Chinese fairy tales. Treasures of Chinese literature for children

Chinese fairy tales. Treasures of Chinese literature for children

He lived in the world one very lazy young man. On all days he was hung from place to place, and nothing liked him, he could not find pleasure.
"What is the pleasure?" He thought once and decided to go look for him.
He came out of the house and after a while found himself at the foot of a high mountain, which blocked his way. Here he saw an old peasant who had sovered earth.
- Grandpa, do you know if you can find pleasure? - asked his young man.
"I know," the old man replied, without interrupting work, "but if I speak with you, I can't work."

In the province of Yunnan, where the people lived and, there is a big Mount Guaninipan. Under the mountain is a quick stream with cool water. Every day, rustic shepherds drive here cows here, and they themselves are located on the shore, while the cows are tightened with grass and drink transparent spring water.

And here the shepherds noticed: exactly at noon it is unknown from where a beautiful girl appears, and in the herd, instead of ninety-nine cows, it becomes a hundred. In the evening, when it comes to chant the cows in the village, they are again ninety-nine. And the girl disappears somewhere.

Long ago it was. According to the plains of the inner Mongolia, river-wide, light, transparent. In the Western shore, a girl of unusual beauty was quietly and peacefully lived with his mother. Called her Sola.

And on the eastern bank of the river, Rich Neuon (Neuon Prince, Cattle and Pasture Owner) with his servants and approximations.

He lived in the world by one person named Lao Lin-Mu. He had a son and three daughters. The daughters were beautiful as the goddesses, and very eloquent; This father especially loved to boast before the neighbors.
"It stands for my daughters to speak, as all pigeons from the trees are flying to them immediately," he told.
Solver about the eloquent girls spread far around, and the heart of the father was glad.

In the long-standing time, the tails of the hare were not at all like now. At the first on Earth, the hare with the tailing tails were beautiful, long and fluffy. They were very proud of them, considered themselves the best of all other animals and often missed all sorts of things to laugh at them.
But one day, because of such things, the hares lost their beautiful tails and stayed with short, nor not like chubs. That's how it was.

In the family and Sanya was only two people: he himself daself. From morning to night, spouses worked in the field, and lived very poorly. Today we thought how to live tomorrow; And the next day they crushed that the day after tomorrow there would be nothing.
And their life was held without a single joyful day. Somehow before the new year I went and San to a rich neighbor and sees that his family is preparing for the holiday: Sweet cakes bake, soy cheese is prepared, meat is fry. Sad became a san. He remembered that he had even a handful of beans at home. Sad, he returned to himself and tells his wife:
- Neighbors are preparing a rich treat for the new year, and we have a soybean cheese about what to do. And what about the sacrifices of the ancestors?

A certain prince lived. He was already in fifty, but he never left his palace. He spent whole days with his wives, drank, ate and entertained.
But finally it is tired of him, and he conceived to see what was being done on white light. On the same day, taking a servant with me, he left the palace.
On the way, he met a peasant. The prince was so frightened that he retreated back.
- Why did you scare, prince? - asked his servant.
- Look, we are a monster with long hands.

It did not become forest beasts of rest from the fox: one converts one, the other inflated, here is a ruvet for himself a tallery piece, there will make it raid someone on the fun in the whole forest. There was no beast in the district that would not suffer from her. And no one could come up with how to teach a bottle.
But the monkey thought-thinking, grimacing, puffers finally found the way to punish the fox. From joy, she rebuilt and jumping from the tree, told a hare, who lived under the tree in Nore. He listened to her and blinked her eyes. And if the hare blinks through his eyes, it means that he does not really believe.

But the sons of Wang Xu-Qinyn were not like her father: they were not doing all the days, but did not want to work. Father has repeatedly persuaded them to take up their mind, but they missed his words by their ears and lazy still. Caring for them was not given by Wang Xu-Qina rest. What will these lazy people live when it won't?

The fairy tale is the amazing creation of human genius. She pleases him, gives faith in his strength, to the future, carries faith in the impossible. A fairy tale is customary to call the oral story of a magical, adventure or domestic character with a fiction. Chinese folk tales immediately carry the listener in a fabulous time and a fabulous place using traditional inspirations: "Eating in the mountains ...", "there is a mountain in the world ...", "long ago, I lived ...", "in the old days stood At the foot of the high mountains on the seashore ... "," lived in the world ... "," It was a long time ago ... "," It happened in ancient times ... "
It is customary to allocate fairy tales about animals, magical and domestic ones.
Fairy tales about animals arose in ancient times. They were associated with human economic activities. Animals, the characters of fairy tales, retained the traces of Totemism, who believed in the pedigree relationship of man and animal. A primitive man spiritually evidently, emphasized his abilities and properties, "Obligated" of those or other animals. And they talk in fairy tales with each other, they understand the human speech - the Chinese folk fairy tale "about the cartoon-moten".
If a tiger appears in the Chinese fairy tale - it will be an important gentleman. Tiger symbolizes strength and power. Tigra worshiped as a deity. Images of tigers erased doors at the entrance to the temples. War trucks adorned their clothes. But the role of a fool, who deceives a weak animal - a hare or rabbit, is a fool or rabbit, a character, distinguished by special guesses, dexterity, with a surge.

Chinese fairy tales

Yellow Aist.

They say that he ever lived in China a poor student. Called him. He was so poor thing that could not pay even for a cup of tea. Mi would just die with hunger if one owner of the teahouse did not feed it for free and drink it. But once I appeared to the owner and said: - I'm leaving. Money Men ...


A long time ago it was, maybe in the time of Zhou, and maybe even earlier. Rules then the whole earth between the four seas is good, a good emperor, who once every five years traveled to the imperfare, collected people everywhere, to judge them - how and where his people live, the court himself ...

In many fairy tales, there are talks about quarrels and contests between large and strong animals and small, weak. These fairy tales are usually imbued with the desire for social justice: although the fairy tales speak about animals, almost always, however, people are meant. Weak, that is, socially disadvantaged, the character wins with the help of the mind and agility of a stronger and mighty beast. So in the Chinese folk fairy tale, "there was a small mouse with the twelve animals for the years, in which the twelve animals had a small mouse, who was illuminating to prove that it was the biggest even compared to the will and sheep. Therefore, it is from the year of the mouse that the twelve-year cycle begins in China.
Scientists believe that the magic fairy tale was born in the decomposition of the primitive-shared system and the transition to the class society. It is assumed that it was then that fairy tales appeared about innocent brother, stepdaughter or orphan. The conflict between family members reflects public and class relationships. The elder brother in fairy tales is usually rich, and the youngest is poor and deprived, etc. Thus, a fabulous family is a schematic representation of society in which there is social inequality. In Chinese epic, these are fairy tales "Bird Zhanguu", "Five sisters", "The Garden of Jade Fairies"
Legendary fairy tales explain in a fabulous, quarrel or friendship animals, some adventures, is the origin of the features of the structure of the body in animals or their habit. An example is the Chinese audio fairy tales "like a dog with a cat to enjoy steel", "hare's tails", "like a bird argued with fish."

M, "Children's literature", 1988

The audio book "Chinese folk fairy tales" offers voice acting of all the fairy tales of the Chinese people from the III of Toma "Fairy Tales of the Peoples of Asia", a series of "Fairy Tales of Peoples of Peoples", 1988 Edition "Children's Literature": "On how old "Like a mountain and urban mouse to each other to visit a friend", "like a dog with a cat to enjoy the steel", "hare's tails", "like a bird with a fish argued", "Tale about Channel-Pennoka", "Bird Zhanguu", " Five sisters, "" Garden of jade fairy "," Portrait of a girl from the palace "," Magic Chan "," Seven Brothers "," Peasant and Judge "," Stupid official and his smart son "," Smart Son "," Shepherd and Oakhka Twigs "," Family Jewel "," Stupid Husband "," Tale without end. "
The fairy tale is the amazing creation of human genius. She pleases him, gives faith in his strength, to the future, carries faith in the impossible. A fairy tale is customary to call the oral story of a magical, adventure or domestic character with a fiction. Chinese folk tales immediately carry the listener in a fabulous time and a fabulous place using traditional inspirations: "Eating in the mountains ...", "there is a mountain in the world ...", "long ago, I lived ...", "in the old days stood At the foot of the high mountains on the seashore ... "," lived in the world ... "," It was a long time ago ... "," It happened in ancient times ... "
It is customary to allocate fairy tales about animals, magical and domestic ones.
Fairy tales about animals arose in ancient times. They were associated with human economic activities. Animals, the characters of fairy tales, retained the traces of Totemism, who believed in the pedigree relationship of man and animal. A primitive man spiritually evidently, emphasized his abilities and properties, "Obligated" of those or other animals. And they talk in fairy tales with each other, they understand the human speech - the Chinese folk fairy tale "about the cartoon-moten".
If a tiger appears in the Chinese fairy tale - it will be an important gentleman. Tiger symbolizes strength and power. Tigra worshiped as a deity. Images of tigers erased doors at the entrance to the temples. War trucks adorned their clothes. But the role of a fool, who deceives a weak animal - a hare or rabbit, is a fool or rabbit, a character, distinguished by special guesses, dexterity, with a surge.
In many fairy tales, there are talks about quarrels and contests between large and strong animals and small, weak. These fairy tales are usually imbued with the desire for social justice: although the fairy tales speak about animals, almost always, however, people are meant. Weak, that is, socially disadvantaged, the character wins with the help of the mind and agility of a stronger and mighty beast. So in the Chinese folk fairy tale, "there was a small mouse with the twelve animals for the years, in which the twelve animals had a small mouse, who was illuminating to prove that it was the biggest even compared to the will and sheep. Therefore, it is from the year of the mouse that the twelve-year cycle begins in China.
Scientists believe that the magic fairy tale was born in the decomposition of the primitive-shared system and the transition to the class society. It is assumed that it was then that fairy tales appeared about innocent brother, stepdaughter or orphan. The conflict between family members reflects public and class relationships. The elder brother in fairy tales is usually rich, and the youngest is poor and deprived, etc. Thus, a fabulous family is a schematic representation of society in which there is social inequality. In Chinese epic, these are fairy tales "Bird Zhanguu", "Five sisters", "The Garden of Jade Fairies"
Legendary fairy tales explain in a fabulous, quarrel or friendship animals, some adventures, is the origin of the features of the structure of the body in animals or their habit. An example is the Chinese audio fairy tales "like a dog with a cat to enjoy steel", "hare's tails", "like a bird argued with fish."
We suggest you listen to the beautiful Chinese folk audio fairy tales in B. Rifttina.

The Chinese Folk Audio Tale of Animals "On how the animals account for the years to conduct the years", in which a small mouse was of twelve animals, it was the little mouse: she was caught up to prove that she was less than her. Therefore, today, it is said in a fairy tale, since the year of the mouse begins the bill of the twelve-year-old cycle in the countries of the Far East and ...

Chinese Folk Audio Tale of Animals "Like a mountain and urban mouse to each other to visit guests", listen and read a summary. Once the mountain and urban mice met once, talked and became since the rest of the quadric friends. Invited somehow the mountain mouse city mouse to visit us and treated it with earthwood, sweet ...

"Like a dog with a cat to host the steel" - Chinese folk audio fairy tale from the series "Fairy Tales of Peoples of the World, 3 Tom -" Fairy Tales of the Peoples of Asia "." Like a dog with a cat to enjoy steel "- a magic audio track. The world famous plot. Literary origins in the Indian compilation "Twenty-five stories of the vetala." The plot reminds Russian folk fairy tale ...

"Hare Tails" - Chinese Folk Audio Tale from the series "Tales of Peoples of the World". The Chinese fairy tale of animals "hare's tails" is a legend, a fabulous way explaining the origin of short-sizing tails. "In the long-standing - betrayal times of tails at the hare were not at all as now. At the first on Earth, a hare with a haunch tails were beautiful, ...

Chinese folk audio tale of animals "How a bird with fish argued", listen online, download and read the full text of the fairy tale. "Once he went on the fish with a bird spite. Fish with a mockery looked at the bird, which was sitting on the tree, and said: -Women's Bird! Are you so stupid that, hatching eyes, sit and wait for the hunter will kill ...

Chinese folk household audio fairy tale with a chain-shaped story "Tale about Cell-Breeding". Listen, and read a brief content. Long ago I lived in the village of Old woman, one-one one. She had only a breeding brand. And the old woman walked for the calf, as if behind the granddoute. It will fall in the morning, oil cakes will contact, hanging on the horns, hangs, and ...

Chinese folk magic etiological audio fairy tale "Bird Zhanguu" - about the origin of the name of the bird "Zhangu" or "I am looking for sister." Beautiful, poetic fairy tale about an evil old woman, splinging her daughter and messed up over the bride (wife's wife, who after the wedding left for the Great Wall, apparently for earnings). And her daughter was beautiful, and character ...

"Five sisters" - Chinese folk audio fairy tale from the series "Fairy Tales of Peoples of the World", 3 Tom - "Tales of Peoples of Asia". Magic audio fairy tale "Five sisters" - about the unkind and unfair stepfather. "... he did not tell the dresses from the new matter to sew, did not tell a good food to feed. A little bit, he doesn't like him, shouts yes, he swallows ..." Went one day, stepfather ...

"Garden of Jade Fairies" - another beautiful Chinese folk magic audio fairy tale from the "Tales of Peoples of Peoples", 3 Tom - "Fairy Tales of Asia Peoples". "Garden of Jade Fairies" - a magic fairy tale, alternately her plot resembles a fairy tale P. P. Bazhova "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" and "Malachite Box". The main theme of these fairy tales is unusual hardworking, ...

Chinese folk magic audio fairy tale "Portrait of a girl from the palace." The chief hero is an outstanding young man, named Tiantai, helps a whole premium of mythical beings: this is the magician of the Mountain of Ishhan, who gave Tantallia a magic mat equal to the value of the carpet aircraft; And Mother Black Fish, and Baidysyan - the Immortal Spirit from Mainshan Mountain, ...

Chinese Folk Magic Audio Tale "Magic Chan" for the MyAudiolib site reads the hope of prum. "A long time ago, the young man lived on the nickname senior. And once he asked Wang neighbors to help him folded the wall of clay. He began to dig clay, .. suddenly looks - Big Chan, the whole mold is covered ... here from the head is a straw hat flew from head and straight...

Chinese Folk Magic Audio Tale "Seven Brothers" calls for the struggle for the liberation from the oppression of unfair power. "It was in the old mountains in the old mountains on the seashore of the village. There lived an old man with family sons. Stattail and strong there were sons and heights high. The older was the name of Zhuangshi - the depth power, the second - Guafeng - WILL BE ...

Chinese folk household audio fairy tale "Peasant and Judge". Among domestic fairy tales, fairy tales are allocated for ships and judges. In the fairy tale, the peasant and judge, the image of the judge is especially important. The judge urged the court, to find justice in the household affairs of the population, appears with a nursing, inconsolable official. We offer to read the analysis of the fairy tales, listen ...

Chinese folk household audio fairy tale-anecdote "Stupid official and his smart son." Read and listen to the full fairy tale text. "One important official lived in China for a long time. I wanted to somehow pursue a fish. And he ordered his servants: - Make me a long-pre-pretty fishing rod." He decided that the larger rod, the more fish you can catch ... .

Chinese folk household audio fairy tale-anecdot "Smart Son" - read and listen to the full text of the fairy tale performed by the hop of the prum. "I went to the rich in the city and took my son with me. The father mistakenly put on different shoes: the left - on a thin sole, and the right - on Tolstoy. It goes and feels that he is inconvenient, as if he focused on one foot. What is the matter? He and ...

"Pellet and Oskhapka Twigs" - Chinese folk audio fairy tale from the series "Fairy Tales of Peoples of the World", 3 Tom - the fairy tales of the peoples of Asia. Household audio cabinet - Basnie "Pellet and Oharya of Twigs", in which a hungry duct learned his owner, bringing him a few twigs instead of a shock. On the wrath's wrath replied: "It's not a misfortune, the owner. You will eat a twit, he ...

"Family Jewelry" - Chinese folk audio fairy tale from the "Tales of Peoples of Peoples", 3 Tom - "Fairy Tales of Asia Peoples". The fairy tale - the parable "Family Jewel" on how the blacksman teach her son to work. And when I managed to earn yuan in ten days, my father handed him a chest, while saying: "Not malicious - silver, not rare treasures ...

Chinese folk household audio fairy tale "Stupid husband". Each people have a fairy tale with a similar plot about the adventures of the unlucky husband. "I had a stupid husband with a stupid husband. I didn't know how to do anything, for nothing to take, everything is cut yes ..." As in all such fairy tales of different peoples, a stupid husband visited all alterations as it was written: ...

Chinese folk household audio fairy tale "Tale without end" in which the emperor very much loved to listen to fairy tales, but did not like that fairy tales ended. Therefore, as a fairy tale will end, so the storytellor and executed. These are the emperors! .. Led, once, the guards of one young man telling the fairy tale to the emperor. He was not frightened, began to talk about that ...

The audio "Dictionary of hard words to Chinese folk fairy tales" gives an explanation to the following words and expressions found in the book: as an animal account for years to conduct steel; Yu-di, nephite lord; Heavenly Palace; Great Wall; Silkworm; Kan; Yamyn; Mat; Forbidden imperial city; Pagoda; Drums Third Guide Cover; ...

China is an ancient civilization with a centuries-old history and immense luggage of wisdom. Many achievements of this people are reflected in the works of Chinese children's literature.

Chinese fairy tales lay the main moral norms in the child, which are valued in society. They are taught justice and resourcefulness, helping neighbor, and give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is really important in life. And other artworks develop imagination and creative start in the child.

Children's literature is filled with the mythical images of birds and animals that can turn into whom will want, and even in humans.

What works should you get acquainted with the treasury of Chinese wisdom? You will learn about this below, from our selection of works for children of different ages.

"Magic picture"

Age: 7+

Translation into Russian: Yes

The main character of the fairy tales is an attractive Junior John Tzu, living with his mother. They were so poor that they didn't always have enough money. The day came when they had only 10 coins. Mother sent Tsuz Tzu to the radish market to prepare lunch.

On the way, the young man met a trader who sold paintings. One of them was depicted by a girl of unprecedented beauty. Zhu-Tzu had just looked at the picture, as a stranger depicted on it immediately. Without thinking, he bought a picture for the last money and brought her home. Mother Zhu Tzu was saddened, but did not say the son's son.

Night has come. In the young man's room, where the painting was hung, there was a strange sound and rustling. And with the painting, a wonderful stranger went down ...

The fairy tale teaches children by simple and eternal values: not to deceive, restrain promises, help the near in difficult situations. Welcome, made by another, will definitely return back. The full version of the fairy tale "Magic Picture" You can read in this release, in the category "Chinese fairy tales".

"The greatest treasure"

Age: 7+

Translation into Russian: Yes

Speech in the fairy tale will go about the rich master Lee, his modest daughter Yemei, her husband - a street trader snail and their son - whether the hammer. It is about them and their difficult relationships will be discussed in a fairy tale.

The work teaches children what really needs to appreciate in life and humans, and what is really the wealth of each of us.

"Fisherman and landowner"

Age: 7+

Translation into Russian: Yes

The main characters of the fairy tales - Fisherman Chan San and the Rich Lou.

Having learned that the poor Chan suddenly became rich, the landowner Lu was surprised and at the same time was distressed. After all, now he has a competitor. Lou offers a fisherman to face him with riches: Let each of them throws his gold to the river. Who will end the gold first - he lost.

Chan San The offer of the landowner had to do not like. After all, gold can be spent much more useful and help those who really need help. But there is no choice by the fisherman, and he is forced to accept the offer of Lou.

The fairy tale teaches children to the right handling of money: do not throw them "into the river", but to help the needy. And do not forget about those who were roads and is close, even if you have different social statuses.

"Tetushka Tigress"

Age: 9+.

Translation into Russian: Yes

The tigress, which lived in the light so long and learned to turn into an old woman for mercenary purposes, - it is about her that will be discussed in a fairy tale. She used these transforms to hunt the little children who have eaten. For the memory of each child, the tigress kept the decoration that sewed on his cloak.

However, with the girl May-May insidious plans, Tigritz was not destined to come true. The girl rang her and dealt with the old woman once and forever.

The tale teaches children of intelligence and resourcefulness, which help to find a way out even in the most difficult situation. Do not trust unfamiliar people, for the cute appearance of which the evil human essence can be hidden. The latter is especially important in today's world.

"Lin big and lin small"

Age: 12+.

Translation into Russian: Yes

A fairy tale of two brothers who have lost their parents, and decided to go to wander around the world.

Time comes, and the life paths of the two brothers Dao Lenin and Xiao Lina dramatically diverge. The reason for this was absolutely different characters of the main characters. Xiao Lin thinks only about himself: "I want it to be good." While Tao Lin takes care of others and about finding justice: "I want to do the right thing, and the point!".

The book teaches children to live in society when you need to take into account not only your desires, but also the interests of others. Teaches compromise. After all, even the right life attitudes imposed by others in an uncompromising form are rather repulsed than they attract people. Do you agree?

"Landscape of the Soul"

Age: 14+

Translation into Russian: Yes

The book consists of two parts. The first presents poems about the nature of the Great Chinese poet, mainly first translated into Russian. In the second part - articles exploring the topic of the landscape poetry of China.

"Landscape of the Soul", like other books of whether Bo, learn to notice invisible at first glance to change the nature and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world. And also form aesthetic taste among the younger generation.

"Liao Zhiya stories about extraordinary"

Age: 14+

Translation into Russian: Yes

Stories are striking and fascinating the lack of boundaries between reality and fantasy.

OSA in the prelative girl in the green dress. Lovers, found shelter in the sleeve of a monk-wizard. Nearby scientist who turned into a horse. All these heroes inhabit the pages of the unusual work of Pu Sunly, known under the pseudonym Liao Zhai.

The stories of the famous Chinese writer are not just entertaining. They teach the search for justice in the world, fighting evil and non-smile.

"Gate of heavenly calm"

Age: 14+

Translation into Russian: Yes

1989. China. Just an uprising of students was suppressed. Their leader is a wonderful Ayame, saves the persecution and runs away for hundreds of kilometers from Beijing.

Lieutenant Zhao is ordered to find and catch a rebound. During the persecution of Lieutenant's hands, Ayamei's personal diary fell. I read the page behind the page, Zhaoluchev learns the girl: what she dreamed about how she lived, what happened to her beloved. In his soul, the compassion for her originates.

But the persecution is completed: the ruins of the ancient temple soldiers Zhao overtook the tired Ayami ...

The work of Shan Ca teaches justice and not rely blindly on thoughtless orders, and listen to yourself and act on conscience.

Being an integral part of the folk folklore, fairy tales serve as a support, a source of knowledge about any people, nation, as they reflect the life of the environment in which they arose, the natural conditions and features of the original culture, historical development. And Chinese folk tales are no exception. In the fabulous repertoire of the Chinese, magical fairy tales occupied the greatest place, which are divided into separate semantic categories:

About the search for the disappeared beauty-bride

One of the most ancient cycles, of which the Chinese folk fairy tales consist, are the narratives about the search for missing brides: "As a young man was looking for a favor," in which the girl stole an angry werewolf, or "a fairy tale about the trick Which heroine kidnapped a black eagle. Perhaps, in the presentation of the ancient Chinese, the abduction of the beloved was considered as a punishment for disregarding the tradition of choosing a girl in his wife only from a kind. All Chinese folk fairy tales of this type had the same structure and further development of the plot. It was in the fact that the hero went to search for the narrowed, at any cost, it sought to take it away from the rainer, and return to the world of people. Naturally, the told by Absolute Heppi-end is a safe return home as a winner and with his beloved bride. In comparison with the European analogues of such fabulous plots in Chinese, there is no suitable description of the beautiful (royal) life, excessive lifestyles of the syllable, and the main characters are not princes and enchanted princesses, but ordinary peasant couples.

About the path and testing

There are magical fairy tales about the test, which come up with the fathers of daughters in their kingdom for the future son-in-law. The fairy tale called "Heavenly Drum" is this example. In it, the main character takes a heavenly fairy to his wife, but this marriage Father Fairy does not consider valid and takes her daughter to heaven, where she keeps her in heavenly prison. To return their beloved, the young man must pass in the kingdom of his testing numerous tests that were not passed before marriage, which violated the sacred marriage ritual. Only after the fulfillment of all the tasks that the father's favorite was put in front of him, the hero will again be able to see his wife.

Another example is the "Red Lilia" fairy tale, in which the protagonist, a poor peasant Dulin, having received a beautiful fairy in his wife, a girl who came out of the flower, did not fully appreciate his happiness: became lazy, arrogant. The payback did not make himself wait long. Fairy, without putting his dismissive relationship, escaped on a peacock on the moon. The year it took Dulin to realize and correct his mistake. It cost him to start to work again, as a wife returned to him and their life was again "sweet as honey."

Fighting evil relatives

Chinese fairy tales for children include those who tell about the "victory" of the unfortunate main character over their terrible relatives: mercenary and hated elder brother and his wife, over a stepmother or stepfather. In such histories there is a pronounced characteristic of many folk testes of different peoples of the trait - the idealization of the younger brother. And the Chinese folk tales also represent this hero as the custodian of the genital traditions and a family hearth, for example, as in the "fairy tale about the younger brother." In her, the younger brother is inherited a piece of unsuitable land, a dog, on which plows, and a rooster. From hatred, the elder brother kills the unfortunate dog and bird. Killed by the Hero Hero bury friends not far from his hut. And the miracle tree grows on the site of the burial, instead of foliage on which - coins.

Household and satirical fairy tales

Chinese folk tales belonging to the category "household" include and frankly satirical stories, such as "beautiful wife" and "magic chan." In domestic fairy tales, all kinds of magical items play a domicile role, around the features of which and the plot action unfolds. However, in comparison with Russian satirical fairy tales, in Chinese judges usually wise and positive. An example can serve as a whole collection of legends about the fair judge Bao-Gong, who was famous for his honesty and integrity.

Separate attention deserves the Chinese folk fairy tale "Liu Brothers". According to her plot, the mother had five twins sons, called all Liu and after the serial number was added - the first, the second, etc. The young men had each individual magical property. They lived together and happily as long as the evil ruler, having accepted because of the spoiled hunt, did not arrest one of the brothers. But the heroes stood on the defense of her brother, using their fabulous superpowers. They not only liberated their younger, but also relied from the evil ruler and the entire population of the region.

Reflection of figurative thinking

There are several types of Chinese fairy tales: the magic fairy tale is called "Xianhua", the mythical tale is "Gushi", children's fairy tales - "Tunhua". The most interesting are fairy tales called "Shenhua". Often they have a connection with the concepts of "fiction", "Myth" and "Legend". In ancient times, people tried to explain the incomprehensible phenomena of nature by any available ways. Therefore, the fairy tale is a reflection of the figurative thinking that is based on the imagination.