What dream of a broken glass? Dream of glasses.

What dream of a broken glass? Dream of glasses.
What dream of a broken glass? Dream of glasses.

Dream interpretation housewife

Glass to what dreams in a dream:

By dream of a glass of see what means a glass - a glass with water - a new novel or marriage. An empty glass is a gone love, unhealthy. Broken glass - breaking relationship with a loved one, illness

Modern dream book

By dream of a glass that means sleep:

To see a glass in a dream - saw an empty glass in a dream - will experience a disgust for something familiar. A full glass of dreams of well-being. They drank something from a glass - a difficult thing to come to come, with whom you will successfully handle.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream glass in a dream?

To see a glass of a glass means - glasses - to fun, feast.

Dreamed / dreamed of a faceted glass - drink in a dream from faceted glass - to a unpleasant society.

Autumn dream book

What to see in a dream a glass?

What dreams faceted glass is to forbidden love.

The glass is to poverty, so dream book interprets the dream that you dreamed.

Cup number - drink in a dream tea from a glass with a cup holder - to be independent of the circumstances.

Spring dream book

What to see a glass in a dream?

By dream of a glass that means in a dream - a faceted glass - to the rope of a member of your family or a close relative.

A glass - a male guest gulls, according to the dream book - a predictor.

The cupboard is a male guest arrival.

Summer Dream

What to see a glass in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: cup holder. Drink tea from a glass with a cup holder - to retrogradism.

The glass is to a hangover.

Lunar dream book

What dream of a glass in a dream?

To see the glass of the glass - the danger of drunkenness. Yearning. Stupid act.

Dream Head Adskina ON

Interpretation of a glass in the dream book:

What dreams in a dream a glass in a dream - in reality life tests. Empty glasses - past; memories; Full - the future.

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

To see a glass in a dream - to get a glass of water in a dream foreshadows a quick marriage or the birth of children. Break a glass or other glass or crystal dishes if the water from this dishwashes did not shed, - the head of the death of mother and salvation of the child.

Dream I. Ermakova

What is the dream of a glass of dreams?

What does it mean in a dream

A glass - When someone sees in a dream, that he filed a full glass of water, it foreshadows him that he would soon marry and will have children from his wife, "The fact that all the glass belongs to the woman, the water is a symbol of abundance; If the served glass will be broken, then the dream this means the loss of many friends.

Dream Interpretation Zodiac signs

See a glass in a dream:

A glass is to pour water into a clean glass - build big plans and experience confidence that they will come true.

Drinking water from glass is a warning that a number of disadvantages that are available in your character and affecting relations with people should immediately subjected to corrections, otherwise you cannot avoid unpleasant consequences.

Water, in a glass - sleep foreshadows good health and prosperity in affairs.

Pour poison to someone in a glass - a warning that, acting with dishonest methods, you can be in your own trap.



Dream Miller

To see the bottle in a dream, if they are filled with the top with a transparent liquid - You will overcome all the obstacles in love, well arrange your business.

If the bottles are empty - Coming misfortunes emit. You have a strong networks and you will have to make great efforts and skills to get rid of them.

Sonniest Medea

Bottle - Vaginal symbol, reflects the sensuality and eroticism of a woman.

Broken bottle - disease, quarrel.

With wine - Joy, pleasant communication.

Water bottle - New acquaintance.

Dream of Freud.

Bottle like a vessel - symbolizes female genitals. Hence all typical interpretations.

Opening a bottle - symbolizes sexual intercourse, loss of innocence.

Stitching from the bottle - symbolizes seeds.

A large number of different and beautiful bottles in your bar - symbolizes your active sex life, and also talks about a large number of your sexual partners.

Indecision when choosing a bottle in a store or fear of this choice - They talk about your insecurity in front of the opposite sex and fear of sexual contact.

If you send your children to donate bottles - You are aggressively tuned towards your children.

If you charge it with your half - You secretly hate it (her).

If you hit someone a bottle "You are unhappy with your partner and want to change it, and you already have a replacement."

Broken bottle - symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sexual life.

Collection of empty bottles - Says about your illegibility in ties.

Purchase in a good and beautiful bottle - suggests that you appreciate your partner, or soon meet your dream.

Dream lovers

Bottles, topped with liquid, - A favorable sign. This means that you will overcome the difficulties and will be happy in love. Empty bottles - Shot to split and quarrels.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Most often a bottle with a narrow neck - Symbolizes in dream difficulties and discord.

If it is empty - Such a dream foreshadows that trouble can finally empty your strength.

Dirty water in a bottle or an incomplete bottle - foreshadow great fatigue from the fight against difficulties.

Bottle of wine - Sign of what difficulties discourage you.

At the same time, a bottle, top filled with clean, transparent water - A sign that you can overcome all difficulties, although you have to work hard to arrange your affairs.

Jewish dream book

Bottle - Guests.

Dream Solomon

Bottle full - fellowship, cheerful company; Empty - longing.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Full bottle - Fun, entertainment, mutual love, success and luck in affairs.

Empty - To overcome obstacles and the successful completion of the initiated cases, it will have to make maximum effort and time.

New family dream book

Filled bottle - dream of success in affairs and on the love "front."

Empty bottle - To troubledness: you have to make great efforts and skills to overcome them.

Modern visible dream book

Full bottle - a) treat, cheerful company; drunkenness; 6) insomnia; c) separation, divorce; d) a difficult matter; e) Success in love and affairs.

Empty bottle - a) the fight against adversities; b) boredom, quarrel; c) longing, despondency; d) lack of funds; e) efforts in overcoming difficulties.

If in your dream bottles are filled with transparent liquid - You successfully arrange all your dollars, overcome the obstacles in love.

Empty bottles - A sign that it is difficult for you to have to be in the networks of future misfortunes.

Bottles with bright stickers - dangerous adventures; strange form - Strange sentences.

Eastern female dream book

Bottle - good sign. Especially in the event that the bottles are filled with a transparent liquid. Such a dream promises good luck, welfare, success in heartfers.

Saw empty bottles - Beware, you risk getting into the networks placed by enemies. You have to make a lot of strength and patience to get out of them.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Filled with alcoholic bottle - to merry; medicine, mixture - to the disease; water - to rest; empty - To in vain trouble.

Children's dream book

Bottle - denotes mental emptiness.

Plastic bottle - Your life is empty and boring.

Full dream of a new era

Bottle - Reflection of self-insulation accomplished or possible. Reflection of openness or closedness. Reflection of the completeness of feelings or their absence (false).

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

See a bottle filled with wine - To merry.

See a bottle of imported, beautiful configuration - To poverty.


See a bottle filled with edges - To the happy fullness of your life.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Empty bottle - to a misunderstanding full - to merry and guests, broken - To trouble.

Torry from the bottle - To drunkenness with a fight.

Dream Khasse

Bottle to see - anxiety; broken - sadness; filled - awaits hard work; empty - Disadvantages in life.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you see a bottle or bottle - This is good when they are filled with something. So you will be able to overcome all obstacles in love and arrange your best in the best way.

Break a bottle of wine - To the fact that your love and passion will move all the borders.

Descend in a dream in the cellar, full bottles with wine - foreshadows the most pleasant impressions; bottles with champagne - a favorable thing is to with Limonad - You will compete with others at a loss, with another drink - Meet an unpleasant person.

Bottles with milk in large quantities - To wealth and health who are waiting for you ahead.

Drink something straight from the bottle - Wealth in the house, the future successful trip, generally positive emotions.

Empty bottles - Bad sleep, the foresight of misfortunes, to deal with which you will be very difficult.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Bottles to see - alarm, separation; full - funny company; empty - longing, shortcomings in life; broken - sadness; filled - Waiting for hard work.

Female dream book

Bottles, full of water - Meaning that your affairs are successfully arranged.

Empty bottles - foreshadow the coming troubles, the fight against which you will require considerable effort and skills.

Total dream book

Empty bottles - Shot to the divorce.

See full bottles - Husband (wife) will leave you to another woman (man).

If you dreamed that you scored a bottle - Wait for an unwanted guest.

Have you seen someone scored a bottle - Soon you yourself can be an uninvited guest.

Sleep in which you broke a bottle - Means, soon all your family troubles will be in the past.

If you dreamed that you saw someone broke a bottle - Some of your distant relatives will help you solve your family problems.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Open bottle - can mean openness cloud - Means secrecy.

Full bottle - means completeness of emotions, empty bottle - Emotional devastation and exhaustion.

Dream of the XXI century

Empty bottle in a dream - Maybe mean the upcoming quarrel, boredom or disappointment.

Bottle of wine - Success and pleasant society, from whiskey - to the upcoming struggle and good results, with water - Slow, but faithful solution to your problems.

Her open up - To well-being, drink from it - To joy.

English Dream

Sleep in which you see a bottle full of wines - promises you a prosperous life.

Empty bottle - Symbolizes your secret enemy, who has mastered the compromising the secret, which, if he is revealed, can greatly harm you.

If in a dream you dispake the wine straight from the neck - Think, if there is no other creature next to you, which you can put irreparable damage, and making it, destroy and your own soul and reputation.

Old Parsida Dream Interpretation Tafleisi

Bottle - As a rule, it's a male dream. Women - He dreams extremely rare, sulu disappointment. Men dream - To meet with a woman.

Broken bottle - promises the death of the spouse.

Empty bottle - promises marriage on a poor girl.

Glass, clean and transparent bottle - A beautiful and respectable woman will enter your life.

Bottle with sweet syrup - Marriage on a fun woman.

Bottle of vinegar - A dream foreshadows that your spouse will have melancholic rights.

Oil bottle - A sign that the bride will be very religious and will take place from a very rich family.

If you dreamed that you scold a bottle and lubricate your hair with this oil - The fair part of the wealth of your bride will go to you.

Drink from bottle wine - To marry rich.

Dream of Yellow Emperor

See a bottle or another resembling her vessel - Feel the condition of your body: the correct / incorrect exchange of water in the body, depending on the kidneys.

Seeing the bottle filled with liquid without attention to that is open or not - means the pathological accumulation of fluid in the body.

See a bottle filled with liquid with attention to the fact that it is clogged and does not open - An even more unfavorable option of the first interpretation: the magnitude, the solar distortion of energy flows in the body and the inability to cope with the disease independently.

See the bottle empty in the thirst - means dehydration of the body: disadvantages in the work of the kidneys, lungs, spleen and hearts.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Bottle - Symbols of salvation, "encapsulated", displaced experience. In the dreams of alcoholics, direct indication of the displacement of dependence and abstinence. Phallic symbol. An indication of the possible interest in a specific object to which the bottle is given.

Dream Stranger

Bottle empty - annoyance; full - Pushes on the content.

Culinary dream book

See in a dream a full bottle - Good: You will overcome all obstacles in love, will achieve success in affairs.

If the bottle is empty - You will have a tedious struggle with a variety of adversities.

Modern universal dream book

Perhaps bottle - A sign that you hide emotions that do not want to show in humans.

In a dream, the bottle is transparent, and you can see what is inside? Or is it dark, and its contents are not visible? If she is opaque, you can say that is inside? - This is what you would like or would not like to have?

Maybe inside the bottle - Message from afar? Perhaps the message is a call for help.

Is there a genie in a bottle you want to release to fulfill your desires? - Think about what is inside the bottle and how you treat it.

Perhaps bottle - Symbol of addiction to alcohol. It can also mean the desire of the proximity without fear of refusal: after all, the bottle is played for this!

Dream of Gypsy

Full bottle - A symbol of abundance and desire to divide it with others.

Empty bottle - symbolizes need, sharp longing.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Bottling empty - bad, sadness, empty ringing, disappointment, separation; full - income, baryrs, feast, love conventions; broken - Let's refuse former intentions.

Bottle filled - insomnia; empty - boredom, sometimes a quarrel.

Esoteric dream book

Full alcoholic beverage - You will be waiting for a heavy hangover and in the literal and figurative sense.

Broken - Excessive use of alcohol and oily food will lead to the disease of the stomach.

With water - kidney can get sick.

Unusual shape - To rare disease.

Dream of flowers

Bottle - separation, divorce.

Collection of Sonnikov

Bottle - You feel that you are "clocked."

Letter in a bottle - Maybe the answer to come from an unexpected side.

Pure - Means the clarity of your life.

Open bottle - can mean openness, clogged - secrecy.

Seen in a dream bottle - It has a lot of interpretations.

Filled bottle - a funny company, ragged fun; parting; Complete enterprise.

Empty bottle - all your life struggle; boredom or sadness; lack of money.

If a bottle is filled with any transparent liquid in a dream - You are waiting for success in affairs and love, despite temporary obstacles.

Bottles with colorful libs - dangerous journey.

Bottles are complete - You will overcome all obstacles in love, to arrange your affairs well; empty - Possible misfortune.

Drawing bottles - They promise to get the inheritance from a distant relative.

Bottle full - treat, cheerful company, drunkenness; empty - longing and despondency.


Dream Interpretation Cup, What dreams Cup in dream to see

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist A.Megetti What dreams Cup:

By dreams What a dream is a cup - a vessel, which is a vaginal symbol (see vessel)

Autumn Dream Interpretation What dreams Cup in Dream:

A cup - break the cup - to intrigues and deception.

Summer dream book what dreams of a cup of dreams:

A cup - break the cup in a dream - to spiritual patience.

Small Velezov Dream Interpretation Why in a dream dream Cup:

Cup - Guest Being Guests to wait; split - a quarrel in the family; Full - profit.

Erotic dream book What dream cup in a dream?

By dreams to see a cup - keep a cup in a dream in your hand and slowly disconnect the liquid from it - to the hidden desire of the possession; This interpretation is equally both for men and for women. To fill a cup with a drink and bring it to anyone? It indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with the liked and sexually attractive person for you. Smash in a dream a cup for a woman means the loss of his femininity and sexuality in the eyes of a partner and other men and caused by this phenomenon suffering. Men This dream foreshadows the loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans. If a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks him, it says that he tries to deliver his partner the highest pleasure, so this dream is interpreted.

Ukrainian dream book what does it mean when the cup dreams:

Cup - a cup (wash it) - go to visit.

Spring Dream Interpretation What dreams of a cup of dreams:

Cup - to noisy guests; Clear a cup - to a quarrel in the family.

Dream Stranger

The cup is complete - depending on the drink; Empty - the uncertainty of relationships; friend. Smash - happy case.

Culinary dream book if the cup dreams in a dream:

A cup - a porcelain cup, a sidewall, brings in a dream to you as a gift, is a sign of someone friendly, kind and easy-to-blade to you.

Biblical dream book Azara Dream Interpretation: Cup to see in a dream

What dreams of a cup - to noisy guests, smash - a quarrel in the family

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Cup in a dream

Cup - broken - quarrel; see - invitation; clay - modest life; Buy - fright in the family.

Esoteric dream book if a cup dreams:

A cup is empty empty troubles, acquiring unnecessary or unsuccessful things. Full see what: this will be more than enough.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananitis See in a dream Cup

In a dream to what dreams a cup - broken - Quarrel - see - Invitation - Clay - Modest Life - Buy - Frig in Family - Full - Profit

Dream Soglunya Medele Cup for a dream:

What it means to see in a dream a cup (Cup) - a bowl - a symbol of energy, the ability to feed the dream forces. Keep a bowl or cup in your hands - means to manage your destiny. By Freud, the bowl (cup) is a female vaginal symbol. A cup with water is a more favorable sign than empty. A cup is a bowl in miniature. All prophecies for the cup are the same with the reduction of the scale of joy. Split a cup - to start a new period of life.

Modern dream book if a cup dreams:

Sleeping Dream Interpretation: Cup Filled - Blow, Trouble


What dream of a broken bottle?

In general, a bottle is usually dreaming of separation. However, it is not necessary to dwell only on this interpretation. After all, it is important under what circumstances did this vessel dreamed. It is also worth paying attention to which a bottle is made, and what role she plays in a dream.

There are many different dreams where you can find the interpretation. It happens that, even you do not know which dream book is better. Therefore, it is advisable to look at several at once.

For example, in the dream of Azar, the bottle foreshadows unexpected guests. However, if she crashed, then in the near future the man will overtake the longing and nostalgia on the past. In modern dream book, a bottle means a mental emptiness.

Most often, this item dreams of people creative professions. If the bottle crashed, then a creative person awaits lack of money.

It is very important to pay attention to what is or was in a bottle. If it is alcohol, then some banquet will be scheduled soon. It happens that juice is poured into this vessel. It promises to sweet life. And if there is clean water, then a mystery will soon open. But if the bottle crashed, then all this can give the opposite effect.

Of course, in most cases, a broken bottle says that all dreams and plans are destroyed. But still it is worth rewinding and look at every case in an esoteric dream book. It says that seeing in a dream, as a bottle of alcohol crashed, it means that soon climb the top of success.

But if the empty vessel crashed, problems with the stomach are expected soon.

Slightly comfortable Dream of Tafleysi. It says that such a dream appears only in men. It happens, of course, that dreams of women, but it is extremely rare. This dream book predicts what to see a bottle in a dream - to new acquaintances. If she crashed, nothing new is expected.

Apparently, a broken bottle can dream of both good and bad news. But still, such a dream is not desirable for young girls. It may threaten loneliness in real life.

It is necessary to immediately find out what the broken bottle is dreaming to be attentively and careful in reality. It is worth noting that such a sign can be foreshadowed not the most successful predictions for a person. It is also worth considering that a dream in which there is a broken bottle, suggests that everything comes can never come true.

It is very important to know what date and on what day of the week there was a given dream. With the help of a lunar calendar, you can find out if there is a possibility that it will come true. After all, it is better to immediately find out how then to torment yourself with negative thoughts and constantly think about it.

We should not forget that each dream carries very important information. In a word - this is a sign that gives over so that the person does not make fools. Therefore, any dreams must be taken into account and not to remain indifferent to them.


What did the toilet dreamed of the toilet?

Things that we see every day often come to us and in the night sir. Unitaz - no exception.

And in order to correctly interpret such a dream, it is necessary to look into the dream book. The toilet in a dream will often prophete events that drastically change the life of a dream.

What was he?

Sleep, where the toilet was clean, foreshadows new financial capabilities and new projects at work. Dream Interpretation recommends paying attention to its strengths and start implementing himself.

The dirty toilet often dreams of people arrogant, proud. So the dreams of the dream book promises that soon the situation will arise in their lives, requiring step over and do an unloved business.

  • With the feces - to profit.
  • With urine - short-term pleasure.
  • In a dream, he is black - to a quarrel.
  • Scored - to the disease.
  • See that it is closed with a lid - you will learn someone's secret.

If you dreamed of a broken, broken toilet, it means that soon you will be able to buy what I have long been dreamed of. Even if it is a very expensive purchase, you can afford it. The only thing that is advised by the dream book, when choosing a product, be sure to look at its quality, demand a guarantee from the seller.

If the toilet bowl is dreaming, remember exactly what it was. See clean, transparent liquid - to an unexpected situation. And a lot of dirty water dreams before meeting with a unpleasant person.

Dreams about the toilet with water of unusual color, remind you that you need to relax. And if the fluid was blood, then pay attention to the health of your loved ones.

What did you do?

Sit on the toilet in a dream, - in the dream book means relaxing and enjoying life. But sometimes such dreams suggest that all your grand plans are risking to be fulfilled only half. Dream Interpretation recommends not to stop halfway, but confidently move forward.

  • Sit on the dirty toilet - to the money.
  • Clean it - to heavy, but profitable work.
  • Wash toilet - to provide a favor to a close person.
  • Sit on a closed lid - to in vain trouble.
  • Clear it in a dream - to be held with a friend.

If you had to wash a dirty public toilet in the dream, then in reality you are too dependent on the opinions of others. And a dream, where you treat the toilet to a visit, - in the dream book means trying to deserve forgiveness.

If the toilet clogged, and you are trying to clean the clogged toilet with your hands, then you are waiting for a good material remuneration. And the dreams, in which you do not manage to cope with the problem, will notice for long, tedious work.

To urinate in the toilet, means to experience relief. Often this vision is after heavy physical or mental work.

And to urinate by him, - means to make a job poorly and start all over again. By the dream of Miller, such dreams will dream when you are very tired and wanted to relax. Dream Interpretation recommends to listen to himself and take at least a week of vacation.

  • To urinate into a broken toilet - to upset because of the trifle.
  • Wash the urine with water - subconsciously want a child.
  • There is no water to wash away - you are upset.

To urinate into the dirty toilet, by Miller's dream book means to dream of dear, prestigious rest. If you are dealt with forces and fully give yourself to work, be sure that you will be able to realize your dream into reality. And if you are lazy, then you will stay at home.

Identifying what the toilet dream is, you will be able to manage events in your life and independently simulate your future.


Dream Interpretation Smash Glass

Why dream of smashing a glass in a dream in a dream?

If you have dreamed of smaking the glass, I will bring it to an unexpected change in events that can break all the plans. Presumably, there will be a gap of intimate relationships that seemed so reliable. Health may worsen.

Spread the faceted cup promises terrible health effects after excessive drinking alcoholic beverages on the eve in the evening. Dream interpretation warns: Do not use a large amount of alcohol in the near future.


Drink from a broken glass

Dream book drink from broken glass Dreamed about what dreams of drinking from a broken glade in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to drink from a broken glass, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Glass (Drink, Fuuder)

To see in a dream, how you drink water or other drinks from the glass - to dangerous sex.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

From afar, the glass saw - can mean gossip about you.

Refuse to give you a glade - you are waiting for an unexpected and annoying circumstance.

Get a glass of a glass - get an increase in position or inheritance.

A full glass or wineglass for a girl can symbolize the upcoming pregnancy.

Drinking from the glass - have a temporary pleasure.

Drink from a gold or silver gland - for patients with slow recovery.

A broken glass dreams - foreshadows disease.

Fuuder or a glass with water dreams of good health, with wine - to joy and pleasures, full.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

If in a dream you will see an empty glass, then you should be afraid of evil languages; See in a dream full glass - sign of coming happiness. Patients such a dream predicts a non-discovered recovery. If in a dream you drink water from a beautiful glass, then you expect an empty spending time on a deal that will never come true. If your beloved presents you a glass of water in a dream, you are waiting for sensual pleasures and forbidden pleasures. Sleep warns you that you should behave carefully and more carefully in order not to damage your reputation. To see a lot of richly decorated glasses from the Vienna glass means that you should carefully treat the proposals that you will receive from people with power and money, because it will help you to radically change your life and achieve great success. Glasses filled with wine in a dream - a sign of good news. If the wine is sweet, then you will find a lot of pleasant. Road glasses to see in a dream, while you think about the missing person, from which you did not have news, means that he is alive, healthy and is on the road away from you. See interpretation: Wine, water, drinks.

Dream Interpretation - Bok

Naked side - to robbery. Pork side - to liver disease. If you are hidden for the sides - wait for ridicule. Scratch in a dream side - to care.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

If you see a little glasses in a dream - this means an unexpected dispute with a beloved or lover.

One glass indicates the need for short vacation.

If you broke a glass in a dream - you will have to suddenly change the plans in advance.

If a glass was having a glass, then you need a small break in the work.

If, on the contrary, there are many glasses, then with your second half you are waiting for a small discord.

If the glass split - the changes are coming.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Hold an empty glass in hand - to the insincerity of your friend. Hold a full glass in your hand - people wish you health and longevity. A broken glass is seen by moving or changing partners.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

To see the glass in his dream: it means that in the depths of the soul you will prejudice some kind of seductive, but not quite loyal. Be careful! Watch that the favor of fate does not turn your head.

A glass, both full and empty, warns that your happiness at any time threatens to tip over, and in reality you should be careful.

Drinking from the glass: Means that you are ready to succumb to seductive offers and lose your head. On these days you will not hurt be careful.

Dream Interpretation - Glass, Ryumka

A glass or wine glass will be raised in position or to an unexpected inheritance.

Imagine that, no matter how much you drank from the glade (wine glasses), you are not drunk.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

To see a glass of a glass - to a serious disappointment. Perhaps someone will try at any cost to impose your society and it will give you a lot of inconvenience.

Drink water from a silver glade to business problems.

Consider vintage glasses - to the favor of unfamiliar people and favorable offers from them.

A woman who dreamed that she serves the beloved water in a glass, waiting for pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

A glass - joy and pleasure will be replaced by disappointment.

To dream of vintage glasses - a quick acquaintance and a proposal for profitable work from enterprising and prosperous people.

Pour wine or water into a glass - pleasure.


Smash the glass

Dream Interpretation Smash Glass Dreamed, what dream of breaking the glass in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to break the glass, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream - Glass. glass

A glass with water - the personification of sexual relations, also a glass - a female vaginal symbol.

A glass filled with water is a new novel or marriage.

An empty glass is a gone love, unhealthy.

A broken glass is a gap of intimate relationships, a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Empty - you work wasted, full - to generous remuneration. Smash the glass - to losses.

If you dreamed of an empty glass, imagine that you fill it with wine, honey or milk. If you broke the glass, imagine that you glue it with a superclaim and a glass becomes like new.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass with water - to strong health.

An empty glass is to disappointment.

Carefully look at the bottom of the glass - too much superfluous you tell others about your life.

Give you a glass - you will get a friend.

Smash the glass - to fright.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

An empty glass, seen in a dream, predicts the appearance of disgust for anything that has long been familiar. Full glass - to well-being. Drink something from a glass - to a difficult case, which will be completed by well-deserved success.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Saw an empty glass in a dream - will experience a disgust for something familiar.

A full glass of dreams of well-being.

They drank anything from the glass - a difficult thing to come to come, with whom you will successfully handle.

Dream Interpretation - Smash

Break in a dream Flower bed or flower bed - in reality will find patronage and protection. Break the dishes - the head of severe illness. Broken vase and broken flowers - unfortunately in love. Broken to smithereens a bottle with alcohol means that your passion in love will manifest itself in the most bizarre way.

Broken eggs - to disappointment and failure, broken thermometer - a sign of severe illness. To see a broken mirror in a dream foreshadows the unexpected death of a loved one.

If in a dream you broke the window - it means unrequited love. Smash the champagne chandelier - family life will give a crack. Broken glasses suggest that separation from a close man will push you to dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Glass, Bowl, Cup

this is a woman, wife. And who will see that he was given to drink a bowl with water, it points to the child in the womb of his wife. Break in a dream a glass with water-to the death of a pregnant wife. If at the same time the water did not turn out, then the child will be born, but the wife can die. Pour water and not smash the glass-to the survival of the wife and death of the child.

Dream Interpretation - Smash

Split dishes.

Tip of the day: Small trouble do not stand your experiences. Switch to other cases.

Smash the glass in the inside window at home.

Tip of the day: And this is already good luck! Barely embody your plans to life.

Someone breaks the glass window outside.

Tip of the day: Do not miss an important news. Ask yourself from friends with news.

Split the mirror.

Council of the day: the collapse of a certain area of \u200b\u200byour life is inevitable. Analyze your own actions before building new plans

Dream Interpretation - Smash

Break something in a dream - suffer from the rudeness of whom you love.

Dream Interpretation - Smashed

Wake up in a dream - seriously disappointed in those whom you always care and loved.


Broken bath

Dream interpretation broken bath Dreamed what dreams in a dream broken bath? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a broken bath in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bath

Bath in a dream - a symbol of suffering, illness and chagrin. A broken bath foreshadows many problems and difficulties. Bath with clean water - problems in love relationships, especially if something floats in it. See Interpretation: Water, Bath, Wash.

Too hot water in the bath - to scandals and conflicts. The hot water, the worse things will go and the more the scandal will be. A very good omen is considered if you are taking a bath in a dream and get pleasure from it, because such a dream foreshadows wealth, joy, health and good news. A lot of trouble is waiting for you if in a dream you climbed into the bath with water right in clothes. If other people prevented you to take a bath, then beware of slanders.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

An empty bath is a careless word or action can damage your professional activity. Dirty water in the bath - the unclean on his hand colleague will substitute you. Swipe the water from the bath - your missions will take advantage of the envious at work. To lie in the bath, full of foam, - you will find yourself in the center of the scandal and lose credibility of the bosses. You wash the body in the bathroom - get an aging from the bosses.

Imagine that the bath grows up to the size of the pool or lake. You swim in transparent, clean water. The sun shines, the sky pigeon, you feel wonderful.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

Empty bath - disappointment, betrayal.

Empty and dry - anger, full of water - success.

Cold and clean water in the bath marks health.

Dirty - indicates that in life there is evil, intrigue.

Take a bath in a dream for a man means familiarizing and affair with a woman who will not be the only one.

For a woman - the appearance of a passionate fan.

If a bath is taking a young girl or a young man, this is a sign of complications, misunderstandings in love.

If you are going to wash with someone, you need to beware of false partners in affairs.

For a pregnant woman's dream about washing in the bath - a warning about the accident.

All dreams, in which in any form appears the bath, require further careful thinking of their behavior, their decisions.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

In the bathroom to be concerns, illness, grave works.

Take a warm bath - to the disease.

Cold bath to take to health.

Empty bath see - sadness.

Bed filled with blood is the danger of sustainable death.

Therapeutic baths are well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

The bath is a symbol of female genital organs.

Clean and sparkling bath symbolizes your sexual irresistibility.

Washing in the bath speaks about the desire to have children and foreshadows an ambulance.

If you are frolic in the bath, you are attracted to exquisite types of sex.

An injury obtained in the bath can mean a complex pregnancy or genital disease.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

To see in a dream that you wash in the bath - the foresight of well-being, but at the same time big heart unrest because of your loved one, fear of losing your attractiveness in his eyes and always charm. Therefore, such a dream implies in real life to adhere to careful and more thoughtful behavior. The dream in which you are sitting in the bath, and someone lays your back, - revealed to unreliable travelers who can have common acquaintances with you: you can hear about yourself the most incredible and unpleasant things.

Bath, full of dirty foam, foreshadows a quick collision with nothing covered evil. Clean water in a bath, smelling a pleasant coniferous extract, - forever joyful days and blooming health.

For a pregnant woman to see in a dream a bath - a warning about the possibility of exposing an unexpected attack, get into an accident or become a victim of any other accident.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

Fill the bath with warm water: try to think over your life, whether everything suits you in it? Most likely, after you find the opportunity to realize your creative abilities, you will feel much better.

The most familiar apathy will leave life forever.

Take a warm, pleasant bath and get pleasure from this: you will meet with an old friend who have not seen for a long time.

Communication will take you both great pleasure.

Memories of the past are resurrected former dreams and desires in you, and you will feel younger.

To be in the bath, from which all the water gradually goes: you lack faith in your strength.

Apparently, some time ago someone strongly shaken her, and you believed this man.

Try to look at yourself from the side of taking a bath with aromatic oils: you consider yourself an aestheter, although in some situations behave far from perfectly.

Stop admiring yourself and try to appreciate yourself more critical, it will benefit you.

You are lying in the bath full of foam: you are unforgivable rarely think about how they react others to your words.

It is worth being careful, otherwise you will lose the attachment of those who are dear to you.

A mitten knit in the dream of a mittens yourself or someone else: you can bring those whom you are entirely trusted.

Try to be more prudent in choosing those who know your secrets.

Unfortunately recognize something about yourself from "third parties."

Find someone else's mitching dream - you give too much importance to empty conversations and gossip of those who are completely irrelevant to you.

Believe more indifferent to such things.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

If the bath is filled with water - this is a warning about the leakage of money.

Take a bath - you need a vacation.

If you wash with other people - you should be careful when conclusion of transactions.

If water flows into the bath - damages are possible.

If you bathe in the bath - you need to relax.

If there are still people in the bath - be careful to whom you plan to cooperate with.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

For a pregnant woman to take a bath - means the need to include a fractional passive recreation day.

In other options, an empty bath - a cold-filled cold water - should not be hurried.

The bath in which dirty underwear is located - to the exacerbation of relationships with people close to you (whose underwear, he will be your unkind opponent).

Air bath - you have a new opportunity to achieve your goals.

Dream interpretation - bathroom

Bathroom - dream bath - well-being. Swim in it (if pure water) - success in affairs, turbid water - disease. Sometimes bathroom is a coffin.




Good afternoon, in a dream I dreamed that I broke the phone. Holding a broken phone in his hands, I swear with my father that because of it broke. What is this dream? Thanks a lot in advance.


Telephone - symbol of information transfer, communication. Make conclusions. Or the circumstances will be educated in such a way that because of the Father, you will quarrel with someone. Or problems in dealing with the Father, which is not too late to correct. Such dreams are shot on the eve and are a warning that is worth competing correctly.


I dreamed that I dropped a cell phone and broke


Hello! I had a meant that I was confronted from the balcony of the former beloved, and he tries to get to my balcony. We quarrel very much. It falls from the balcony, and I also squeeze the glass from the balcony window and it is smashed. What does it mean? Sleep greatly influenced me emotionally. Thanks to me.


i tried to break the dishes in a dream, and the plates and piles, but as I just didn't throw it. She did not break into anything. Why would it?


girlfriend my favorite man breaks my new phone, after which I cry very much


I dreamed that music played on my phone, he freezes, but the music plays and I smack it, but the music remains and I cry.

Smash the car in a dream | Autoblog:

[...] Smash - Dream Interpretation, Interpretation of dreams [...]


I see my phone whose screen again crashed. In a dream, it was upset of me. I thought well, how so recently repaired and dropped again and broke. True, I thought for a long time when and how I managed to break it. And then woke up.


Hello, what did the mobile phone dreamed, during the conversation, the phone drops and the screen is broken ???

Thanks in advance


I dreamed, I am going on a familiar street, tired, legs to break, no strength even raise your hands, and suddenly touch the face and feel that the phone fell, twilight, vaguely visible. I find, I raise and see to the dobessy, even the glasss are small on your hands, it becomes scary, it bought expensive not long ago on credit! Bagudo, I meet with my beloved, and I say that you need to ride it! I wake up sharply and I feel that sleep as in reality! Why all this! Thank you!


At first I had a dream that I was in some building like a school sitting on the benches in the corridor Communicating with the two girls took out the phone and I began to crumble the screen on the phone, the phone is the same as I have in reality, I started repairing to collect glass and glued on the screen some sheet and made an inscription on it, the next dream I dreamed that I went on the bus driving, then on a motorcycle, then it all disaccustomed somewhere, and finally the third dream I had a dream that I was standing near the parking lot and came Woman and asked Show me a sports white car so that you could get involved, to drive, I for my son, I began to search for a car to her car there were a lot of sports and all white.


I dreamed of my former husband in the surroundings of unfamiliar women oh he pushed me away and they stayed with him ... I walked in the entrance and started all the gramist Novas remained on the ground I took the statue and wanted to smash, but she didn't break down then I didn't break the fists but not scratching I was not ... and I woke up from horror ....


In a dream I broke the phone and I was very sorry for this, I tried to collect the glasses and insert it back but I did not go to me, he again and again lost on a piece


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream in which I saw a broken phone screen. He was all in cracks. This is the biggest impression, I don't remember anything else.


Hello. I and my girlfriend have young people serve. She waits true, and I twisted with a friend of my young man. But we both understand that all this is just flirting and there will be nothing later. I dreamed that we were going to them with my girlfriend. She has the number of their commander and I ask that she would call and agreed on their dismissal. We sit and wait for the exit time to fit the train with people unfamiliar to us. There was a lot of food on the table and some red drink. It was very much in glasses. My phone rang, called the familiar with which we communicate well at the moment. We swore with her and after this conversation I broke the phone. Decipher please.


I was in my room, after I found myself in the ballroom, there was a shoe in my hands (fragile some kind of glass, I don't know crystal) girlfriend and it turned out that I broke her about the floor ... After all, everyone began to collect fragments and I taking them A bunch in the hands, felt a sharp pain .. Putting them back to the floor began to pull out the bloody fragments of the palms. And all ... what it may mean .. Dreamed from Mon on W.


at first it dreams that I can't get sickly the window, my daughter had lacking forces to pull me out (she stood at the top and stretched my hands), then after a long torment, I walk to the closed door, and I see the glass in it, I frantically smash and sit in this opening, afraid S here is not placing, and I will call out. When it got out there was so light! I felt great relief!


Hello, today I dreamed at night, a strange sleep as it was that I beat the plates, there were a lot of them, and I broke them all, then what was accused of some kind of murder, where I was not to blame.


Good morning. We have a future spouse (wedding May 22) in the apartment in the small room are our photos in photo frames. And today I dreamed that they were all folded on the table with broken glasses (that is, the glasses were not knocked out, but they walked crack as a web). Then I took them in my hands and as if it pushed this glass, it looked and the floor, then I started. In a dream, I asked what the Frames, I was told that Baks rushed everywhere and threw them off the shelves. BCS is our black kitten. Thanks in advance for the answer.


We are going with a man on the car, it does not cope with the control, the car circles and it crashes. Husband dies, I go out of the car and see him


Hello! To dream that I beat the dishes, and she does not be fighting. Only one gland has cracks and the upper part appeared, but very beautiful ....


Sleep. My phone fell, I raised him. Wipe. On the screen first was a small scratch, then a large scratch was formed. As a result, the touch screen burst and formed a "web" made of glass. Further, he began to understand. The film was deposited, the back panel was shot. At the end it was no longer a phone and its separate parts


I went to the balcony of my apartment (in my opinion I looked at the bottom to the ground) And then I returned roses (or with my hand, or someone) hit the glass that was in the window, and it beat the roses to smithereens, Dad said "Quickly remove" , I took a broom and the kelks, started under throw. "I woke up.


I had a dream that I went to my husband's house, we don't live together for three months already, and worried that his mother would not come there, but she accepted me, and there was already two unfamiliar girls in the room. "I saw my husband in bed Dressed, I sat down to the bed. And as soon as I got the unfamiliar girl and sat down at my place. When I went to the kitchen or to another room, that girl tried to have sex with him, but I leaving noticed it. Moved and drove Her and her husband had a mobile phone of red and broke it.


Hello! I have a nightmare constantly ... I know that these are prophetic dreams. I seem to give me a gift. I dreamed of a dream, as if I changed the job, I came back in the post of musical leader, and I was put there to wash the dishes and serve for the commission, well, I did not cope with this work, because My fingers got sick and I dropped the spread with plates, they scattered shattered ... And I felt pain in my hands ... I really caught the transition to a new job, I do not change the position, I just change the location of the location, and now I sit and think ... change it or not?


My girl and I went for the yard not known to me and were looking for where to retire, after I found myself on the bench of the same courtyard lay on the Internet and I was sitting on the Internet, the police officers approached me, asked the name, having heard the name of the surname, they said fine. I asked for what I was answered for the car, and I gave the keys to hold the girl, it turned out that it urgently needed to go somewhere. She took the car and hit the forehead into a scrap, as she is the third time behind the wheel. The cars took the tow truck before my arrival. We went to your acquaintances and I woke up.


I stood in the yard and heard my dad shouted (not loud) that the house burns. I started shouting my brother that the house burns faster to stew, and he was sitting at one hundred and sits, I then quickly ran to the Viranda (the Viland was built in front of the house, if you look at the hall in the window, I can see the Viranda), so I first I was laugh, I didn't know what to do, then I heard my dad again - "Fire!", I crash the window with my foot, I didn't rent a single glass in me, and I got a smooth rectangle in my window (I didn't break the window), I got In him, and sitting on the limber and the strangest thing that Tulle is a little challenging, and dad just sat on the sofa and could not put out a piece of Tulle, well, I certainly put the tulle, not with water, but a rag, as strange, but the fire was not.


I dreamed of a dream that or I and someone broke my own phone, (I don't remember exactly someone who broke) on my phone there were huge cracks, scratches! I started the dream that I keep this phone in my hands, and he was already broken,


Everything was fairly happening, the sleep began with the fact that I took a familiar car, rode the hometown of Suwastopol on this car with my sister, then broke it, and not weakly, we did not dare neither scratches did not have any bruises I called someone else and took another car from a friend, and broke another car in both cases I do not remember what was the reason for the reason and now we are classified for this broken car the second and here I see a friend who has not seen it for a long time , Well, as it usually happens) I woke up, tell me what it's all? No one was injured in both cases, thanks for their attention, waiting for an answer) !!


I dreamed of treason of my husband, and he was almost proud of her and said that he was not going to come further. In a dream, I first experienced about this, and then I said that I decide how to do it, but that he no longer approached me. Following me, I dream that I take my mobile phone, and it is all in the grid of cracks. In this low, the phone fell and crashed. And at first I tried to collect the detail, but then I realized that it was useless and better I buy a new one.


Hello, I would like you to consult me \u200b\u200ba little in my sleep .. I was given a very expensive tablet yesterday (iPad Air 2) and at the moment it is from things to me for me at the price of the most Dorgim and to which I will be very careful . So .. in a dream, a dream dreamed that I accidentally dropped him and broke the screen (it from the glass, maybe it will help) and scratched the case .. the dream was very realistic, thanks in advance 🙂


Tatiana, hello! My second night will dream of dreams associated with phones. At first I wanted to throw money on one phone, but I forgot his number and recalled him an hour, I brought himself almost to hysterics, but I never remembered. And today I dreamed that the monitor of another my phone crashed, although this screen was not broken in reality. It was winter, everything in the snow. I for some reason put the phone on the stone, he lay there. I took it, it is all in horizontal cracks. Here. what is it?


In a dream heard a crack and saw that my phone is a white iPhone type like a white glass or china or something I can't understand but glitters the white one crashed, a piece of the upper layer turned out to be separately and I try to glue it but I can't


Dreamed that he kept his mobile phone brightly pink in her hand. Suddenly, he slipped out of my hand. Raise - and there is a large crack on the whole display. Upset, but not much. In repair, he already visited me, so it did not become a surprise.


my girl cried and drove drove to his car, I tried to calm her down, but she didn't hear me! Her friend with the guys caught up with another car and showed forward, I looked there and saw something like a traffic jam and took the wheel and took the wheel and turned aside, we at high speed of Viekhali in a concrete fence after which I woke up !!! My girlfriend will dream of a day 3 or 4 in a row ...


I appear at school, and my classmate has my phone. After that, he hit him about the desk and runs away. I come to the phone, and the glass is broken. And I wake up


Dreamed that I went to the ATB shopping market with a familiar girl (friend)! She went somewhere, I stumbled and fell on the shelf and broke all the dishes! 3 guards approached me and I had the impression that they were twins! Presented a check in which the sum was specified for the broken dishes 25,000! And left, after which I sat down and began to think where to find money .... But here all the guards ran out with that girl with whom came and began to congratulate me with something, pour champagne, and what I didn't understand what I did not understand!


Hello! I had a dream that I broke the bumper of the car, but when I wake out what happened, everything was on only scratches and the state number would be wound.


in a dream, I was in a clothing store when I went to the fitting room, some kind of woman Nala would break to me to look into the mirror ..
I first politely asked her to leave the fitting room, as others were free .. As a result, we started with it would not quarrel and I crashed a phone with anger.


Hello, I stood in the room in both hands there were either plates or glasses I saw someone and dropped the dishes and was she crashed (what is it?


I am generally engaged in assembling log cabins. Sleep-
I work with my comrades on work on an incredibly high object, meters 50, although the maximum height of our 3rd floor. We are on the balcony. One of them breaks down and falling does not give signs of life, near the head of light mass I understand that I broke my head and died. Alone with a light mass flew by black oblong pieces, I understand that these are leeches. I did not want to descend and look at it and my friend decided to call the familiar in general, did not sound one, not the essence. After an hour and a half, then the bottom went up and went to the store there from the height I can see on the street. Next, next to the stalls, we met him there and it turned out that these are not leeches and pencils like colored, but they performed some kind of function such as the prosthesis type as they stood A certain length of rows and rods are connected to each other. In short, such a garbage dreamed


It was like two sleep, one by one. I broke the husband of a husband first by the batsball (like in the movie). The following dream: I go to the car with a big cobblestone and throw it into the windshield, the hole remains, I'm leaving. The day in a dream was sunny, warm, all glittered in the sun.


dreamed that a close relative breaks all the glass in the house (doors) of the mirror, I don't remember what kind of fact I had, but I think I was scared
and recently my dad died
at the beginning I remember sleep like how the coffin was pulled out (I don't know) but I wanted to do something with my feet, and my husband was sitting on him, I cried and said something for what he could die
Creepy Son.


Hello! I was dreamed that my son, he was 18 years old, swinging the chandelier and she fell and crashed and crawled across the entire room in the room. I see this in another room and say that it would have sink and woke up. I have not seen that it would notice.


I dreamed that I am a lot and falls my phone I take it and gluively and he keeps it all right, but then he falls again and not go off to what it is?

no matter:

i remember the sleep, but I remember what I was calm there i.e. It was not afraid of excited. He was in some kind of building, there were still people familiar to me but who I didn't remember it, we percussioned and said a bit, I remember that I went all the time, but calmly. and somehow I entered some kind of room small where there was a mirror (usual as in a bath, for example) and I looked at my reflection and at that moment somehow it seemed to me that it was necessary to solve something, which task I had something I did not know how to solve. And I somehow illuminated and I realized that the only way out the mirror I started to break the Rua from all the fucking fist, but I did not stop Bila from all over. It seemed to me that the answer to the task was behind the mirror. Then I also calmly gone trying to do something with hand


About my head accidentally fell glass and crashed! I went to the nurse with a collected head, got only a recipe from it! And then walked and lost consciousness!


to me today (01/29/2016) I dreamed that my husband broke a crystal. I didn't see this but splashed to collect fragments, one of them got into my foot. We tried to get this fragment on our own! As a result, some kind of woman pulled it to me And I did not have to call an ambulance. When the fragment was taken out, instead of blood I saw it seems to be a pus. What is bright, but nothing has flowed


I dreamed that I was on the old apartment where my granny lived and died. There are high ceilings and large double windows. I carried something and shed out some dirty water and decided to wipe the stains, then how I flew under the ceiling then took and pushed the window and one part fell into the street and broke, and the other part remained, I went out on the street and fragments were already collected In a bunch and like a mother stands and in the window, it seems of Granny closes the curtains and someone else stands with her and I seem to show him and everyone I woke up.


Saw in a dream that he dropped his watches, which I love very much and they broke into the rat. Glass was whole and other details were scattered. Diamonds are some knocked out. I collected it before my boyfriend's mom. And she looked.

Dream interpretation broken glass

Hurry conclusions in the interpretation of dreams may be inaccurate, distorting the real picture of the future. It is the opinion that if you had a chance to break any dishes in a dream, I would have to fight with the trials sent by the fate. Several unique, absolutely opposite values \u200b\u200bprovide dreams with night vision with fears, glasses and glasses. What dreams of a glass of cracked, what to expect after dreams with a split in his hands the subject?

The emergence of difficulties at work, difficulty in business, inconsistency with colleagues are stuffed by dreams, where, in the plot, the dreams drank from a plump fecent.

Drink out in dreams from broken glass, cups and glasses - to the disease, for the treatment of which will take a lot of means and energy.

Symbolism vision

During the night recreation of the body, the subconsciousness never ceases to file signals. Remembering the specific details of the acting characters, it will be possible to disassemble characters and signs.

What dream of a broken glass? Sleeping singular vision will tell at home the unfavorable atmosphere. Such dreams will dream of a serious scandal. The dishes in the hands of a friend - this is a sign that signals that someone from the close environment needs a dream assistance.

Hear in a dream the ringing of the broken festo

To hear the ringing from the fallen gland in a dream - to the gossip behind the back, see the fragments of crystal or glass on the floor - to get into an awkward position, you will have to prove the honesty of actions to resist the post received recently.

Short interpretations

Dream intercoms of mediums, practitioners and psychologists provide their own, sometimes the unique values \u200b\u200bof the plot with the crushes of dishes.

  • In the extentant of the flowers, the cracked glass bowl foreshadows unexpected guests in the house.
  • Medium Miss Hasse is sure that in reality, happiness will be fleeting, if a glass fell out of his hands.
  • It is possible to move, breaking the relationship with a close person, if a glass is broken without a leg, "an Islamic interpreter assures.
  • According to Freud, sleeping individuals will have to experience the feelings of awkwardness, fright, emptiness and disappointment, when the scenario has to drink from a broken glass.

As the modern dream book says, a broken glass in dreams warns about a possible deterioration in the well-being, an approaching depression due to the unrealizations of plans for unfulfilled desires.

Features of the subject

Drink in a dream from cracked dishes

A glass can dreamete beautiful or dirty. The future interpretation depends on the external image of the subject.

  • The dream will try to seduce if I had to drink from an expensive crystal glade in a dream.
  • Eating drinks from broken dishes Together with friends is a sign that says that even in old age, a person will not be lonely.
  • Act carefully after visions about the empty, broken ass, especially if it was a cup or a glass.

Fools with expensive wine shoots to people for whom all the doors are open, but the chips on the subject prompted that it is necessary to be attentive to not miss the chance given by the fate.

What to expect after dream

Drop the glasses - an unkind sign that predicts the beginning of a heavy vitality, full of trouble and obstacles.

To quarrel with the beloved by Miller's dream book to be the one who heard the sound of the cracked glass in the dreams.

Cardinal changes are awaiting a man who has seen a glass without a leg.

Family interpreter provides several other values. For the young man, the cheat glass symbolizes new opportunities for a married lady - peace, comfort, and girls vision of such a kind promises the long-awaited meeting of the beloved.

Beats - for happiness ...

Dream broken fuer

Choosing from the values \u200b\u200bprovided, what the glasses are shot, it will work out to find positive omens.

  • I heard the sound of a crystal ring - trouble will be part of you.
  • Boyed glasses in a dream will receive that after the storm of emotions, tested by sleeping special, peace will come, the person curries the feelings of anger and anxiety, will find the inner harmony.
  • The hopeless marriage will be quite viable, after visions about the broken leg of Fugera.

It will be possible to establish related ties, find mutual understanding with children, beloved, when the scene turned out to glue the fragments into a single whole.

Caution does not hurt

A favorable proposal will be received, which will be duck in fact, "this is the appearance in dreams of the broken Wanga Wanga winemakers.

Why dream breaking a glass? In reality, the respect of colleagues is destined. To restore reputation, you will need to make maximum effort.

Close to deceive a dream - so takes over the general interpreter of dreams, where a person drinks out of a broken glass.

Possible values

Hardened work on the gluing of the broken festo in dreams is a hidden desire to establish relationships with former partners, whether it is a love connection or a purely business communication.

The dreaming of a fragment, driven under the skin, hints at the upcoming disappointments in people who have sincerely believed.

Change the goal, because in reality you adhere to the wrong direction, - pushes the cloth in half a glass of female dream book.

Many years ago, for convenience and hygiene, a man came up with dishes. Cups and spoons, plates and pans, forks and pans ... Glass, porcelain, clay, metal ... Great Many forms and colors. The dishes so firmly entered the usefulness that a person was already accustomed to not pay special attention to it. Neither reveal, nor in a dream. And in vain! After all, few people know what to dream, for example, frying pan! And fork or a glass? Suddenly the dream of such a kind is foreshadowed! Let's not forget about the importance of sleep in human life and be sure to look for interpretation in dream intercoms with all your night visions. And I propose a dream of dreams from a glass!

Vessel with defect

If you saw a broken glass in a dream - Dream Interpretation warns you of a possible break of relationships with your loved one.

Dreamed a cracked glass - to a quarrel or an unpleasant incident. Trace your words and actions next couple of days, so as not to regret the after.

If you dreamed of a dirty empty glass - the one who you "switched the road", plots against you some provocation. How would you not provoke you in the coming days, keep calm.

To see a cracked glass with milk residues - it's to poverty. You can avoid the negative impact of this sleep in the following way: in the next Sunday, after the doned, hear the stray dogs a bunch of bread and serve alms to three threshold.

The broken faceted glass is dreaming - to a heavy hangover, warns the dream book. Do not drink a lot of alcohol in the coming days.

Glass and its contents

To see a glass of water - to strong health, the dream book claims.

A glass of tea means friendship. If you saw a strong brew - your friends sincerely value the friendship. Weakly boiled drink means that in a short time you will get a good friend.

Dreamed a glass with vodka - it's for disappointment. But if the vessel was two - the disappointment would be light and painless.

The empty glass was dreamed of juice - to a light cold, full - on the contrary, to strong health.

If you dream a glass with wine or champagne - to a romantic date, for lonely people, and family people, such a dream foreshadows the second "honeymoon". If a dream is dreaming a few nights in a row to the wedding, or yours, or be invited.

Beautiful dishes

If you see new crystal glasses - you will find a pleasant surprise. Be prepared for a surprise for a couple of days, promises a dream book.

Break a high crystal glass in a dream - in reality means happiness.

It dreams that a beautiful glass fuaster is full of spring water - you have a pleasant short walk with a person you have not seen for a long time.

To see a beautiful little cup cracked - in real life, this dream refers to getting rid of small troubles that prevented you live lately.

Dreamed how the crystal service is broken in front of your eyes - there will be no limit to happiness, the dream will not hope in us. Everything you dreamed of lately will come true very soon.

It dreams that you want to drink water from porcelain steering - in real life you have an overly exacerbate a sense of justice. Do not conflict, trying to prove something, advises the dream book, it is fraught with only a spoiled mood.

Make some action with dishes

Wash in a dream broken glass - to empty troubles.

Smash the cup with coffee - in reality to hear the unpleasant news or gossip about good acquaintances.

Drink water from a pure transparent glass - I will want to tell your secrets to the best friend. Drink water from a dirty or matte vessel - your secrets will be the public domain, be selective in their revelations, warns the dream book.

Sometimes the dishes are in dreams. But often we do not pay special attention to it, considering it with something familiar, ordinary.

And in vain. Similar dreams carry a lot of useful information. Especially vision about a glass. How does the dream of a glass that appears in night Gres?

What was he?

Clean transparent glass dreams to merry, chic feast in a good company. Most likely, it will be a banquet in a cafe or restaurant. The only thing that warns the dream book, do not abuse alcohol. Prefer non-alcoholic drinks - juice, mineral water, cocktails.

  • Dirty glass in a dream - to disagreements with your beloved.
  • Vessel without the bottom - to profit.
  • Faceted - to stability financially.

A broken glass seen in a dream is a timely warning. Dream Interpretation recommends not to enter into conflicts with loved ones, do not rush to them, respect their opinion. Otherwise, quarrels and misunderstandings are possible. Be restrained and wiser.


When you dreamed of a glass with, wait for pleasant events on the love front. If the water was so much that she was overflowed through the edge, then bright, cloudless family life awaits you with a reliable, faithful partner.

The glass filled with water dreams to a stable marriage. And if the fluid was on the bottom, the dream book will proper new romantic relationships to you.

  • It is filled - to a fun holiday.
  • Juice - to romantic recognition.
  • Broth - to wealth, wealth.

To smash a glass in a dream - it means to get the information you have been looking for. At the same time, if you immediately thrown a broken vessel, then you will be able to take advantage of new knowledge and get benefits from it. And break it and try to glue - in the dream book means to engage in someone else's or meaningless work.

If you are correctly decrypted, what a glass is dreaming, you will be able to predict that you are waiting for, and build a correct behavior model. Posted by: fractional vera

ABC Interpretation of dreams

A glass with water - the personification of sexual relations, also a glass - a female vaginal symbol.

A glass filled with water is a new novel or marriage.

Empty - gone love, unhealthy.

A broken glass is a gap of intimate relationships, a disease.

Culinary dream book

An empty glass seen in a dream - predicts the appearance of a disgust for anything that has long been familiar.

Full glass - to well-being.

Drink something from a glass - to a difficult case, which will be completed by well-deserved success.

Newest dream book

In a dream, what dreams of a glass?

A glass - a male guest comes.

Russian dream book

A glass is a good position, raising at work.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if a glass is dreaming?

Break in a dream a glass - to an unexpected turn of events that will upset all your plans.

To see a glass with poison - you think about worst, but you have every chance to hope for the best.

If you dreamed of a flower in a glass with water - this is a sign of sincere devotion to you as the opposite sex. A girl who saw such a dream is waiting for a proposal of hands and hearts.

If you saw empty glasses in a dream - it promises you useless troubles and monotony in matters

Dream of the XXI century

What did the glass dreamed in a dream?

To see a glass of a glass with water - to strong health, empty - to disappointment.

Carefully look at the bottom of the glass - it means that too much too much you tell others about your life.

If in a dream you give you a glass - it means that you will get a friend.

Break in a dream a glass - to fright.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Glasses - an invitation to a party or visit to friends, fun and pleasure.


Get a glass of water - foreshadows a quick marriage or the birth of children; break a glass or other glass or crystal dishes if the water from this utensils did not shed - foreshadows the death of the mother and the salvation of cats; And if the water breaks - the death of the child and the salvation of the mother begins.

Health Dream Interpretation

See a glass with water - to health; empty - to the psychological state of loneliness and a sense of insecurity and their own strength; Smash to mental shock.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

The glass - the gost of the male.

A faceted glass is to the rope of a member of your family or a close relative.


Glass - to poverty.

A faceted glass - to forbidden love.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

The glass is to a hangover.

Drink in a dream from faceted glass - to a unpleasant society.

Dream Interpretation Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a glass is dreaming in a dream?


Dream Interpretation from A to Z

What to see a glass in a dream?

A faceted glass, seen in a dream, or other faceted dishes - predicts the appearance of disgust for something that has long been gained to intrusiveness.

Dream Stranger

Interpretation of sleep: a glass of dreams?

A glass is a drunkenness of her husband; With clean water - health.

Online dream book

Sleepness: A glass of dreams?

By dream, a glass - symbolizes what you decide to abandon your own habits.

Smashed him - something unpredictable will soon occur.

I dreamed that they looked at his bottom - you would regret that they were frank with someone.

Get it as a gift - it means to make useful friendships.

He dreamed of a glass with water - in the near future go under the crown or will become happy parents, in any case, create a strong and happy family.

If you have dreamed of a broken glass - you are waiting for parting with those who are especially expensive to you, now you need to take everything possible to prevent it or at least soften the blow.

Dream interpretation interprets an empty glass - as a symbol of your depression, doubt in its own consistency and lack of mutual understanding with others.

Their chime - suggests that all your experiences and fears are in vain, everything will be very successful for you.

Wash glasses in a dream - learn something that you will not please you, a very positive event will occur.

For a young woman, such a vision - is evidence that only she herself can predetermine how its further life will develop.

What does dream about a glass mean?

Sometimes the dishes are in dreams. But often we do not pay special attention to it, considering it with something familiar, ordinary.

And in vain. Similar dreams carry a lot of useful information. Especially vision about a glass. How does the dream of a glass that appears in night Gres?

What was he?

Clean transparent glass dreams to merry, chic feast in a good company. Most likely, it will be a banquet in a cafe or restaurant. The only thing that warns the dream book, do not abuse alcohol. Prefer non-alcoholic drinks - juice, mineral water, cocktails.

  • Dirty glass in a dream - to disagreements with your beloved.
  • Vessel without the bottom - to profit.
  • Faceted - to stability financially.

A broken glass seen in a dream is a timely warning. Dream Interpretation recommends not to enter into conflicts with loved ones, do not rush to them, respect their opinion. Otherwise, quarrels and misunderstandings are possible. Be restrained and wiser.


When you dreamed of a glass with water, wait for pleasant events on the love front. If the water was so much that she was overflowed through the edge, then bright, cloudless family life awaits you with a reliable, faithful partner.

The glass filled with water dreams to a stable marriage. And if the fluid was on the bottom, the dream book will proper new romantic relationships to you.

  • It is filled with wine - to a fun holiday.
  • Juice - to romantic recognition.
  • Broth - to wealth, wealth.

A glass of tea in the dream book means reconciliation with an offender. And if there was a lemon circle in it, then you will be able to restore the relationship with those who offended you.

The vessel with dirty water or hobs suggests that intrigues are covered behind your back and ridiculous gossip bloom. And the ambulance over the enemy is what a glass with vodka or a different hard hot drink is dreaming.

Drink or split?

To drink in a dream a glass of water - through the dream book means telling my secret to the best friend. After such a dream, you may not doubt that he will keep your secret and give you a good advice.

And if you dropped a glass with water, then try to talk less about your personal life to unfamiliar people. Subsequently, this information can be used far from your favor.

  • Buy a glass in a dream - to joy.
  • Put on the shelf - to surprise, surprise.
  • Pour something - get a good friend.

To smash a glass in a dream - it means to get the information you have been looking for. At the same time, if you immediately thrown a broken vessel, then you will be able to take advantage of new knowledge and get benefits from it. And break it and try to glue - in the dream book means to engage in someone else's or meaningless work.

If you are correctly decrypted, what a glass is dreaming, you will be able to predict that you are waiting for, and build a correct behavior model. Glass, glass of water

Dream Interpretations say the glass you saw in a dream, symbolizes the desire to look into the future, to understand that it should soon happen to you. However, not all dreams are tuned so positively to the glass, which you gave way in a dream. There is an opinion, and some dream interputes, support him that the glass in a dream warns about your tendency to alcohol ... other interpretation has a dream in which you saw a glass of water. Dream Interpreters are unanimously convinced that such a dream predicts you good health.

See a glass - Your position will be strengthened; stability.

The symbolic interpretation of sleep, which is based on the expression "everything will find out." This means that in your life and affairs will finally appear, long-awaited stability.

To dream empty glass - disappointment; losses.

A glass, like any container seen in a dream, is estimated in two states. - Empty or full. An empty glass is a symbol of at least insignificant, but still losses, do not forget about it in real life.

See a glass - Merry Pirushka; Otherwise, the tendency to alcoholism.

Such a symbol, like a glass, is directly associated with alcohol, and with a cheerful feast. And only honestly responding personally - which of these values \u200b\u200byou closer, you can understand the interpretation of this sleep. Anyway, your thoughts are concentrated around alcohol and methods to use it as soon as possible.

See in a dream a glass with water - good health.

Twice a positive interpretation of sleep. First, a glass, like any other container, is filled - this is a favorable sign. Secondly, in the glass it is water (which symbolizes the feelings, sincerity of thoughts and transparency of intentions). Water is often associated with healing power - hence the forecast of good health and longevity.

Spring a glass of water

Dream book shed a glass of water Dreamed, why dream in a dream shed a glass of water? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to shed a glass of water, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream - Glass. glass

Dream book - shedding something

Shedding something in a dream - an unfavorable sign. If you shed water - you can not hold back the word. Solving tea is your joy will be short. Shed milk to the disease. Shed wine - someone learns your intimate mystery.

Imagine that the liquid you was shed very quickly dries, so no one even time to notice your awkwardness.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Smash the glass - to fright.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Dream - Sroll

Spring in a dream milk means that you will survive minor losses that quickly and easily fill. Sprove on a white tablecloth tomato or other sauce - to a quarrel in the family.

If, in a dream, you completely spoiled our clothes, shed paint to her or something in this spirit, - I'll get into the deplorable position in a deplorable situation, compromising himself with a non-resident act in the eyes of my chosen one.

Spring in a dream tears from grief means, - in reality you are awaiting joyful events and a cloudless mood.

Dream Interpretation - Strait.

Seeing the strait from the shore - the omen of large tests. Going the strait on the ship - you will find a way out of a difficult situation and overpower your enemies.

Imagine that you are passing the strait on a big beautiful ship.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Dream Interpretation - Glass, Bowl, Cup

Dream - Water

Clean water in a dream - to joy, prosperous outcome of the case, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises well-being and wealth in the near future. Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. Clean river flowing into your bedroom, foreshadows the rapid arrival of a rich overseas guest, which will do a lot for your well-being; If water is worried, then your guest can come with bad intentions and disrupt peace in your home. See interpretation: dishes, drinks, drunk.

The stream of clean water flowing alongside your home means that soon your financial situation will be strengthened and you will get a good position, which will give you the opportunity to help people in trouble. If a glass was served in a dream with clean water, then you are waiting for success in matters or marriage, which will be happy. If the glass cracked, and the water was not shed, then your wife can die at childbirth, and the child will remain alive. Women such a dream predicts a missing column of the spouse. The priest see in a dream that he distributes clean water to people - a sign that he honestly fulfills his duty and bears good and comfort. Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly fond of doctrines and heretical teachings. If a young man sees in a dream that he dials clean and transparent water from the well, he will soon marry a charming girl; If water is muddy or lounches, then his happiness will be short-lived and a lot of disappointments are waiting for it. Clean water from the well and treat it someone - the sign that people you treat with water will be enriched with your help. If water is likely, then you bring the misfortune to this person. Water draw from the well foreshadows success in affairs or purchase. Muddy water always foreshadows the confusion of feelings. Carry water in clothes, broken vessel or something else that is not quite suitable for this, means that you are waiting for damages or deception of people you have trusted your condition. If the water did not shed at the same time, then you miraculously avoid big losses and save your condition. To get buried such water in the ground - the foresight of big trouble, the loss of the good name and shameful death. To see a pond with a calm water - a sign that your life will leak calmly and happily. Pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of the field, promises you that soon you will be able to scat enough money so that you can afford to make a family and children. If the water in the pond pours the coast, then you can lose my wife, children or money. If your wife also saw such a dream, then she can lose her money or she is waiting for an ambulance. A man see a small picturesque pond in a dream - the foresight of the romantic love of a beautiful woman. The booming flow is the foresight of the fire, trial and revenge of enemies. Water flowing on stones means that your enemies or bosses will be inexorab, and the trial you lose. Standing in water among the waves and not able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and the power of the Spirit to worry the impending misfortune. To see in a dream, as someone sinks in a raging and dirty stream, means that the scandal is waiting for you, separation from the beloved, longing, hopelessness and failure in business. See interpretation: sink.

Restless water in the river - the foresight of the threat coming from the powerful and powerful opponent. Fly along the river with pure water on the boat - the foresight of all the best - success, wealth, the fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swim on a big river - a warning about the danger, hanging over you. To be in a dream in the rapid flow of the river and not able to get out of it - a sign of dangerous illness, danger, long trial. A worried stream means a danger of fire, trial and goats of enemies. Swallow on a boat along a pure and transparent water - to a kind name, to wealth and happiness. But sailing in the dark means that you will be disturbed. To see the streams and fountains with a quietly flowing water foreshadowed good news, the patient is such a dream predicts recovery. Seeing its reflection in water - to death for sleeping or someone from close relatives. The dried or dried source of water in a dream does not foreshadow anything good. Perhaps your life is threatened with danger, one of your loved ones or friends can die. Sleep also predicts large financial difficulties. If water in your dream flows from such a place where it should not flow, then you will find a lot of grief and problems. Scroll through this water in a dream - a bad omen. The more water you will crouch, the worst value will have this dream and the longer your misfortunes will continue. It's good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried, because then the unfavorable period will end quickly and everything will be fine. See interpretation: Pipe.

If in a dream you hear the noise of water or water flow, then soon the person will come back to you, whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought to see. Drink water in a dream - to troubles, failures, treason in love, divorce. Water warm drinks - the foresight of the fact that a certain person offended by you will want to take revenge on you. Drink dirty water - a sign of large experiences or illness. Shed water at home - to concerns and troubles. How much water is spelled, so much burning bread. Even worse if she spoil furniture or carpets. Rush into the water in a dream - a sign of danger; Dive into the water - to trouble. See yourself in water - to unhealthy, colds, tumors, melancholy. See interpretation: Flood, wet.

Swim in water means that you can justify and remove any suspicions. See how others bathe, foreshadows reconciliation with enemies. Sound in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love. To be wet - a sign of trouble, experiences, homemade grain, wrecking hopes. Legs noise in a dream - to losses, illness and obstacles. Cold and student water in your dream - health sign; Hot water means a disease, muddy - sadness and gossip, clean promises well-being and success in affairs, and dark - insults, resentment, quarrels, failures. Have fun games on the water - a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime. See Interpretation: Play, Ball.

Wash in water in a dream - bad for patients. The rest of the dream foreshadows that they will refuse to participate in some kind of business. Omes for someone's legs with water - a sign of consolation of loved ones in sorrow. Wash the water to joyful Wests. See bubbles on the water - a sign of good news and health. See Interpretation: Bubbles.

See splashes - to the news. Spray someone with water - to an unexpected turn in affairs. If the water in a dream splashed on his head, then an unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes fell not at you, but somewhere nearby, then you will be waiting for an unexpected meeting or an unexpected turn of events. See interpretation: splashes.

A splash of water to see in a dream means an increase in your chances for success.

Pour water - the forever of empty conversations, the sign that your hopes are not justified. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you say more than you do. Water something with water - to losses. If the water is dirty, then a shameful proceeding is waiting for you. Immerse yourself in the water on the throat in a dream will mean that you will be filled with your life on your throat and your life will be confused. Water carry - useless work. Walking on the water and not to soak the legs - overcoming obstacles and good luck in difficult times. Hear the noise of water in a dream is a sign of what gossip is being blossomed about you. Spank boiling water in a dream - a sign that you lose money because of your own carelessness. Watching the water in a dream means your bad premonitions are justified. If in a dream you are afraid of water, you will be expected shame, losses or illness that you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can become a victim of robbers, if you do not take care of it to precisely straighten your values. To see in a dream that the water carrion is moving towards you, - the foresight of the soon obtaining wealth or inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and large profits. The whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Get into it - a sign that soon you will find yourself in a difficult position and you will not know how to get out of it. Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of inheritance, because of which you will have a lot of trouble. See interpretation: Also chapters: Brod, River, Fountain, Sea, Ocean, Source, Drinks, Thirst, Well, Waterfall, Water Mill, Swim, Boiling water, Water pipe.

What dreams of a glass?

You can find out for free in the dream book what dream glassAfter reading below the interpretation of dreams from online dream houses of the Sun. If you need to know what it means, if you see in a dream not a glass, but something else - use the search form of online interpretations of dreams.

What dream glass

Smash - fright; with water - health; filled - incur damages; Empty - disappointment; Present - a friend's loss

See a glass

An empty glass, seen in a dream, predicts the appearance of disgust for anything that has long been familiar. Full glass - to well-being. Drink something from a glass - to a difficult case, which will be completed by well-deserved success.

What does sleep beaker

To poverty.

See in a dream glass

Give the guest of the male floor.

What knows the dream glass

To hangover.

Sleep about glass

Drunkenness of her husband; With clean water health.

What does it mean in a dream

Empty - you work wasted, full - to generous remuneration. Smash the glass - to losses.

If you dreamed of an empty glass, imagine that you fill it with wine, honey or milk. If you broke the glass, imagine that you glue it with a superclaim and a glass becomes like new.

Value of dreams. Glass

Saw an empty glass in a dream - will experience a disgust for something familiar.

A full glass of dreams of well-being.

They drank anything from the glass - a difficult thing to come to come, with whom you will successfully handle.

That in a dream means a glass

Glass with water - to strong health.

An empty glass is to disappointment.

Carefully look at the bottom of the glass - too much superfluous you tell others about your life.

Give you a glass - you will get a friend.

Smash the glass - to fright.

Sleep value glass

Men's guest comes.

Danger of drunkenness.

Stupid deed

What predicts a glass in a dream

Purchase of glasses

Dream Interpretation Purchase Glakanov Dreamed, what dreams in a dream Shopping glasses? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. Buying glasses, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream - Glass. glass

A glass with water - the personification of sexual relations, also a glass - a female vaginal symbol.

A glass filled with water is a new novel or marriage.

An empty glass is a gone love, unhealthy.

A broken glass is a gap of intimate relationships, a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Empty - you work wasted, full - to generous remuneration. Smash the glass - to losses.

If you dreamed of an empty glass, imagine that you fill it with wine, honey or milk. If you broke the glass, imagine that you glue it with a superclaim and a glass becomes like new.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass with water - to strong health.

An empty glass is to disappointment.

Carefully look at the bottom of the glass - too much superfluous you tell others about your life.

Give you a glass - you will get a friend.

Smash the glass - to fright.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

An empty glass, seen in a dream, predicts the appearance of disgust for anything that has long been familiar. Full glass - to well-being. Drink something from a glass - to a difficult case, which will be completed by well-deserved success.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Saw an empty glass in a dream - will experience a disgust for something familiar.

A full glass of dreams of well-being.

They drank anything from the glass - a difficult thing to come to come, with whom you will successfully handle.

Dream - Shopping

For many purchases are an important element of life. If you do not believe, remember those familiar who the process of acquiring anything makes it feel satisfying and pride. Participation in commercial relations is a kind of approval of the personal autonomy of man. But such participation can be a deplorable, destroying. Many in our consumer society were mired in debts, and when the duty, like sword Damocles, hangs over your head, it depletes not only financially, but also emotionally. Therefore, the dreams about purchases can be viewed either as a warning or as self-affirmation.

To interpret such a dream, it is necessary to take into account the following points: what do you buy and why pay the purchase - cash, credit card, check or own charm. Buying a loan reflects the desire for acquisitions or control. Upon the actions of this kind, closely look at the purchase object. The acquisition of everyday consumer items signals a sense of uncertainty in the present or future. Purchase of luxury goods talks about the desire to compensate for the affected self-esteem or strengthen the authority in society. If you buy something, but at the same time do not appear money, it says about your financial insolvency or may be an indicator that your emotional expectations are not justified.

What, for whom and who do you buy? If you are familiar to the seller (spouse, colleague for work, etc.), the goods are extremely important for you and the end user you are - therefore you feel that for our part you do not carry out any obligations in interpersonal relationships.

If you manage to purchase goods without money - then this is a sign of control, universal recognition or awareness of what you deserve a special honor. In this case, the identity of the seller and purchased items will be determining for interpretation of sleep.

Dream - Shopping

Shopping usually dreams of some profit and other pleasant events.

In general, for many, the purchase process itself is an important element of life. Acquisition of something makes it feel a sense of satisfaction and pride.

Participation in commercial relations is a kind of act of self-affirmation and awareness of its own independence. However, such participation can be destructive. Therefore, the dreams about purchases can be considered either as proof of their own significance or as a warning.

To interpret such a dream, it is necessary to consider what you buy and why, as you pay for a purchase - cash or credit card. Buying some kind of things on credit reflects the desire for acquisitions or control.

The acquisition of everyday consumer items signals a sense of uncertainty in the present or future.

Buying luxury goods talks about the desire to increase self-esteem or conquer authority in society.

If you dream that you buy anything, but do not see money, then sleep indicates your financial insolvency and shows that your emotional expectations are not justified.

Dream Interpretation - Glass, Bowl, Cup

this is a woman, wife. And who will see that he was given to drink a bowl with water, it points to the child in the womb of his wife. Break in a dream a glass with water-to the death of a pregnant wife. If at the same time the water did not turn out, then the child will be born, but the wife can die. Pour water and not smash the glass-to the survival of the wife and death of the child.

Dream - Shopping

Make a purchase in a dream - it usually serves as the oppression of some profit, accompanied by pleasant events.

Dream Interpretation - Purchase

Buying - Buy something (with the exception of iron products) - joy.

Glass to give

Dream Dream Glass Redeas Dreamed, what dreams in a dream a glass to give? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a glass in a dream to give, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream - Glass. glass

A glass with water - the personification of sexual relations, also a glass - a female vaginal symbol.

A glass filled with water is a new novel or marriage.

An empty glass is a gone love, unhealthy.

A broken glass is a gap of intimate relationships, a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Empty - you work wasted, full - to generous remuneration. Smash the glass - to losses.

If you dreamed of an empty glass, imagine that you fill it with wine, honey or milk. If you broke the glass, imagine that you glue it with a superclaim and a glass becomes like new.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass with water - to strong health.

An empty glass is to disappointment.

Carefully look at the bottom of the glass - too much superfluous you tell others about your life.

Give you a glass - you will get a friend.

Smash the glass - to fright.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

An empty glass, seen in a dream, predicts the appearance of disgust for anything that has long been familiar. Full glass - to well-being. Drink something from a glass - to a difficult case, which will be completed by well-deserved success.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Saw an empty glass in a dream - will experience a disgust for something familiar.

A full glass of dreams of well-being.

They drank anything from the glass - a difficult thing to come to come, with whom you will successfully handle.

Dream Interpretation - Glass, Bowl, Cup

this is a woman, wife. And who will see that he was given to drink a bowl with water, it points to the child in the womb of his wife. Break in a dream a glass with water-to the death of a pregnant wife. If at the same time the water did not turn out, then the child will be born, but the wife can die. Pour water and not smash the glass-to the survival of the wife and death of the child.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Smash - fright; with water - health; filled - incur damages; Empty - disappointment; Present - a friend's loss

Dream Interpretation - Glass

To poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Give the guest of the male floor.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Ask for a glass of water

Dream book ask a glass of water Dreamed, what dreams in a dream to ask for a glass of water? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to ask a glass of waters, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream - Glass. glass

A glass with water - the personification of sexual relations, also a glass - a female vaginal symbol.

A glass filled with water is a new novel or marriage.

An empty glass is a gone love, unhealthy.

A broken glass is a gap of intimate relationships, a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Empty - you work wasted, full - to generous remuneration. Smash the glass - to losses.

If you dreamed of an empty glass, imagine that you fill it with wine, honey or milk. If you broke the glass, imagine that you glue it with a superclaim and a glass becomes like new.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass with water - to strong health.

An empty glass is to disappointment.

Carefully look at the bottom of the glass - too much superfluous you tell others about your life.

Give you a glass - you will get a friend.

Smash the glass - to fright.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

An empty glass, seen in a dream, predicts the appearance of disgust for anything that has long been familiar. Full glass - to well-being. Drink something from a glass - to a difficult case, which will be completed by well-deserved success.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Saw an empty glass in a dream - will experience a disgust for something familiar.

A full glass of dreams of well-being.

They drank anything from the glass - a difficult thing to come to come, with whom you will successfully handle.

Dream book - millet

Dream Interpretation - Glass, Bowl, Cup

this is a woman, wife. And who will see that he was given to drink a bowl with water, it points to the child in the womb of his wife. Break in a dream a glass with water-to the death of a pregnant wife. If at the same time the water did not turn out, then the child will be born, but the wife can die. Pour water and not smash the glass-to the survival of the wife and death of the child.

Dream Interpretation - ask

Dream Interpretation - ask

Dream book - millet

Asks a glass of water

Dream Interpretation asks a glass of water Dreamed, what dreams in a dream asks a glass of water? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream asks a glass of water, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream - Glass. glass

A glass with water - the personification of sexual relations, also a glass - a female vaginal symbol.

A glass filled with water is a new novel or marriage.

An empty glass is a gone love, unhealthy.

A broken glass is a gap of intimate relationships, a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Empty - you work wasted, full - to generous remuneration. Smash the glass - to losses.

If you dreamed of an empty glass, imagine that you fill it with wine, honey or milk. If you broke the glass, imagine that you glue it with a superclaim and a glass becomes like new.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass with water - to strong health.

An empty glass is to disappointment.

Carefully look at the bottom of the glass - too much superfluous you tell others about your life.

Give you a glass - you will get a friend.

Smash the glass - to fright.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

An empty glass, seen in a dream, predicts the appearance of disgust for anything that has long been familiar. Full glass - to well-being. Drink something from a glass - to a difficult case, which will be completed by well-deserved success.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Saw an empty glass in a dream - will experience a disgust for something familiar.

A full glass of dreams of well-being.

They drank anything from the glass - a difficult thing to come to come, with whom you will successfully handle.

Dream book - millet

Millet - millet dream - there will be someone to ask something; millet - please.

Dream Interpretation - Glass, Bowl, Cup

this is a woman, wife. And who will see that he was given to drink a bowl with water, it points to the child in the womb of his wife. Break in a dream a glass with water-to the death of a pregnant wife. If at the same time the water did not turn out, then the child will be born, but the wife can die. Pour water and not smash the glass-to the survival of the wife and death of the child.

Dream Interpretation - ask

Dream Interpretation - ask

Dream book - millet

(See interpretation: grain, spikes, field)

The field in the middle of millet foreshadows wealth and big profit.

But see the grain millet in a dream - a sign of poverty and losses. There is it in a dream - the foresight of poverty and very modest income.