How to marine wifth for the winter: the most delicious recipes with photos. Marinated woven for winter in banks: simple step-by-step recipes with pictures

How to marine wifth for the winter: the most delicious recipes with photos. Marinated woven for winter in banks: simple step-by-step recipes with pictures
How to marine wifth for the winter: the most delicious recipes with photos. Marinated woven for winter in banks: simple step-by-step recipes with pictures

Cooking recipes are as follows: Features of the choice and their preparation, step-by-step recipes of mushrooms in marinade and cooking caviar.

All dishes from science are obtained delicious and look very appetizing on the dish. Many hostesses prefer to marinate these mushrooms for the winter, others like to plant them, and some more to taste the caviar, cooked from the oh. Each of the dishes is prepared very simple and fast enough, which is a certain plus. The most important thing is to know several secrets, which will be useful when preparing these dishes.

We choose my way: principles

To cook for the winter, it is not enough to know only the content of the recipes and clearly follow them. It is very important to be able to distinguish with the purchase of real science, from false. If you accidentally buy not those mushrooms, then you can choose because of the poison contained in them. To not be mistaken, take a note and always remember a few simple rules.

  1. Real whales have a kind of color, poisonous mushrooms similar shape look more brightly.

  2. On a hats of a good mushroom should be scales.

  3. The pulp of edible will be as white as the poisonous mushrooms, she gives the poisonous mushrooms.

  4. The leg of normal mushrooms must necessarily be decorated with a ring.

Proper preparation OPD

  1. Before the start of the preparation of different delicacies, they need to hold them a bit in water. In the liquid you need to add a little salt and as much lemonic acid. Sliced \u200b\u200bwater will help mushrooms to cleanse from worms and bugs, if they still remain inside it. Lemonic acid contributes to the preservation of natural color, which has a mushroom. If this is not done, then the hats will darken with further preparation. It will not affect the taste characteristics, but the aesthetics may suffer.

  2. If you have chosen to cook meadow variety, then before marinating the legs of such a variety is better removed. You can leave only a small piece - approximately 2 cm. The cut legs can be used to prepare mushroom caviar or just fry them by adding onions.

  3. If the hats on the mushrooms are large, they can be cut into several parts for the convenience of cooking. Only do not be much smaller, if it is not caviar.

  4. During the preparation of pickled mushrooms, you do not need to roll the jars with the help of metal covers. To prevent the development of botulism, you need to use covers from Capron, which must be boiled. Banks, of course, should pass sterilization. Otherwise, conservation can spoil very quickly.

Latest preparations Way: Nuances

  1. You can accurately calculate how much you need to buy to fill in a certain number of cans. For example, 1 kg of fungi is enough to fill in a jar of 3 liters, but marinated widespread in the 3-liter bank for any recipe only the 3rd part will occupy, so one bank with a liter volume will be needed for 1 kg of pickled mushrooms.

  2. For marination, not only fresh mushrooms can be used for any dish and frozen widespread. Before the start of preparation, there is even no need to deal with their defrosting, you can be taken for the recipe immediately.

  3. Scam is needed in several stages. First, they must be put into the water that begins to throw. About 10 minutes after that, the liquid needs to be merged. It is with this water that will go all the harmful components that the mushroom absorbs from the soil. Next mushrooms should be boiled until complete readiness is already in new water.

  4. The entire cooking process will be as needed to be done, will take from half an hour to 60 minutes. In the process you need to constantly remove the assembly foam. When you see that most of the mushrooms asslaved on the bottom, cooking can be finished.

  5. The best marinade is on the brave of mushrooms, it is also possible to prepare it on the water. But in case the water is not merged, then the decoction will need to pour out after boiling in any case.

  6. For each of the recipes for cooking dishes from them for the winter, the main point is that they should be contained in banks that have passed preliminary sterilization.

Cooking pick-up recipes

Mushroom marination does not take much time and does not require special culinary skills. You just need to clearly follow the preparation instructions. Consider how you can marinate for several recipes.

Marinated Recipe Way No. 1


  • water - 1 tbsp.;

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;

  • vinegar - 30 ml;

  • walked - 1 kg;

  • pepper - 3 pcs.;

  • carnation - 3 pcs.


  1. In boiling water, the way should be communicated until complete readiness. That is, they need to slaughter from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

  2. While the mushrooms are boiled, you can sterilize and dry banks.

  3. Then put in the prepared jars of mushrooms so that a third of the space remains free.

  4. Preparing marinade. For this, the decoction must be strain. Salt, pepper and carnation are added to it, as well as at the request of sugar.

  5. Then the mixture is again brought to a boil. After that, immediately removed from the gas burner and vinegar is added.

  6. Then the marinade is evenly distributed between the cans with mushrooms, which are immediately tightly closed with covers. Dish is ready! Walked marinated by this preparation recipe, make the easiest.

Recipe marinated №2.

This dish is calculated that the prepared marinade will be at least 1l, therefore, it is necessary to calculate the number of cans and mushrooms.


  • water - 1.5 liters;

  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;

  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;

  • garlic - 2 teeth;

  • bay sheet - 2 pcs.;

  • loyed - 1.5 kg;

  • pepper - 8 peas;

  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pre-purified mush and dust mushrooms need to be boiled until prepared.

  2. The resulting decoction must be placed in a separate container.

  3. Garlic cut into small pieces and add it to the brave.

  4. There put spices.

  5. The mixture should boil and boil back for another 10 minutes.

  6. Then we remove the saucepan from the gas and add vinegar to the mixture.

  7. Meanwhile, banks need to be good to sterilize and dry.

  8. Mushrooms merge and fill the banks, evenly pour marinade.

  9. Ready-made tanks close by dumping lids.

  10. Leave banks for a while they cooled.

Recipe marinated number 3.

Consider a step-by-step simple preparation recipe for the winter.


  • water or marinade - 1 tbsp.;

  • vinegar - 30 ml;

  • carnation - 3 pcs.;

  • love - 500 g;

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp.;

  • pepper - 3 peas.


  1. Rinse mushrooms.

  2. Fill them with boiling water - enough 1 cup.

  3. Place them on fire and keep before boiling.

  4. After boiling, cook another 20 minutes and more - until the way be sown to the bottom. Then remove from the fire.

  5. Sterilize banks.

  6. Dismix boiled mushrooms by banks.

  7. Close them with covers, do not forget to boil them in the same way.

  8. A decoction that remained at the very bottom of the pan, it is necessary to strain. Add salt and as much sugar. Make there cloves with pepper and cook before boiling, and only then remove from the stove.

  9. As soon as the liquid boiled, do not forget to add vinegar.

  10. At the boiling stage, marinade needs to be removed from the stove and pour it into jars with mushrooms. Tightly close their covers. Bon Appetit!

Marinated Wallpaper: Step-by-Step Recipe No. 4

You can add ingredients to the marinade, which will give the future dish thin and extravagant fragrance. Then the taste will be a little rich. Among such components can be cinnamon or currant leaves. They are added to the marinade during boiling. If you put them immediately into jars with mushrooms, then the preservation can be spoiled too quickly, and the dish will not work. Consider one of these dishes.


  • loom - 5 kg;

  • garlic - at will and taste;

  • currant - 5 sheets;

  • dill - 2 twigs;

  • cherry - 5 sheets;

  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;

  • bay sheet - 5 pcs.;

  • pepper - 10 peas;

  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. Wash myself well.

  2. Place the treated mushrooms in the pan.

  3. Pour cold water into the container.

  4. Add the required amount of salt.

  5. Put a saucepan on fire and not removed from it until the water boils.

  6. Cook all about 20 minutes before the start of the mushrooms at the bottom.

  7. From the remaining branch, cast two glasses and add to mushrooms, and the rest can be poured or left on the mushroom soup.

  8. Add to banks oil.

  9. Pump garlic, pre-chopped with small pieces, as well as sheets with dill and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

  10. Pan again put on fire and keep until the fluid boils. Then to slaughter for about 20 minutes and add vinegar.

  11. Prepare banks and covers for dishes.

  12. Insert ready-made mushrooms in them.

  13. Install banks in a saucepan with hot water and let stand for about 20 minutes. The fluid level should not reach the highest top.

  14. Then remove and wipe dry can be closed with prepared covers. Store in a dark place for about 7 days, and then you can try. Bon Appetit!

Marinated Recipe Way No. 5


  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;

  • carnation - 4 pcs.;

  • pepper - 6 peas;

  • loose - 2 kg;

  • lavar leaf - 2 pcs.;

  • cinnamon - 3 pcs.;

  • salt - 4 ch. l.;

  • water - 1l;

  • vinegar - 3 tsp.


  1. Press with water to put on the stove and bring to a boil.

  2. Then add sugar with salt and the rest of the recipe spices.

  3. Boil decoction for 3 minutes.

  4. Add vinegar and prevent.

  5. To bring the contents of the pans to the boil and remove it from the stove.

  6. Rinse well and dry them. In a separate saucepan, pour water and keep on fire until they start boiled.

  7. The decoction to drain and pour new water again. Add salt and boil mushrooms again with spices. Steep about 20 minutes. Do not forget to clean the foam.

  8. Cooked wow to decompose on prepared banks and add marinade.

  9. Then the banks need to close the lids and leave cool for a while.

Note: If the preservation does not stand too long closed, then the vinegar can not be added at all.

Cooking hits

  1. The remaining mushroom decoction after the asses can be left and used to prepare cubes from the broth. For this, the fluid simply needs to be pouring into special molds and put in the freezer. A few hours later they will be ready to use.

  2. For the preparation of the marinade, the decoction is perfect in the cooking process.

  3. So that the spices do not float across the entire bank, you can use gauze and stir through it marinade before pouring it to mushrooms.

  4. Cooked widespread on these recipes appetizing not only in the photo, but in fact, if you clearly follow the instructions and follow all the rules.

Salted pickup recipe

Salads with salty whale are obtained very tasty, especially this is relevant in winter when other vegetables are so lacking. Consider how to salt them, relying on the easiest and most fast recipe.


  • onions - 3 pcs.;

  • garlic - 3 pcs.;

  • lavar leaf - 7 pcs.;

  • mushrooms arehed - 3kg;

  • pepper - 20 peas;

  • salt - 100 g;

  • dill - 1 bundle.


  1. Process mushrooms: wash, dry, large cut into 2 - 4 pieces.

  2. Purified water in a saucepan to boil.

  3. Add salt and add mushrooms there.

  4. Hold on gas to a boil, and after cooking about 20 minutes.

  5. Then the mushrooms must be thrown into the colander and leave them to be cooled.

  6. In the meantime, we clean the onions and cut it with halves of the rings.

  7. In a saucepan without water, add a quarter of all spices, and add a third of all mushrooms on top. Then we distribute spices and mushrooms again, alternating them with layers.

  8. Now we cover the saucepan with a napkin and a plate, and on top put a weighting agent, it may be the same bank.

  9. We leave mushrooms in this position for 4 - 5 days in a dark cool place. Then the mushrooms along with the marinade distribute over sterilized banks and close them by the drop-down lids.

Note: Before serving, mushrooms need to be rinsed and pouring with vinegar and oil. Optionally, you can cook salty widespread on the winter on the same recipe, and to file them with greens, garlic or onions.

Caviar from oh: Recipe

Of the fungi, a very tasty caviar is obtained. For its preparation, you can use both fresh mushrooms and frozen. Of course, from fresh, the dish is obtained much more tastier, as they are full of juice, vitamins and other useful substances.

To prepare caviar, you can mix with some other kinds of fungi. Good combined with them chanterelles, boroviki and white mushrooms.

Caviar from the scarlet can be prepared in many recipes that use different components. Among them, there are tomatoes, onions and carrots. The most popular recipe caviar is a dish with carrots. Prepare such caviar simply enough.


  • walked - 1 kg;

  • onions - 2 pcs.;

  • salt to taste;

  • sunflower oil - 150 ml;

  • carrot - 1 pc., large;

  • pepper - to taste;

  • vinegar.


  1. Mushrooms clean well and wash away from dirt.

  2. In the pan pour the right amount of water and put on gas, do not remove to boil.

  3. In a boiling liquid, place mushrooms and taste them about 20 minutes.

  4. Clean the bow, cut it into small pieces.

  5. Touch the carrots on the grater.

  6. Stir onions and carrots, fry, but not much. Leave for a while so they are cooled.

  7. Fucking mushrooms on a colander. Wait until all excess fluid leaves.

  8. Then mushrooms must be skipped twice through the meat grinder. Then it is similar to enclosed with a fried onion and carrots.

  9. Pour pepper with salt in the desired quantity, vary to taste. Everything is well prevented and frying everything about 20 minutes on sunflower oil.

  10. While the caviar is stealing, banks must be sterilized. To do this, they need to be put in boiling water on slow heat and keep about 40 minutes.

  11. The cooked caviar must be decomposed on jars. No need to fill them to the very top. The dish capacity is better to take a volume of 0.5 liters.

  12. Add vinegar to banks, enough 1 tbsp. l. On every jar and put closed upside down, wrap in something warm. Bon Appetit!

Is it possible to resist homemade hassle marinated in banks for the winter? Oh, and delicious of them get a snack!

When autumn is in full swing, do not go for mushrooms in the forest - the imperfect luxury for the real mistress. Forest walls are a treat for the mushroom.

Marinated widespread in banks, whose recipe I am glad to share on Yamkuk, got me from my mother. In a distant childhood, we were apparently invisible. Moved two baths per day. I remember how now, the storage room with racks, covered by half-liter jars with pickled thickens.

To pickle on the winter in the banks, in addition to forests, the ingredients for marinade will be required: vinegar, salt, sugar, bay leaf, garlic, peas, peas, several cloves or ready-made seasoning for marinating mushrooms, where all these spices are already in the composition.

Hands in front of marinization need to go through and rinse with running water. Small it is better to leave for jars, and more larger - to put on a rash or caviar. Too long legs in mushrooms are better to cut. Wallows are sent to the cooking container.

Water flooded and brought to a boil. The resulting foam is removed. Mushrooms copier for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size. Large fungi is better divided into parts, removing part of the leg.

While the fungi is boosted, jars are preparing. Sterilized in the oven and cool. For small mushrooms, it is preferable to choose miniature containers. Of course, you can pick up on the winter and in a three-liter bank, but you agree - not quite aesthetically. Screw covers boiled in a saucepan at least 10 minutes.

"Wrencons" leans on a sieve or colander and are washed.

While flowing, the marinade is preparing. In a separate clean bowl with water, salt and sugar are bred. After that, you need to add spices and seasonings, and after boiling to enter vinegar. Spices and seasonings can be replaced with a ready-made store. If you want to dilute the marinade with whole garlic, then it must be put in marinade for only 5 minutes, and then decompose according to sterile jars.

Hands riser 20 minutes on slow fire in marinade.

Marinated woven pour together with marinade on jars, but so that mushrooms completely drowned in it. The tanks are very tightly closed with covers. In the jars should remain as little air as possible.

Jars with gnaws turn over on the lid and warmly warm. Marinated woven in banks for the winter are ready!

The cooled jars are transferred to the refrigerator or storage cellar.


Marinated Wormage Nowadays are one of the most popular and favorite recipes for many people. They are perfectly suitable as a snack or addition to the main dishes, and can also act as an independent treat. Delicious and fragrant, they will not leave indifferent your guests.

The calorie content of this dish is very small. In one hundred grams of the product contain only 18 kcal, so pickled mushrooms perfectly suitable for those who carefully monitors their figure.

In addition, the composition of mushrooms includes a huge amount of vitamins, such as A, C, E, RR and a group of vitamins V. Microelements, this product is also not deprived. Mushrooms contain a large amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and many other useful components. All of them in aggregate provide our body to reliable protection against external stimuli and strengthen the immune system. Thanks to this viruses, it is more difficult to penetrate our body and provoke diseases. In addition, such a rich composition helps to fight insomnia and keep the skin with an elastic as long as possible.

Because of the marinade, which is one of the main components of the dish, the use of pickled mushrooms (including oh) is contraindicated to people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Learn how to marine my home, our recipe for their preparation will help you. In it you will find step-by-step photos that will help to visualize the process and do not confuse anything.


  • (1 kg)

  • (1 l)

  • (1.5 tbsp)

  • (5 teeth)

  • (2 art. L.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (10 pieces.)

  • (6 pcs.)

Steps of cooking

    First you need to prepare our mushrooms. For this, they take them carefully, remove the extra leaves, twigs and other intolerable items and rinse well.

    Now it is necessary to pour with cold water to the limit and leave in this position for an hour and a half. Then drain the water and rinse the mushrooms a few times.

    In order to make sure that there are no poisonous mushrooms in a saucepan, add half of the fresh bulbs to it. If it will throw it through time, you can throw everything that they cook. If it remains white, then calmly continue cooking.

    When mushrooms are ready, throw them into a colander and rinse with plenty of water. Give excess water drain, leaving for a few minutes the mushrooms in the colander.

    Now you need to cook marinade. To do this, take a new saucepan, type water and boil. When it boils, add a teaspoon of vinegar, sugar, salt and other spices. At the same time, start sterilizing banks.

    After the marinade is a little prokhel, we pour mushrooms into it and cook them about 20 minutes.

    A couple of minutes before the end of the cooking, cut the most small garlic as small as possible and pour it into the pan.

    After the mushrooms proclaimed, take them out of the pan and lay out with the marinade to banks.

    We roll banks, turn the bottom to the bottom, cover the warm blanket and leave in this position for a while. On this cooking, they are marinated on this recipe with a photo finished. After they are cooled, remove the mushrooms in the fridge and when they are saved, serve to the table.

    Bon Appetit!

Marinated Walkers - Recipes for Winter

The crop will be invariably high, and the taste qualities leave no one indifferent. Marinated Wormage are classic Russian snacks. Especially since marination is a process, relatively simple. These mushrooms are clean enough, that is, there should be no difficulties with their cleaning from pollution, plus they are conveniently placed in banks, as they have compact caps.

The process of cooking rapid pickled marinas does not occupy a lot of time. For cooking, you can use both fresh, and frozen. It is better to choose small specimens, with small neat hat.

    1. Type of dishes: blank for winter
    1. Subtype of dish: dish of oh.
    1. The number of servings at the output: 8-10 servings.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 700-1000
    1. Time for preparing: .
    1. National cuisine to which the dish refers: Russian.
  1. Energy or nutritional value dishes:

How to cook delicious marinated

Ingredients for marination

For marinization, 1 kg fresh will need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar
  • 4 tablespoons 9% vinegar
  • Several peas of black and fragrant peppers
  • Carnation to taste
  • Several laurel sheets
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

Spices can be diversified to their taste.
Before cooking, you need to rinse thoroughly and clean. It will be easier to do, leaving mushrooms per hour in the water.
After a short soaking, the water merges, and the mushrooms are slightly salt.
After that, it is necessary to pour them with cold water, bring to a boil, merge the first water in which there remains possible dirt and various harmful substances, then poured with new clean water and boils so half an hour. If foam appears, it needs to be removed.
After half an hour, the woved on the colander, but while the water flows, and the mushrooms dry, the marinade is preparing.

Marinated Cooking Instructions

Simple recipe for picking marinated

    1. To prepare the marinade, a saucepan with cold water is placed on the water, salt, sugar, pepper pepper, bay leaf, carnation and a couple of garlics are added to it. You can add any spices to taste. After boiling water, vinegar is added.
    1. Then boiled whale are added to boiling. Now the mushrooms need to let go bother for a few minutes.
  1. Next, it remains only to decompose quickly pickled widespread in the container, pour the marinade and add some vegetable oil there. Also, when closed in banks, you can add chopped garlic and dill twigs, it will give a wonderful aroma of mushrooms. Banks need to close the covers and give cool. The shelf life depends on how banks were closed. If they were mothballed, then marinated wing can be stored for a long time, if they were simply closed with polyethylene lids, then the shelf life is much smaller and the environmental requirements above. Further marinated wow can be stored in a cool place.

Preparing delicious marinated whale

Finally, pickled walkers will be ready in a few days, they can be stored long enough - several months. It is important to remember that if Marina jars with mushrooms with mushrooms, they needed themselves ruthlessly throw away, they are unsuitable and even dangerous to use.
On the table marinated, squeezed with chopped onions and watered with vegetable oil. Marinated Owls with onions can be a real decoration of any holiday.

How to cook marinated wifth for the winter: video

From the next video video, you will learn how to prepare for the winter marinated whale. See how fast and easy to make such numbers at home.

Simple recipe for making marinated science at home

Skinny summer. Ahead of us awaits golden autumn time with their autumn gifts of nature. First of all, I would like to celebrate the delicious gifts of the forests, this is of course mushrooms.

Speech in the article will make marinated oscillates. These delicious mushrooms are one of the most popular on every festive table. In our family, it is only in the morning to open a jar with mushrooms, as in the evening she is already empty. Sometimes you do not even have all time to try them, so delicious get marinated woven.

Movered by shifting in a pan we fill in a not much water. Liquids do not need to pour a lot as the mushrooms during cooking give a huge amount of moisture. We put a saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes.
When boiling, foam will appear, it must be removed.

After the water boils down to reduce heating and cook 30 minutes on slow heat. 10 minutes before readiness to pour vinegar and mix well.
Now you can lay off the sterile banks and twist tightly covers.

How to marine forest walls in banks (recipe for winter)

In my opinion, the very first and the youngest wow are obtained. When the mushroom starts, first of all we make the workpiece, then eat already eat. Since not every year is a good crop on mushrooms and you can stay without delicious conservation.

Mushrooms 3 kg.
Water 1 cup.
Salt 2 Art. the spoon.
Sugar 1 tbsp. the spoon.
Black pepper peas 7-8 pcs.
Lavrushka 2-3 leaves.
Carnation 3 pcs.
Umbrella dill 2 pcs.
Acetic Esenation 1 Art. the spoon

Cooking process.

Of course, it is necessary to rinse everything well and clean everything before cooking. The collected forest mushrooms is better rinsed several times and carefully go through the subject of the pitched. Change the water several times, only then proceed to heat treatment.

And so pour a glass of water into the pan and lay out all the prepared material, I put on the stove and after boiling to cook on a slow fire for 20-30 minutes.

Sugar, fragrant pepper, laurel, umbrellas of dill, carnation. Cook mushrooms for another 20 minutes after boiling. At the end, we decide on sterile banks and tighten with covers.

Marinated Mystery Fast Food For 15 minutes

For marination on this recipe, it is best to take young and fresh mushrooms. This recipe is not only simple and tasty it is also very fast. You can eat marinated myself to eat, of course, it's not right immediately, but in the morning or in the evening it is quite possible. In other time, erase the recipe and you will understand everything yourself.


Loom 1 kg.
Lovel 2 sheets.
Vinegar Table 2 Art. Spoons
Garlic 3 teeth

Salt 1 tbsp. the spoon
Water 1 liter

Cooking process.

Mushrooms to take away clean and rinse well several times.
Fold in the pan pour a glass of water and cook after boiling 25-30 minutes. We necessarily remove the foam.

The first water to merge, rinse mushrooms, lay out in the sieve that the glass remaining moisture.

Repeat again in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water, add other ingredients and put on the stove.

The second time we cook for 15 minutes after the mass boils.
Next, you can decompose mushrooms on sterile banks, and you can leave straight in the same pot for 12 hours.

After 12 hours you can treat with delicious marinated mushrooms. Bon Appetit.

Simple pickled recipe oh oil

Such wides will be excellent cold snack on any holiday table. You can also serve them as a supplement to potato puree or boiled rice.


Mushrooms 1 kg.
Creamy oil 350 gr.
Sweet paprika 1 h. Spoon.
Salt to taste.

Cooking process.

The washed and purified mushrooms we fold into a pan with simple water and cook for 20-25 minutes. After that we drain the water through the colander.

We put the frying pan on fire we melt 350 grams of cream oil in it. Lay out my own, salt and add paprika. Fry in 10 minutes. Then cover the lid and with a closed cover Tomis for another 10-15 minutes. Be sure to mix.

Spread mushrooms on sterile banks, fill with hot oil and tightly tightly covers. Shelf life from 6 to 8 months, stored only in a cool place. Bon Appetit.

Recipe with cinnamon

If you bought up standard recipes of pickled mushrooms and you want to try to cook a few jars on a completely new recipe, then you hit the address. I suggest a recipe with the addition of cinnamon, which will give a snack completely new taste.


Mushrooms 1 kg.
Water 0.5 ml.
Salt 1 tbsp. the spoon.
Cinnamon 1 wand.
Black pepper peas 3-5 pcs.
Carnation 3-5 pcs.
Lovel 2 sheets.
Vinegar Table 2 Art. spoons.

Cooking process.

Opels are mine and drunk in a clean slightly salted water. Foam which will appear when cooking needs to be removed. After the first cooking, the water merge the mushrooms to hold in the sieve that the glass is excessive moisture.

Pour the floor of the liter of water in the pan, put the mushrooms again put on the stove. Add salt, pepper, laurel, cinnamon, vinegar and mix well. Cook the mushrooms in brine for 15 minutes and we decide the mass of still hot on sterile banks.

Universal marinade for all mushrooms.

Bonus I want to offer you a marinade recipe that can be used for almost all well-known forest edible mushrooms. The vinegar in the marinade is not replaced by citric acid. Also in the video clip you will be able to learn something more useful about the preparation of mushrooms at home.

On this, the selection of marination was called to completion. Prepare yourself and share your recipes and impressions in the comments under the article. But also be careful when collecting mushrooms, if at least a little doubt, then it is better not to take this mushroom. It is better to buy from proven suppliers or take a testing mushroom with it that will help determine the choice of mushrooms. All the world of good and good mood.