What Task managers prefer Russian IT professionals and entrepreneurs. Task Manager Application Overview

What Task managers prefer Russian IT professionals and entrepreneurs. Task Manager Application Overview
What Task managers prefer Russian IT professionals and entrepreneurs. Task Manager Application Overview

New ways of conducting conversations have emerged and has become more possibilities for using animation.


It was chosen due to compatibility with the GTD process ( Getting Things Done - approx. ed.), power and synchronization with iOS. Today, this is no longer surprised, and the choice could be different.

Minus OmniFocus is that all my acquaintances that use this product are rolled to the allocation of priorities through time. If you want to allocate the task, they put her grandilan "for today", and she lights up red. Not all priority tasks are performed as quickly as I would like, and over time the list grows, and the process crashes to management through Deadlines, which contradicts one of the GTD principles - add only those meetings and orders to the calendar, which are tied to specific dates.

As Ruslan Fazlyev explained, there is no single service in ECWID to establish tasks.

Vitaly GolovineCWID Technical Support Engineer

We use various tools in technical support, and one of them is asana.

This is how the work is happening: we integrated asana with our forum in such a way that as soon as anyone is not from the ECWID command creates a new thread or publishes a message, it falls to us as a new task in ASANA. In the details of the task there will be a reference to the thread, where the message was published, as well as the full text of the message and the name of the topic.

Our whole technical support team consists in this service and can set tasks to each other. That is, each team members have a set of tasks or publications to which you want to answer. You can see them in the My Tasks tab, in which there are several sections: New, Today and Upcoming, - which allows you to exhibit the priority of tasks.

Asana also allows you to put a deadline for tasks and make them "resurrected": for example, I can create a task that will pop up before your eyes every day, a week or month, even if I fulfill it. Both functions are very convenient to use as reminders for yourself: the same Dedine for tasks also sends notification to the mail, so you will not for sure about them.

Perhaps the main requirement for Task manager is the ability to get a customer's question and respond quickly to it. Therefore, such close integration with asana helps to track the situation on our forum.

I tried to use Evernote to store tasks for my future, but did not come around. He too often flashes in front of his eyes, and I no longer see this text, you just pass his eyes.

I can also add to myself that I use the Gmail command to manage mail. Every day I have a lot of sites of the same type: notifications about the new email or chat in our Desk system, as well as new applications for applications in the ECWID Application Market.

Inbox allows you to group the same letters, and if my reaction is not required, I just with one button on a desktop or a simple swipe with a mobile lettering them like Done. If the reaction is required, then I can quickly respond to the message on the path or postpone it using the Snooze function.


For design tasks, we use Trello. Tasks to developers put in Pivalotal Tracker. For general tasks, we have overall projects in the TODOIST.

All three trackers are convenient and understandable, meet our requirements, there are applications in the web interface, as well as iOS and Android version.

Their main advantages are the speed of work, as well as accessibility on mobile devices.

Previously, we used Basecamp (another second), tried to work in Jira. The first turned out to be too simple and did not come up for development tasks. The second turned out to be monstrous and trusted. Pivalotal Tracker We still advised the guys from Aviasales, and Trello I used earlier for personal purposes, and in general, the creator of Trello Joel Silsky is known to many in the development.

Leonid Molvinskyhead of the Digital Direction of Gaming, "World of Fiction"

Inside the company we have several relative to independent units, and all use different tools for their internal tasks. I tried everything in your time: from Redmine and Basecamp before WunderList.

Now the IT department uses the free version of Trello, and the video studio is the Russian analogue of "Platforms", a paid version. The editorial board uses Telegram, chats in VKontakte (on the platform we have two largest platforms, and we spend a lot of time there), chat rooms in Skype (yes yes) and, of course, to maintain the relevance of the publication plan and special projects there is nothing better than Google Tables. For operational coordination between departments, we also use collective chat rooms in Skype.

Returning to Task managers - formally the functionality of the tools is very similar, differences in the nuances. Trello and "Planumbix", compared to others, are convenient to visual implementation in the form of a board with stickers. On the one hand, they are ideal for creative teams, on the other - this is the best realization of Kanban -Processsess. Cheklists are perfectly implemented - use them much more convenient than to make subtasks. Ganta diagram is also there. Of the minuses: Trello is not suitable for complex structured tasks and descriptions of large projects, there is no tool for storing attachment structuring and no budgeting, as in MS Project.

Maxim Satler.technical director "TUA? There!"

At the moment we use Todoist. For work purposes, including the performance of certain tasks with a multitude of subtasks, Todoist is optimal. The basic requirements for Task manager were simplicity, ease of use and free.

The benefits of the product include a quick task creation, the ability to create a project or a list of tasks for a specific group of people, a convenient application for iOS, synchronization with a web version.

Of the disadvantages: subtasks during execution continue to hang, highlighted with a pale gray color until the whole task is fully fulfilled.

For example, we had the global task of the "Redesign Site", and in it - a lot of small subtasks: from redesign specific icons before changing slogan. As a result, with the disclosure of the task, dozens of subtasks occurring the entire screen, of which half have already been completed.

Also, recently, an attachment cannot be added in the free version of the application. It became uncomfortable, for example, to mark errors on the site, because it is impossible to immediately add a screenshot to the task.

Dmitry Provotorovexecutive Director of the Interactive Agency "Manufacture"

In "Manufactory" we manage the tasks of Canbana. 30 steps of project implementation are developed and integrated - from receipt of the application until the project hit in the portfolio. For each step, the instruction is prescribed, the responsible are scheduled. For the visualization of Canbana, we use Trello, for resource management and calendar planning - Gantt chart and Omniplan tool.

In our opinion, the tool must be harmoniously integrated into the work of the team. It is important that the team members see the benefits of its use. This is solved not only by the choice of the instrument, but also the development of the regulation of its use, by reporting ideology to the team.

Kanban is a whole ideology that works for improving the efficiency of the team. In "Manufactory", its integration helped to visualize the state of each of the projects, clearly determine the responsibility of each of the team members, to develop more efficient project work schemes, allow the team members to see the processes and influence them, offer and implement improvements.

Trello As a canbana visualization tool helps at any time to see the situation as at a high level (which project at what stage is located) and on low (checklists, evaluations, pits, data from customers, layouts, and so on).

Disadvantages when working with Trello: The speed of the web application and mobile applications sometimes leave to desire the best, especially with large boards.

Also at one time we actively used GTD managers Basecamp, Things, Wunderlist. They switched to Canbana because GTD, in our opinion, is effective on a short distance like a tactical tool. Attempts to use it for a large number of projects and tasks led to the litter of checklists, blurring zones of responsibility and loss of focus managers.

Alexey Rodkovtechnical Director Pure

At the moment we use the cloud version of Jira.

Initially, we were looking for a tool that would combine the boards for Agile-Development, the maintenance of a backbone and a bug tracker. No less important was the ability to configure the custom workflow for each individual type of task and integration with the SLACK, so that all team members are always aware of what is happening in real time.

Of the unconditional advantages - the ability to divide tasks on components and platforms (we develop applications for iOS and Android, as well as write for them server part), support for third-party plug-ins (we use them for testing and time reports).

Of the minuses - a overwhelled interface, a confusing rights scheme for users and familiar to all working with JIRA a strange count of the time of nested tasks, which you need to remember when planning.

Also lack the built-in calendar plan, which is only offered as a plugin to Confluence.

JIRA We use more than a year, before you tried to conduct tasks in Bitbucket and in Trello, but it is possible to effectively work with these tools to manage development tasks only if you have a small command: from a certain point everything turns into chaos.

Pavel Glushkovtechnical Director 2can.

We are in 2can using Bitrix for shared tasks and JIRA for IT.

Artem Pol.wORKLE project manager

We use a number of tools that depends on the current set of active projects in the company.

Main Tool - Jira. The developers always sit in it, typical tasks are also being trained in it. For top-level scheduling - Google Docs. For quick business projects, where speed is important - the board in the corridor and daily planning meetings plus the channel in Slack.

Jira was chosen to combine the Task Tracks of the Development and Business Control Department. Hence the main requirement is the flexibility of setting up dashboards, tickets, status, additional fields. For development it was possible to conduct Agile-boards. Normal search is also required.

The advantages of JIRA include flexibility. We use custom fields: for typical tasks, the "Cointers" field was added and some notifications were tied to them. For metrics in quality made checkboxes about the place of error zone and the cause of the pass. Configured task boards, and not only for developers - there is a blackboard on the design. Also a significant advantage is popularity: if there are difficulties with setting, you can always find an answer. Good "native" documentation. The minuses include design and ease of use - not at the level of 2015. Without experience or love for learning a new thing in the setup, it is better not to climb.

Previously used "Megaplan". Moved because it is not suitable for development management. To develop earlier used targetprocess. They switched to combine several task trackers to one and were satisfied.

Of the minuses of both Task trackers - the cost, while Jira copes with the tasks not worse.

Sergey Babaevnekki Development Director

I use Trello and Asana. In Trello, our external projects from small external teams, in which a couple of people are involved: it is convenient to create improvised boards with laconic testes, then transfer them to the "executed" board and check the received build. Asana I use to plan publications in the heading "" and, oddly enough, as a personal calendar with tasks per day (attached only to the day, and not to a specific time).

Previously, Anote was used for personal needs on the iPad, which made it possible to assign different colors for different types of classes: when there are a lot of tasks, it is convenient to separate the urgency from the routine and the flue, which can be transferred the next day. In Asana, this did not notice, although it may have been looking for badly.

When he was engaged in the management of the internal team, I was sitting in Redmine, before it used MS Project (in a large project, the development of which went over the years and years), but I consider it unnecessary monstrous and suitable when planning large march-throtts. In my opinion, he kills the flexibility of planning (although everything can be used to everything - I just do not understand why).

Maxim Leonovtechnical director Kudago

At the moment we use targetprocess. Requirements that we have advanced for Task Manager are visibility close to physical stickers, and tests.

TargetProcess is convenient because it allows you to have up to thousands of managed tasks for free and doubles the requirement of visibility. By cons of the product, weak caustization and low speed of work can be attributed.

Previously used redmine. Refused because the Task Manager was not quite indicative and possessed the overloaded interface.

Task Manager (task manager) is a useful tool for project management. You can distribute tasks to all your employees in several clicks and follow them. We will tell why this will come in handy your team.

The workflow is simplified and becomes more organized. In Task Manager (Task Manager), all information is decomposed on the shelves. Who works about when he started when finished. If you have questions about some of the tasks, you can discuss right in Task manager, so as not to produce endless email.

Simple example: we need to develop an application. We collect the team of developers. The project is divided into intermediate tasks. Tasks, in turn, distribute among employees. They note when they began and completed work on one task. Or indicate what is missing to perform the task.

Thus, the project manager can track the course of work.

Result: No collective offline meetings are required, less spending time for all meetings and discussions. You just open the program on your computer or phone and see what is happening now in the project.

The task manager can be in the form of a program for Windows, Mac, Android / iOS or even Web applications.

How it works

  • First you need to register tasks for employees.Without it, there is no way in the usual workflow. But then everything is much easier. You do not need to collect meetings or even worse - to go to each person.
  • When a list of tasks with descriptions is ready, you specify the names of the performers.The program itself saves instructions to all employees and will then send you reports on the current states of tasks.
  • You can specify the task execution time.No need to personally control each employee: did he fulfill his work or pulls time? Task Manager will follow the deadlines for fulfillment by employees of his work and report if the term is expired, and the work is not completed.

Task Manager: how to choose the best today

It is best to immediately integrate Task Manager in. Even if you do not pay employees by the clock, it will be useful to know how efficiently they work. For example, a time doctor with the most popular Task managers.

Then you may not just follow the work of the staff, but also keep accounting how much time spent on one or another task through integrated Task managers. It helps a lot accelerates work in the future.

List of integrations on the control panel in the Time Doctor

The functionality of the Task Manager (in this example asana) is available directly in the Time Attached Door (desktop version). All in one place and do not need to switch the windows.

Here are the most popular Task managers among tens of thousands of our users.


Allows you to fully control the work on the project, break a large project into minor tasks, track deedlains and the results of the tasks performed.


  • You can connect to 15 users for free. In this case, Asana is a free tesk manager. If you need more - you have to pay.
  • A simple and understandable interface.
  • Integration with popular services (Evernote, Dropbox, Mailchimp, Slack, etc.).


  • No support for the Russian language.
  • Does not work without fed to the Internet.
  • Price per premium version $ 9.99 per month per person: This is far from the cheapest tariff among competitors.

You can find out more about the tariffs on the official website. You can also download asana.

Basecamp 3.

Combines tasks, calendar, group chats, event notifications and work with files. A universal program that can replace several applications to work with tasks, to fully organize and automate work. Basecamp controls not one project, no client and no task disappear and not lost among others.


  • Interface transparency. All your projects on one screen, each has a signature: when the last time it was updated. Everything is like a palm.
  • You can create an unlimited number of projects at any tariff.


  • There is no Russian version.
  • Not the cheapest price: $ 99 dollars a month

It cannot be said that Basecamp has some special original functions that would be highlighted among other Task managers. It is just a reliable option for stable operation: tasks are distributed, reports come. Everything is grouped by projects without any confusion.

Basecamp can be positioned both online Task Manager and Tesk Manager for Windows, Mac, Android and IOS.


It is best for companies involved in software development. In this case, there are especially many small, highly specialized tasks that are complexly connected with each other. It is necessary to constantly maintain contact with all project participants.

Task planning, tracking their execution, reports - all this is an important component of Jira.


  • A truly convenient and useful mobile application, because work with projects is not always conducted from the office.
  • You can optimize your work using Confluence, Bitbucket, Hipchat and hundreds of other software development tools. Task-manager JIRA is easily integrated with them.


  • The Russian version of the interface must be bought and downloaded as a separate plugin.
  • A narrow specialist tool that is not suitable for beginners

Jira provides a free 7-day trial version. Paid fare will cost you $ 10 for the team out of 10 people. If Task Jira manager will use more employees, the price will grow in proportion to the number, from $ 75 for 15 and up to $ 1,500 per 2000 people.


One of the most interesting Task managers in our list. Recently, the request is very popular: "Redmine what is it." Redmine- Absolutely free tesk manager, but he has such an inconvenient site that it is impossible to understand what.

This is the Open Source project (provided with open source), which means it can improve third-party manufacturers and simple users. That is why the interface has the support of several languages, including Russian.


  • Rich functionality. Project management, accounting time accounting, time spent on tasks, tracking their execution, support for Ganta charts - Here is a brief list of Redmine features.
  • Redmine Tax Manager easily integrates withmanagement systems SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs . In addition to this, there is supportDBMS MYSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle.
  • There are Russian version


  • Very uncomfortable and incomprehensible site
  • This is an application designer, where you yourself need to select a combination of plugins that suitable for your needs. For someone it is a plus, but clearly not for beginners.


Minimalism is a security deposit. This is a simple and understandable option for beginners, without a plurality of incomprehensible highly specialized functions. It is useful not only for teams, but also to increase individual efficiency and actually proved.

The official website of the product is especially emphasized by "design without distracting elements".


  • Convenient partitioning of large tasks and projects on subtasks and subprojects. Thus, you can easily distribute a huge project between your employees.
  • This Task Manager is useful not only to work on major projects. It will come in handy for everyday tasks. For example, one of the users noted assistance in writing thesis, the other - the organization of the wedding.
  • You can track their task execution, write comments, set priorities and create filters.
  • Multiplatform. You can download TODOIST on Android, iOS, Mac, Windows. And you can work directly from the browser. TODOIST supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Outlook and Gmail.

There are three tariffs: TODOIST for free, toodoist premium and todoist business. A free version can only boast only basic functions and has a limit of 5 people on the project. For the TODOIST premium you need to pay 2190 rubles per year, there is already a restriction of 25 people on the project. And for the TODOIST business the same 2190r per year, but for one user. Restriction - 50 people on the project.

2017. Microsoft introduced the T-Do task scheduler which will replace WunderList

Microsoft bought a popular WunderList task scheduler in 2015, and now is going to replace it with its own to-do. They say it was created the same guys as WunderList, so users must be satisfied. Microsoft to-Do has about the same functionality - it allows you to draw lists of cases and put reminders. There are advantages. First, it is integration with Outlook tasks, secondly - complete data encryption, thirdly, intelligent feature offering creating new tasks based on your story (so that you have forgotten anything). However, while there is also flaws. No application for Mac and tablets. There is no way to share the task list. Therefore, we hurry to import your tasks from WunderList - not yet. Microsoft says that Wunderlist closes only when all users get used to a new application.

2014. Lider Task - Domestic Cross Platform Tax Manager

Services for managing tasks that synchronize the tasks between the cloud of a plurality of computers and mobile devices are now experiencing the peak of popularity. Everyone knows such Western services as Asana, ProductEev, Todoist. It turns out that we have such a service is also present - Lidertsky. It works on PC, iPhone, iPad and Android. You can set tasks to yourself either to other users, as well as create joint projects. There is integration with e-mail (alert and creating tasks by email), built-in calendar, comments and files to tasks. True, there is a pair of flaws - there is no web version (you need to install the program to the computer) and there is no free version. The cost of the service, for example, 5 employees is 8830 rubles / year.

You must admit that after the absorption of Jive, the service for collaboration on tasks ProductEev was not particularly updated. But finally, they presented something new. First, a paid version appeared again (as you remember, immediately after buying Jive, ProductEev has become free). For $ 99 / month, customers are offered premium support, the possibility of branding and a plugin for integration with MS Outlook. This plugin can actually be used as a DDUCTEEV desktop client for PC and Mac. The list of tasks and projects is synchronized between Outlook, online account and PRODUCTEEV mobile applications. Also, right in Outlook you can create tasks with the usual way - one row with hashtags. You can add tasks directly to the Outlook calendar and they will appear in ProductEev. Well, another novelty is an optimized application for controlling the tasks on the iPad.

2014. ASana has a calendar

The developers of the popular service for collaboration and management of ASANA projects also understand that task lists need to somehow visualize to ensure that the manager can better imagine the state of affairs. But they decided to make this visualization to a more traditional way - as a calendar. Now, on the traditional online calendar you can see tasks according to the responsible and weeks of the week. Tasks can be easily dragged with the mouse. But the most wonderful thing is that you can display an absolutely any list of tasks on the calendar (in any section). You can display project tasks, or on a specific employee or several employees. You can show tasks in the status of "expired" or tasks, in the description of which there is the word "xyz" - for example, to show tasks on the client. Moreover, any calendar can be saved to "Favorites" and even solve for colleagues.

2013. Salesforce Closes Service for Collaboration Do.com

Salesforce has accepted a very strange solution to close the service for working together and managing DOCC projects. Do.com appeared in 2011. It was created on the basis of the popular service to manage Manymoon projects, which Salesforce bought as much for $ 35 million. At first, do.com was completely free and became quite popular, then (at the beginning of this year) a paid version with CRM appeared. No one complained about the number of users grew and third-party services (Dropbox, Harvest ...) were integrated from Do.com. And so unexpectedly - Salesforce announced that the service would be closed on January 31, 2014. Moreover, the import tool is not yet. Moreover, after a week, the Dreamforce conference begins, and how does the SaleSforce of Mark Benoff be looking into the eyes of people?

2013. Service for managing tasks ProductEev has become completely free

As you remember, at the end of last year, the Jive company bought an excellent online tesk manager ProductEev. And since then there were no special news from the service, and in the air Vitala tensions about his future. But today has excellent news. The service will continue to work, and moreover, it becomes absolutely free (until now it has been free only to 2 users in the workspace). What is the reason for such an altruism? Ilan Adebasser, the founder of ProductEev, which continues to engage in the service and in Jive, says that "task management is the most basic function of collaboration systems and it must be free (at least those vendors who want to conquer the market)." There is logic in it. Look, Jive now has to compete with Salesforce. And SaaleSforce has a similar service of Do.com, and in it, tasks and project management are free features.

2013. RosbusinessSoft has released a task management system

RosbusinessSoft company has always been known as the CRM system provider of the System of the same name, but recently they began to create new products on their platform: call center, Service Desk, online store, trade automation system. And today, the task and project management system and projects of RosBusinessSoft Task-Manager came out. In it, you can put the tasks of yourself and employees, and control their execution. You can attach files and track their versions. To discuss the task there are comments. Perhaps a unique feature of the system is the presence of checklists that can be added to the task. As long as RosbusinessSoft Task-Manager comes only as a local system (for installation on its own server), but allows you to work via the Internet. Cost 20,000 rubles per server and 2000 rubles for the workplace. If you purchase the full version of RosbusinessSoft CRM, the TASK manager will be included in it as a module.

The Taglian Agency has published a rating of Task managers (task management systems) used in Web Studios and Digital-Agencies of Russia. Last year, Taglian published a similar rating and then we were surprised that 1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal took 2nd place. So, this year - he generally overtake megaplan and became the leader. Taggin does not report anything about what kind of web studios this study was conducted, but apparently among the major. Compared to last year, a large number of new foreign solutions entered the rating (Asana, Things, Pivotal Tracker, Wrike, ProductEev, etc.). In addition, in a new rating, bug trackers were allocated to a separate category. Troika Leaders: Mantis, Bugzilla and Trac.

2012. ProductEev updated the interface. Released versions for Windows and Mac

One of the best online Task managers ProductEev has released a new version. Initially, this service was positioned as a supercross-platform and promised support for all possible platforms. And the realities of our time are such that desktop applications for Windows and Mac appeared last (see Screenshot below). Before them, ProductEev appeared in Webe, on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Outlook, Gmail, Google Calendar. In addition, a mobile web client has been made for Windows Phone and BlackBerry. As for the new version, it is mainly distinguished by the updated web interface. He became Outlook-shaped - with three columns. The subtasks appeared (type TO-DO, which can be added to the main task) and the ability to use the @ and # Task Task header (as on Twitter) to make it easier to assign responsible, tags. It has become easier to watch the tasks of a specific employee. Recall, ProductEev provides a free 2-user version.

Analytical agency Taglian, which is closely engaged in the domestic market of web developments, published its own rating of tools for managing the tasks used by Russian web studios. And its results were pretty amazing. First, pleased megaplan - it turned out that this service had already left far behind all competitors. Even more surprisingly second place 1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal. It turns out that almost 15% of Russian web students manage tasks with this rather complex portal. At the same time, others manage to manage tasks in Google Docs and Excel (where is Word and Notepad?). But specialized (free) Issue-Tracker for developers - TRAC, which is considered quite popular in the world, in our last place.

2011. Do.com vs asana - What is the tesk manager free and more convenient?

This fall appeared 2 services to manage tasks and projects that claim to destroy Outlook as a corporate Task Manager. This is Salesforce Do.com and Asana. And both of these services are so similar that many immediately remembered the history of Chatter VS Yammer, when Salesforce launched a free clone of a promising startup and ruined his life. But why all the attention paid attention to asana, because the online tasker managers are quite a lot? First, this service is based by the co-founder and the architect Facebook - Muscovic and Justin Rosnestein. Secondly, Asana is made so simple and beautiful, and works so quickly, which causes admiration even with experienced users of Web applications. And thirdly - Asana is completely free for teams up to 30 users. It makes sense to tell about all her features - it's easier to try.

2007. Business lists online

In childhood we had a bunch of time. We not only managed everything, but also thought how else to do. Now everything is different. A bunch of affairs at work, family, home ... What now, plow without rest on weekdays and weekends? Not necessarily, if you organize your life correctly. And it is for this that applications with lists of cases are "TUD". Well, since users are increasingly preferring network services, we will talk about online lists of affairs (organizers and calendars).

The free Anvir Task Manager program provides users with ample opportunities to optimize, set up and increase PC security. It has in its arsenal a mass of different useful tools that will help monitor the processes performed in the system and, if necessary, manage them. The functionality provided by this utility is much more powerful functionality, which offers a standard Windows Task Manager. Currently, it is almost impossible to find a similar software product that contains as many functions, unless you have to use a few, which is of course not quite convenient.

So, what did Anvir Task manager deserve so immense popularity? Thanks to controlling launched services, processes, programs, services, network connections and the provision of comprehensive data on their work. The user can see the workload of RAM, processor and hard disk, as well as their current temperature. In addition, this software displays information about networks, the number of received and transmitted traffic, speed, etc. Owners of laptops will not extend the output icons with information about the battery, looking at which you can easily determine the level of its charge and, if you need to connect the device at the right time to the power supply.

And this is not all the possibilities of this product, due to the built-in tweaker, the user receives access to the usual and hidden settings of the operating system, they are in total of more than a few hundred. Using this utility it becomes possible to set the processes priority, to postpone their launch during the time, quickly open recently closed applications through the menu in the system tray. And also upgrade the OS windows, this will allow you to control them transparency, turn them into a special icon or tray, consolidate anywhere and change the dimensions. To display both valid and completed processes in the program window, there is a special tab that logs that data.

Plus, the entire software in question helps increase the performance of any computers, tools for disabling unnecessary processes and services will help to obtain a significant increase in the speed of the PC. Moreover, driving autorun, just make up a list of software that should be loaded with the OS. And to load the system to occur even faster, you can later load certain processes whose work is not required immediately when Windows starts. Thus, these simple manipulations even on old gland will allow achieve good, and in some cases and maximum performance without any physical upgrade, and material costs.

In the name of the product, the word ANVIR is present, because the program helps to find and eliminate various viruses and malware. In addition, the utility estimates the level of risk of any process or application. Therefore, you can immediately see what running elements are malicious and immediately complete their operation and delete. Moreover, if any object seems to you suspicious, despite the fact that you do not consider antiviruses such, you can send it directly from the program to the Virustotal service and for sure to make sure that it is safe. Such possibilities provide additional protection plus to your anti-virus software.

In order to track all the processes performed in the system, you need to download Anvir Task Manager. Powerful tools, the presence of the Russian language and the understandable interface will allow you to more effectively monitor the PC state and make it a fine setting according to your tasks and needs. The program is really a means of all in one, thanks to this you will not need to resort to the use of several applications provided by the functional more than enough. This software product will be reliable for you, and most importantly free assistant in optimization, control, performance and security of your computer.

1. What are the pros and cons of the use of their project management system to control the time spent by experts?

Maxim Tenth, Redmadrobot.
Plus of its system - it is created by relevant specific processes.

Vsevolod Ivanov, Touch Instinct.
Most systems imply a beneficial fixation of the temporary costs of employees. In the case of outstaffing, the customer pays weekly the same number of hours. When calculating payback, we only take into account how the employee was busy on the project. The bureaucraticity annoys all, and there is no particular sense in it. Writing your accounting system may be more convenient in such a situation, but you need to be ready to spend strength and time on its support and development.

Konstantin Colomaez, EX: Yandex
Plus, in using your own project management system, only one: the system of your own development will allow you to take into account some particular feature, to which there is no case by the developers of box solutions. For example, you need to store a lot of data in the system, or integrate with another your own information system, or support IE6.

But many minuses.
First, the cost. Almost always a third-party project management system will cost the company cheaper than the development of analogue, albeit strongly cut in functionality.

Secondly, the speed of development. Companies engaged in project management systems for many years analyze feedback and experience in introducing products in organizations. This experience is in no way for a shorter period, even if you collect a big team.

Thirdly, quality. Products that exist on the market were drafted for years and over the years. In its own system, there will be errors that can lead to stopping or data loss. The use of a third-party system will not save on errors completely, but will greatly reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. Plus, third-party products are often much better worked out from the point of view of the user interface and dive, and this directly affects the cost of introduction and operation.

Olga Kulikova, Articul
One big plus - your system can be perfectly configured under your business processes. One big minus - the system requires support and development, and for this it is necessary to spend resources, which means money. The cost of the commercial product is always lower than its system.

Maxim MalyshevNOTAMEDIA
Pros: If the system is good, it can develop as a separate business direction. You can flexibly sharpen under your business processes.

Cons: Requires a separate team to support and development. With age, the bugs and bugs accumulate, the correction of which is postponed "for later", and as a result they never right away. If the key developer leaves, it is very hard to develop and maintain.

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
We do not believe in self-written solutions and do not use them.

If this is a question about talking about the pros and cons of the system we used, then we have Basecamp in production and PipedRive (CRM) in sales. We do not use not for accounting (this separately) and not for planning, but to communicate with customers and for ease of answer to the question "What do next?". Sometimes helps.

Personal Task managers have their own.

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
Plus, its own project management system is able to "sharpen" it exactly under production processes. The main minus is the cost of its design, development and further support and development. Of course, ready-made solutions today are flexible, there are many of them, and this allows you to choose the best option for most companies.

2. What factors affect the choice of project management system? What number of systems will be reasonable to test to make sure that the selected system is best suited?

Maxim Tenth, Redmadrobot.
Easy work with the system and customization, relevant to the existing process in the company. The search process of a better solution may never end, you just need to stop on the solution that is closest to the ideal at the moment.

Konstantin Colomaez, EX: Yandex
The speed of implementation and operation: how much time and effort will take reflection of business processes in the information system, how simple your employees will unlighten its interface, how much effort will be required to support.

Support infrastructure already existing in the organization. This is the technological stack, on the basis of which the system is implemented (if you need to deploy on your servers), and integration with other information systems.

Dynamics of product development and risks associated with the termination of its support. "Eternal" information products does not happen, and with some probability a company that is behind the development of some information system may stop working. For the consequences of such a situation, the minimally affected the company's work, it is important to understand, for example, that data from the project management system at any time can be "saving".

Olga Kulikova, Articul
The system must approach your business processes, be comfortable, inexpensive, easily customizable and supported.
5-10 testing systems - the optimal amount to make the perfect choice.

Evgeny Lobanov, Agima.
The choice of project management system primarily affect the tasks that need to be solved. Globally, there are systems that provide convenient communication between the team participants, and there are those that also provide additional functionality for developers (bug tracker functions, the ability to integrate with versions control system, the ability to automatically assemble and deploy, etc.). Currently, the functionality of the ticket-systems is very extensive, and the necessary minimum for the implementation of projects is practically in all systems: filtering and searching for testes, the presence of different types of tasks, sab-tasks, statuses, grouping vra and iterations, etc.

But still it is important to understand the complexity and need of projects. If the project is complex in technical terms, then you need to look in the direction of project management systems that include a bug tracker and other opportunities for developers. If the task is to optimize and simplify the communication and the process of organizing work on projects that do not require volumetric and complex development, it is enough to be a simpler system.

It is important that the selected project management system is relevant and updated by developers, otherwise you can face the need to replace it, and this will be very difficult when it is already very integrated into internal processes. Also, the choice of system affects the convenience of its interface. Now it is not necessary to test Task trackers to determine the choice. System developers give a detailed description of the functional, and the interface and interaction mechanics can be viewed on the video. I would recommend to consider all the main players of the market and decide that the closer to the functionality and user interface mechanics.

Maxim MalyshevNOTAMEDIA
The choice of project management system is influenced by simplicity of use, a low entry threshold, the ability to track key indicators, saving the history of the changes, the flexibility of settings, open code, API.

If you form a clear functional and business requirements, the number of systems during testing can be reduced to one.

Nikita Mikheenkov, Nimax
Most of all, the choice of project management system affects the coincidence of the proposed functionality and business processes of the company. The more carefully the system is chosen and test, the wider sample, the less time to configure and "finish".

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
A lot of time it makes no sense to spend: all systems are approximately the same bad. We took Basecamp - at the time of choice she was best notified of the changes by mail.

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
They can be allocated a lot - the start speed, the ability to integrate third-party services, the convenience of interface, reliability and security, ensuring the safety of data. But always the most key factor is the ability to build the system into the processes so that it accelerates work and helped it perform, and did not slow down the processes. We viewed 5 project management systems to select the optimal option.

3. When does it make sense to develop your project management system? Does the "self-written" system give greater control over processes than the ready-made solutions?

Maxim Tenth, Redmadrobot.
When the 3 most popular did not fit, your prototype in Google Spreadsheets works great and there are a million-other rubles per automation.

Vsevolod Ivanov, Touch Instinct.
It is for project management that does not make sense to write the system. Existing tools allow you to configure anything: any workflow, field sets, etc. The development of such systems was worth a lot, and the support goes even more. The only thing that may make sense is to write plug-ins and supplements for existing systems. You can simplify the system for a particular case, and you can add additional functionality.

Konstantin Colomaez, EX: Yandex
Over the processes - no. Modern systems are flexible and allow you to maintain any working process that exists in modern organizations. If your process does not fit in workflow project management system, most likely something is wrong with the process.

Develop your system reasonably when integration is needed with an existing non-trivial infrastructure, or when existing project management systems are not suitable for non-functional requirements: do not allow working with a large amount of data or work exclusively in the cloud, which for some reason can not afford your organization .

Olga Kulikova, Articul
Develop your project management system makes sense when there is too much time and money. If your system is designed correctly, it is undoubtedly more convenient, because you did her "for yourself."

Evgeny Lobanov, Agima.
Now there is a huge number of ticket-systems under all possible tasks and needs. Many of the systems make it possible to flexibly configure Workflow, install plugins to the functionality you need, and also provide opportunities for developing these plugins and APIs to integrate with other systems.

In the development of a "self-written" project management system, I see no sense. This will pull many additional questions on supporting and maintaining this system, while it is unlikely to ensure greater control over processes. Even if very specific functionality is required, it is easier to customize the ready tracker than to write it from scratch.

Maxim MalyshevNOTAMEDIA
The greatest control over processes appears as a result of symbiosis of the ready-made system, which covers 90% of the needs of the company, and the modules that are read to it, which are designed to manage and control specific unique business processes of the company. But in general, it strongly depends on the context. If the organization's business processes are all unique in the organization, then you can think about the "self-written" system - this is a matter of evaluation of labor costs on your decision and the introduction of a ready one.

Nikita Mikheenkov, Nimax
The "self-written" system allows you to move from "piecewise" automation to the construction of ERP, which takes into account all the nuances of the processes and combines information about tasks, spent time, financial and other data. This level of informatization of the company dramatically improve its handling and competitiveness.

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
Never. It makes no sense. Those who want to "play big boys," Jira is enough - they are "specifying".

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
Yes, gives. It is worth developing if the finished solutions are not able to provide 80% of the requirements. It is necessary to describe the processes within the company, make a list of metrics that need to be controlled. Based on this, formalize the list of requirements for the system, which should be able to do. If any of the existing systems meets 80% and more requirements - it can be used by improving the desired functional with extensions or superstructures.

Olga Kulikova, Articul
There are systems that support well-support work, such as support. There are systems that support project work well. There are systems that combine both.

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
Categorization does not help decide on implementation. Maybe, for sales, it is worth individual allocate (their market and allocated - and now calls CRM).

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban. There are systems, sharpened to simplicity (TRELLO), is - for the needs of the developers (JIRA). There are minimalistic (Basecamp), there are super combines (target process).

5. How did the distribution of Agile methods affect the functionality of project management systems?

Maxim Tenth, Redmadrobot.
Instead of Ganta diagrams, task lists and messengers spread. Plans remain a reporting tool to solve everyday tasks any means are good.

Evgeny Lobanov, Agima.
Thanks to the spread of flexible methodologies, almost all modern systems for project management appeared functionality of SCRUM / Kanban-boards, full-fledged backbone of projects, from which you can form scope in sprints, tools for sprint planning, there are opportunities for grouping tasks not only by versions, but And by EPIC (the big history of the user, which includes the availability of explicit value for it).

Also appeared specific tasks types for flexible methodologies: Story, EPIC, etc. Many ticket-systems have the opportunity to integrate with tools for CI (Continuous Integration - Automatic Assembly and Delete).

Maxim MalyshevNOTAMEDIA
There are graphic dashboards, Drag-and-drop, visual marking of states.

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
Had influenced. Previously, they were not fixed by Current State - and was ashamed of this. Now they are not fixed - and proud.

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
The functionality of most project management systems was ready for Agile methods. And then everything depended on users - whether they will use this methodology or not. And, as practice showed, the barrier is often in the head.

6. Are project management systems with a prerequisite for the effective distribution of employee time? Under what conditions can you do without them, and what can it lead to?

Maxim Tenth, Redmadrobot.
We can say about some systems that the time to work with them is spent more than on the solution of the tasks themselves. But when employees are more than 30-50, without them there is no way - a "single entry point", and transparency of processes for colleagues and manuals.

Vsevolod Ivanov, Touch Instinct.
In large projects (such as the creation of the operating system), the tasks must be taken into account and put in a single system. If the project's life cycle is small (for example, only 1 developer works above it), accounting for all tasks make an extra bureaucracy. Therefore, for small projects into the accounting system, it makes sense to make only bugs, and tasks simply discuss with developers. It is necessary to take into account all the tasks only if several developers work on the project at the same time.

Konstantin Colomaez, EX: Yandex
Only very small teams can work without a project management system, which have the opportunity to gather in the morning in the same room and speak every day. And then, most likely, each of the participants such a planer will have a sheet of paper on which its tasks and results are listed. And this is the simplest project management system.

The lack of a project management system in a larger company can lead to a slowdown in workflows, since employees have no opportunity to know who is responsible for and in what state is the problem. Because of such ignorance, interconnect, lining and double work will be asked.

Olga Kulikova, Articul
Project Management Systems are a prerequisite for the effective management of projects. You can manage employee time using simple time control systems.

Evgeny Lobanov, Agima.
Project Management Systems are a prerequisite for the effective allocation of employee time. In the modern world, the development of a more or less serious and large project is impossible without the use of ticket-systems, as it adds certain risks to workload planning, distribution of resources, controlling the development process, as well as confirmation of the accurate tasks. In terms of custom-made development, a natural desire arises, these risks minimize, so I do not see the point of refusing to use project management systems.

Maxim MalyshevNOTAMEDIA
Are. You can do without them, if there are no more than three people in the team, but in this case there will be something "riding" from Google Docs or Exel tables. The absence of the system will lead to the fact that the history of work performed, comments with discovered problems will be blocked, priorities between tasks will be blurred. As a result, it will lead to downtime, externally negotiations, breaking the deadlines and the rise in the cost of the project.

Nikita Mikheenkov, Nimax
Sometimes I hear about companies in which projects lead "in words" through chat, mail or table. Probably it is possible if the organization works "outside the market" or has not yet met with competition of more professional companies. In our market it is possible only in microcomands.

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
If the task needs to be solved, the tool arises by itself. Although on a piece of paper, at least in Excel. If the minor task is no tool to help. Banality, of course, but faith in magic tools is so strong that the hair is end - therefore I repeat, and repeat, and repeat.

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
In most cases, formalized processes of production and the project management systems forces will facilitate the training of new employees and their integration into projects, developers help keep focus, managers to visualize the situation. On small projects, the implementation period for up to 2 weeks can be done without the project management system. But if such projects are hundreds or gigantic projects, it becomes impossible to keep all the necessary tasks in the field of view.

7. What trends of this market would you have to be noted in recent years in technology, customer service, user behavior and other aspects that are important to you?

Konstantin Colomaez, EX: Yandex
In recent years, project management system has become in demand not only among developers, but also among employees of non-programmer professions: designers, managers of different sense and other specialists.

This is partly due to the fact that Task trackers gradually simplify their interfaces, give quick feedback, their use is less and less accompanied by the thought of "God, why am I writing it in the tracker, because you can go to the next room and talk."

Separately, it is interesting that in recent years, many large companies take their internal services and pack into a public product available to other companies. This not only moves forward a fairly conservative industry Enterprise-software, but also allows you to try on the processes that exist in large and successful companies.

Olga Kulikova, Articul
Project management systems "moved" to the clouds.

Nikita Mikheenkov, Nimax
There are more and more simple systems that are not burdened with complex functional, settings and the possibilities of "finishing". Such systems are good for some single configuration of the project management system and are also unequivocally suitable for everyone else. Accordingly, they are introduced very easily and elegantly.

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
Trend "And let's allocate the company in charge of one tool!" - noticeable and understandable. The trend of operating brands and the creation of fan clubs is also difficult not to notice. Again, "dashboard" uses negative popularity. And, of course, it's fun to follow how the systems are looking for, move methods of monetization.

There are few useful for business trends, and they are technologically worked out poorly. This is not a criticism, just the tasks for automation greatly complicated.

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
First, integration - the ability to connect services and applications to expand the functionality and the assembly of the desired one. Secondly, the influence of Scrum methodologies and the Canban on project functionality and their interfaces. Third, the subscription system of payment, SAAS solutions. Finally, access from mobile devices.

8. Did the impact on project management systems disseminate the practice of remote work and if so, what?

Maxim Tenth, Redmadrobot.
Rather, on the contrary, the remote work has become popular from the emergence of such systems. If the results are visible to all participants in the process and communication is not interrupted, sitting in the office at a distance of an elongated hand is not so critical.

Konstantin Colomaez, EX: Yandex
For a distributed command, the project management system is one of the most important communication tools that organizes a working dialogue around tasks, that is, actually work. To maintain contact with the rest of the team when remote work, it is well suited, but to discuss specific working tasks, Task tracker out of competition.

Olga Kulikova, Articul
For project management system, there is no difference where the employee is geographically.

Maxim MalyshevNOTAMEDIA
Yes. How else to assemble the team's current work in a bunch, which is dispersed by country and time zones?

Nikita Mikheenkov, Nimax
In our case, on the contrary, experiments with corporate wintering, several offices and freelancers accelerated the introduction of tools for remote work and the discipline of their regular use. We are currently banning direct interaction without setting tasks in the project management system both with remote and full-time employees. It is impossible to just approach and put the task.

Olga Pavlova, "Pavlova's dog"
When remote workers are involved, no task management is needed. Need permanent communication (SLACK, email).

Dmitry Provotorov, "Manufactory"
Of course, it was primarily on the functionality and access opportunities.