How to play new Dota Mode 2. Modes and teams in the game

How to play new Dota Mode 2. Modes and teams in the game

August 22, 2014: Added a remark that to launch Workshop Tools at the moment it is not necessary to use the STEAM beta client.


Alpha Version Workshop Tools, necessary to create custom modes, has become available to all users. This means that Model and MapMakers have the ability to start creating custom content for Dota 2 and download it to Steam Workshop, where other users can download and try it. In detail, all the steps are written in detail, the execution of which is necessary in order to start playing the custom Modes. So let's start. Interesting:

  • Please note that this guide will tell you how to create your own modes, but will show how to start playing them.
  • In addition, Workshop Tools and the content created with it are now in the stage of alpha testing. The quality of the content and the Workshop Tools themselves is not guaranteed. You must take it as a fact.
  • The guide was written during the Alpha Release Dota Workshop Tools. The process may change over time. It will be updated in accordance with future updates. Last updated: August 22, 2014

System requirements

Current alpha version of Workshop Tools is compatible only with the following system configurations. In addition, you need to follow some of the requirements required at the moment to play custom regimes.

  • 64-bit version of Windows.
  • Direct3D 11 Compatible Video Card
If your system does not match this, then you will have to wait. The upcoming future releases will expand the support of several systems (including 32-bit Windows and Direct3D 9), and it will make it easier for the content loading procedure, search for matches and games.

How can I find out if I have a 64-bit operating system?

It's simple.

  • Click "Windows + R" to open the "Run ..." window.
  • Enter "dxdiag" and press ENTER. This will open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window.
  • On the first tab you can watch your operating system and the DirectX version to check whether they are suitable for the requirements.

Step 1: Dota 2 Workshop Tools Installation

In order to run user modes, you need to have Dota 2 Workshop Tools. To install it, follow the instructions below.

Step 2: We subscribe to custom modifications

You can find a list of all modifications loaded at the moment in Steam Workshop. Just go to Steam Workshop and click on the first tab called "Custom Games" in Workshop Click and open the page of any of the mods that you like. There you can learn more information about them as with other objects in Workshop. Example: A particularly popular modification of Pudge Wars is presented here, which is now available in Workshop. All user modifications use subscription system. So after you read a description of the modification, all that you will remain is to click on the "Subscribe" button. After this, the modification will start its download. Wait for the end. After loading a modification, you will have everything you need to start the game. Note: At any time, the creator of the modification can update it to the latest version. In this case, you will receive a notification asking for update the version of the Fashion. It is also done just as the installation. So you can easily manage all installed custom modifications.

Step 3: Creating a lobby with installed modification

Now that you have all the files and everything else, it's time to go to the settings in the game itself. But before we do this, I will describe a couple of action to ensure more stable work.


Since Workshop Tools and custom mods are now in alpha stages, in the process you can stumble upon some errors and bugs, which is quite expected. They will be eliminated in subsequent updates, but until they did not reach them, observe several useful rules, which, with great probability, will help you get rid of many mistakes:

  • If you have in the console or in the start parameters there is a "-Override_vpk" command - remove it when you want to play user modes.
  • Do not leave open workshop tools or any other unnecessary programs for the game.
Made? Time to go to the game itself.
  1. Run the main client Dota 2 (not a test client!). A few more facts:
    • The lobby with user modifications are created locally, therefore a player who wants to create a lobby must have a relatively powerful configuration of his computer to ensure a stable game of itself and other players.
    • Now only lobby friends are supported for user modes. So players who want to play with custom modifications should have a host player on the list of their friends.
  2. After you ended up in the game, go to the "Game" tab. If you have done everything right before that moment, you should have a new tab, which is called "Custom Games".
  3. In order to create a lobby, go to "Subscriptions". You will see all the game modes that you have been signed. Simply select the one in which you want to play and click "Create a Lobby". Their will give you a warning described by me earlier, which says that the creation of a local lobby requires a powerful computer configuration. Click the "Create" button. After you make it, you will fall in the Lobby settings menu, very similar to the standard Lobby menu. The main thing is to make sure it is in the correctness of the custom card (in this picture it is Pudgewars). The rest of the settings are set up by your wishes. After clicking on the "Create Lobby" button, you fall into the standard lobby window, where your friends can just join the game. After all your friends will come, click "Start the game", and the game will be Ready to launch. While you simplify, the remaining players will wait, but as soon as the card is loaded, your friends will also start the download procedure.


    When you click "Start the game", and the game begins to boot, the Dota 2 client in which you were closed. You may seem that the game "stunned", but it is not. This is just a 64-bit Dota 2 client, which goes along with Workshop Tools and in which all user modifications are played and played.

    Made as specifically, since the Dota 2 client itself has no support for custom cards and game modes. The same is explained by the weightshop Tools weight, as in fact it downloads a separate client. Wait a little, and another client will boot along with your modification.

Step 4: Accession to the lobby with the installed modification

If you are not a host, you can easily join other players and enjoy user modes.

  1. In order to join the game after your friend created the lobby, in the "Custom Games" tab, you need to choose "Lobby Friends". There you will see all the available lobby your friends. Also you can use a private lobby menu to, know the password, go into the lobby with the required user mode without adding other players to the list of your friends. After you find yourself in the lobby, you can check the settings The lobby to make sure that you came exactly the lobby with the right mode. After this is waiting for the accession of other players and start the game. When the host starts the game, you are like a simple player, should wait until the host proghes first. After it will begin your download.


    When you click "Start the game", and the game begins to boot, the Dota 2 client in which you were closed. You may seem that the game "stunned", but it is not. This is just a 64-bit Dota 2 client, which goes along with Workshop Tools and in which all the custom modifications are played at the moment. Fee a little, and another client will boot along with your modification.

  2. Observation and broadcasting of the game in user games work in the same way as in ordinary. You just take the viewer's slot or commentator instead of a player slot.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the following have already been mentioned in the manual, but I will allocate some of the basic problematic questions of users and the answer for them. Q. Why can't I find "Custom Games" in the "Game" tab?O. Because you did not transfer the Steam client to beta test mode. B. I did not have a download 5.5 GB of updates. What is the problem?A. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you have 32-bit Windows, or the requirements described in the manual do not coincide. B. I have a 64-bit Windows, but the update does not start anyway. What do I need to do?A. Restart the Steam client, and you will see that the problem will eliminate. In. I can't choose any user mode. The list is empty, however I subscribed to some. How to solve? A. This may be due to the fact that you forget to remove the "-Override_vpk" command from the startup parameters. Remove it and check again. V. I do not have enough friends who play with me. Are there any assumptions?A. Most of the popular user regimes have their own chat channels in the game in which some players are constantly looking for others. There you can get a password from a private lobby and join him. You can also search different sites and forums dedicated to these modes. In All of the above is too difficult for me, however, I like custom modifications. Is there any hope? O, sure. Remember that now user modes and workshop tools are in the stage of alpha testing, and the purpose of their release for users is primarily in testing. Once all the bugs are eliminated, and the user cards themselves will be fully prepared, the ability to play other modes will appear in the standard Dota 2 client.


After the workshop alpha tools exit, some things will be changed. I will try to keep this guide as fresh as possible and relevant. I may ask me to ask me

In this article, we will analyze all game modes in Dota 2. At the moment in Dota 2 10 game modes.

All Pick:

Each player chooses any hero of all available. He has the opportunity to choose any hero (closer), after which it will receive 200 gold more than the rest. After choosing the heroes, you can exchange them.

Single Draft:

Each player gives the choice of three random characters, with the main attribute force, dexterity, intelligence. After choosing the heroes, you will not be able to exchange them if you choose a random character, you will not receive additional gold.

Random Draft:

Players for the choice is given 20 heroes, which they choose in turn. The choice of the hero is given 20 seconds.

All Random:

Each player is given a random character. All players receive extra gold, namely 200. You can also take advantage of the hero, on another random.


In each team, the captain is chosen to become it necessary to click "become captain." After that, the captain chooses heroes for his team and prohibits for enemy. The captain has 30 seconds for a ban and choosing a hero. It also gives 110 seconds of extra time, after which, if the hero was not selected, a random character is given.

1 Stage of Prohibition: Light, Darkness, Light, Darkness

2 Stage of Choice: Light, Darkness, Darkness, Light

3 Stage of Prohibition: Light, Darkness, Light, Darkness

4 Stage of Choice: Darkness, Light, Darkness, Light

5 Stage Prohibition: Darkness, Light

6 Selection Stage: Darkness, Light


The analogy of the previous mode, the captain is selected, which prohibits and chooses heroes from a certain list of heroes.

Least Played:

Players are given only those heroes for whom they played the least, this is a great opportunity to explore new characters.

Limited Heroes:

The choice of characters suitable for beginners in Dota 2 are available.

Available heroes: Bounty Hunter, Death Prophet, Dragon Knight, Drow Ranger, Juggernaut, Lich, Lion, Razor, Sand King, Sniper, Sven, Tidehunter, Vengeful Spirit, Viper, Warlock, Windranger, Witch Doctor, Wraith King, Zeus.

Ability Draft:

Each player gives a random character, after which each in turn chooses the abilities from the list.

All Random Deathmatch:

Players have 40 lives, after every death they receive a new character. For victory, the enemy team should end life or break all the buildings (throne).

History of updates of the manual

August 22, 2014: Added a remark that to launch Workshop Tools at the moment it is not necessary to use the STEAM beta client.


Alpha Version Workshop Tools, necessary to create custom modes, has become available to all users. This means that Model and MapMakers have the ability to start creating custom content for Dota 2 and upload it to Steam Workshop, where other users can download and try it out.

In the manual, all the steps are written in detail, the execution of which is necessary in order to start playing user modes. So let's start.


  • Please note that this guide will tell you how to create your own modes, but will show how to start playing them.
  • In addition, Workshop Tools and the content created with it are now in the stage of alpha testing. The quality of the content and the Workshop Tools themselves is not guaranteed. You must take it as a fact.
  • The guide was written during the Alpha Release Dota Workshop Tools. The process may change over time. It will be updated in accordance with future updates. Last updated: August 22, 2014

System requirements

Current alpha version of Workshop Tools is compatible only with the following system configurations. In addition, you need to follow some of the requirements required at the moment to play custom regimes.

  • 64-bit version of Windows.
  • Direct3D 11 Compatible Video Card
If your system does not match this, then you will have to wait. The upcoming future releases will expand the support of several systems (including 32-bit Windows and Direct3D 9), and it will make it easier for the content loading procedure, search for matches and games.

How can I find out if I have a 64-bit operating system?

It's simple.
  • Click "Windows + R" to open the "Run ..." window.
  • Enter "dxdiag" and press ENTER. This will open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window.
  • On the first tab you can watch your operating system and the DirectX version to check whether they are suitable for the requirements.

Step 1: Dota 2 Workshop Tools Installation

In order to run user modes, you need to have Dota 2 Workshop Tools. To install it, follow the instructions below.

Step 2: We subscribe to custom modifications

You can find a list of all modifications loaded at the moment. Just go to Steam Workshop and click on the first tab called "Custom Games"

In Workshop, click and open the page any of the mods that you like. There you can learn more information about them as with other objects in Workshop.
Example: Here is a particularly popular modification page that is now available in Workshop.

All user modifications use subscription system. So after you read the description of the modification, all you will remain is to click on the "Subscribe" button.

After that, the modification will start its download. Wait for the end.

After downloading the modification, you will have everything you need to start the game.

Note: At any time, the creator of the modification can update it to the latest version. In this case, you will receive a notification asking for update the version of the Fashion. It is also done just as the installation. So you can easily manage all installed custom modifications.

Step 3: Creating a lobby with installed modification

Now that you have all the files and everything else, it's time to go to the settings in the game itself. But before we do this, I will describe a couple of action to ensure more stable work.


Since Workshop Tools and custom mods are now in alpha stages, in the process you can stumble upon some errors and bugs, which is quite expected. They will be eliminated in subsequent updates, but until they did not reach them, observe several useful rules, which, with great probability, will help you get rid of many mistakes:

  • If you have in the console or in the start parameters there is a "-Override_vpk" command - remove it when you want to play user modes.
  • Do not leave open workshop tools or any other unnecessary programs for the game.
Made? Time to go to the game itself.
  1. Run the main client Dota 2 (not a test client!).

    A few more facts:

    • The lobby with user modifications are created locally, therefore a player who wants to create a lobby must have a relatively powerful configuration of his computer to ensure a stable game of itself and other players.
    • Now only lobby friends are supported for user modes. So players who want to play with custom modifications should have a host player on the list of their friends.
  2. After you ended up in the game, go to the "Game" tab. If you have done everything right before that moment, you should have a new tab, which is called "Custom Games".
  3. In order to create a lobby, go to "Subscriptions". You will see all the game modes that you have been signed. Simply select the one you want to play and click "Create a Lobby".

    The game will give you a warning described by me earlier, which says that the creation of a local lobby requires a powerful computer configuration. Click the Create button.

    After you do this, you will fall in the Lobby settings menu, very similar to the standard Lobby menu. The main thing is to make sure it is in the correctness of the custom card (in this picture it is Pudgewars). The remaining settings are exposed by your own.

    After clicking on the "Create Lobby" button, you fall into the standard lobby window, where your friends can just join the game.

    After all your friends go, click "Start the game", and the game will be ready for launch. While you simplify, the remaining players will wait, but as soon as the card is loaded, your friends will also start the download procedure.


    When you click "Start the game", and the game begins to boot, the Dota 2 client in which you were closed. You may seem that the game "stunned", but it is not. This is just a 64-bit Dota 2 client, which goes along with Workshop Tools and in which all user modifications are played and played.

    FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

    Most of the following have already been mentioned in the manual, but I will allocate some of the basic problematic questions of users and the answer for them.

    Q. Why can't I find "Custom Games" in the "Game" tab?
    O. Because you did not transfer the Steam client to beta test mode.

    B. I did not have a download 5.5 GB of updates. What is the problem?
    A. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you have 32-bit Windows, or the requirements described in the manual do not coincide.

    B. I have a 64-bit Windows, but the update does not start anyway. What do I need to do?
    O. Restart the Steam client, and you will see that the problem will be eliminated.

    V. I can not choose any user mode. The list is empty, however I subscribed to some. How to solve?
    A. This may be due to the fact that you forget to remove the "-Override_vpk" command from the startup parameters. Remove it and check again.

    V. I do not have enough friends who play with me. Are there any assumptions?
    A. Most of the popular user regimes have their own chat channels in the game in which some players are constantly looking for others. There you can get a password from a private lobby and join him. You can also search for different sites and forums dedicated to these modes.

    B. All of the above is too difficult for me, however, I like custom modifications. Is there any hope?
    O, sure. Remember that now user modes and workshop tools are in the stage of alpha testing, and the purpose of their release for users is primarily in testing. Once all the bugs are eliminated, and the user cards themselves will be fully prepared, the ability to play other modes will appear in the standard Dota 2 client.


    After the workshop alpha tools exit, some things will be changed. I will try to keep this guide as fresh as possible and relevant.

    For all questions you may ask me

To enter the command you need start the game. Already in the game you need to call the message entry mode (ENTER - send a message to its allies, Ctrl + Enter - Send a message to all players). All teams begin with the sign "-". After entering the command, you need to press ENTER and the game will execute the command, saying this corresponding response, or report an error.

Commands can be entered one by one, and you can both at the same time. For example -Ar -ID -SH or -ARIDSH. The procedure for entering commands In the event of a record of one line is not important - the program itself will understand how correctly or warn about the wrong combination.

Teams available to "Blue" player in the first 15 seconds after the start

Primary teams in Game (Only one of them can be selected)

-ModeRandom -mr. Accidentally chooses the game mode between the usual game and -ar / -p / -tr. Incompatible with -ai, -aa and -as
-allpick. -AP Allows players of both teams to choose the heroes of any side within 2 minutes
-AllRandom -ar All players get a random hero from all available
-Teamrandom -tr. All players get a random hero of their race
-Leaguemode. -lm. "LEAGUE MODE" - mode -Random is disabled.
Blue chooses first, then pink and light blue, then tea and purple, then gray and green, then yellow and orange, and the latter brown.
Buildings around the world tree and ice throne are regulated by 8 units of health per second. A world tree and ice throne themselves regenerate 20 units of health per second.
The game should be 5 to 5 to activate this mode
-Voterandom -VR Each player is given to select three different modes of the game. Requires the same number of players on each side. Each player can submit his voice for a particular mode using the command:
-Option number
(Footage - Number 1, 2 or 3)
-RandomDraft. -Rd. Leaves 22 hero on each side and allows you to choose heroes according to the scheme: one side chooses the first hero, then the other - 2 hero, and so on, and at the end of the second side chooses the last hero (scheme 1-2-2-2-1 ).
-Extendedleague. -XL. Another League Mode
-Terrain Snow -ts. Turns the earth in the snow.
-Experimental Runes. -er. Runes appear simultaneously on both sides every three minutes (instead of two).

Secondary teams

-ShufflePlayers. -Sp. Randomly redistribute players on the sides (light / dark).
-allagi. -Aa. You can choose only the heroes with the main skill: dexterity.
-allint. -Ai. You can choose only heroes with the main skill: intelligence.
-allstr. -as. You can choose only heroes with the main skill: force.
-Itemdrop. -id When hero's death drops out an artifact from a randomly selected inventory slot (may not fall, if it falls on an empty slot)
-Reverse. -RV. You choose the heroes for the opponent, and they choose the heroes for you
-MirrorMatch -mm. "Mirror match", that is, both teams consist of identical heroes
-Deathmatch -dm. Each hero can die only once. Accordingly, after death, another hero of the "survivors" is selected. The team loses if half of the total number of heroes perish for it. In this mode, there is no artifact "Shield of Immortality - Agegis (Aegis of the Immortal)".
You must enter before entering the primary commands. Incompatible with -ai, -aa and -as. Commands are available --ND (without deaths) and -Lives XX (Number of Lives)
-supercreeps. -sc. Periodically on the lines will appear "supercrips", such as Siege Golem, Scary Fish or Hydra (this happens randomly - it may be that Hydra and Golem will be released for one side at the same time, and for the other - nothing)
-Easymode. -EM. "Fast game" - tower weaker, heroes get more experience
-Nopowerups. -np. Turns off the appearance of runes
-SameHero. -sh. The hero of the chosen blue player is given to everyone else.
-DuplicateMode. -Du. Allows you to re-select the same heroes.
-wtf. When calling magic, any hero is restored by mana and the Kultowns are reset.
-Onemid. -OM Only in the center. At the bottom and the top do not go crips and immortal towers
-Notop. -nt. Without top
-Nomid. -nm. Without a center
-Nobot. -NB. Without Niza
-Noswap -NS. Without sink
-norepick. -Nr. Without a veil
-Test Ability to use in the Singleer team multiplayer

Teams available to all players

-Random Chooses a random hero from your race. Money is not spent. (available in the first 60 seconds after start)
-repick. Gives another hero for 150 coins for ordinary games or for 400 coins for allrandom games. You can only use once. (available in the first 120 seconds after start). You can not call if the hero has no complete health and full mana.

Teams available when playing one

-Lvlup. Raise the level of the hero
-Spawncreeps Crop the birth of crips now
-Kill Kill the hero
-Gold xxxxx Gives a gold player in the specified quantity.
-Refresh. Reset Culdaunov magic and complete restoration of health and mana at the hero.
-unstuck Carry the hero to the fountain. Acts 60 seconds after entering. During this period, the hero does not move, does not attack and does not use spells. That is, it is easy to kill. Used in situations, for example, when the hero is "stuck" in the trees
-MoveSpeed. -MS. Shows the speed of movement of the hero at the moment
-Matchup. -ma. Shows the list of heroes chosen by opponents and the current level of each hero.
-Recreate. Available for Nixs, Terrorbleda, Knight, Dragon and Wolf Man. Use when you need to move to the fountain if the hero is lost (problem when transforming). 200 seconds Time of Custovation, requires presence within the radius of the fountain operation, can be canceled.
-DisableHelp. Disable Help: Makes Test Of Faith (Faith) magic (Chen - The Holy Knight, Chen) (teleportation of you back to the database) Not applicable to you, and Sprout Magic (Furion - The Prophet, Furion) and Astral Imprisonment (Astral Prison) (Harbinger - The Obsidian Destroyer, Sphinx) are not able to influence you.
-enablehelp. Enable Help: If the -DisableHelp mode has been activated, -enablehelp makes Test of Faith (Faith) magic (Chen - The Holy Knight, Chen) can teleport you, and Sprout magic (trees) (Furion - The Prophet, Furion) and Astral Imprisonment (Astral Prison) (Harbinger - The Obsidian Destroyer, Sphinx) capable of influencing you.
-creepstats. -cs. For those who follow the statistics of the killings of their / alien crips.
-Cson Turning on the score of the killings of crips.
-CSOFF. Turning off the score of the killings of crips.
-swaphero. Implement the heroes with your allies. Can only be used once (?). When calling a team, a choice window opens with whom I would like to be changed. After selecting an ally, a window arises with the exchange question (yes / no). If an ally agrees - the exchange occurs.
-Hidemsg. Disable spam messages arising from the death of the hero
--showMSG. Enable spam messages arising from the death of the hero
-GameInfo. Reports on the current game modes.
-showdeny Includes the mode of showing the killings of his crips (the sign "!") Is shown over the killed crime)
-HideDeny Disables the murder of their crips
-ma. Shows the level of enemy heroes
-Denyinfo. -di. Includes -cson and -showdeny
-Deathon. -don Includes a death counter
-Deathoff -Doff. Disables the death meter
-Fleshstr. Shows how much power got a butcher - Puja (Pudge - The Butcher) whitewings of his magic Flesh Heap (flesh)
- Weather Snow / Rain / Moonlight / Wind / Off Changes the weather on the map.
snow - Snow goes (only hosts available)
rain - It's raining (only the host is available)
moonlight - Moonlight (Only Available Host)
wIND - wind (only available host)
random - the weather is changing every 5 minutes (Available to everyone)
oFF - Disable weather (Available to all)

Disabled weather can not be included.

-mute. Removes the sound issued when murder.

Palmistry of gold in the game with different mods

Number of
1x1 3500

Defence of the Ancients 2. If these words are given to me with melodiousness and pour bright memories, you are the same dota lover, like the other millions of fans of this game. Dota 2 began to emerge for a very long time, it was reborn from the first dota, since the times of Warcraft III. Now Dota is one of the most recognizable team online games. It hosts annual championships with insane prize. Daily online is more than a million. Million a day, it is difficult to imagine? But this game has acquired such popularity.

In Dota 2 there is a large number of diverse modes. You can select the matchmaking mode, the usual game, the game with bots and the lobby.

  • Matchmaking (Ranken) is a competitive regime where the winning gamers are accrued with certain points, losers, respectively, are removed.
  • The usual game is no different from the ranken, but there are no glasses there, and people play for pleasure. It is played by either beginners or those who wish to relax from the matchmaking.
  • The game with bots is well suited for beginners. Playing with bots, the new one comes to understand what and when to do in order to win.

Lobby should pay more attention

In this mode, you can create a personal room where you can invite both friends and any other people. In such a game, the trophy glasses or battle points will not be accrued, as well as things will not fall out. In the lobby you need to come up with the name of the game. You can select the game mod, for example, such as Reverse Captains Mode, All Random Deathmatch or Least Played. The choice of the country where the lobby server will be located, is very rich: from Japan to Luxembourg. Next, you can put visibility: open, for friends or closed. There is an opportunity to fill empty slots by bots, with the choice of their complexity from "Easy" to "Professional".

There are even additional settings, such as: the possibility of observing the game, can I put in the game pause and others. And there is also the opportunity to include cheats in the game, but more about them below. The lobby will not be taken into account in any statistics, so you can die an unlimited number of times, anyway, no one will see. It can be installed in it so that except those who know him, no one has come there. The lobby can be found, knowing the password from it. It is in the special window to enter it, and there is a necessary lobby if it exists.

How to call friends in the lobby?

To do this, add a friend as a friend in Dota 2. Then, when you click on the Lobby button, all the lobbies in which their friends are automatically appeared. He can easily join. There is a second option. The one who created the lobby puts the password on it and reports to a friend. He enters the search password and finds. Next way: Before creating the lobby, invite a friend to the group, and when creating this game mode, it will move automatically there. And the last option, if a friend in your friends in Dota, after creating the lobby, when you click on his nickname, the option "Invite to the lobby" will appear. After the invitation, a friend can take it and be in the lobby.

Console teams in the lobby

In the lobby mode, it is very convenient to check the fine configuration of the game, which is made thanks to the console commands. To enable this option, you need to activate the console when starting the dot. To do this, in the incentive you need to click on the right button onto dota. We select "Properties", then "Set the startup parameters". A window appears, it needs to register -Console and confirm the selection. In the game itself, the default console opens when the "~" key is pressed.

After creating the lobby, you can safely boot into the game. Initially, if the team at the end costs "0" - it is not active if "1" is enabled.

List of teams for the main hero:

  • dota_force_right_click_attack - allows you to finish your crips by pressing the right mouse button;
  • dota_Player_Units_Auto_attack - includes auto-attack.;
  • dota_shop_force_hotkeys - allows you to press the hotkeys in the store to buy control objects;
  • dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection - automatically takes control of the villages called;
  • dota_apm - the number of actions per minute shows only in the console;
  • ping - demonstrates ping (delay) of all players;
  • dota_always_show_hero_names - shows the game nickname over the hero;
  • dota_Disable_Range_Finder - demonstrates the radius of the use of abilities in the form of a circle around the hero;
  • dota_screen_shake - turns on the screening of the screen, when using any abilities;
  • dota_Unit_use_Player_Color - highlights mobs.

And let's read?

In addition to the fine tuning of the hero, the lobby can include such an option as "cheats". With the help of these commands, you can do what in ordinary games with the best game situations will not work.

List of cheats in Dota, which are entered into chat:

  • -lvlup - allows you to increase the level of the hero to the specified;
  • -gold - adds a certain amount of gold;
  • -wtf - removes Culdown (recharging) of abilities and the cost of mana on them;
  • -UNWTF - turns off this effect;
  • -ITEM "Name" - gives the hero a given subject from the list;
  • -Refresh - completely restores HP and MP and removes the recharge of things and abilities;
  • -Respawn - resurrect your hero;
  • -spawncreeps - an additional wave of crips;
  • -disablecreepspawn - forbids to appear to all cripmes in the game;
  • -enablecreepspawn - turns off this effect;
  • -Spawnneutrals - neutral crimes appear in the forest;
  • -spawnrune - adds a rune to the place of their appearance;
  • -levelbots - sets a certain level of bots;
  • -allvision - this cheat will allow to see the whole map, removes the fog of war;
  • -NormalVision - turns off this effect;
  • -CreateHero "The name of the hero" - will create a certain hero under your control;
  • -CreateHero "Hero's name" Enemy - creates a specific hero for the opponent team.

Cheats in Dota 2 are needed, and will be useful as novice who do not know much about the mechanics of the game and the old-timers who need to check something.