Picture of elephants on long legs. Elephants

Picture of elephants on long legs. Elephants
Picture of elephants on long legs. Elephants

Probably, this is one of the most famous images created by giving - an elephant on long multi-pacular legs, which is repeated from the picture in the picture. For example:

It seems I set the origin of this elephant. We are talking about the popular legend of medieval Bestiaries, according to which the elephant there are no joints in the legs, so he sleeps, leaning against the tree, and if he falls, then they can no longer come up ().

The feature of the elephant is as follows: when it falls, can not stand, for it does not have joints in their knees. How does he fall? When he wants to sleep, leaning against the tree, sleeps. Indians (option in lists: hunters). Knowing this property of the elephant, they go and peck a little tree. Comes elephant. To lean, and as soon as the tree approaches, the tree falls along with him. Falling, can not get up. And begins to cry and shout. And hears another elephant, and comes to help him, but can not raise the fallen. Then both screaming, and come other twelve, but they cannot raise the fallen. Then scream all together. After everyone comes a small elephant, puts his trunk under the elephant and raises it.
The property of a small elephant is: if you burn his hair or bones in some place, then neither the demon nor snakes will go there and no other evil will happen there.
As the image of Adam and Eve is interpreted: Adam and his wife were still in Nege Paradise before the severity, they did not know that there were still so many and did not have thoughts about the connection. But when the woman was ate from the tree, that is, mental mandragores, and gave her husband to his own way, then He knew the wife of Adam and gave birth to Cain on evil waters. As David said: "Save me, God, for reached the water of my soul" ".
And the new elephant who came, that is, the law, could not raise the fallen. Then 12 elephants came, that is, the face of the prophets, and they could not raise it. After all, a mental elephant came, or Christ God, and raised fallen from the earth. The first of all became smaller of all, "himself dedicated himself, having accepted the slave appearance" to save everyone

Since Dali describes its method as "paranoid-critical", it is quite logical that he draws a lot of joints on the legs on the feet ("but I don't believe your Bestiaria and his theology!"). And it is absolutely clear why Anthony attacks not so much bare women (as in the original tradition), how many elephants on multiser legs: the temptation is not a momentary bodily desire, but the founding of faith. What is really terrible and funnier. The "mental elephant" for the 20th century sounds already in itself quite ridiculous, but also scary (Wed "Šononopotama" is another mental elephant, the silent Winnie Pooh and Piglet).
Dali at all seem to love to be shattered above the scholastic tradition, since his "great masturbator" is not anyone else, as an Aristotelian mind-primitive, who thinks himself.
PS: Note, the stalls of the anatomy of the legs are normal, they are simply stretched disproportionately.

One of the brightest representatives of surrealism - Salvador Dali There was not only an outstanding painter and a schedule, but also a sculptor, creating his creations solely from wax. His surrealism has always been closely within the framework of the canvas, and he resorted to a three-dimensional image of complex images, which then laid the basis of his picturesque work.

Collector Icidron Clot, once bought his wax figures from the artist, ordered bronze castings. Soon the collection from the original bronze sculptures was produced by Furore in world art. Many sculptures were subsequently increased in size and became a decoration of not only museum halls, but also the squares of many cities in the world.

Museum of Salvador Dali in Paris

In Paris on Montmartre there is a whole museum dedicated to this ingenious Spanish artist. The greatest works of art created in the last century are of genuine interest among the public and cannot leave any viewer indifferent: they awaken either delight or indignation.

Time Dance I.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219414890.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Surreal Piano Salvador Dali. | PHOTOS: Dolzhenkov.ru." title="Surrealist Piano Salvador Dali. | Photo: Dolzhenkov.ru." border="0" vspace="5">!}

Exquisite items and forms inspired the artist to create a variety of unique surrealistic images. In this sculpture, the wooden legs of the piano master replaced with dancing elegant female legs. With this he most revived the tool and turned it into the object of pleasure at the same time with music and dance. On the piano lid, we see a surrealistic image of the muse, trying to crush over reality.

Space elephant.

To the image of an elephant, El Salvador Dali appealed in painting, as evidenced by the "Temptation of St. Anthony's Temptation", and repeatedly in sculpture - "Space Elephant", "Journaling Elephant". This bronze sculpture depicts a marking elephant on thin long legs through the outer space, and the obelisk carrying on itself, symbolizing technical progress. The powerful body on thin legs, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, is nothing more than "the contrast between the inviolability of the past and the fragility of the present."

Surrealistic Newton

In his work, the Great Spaniard has repeatedly appealed to the identity of Newton, who discovered the law of global gravity, thereby giving the tribute to the great physics. In all the sculptures of Newton, created by Dali, the apple is unchanged detail, which led to a great discovery. Two large cross-cutting niches in sculpture symbolize oblivion, as in the perception of many people Newton is only a great name that is deprived of the souls and hearts.

Bird man

a person is half aptite, or a bird received. "It's hard to determine which part of these two dominates, because a person is not always the one he manifests itself. The author wants to leave us in doubt - this is his game.

Vision Angela

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/000dali-0015.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Woman in fire. Author: Salvador Dali. Photo: Dolzhenkov.ru." title="Woman in fire.

Outlusion of two ideas: the flame of passion and the female body with secret drawers, in which the secrets of each woman are stored, Salvador was given brightly manifested themselves in surrealistic sculpture"Женщина в огне". Под пламенем художник подразумевал подсознательное страстное желание и пороки всех женщин - нынешних, прошлых и будущих, а выдвижные ящички символизируют сознательную секретную жизнь каждой из них.!}

Snail and angel

Surreal warrior.

Surreal warrior.
The surreal warrior Dali symbolizes all victories: real and metaphysical, spiritual and physical.

Tribute to Terraticore

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/000dali-0009.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Space Venus. Author: Salvador Dali. | PHOTOS: Dolzhenkov.ru." title="Space Venus.

This sculpture is also called "beauty without head and limbs." In this work, the artist chants a woman whose beauty is temporary, fleeting and strain. The body of Venus is divided into two parts by the egg, which creates a fantastic impression of the weightless sculpture. The egg itself acts as a symbol of the fact that inside a woman is a whole unknown world.

Horse under time seat

The image is filled with expression, eternal non-stop motion, original freedom and unqualities of person".!}

Space rhinocer

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/000dali-0013.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Saint George and Dragon. Author: Salvador Dali. photo: Dolzhenkov.ru." title="Saint George and Dragon.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219416024.jpg" alt="Surrealism Salvador Dali. | Photo: Dolzhenkov.ru." title="Surrealism Salvador Dali. | Photo: Dolzhenkov.ru." border="0" vspace="5">!}

Spain. Night Marbella. Sculpture Salvador Dali

Ten bronze sculptures created on the wax samples of Salvador's sculptures were given, are located right open-air on the Embankment of Marbella in Spain.

Eccentric, expanding imagination Surrealist Dali more than once turned in their pictures to the topic of elephants. For some reason they worried him. He had a "swans ..." with elephants, the temptation of St. Anthony, and then in 1948 a picture of Salvador was given "elephants".

Person Dali.

In the two words of this complex person, do not describe, but you can give an image contour. He grew up a very capricious and uncontrollable child. Already as a child, he had fears and a variety of complexes that prevented him from living among children on an equal footing. He studied painting in an art school, and then at the Academy of San Fernando.

Throwing her studies, he moved to Paris, where he began to develop his surreal style. But the trip to Italy leads him to delight from the works of the Renaissance era. It fills the paintings by realistic images, but introduces its incredible fantasies in them.

Italy and its effect on creativity Dali

This is born in 1937, the picture of El Salvador was given "elephants", more precisely, it is "Swans, reflecting elephants." It shows the swans that, sitting on the shore of the lake, are reflected in the water together with the trees.

It is the neck and the wings of the swans form the figures of the elephants. Trees are completing the picture, turning into the body and powerful elephant legs. This picture is inverted. If you look closely, the swans are mirrored in the elephants. In the background shows Catalan landscape. His color is the fiery colors of autumn. The picture of El Salvador was given "elephants" will be written later. Art historians are influenced by D. Bernini. Yes, and the artist himself did not refuse that he was inspired by the sculpture of the great creator of the Baroque style: an elephant carrying obelisk on his back. The picture of El Salvador was given "Elephants" also possesses this symbol of power and domination. Only in it there is not a drop of academism and realism.

Salvador Dali, "Elephants": painting description

For the first time elephants with thin, like flies, were given by his feet, when he lived in America. These elephants appear in women's dreams.

Another creation, which appeared to El Salvador, was given with elephants on thin legs - the temptation of St. Anthony. The unfortunate Anthony in the desert is trying to escape from the demonic visions of the terrible elephants, the horse put on the punch, half agencies, defending the prayer and the cross.

Other hallucinations after World War saw Salvador Dali. "Elephants" on the legs are written on a bloody-red, like spilled blood, background, where the artist put the landscape of his hometown, wanting to remind everyone and everyone, no matter what happens, you should never forget where you come from. Like this or sunrise - completely unclear.

Elephants do not fill the space of the picture. It is intentionally empty. Each of the viewer is granted the right to imagine what wishes. However, such a buoy flight of fantasy, like the author, is far from any.

Two animals are sent towards each other. The legs are thin, fragile, almost invisible, multi-lane, like spiders. As always, the erotic element is present. Their thin legs are the legs of desire. Both possess very visible phallos. It seems incredible how such legs can maintain their bodies with nothing. Elephants were given - this is a conscious distortion of reality, because they do not comply with the laws of grave. They create a feeling of phantom reality.

Animals are wanding into non-existence on the smooth surface of the desert at an incredible height. One raised the trunk, the other - lowered. One more cheerful and rejoices of life, the other - already tired and stopped. Between them, the two miniature figures of men and women as a symbol of the continuation of the human race after a terrible war that has taken millions of lives has been preloaded.

It is difficult to understand what the artist wanted to say. Best of all, he spoke himself: "I draw pictures that make me die from joy, I create things that deeply worry me, and I try to portray them honestly."

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Fears and fetish genius - Symbols Dali

Having created his own, surreal world, Dali filled with phantasmagoric creatures and mystical symbols. These symbols reflecting obsessive ideas, fears and objects of Fetish Masters, "move" from one of his work to another throughout the whole creative life.

The symbolism was not random (as it was not by chance everything in life, according to Maestro): Interested in the ideas of Freud, the surrealist came up with and used symbols in order to emphasize the hidden meaning of his works. Most often - to designate the conflict between the "solid" body shell of a person and its soft "fluid" emotional-mental filling.

Salvador symbolism was given in sculpture

The ability of these creatures to communicate with God was delivered. Angels for him - a symbol of mystical, sublime union. Most often in the paintings of the Master, they appear next to the gala, which was for giving the incarnation of nobility, purity and communications given by heaven.


the world's only picture in which there is a stationary presence, the long-awaited meeting of the two creatures on the background of a deserted, gloomy, dead landscape

In every Creation of Geniya, we learn our own rejected thoughts (Ralph Emerson)

Salvador Dali "Fallen Angel" 1951


The fear of the time of life arose ya was still in childhood, when he with a mixture of horror and disgust watched the ants devour the remains of dead small animals. Since then, for all my life, ants have become an artist with a symbol of decomposition and rot. Although some researchers associate ants in the works, they gave a strong expression of sexual desire.

Salvador Dali "in the language of alluzius and symbols ignored conscious and active memory in the form of mechanical clocks and ants of ants, and unconscious - in the form of soft clocks that show indefinite time. The constancy of memory is thus depicting oscillations between takeoff and drops in wakefulness and sleep state. " His statement that "soft hours becomes a metaphor of time flexibility" is saturated with uncertainty and lack of intrigue. It can move differently in different ways: either smoothly flow, or to be crossed by corruption, which, according to Dali, meant the decomposition, symbolized by the fuss of insatiable ants. "


Perhaps the fact that Salvador Dali has portrayed bread in many works and used to create surreal objects, testified to his fear of poverty and hunger.

Dali has always been a big "fan" bread. It was not by chance that he used buns to decorate the wall-museum wall in Figuene. Bread combined several characters at once. The appearance of the baton resembles El Salvador. A solid phallic object, opposed by the "soft" time and mind.

"Retrospective bust of women"

In 1933, S. Dali created a bronze bust with a loaf of bread on the head, ants on the face and corn cobs as a necklace. He was sold for 300,000 euros.

Basket with bread

1926 Dali writes a "bread basket" - a modest still life, filled with reverent respect to the Small Dutch, Vermelee and Velasquez. On a black background, a white crumpled napkin, a wicker straw basket, a couple of bread pieces. Specified with a thin tassel, no innovations, a liner school wisdom with an admixture of manic diligence.


One day, the small Salvador found old crutches in the attic, and their purpose produced a strong impression on a young genius. For a long time, the crutches were for him the embodiment of confidence and unprecedented highly arrogant. By participating in the creation of a "brief dictionary of surrealism" in 1938, Salvador Dali wrote that crutches are a symbol of support, without which some soft structures are not able to hold the shape or vertical position.

One of the frank bullying was given over the Communist love Andre Breton and his left glances. The main character according to Dali himself is Lenin in a cap with a huge visor. In the "genius diary" Salvador writes that the baby is he himself, wearing "he wants to eat me!". Here there are also crutches - the indispensable attribute of creativity was given, which retained their relevance throughout the life of the artist. By these two crutches, the artist supports the visor and one of the pilots of the leader. This is not the only well-known job on this topic. Back in 1931, Dali wrote "Partial Hallucination. Six phenomena of Lenin on the piano. "

Retractable drawers

Human bodies in many paintings and objects of El Salvador gave revealing boxes, symbolizing memory, as well as thoughts that often want to hide. "Caucas of thought" is a concept borrowed from Freud and meaning the secret of hidden desires.

Venus de Cute with drawers

Venus Milosian with drawers ,1936 Venus de Milo with Drawers Gypsum. Height: 98 cm Private Collection


This symbol was given "found" from Christians and a little "finalized". In the understanding was given, the egg does not so much symbolize the cleanliness and perfection (as Christianity teaches), how much gives a hint of former life and rebirth, symbolizes intrauterine development.

"Birth of a new man" ("GeoPoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man"

Metamorphosis Narcissa 1937.

You know, Gala (and however, of course you know) it is. Yes, Narcissus is me.
The essence of the metamorphosis is to turn a narcissus figure into a huge stone hand, and the heads in the egg (or onion). Dali uses the Spanish saying "The bulb in the head sprout", which indicated obsessive ideas and complexes. The self-ability of the young man - and there is a similar complex. Golden leather Narcissa is a reference from the excretion of Ovid (whose poem "Metamorphosis", who told about Narcissa, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture was inspired): "Golden wax slowly melts and breaks away from the fire ... so melts and tee love."


Huge and majestic elephants, symbolizing dominance and power, Dali always relieve long thin legs with a large number of kneeches. So the artist shows the instability and the unreliability of what seems unshakable.

IN "The temptation of St. Anthony" (1946) Dali placed holy in the lower corner. Above him floats the chain of elephants headed by a horse. Elephants are carrying on the backs of the churches with naked bodies. The artist wants to say that temptations are between heaven and land. For gave sex was akin to mysticism.
Another key to an understanding of the picture lies in the adolescent appearance on the cloud of Spanish El Escorial, the building, which for Dali symbolized the law and the order achieved through the merger of spiritual and secular.

Swans reflected in the form of elephants


Most often, landscapes were made in a realistic manner, and their plots resemble the paintings of the Renaissance. The artist uses landscapes as a background for its surreal collages. This is one of the "branded" damn damage - the ability to combine real and surreal objects on one canvas.

Soft molten hours

Dali said that the liquid is the material reflection of the indivisibility of space and the flexibility of time. Once after a meal, looking at a piece of soft Camembert cheese, the artist found the perfect way to express a changeable perception of a time man - a soft clock. This symbol combines a psychological aspect with an extraordinary sense expressiveness.

Constancy of memory (soft clock) 1931

One of the most famous artist pictures. Gala completely predicted that no one, once saw the "constancy of memory," he would not forget. The picture was written as a result of associations that had arisen y Dali at the form of a melted cheese.


According to Dali, the sea hedgehog symbolizes the contrast, which can be observed in human communication and behavior, when, after the first unpleasant contact (such a contact with a barbed surface of the hedgehog), people begin to learn pleasant features in each other. In the maritime hedgehog, a soft body with gentle meat, which he loved to be toured so much.


Like a sea hero, snail symbolizes the contrast between the external severity and rigidity and soft internal content. But in addition to this, Dali was delighted with the outlines of a snail, exquisite geometry of her shell. During one of the cycling sodes from the house, Dali saw on the trunk of his bike snail and remembered the charm of this spectacle for a long time. Being confident that the snail was on the bike not by chance, the artist made it one of the key characters of his work.