How to portray love in the picture by a simple pencil. Pictures about love drawn pencil stages

How to portray love in the picture by a simple pencil. Pictures about love drawn pencil stages
How to portray love in the picture by a simple pencil. Pictures about love drawn pencil stages

Comprehensive, multiple, changing, as if pictures in a children's kaleidoscope. To tell about love is more clear, emotionally can, probably, the best music and painting.

Pencil, brush and paints

How can love can you draw? Let's remember the paintings of great masters on this eternal theme. For example, the "farewell kiss" of Lawrence, the "merger of the shower" of Bern-Jones, "Idyllia" Buggero, "Above the city" of Shagal and others. What amazing in them? The joy of being, the tenderness of beauty, the magnificence of passion, inspiration. But there are other canvas expressing jealousy, despair, even hatred. To know how to draw a love such, look at the works of Hogen "Are you jealous?", "Ingress, Paolo and Francesca" Engra and many more different amazing canvases. As you can see, they are all very different, but they talk about the same thing. And we mentioned only about the relationship between a man and a woman. And if you draw love strap, holy - maternal? How can she look like? Samples of painting - and old, and modern - also a lot. "Madonna Litt" da Vinci, "Sicstinskaya Madonna" Rafael - all these paintings are embodied the best, which may be in a man, in a woman. To draw homeland, it is enough to remember the works of Levitan, Shishkin, Monet ... The list can be continued for a long time. The most important thing is probably - really experience the emotions that are going to pass on paper and make it as sincere as possible.

Choose the plot

What does creativity begins? From a minute of inspiration, when an insurmountable desire is born to take care. From the plot that comes to mind, excites consciousness and soul, requires incarnation. How to draw love? The pencil stages pounced the sketch of the fact that the imagination was in a holistic picture. Why a pencil? Because in the process of work, you want to change something, something will require processing. The coal bladge is easier to erase the eraser than to remove the strokes made by the paints or the lines do without pressure, so that there are no traces and dirt on the leaf. And only then, when the sketch is ready, you can do work in color.

Creative process

How to draw love in stages, if the picture is an allegory: two hands outstretched to each other, against the background of the rising sun? Such a canvas personifies the emerging relationships, the hopes are bright and hot, as the luminary itself. Youthful feelings filled with romance and passion. Pencil snap out the contours of the hands - approximately so that they follow the middle of the sheet. Thorring the details thoroughly. Women's brush should look like fragile, with thin long fingers, elegant wrist. Men's - larger. Try to portray it so that the power and tenderness felt. The drawing will be more expressive and plastic, if the hands are slightly touching each other with your fingers. Thus, you will transmit the timidity and the thrill of the first touch of loved. In the background, draw the solar disk, but not clear, but somewhat blurred. It is important not so much that he himself, how much radiated radiance, golden pink, painting everything around in the festive, warm tones. To achieve such an effect will allow a simple reception: the blade of a dangerous razor is placed the smallest crumbs from the pencils of the appropriate colors and then thoroughly scroll through the paper. The edges of the picture place the light blue color - the color of the sky, which symbolizes the hopes, sublime feelings and dreams. In this case, this will be the speaker item, which will allow you to put the right accent in the picture. Or leave your work in the black and white version. If you tried well and put the soul, it will understand and close to any viewer.

And more offers

Drawn pictures with a pencil about love can be very different. This and mother, pronounced over the cradle of a child, and a brother playing with a sister, and a heart pierced by an arrow. Couple frozen in the arms or circling in dance, erotic scenes or just the word "love", written in or gothic font. Even a bouquet of flowers or only one rose can express the entire depth of feelings, overwhelming the artist. And it does not matter if you still lack craftsmanship, and the technique of execution is far from ideal. Creativity is, first of all, an act of self-expression. Therefore, good luck to you and real feelings!

The perception of any product of the visual art begins with its colors. Color at the subconscious level sets up a person on a certain emotional wave.

Some think that the perception of colors is traditionally; What, for example, a black color is interpreted as a mourning and ominous, and the image of love and passion is simply taken to "climb" into the red tones.

But it is not so. The color is perceived by people also unconsciously. Perhaps this is due to how Aura changes at the moment when a person is experiencing certain feelings. Interesting studies made it possible to determine the true "love colors".

It turns out sincere love that a person is experiencing is overflowing in his aura by inclusions of overflows of silver or golden radiance.

In a person experiencing clean, disinterested love, Aura is poured with gentle shades from the emerald (when inhaling) to Lilovato-pink (in exhalation). It is not by chance that it is ready to see in life and people only good, they say that he perceives life in a pink light and looks at the world through pink glasses!

Aura's green color speaks of love for the world, about inner harmony. Green and turquoise light shines a mother aura who thinks about his child. Shades of Red in Aure really talk about passionate impulse and impulsivity of feelings, orange - about the joy of creativity and life strength.

Love is multifaceted, and depending on what kind of happy love will take pictures of the artist, he will choose some shades.

Symbols of love

In addition to the color, drawing love, you can depict the characters that are firmly associated with this feeling in the human consciousness. There are quite a lot of such characters. Some of them are understandable to the majority, others are used in the culture of individual countries.

Couple in love. This is perhaps the most universal symbol of gentle feelings that do not require anymore explanations and understandable to the representative of any culture. Looking forward to each other views, weave hands, hugs, the kiss of two lovers, depicted in the picture, tell us about everything.

Pigeons, swans and other animals. A pair of aging pigeons also personifies the mutual tenderness of a couple in love. And swans at all times were considered a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. By the way, other animals and birds can also serve as the symbols of this feeling. So, the swallows in many nations mean tenderness and striving for creating a cozy home socket. And the reference to the operator and following it can be found, for example, in folklore.

Image of a heart. This symbol can also be considered international. Hearts decorate gifts and postcards dedicated to loved ones. The heart pierced, symbolizes unhappy love.

The last named symbol reminds more about one character associated with Europeans with suddenly emerged felt feelings. Of course, we are talking about the deity of love, depicted in the form of a baby with wings behind the back, armed with a bow and arrows. It is he who splits the hearts, forcing people to suffer from love fever. And call it differently: Cupid, Cupid, Eros.

Red rose. This is another European symbol denoting torture love, passion. "Red Rose - Love Emblem" - This line from the song is familiar to many.

Crossed rings. This image also eloquently suggests that two people decided to combine their destinies and live further together in love and harmony.

By placing one or more love characters in the picture or drawing, and even withstanding your work in the desired color scheme, the artist may not doubt that the viewer will understand: the author wanted to portray this feeling!

Today I will tell you how to make pictures about love drawn in pencil stages for beginners. Warning immediately, we will draw the word Love, as you already understood in English. The master class is quite complicated, I would say above average. To begin with, we will create a frame for each letter, and then will be outlined. The inscription will increase in size, to the left of the right, i.e. The letter l in size is the smallest, and the letter E is the largest at the end. We emphasize the word for beauty.

Also, the pictures of love can be attributed. In this lesson, I will portray the letters full, slightly voluminous and extensive. If your hand is packed on drawing letters, you can immediately depict the word, but if you begin, then without the initial frame can not do. Budge six steps, for every step in the letter, then outlining the frame and at the end the removal of auxiliary lines.

Immediately need to make the basis for an inscription, a small curved line on which our drawing will go. Then, you must at the beginning of the foundation we depict the letter L and at the edges, as well as on the fractures, we make small circles, according to them, the figures of the letters will be drawn.

Following V, at the bottom you can not make an auxiliary circle. Complete letters will reach the auxiliary line.

And the last letter E. In the edges, we do a circle, but there are no fractures, because in the future the letter will come into contact with the previous V.

Now it's time to outlines the framework. Pay attention to O and on E, to make them the most difficult. If you get casually to perform this work, then it does not matter, the main thing that would naturally be and extensively.

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction in artistic creativity, which are well owned and owns such masters like Vrubel or Brian Duey. They perfectly performed drawings with a simple pencil. And these works are worried, please and bring pleasure. Is it possible to take their equipment and learn to draw a similar method? Sure you may! But, how and what is necessary for this?

  1. To begin with, let's talk, why it is worth paying attention to this area.
  2. The next important question we will stop are - the secrets of drawing.
  3. And finished this excursion to the world, where black and white images reign small, but a pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking of the greatness and genius of all simple, it is impossible not to remember about the usual pencil. Which of us is not familiar with him and kept him in his hands. We all speak well since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny kids, it seems that it is so easy to take a pencil in the hands and start to "create" kalyaki-staks.

But the child grows, and he sees that the spectrum of the use of a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone cities, bridges and houses build them on paper. The other is paving them on the map the route of the World Travel. And the third writes poems or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and just a pencil entered our life and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn by a pencil are a whole direction, stylish and having its unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely versatile. Therefore, their possibilities are endless. Drawn by a simple pencil, they:

  • Suitable for any age. And little kids are interesting to consider them, and adults like it to use them in their entries in social networks.
  • No limiting criteria for use. Girls and guys wonderfully will set such beautiful pictures such as status or give them to their friend.
  • They can be copied or easy to learn to execute themselves (sripe).
  • Different character character. This may be cute pictures with nyashnye fluffy, can be fun and funny, or, have similarity with photos.

And most importantly, the pencil drawing is incredibly attractive and convincingly looks. It can decorate not only your profile on a page in social networks, but also morning, and all day with pleasant memories.

Simple image drawing options

The most basic secret, why drawings with a pencil cool, original and draw attention, is that they look like alive. Drawn everything is so real and exactly what it seems that people are about to speak or laugh, pay, and items can be taken and use them.

Why are they so cool and everything looks like this? What do they live? Consider, through the light touches noticeably that the master thought out not only the accuracy of lines transmitting the image and silhouette, he paid particular attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is it? Light and shadow.

Workshops working on lightness, the artist seeks the apparent volume. Before us, as was, simple black and white pictures for drawing. But when the shadow appeared, for example, from the curl falling on the face, or on the table from the vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want your acquisition realistic look? Then you looked up correctly!

Phased master classes

Easy to say: "Draw", and how can you really do this if it never studied it and it seems that there is no talent? The team of our site gives all his friends an amazing opportunity to learn to perform pencil drawings in stages. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your favorite your work. How? If you accept our prompts for which you can master the drawing, the technique of repetition. It is absolutely not difficult. Yes, and the result will delight.

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Today I will tell you how to make pictures about love drawn in pencil stages for beginners. Warning immediately, we will draw the word Love, as you already understood in English. The master class is quite complicated, I would say above average. To begin with, we will create a frame for each letter, and then will be outlined. The inscription will increase in size, to the left of the right, i.e. The letter l in size is the smallest, and the letter E is the largest at the end. We emphasize the word for beauty.

Also, the pictures of love can be attributed. In this lesson, I will portray the letters full, slightly voluminous and extensive. If your hand is packed on drawing letters, you can immediately depict the word, but if you begin, then without the initial frame can not do. Budge six steps, for every step in the letter, then outlining the frame and at the end the removal of auxiliary lines.

Immediately need to make the basis for an inscription, a small curved line on which our drawing will go. Then, you must at the beginning of the foundation we depict the letter L and at the edges, as well as on the fractures, we make small circles, according to them, the figures of the letters will be drawn.

Following V, at the bottom you can not make an auxiliary circle. Complete letters will reach the auxiliary line.

And the last letter E. In the edges, we do a circle, but there are no fractures, because in the future the letter will come into contact with the previous V.

Now it's time to outlines the framework. Pay attention to O and on E, to make them the most difficult. If you get casually to perform this work, then it does not matter, the main thing that would naturally be and extensively.

At the very end, we raise the auxiliary and no longer necessary lines, and Atk also carry the whole drawing. This is how pictures are made about love drawn by a phased pencil for beginners.

In the world, ruined anger and hostility love is the only sip of fresh air ..

Why love? Because this feeling is familiar to us since childhood (love for parents). Further first in some school love, forever it was mutual or successful. But we will never forget her!

Well, let's start viewing our selection of drawings with a pencil!

I want to love you all my life
About the sadness to forget forever.
After all, happiness is just with you,
Love does not need to be different.
I want to hug you soon
After all, there is no gentle in the world.
And there are no excellent words anymore
To express my love.

Love and hugs

Love comes to us unknown
She is like white snowfall,
Always beautiful and welcome,
And every person is happy to her.

There are storms and doubts,
It happens jealousy like a thunderstorm.
But there is no more beautiful feeling
What to see love in the eyes.

She will decorate all the instant
Let me fly in heaven.
From boredom will find salvation
Allowing the feelings to breathe.

Amazing love

I love so much I,
I want to live all my life, loving.
No one can prohibit
You only love me.
And the heart asks warmth,
I do not see emptiness with you.
Only happiness to our and love
Create blood of blood.

Sweet love

My love for you is clean,
I just believe in miracles.
I don't want to lose you
I want you to hug you.
And every day, and every hour
I love you, as now.
And on this night I will not be asleep,
In your eyes, I will drown.

Heaven also love

Love is born in the hearts
And it will become stronger with parting.
Love do not describe in verses
Do not explain experienced!

Variations of our love

Quality to forgive who you love
Of who can not live without you
And if you do not forgive you, you will hate,
After all, you can't love so much!

After all, everyone may be mistaken in life,
But not everyone is given to understand it
And if a person asks forgivers,
Understand, sorry, and try to give a chance!

Do not be proud, don't be a heartless,
And do not hold anyone you evil
After all, life, she is not infinite
Perhaps you have no wines for you too.

And every person is worthy to be forgiveness,
And even moreover, who in love with you!

Touching the heart

Love is an adorable feeling
Love is courage and fear.
Sometime and sad,
But less often happens.
Love is happiness and joy,
When the soul is so warm
And this is heavenly sweetness
And the hearts are two as one.

Sketch beautiful love

I miss your eyes
Such deep, clean, clear,
Your mounted, sweet lips
Such hot and beautiful.

I miss your hands
Who caress the body
As if the sun in the morning
Waddling the radiator looked.

I miss your words
Which are so treated the soul
Who scream "love"
So quietly, whisper looked.

Dancing couple

I am very rushing
And I do not find places
Since you are not up with me,
And I dream under the moon
You will rather see you
Your mouth kiss
In your eyes to drown
In your arms to sleep.

Anime Love

Love you like the sea loves waves,
How the sky loves the stars and the moon
My eyes of hope and worship are full
Iv heart again Amur let the arrow.

I want to get drunk love from your hands,
After all, they are warm, and devoted tenderness.
I want my eyes in the eyes
All also gently for you sparkled loyalty.

Several videos for drawing drawings with pencil drawings:

This topic is not easy and very delicate. From the beginning of the world, to this day, people are wondering what it is and how it works. Not to mention how to draw love, no idea about it. But we will try to place the points over it. So, love is the generally accepted name of the form of a very non-payment relationship between human-like. The animals could not master this cunning technique, perhaps because they have no time for such trifles, they have survival and continuation of the kind. In the civilized society there are many traditions and holidays generated by this feeling. Famous examples - March 8 or Valentine's Day, or.

So that you know:

  • The largest number of idiotic actions is carried out under the action of two things: love and alcohol;
  • Without love, there would be no 99% pop songs;
  • Precisely because we love the Most High and Chuck Norris, we are still alive;
  • And there is also a special symbol that allegedly expresses the feeling - it is. We drew it in the past lesson.

And today I decided to take a more complex picture as an example. We will depict the famous heroes of Titanic: Rose and Jack Dawson. No, not that frame in the cargo compartment, but on the nose of the ship:

How to draw love with pencil stages

Step one. Sketch contours of tel.

Step second. Add some details, denote the location of the elements of the face.

Step Three. Make a sketch of clothes.

Step fourth. Remove the auxiliary lines and add hatching.

Pitch fifth. We will replant the contours of the picture, make them clearer and add the shadows.

We still have drawing lessons full of love and joy, here you can portray.

Comprehensive, multiple, changing, as if pictures in a children's kaleidoscope. To tell about love is more clear, emotionally can, probably, the best music and painting.

Pencil, brush and paints

How can love can you draw? Let's remember the paintings of great masters on this eternal theme. For example, the "farewell kiss" of Lawrence, the "merger of the shower" of Bern-Jones, "Idyllia" Buggero, "Above the city" of Shagal and others. What amazing in them? The joy of being, the tenderness of beauty, the magnificence of passion, inspiration. But there are other canvas expressing jealousy, despair, even hatred. To know how to draw a love such, look at the works of Hogen "Are you jealous?", "Ingress, Paolo and Francesca" Engra and many more different amazing canvases. As you can see, they are all very different, but they talk about the same thing. And we mentioned only about the relationship between a man and a woman. And if you draw love strap, holy - maternal? How can she look like? Samples of painting - and old, and modern - also a lot. "Madonna Litt" da Vinci, "Sicstinskaya Madonna" Rafael - all these paintings are embodied the best, which may be in a man, in a woman. To draw homeland, it is enough to remember the works of Levitan, Shishkin, Monet ... The list can be continued for a long time. The most important thing is probably - really experience the emotions that are going to pass on paper and make it as sincere as possible.

Choose the plot

What does creativity begins? From a minute of inspiration, when an insurmountable desire is born to take care. From the plot that comes to mind, excites consciousness and soul, requires incarnation. How to draw love? The pencil stages pounced the sketch of the fact that the imagination was in a holistic picture. Why a pencil? Because in the process of work, you want to change something, something will require processing. The coal bladge is easier to erase the eraser than to remove the strokes made by the paints or the lines do without pressure, so that there are no traces and dirt on the leaf. And only then, when the sketch is ready, you can do work in color.

Creative process

How to draw love in stages, if the picture is an allegory: two hands outstretched to each other, against the background of the rising sun? Such a canvas personifies the emerging relationships, the hopes are bright and hot, as the luminary itself. Youthful feelings filled with romance and passion. Pencil snap out the contours of the hands - approximately so that they follow the middle of the sheet. Thorring the details thoroughly. Women's brush should look like fragile, with thin long fingers, elegant wrist. Men's - larger. Try to portray it so that the power and tenderness felt. The drawing will be more expressive and plastic, if the hands are slightly touching each other with your fingers. Thus, you will transmit the timidity and the thrill of the first touch of loved. In the background, draw the solar disk, but not clear, but somewhat blurred. It is important not so much that he himself, how much radiated radiance, golden pink, painting everything around in the festive, warm tones. To achieve such an effect will allow a simple reception: the blade of a dangerous razor is placed the smallest crumbs from the pencils of the appropriate colors and then thoroughly scroll through the paper. The edges of the picture place the light blue color - the color of the sky, which symbolizes the hopes, sublime feelings and dreams. In this case, this will be the speaker item, which will allow you to put the right accent in the picture. Or leave your work in the black and white version. If you tried well and put the soul, it will understand and close to any viewer.

And more offers

Drawn pictures with a pencil about love can be very different. This and mother, pronounced over the cradle of a child, and a brother playing with a sister, and a heart pierced by an arrow. Couple frozen in the arms or circling in dance, erotic scenes or just the word "love", written in or gothic font. Even a bouquet of flowers or only one rose can express the entire depth of feelings, overwhelming the artist. And it does not matter if you still lack craftsmanship, and the technique of execution is far from ideal. Creativity is, first of all, an act of self-expression. Therefore, good luck to you and real feelings!
