How to draw an ax - something simple. How to draw a troll with an ax in the hands of a pencil Phased Creating a cardboard template

How to draw an ax - something simple. How to draw a troll with an ax in the hands of a pencil Phased Creating a cardboard template
How to draw an ax - something simple. How to draw a troll with an ax in the hands of a pencil Phased Creating a cardboard template

In ancient times, the ax was considered a combat gun. Now it is used as a working tool. Although this weapon used in everyday life, and seems universal, multiple axes are several. Everyone looks different and used in different purposes.

It happens: universal, which is used by carpenters; Multifunctional - used both as an ordinary ax, and Kirk, and a nail-holder; Colon - designed to split firewood; lumbering; Tourist is small and easy by weight.

How to draw an ax

Learn to draw an ax can anyone. All the necessary drawing tools are taken. First you need to know from what parts one or another type of ax is. Without this it will be difficult to understand how to draw an ax.

This weapon consists of a blade, a foothold, hatching, leaps. The blade, volatile and nozzles are metal parts, a pipeline is a wooden part of the ax.

First, the pencil is made sketch of the future drawing. Be sure to consider the parameters of the present ax. The figure should not seem to seem that some part does not correspond to the size of the gun.

Sketch begins with drawing blade and well. It is necessary to correctly make rounded parts of the foot. Next is the manh. When painting paints, it is important to choose the right color. The metal part itself is steel, the blade is a slightly lightweight, and inward the sound - a little darker.

When painting the axle, it is necessary to properly sket down. There is a small excavation on the toporishche to make it convenient to keep the ax.

In addition to the properly selected tree color for the ax, you need to make the necessary texture of the tree.

Given the color range, texture, you can understand how to draw an ax.

Porridge from the topor

It is interesting to know how to draw porridge from the ax. In the fairy tale of the same name, we are talking about a soldier who boiled porridge from the ax. Therefore, it will be enough to draw a pot, from where the toporishche will be seen, and the pot is a delicious wheat porridge. It is also easy to do it. The main thing is to choose correctly colors.

Already painted +1 I want to draw +1 Thank you +. 9

Step 1.

Simple pencil outlining the staged lines of the picture: head head and straight lines of the body, lines pelvis and legs. We plan wide shoulders and long hands, one hand straight, the second hand holds an ax. Feet we plan triangles.

Step 2.

Schematically, the straight lines are planning the contour. On the face we indicate your eyes and nose. We plan hands and fingers. We plan breast muscles, convex belly, powerful and short legs, on the legs long fur. We plan weapons, sword, knife and ax. And the necklace of someone's claws.

Step 3.

In detail with a pencil processing the contour lines, draw a face, a wide big nose, small eyes, a narrow and big mouth with barely noticeable fangs, pants, weapons, boots, wrapping and bare feet with claws on your fingers. Draw a sword digesting a wide leather belt. On the head draw the tail. Fingers keep the ax.

Step 4.

We repeat the contour with a pencil or gel handle. We erase pencil lines. We supplement the elements with details, for example, seams on the pants, rivets on the penetration, pigtails behind the ears and the beard, of course, not like the gnome.

Step 5.

Enhance the contour, then dense touches, sketching your hair, leave the glare at the same time. Shadow draw even clear strokes. The texture of metal, leather and fur we indicate strokes and lines.

Step 6.

Simple graphite pencil (or you can, if you want, color), smoothly shadow shadow areas on the pants and dressing belts.

Step 7.

Align the hand-shaped pencil strokes, giving the figure. It is necessary to work very carefully so that dirty stains do not appear in the figure.

Those who live in their own home are often needed in the country and in the campaigns such a tool as a taiga ax. A good quality tool is expensive and difficult to find.

The ax from the market is not always benign. Therefore, we will make your own ax with a healthy agent.

Varieties of topores

Consider the variations of axes:

  • Cowle is a heavy cone-shaped ax. Due to the big weight, it will be good for logging in large, solid wood.
  • Dusty - low weight and size, has a pointed blade. Used with attentive, accurate, neat work with wood.
  • Taiga - suitable for cutting trees, trees harvesting, hut facilities, bark removal, boring.
  • Tsalda is designed to clean the territory from shrubs.
  • Kitchen (Cook) - Designed only for bone logging. It is a small hatch, with a short handle and a large "blade".
  • Lesorbsky - apply only for cutting trees. It consists of a long hatcher and a wide, sharp blade.

Of all the above species, it is more and more useful than all the taiga ax.

Distinctive features of a taiga ax:

  • Small weight.
  • A small area of \u200b\u200ba stitching surface (it makes it possible to cut it into the wood as deeply as possible).
  • Specific sharpening blade (rear edge is much smaller, thinner than the front.

This feature is made in order to use this type of ax as a colon (if the blow is applied correctly. The conventional ax is the blade of the same form to accurately work with the tree).

Making a taiga ax

Material for handles

The functions of the ax primarily affect its shape and length. The handle should be curved shape, and the cross section oval.

For the handle, the breed of trees such as maple, oak, ash, birch is suitable. Since these types of wood are well reduced vibration when hitting.

Tree blank starts in autumn

Such in a dark place. Before use, wood needs to be stored for about one year, and better - five.

Only the fired wood is not desirable to use as it will dry out and will not stand in the eye.

Creating a cardboard template

On a large cardboard sheet, we describe the shape of the handle and put on a wooden billet. The template will help us make a more accurate ax.

Preparation of material for handles

One-year-old timber lump lumps are closed in parallel to fibers. The billet under handle should be longer than the template. The place that is inserted into the dandy is wider than the main part.

From both sides, we supply the attached drawing, and do not forget to leave the allowances. After that, inserted the top of the top into the eyelet, we remove excess wood.

Action Cutting Ax Handle

Before cutting the toporishche, you need to make transverse cuts, but so that they do not reach the lines of the future handle approximately 4-5 mm. With the help of the chisels, we remove the remains of wood and extra allowances.

Ore transitions and angles are performed thanks to the rashpil turning. After the workpiece is made, bring the sandpaper to smoothness.

Purchase of a stitching part for a tailed toporist

The blade in the household setting is unrealistic. In this case, there is a list of what needs to be focused on purchasing it on the market or in the construction mangazine:

  • The presence of GOST labeling (indicative of the quality of steel);
  • The hole under the handle (eyelet) should be conesoid;
  • Blade smooth, without defects;

Collection of ax

  • The upper part of the handle is cut along and in across.
  • Cut five pieces of hardwood trees.
  • Gauze, swelling with a resin, wind the top of the handles for better entry into the hole of the blade.
  • With the help of a hammer, we drive a handle.
  • Prepared pieces score in cuts at the top of the ax.
  • After the design serves, cut off the discovering parts of wooden pieces.


Sharpening of a tagged ax

Excellent operation of the Topor gives the right blade. In accordance with the activities you will perform with the help of an ax, the coaching angle depends.

The sharpening of the taped ax is performed at an angle of 30-35 ̊. If they are working with fresh wood, then sharpening at an angle of 25 ̊.

If for sharpening to use a grinding circle, then the ax handle must be kept at an angle of 40-45 ̊. Sharpening reproducible slowly, neatly.

If you have in stock all the necessary tools, a photo of step-by-step of the ax, then its creation will not take a large amount of time, effort and money, and in return you will receive a high-quality ax.

But do not forget that with a stitching part of a high-quality metal, the ax will serve much longer and if the handle is handled with flax oil, then it will not rot and deteriorate.

Photo of the ax do it yourself

