputes who won, but the result was disappointing for Marcia: Apollo was angry, tied the Satire to the tree and sorted the skin from him. Sin in this case it was believed that Silen dared to call the god duel.

To the painting of Luke Jordano "Apollo and Mariji" - red shades of flesh, a bloody knife, hanging leather - the listeners already brings another young guide - Katya Kaplin. Her excursion is called "suffering through stone and canvas."

- Tell me, and on your excursion you can children? - Asks mom of a boy of seven years old.

- Do not worry, we do not have age restrictions.

Katya is serious and leisurely. She tells the audience not only about the poor Maria, but also about the suffering of Christian martyrs. For example, Holy Lawrence for the open confession of the Christian faith and the refusal to bow down to the pagan gods alively fried on the iron grille.

- And here on the polyptic Francesco d'Nantonio, yes, an icon of the XIV century we see that the Holy Catherine was punched. She stands with a palm branch in her hands, and you immediately see the wheel from the right?

Children silently translate look at the sash with the image of Holy. It seems time to reach the air.

Zero emotions and very clever

Each excursion lasts from half an hour to forty minutes. A detailed schedule on topics and start time can be taken from the guys at the rack, at the entrance to the halls of the museum.

- Will you go somewhere else? - asks me Anya.

- I ... I do not know, but you can?

- Of course, go if there is time. This guy yesterday made me comments on my excursion. I corrected mistakes, spoke, a little scientific approach.

Purchase a group of people led by a young man in glasses.

- And if I go to him on an excursion?

- Go. It will be very clever. Well, very.

Hellenism and Mahabharata

An excursion "Mount-defeated" holds Nikita regulators.

- What are you knowing the competition? - asks Nikita.

- Sports.

- Yes, this is the easiest option, the first thing that comes to mind. No, no, do not worry, I specifically asked a question to get this answer. Thank you, you helped me.

For his fifteen Nikita is very clever: it compares the Greek myths with the Indian epic of Mahabharata and, it seems like any teenager, no doubt in its right.

Traveling in vgluby centuries begins with antiquity. A copy of the frieze of the Zeus altar in Pergama (Bergama city in modern Turkey) reflects the myth on how the cright kills Titans, and Gay, their mother, looks at what is happening with horror. Although her face was not preserved, it can be seen that in the ancient art of the Mimica appears only in the era of Hellenism. Prior to this, sculptors did the fact that in the language of art historians, called an archaic smile.

Archaic smile hides emotions. Screaming and crying antique statues somehow not with hand: "The wounded Amazon" of the sculptor of the polyclet expires blood, but it is difficult for her calm face to understand that it torments pain.

- She actually hurts, and she is almost laughing. You know that all modern gags (from the English GAG is a joke, a comic episode, a comedic technique, which is based on the obvious absurdity - "TD") actually happened from Aristophan. He described everything in his "clouds". Imagine, since then, humorists did not invent anything new! Does anyone remember the feat of Hercules was the Lerneal hydra?

- The second, it seems, the girl answers.

- True, and the first was the Nemoye Lion. Well, I will not ship you, "says Nikita listeners. - You have questions?

Adults are smiling to blame.

- In fact, they say that there is no questions when everything is understandable or a guide of everyone tired, so goodbye!

And the teenager with a confident gait is removed from the imaginary scene, leaving the wish to re-read the myths immediately upon arrival home.

Back to the Future

Scared with them. They are angular and clumsy, but they are conductors in the world of beautiful. But the worst thing - they ask questions.

- Why is the cross on the church, when Christ still did not crucify and no one knew what the symbol is the cross? - Anya asks, showing on the doors of the XI century with the image of biblical scenes. She runs along Pushkin's halls as in his apartment. I try to keep up - I'm afraid to get lost. Answer to her simple question, I, of course, do not know.

- Yes, because the sculptor just wanted to designate that this is a church. After all, people could not read how to show them that the church is the church? Make a cross on the roof.

They make pay attention to the obvious - composition, light, colors. And they interpret the characters are not a dry scientific language, but as if every day there are painters and sculptors in the subway.

- Would you like to do art in the future?

- And who I will then work then?

- I do not know the museum caretaker, maybe ... a history teacher.

- No, they pay little for it. I want to become a military translator.

- Military translator?

- Yes, I just have an institute next to the house. I love languages.

Polyna and Anja Sidim on a leather bench in front of the statue of David. Anya tells us about Kranakhov: their exhibition takes place in the Pushkin Museum until May 15. It is necessary to buy a separate ticket for it, so we look through the Internet on the screen of the smartphone.

- In general, Kraneha is the Northern Revival. Why Northern? Because north of Italy. See, grape vine? This is a symbol of the blood of Christ. From grapes make wine, and the artist decided to designate it in the picture. His future sacrifice. We told a lot of curators about it yesterday, but I remembered not everything. Are you generally familiar?

I look at Polina, then to Any.

- To be honest, just met. Together we were late for you on the tour.

- Wow! And what I had a big group!

In the evening on the Internet, I read review: "Thank you very much for the action" I will show you the museum. " It was very interesting. I really liked the excursion "Sin in art." Anya, who led her, struck us with a magnificent speech. Also valuable was her attempt to show how sin was portrayed in different epochs, in different countries. " I send a message to ANNE: Like, look, you noticed!

- Wow! Thank you for sending it!

Not every day you listen to whole thirty-two people.