How Matroin died in the work of Matrenin Yard. Matrynin Dvor

How Matroin died in the work of Matrenin Yard. Matrynin Dvor
How Matroin died in the work of Matrenin Yard. Matrynin Dvor

In the summer of 1956, one hundred eighty fourth kilometers from Moscow on the railway branch on Murom and Kazan is a passenger. This is a narrator, whose fate reminds the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (fought, but from the front "Delivered with the return of the year for ten," that is, he served in the camp, which he also talks about that when the story was arranged, every letter in his documents "prompted"). He dreams of working as a teacher in the depths of Russia, away from the city civilization. But to live in the village with a wonderful name, the high field did not work, because there were no bread bakes and did not trade with nothing edible. And then it is translated into the village with a monstrous name for his hearing the name peatproduct. However, it turns out that "not everything around peatpooling" and there are also villages with names of challitsa, Ories, Spuden, Sheverney, sixmir ...

It reconciles a storyteller with his share, because he promises him "Conduct Russia". In one of the villages called Talnovo, he settles. The hostess of the hut, in which the story of the story, is the name of Matrius Vasilyevna Grigoriev or simply Matrin.

The fate of Matrius, about which she is not immediately, not counting it interesting for the "cultural" person, sometimes in the evenings tells the guest, fascinates and at the same time stunning him. He sees a special meaning in her fate, which fellow villagers and relatives of Matrius are not noticed. The husband disappeared at the beginning of the war. He loved Mathero and did not beat her as the village husbands of her wives. But hardly Matrön loved him. She had to marry her husband's older brother - Faddey. However, he went to the front to the first world war and disappeared. Matrön was waiting for him, but in the end, at the insistence of the Faddey family, he married the younger brother - Efim. And so suddenly returned to Faddey, former in the Hungarian captivity. According to him, he did not borrow the Matrius and her husband with an ax and her husband just because Efim is his brother. Faddia loved Matrihn so that a new bride was found with the same name. The "Second Matrion" gave birth to the Faddey of six children, but the "first Matters" have all children from Efim (also six) died, without living and three months. The whole village decided that Matrön was "pinching", and she herself believed in it. Then she took to raise the daughter of the "Second Matters" - Kiru, brought up her ten years, while she did not marry and did not leave in the village of Cherusti.

Matrings lived all his life as if not for himself. She constantly works for someone: at the collective farm, at the neighbors, at the same time, "Men's" work, and never asks for her money. Matters have a huge interior. For example, it is able to stop the raging horse, which men cannot stop.

Gradually, the narrator understands what exactly on such as Matrion, who gave themselves to others without a balance, and still all the village and the whole Russian land. But hardly it pleases this discovery. If Russia holds only on dedicated old women, what will happen to her next?

Hence the ridiculous-tragic end of the story. Matrön dies, helping the Faddey with sons to drag over the railway on the sledding part of his own hut, bequeathed Kiru. Faddia did not want to wait for the death of Matrius and decided to pick up the inheritance for the young with her life. Thus, he involuntarily provoked her death. When relatives bury Matrön, they cry, rather, by duty than from the soul, and think only about the final section of mattering property.

Faddia does not even come on commemoration.


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You, perhaps, have met such people who are ready to work in full swing at the good of others, but still remain outcasts in society. No, they are not degraded neither morally nor mentally, but whatever their actions are good - they do not appreciate them. About one such character tells us A. Solzhenitsyn in the story "Matrenin Dvor".

We are talking about the main heroine of the narrative. With a Matrea Vasilyevny Grigoreau reader to get acquainted in the already old age - she was about 60 years old when we first see it on the pages of the story.

Audio version of the article.

The house and the yard gradually come to the launch - "sumps out the chips, littered from the old-age log logs and the gate, when Tomoghivs, and their overturns were swathed."

The hostess often sick them, can not stand for several days, but once everything was different: everything was built with a large family, high quality and kindly. The fact that now only a lonely woman lives here already tunes the reader at the perception of the tragedy of the life history of the heroine.

Mature youth

About the childhood of the main character Solzhenitsyn does not tell the reader - the main focus of the story was concluded on the period of her youth, when the main factors of her further unhappy life were laid.

When Matrene was 19 years old, Faddey was launched to her, at that time he was 23. The girl agreed, but the wedding prevented the wedding. Westa about Faddea was not long, Matrona was really waiting for him, but neither Westa, nor the guy himself did not wait. He decided that he was killed. His younger brother - Efim offered Matrene to marry him. Matrena did not love Efim, so I did not agree and, perhaps, the hope for the return of Faddey did not leave her finally, but they were still persuaded: "Smart comes out after the posthouse, and the fool - after Petrov. They lacked their hands. I went. " And as it turned out in vain - her beloved returned to the cover - he got into the Hungarian captivity and therefore there were no news about him.

The news about the marriage of his brother and Matrena for him was a blow - he wanted to cut down the young, but the concept of what Efim was his brother, stopped his intentions. Over time, he forgave them for such an act.

Efim with Matrey remained to live in the parent house. In this yard and now lives Matroin, all the buildings here are made by the mother-in-law.

Fadda did not marry for a long time, and then found himself another Matrena - they have six children. The Efim also had six children, but none of them survived - everyone died to three months old. Because of this, all in the village began to believe that on Matrey Schalz, it was even drowned to the nun, but a positive result could not achieve.

After the death of Matrena Faddey talks about the fact that his brother was ashamed to his wife. Efim preferred "to dress culturally, and she is somehow, everything is rustic." Once the brothers had to work together in the city. Efim has changed his wife there: the Sudard started, I did not want to go back to Matre

New grief came to Matrey - in 1941, Efima was taken to the front and he was not returned from there. Died Efim or found another - probably not known.

So one remained Matrona: "I do not understand and abandoned with your husband."

Life alone

Matrena was kind and sociable. She supported communicating with her husband's native. The wife of Faddey also often came to her "complain that her husband beats her, and a husband's scorated, the veins stretch out of her, and cried here for a long time, and she was always on her tears."

Matrena sang her, her husband himself hit only once - as a protest, the woman left away - after such a thing no longer repeated.

A teacher who lives in an apartment with a woman believes that, it is quite likely that Efim's wife was lucky more than the Spouse of Faddey. The wife of the elder brother has always been severely bits.

I didn't want to live without children and my husband, she was decided to ask for a "the second scored Matrery - a womb of her trip (or the Bloodfish?) - The younger girl Kiru. She brought it up here as a native, instead of his unbeatable. " At the time of the story, the girl lives with her husband in the next village.

Matrena worked diligently in the collective farm of the value "not for money - for wands", in general she worked 25 years old, and then she, despite her trouble, make a pension.

Matrena worked hard - she needed a peat to prepare for the winter and the lingonberries to choose (on successful days, she "brought six bags" per day).

lamberry. I also needed to engage in the workpiece of the goat. "She took the bag and sickle in the morning and left the bag with fresh heavy herbs, she dragged her home and laid down in his courtyard. From the grass bag was obtained with a raid hay - Navel. " In addition, she also managed to help others. In its nature, she could not deny anyone to help. It often happened so that someone from relatives or just acquaintances asked her to help dig potatoes - the woman "left his skidding, was to help." After harvesting, she, together with other women, was imputed in the hustle instead of a horse and plowing gardens. She did not take money for his work: "I really care about it."

Once a month and a half she had troubles - it was necessary to prepare dinner for shepherds. On such days, Matrena walked for purchases: "I bought fishing canned food, and the sugar and oils were broken, which she did not eat." Such orders were here - it was necessary to feed as much as possible, otherwise it would be put up with a laughing.

After making a pension and receiving money for the delivery of housing, Matrery becomes much easier - a woman "ordered new felt boots. Bought a new tag. And I fired a coat. " She even managed to postpone 200 rubles "for a funeral", which, by the way, did not have to wait long. Matrena takes an active part in the transfer of the hill from its plot to relatives. On the railway crossing, she rushes to help pull out the stuck sleeves - the running train knocks her and the nephew to death. Throw off the bag to wash. Everything was a mess - no legs, no half of the torso, nor left hand. One woman crossed and said:

"The Lord left her handle left her right." There will be God to pray.

After the death of a woman, all quickly forgotten her kindness and started literally on the day of the funeral to share her property and condemn the life of Matrena: "And it was unclean; And he was not chased for the leaving, stupid, helped someone else's for free (and the most reason to remember Matrius fell - there was no one to take the garden to plow the Soho). "

Thus, the life of Matrena was full of trouble and tragedy: she lost her husband and children. For all, she was strange and abnormal, because he didn't try to live like everything, but he kept cheerful and good temper until the end of his days.

The story "Matrinin Dvor" was written by Solzhenitsyn in 1959. The first name of the story is "not worthwhile without the righteous" (Russian proverb). The final version of the title came up with Twardovsky, who was the editor of the New World magazine, where he was printed by the story in No. 1 for 1963. At the inside of the editorial office, the beginning of the story was changed and the events were not related to 1956, and by 1953, That is, to the rethrushkoy era. This is a bow of Khrushchev, thanks to the resolution of which was printed by the first story of Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" (1962).

The image of a narrator in the work of Matrinin Dvor autobiographies. After the death of Stalin Solzhenitsyn was rehabilitated, really lived in the village of Miltsevo (Talnovo in the story) and removed the corner of Matrius Vasilyevna Zakharova (Grigorieva in the story). Solzhenitsyn very accurately conveyed not only the details of the prototype of Maryna, but also the peculiarities of the life and even local village talk.

Literary direction and genre

Solzhenitsyn developed the Tolstov tradition of Russian prose in the realistic direction. The story combines the features of an art essay, the stories and elements of life. The life of the Russian village is reflected so objectively and diverse that the work approaches the genre of the "romance story". In this genre, the character of the hero is shown not only at the turning point of its development, but also covered the history of character, the stages of its formation. In the fate of the hero, the fate of the whole era and the country is reflected (as Solzhenitsyn, land).


In the center of the story, moral issues. Are many human lives of the captured area or a solution dictated by human greed do not make the Tractor's second flight? Material values \u200b\u200bin the people are valued higher than the person himself. Son and once beloved woman died at Faddeya, the son-in-law threatens the prison, and the daughter of luckless. But the hero thinks about how to save the brica, who did not have time to burn workers on the move.

Mystical motifs in the center of the story of the story. This is a motive of an unrecognized righteous and the problem of curse on things to which people touch with unclean hands, haunting mercenary purposes. So Faddia took to throw Matronina the Hubber, thereby making it the damned.

Plot and composition

The story "Matrenin Dvor" has a temporary frame. In one paragraph, the author talks about the fact that on one of the moves and in 25 years after a certain train event slows down. That is, the frame refers to the beginning of the 80s, the rest of the narration is an explanation of what happened on the move in 1956, in the year of Khrushchev thawed when "something strained".

The student's hero finds the place of his school almost a mystically, having heard a special Russian speaking at the bazaar and settled in "Kondov Russia", in the village of Talnovo.

In the center of the plot - the life of Matrius. About her fate, the narrator learns from herself himself (she talks about how the Faddey woven, who disappeared into the first war, and how she married his brother who disappeared into the second). But more about the silent Materon, the hero finds out from its own observations and from others.

The story describes in detail the hut Matters, standing in a picturesque location of the lake. Izba plays an important role in the life and death of Matriol. To understand the meaning of the story, you need to imagine the traditional Russian hut. The hut Matryona was divided into two half: Actually living hut with a Russian oven and a barley (she was built for her senior son to separate him when he marries). It is this hubby and disassembled Faddey to build a honeycomb of Matriol's niece and her own daughter Kire. Izba in the story of the waist. The wallpaper retained from the wall is called its inner skin.

Live features are endowed with ficuses in ads, resembling a teller-silent, but a living crowd.

The development of the action in the story is the static state of the harmonious coexistence of the storyteller and Matriol, which "not in the food find the meaning of everyday existence." The culmination of the story is the moment of the destruction of the flavor, and the main thought and bitter omen the work ends.

Heroes story

Hero-narrator, whom Matrion calls Ignatich, from the first line it makes it clear that he arrived from the places of detention. He is looking for a job as a teacher in the wilderness, in the Russian outback. Only the third village satisfies it. And the first, and the second turn out to be spoiled civilization. Solzhenitsyn gives to understand the reader, which condemns the attitude towards a person of Soviet bureaucrats. The narrator despises the authorities who do not appoint a pension that forced to work in the collective farm for sticks, not only without giving peat for firebox, but also forbidding him to ask. He instantly makes a decision not to issue Matriot, the boiled moonshine, hides her crime for which she faces the prison.

I survived a lot and who had an obeda, the narrator, embodying the point of view of the author, acquires the right to judge everything that observes in the village of Talnovo-miniature incarnation of Russia.

Matrön is the main character of the story. The author says about her: "In those people, the faces are good, who are in Ladakh with their conscience." At the time of dating, the face of Matrius is yellow, and the eyes are closed with a disease.

To survive, Matrön grows fine potatoes, secretly brings the forbidden peat from the forest (up to 6 bags a day) and the hay sticks the hay for his goat.

In Matriy, there was no loan curiosity, she was delicate, did not annoy in question. Matryona today's - lost old woman. The author knows about her that she married she came out before the revolution that she had 6 children, but everyone quickly died, "so that two did not live immediately." Mother's husband did not return from the war, and disappeared. The hero suspected that he had a new family somewhere abroad.

Matriol had a quality that distinguished her from the rest of the villagers: she disinterestedly helped everyone, even a collective farm, from which she was kicked out by illness. There is a lot of mystical in its image. In his youth, she could raise bags of any gravity, stopped his horse at the race, premeditated her death, fear of steam locomotives. Another omname of her death - disappeared by the beside the baptism of the bowler with holy water.

Matryon's death seems an accident. But why on the night of her death mice mood like insane? The narrator suggests that in 30 years he struck the threat of Matronic Lelmany Faddey, who threatened to chop Matrön and his own brother, married her.

After death, the holiness of Matrings is found. Potcharges notice that she has completely crushed by the tractor, only the right hand remained to pray to God. And the narrator draws attention to her face, rather alive than the dead.

Sedossels are responding about Matrius with disdain, without understanding her devious. Zolovka considers it unclean, not careful, not inclined to accumulate good, Matrius did not seek his benefit and helped others for free. The despised fellow villagers were even Matronina Cardicity and simplicity.

Only after death, the narrator realized that Matrön, "not chasing around the leaving", indifferent to food and clothing is the basis, the rod of all Russia. At such a righteous, there is a village, the city and the country ("our whole earth"). For the sake of one righteous, as in the Bible, God can spare the earth, save from the fire.

Artistic peculiarity

Matrön appears before the hero as a fabulous creature, like Baba Yaga, who reluctantly pecks from the stove to feed the passerby Tsarevich. She has, like a fabulous grandmother, there are animal assistants. The quaschey cat shortly before the death of Matriyna leaves the house, the mouse, the anticipation of the death of the old woman, rustle especially. But the cockroaches are indifferent to the fate of the hostess. Following Matrings, her favorite ficuses die, similar to the crowd: they do not represent practical value and are taken out of the frost after the death of Matrius.

Consider the work that Solzhenitsyn created in 1959. We are interested in his brief content. Matrenin Dvor - a story that was published for the first time in the magazine "New World" in 1963.

The author begins his story with the story that in 184 km from Moscow, following the Ryazan Railway, the train for another six months after one event slowed down their move. After reading the brief content of the book "Matrenin Dvor", you will learn what happened in this place. Passengers have long peaked in the windows, wanting to see their own eyes the reason that only to the machines were known.

The beginning of the first chapter

The next events begins the first chapter, its summary. Matrenin Yard consists of three chapters.

Ignatich, the narrator, in the summer of 1956 he returned to Russia from a sultry Kazakhstan, without determining exactly exactly where he goes. He was not waiting for anywhere.

As the narrator found himself in the village of Talnovo

He could do a year before the events described in the work except that the most unqualified work. He would hardly take even an electrician for decent construction. And the story "I wanted to teacher." Now he entered incurred in the Vladimir Oblono and asked if Mathematics teacher needed in the very outback? Very surprised by such a statement of local officials, since everyone wanted to work closer to the city. They sent a storyteller from the work of Matrenin Yard. Summary, the analysis of this story is better to compile, mentioning that he did not immediately settled in the village of Talnovo.

In addition to the wonderful name, there was nothing in the high field. He refused this work because it was necessary to eat something. Then he was offered to go to the peat station. From the houses and barracks consisted of this non-commodity village. The forest was not here and in risen. Sufficient enough was this place, but did not have to choose. Ignatich, having spent on the station, found out that the nearest village is Talnovo, and there was a funeral behind her, chairs, wheezing, Sheverney, who were located on the railway tracks. This is our hero inquiry, he decided to find housing here.

New Residence Ignatich - Matrenin Yard

Brief content in parts of further events will be successively described by us. It turned out shortly after arriving at the scene of the narrator, which is not so easy to find accommodation. Despite the fact that the teacher was a profitable apartment (the school was thrown over him over the apartment for the winter of a peat car), all huts were crowded here. Only on the outskirts of Ignatich found a non-Turkish shelter - Matrenin Yard. Summary, analysis of works - all this is only auxiliary materials. For a holistic understanding of the story, you should familiarize yourself with the author's original.

Matryrene's house was large, but neglected and dilapidated. He was built well and long ago, for a large family, but now only a lonely woman has lived here 60. Matoren unhealthy. She complained about the "black ailment", lay on the furnace. Special joy at the sight of Ignatich did not show the hostess, but he understood immediately that he was destined to settle here.

Life in Mature

Most of his time, Matrona spent on the furnace, highlighting the best place to numerous fakes. The angle at the window was assigned to a guest. Here he set the table, clamshell, books, extinguishing from the main spicial space.

In addition to Matrena Vasilyevna, cockroaches lived in the hives, mice and a quicker cat. The cockroaches were saved from the cat behind the bands pasted into several layers. Soon the rest of the bombing with her new live. At 4 o'clock in the morning the hostess got up, I made a goat, and then cooked in 3 cast potatoes: goat, myself and guests. Miscellaneous was food: or "Breakdown card", or a bunch porridge, or "cardboard soup" (so everything in the village called him). However, Ignatich was pleased with this, since his life taught to find the meaning of life not in food.

How Matrain Vasilyevna slapped his pension

The summary of the story "Matrenin Dvor" further acquainted the reader with the hostess in more detail, which Ignatich settled. Mature in that autumn there was a lot of offense. The new pension law came out at that time. Needs her neighbors to achieve a pension, the right to which the woman "did not deserve", because he worked 25 years in the collective farm for the workload, and not for money. Now Matrena was sick, but disabled was not considered for the same reason. It was also necessary to bother pension for her husband, for the loss of the breadwinner. However, it was not already 15 years old, from the very beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get certificates from various places about his experience and earnings. Several times had to rewrite these papers, corrected, then attribute to the saves, and it was located 20 km from Talnova. The village council was located 10 km to the other side, and an village council was in an hour's walk to the third.

Matrena is forced to steal peat

Blessly looked at 2 months, an old woman was angry - the heroine, which was created in the work of Sollenicin ("Matrenin Dvor"). Summary, unfortunately, does not allow composing an exhaustive description. She complained about the oppression. Mattress after these meaningless walks was taken for work: digging potatoes or went behind peat and returned tired and enlightened. Ignatich was interested in her, really a dedicated school of a peat machine not enough? But Matrena assured him that needed to stock up on the winter three cars. Officially, residents did not relieve peat, and for theft, he was caught and judged. According to the village, the chairman of the collective farm went, muddy and demanding or innocently looked into his eyes and spoke about everything, except for fuel, because it is a stock itself. Talled in the trust peat. It was possible to carry a bag of 2 pounds at once. His grabbed one protood.

Saturated Wasilievna Matrynia

Labor weekdays Matrery is an important component of the work. Without their description, it is impossible to do, making up a summary of the story "Matrenin Dvor" Solzhenitsyn. Matrena went on a day 5-6 times, hiding a stolen peat for not taken away. Patrol often caught women at the entrance to the village, and also searched yards. However, the winter approach was inevitable, and people were forced to overcome fear. We note this by making up a summary. Matrenin Dvor introduces us further with the observations of Ignatich. He noticed that his mistress's day was filled with a lot of affairs. The woman wore peat, poisoned for the winter a lingonberry, a goat - hay, digging "Cartov". In the swamps it was necessary to mow, because the collective farm cut off the sections with disabilities, although it was necessary to work out for 15 acres in the local collective farm, where there was not enough hands. When the hostess Ignatich was caused to collective farm work, the woman did not take effect, she agreed submorted by learning about the collection time. Often the name was filled with Matrene and neighbors - Plow the garden or dig potatoes. The woman threw everything and went to help her staff. She did it completely free, as a debt.

She also had a job when it had once every 1.5 months feed goat shepherds. Woman walked into Selpo and bought products that did not eat itself: sugar, oil, canned fish. The mistress was laid out in front of each other, trying to better feed the shepherds, as they would be drove throughout the village, if something is wrong.

Matreus once dumped his ailment. Then the woman lay, practically not moving, not wanting anything but rest. At that time, it came to help on the house of Masha, her close girlfriend from an early age.

Life Mature Timofeevna is settled

However, things were called Matreus to life, and, a little leaving, she got up, packed slowly, then started moving more lively. She told Ignatich that was in the youth brave and strong. Now Matrena was afraid of a fire, and trains - most.

The life of Matrena Vasilyevna was still improved by winter. She began to pay a pension of 80 rubles, and another school 100 rubles allocated for the guest. Matrene envied her neighbors. And she, having sought himself on the funeral of 200 rubles into the coat lining, said that now she saw peace slightly. Relatives even appeared - 3 sisters that were afraid before that a woman would ask for their help.

Second chapter

Matrena tells Ignatich about himself

Ignatich told himself over time. He reported that he spent a long time in prison. The old woman nailed his head silently, as if he suspected about it before. He also found out that Matrain was married before the revolution and immediately settled in this hut. She had 6 children, but they were all in the darkness of the thieves. The husband from the war did not return, disappeared. Lived at Matrena pupil Kira. And returning once from school, Ignatich found a high black old man in the hut. His face overgrown with a black beard. It turned out to be Fadda Mironovich, Lelin Matrery. He came to ask for the Grigorieva Anton, his negligent son, who studied in 8 "g" class. Matraine Vasilyevna in the evening told about the fact that he almost married him in his youth.

Fadda Mironovich

Fadda Mironovich wilt for her first, earlier than Efim. She was 19, and he was 23 years old. However, the war batted, and Faddey took to the front. Mattress was waiting for 3 years, but not a single news came. Revolution passed, and raised Efim. July 12, on Petrov Day, they got married, and on October 14, on the cover, returned from the Hungarian captivity of Faddey. If not brother, Faddi would kill Matreus, and Efim. He spoke later, he will look for his wife with the same name. And so Faddey led the "second Matreus" in a new hut. He often beat his wife, and she ran to complain about him Matrey Vasilyevna.

Kira in the life of Matrain

What would seem to feel sorry for Fadda? 6 children gave birth to his spouse, they all survived. And the children of Matrena Vasilyevna died, without surviving and up to 3 months. The woman believed that she was damaged. In 1941, Faddeya did not take on the front because of blindness, but Efim went to war and disappeared. Matraine Vasilyevna scored at the "second mature" Kiru, younger daughter, and raised 10 years, after which he was married to the driver from the church. At the same time, suffering from diseases and waiting for his death, Matrona declared her will - to give a separate log cabin to the inheritance of Kira after death. She said nothing about the most hidden, which was meticible to get three more her sisters.

Izbu Matrena broken

We describe how it was broken Izba Matrery, continuing a summary. Matrenin Dvor "is a story in which Solzhenitsyn tells us further that Kira soon after the frank conversation of the narrator with his mistress came to Matrey from the Cears, and the old man of Faddey was worried. It turned out that in the semists young offered a plot of land for the construction of the house, so it took Kire Mainica Matrery. Taught to seize in the Cerousts, the plot of Faddia gained to Matrey Vasilyevna, demanding the promised doors from her. 2 nights did not sleep a woman, she was not easy for her to break the roof, under which she lived for 40 years. This meant for Matrein's end of her life. Faddey once in February came with 5 sons, and 5 axes earned. While the hut broke the man, the women of the loading day were preparing moonshine. From the Cerousts, the son-in-law engine with a tractor driver arrived. However, the weather changed sharply, and 2 weeks the tractor was not broken by a broken hill.

Fat Event

Very passed during this time Matrena. Her sisters scolded for the fact that she gave Kira Mountains, somewhere the cat ... The road, finally installed, the tractor arrived with large sleighs, then knocked back and second. They began to argue about how to carry them - together or apart. The son-in-lawyer and Faddia were afraid that the two sleds do not pull the tractor, and did not want to do two walkers. He did not have time to do them overnight, and the tractor should stand in the garage to the morning. Guys, loading the doors, sat down at the table, but for a short time - forced to rush the darkness. Matrena jumped out after men, netting that one tractor is not enough. Ever an hour, or after 4 did not returned Matrain. In the hut at the hour of the night, 4 Railway worker knocked. They asked whether the workers and tractor drive were seized before leaving. Ignatich tanned the entrance to the kitchen, and they noticed with the annoyance that there was no baton in the hollow. Leaving, one of them said that everyone "blown up", and the fast train almost got off the rail.

Details of what happened

Include some details of this tragic event in the summary of the story of Matrenin Dvor. Mature's girlfriend, Masha, who came with the workers, told that through the move the tractor with the first sleigh, but stuck the second, homemade, as they burst the cable spent. The tractor tried to stretch them out, the son of Faddey and the tractor driver laid a cable, they began to help and Matrena. The machinist watched the train with the Cears did not heal. And then she was served as a manuring steam locomotive, moving without lights, he crushed them three. Worked the tractor, so the locomotive did not hear. What happened to the heroes of the work? The summary of the story of Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" gives an answer to this question. The machinists survived and rushed immediately slow down. They barely managed. Witnesses fought. Almost hanged by the husband of Kira, he was pulled out of the loop. After all, because of him, aunt and brother of his wife died. Then the husband of Kira went to give up to the authorities.

Third Head

The summary of the story "Matrenin Dvor" continues the description of the third chapter of the work. The remains of Matrena brought in the bag in the morning. Three her sisters came, locked the chest, captured the property. They cried, turning the woman in the fact that she died, without listening to them, allowing to break the hube. Going to the coffin, the ancient old woman strictly said that there are two riddles in the world: a person does not remember how he was born, and he does not know how he would die.

What happened after the event on the railway

The summary of the story "Matrenin Dvor" on the chapters cannot be described, without told about what happened after the fateful event on the railway. From the human court tractor driver left. Road office was guilty of itself that the lively move was not guarded that the locomotive "fiction" was covered without lights. That is why they wanted to dump everything on a drink, and when it did not work out, they decided to deposit the court. Repair of fused ways was 3 days. Darm logs burned freezing workers. Fadda rushed, trying to save the remains of the flavor. He did not burn his beloved once a woman and her son. Having gathered a nurse, he was a hill in a detour through 3 villages to himself into the courtyard. Died on the crossing buried in the morning. Fadda came after the funeral, handled the property with Matrena sisters. In addition to the hill, he was allocated a shed, in which the goat lived, as well as the entire inner fence. He all incered with sons to himself into the courtyard.

Suitable by the end of the story that Solzhenitsyn wrote ("Matrenin Dvor"). Summary of the final events of this work the following. They were swollen wisdom Matrena. Ignatich moved to her slander. She tried to urge the existently his mistress in every way, saying that she helped everyone disinterestedly, was dirty and irrelant. And only then, before the story, the image of Matrena, with which he lived side by side, without understanding it. This woman did not get out of his strength in order to buy things and then take care of them more than life, she was not chased and behind the outfits that embellish villains and freaks. It was not estimated and not understood by anyone, she was the righteous, without which no village, no city worth it. Not worth it without him and our whole earth, according to Solzhenitsyn. Matrenin Dvor, the summary of which was presented in this article - one of the most famous and best works of this author. Andrei Sinyavsky called him a "fundamental thing" of "rustic literature" in our country. Of course, the artistic value of the work does not transmit a summary. Matrenin Dvor (Solzhenitsyn) on the chapters was described by us in order to introduce the reader with the storylock of the story.

Surely you will be interested to know that the work is based on real events. In reality, the heroine of the story was called Zakharova Matrey Vasilyevna. In the village of Milsevo, the events described in the story took place. We outlined only his brief content. Matrenin Dvor (Solzhenitsyn), according to the chapters described in this article, introduces the reader with a rustic life in Soviet times, with the type of righteous, without which no village is worth it.

\u003e Characteristics of Heroes Matrynin Yard


Materon Vasilyevna Grigoriev is the main character of the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn Matrenin Dvor, the elderly peasant woman from Talnovo village. This is a single woman of the sixty years old, who worked for a collective farmer all his life, and now she could not get a retirement, since she did not have a fixed experience. Payments on the lurch of the breadwinner, she also could not receive, as the husband disappeared on the front of the years fifteen years ago, and the help from previous places his work was no longer possible. Soon she had the guests - a new teacher of mathematics in the village, Ignatich. After that, she was allocated retired at eighty rubles, and the school began to pay a hundred rubles for the apartment, and also gave the peat car for the winter.

Neighbors began to envy a woman. From nowhere to take, relatives appeared: three sisters applying for inheritance. Matrain itself was very kind, hard-working and responsive man. Despite the old age and different illegals, she went to the aid of the neighbors, the collective farm, leaving their urgent things. In his youth, she loved Faddey Mironovich and waited for him three years from the army. Without receiving no news from him, Matrona was married to Brother Faddeya - Efim. And after a few months, the Faddey himself, he wanted to bore the young ones, but the brother was native. He also loved Matrene and found his wife with the same name. The "second" Matrena attacked him six children, and Matrena Vasilyevna did not survive a single child. In the village they said that "damage" on it. As a result, she oversalled and raised the youngest daughter of Faddey and the "second" Matrery - Kiru.

After the marriage, Kira and her husband went to the church. Matraine Vasilyevna promised after death to give her to the dowry part of his hut. But Faddi did not wait to wait until Matrena dies and began to demand the promised log house. It turned out that the young gave a land plot under the house and the log house just would not hurt. Faddia and sons and son-in-law began to disassemble the hut and drag over the railway. Matrena and helped them in this. Sisters scolded her and asked not to give the house, but she did not listen. She died on the rails under the wheels of the train, carrying their own hut. Such a ridiculous and tragic death suffered heroine. Relatives Matrery at the funeral just thought how to divide the property of the unfortunate. And the story of Ignatich sincerely admired her and believed that it was on such as she keeps villages, cities and our whole earth.