How to draw a school portfolio. How to draw a backpack in a phased pencil drawing of a schoolboy

How to draw a school portfolio. How to draw a backpack in a phased pencil drawing of a schoolboy
How to draw a school portfolio. How to draw a backpack in a phased pencil drawing of a schoolboy

Very often I want to draw not a banal flower, the sun in the corner of the sheet and the house. What should I do if you wanted to draw a character with a briefcase, and this school bag does not work in any way? How to draw a school portfolio? Our article is specifically for you!

What you need in order to draw a pencil portfolio

For a bright and beautiful drawing, you need to get a sheet of paper, a pencil, erased elastic, paints, pencils or wovers (here already goes to your preferences). It is also important not to forget the desire to draw and accuracy. In addition, do not forget to organize your workspace: it should be enough space and nothing should interfere with work. So how to draw a pencil portfolio?

Stages drawing

So, everyone you needed already acquired, you can now and understand how to draw a portfolio!

1st stage

Draw in the center of the leaf rectangle. It should draw it with non-latch lines, as if the boundaries of the future drawing.

The basis of the future portfolio is ready!

2nd stage

Slightly round the corners of the future backpack, and then draw it the clasp, spending the line in the upper part, parallel contour. Dorisite anywhere in this line a small elongated rectangle - it will be a "dog" of the castle.

3rd stage

Draw a portfolio strap. To do this, you just need to spend two parallel lines that begin at the top of the backpack.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that they should be placed symmetrically, closer to the edges of the bag.

4th stage

The handle of the backpack we are located between the straps, which drew in the previous stage. To do this, in the middle of the top of the backpack symmetrically draw two small quads, which will be a blank, the base for the handle. Then from these squares begin to draw lines in the form of the arch in such a way that the beginning was in one square, and the end is in the other.

5th stage

Add details. So that our backpack was beautiful and it was nice to see it, you need items. They can be decorative pockets of different shapes (whether hearts, asterisks or even rockets). Also to decorate the portfolio you can come up with an unusual drawing, it decorating. It can be both geometric, abstract, and depicting animals and heroes of various cartoons and comics.

6th stage

How to draw a portfolio, we figured out, now you can have fun! Begins the most interesting - coloring. Color gamut You can choose any, and the more items there are on your - the better, each you can paint out each color.

At this stage, the main thing is creativity and accuracy (should not be followed by the contour).

How can I make a finished drawing

The finished drawing can be arranged with a frame with an ornament along the edge of the sheet. Also, if you work well, you really like, pick up the frame of suitable color and size to it and hang in a prominent place. Do not forget about the "classic", hang work on a magnet to the refrigerator!

An interesting option will be when you independently make a frame that is called a passe. In such a framework, professional artists often place their work, it looks very careful and benefits any artistic work.

Have fun!

One of the most necessary items for any schoolchildren is, of course, a portfolio. It is convenient to wear all textbooks, notebooks, notebooks, abstracts, drawing accessories, handles and colored pencils for drawing. It happens different configuration, colors and shapes. Also often divide them into two groups: for girls and boys.

Therefore, by September 1, learn how to draw a school portfolio with all accessories with color pencils. It will be multicolored and bright.

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • pencil for outline.

Stages of school portfolio drawing:

Draw a portfolio form in the form of a rectangle with rounded corners.

At the top will add a bulk pocket for school supplies.

Also draw another zip pocket at the bottom of the Ranger.

Draw from the right side the side part of the school bag. At the top it will be open, because school supplies will be located there. Below you draw a small pocket for small items.

We begin to fill out the school quarrel with useful things. For example, place a ruler and textbook. We place them on the right side of the picture.

Next, add one tutorial and notebook on paper clips.

For the drawing lesson, you should put in the multicolored pencils portfolio and markers.

For a small change in school, take a snack apple, which is easy to fit in one of the three kickman's pockets. Draw it with a general form. Then give a branch and leaf.

Collect the drawing on the school theme is starting with a yellow pencil, which give the base color of the apple, textbooks and top pocket.

Orange and red pencils of different tones, give the volume to the details of the drawing that were yellow.

The portfolio itself will have green. Coloring a salad pencil most of the backpack and the details of the pockets. Also, such a pencil give color leaves on an apple and felt server, which is located in the school book.

Dark green pencil give a school backpack shadow and half.

Painted the remaining parts of the backpack in the form of pockets, and also give a shade to one marker.

Brown pencils paint the sprigs of an apple, ruler and pencil. Add the shadow in this color of the pencil on other objects of the drawing.

Finally, we give the contour all the drawing backpack. We use a black pencil.

Very often I want to draw not a banal flower, the sun in the corner of the sheet and the house. What should I do if you wanted to draw a character with a briefcase, and this school bag does not work in any way? How to draw a school portfolio? Our article is specifically for you!

What you need in order to draw a pencil portfolio

For bright I. beautiful drawing You need to get a sheet of paper, pencil, erasing rubber, paints, pencils or woven (here there is already your preferences). It is also important not to forget the desire to draw and accuracy. In addition, do not forget to organize your workspace: it should be enough space and nothing should interfere with work. So how to draw a pencil portfolio?

Stages drawing

So, everyone you needed already acquired, you can now and understand how to draw a portfolio!

1st stage

Draw in the center of the leaf rectangle. It should draw it with non-latch lines, as if to schedule the borders of the future drawing. The future portfolio is ready!

2nd stage

Slightly round the corners of the future backpack, and then draw it the clasp, spending the line in the upper part, parallel contour. Dorisite anywhere in this line a small elongated rectangle - it will be a "dog" of the castle.

3rd stage

Draw a portfolio strap. To do this, you just need to spend two parallel lines that begin at the top of the backpack. It is necessary to take into account what they should be placed symmetrically, closer to the edges of the bag.

4th stage

The handle of the backpack we are located between the straps, which drew in the previous stage. To do this, in the middle of the top of the backpack symmetrically draw two small quads, which will be a blank, the base for the handle. Then from these squares begin to draw lines in the form of the arch in such a way that the beginning was in one square, and the end is in the other.

5th stage

Add details. So that our backpack was beautiful and it was nice to see it, you need items. They can be decorative pockets of different shapes (be it hearts, asterisks or even rockets). Also to decorate the portfolio you can come up with unusual drawing His decorating. It can be both geometric, abstract, and depicting animals and heroes of various cartoons and comics.

6th stage

How to draw a portfolio, we figured out, now you can have fun! Begins the most interesting - coloring. Color gamut You can choose any, and the more items there are on your - the better, each you can paint out each color. At this stage, the main thing is creativity and accuracy (should not be followed by the contour).

How can I make a finished drawing

The finished drawing can be arranged with a frame with an ornament along the edge of the sheet. Also, if you work well, you really like, pick up the frame of suitable color and size to it and hang in a prominent place. Do not forget about the "classic", hang work on a magnet to the refrigerator!

An interesting option will be when you independently make a frame that is called a passe. In such a framework professional artists Often put your work, it looks very neat and beneficially shall with any artistic work.

Have fun!

It will soon come on September 1, on the one hand, I don't want to say goodbye since in the summer, and on the other hand, all the kids have long wanted to return to the desks and receive new knowledge that will necessarily need them in life . Until the first of September, it remained quite a bit, and already everyone has new portfolios, textbooks, notebooks diaries, and, of course, a new educational form.

Many children are waiting for September 1, which is starting to draw, speak and think only about school and about everything that is connected with it. IN this lesson We will help you express your thoughts precisely with drawing. We will learn to draw a girl and a boy with briefcases and flowers that go to your favorite school on September 1st. This drawing is quite complicated, so if you cannot draw it, then on our site you can also find a lesson drawing a picture on September 1 simpler difficulty, for this, press or on the picture on the right.

Now proceed directly to drawing:

Stage 1. At the first stage, we will show several straight lines and circles, they will serve us with auxiliary frame, with the help of it all our subsequent drawing will become much easier. Also at this stage, we need to draw the outline of the heads of the boy and girls, they are depicted in red in the picture, which is presented below:

Stage 2. At the next stage, then we draw the faces of our schoolchildren on the second, we first draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth to the boy, then draw the same thing and our pretty girl, and go to the next stage:

Stage 4. The fourth stage and we proceed to the drawing of the top of the clothes of the girl and the boy. On the boy we draw a beautiful jacket with a bow, you can also immediately draw straps of his backpack. On the girl draw a beautiful checkered dress with a collar and a bow.

Stage 5. Now we need to draw hands to our schoolchildren. And in the girl, and the boy one hand will be compressed in the cam, because at the following stages we will draw a bouquet of flowers that they hold in their hands

Backpack is a universal thing and is a mandatory attribute in many images. Modern youth, schoolchildren, tourists and travelers, rescuers, cartoons - they are all worn backpacks. Therefore, the ability to draw such a bag will be useful and be sure to come in handy novice and experienced artist.

Learning to draw a pencil

First of all, it is worth understanding how to draw a backpack with a pencil. To understand the general sequence, consider the most common simple option.

First, you should designate the basic shape of the bag. In the proposal case is a rectangle.

After the base is indicated, the working line marks the future position of the lid and the side pocket is depicted on the visible side.

Then the portfolio cover and an overhead pocket cover are depicted. Placed a symmetric side from the opposite side.

All bag, including pockets, attached volume and rounded shapes.

In the end, adjustable straps and handle are drawn. Lastly, the whole backpack is laid in the desired way: lightning on pockets, lid hinting. The portfolio is ready.


Another option how to draw a backpack stepwise offers a sequence of an image of a simple textile accessory. The method is quite simple and accessible for any level of preparation.

Stage 1.
Schematically depicts the main form of the bag: rounded, without a lid, with a large patch pocket on the front side.