What drawing to draw to the day of the protection of children. The best pictures and postcards in honor of the Day of Children's Day

What drawing to draw to the day of the protection of children. The best pictures and postcards in honor of the Day of Children's Day
What drawing to draw to the day of the protection of children. The best pictures and postcards in honor of the Day of Children's Day

June 1 - International Children's Day. Children's Day is not only a cheerful holiday for children themselves, this is a reminder to society about the need to protect children and their rights. A happy and safe childhood should be all that children can learn, to make a favorite thing in a favorable friendly atmosphere and in the future became wonderful parents and citizens of their country.

In the modern world, the security of childhood security is very acute. And the current social situation is exacerbated every year, this is the problem of not one particular country, this is the problem of the world community. Every year more and more transport is becoming on the roads, the number of drivers who do not comply with the high-speed regime, with increasing poverty, increases the growth of crimes, fraud and the number of asocial personalities, and this is only part of the dangers that lie down the child on the street, add dangers in Internet.

The task of adults not only to protect the child, but also prepare it for a meeting with various hazards, with dangerous life situations. After all, as you know: "Warned is armed". Adults will not be able to stay alongside the child all the time, so he must be able to help himself in a difficult situation himself, and it will be able to do it if he knows about existing dangers, learn them to recognize and avoid the party. The propaganda of a safe-style skill skills, of course, should also be engaged in a kindergarten, and the school, but the greatest significance for the child represents the parent position and views of the mother and the Pope on the security rules. Do not save your time, explain to the child how to behave correctly in different life situations, which is good, and what is bad. After all, saving your time, you can lose the most expensive - happy and safe childhood of your children!

We congratulate all the children with the holiday and invite you to participate inAn international creative competition dedicated to the Day of Protection of Children "Happy and Safe Childhood".

Creative works are accepted for the competition on the following topics:
"June 1 - Children's Day"
"My happy childhood"
"Our friendly family"
"I can do everything! All I can! Pole, draw and sing! "
"I love poems to read"
"How beautiful this world is"
"Safe Road"
"Safe Internet"
"Childhood without dangers"
Free theme for creativity

Send your drawings, crafts, photos, poems, stories, presentations, videos and other works on the topic of childhood, children's fantasies, dreams from childhood, the day of the protection of children, the rules of the road and the safe behavior of children on the street, careful handling of fire, safe behavior In everyday life, in nature and other dangerous situations.

Competition procedure:

Reception of works S.05 May to 20 June 2019 inclusive.

Definition of winners from 21 to 24 June 2019.

Publication of the results of the competitionJune 25, 2019.

Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month after summing up (when paying a diploma in electronic form).
Diplomas in paper form are sent to participants within one or two months after summarizing (when paying a diploma in paper).

Objective and objectives of the competition:

    Consolidation of knowledge of road rules and rules of safe behavior on the street;

    Formation and securing the skills of cautious handling, consolidation of knowledge about the causes and consequences of careless handling;

    Consolidation of rules of safe behavior in everyday life and in nature;

    Consolidation of knowledge and rules of behavior in dangerous situations;

    Creating conditions for children self-realization;

    Identification and support of gifted and talented children;

    Promoting the development of the intellectual and environmental potential of the child's personality;

    Upbringing in children of love for creativity, beauty, art;

    Raising an artistic and aesthetic attitude to art;

    The acquisition of children to cultural values;

    Stimulating the cognitive interests of the child;

    Development of artistic and visual abilities;

    Facilitating the development of teachers of any type of educational institutions, educational children of preschool and school age; Detection of creatively working teachers and creating conditions for their self-realization.

    Stimulating children, teachers to participate in network projects;

    Encourage children, teachers.

    Providing participants to compete on a scale that goes beyond the framework of the institution and the region as part of a remote competition.


Children aged 1.5 years to 18 years:

    pupils of pre-school institutions of any type of Russian Federation and foreign countries;

    students of 1-11 classes of educational institutions of any type of Russian Federation and foreign countries (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums);

    students of art schools, institutions of additional education of children;

    children who do not attend educational institutions.


    students of schools, technical schools, colleges, universities, etc.

    pedagoes of pre-school education, teachers of schools and gymnasiums, teachers of additional education, teachers of schools, technical schools, colleges, lyceums, universities and other teachers working with children, teenagers, young people living in Russia and outside the country.

Competition nomination:

    "Decorative and applied creativity" (on the competition of crafts for children protection Photo and video materials are accepted, on which the (s) crafts corresponding to the subjects are depicted.

    "Family creativity" (Photo and video materials are accepted for the competition, which are depicted (s) any crafts, drawings, postcards and other joint work, made with parents).

    "Our culinary masterpiece" (Photos are taken to the competition, which depicts culinary masterpieces, jointly cooked in honor of the holiday).

    "Picture" (A photo or scakopy of drawings on the subject of the competition is accepted for the drawings of the drawings to the day of protection of children on the subject of the competition).

    "Poster" (presentations and photos of the poster of your class, group, team, or individual poster are accepted for the competition)

    "Wall newspaper" (The presentation and photographs of the wall newspaper of your class, group, collective, or individual wall newspapers are accepted for the competition.

    "Master Class" (Master classes are accepted for the competition on the subject of the competition in the form of text documents or presentations, accompanied by photographs, video materials).

    "Lapbuk" (Photos of ready-made Lapps on the subject of the competition are accepted (at least 3 photos, which clearly seen the content of the folder, photos can be combined in a document type Word or presentation, it must be able to make a description of the folder in free form).

    "Thematic Corner" (Photos of thematic corners equipped with informational materials on the subject of competition, its works, possibly with drawings, articles of students or pupils, posters, books with works, etc.).

    "Literary creativity" (Any you made and creatively decorated work, telling about the festival, including poems, songs, stories) for the competition.

    "Expressive reading" (Audio recordings, video materials of expressive reading of poems and prose are accepted for the Competition of the readers).

    "Theatrical Art" (Video materials of monologues, stage collectives, scenes, fragments of the performance on the subject of competition are accepted for the competition.

    "Vocal and Musical Art" (Audio recordings, video materials of soloists, musical groups (ensembles, groups, orchestras, choirs, etc.), dance groups, young composers and performers corresponding to the subject of the competition are accepted for the competition.

    "Presentation" (At the competition, the presentations made by you, relevant subjects).

    "Film" (Video materials corresponding to the competition are accepted for the competition).

    "Cartoon" (On the competition you are taken drawn, plasticine, computer, etc. Cartoons).

    "The photo"(Interesting, unusual photographs corresponding to the subject are accepted for the competition.

    "World peace" (Presentations, photos, drawings and stories on the theme of peace, life on earth are taken to the competition.

    "Creativity without borders" (A free nomination in which presentations, photos, drawings, stories, any materials on the topic of competition and creativity are accepted for the competition.

How to apply for a contest:


The organizational contribution includes: participation + diploma in electronic form.
The organizational contribution depends on the number of participants:

From 1 to 9 people. (works) - 70 rubles, 70 rubles

From 10 people (works) - 60 rublesfor each participant in each nomination, 60 rubles for diploma leader

You can pay using the receipt, you can download the receipt Also, payment can be made on the e-wallet Yandex.Money 410012112592773 - a link-business card for translations (with the payment method, specify the date, exact payment time and the amount - the exact payment time can be taken from SMS).

About awarding participants:

According to the results of the evaluation of the competitive work, the Winners (I, II, III, place in each nomination) will be determined by the Winners (I, II, III) and winners (laureates, diploma). The portal solution is final and not commented. The winners and winners of the competition as a final document receive a nominal diploma. Participants who have not become among the prize-winners, as a final document receive a registered diploma of the participant.

Teachers, educators, parents, paying their organizational fee, can get their own registered diploma for leadership when performing work.

Also, teachers who organized participation in the competition 5 or more children (on which diplomas are decorated), regardless of the results of the competition, receive a letter of a letter with the wording "for active participation in the International Competition", which is sent to e-mail specified in the application, Together with diplomas. All diplomas correspond to GEF and certification of pedratrans.

Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month from the date of publication of the results of the competition for the emails specified in the applications.
Diplomas in paper are sent to participants within two months from the date of publication of the results of the competition to the addresses specified in the applications.

Diplomas are sent for free.

June 1 - Children's Day. This is a holiday that has an international character and noted in many countries. On this day, various events are held at school:

  • exhibitions,
  • conversations
  • thematic evenings
  • lessons
  • children draw pictures,
  • prepare crafts.

However, before carrying out any conversations and events with children, you should devote in detail them in the history of this holiday.

history of the holiday

The holiday dedicated to the child's Day arose for a long time. His story is rooted in 1925, when for the first time in Geneva it was customary to celebrate this day. The fact is that it was at this time that a conference was held there on the beneficial life of children.

Another coincidence. It was 1 June that the Chinese Consul General organizes a holiday for Chinese children San Francisco in the same year called the Dragon Boat Festival. That is why we celebrate the day of protection of children on June 1.

Later, when the Second World War was finished, in the Women's Congress in Paris in 1949, women of all over the world were swore to guard the world for the benefit of children. A year later, this holiday took place in 1950.




Crafts for the World Children's Day

How to celebrate?

Various children's festive events are confined to the child's protection of children. In school and Dow Teacher pre-prepare a plan of events, meetings, thematic lessons, concerts, children prepare illustrations, pictures. These are meetings, entertainment programs, concerts and more. Many celebrities are spending charitable shares and concerts for the Day of Children. This day is truly considered a child's day.

Children's Day is a reminder of adults about the problems and dangers that lie down the small inhabitants of the planet. At different parts of the Earth, these problems and threats can differ significantly. So, for Europeans, an essential threat has become an impact on the weak children's psyche of computer games, early puberty. In Asia, these "values" look negatively. At the same time, Asia and Africa suffer from epidemics, which are subject to, above all, children. The holiday is a reminder that children have equal with adults the right to life, the choice of religion, education, recreation, that each of the adults was once a child and he also needed mutual understanding and kindness. On this day, it is customary to visit the orphanage, children's shelters, give children gifts, souvenirs. Charitable institutions are arranged for children hiking in the circus, the theater, trips and excursions - everything that can warm and maintain kids.

How is the school and kindergarten?

At school and the Doe holiday dedicated to this day can be carried out in different ways. It all depends on which plan will be an institution. This can be an independently trained concert, visiting festive exhibitions, events, orphanages, etc. Special attention in schools is discharged by a class hour dedicated to this day. Teachers present the plan for such lessons in advance. The concert, prepared by the forces of educational institutions, pictures, from which the exhibition can be made can be timed to the Dow for Children's Day. If you do not have a clear plan, how to organize a lesson in this holiday, ask the guys to draw something that is associated with their childhood, with parents. Such pictures will be interesting to consider both adults and children. Also in Dow, you can offer children pictures for disaggregation. They may have children, planet, mom and dad, houses, etc. Pictures will help the guys to express their attitude to the holiday. In Dow, it is advisable to hold a holiday for the day of the protection of children together with parents.

Holiday Plan 2014 Children's Day can be built, based on the experience of previous years. Today, teachers, educators can find a huge amount of interesting materials: presentations, pictures, poems, songs, etc., which are applicable both in Dow and at school. The main thing is to convey to the guys thought that they care about them, that they will always be able to find in adult support and understanding.

Inna Udyanova

June 1 in many countries of the world is a day child protection. This is one of the most beloved holidays, which is revered by many nations. On the first day of summer, discussions on the topic of rights and well-being childrenbroadcast children's television programsSports competitions are arranged at DS. Various contests, events, performances are held. Children for the holiday make interesting crafts and pictures. Day child protection- Good and bright holiday, so we and the children of the preparatory group decided to decorate the group " Sun.". The sun personifies the heat, joy, love! And how in a song, "let it always be the sun, blue sky and peace on our land! "

To work, we need:

1. White sheet of paper A4

2. Col. Pencils, markers, markers.

3. Simple pencil

5. Col. paper

Scissors, glue

We supply the fingers of the child in a circle to work out sun. We supply the red marker (felt-tip pen, inside an eraser erase the extra contours.

Draw a sodium sodium(as a fantasy requires)

Coloring sun and sky color. Pencils. Now we need to decorate our sun Wreath Flowers. To do this, we will need a square at least 5cm, I made 6cm.

Square color. Paper minimize diagonally (to get a triangle) three times, draw petals and cut out, deploy our flower and glit on sun. The number of colors arbitrary, depending on what size you will cut flowers. Color tips can be scissors. In the same way, we cut the leaflets gluitive, I still drawd the line on the leaves. Our drawing ready.

Irkutsk, May 27 - AIF-Sun. The International Children's Day is approaching, which will be celebrated for the 64th year in a row. We suggest you make a little gift for your child with your own hands. Our master class will teach you to create drawings on T-shirts with acrylic paints.

\u003e\u003e All step-by-step master classes from "AiF-Sun"

For the manufacture we will need:

Clean, smooth T-shirt (100% cotton);

A funny picture that can be drawn independently or print a suitable on the printer. The size of the picture should be no more than 10x15 cm.

Acrylic paints on the fabric (I personally prefer decola, but you can use conventional acrylic paints, the main thing then correctly fasten the drawing).

Scissors, chalk, newspaper or old magazine.


1. If you know how to draw, you will not be difficult to prepare an unusual and original drawing for our future T-shirt. If you do not possess artistic talents - print the appropriate pattern on the printer.

2. Now you need to cut the drawing along the contour. Cut and have it strictly below the neck between armpits. The first time it is better to try to perform a simple drawing, and the Zetas, when your skill will increase in the drawings more comprehensive.

3. Please note that the T-shirt is well stripped. Inside T-shirts (between breast and back cloth) need to put a newspaper or magazine so that the fabric from the other side does not dirty when paint absorbing

4. Call a small outline of our drawing on the outside.

5. Now the fine contour needs to be covered with special contour-paint or a thin brush.

6. So we approached the most interesting moment - paint! Remember that the brush does not need to be very wetted, otherwise the paint when applied is vague for the contour. If you took up the manufacture of T-shirts with the child, then this part will like him most!

7. After we inflicted the main background colors, we need to leave our drawing to dry.

8. Now we can draw on top of the dried pattern. Draw a cat yellow stripes.

9. Drawing a cat's eyes and a mustache with a thin brush. Leave again to complete drying.

10. As soon as the drawing is dry, you can fix it. We take out the substrate from the T-shirt, turn it over with a cat on the ironing board and stroit from the back side of the Iron 3-5 minutes.

After 24 hours, we need to soak a ready-made T-shirt in a bowl with water and a spoonful of vinegar. Stir 1 spoonful of vinegar in water and soak the T-shirt for 10-15 minutes. It will help the T-shirt to save your brightness for a long time! And try not to wash a t-shirt in a washing machine. Washing on his arms will extend the life of your work.

Wear with pleasure!

Let our children always laugh!

Let our children always laugh!
Let their eyes burn their eyes!
Let smiles give at dawn!
Let the children sleep at night!

Let them fall more happiness
And smaller difficulties, problems.
So that they tasted the charm of life
Without worries and life dilemmas.

Let the hearts always fight them smoothly,
Only with love accelerating jogging.
Let them be happiness will definitely
So that it was enough for him to the age.

There is no more important and valuable in the world, rather than children and childhood. Therefore, every year, on the eve of the Day of Protection of Children in AU Dow Dresses No. 6 "Fairy Tale" of the city of Raduzhny, an exhibition of children's drawings "The world through the eyes of children!".

In the hands of crayons, pencils ...
Kids - little magicians.
But so much the souls are invested
The world is beautiful on paper!

We invite teachers of the pre-school education of the Tyumen region, YNAO and KMAO-Ugra publish their methodical material:
- pedagogical experience, copyright programs, methodological benefits, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), Forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish from us?

From the editorial office of the Internet edition "Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region"
All authors of the reporting of the section "Preschool News", which are published under the Treaty of the editorial office, can order

If you are a teacher of the pre-school education of the Tyumen region, YNAO or KMAO-Ugra, you can publish your news material. Make an application for a single publication of the report, design and sending a "certificate of publication in the media." (Paper or electronic version).

At the end of the school year, the editors takes away the most successful work, together with the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen region encourages the authors with valuable gifts and letters of thanks.