Kalashi - the heirs of the ancient Aryans. Kalashi - the last pagans of Asia

Kalashi - the heirs of the ancient Aryans. Kalashi - the last pagans of Asia
Kalashi - the heirs of the ancient Aryans. Kalashi - the last pagans of Asia

High in the mountains of Pakistan on the border with Afghanistan, in the province of Nursan, several tiny plateaus are scattered.

Locals calls this area of \u200b\u200bChintal. The unique and mysterious people live here - Kalashi.
Their uniqueness lies in the fact that this Indo-European on the origin of the people managed to survive almost in the heart of the Islamic world.

Meanwhile, Kalashi does not profess the Abrahamic cult - Islam, but the original, folk faith ... If Kalashi was a numerous people with a separate territory and statehood, then their existence would be unlikely to surprise, but today no more than 6 thousand people are the most miniature and mysterious ethnic group of the Asian region.

Kalashi (self-talent: kasivo.; The name "Kalash" comes from the name of the area) - Nature in Pakistan, living in high-mountainous areas of Hindukusha (Nuristan or Kafirst). The number is about 6 thousand people. They were almost completely exterminated as a result of Muslim genocide by the beginning of the 20th century, as they confess the relational cult. Now lead a closed lifestyle. They speak the Kalash language of the Darque Group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200b(however, about half of the words of their language have no analogues in other Darodi languages, as in the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples). In Pakistan, the belief is common that Kalashi are descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonian (in connection with which the Government of Macedonia built a focus of culture in this area, see, for example, "Macedonia Gradi Kulturien Centur Kahu Huntsite in Pakistan"). The appearance of some kalays is characteristic of the North European peoples, there are often blue-eyed and blondism among them. In this case, part of the kalaks have a completely characteristic of the region asian appearance.

Religion of most Kalashov - paganism; Their pantheon has a lot of common features with a reconstructed ancient Aryan pantheon. The approval of some journalists that Kalashi worship "the ancient Greek gods" are unfounded. At the same time, about 3 thousand Kalashov - Muslims. The transition to Islam is not welcomed by Kalash, trying to preserve their generic identity. Kalashi are not descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonsky, and the North European appearance of the part of them is due to the preservation of the initial Indo-European Genofond as a result of a refusal of mixing with the progress of the non-Russian population. Along with the Kalash, representatives of the people of Hunza and some ethnic groups of Pamir residents, Persians, and others also possess similar anthropological characteristics.

Nordic Kalash

Scientists belong to the Kalash for the White Ross are a scientific fact. Persons from many Kalashi - purely European. White skin, unlike Pakistanis and Afghans. And light and often have a needal eye - as a passport of incorrect Cafira. Eyes have blue, gray, green and very rarely brown. There is another touch, which does not fit into a common culture and life to the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kalashi have always been manufactured for themselves and enjoyed furniture. They eat at the table, sitting on the chairs, - excesses that have never been inherent in local "aborigines" and appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the XVII-XIH centuries, but did not fit. And Kalashi, the time of centuries used the tables and chairs ...

Horse warriors of Kalashi. Museum in Islamabad. Pakistan.

At the end of the first millennium, Islam came to Asia, and with him the misfortunes of Indo-European and in particular the people of Kalash, who did not want to change the faith of ancestors to Avramic "Teaching" local Muslim communities persistently tried to force the Kalash to accept Islam.

And many Kalashi were forced to obey: either to live, accepting a new religion, or die.

In the XVIII-nineteenth centuries, Muslim was cut out by thousands of thousands. Those who have not obeyed and at least secretly sent pagan cults, the authorities at best chased with fertile lands, driving into the mountains, and more often - destroyed. The cruel genocide of the People of Kalash continued until the middle of the XIX century, while the tiny territory, which Muslims called Kafirstan (the land of incorrect), where Kalashi lived, did not come under the jurisdiction of the British Empire. It saved them from full extermination. But now Kalashi is on the verge of extinction. Many are forced to assimilate (through marriage) with Pakistanis and Afghans, taking Islam, it is easier to survive and get a job, education, position.

Kalash village

Life of modern Kalash can be called Spartan. Kalashi live by communities - it is easier to survive. They live in homes that build out of stone, wood and clay. The roof of the lower house (floor) is simultaneously the floor or veranda of the house of another family. Of all the amenities in the hut: the table, chairs, benches and clay dishes. About electricity and television Kalashi know only the first. Shovel, hoe and kylo - they are clearer and more familiar. Life resources they draw in agriculture. Kalashi manage to grow wheat and other grain crops on lands separated from stone. But the main role in their livelihoods is played by cattle, mainly goats, which give the descendants of the ancient Aryans milk and milk products, wool and meat.

In everyday life, a clear and unshakable division of duties is striking: men are first in labor and hunting, women only help them in the least laborious operations (weeding, daughter, household). In the house, men sit at the head of the table and take all the significant solutions in the family (in the community). For women in each settlement, Bologna is built - a separate house where women communities give birth to children and spend time in "critical days." Woman to give birth to a child. The woman of Kalash is obliged only in the Bashley, and therefore pregnant ladies settle in the "maternity hospital". Where such a tradition came from, no one knows, but other segregation and discriminatory tendencies against women in Kalash is not observed that he infuriates and laughs Muslims, which are from for this to Kalash, how people are not from this world ...

Part of the Kalaks have a completely characteristic of the region asian appearance,
but at the same time they often have blue or green eyes

Marriage. This scrupulous question is solved exclusively parents of young. They can advise with young, can talk to the bride's parents (groom), and can solve the problem without asking their opinions.

Kalashi do not know the weekend, but they have fun and pretty celebrating 3 holidays: Yoshi is a sowing holiday, the studio of the harvest, and Choymus - Winter holiday of nature gods, when Kalashi ask Gods to send them a soft winter and good spring and summer.
During Choymus, every family scores a goat as a sacrifice, whose meat is treated for everyone who goes to visit or will meet on the street.

Kalashi language, or Kalash - the language of the Darque group of the Indoran branch of the Indo-European language family. It is common among the Kalashai in several Gindukusha Valleys, the south-west of the city of Chitral in the North-West Border Province of Pakistan. Belonging to the Darque subgroup is in question, since a little more than half of words are similar to those equivalent to the meaning in the language of Khowar, which also enters this subgroup. From the point of view of phonology, the language is atypical (Heegård & Mørch 2004).

In Kalash language, the basic vocabulary composition of Sanskrit is very well preserved, for example:

In the 1980s, the development of writing for the Kalash language in two versions was based on Latin and Persian graphics. The Persian version turned out to be preferable and in 1994 the illustrated alphabet and reading a book on Kalash language based on Persian graphics came out. In the 2000s, an active transition to Latin font began. In 2003, the Alphabet "KAL" AS "A ALIBE" was issued. (English)

Religion and Culture Kalash

The first researchers and missionaries began to penetrate Cafyristan after the colonization of India, but under this surround information about its inhabitants provided the English doctor Georg Scott Robertson, who visited Kafiristan in 1889 and lived there during the year. The uniqueness of the Robertson expedition is that they were assembled material on the rites and traditions of kafirs to the Islamic invasion. Unfortunately, a number of collected materials were lost when crossing the ind to India during his return to India. Nevertheless, the preserved materials and personal memories allowed him to publish in 1896 the book "Kafirs of Hindu-Kush" ("The Kafirs of Hindu-Kush").

The pagan temple of Kalash. In the center of the generic post.

Based on the observations of the religious and ritual side of the life of Kafirs made by Robertson, it is possible that their religion is reminiscent of transformed Zoroastrianism and the cults of the ancient Aryans. The main arguments in favor of this approval are the attitude towards the fire and the funeral rite. Below we will describe some traditions, religious foundations, religious buildings and krafir rites.

Labor pillar in the temple

The main, "metropolitan" of Kafirov was a village called "Cammesh". The houses of Kamdysh were located in steps on the slopes of the mountains, so the roof of one house was a yard for another. The houses were richly decorated with a sophisticated wooden carvings. Not men, but women, were engaged in field work, although men pre-cleaned the field from stones and fallen logs. Men at this time were engaged in sewing clothes, ritual dancing on rural square and solving public affairs.

Priest has a fiery altar.

The main object of worship was the fire. In addition to fire, Kafira worshiped wooden idols, which were cut out skillfully craftsmen and exhibited in the sanctuations. Pantheon consisted of many gods and goddesses. The main thing was the God of Imra. Also very revered was the god of war gisha. Each village had his petty patron god. The world, according to believing, was inhabited by a lot of good and evil spirits.

Single pillar with a stewy outlet

For comparison - the traditional pattern characteristic of Slavs and Germans

V. Sarianidi, relying on the testimony of Robertson, describes the cult facilities like this:

"... The main temple of Imra was in one of the villages and was a large construction with a square portico, the roof of which was supported by carved wooden columns. Some of the columns were completely decorated with sculptural heads of the rams, others had only at the base of the animal, horns in a round terrain Which, whining the barrel of the column and intersecting, rose up, forming a peculiar openwork grid. In its empty cells, the sculptural figures of funny men were located.

It is here, under a portion, on a special stone, blackened from bored blood, and numerous animal sacrifices were performed. The front facade of the temple had seven doors, famous in that each of them was still arranged on one small door. Large doors were tightly closed, only two side opened, and even that in particularly solemn cases. But the main interest was the sash of doors, decorated with fine carvings and huge embossed figures that were portrayed by the Sitting God. Especially amazing the face of God with a huge square chin, reaching almost the knees! In addition to the figures of God, Imra Facade of the Temple adorned images of huge heads of cows and rams. From the opposite side of the temple, five colossal figures supported by its roof were installed.

Sacrifice to the gods on the temple

By walking around the temple and admiring him with a carved "shirt", look through a small hole inside, which, however, you need to make a sneaking, so as not to offend the religious feelings of kafirs. In the middle of the room in a cool dusk can be seen directly on the floor square focus, in the corners of which poles are installed, also covered with amazingly thin threads, which is an image of human faces. On the opposite wall of the wall, an altar framed by images of animals is arranged; In the corner under a special Baldakhin there is a wooden statue of God himself. The remaining walls of the temple are decorated with carved hats of the wrong hemispherical shape planted on the ends of the poles. ... Separate temples were built only for the main gods, and for the minor, one sanctuary for several Goddow was erected. So, there were small chemisters with carved windows, of which the faces of different wooden idols peeking out. "

Labor pole

Among the most important rituals were the choice of elders, cooking wine, sacrifices of gods and burial. Like most rituals, the choice of elders was accompanied by mass sacrifices of goats and abundant treats. Elections of the chief elder (Justa) were made by elders from among the elders. These elections were also accompanied by the reading of sacred hymns dedicated to the gods, sacrifices and treats the gathered elders in the candidate's house:

"... the priests present on the feast sit down in the center of the room, wound a magnificent turban on his head, richly decorated with shells, red glass beads, and in front of Archie twigs. His ears are minisanied by earrings, on the neck wearing a massive necklace, and on the hand - bracelets. A long shirt, reaching the knees, freely descends on embroidered pants, tired in boots with long-tops. On top of this clothing, a bright silk Badakhshansky bathrobe is taken, a dance ritual actuator is covered in his hand.

Labor pole

Here is one of the sitting elders slowly gets up and, riding her head with white matter, stands forward. He takes off his boots, thoroughly my hands and starts sacrifices. Handbooks of two huge mountain goats, he depends on a stream of blood vessel, and then, approaching the dedication, draws his blood on his forehead. The door to the room will be distinguished, and the servants make huge caravas of breads with branches stuck in them. These caravas are solemnly separated around the dedication. Then after another abundant treat, the hour of ritual dancing occurs. Dance boots and special scarves, which they pull the lower back are distributed to several guests. Pine torches light up, and ritual dancing and chants begin in honor of numerous gods. "

Another important rite of kafirs was the rite of preparation of grape wines. To prepare wine, a man was elected, who, thoroughly kneading his legs, began to press the grape borders brought by women. Grape borders were hampered in wicker baskets. After a thorough crush, the grape juice looked into huge jugs and left for fermentation.

Kapache with tribades

The festive ritual in honor of God Gisch flowed like this:

"... In the early morning of the villagers, the village of many drums wakes up a lot of drums, and a priest appears on narrow curves, a priest appears with linking metal bells. Following the priest, the crowd of boys, who he drops out of time from time to time, and then rushed to drown them. Accompaning to him, the children imitate the tears bluish. The face of the priest was hammered with flour and cooked on top of oil, in one hand he holds bells, in the other - the sequirou. Joining and peeling, he shakes the bells and secircuits, highlighting almost acrobatic numbers and accompanying them terrible screams. Finally The procession comes up to the sanctuary of God Gisch, and adult participants are solemnly located in a semicircle near the priests and accompanying him. Here the dust has decided, and it seemed a herd out of fifteen shaking goats, customized by the boys. After completing his work, they immediately run away from adults to do Children's cereals and games ....

The priest comes up to the burning fire from the cedar branches, giving a thick white smoke. Nearby are pre-prepared four wooden vessels with flour, melted oil, wine and water. The priest is thoroughly my hands, removes shoes, pours a few drops of oil into the fire, then sprinkles sacrificial goat three times, saying: "be clean". Approaching the closed door of the sanctuary, it pours and pours the contents of wooden vessels, pronouncing ritual spells. Priests serving Young guys quickly cut the throat of a goat, they collect splashed blood into the vessels, and the priest then splashing her into a burning fire. In the continuation of this procedure, a special person illuminated by the flaws of fire all the time sacred sacred songs all the time, which gives this scene a shade of special solemnity.

Suddenly, another priest breaks off his hat and, rushing forward, begins to twitch, shouting loudly and mad swinging his hands. The Master Priest is trying to take the separated "colleague", finally calms down and, waving his arms several times, puts on the hat and sit down in his place. The ceremony ends with reading poems, after which the priests and all those present concern their LBs by the ends of the fingers and make the kiss sign lips, meaning a religious greeting of the sanctuary.

In the evening, in complete exhaustion, the priest comes into the first home and puts his bells to storage his bells, which is a great honor for the latter, and he immediately orders to put down a few goats and arrange a feast in honor of the priest and his environments. So in the continuation of two weeks with small variations, celebrations in honor of God Guisch continue.

Kalash cemetery. Graves strongly resemble the northern Russian tombstones - home

Finally, one of the most important was the rite of burial. The funeral procession at the beginning was accompanied by a loud female crying and due, and then ritual dancing under the battle of the drums and accompaniment of reed duff. Men, in the sign of mourning, put on on top of the clothes goat skins. The procession ended in the cemetery, where only women and slaves were allowed. The deceased Kafira, as it should be on the canons of Zoroastrianism, did not burst into the ground, and left in the wooden coffins outdoors.

Those, according to the colorful descriptions of Robertson, were rituals of one of the lost branches of an ancient powerful and influential religion. Unfortunately, it is already difficult to check where the scrupulous statement of reality here is here, and where artistic fiction is. In any case, today we have no reason to question Robertson told.

Kalashi! This is the people such in Pakistan. And not just the people, but the descendants of the ancient Russians!
Comparatively recently, the ancient settlements of immigrants from Russian lands in Pakistan mountains opened. The fact that Muslims live in these southern edges for a long time we know. But what among them, or rather autonomously, the people live next to them, who even before the birth of Christ came presumably from the Tver lands of our Motherland? It seems that these are our descendants.

So. I tell about this amazing people - kalashi.They are only about 6 thousand.

Scientists faced with riddles of history all the same begin to come to the conclusions that people who built Indian and Sumerian temples, the Pyramids of Egypt, came from Russia. Rather. From the Russian lands came those who brought knowledge and experience how to do it and why. And this is countless confirmation. Let me remind these articles - who invented the horoscope and others.

And here is a new riddle. How, tell me how these beautiful people got with beautiful Russian lips on the border of Pakistan with Afghanistan?

Okay, only the similarity would be external. After all, Kalash Belolisians, Seruoglazas, blue-eyed, unlike Pakistanis and Afghans.
They retained all the legacy of their ancestors - traditions, life, culture, practically in integrity. Moreover, it was traditional for the ancient lands of our northern - Tver and Vologda. But they say not in the Darisian languages \u200b\u200binherent in today's accommodation. And they say ... or rather. Almost half of the words of their tongue are an old Vologda Tim.

The basic vocabulary composition of Sanskrit is very well preserved in Kalashsky. It's just fantasy, because the Russian language and Sanskrit is very close languages.
Another very interesting barcode. Kalashi is eaten only at the table, sitting on the chairs, - excesses that have never been inherent in local residents and appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the XVIII-XIH centuries, but did not fit. And Kalashi, the time of centuries used the tables and chairs!

Presumably that they came to these lands since the time of the Prophet Zarasuchra, i.e. 3500 years ago. The facts say that the Prophet Zaksrastr, who created the oldest religious doctrine on Earth, took place from the Kimmerian (Kimra, the most ancient city of Russia) of the genus and the peripetics of his biography are of the most direct attitude towards the pistory of Russia.
English doctor Georg Scott Robertson, who visited Kalash in 1889 and who lived there for about a year, left the materials about the life of Kalash and their religion. According to his observations, it is reasonable to argue that their religion - resembles transformed Zoroastrianism and the cults of the ancient Aryans.
Another people are interested in what he honors as the "Russian Cross" who has learned, which has anciently decorated at home, embroidery and other objects of life of the ancient Northern Slavs.
Kalashi live near Muslims. But, women - Kalashi do not wear a barge. They apply the image of the "Russian Cross" in the form of a tattoo.

Starting from the 18th century, Muslims were driven and destroyed the Kalashov, professing paganism, selecting fertile lands and knew them into the mountainous terrain of the Pamir. Despite this, Kalashi managed to preserve their originality. They live by communities, closed. Engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture.

It was very difficult to survive kalars during the genocide. And now it is not easier. To survive them you have to assimilate with the local Muslim population.
The chief in the Kalash family is a man, which is very similar to the Russian housework. It is he who takes the most important solutions and is always sitting at the head of the table. There are no discrimination. She is a man's assistant. The only thing - before childbirth, the woman moves to another community house - the Tower, where it should give birth. Type of present maternity hospital. Where did this tradition of Kalash come from and do not remember themselves.
Interestingly, Kalashi chase the moonshine, the drink is strong even in Russian standards. And what would you think? From apricot! That's right. There is no stool in order to drive the stool.
By the way. Kalash has a very developed wood carving.

The special perception of the purity of nature and its preservation is a distinctive feature of this amazing people. In general, the cleanliness for them is sacred, as well as the ancient Ruscha, who observed the culture cult. And for the desecration of land and water could get very cruel punishment. The biggest sin from our ancestors was to throw garbage. People who polluted the earth or water despised and could even execute. And what is done now? How land should love us to carry such mockery ... or rather it does not endure.
Apparently, it is necessary to read the book of researcher Gennady Klimov "The Birth of Russia", in which he is trying to figure out the tricky issues of the story "Who and where did it come from?". And as I understand it proves that the resettlement of peoples was not from the south to the north, as masted historians convinced us, but on the contrary, from north to south.
Here it is, for example, describes that in the Tver region there are many remnants of "Vars" - ring-shaped structures by type

High in the mountains of Pakistan on the border with Afghanistan, in the province of Nursan, several tiny plateaus are scattered. Locals calls this area of \u200b\u200bChintal. The unique and mysterious people live here - Kalashi. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that this Indo-European on the origin of the people managed to survive almost in the heart of the Islamic world.

Meanwhile, Kalashi confess not Islam, but polytheism (polybetos), that is, they are pagans. If Kalashi were a numerous people with a separate territory and statehood, their existence would hardly have anyone surprised, but today no more than 6 thousand people have been preserved - they are the most miniature and mysterious ethnic group of the Asian region.

Kalashi (self-talent: Kasivo; The name "Kalash" comes from the name of the area) - Nature in Pakistan, living in high-mountainous areas of Hindukusha (Nuristan or Kafirst). The number is about 6 thousand people. Were almost Exterminated as a result of Muslim genocide by the beginning of the 20th century, as they profess paganism. Lead a closed lifestyle. They speak the Kalash language of the Darque Group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200b(however, about half of the words of their language have no analogues in other Darodi languages, as in the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples).

In Pakistan, the belief is common that Kalashi are descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonian (in connection with which the Government of Macedonia built a focus of culture in this area, see, for example, "Macedonia Gradi Kulturien Centur Kahu Huntsite in Pakistan"). The appearance of some kalays is characteristic of the North European peoples, there are often blue-eyed and blondism among them. In this case, part of the kalaks have a completely characteristic of the region asian appearance.

Religion of most Kalashov - paganism; Their pantheon has a lot of common features with a reconstructed ancient Aryan pantheon. The approval of some journalists that Kalashi worship "ancient Greek gods", unfounded. At the same time, about 3 thousand Kalashov - Muslims. Transition to Islam not welcomekalashi trying to preserve their generic identity. Kalashi are not descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonsky, and the North European appearance of the part of them is due to the preservation of the initial Indo-European Genofond as a result failure from mixing with the arrival of the non-Russian population. Along with the Kalash, representatives of the people of Hunza and some ethnic groups of Pamir residents, Persians, and others also possess similar anthropological characteristics.

Scientists belong to the Kalash for the White Ross are a fact. Persons from many Kalashi - purely European. White skin, unlike Pakistanis and Afghans. And light and often have a needal eye - as a passport of incorrect Cafira. Eyes have blue, gray, green and very rarely brown. There is another touch, which does not fit into a common culture and life to the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kalashi have always been manufactured for themselves and enjoyed furniture. They eat at the table, sitting on the chairs, - excesses that have never been inherent in local "aborigines" and appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the XVII-XIH centuries, but did not fit. And Kalashi, the time of centuries used the tables and chairs ...

Horse warriors of Kalashi. Museum in Islamabad. Pakistan.

At the end of the first millennium, Islam came to Asia, and with him the troubles of Indo-European and in particular the people of Kalash, who did not want Change the faith of ancestors to the Avramic "Teaching of the Book." Survive in Pakistan, confessing paganism, is almost hopeless. Local Muslim communities persistently tried to force the Kalash to accept Islam. And many Kalashi were forced to obey: either to live, accepting a new religion, or die. In the XVIII-nineteenth century Muslim cut out the boys of thousands. Those who have not obeyed and at least secretly sent pagan cults, the authorities at best chased with fertile lands, driving into the mountains, and more often - destroyed.

The cruel genocide of the People of Kalash continued until the middle of the XIX century, while the tiny territory, which Muslims called Kafirstan (the land of incorrect), where Kalashi lived, did not come under the jurisdiction of the British Empire. It saved them from full extermination. But now Kalashi is on the verge of extinction. Many are forced to assimilate (through marriage) with Pakistanis and Afghans, taking Islam, it is easier to survive and get a job, education, position.

Kalash village

Life of modern Kalash can be called Spartan. Kalashi. live communities - It is easier to survive. They live in homes that build out of stone, wood and clay. The roof of the lower house (floor) is simultaneously the floor or veranda of the house of another family. Of all the amenities in the hut: the table, chairs, benches and clay dishes. About electricity and television Kalashi know only the first. Shovel, hoe and kylo - they are clearer and more familiar. Life resources they draw in agriculture. Kalashi manage to grow wheat and other grain crops on lands separated from stone. But the main role in their livelihoods is played by cattle, mainly goats, which give the descendants of the ancient Aryans milk and milk products, wool and meat.

In everyday life, a clear and unshakable separation of responsibilities is striking: men are first in labor and hunting, women only help them in the least laborious operations (weeding, daisy, household). In the house, men sit at the head of the table and take all the significant solutions in the family (in the community). For women in each settlement, Bologna is built - a separate house where women communities give birth to children and spend time in "critical days." Giving birth to a child The woman of Kalash is obliged only in the Bashley, and therefore pregnant ladies settle in the "maternity hospital". Where such a tradition came from, no one knows, but other segregation and discriminatory tendencies against women in Kalash is not observed that he infuriates and laughs Muslims, which are from for this to Kalash, how people are not from this world ...

Part of the Kalaks have a completely characteristic Asian appearance for the region, but they often have blue or green eyes.

Marriage. This scrupulous question is solved exclusively parents of young. They can advise with young, can talk to the bride's parents (groom), and can solve the problem without asking their opinions.

Kalashi do not know the weekend, but they have fun and pretty celebrating 3 holidays: Yoshi is a sowing holiday, the studio of the harvest, and Choymus - Winter holiday of nature gods, when Kalashi ask Gods to send them a soft winter and good spring and summer.

During Choymus, every family scores a goat as a sacrifice, whose meat is treated for everyone who goes to visit or will meet on the street.

Kalashi language, or Kalash - the language of the Darque group of the Indoran branch of the Indo-European language family. It is common among the Kalashai in several Gindukusha Valleys, the south-west of the city of Chitral in the North-West Border Province of Pakistan. Belonging to the Darque subgroup is in question, since a little more than half of words are similar to those equivalent to the meaning in the language of Khowar, which also enters this subgroup. From the point of view of phonology, the language is atypical (Heegård & Mørch 2004).

In Kalashsky language is very well preserved basic vocabulary of Sanskrit, eg:

Russian Kalash Sanskrit.

head Shish Shish.

athi Asthi bone

urine Mutra Mutra.

grom Gram village

rajuk Rajju loop

smoke Thum Dhum.

tel Tel oil

mos Mas Meat

dog Shua Shva.

ant Pililak Pipilika.

son Putr Putr.

long DRIGA Dirgha.

eight Asht Ashta.

broken Chhina Chhinna.

kill Nash Nash

In the 1980s, the development of writing for the Kalash language in two versions was based on Latin and Persian graphics. The Persian version turned out to be preferable and in 1994 the illustrated alphabet and reading a book on Kalash language based on Persian graphics came out. In the 2000s, an active transition to Latin font began. In 2003, the Alphabet "KAL" AS "A ALIBE" was issued. (English)

Religion and Culture Kalash

The first researchers and missionaries began to penetrate Kafyristan after the colonization of India, but under this volume of information about its residents provided the English doctor Georg Scott Robertson, who visited Cafyristan in 1889 and lived there during the year. The uniqueness of the Robertson expedition is that they were assembled material on the rites and traditions of kafirs to the Islamic invasion. Unfortunately, a number of collected materials were lost when crossing the ind to India during his return to India. Nevertheless, the preserved materials and personal memories allowed him to publish in 1896 the book "Kafirs of Hindu-Kush" ("The Kafirs of Hindu-Kush").

The pagan temple of Kalash. In the center of the generic post.

Based on the observations of the religious and ritual side of the life of Kafirs made by Robertson, it is possible that their religion is reminiscent of transformed Zoroastrianism and cults of ancient ary. The main arguments in favor of this approval are the attitude towards the fire and the funeral rite. Below we will describe some traditions, religious foundations, religious buildings and krafir rites.

Labor pillar in the temple

The main, "metropolitan" of Kafirov was a village called "Cammesh". The houses of Kamdysh were located in steps on the slopes of the mountains, so the roof of one house was a yard for another. Houses were richly decorated complex wooden carvings. Not men, but women, were engaged in field work, although men pre-cleaned the field from stones and fallen logs. Men at this time were engaged in sewing clothes, ritual dancing on rural square and solving public affairs.

Priest has a fiery altar.

The main object of worship was the fire. In addition to fire, Kafira worshiped wooden idols, which were cut out skillfully craftsmen and exhibited in the sanctuations. Pantheon consisted of many gods and goddesses. The main thing was the God of Imra. Also very revered was the god of war gisha. Each village had his petty patron god. The world, according to believing, was inhabited by a lot of good and evil spirits.

Single pillar with a stewy outlet

For comparison - the traditional pattern characteristic of Slavs and Germans

V. Sarianidi, relying on the testimony of Robertson, describes the cult facilities like this:

"... The main temple of Imra was in one of the villages and was a large construction with a square portico, the roof of which was supported by carved wooden columns. Some of the columns were completely decorated with sculptural heads of the rams, others had only at the base of the animal, horns in a round terrain Which, whining the barrel of the column and intersecting, rose up, forming a peculiar openwork grid. In its empty cells, the sculptural figures of funny men were located.

It is here, under a portion, on a special stone, blackened from bored blood, and numerous animal sacrifices were performed. The front facade of the temple had seven doors, famous in that each of them was still arranged on one small door. Large doors were tightly closed, only two side opened, and even that in particularly solemn cases. But the main interest was the sash of doors, decorated with fine carvings and huge embossed figures that were portrayed by the Sitting God. Especially amazing the face of God with a huge square chin, reaching almost the knees! In addition to the figures of God, Imra Facade of the Temple adorned images of huge heads of cows and rams. From the opposite side of the temple, five colossal figures supported by its roof were installed.

By walking around the temple and admiring him with a carved "shirt", look through a small hole inside, which, however, you need to make a sneaking, so as not to offend the religious feelings of kafirs. In the middle of the room in the cool dusk can be seen directly on the floor square focus, in the corners of which the poles are installed, also covered amazingly thin threadrepresenting the image of human faces. On the opposite wall of the wall, an altar framed by images of animals is arranged; In the corner under a special Baldakhin there is a wooden statue of God himself. The remaining walls of the temple are decorated with carved hats of the wrong hemispherical shape planted on the ends of the poles. ... Separate temples were built only for the main gods, and for the minor, one sanctuary for several Goddow was erected. So, there were small chemisters with carved windows, of which the faces of different wooden idols peeking out. "

Among the most important rituals were the choice of elders, cooking wine, sacrifices of gods and burial. Like most rituals, the choice of elders was accompanied by mass sacrifices of goats and abundant treats. Elections of the chief elder (Justa) were made by elders from among the elders. These elections were also accompanied by the reading of the sacred hymns dedicated to the gods, sacrifices and treats the gathered elders in the candidate's house:

"... the priests present on the feast sit down in the center of the room, wound a magnificent turban on his head, richly decorated with shells, red glass beads, and in front of Archie twigs. His ears are minisanied by earrings, on the neck wearing a massive necklace, and on the hand - bracelets. A long shirt, reaching the knees, freely descends on embroidered pants, tired in boots with long-tops. On top of this clothing, a bright silk Badakhshansky bathrobe is taken, a dance ritual actuator is covered in his hand.

Labor pole

Here is one of the sitting elders slowly gets up and, riding her head with white matter, stands forward. He takes off his boots, thoroughly my hands and starts sacrifices. Handbooks of two huge mountain goats, he depends on a stream of blood vessel, and then, approaching the dedication, draws his blood on his forehead. The door to the room will be distinguished, and the servants make huge caravas of breads with branches stuck in them. These caravas are solemnly separated around the dedication. Then after another abundant treat, the hour of ritual dancing occurs. Dance boots and special scarves, which they pull the lower back are distributed to several guests. Pine torches light up, and ritual dancing and chants begin in honor of numerous gods. "

Another important rite of kafirs was the rite of preparation of grape wines. To prepare wine, a man was elected, who, thoroughly kneading his legs, began to press the grape borders brought by women. Grape borders were hampered in wicker baskets. After a thorough crush, the grape juice looked into huge jugs and left for fermentation.

Kapache with tribades

The festive ritual in honor of God Gisch flowed like this:

"... In the early morning of the villagers, the village of many drums wakes up a lot of drums, and a priest appears on narrow curves, a priest appears with linking metal bells. Following the priest, the crowd of boys, who he drops out of time from time to time, and then rushed to drown them. Accompaning to him, the children imitate the tears bluish. The face of the priest was hammered with flour and cooked on top of oil, in one hand he holds bells, in the other - the sequirou. Joining and peeling, he shakes the bells and secircuits, highlighting almost acrobatic numbers and accompanying them terrible screams. Finally The procession comes up to the sanctuary of God Gisch, and adult participants are solemnly located in a semicircle near the priests and accompanying him. Here the dust has decided, and it seemed a herd out of fifteen shaking goats, customized by the boys. After completing his work, they immediately run away from adults to do Children's cereals and games ....

The priest comes up to the burning fire from the cedar branches, giving a thick white smoke. Nearby are pre-prepared four wooden vessels with flour, melted oil, wine and water. The priest is thoroughly my hands, removes shoes, pours a few drops of oil into the fire, then sprinkles sacrificial goat three times, saying: "be clean". Approaching the closed door of the sanctuary, it pours and pours the contents of wooden vessels, pronouncing ritual spells. Priests serving Young guys quickly cut the throat of a goat, they collect splashed blood into the vessels, and the priest then splashing her into a burning fire. In the continuation of this procedure, a special person illuminated by the flaws of fire all the time sacred sacred songs all the time, which gives this scene a shade of special solemnity.

Suddenly, another priest breaks off his hat and, rushing forward, begins to twitch, shouting loudly and mad swinging his hands. The Master Priest is trying to take the separated "colleague", finally calms down and, waving his arms several times, puts on the hat and sit down in his place. The ceremony ends with reading poems, after which the priests and all those present concern their LBs by the ends of the fingers and make the kiss sign lips, meaning a religious greeting of the sanctuary.

In the evening, in complete exhaustion, the priest comes into the first home and puts his bells to storage his bells, which is a great honor for the latter, and he immediately orders to put down a few goats and arrange a feast in honor of the priest and his environments. So in the continuation of two weeks with small variations, celebrations in honor of God Guisch continue.

Kalash cemetery. Graves strongly resemble the northern Russian tombstones - home

Finally, one of the most important was the rite of burial. The funeral procession at the beginning was accompanied by a loud female crying and due, and then ritual dancing under the battle of the drums and accompaniment of reed duff. Men, in the sign of mourning, put on on top of the clothes goat skins. The procession ended in the cemetery, where only women and slaves were allowed. The deceased Kafira, as it should be on the canons of Zoroastrianism, did not burst into the ground, and left in the wooden coffins outdoors.

Those, according to the colorful descriptions of Robertson, were rituals of one of the lost branches of an ancient powerful and influential religion. Unfortunately, it's already difficult to check where is the scrupulous statement of reality, and where artistic fiction.

High in the mountains of Pakistan on the border with Afghanistan, in the province of Nursan, several tiny plateaus are scattered. Locals calls this area of \u200b\u200bChintal. The unique and mysterious people live here. kalashi.. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that this Indo-European on the origin of the people managed to survive almost in the heart of the Islamic world.

Meanwhile, Kalashi confess not Islam, but polytheism (polybetos), that is, they are pagans. If Kalashi were a numerous people with a separate territory and statehood, their existence would hardly have anyone surprised, but today no more than 6 thousand people have been preserved - they are the most miniature and mysterious ethnic group of the Asian region.

Kalashi (self-talent: Kasivo; The name "Kalash" comes from the name of the area) - Nature in Pakistan, living in high-mountainous areas of Hindukusha (Nuristan or Kafirst). Kalashi people were almost completely exterminated as a result of Muslim genocide by the beginning of the 20th century, as they profess paganism. Lead a closed lifestyle. They speak the Kalash language of the Darque Group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200b(however, about half of the words of their language have no analogues in other Darodi languages, as in the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples).

Kalashi - Messengers of Greece?

In Pakistan, the belief is common that Kalashi are descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonian (in connection with which the Government of Macedonia built a focus of culture in this area, see, for example, "Macedonia Gradi Kulturien Centur Kahu Huntsite in Pakistan"). The appearance of some kalays is characteristic of the North European peoples, there are often blue-eyed and blondism among them. In this case, part of the kalaks have a completely characteristic of the region asian appearance.

The pantheon of the gods from the people of Kalashi has a lot of common features with a reconstructed ancient-Aryan pantheon. The approval of some journalists that Kalashi worship "the ancient Greek gods" are unfounded. At the same time, about 3 thousand Kalashov - Muslims. The transition to Islam is not welcomed by Kalash, trying to preserve their generic identity. Kalashi are not descendants of the warriors Alexander Macedonian, and the North European appearance of the part of them is due to the preservation of the initial Indo-European GenoFond as a result of the rejection of mixing with the progress of the Nariological population. Along with the Kalash, representatives of the people of Hunza and some ethnic groups of Pamir residents, Persians, and others also possess similar anthropological characteristics.

Scientists belong to the Kalash for the White Rase - this is a fact. Persons from many Kalashi - purely European. White skin, unlike Pakistanis and Afghans. And light and often have a needal eye - as a passport of incorrect Cafira. Eyes have blue, gray, green and very rarely brown. There is another touch, which does not fit into a common culture and life to the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kalashi have always been manufactured for themselves and enjoyed furniture. They eat at the table, sitting on the chairs, - excesses that have never been inherent in local "Aboriginal" and appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the 21st centuries, but did not fit. And Kalashi, the time of centuries used the tables and chairs ...


Life of modern Kalash can be called Spartan. Kalashi live by communities - it is easier to survive. They live in houses that
Build from stone, wood and clay. The roof of the lower house (floor) is simultaneously the floor or veranda of the house of another family. Of all the amenities in the hut: the table, chairs, benches and clay dishes. About electricity and television Kalashi know only the first. Shovel, hoe and kylo - they are clearer and more familiar. Life resources they draw in agriculture. Kalashi manage to grow wheat and other grain crops on lands separated from stone. But the main role in their livelihoods is played by cattle, mainly goats, which give the descendants of the ancient Aryans milk and milk products, wool and meat.

In everyday life, a clear and unshakable division of duties is striking: men are first in labor and hunting, women only help them in the least laborious operations (weeding, daughter, household). In the house, men sit at the head of the table and take all the significant solutions in the family (in the community). For women, Bologna is built in every settlement - a separate house where women communities give birth to children and spend time in "critical days."

Calash's woman to give birth to a child only in the Bashley, and therefore pregnant ladies settle in the "maternity hospital". Where such a tradition came from, no one knows, but other segregation and discriminatory tendencies in relation to women in Kalash is not observed, which infuriates and makes Muslims, which because of this belong to the Kalasham as people not from the world of this ...

Marriage. This scrupulous question is solved exclusively parents of young. They can advise with young, can talk to the bride's parents (groom), and can solve the problem without asking their opinions.

Kalashi do not know the weekend, but they have fun and pretty celebrating 3 holidays: Yoshi is a sowing holiday, the studio of the harvest, and Choymus - Winter holiday of nature gods, when Kalashi ask Gods to send them a soft winter and good spring and summer.
During Choymus, every family scores a goat as a sacrifice, whose meat is treated for everyone who goes to visit or will meet on the street.

Closer to modern times

In the 1980s, the development of writing for the Kalash language in two versions was based on Latin and Persian graphics. The Persian version turned out to be preferable and in 1994 the illustrated alphabet and reading a book on Kalash language based on Persian graphics came out. In the 2000s, an active transition to Latin font began. In 2003, the Alphabet "Kal'as'a Alibe" was issued.

The first researchers and missionaries began to penetrate Cafyristan after the colonization of India, but under this surround information about its inhabitants provided the English doctor Georg Scott Robertson, who visited Kafiristan in 1889 and lived there during the year. The uniqueness of the Robertson expedition is that they were assembled material on the rites and traditions of kafirs to the Islamic invasion. Unfortunately, a number of collected materials were lost when crossing the ind to India during his return to India. Nevertheless, the preserved materials and personal memories allowed him to publish in 1896 the book "Kafirs of Hindu-Kush" ("The Kafirs of Hindu-Kush").

Based on the observations of the religious and ritual side of the life of Kafirs made by Robertson, it is possible that their religion is reminiscent of transformed Zoroastrianism and the cults of the ancient Aryans. The main arguments in favor of this approval are the attitude towards the fire and the funeral rite. Below we will describe some traditions, religious foundations, religious buildings and krafir rites.

The main, "Metropolitan" of Kafirov was a village called "Camdysh". The houses of Kamdysh were located in steps on the slopes of the mountains, so the roof of one house was a yard for another. The houses were richly decorated with a sophisticated wooden carvings. Not men, but women, were engaged in field work, although men pre-cleaned the field from stones and fallen logs. Men at this time were engaged in sewing clothes, ritual dancing on rural square and solving public affairs.

The main object of worship was the fire. In addition to fire, Kafira worshiped wooden idols, which were cut out skillfully craftsmen and exhibited in the sanctuations. Pantheon consisted of many gods and goddesses. The main thing was the God of Imra. Also very revered was the god of war gisha. Each village had his petty patron god. The world, according to believing, was inhabited by a lot of good and evil spirits.

V. Sarianidi, relying on the testimony of Robertson, describes the cult facilities like this:

"... The main temple of Imra was in one of the villages and was a large structure with a square portico, the roof of which was supported by carved wooden columns. Some of the columns were completely decorated with sculptural heads of the rams, others had only an animal head carved in a round relief, whose horns, whipping the barrel of the column and crossed, climbed up, forming a peculiar openwork grid. In her empty cells there were sculptural figures of funny men.

It is here, under a portion, on a special stone, blackened from bored blood, and numerous animal sacrifices were performed. The front facade of the temple had seven doors, famous in that each of them was still arranged on one small door. Large doors were tightly closed, only two side opened, and even that in particularly solemn cases. But the main interest was the sash of doors, decorated with fine carvings and huge embossed figures that were portrayed by the Sitting God.

Especially amazing the face of God with a huge square chin, reaching almost the knees! In addition to the figures of God, Imra Facade of the Temple adorned images of huge heads of cows and rams. From the opposite side of the temple, five colossal figures supported by its roof were installed.

Kalashi - a small Dardian people, inhabiting two valleys of the right tributaries of the Chitral River (Kunar) in the mountains of the South Gygestukush in the Citraral Cittal County (Pakistan) province. Native language - Kalash - refers to the Darque group of Indoran languages. The uniqueness of the people, from all sides of the Islamic neighbors surrounded by Islamized neighbors, is that a significant part of it still confesses the paganism, which established on the basis of Indoran religion and substrate beliefs.

If Kalashi were a numerous people with a separate territory and statehood, their existence would hardly have anyone surprised, but today no more than 6 thousand people have been preserved - they are the most miniature and mysterious ethnic group of the Asian region.

Kalashi (self-talent: Kasivo; The name "Kalash" comes from the name of the area) - Nature in Pakistan, living in high-mountainous areas of Hindukusha (Nuristan or Kafirst). The number is about 6 thousand people. They were almost completely exterminated as a result of the Muslim genocide by the beginning of the 20th century, as they confess paganism. Lead a closed lifestyle. They speak the Kalash language of the Darque Group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200b(however, about half of the words of their language have no analogues in other Darodi languages, as in the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples). In Pakistan, the belief is common that Kalashi are descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonian (in connection with which the Government of Macedonia built a focus of culture in this area, see, for example, "Macedonia Gradi Kulturien Centur Kahu Huntsite in Pakistan"). The appearance of some kalays is characteristic of the North European peoples, there are often blue-eyed and blondism among them. In this case, part of the kalaks have a completely characteristic of the region asian appearance.

Religion of most Kalashov - paganism; Their pantheon has a lot of common features with a reconstructed ancient Aryan pantheon. The approval of some journalists that Kalashi worship "the ancient Greek gods" are unfounded. At the same time, about 3 thousand Kalashov - Muslims. The transition to Islam is not welcomed by Kalash, trying to preserve their generic identity. Kalashi are not descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonsky, and the North European appearance of the part of them is due to the preservation of the initial Indo-European Genofond as a result of a refusal of mixing with the progress of the non-Russian population. Along with the Kalash, representatives of the people of Hunza and some ethnic groups of Pamir residents, Persians, and others also possess similar anthropological characteristics.

Scientists belong to the Kalash for the White Ross are a fact. Persons from many Kalashi - purely European. White skin, unlike Pakistanis and Afghans. And light and often have a needal eye - as a passport of incorrect Cafira. Eyes have blue, gray, green and very rarely brown. There is another touch, which does not fit into a common culture and life to the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kalashi have always been manufactured for themselves and enjoyed furniture. They eat at the table, sitting on the chairs, - excesses that have never been inherent in local "Aboriginal" and appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the 21st centuries, but did not fit. And Kalashi, the time of centuries used the tables and chairs ...

At the end of the first millennium, Islam came to Asia, and with him and the troubles of the Indo-European and in particular the people of Kalashov, who did not want to change the faith of ancestors to the Avhramic "Teaching of the Book." Survive in Pakistan, confessing paganism, is almost hopeless. Local Muslim communities persistently tried to force the Kalash to accept Islam. And many Kalashi were forced to obey: either to live, accepting a new religion, or die. In the XVIII-nineteenth centuries, Muslim was cut out by thousands of thousands. Those who have not obeyed and at least secretly sent pagan cults, the authorities at best chased with fertile lands, driving into the mountains, and more often - destroyed.

The cruel genocide of the People of Kalash continued until the middle of the XIX century, while the tiny territory, which Muslims called Kafirstan (the land of incorrect), where Kalashi lived, did not come under the jurisdiction of the British Empire. It saved them from full extermination. But now Kalashi is on the verge of extinction. Many are forced to assimilate (through marriage) with Pakistanis and Afghans, taking Islam, it is easier to survive and get a job, education, position.

Kalash village

Life of modern Kalash can be called Spartan. Kalashi live by communities - it is easier to survive. They live in homes that build out of stone, wood and clay. The roof of the lower house (floor) is simultaneously the floor or veranda of the house of another family. Of all the amenities in the hut: the table, chairs, benches and clay dishes. About electricity and television Kalashi know only the first. Shovel, hoe and kylo - they are clearer and more familiar. Life resources they draw in agriculture. Kalashi manage to grow wheat and other grain crops on lands separated from stone. But the main role in their livelihoods is played by cattle, mainly goats, which give the descendants of the ancient Aryans milk and milk products, wool and meat.

In everyday life, a clear and unshakable division of duties is striking: men are first in labor and hunting, women only help them in the least laborious operations (weeding, daughter, household). In the house, men sit at the head of the table and take all the significant solutions in the family (in the community). For women, Bologna is built in every settlement - a separate house where women communities give birth to children and spend time in "critical days." Calash's woman to give birth to a child only in the Bashley, and therefore pregnant ladies settle in the "maternity hospital". Where such a tradition came from, no one knows, but other segregation and discriminatory tendencies against women in Kalash is not observed that he infuriates and laughs Muslims, which are from for this to Kalash, how people are not from this world ...

Part of the Kalaks have a completely characteristic Asian appearance for the region, but they often have blue or green eyes.

Marriage. This scrupulous question is solved exclusively parents of young. They can advise with young, can talk to the bride's parents (groom), and can solve the problem without asking their opinions.

Kalashi do not know the weekend, but they have fun and pretty celebrating 3 holidays: Yoshi is a sowing holiday, the studio of the harvest, and Choymus - Winter holiday of nature gods, when Kalashi ask Gods to send them a soft winter and good spring and summer.
During Choymus, every family scores a goat as a sacrifice, whose meat is treated for everyone who goes to visit or will meet on the street.

Kalashi language, or Kalash - the language of the Darque group of the Indoran branch of the Indo-European language family. It is common among the Kalashai in several Gindukusha Valleys, the south-west of the city of Chitral in the North-West Border Province of Pakistan. Belonging to the Darque subgroup is in question, since a little more than half of words are similar to those equivalent to the meaning in the language of Khowar, which also enters this subgroup. From the point of view of phonology, the language is atypical (Heegård & Mørch 2004).

In Kalash language, the basic vocabulary composition of Sanskrit is very well preserved, for example:

In the 1980s, the development of writing for the Kalash language in two versions was based on Latin and Persian graphics. The Persian version turned out to be preferable and in 1994 the illustrated alphabet and reading a book on Kalash language based on Persian graphics came out. In the 2000s, an active transition to Latin font began. In 2003, the Alphabet "Kal'as'a Alibe" was issued. (eng.)

Religion and Culture Kalash

The first researchers and missionaries began to penetrate Cafyristan after the colonization of India, but under this surround information about its inhabitants provided the English doctor Georg Scott Robertson, who visited Kafiristan in 1889 and lived there during the year. The uniqueness of the Robertson expedition is that they were assembled material on the rites and traditions of kafirs to the Islamic invasion. Unfortunately, a number of collected materials were lost when crossing the ind to India during his return to India. Nevertheless, the preserved materials and personal memories allowed him to publish in 1896 the book "Kafirs of Hindu-Kush" ("The Kafirs of Hindu-Kush").

The pagan temple of Kalash. In the center of the generic post.

Based on the observations of the religious and ritual side of the life of Kafirs made by Robertson, it is possible that their religion is reminiscent of transformed Zoroastrianism and the cults of the ancient Aryans. The main arguments in favor of this approval are the attitude towards the fire and the funeral rite. Below we will describe some traditions, religious foundations, religious buildings and krafir rites.

The main, "Metropolitan" of Kafirov was a village called "Camdysh". The houses of Kamdysh were located in steps on the slopes of the mountains, so the roof of one house was a yard for another. The houses were richly decorated with a sophisticated wooden carvings. Not men, but women, were engaged in field work, although men pre-cleaned the field from stones and fallen logs. Men at this time were engaged in sewing clothes, ritual dancing on rural square and solving public affairs.

The main object of worship was the fire. In addition to fire, Kafira worshiped wooden idols, which were cut out skillfully craftsmen and exhibited in the sanctuations. Pantheon consisted of many gods and goddesses. The main thing was the God of Imra. Also very revered was the god of war gisha. Each village had his petty patron god. The world, according to believing, was inhabited by a lot of good and evil spirits.

Generic post with a stewed outlet.

V. Sarianidi, relying on the testimony of Robertson, describes the cult facilities like this:

"... The main temple of Imra was in one of the villages and was a large structure with a square portico, the roof of which was supported by carved wooden columns. Some of the columns were completely decorated with sculptural heads of the rams, others had only an animal head carved in a round relief, whose horns, whipping the barrel of the column and crossed, climbed up, forming a peculiar openwork grid. In her empty cells there were sculptural figures of funny men.

It is here, under a portion, on a special stone, blackened from bored blood, and numerous animal sacrifices were performed. The front facade of the temple had seven doors, famous in that each of them was still arranged on one small door. Large doors were tightly closed, only two side opened, and even that in particularly solemn cases. But the main interest was the sash of doors, decorated with fine carvings and huge embossed figures that were portrayed by the Sitting God. Especially amazing the face of God with a huge square chin, reaching almost the knees! In addition to the figures of God, Imra Facade of the Temple adorned images of huge heads of cows and rams. From the opposite side of the temple, five colossal figures supported by its roof were installed.

Walking around the temple and admiring him with a carved "shirt", look through a small hole inward, which, however, you need to make a sneak, so as not to offend the religious feelings of kafirs. In the middle of the room in a cool dusk can be seen directly on the floor square focus, in the corners of which poles are installed, also covered with amazingly thin threads, which is an image of human faces. On the opposite wall of the wall, an altar framed by images of animals is arranged; In the corner under a special Baldakhin there is a wooden statue of God himself. The remaining walls of the temple are decorated with carved hats of the wrong hemispherical shape planted on the ends of the poles. ... Separate temples were built only for the main gods, and for the minor, one sanctuary for several Goddow was erected. So, there were small chemisters with carved windows, of which the faces of different wooden idols peeking out. "

Among the most important rituals were the choice of elders, cooking wine, sacrifices of gods and burial. Like most rituals, the choice of elders was accompanied by mass sacrifices of goats and abundant treats. Elections of the chief elder (Justa) were made by elders from among the elders. These elections were also accompanied by the reading of sacred hymns dedicated to the gods, sacrifices and treats the gathered elders in the candidate's house:

"... The priests present on the feast sit down in the center of the room, wound a magnificent turban on his head, richly decorated with shells, red glass beads, and in front - Archie twigs. His ears are manifolding earrings, the neck is wearing a massive necklace, and on the hand - bracelets. The long shirt, reaching the knees, is freely descending on embroidered pants, refilled in boots with long-top. A bright silk Badakhshan bathrobe is screwed over on top of this clothing, a dance ritual actuator will be covered in her hand.

Here is one of the sitting elders slowly gets up and, riding her head with white matter, stands forward. He takes off his boots, thoroughly my hands and starts sacrifices. Handbooks of two huge mountain goats, he depends on a stream of blood vessel, and then, approaching the dedication, draws his blood on his forehead. The door to the room will be distinguished, and the servants make huge caravas of breads with branches stuck in them. These caravas are solemnly separated around the dedication. Then after another abundant treat, the hour of ritual dancing occurs. Dance boots and special scarves, which they pull the lower back are distributed to several guests. Pine torches are lit, and ritual dancing and chants begin in honor of numerous gods. "

Another important rite of kafirs was the rite of preparation of grape wines. To prepare wine, a man was elected, who, thoroughly kneading his legs, began to press the grape borders brought by women. Grape borders were hampered in wicker baskets. After a thorough crush, the grape juice looked into huge jugs and left for fermentation.

The festive ritual in honor of God Gisch flowed like this:

"... In the early morning of the villagers, the thunder of many drums wake up, and a priest appears on narrow curves, a priest appears with rigging metal bells. Following the priest, the crowd of boys, whom he from time to time throws the hassle of nuts, and then with her festive ferocity rushes them. Accompaning him, the children imitate the tears of Kozlov. The face of the priest is lowered with flour and coating on top of the oil, in one hand he holds bells, in another - a secure. Justing and writhing, he shakes the bells and secircuits, highlighting almost acrobatic numbers and accompanying them with terrible cries. Finally, the procession approaches the sanctuary of God Hisch, and adult participants are solemnly located in a semicircle near the priest and accompanying him. Here, the dust shoulded aside, and it seemed a herd out of fifteen bleaching goats, customized by boys. By doing its job, they immediately run away from adults to engage in children's pits and games ...

The priest comes up to the burning fire from the cedar branches, giving a thick white smoke. Nearby are pre-prepared four wooden vessels with flour, melted oil, wine and water. The priest is thoroughly my hands, removes shoes, pours a few drops of oil into the fire, then sprinkles sacrificial goat three times, saying: "Be clean." Approaching the closed door of the sanctuary, it pours and pours the contents of wooden vessels, pronouncing ritual spells. Priests serving Young guys quickly cut the throat of a goat, they collect splashed blood into the vessels, and the priest then splashing her into a burning fire. In the continuation of this procedure, a special person illuminated by the flaws of fire all the time sacred sacred songs all the time, which gives this scene a shade of special solemnity.

Suddenly, another priest breaks off his hat and, rushing forward, begins to twitch, shouting loudly and mad swinging his hands. The master priest is trying to take the separated "colleague", finally calms down and, waving his arms several times, puts on a hat and sit down in his place. The ceremony ends with reading poems, after which the priests and all those present concern their LBs by the ends of the fingers and make the kiss sign lips, meaning a religious greeting of the sanctuary.

In the evening, in complete exhaustion, the priest comes into the first home and puts his bells to storage his bells, which is a great honor for the latter, and he immediately orders to put down a few goats and arrange a feast in honor of the priest and his environments. So in the continuation of two weeks with small variations, celebrations in honor of God Guisch continue. "

Kalash cemetery. The graves strongly resemble the northern Russian tombstones are home.

Finally, one of the most important was the rite of burial. The funeral procession at the beginning was accompanied by a loud female crying and due, and then ritual dancing under the battle of the drums and accompaniment of reed duff. Men, in the sign of mourning, put on on top of the clothes goat skins. The procession ended in the cemetery, where only women and slaves were allowed. The deceased Kafira, as it should be on the canons of Zoroastrianism, did not burst into the ground, and left in the wooden coffins outdoors.

Those, according to the colorful descriptions of Robertson, were rituals of one of the lost branches of an ancient powerful and influential religion. Unfortunately, it is already difficult to check where the scrupulous statement of reality here is here, and where artistic fiction is. In any case, today we have no reason to question Robertson told.

The article uses materials from Wikipedia, Igor Naumova, V. Sarianidi.

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