From the comedy Vumen dismissed all participants. Actresses show "Comedy Vumen": famous names and photos

From the comedy Vumen dismissed all participants. Actresses show
From the comedy Vumen dismissed all participants. Actresses show "Comedy Vumen": famous names and photos

Ex-participant "Comedy Woman" on TNT first night with a future husband spent in white limousine

One of the most colorful ex-participants "Comedy Woman" on TNT - 33-year-old Elena Borscheva, also known as Elena Hullevna Santa Maria Gerra, has now its own stand-up-show - "PRACI HAH". While it takes place in the "restaurant format", but a pilot edition for tele-ester is preparing.

Lena, you see, now on TV dominated culinary show. What "button" nor inclusion - everywhere something shit, fries, sneak. Here you are there too!
- No, we are drastically different, we have a unique format. Take the same "Smak". There all tied on one lead, inviting the star from which they are preparing together. And all! We are a whole show with different rubrics and permanent participants - the stand-ap-comic team Vyacheslav Veshelaku and Andrew Njogu, a former member of the KVN Rudn team. He, we have a "Honored Tastor of Russia" - always first trying dish, because it always wants to eat. Our star friends come. We share for two teams - male and female, competing in wit, pick up points. Who lost - that face in the cake!

- Do you cook at home?
- Yes, but not always there is enough time for this. I'm delayed at the weekend. I love the stove pies, cakes. I have and branded dishes - salmon baked in a puff pastry, and Ossetian pies with beet trees and cheese. Husband (Fitness coach Valery Yushkevich; married in the summer of 2005. - L. K.) is responsible for the "meat part" - everything is preparing everything, but the lamb is especially possible. He is good and duck. And Salad Olivier.
- Why did you leave "Comedy Woman" on TNT?
- The main reason? At some point I realized that I had no place to grow there anymore. My image became beaten - did not change for years. I initially signed a contract for three years. In fact, it was so far that the show was not filmed in the last year and a half - replays went on TV, and I had a creative simple! In fact, I was sitting without work, but at the same time, according to the terms of the contract, there was no right to perform somewhere else, to star into the cinema, to conduct events. And as soon as the term ended - I went to free bread. I really wanted to try myself in other hypostasses.

- Since you did not work, it means, and they paid a little?
- Special stability, I confess, was not.
- Natalia Medvedeva recently left the project. She was missing?
- I am sure that she has exactly the same cause of care, like me, is purely creative. I know Natasha wants to seriously make a movie. And it is right! It is her. I also think that it is necessary to develop in different directions. Recently played in the film "What Men-2 Creative" - \u200b\u200bthe premiere will be in January. I tried myself as a singer - I recorded the "Casting" composition (thanks to Stas Kostykina) and made the clip.

You are conducting master classes "how to develop a sense of humor." Do you think that any person can you teach a humor?
- Yes. Of course, much depends on who a person communicates what people around him, as they were brought up. But even if by 20 years you feel it is unknown, it's time to take training. After all, the upbringing of a sense of humor is like swing muscles. Try to invent something - the same signatures for photos, notice some interesting things, details. Read the classic literature - the storehouse of humor. Combastly develop.

Errors of parents

- Singer Lolita believes that the best husbands are Belarusians. It is from there that her last spouse Dima.
- My too, from there! Moreover, like the wife of Lola, also an athlete - a master of sports for weightlifting. By the way, I heard that the best wives from the Caucasus. And I, for a minute, originally from Nalchik. So in our valee, everything is happily connected! With her husband met on one of the games KVN - at that time he advocated the team "Pyatigorsk" team. The first date of Valera ordered white limousine, and we rode all night in Moscow. And family life began with the fact that I constantly disappeared on the tour, I spent two or three weeks from the strength of the week. Then she refused long trips. I realized that with this situation it was difficult to establish a normal family life.

- You are married for 9 years. Not tired of each other?
- Yes, what?! Valera does not cease to amaze me. Every morning we start with songs, additives and jokes. Constantly rising each other - someone from the part will decide that it is a shame. We have inventing various nicknames - in the order of things.
- Your daughter march seven years. What is fond of?
- This year I went to school. Draws well. Engaged in basketball. At one time, my parents were protected from all this: they say, do not go to the pool - you caught a cold, do not play volleyball - the ball will come to mind. As a result, I grew physically weak, I do not want a daughter to repeat my mistakes.
- By the decade of the wedding you will be already four. Who are waiting for?
- The gender of the baby is still unknown, the period is still small. My husband and I had long dreamed of another child, but did not work in any way. And finally, the miracle happened. I'm incredibly happy!

In 2006, KVN Star Natalya Epprican created a club show Made in Woman, which quickly moved to the TNT channel under the name Comedy Woman. Natalia called the girlfriends on the club cheerful and resourceful. We remembered 10 stars of the show, who started Comedy Woman with Natalia Andreevna 10 years ago. We look at how the girls have changed during this time.

Natalia Andreevna
38 years old, project creator, participant of seasons 1-7

Until 2007, the Made in Woman show was launched (later changed the name at Comedy Woman), Natalia Eppriced was playing the KVN team "Megapolis".

Ekaterina Varnava
32 years old, sex symbol, participant of seasons 1-7

Since the launch of the project, Catherine lost weight, changed the hair color and began to wear lenses. In addition, Varnava fans suspect that she resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon.

Maria Kravchenko
32 years old, participant of seasons 1-7

Girlfriend and Colleague Barnabas for the teams of KVN "The team of small peoples", "Misiis" and "their secrets". During the participation in CW, Mary became a mom - in 2015, the artist gave birth to a daughter Victoria from the producer of Konstantin Zolotarev.

Ekaterina Zulkina
40 years, participant of seasons 1-7

In the past - the captain of the KVN team "Four Tatar". In 2006, Catherine leaves the club merry and resourceful and joins the Made In Woman team, and two years later in the life of the artist - again pleasant changes: In 2008, the son of Oleg gave birth to Son. Since then, Catherine has been transformed not only internally, but also externally. Last year, Zkulkina lost 20 kilograms! According to the star, in a new body she feels more liberated and confident.

Tatyana Morozova
33 years old, Russian shower project, participant of seasons 1-7

As with the bullina, the beginning of work in Made in Woman brought a frost change in life. The former participant of the KVN team "Luna" came to the project in 2008, and next year he married a businessman Pavel Titorov. In 2013, the daughter of Sofia was born in the family.

Nadezhda Sysoeva
32 years old, home blonde show, participant of seasons 1-7

And you knew that 6 years ago I met with Pasha Will? Now the artist is going to marry the 46-year-old general director of the company "Glavkino" Ilya Bachurina, the former groom actresses Ravzhany Kurkova.

Elena Borscheva
35 years old, participant of seasons 1-3, 6 and 7

Ex-participant Comedy Woman and KVN team "National team Pyatigorsk" Elena Borscheva - Mom two daughters (10 years and two years). Surprisingly, the younger girl appeared on April 1 - as the comedy actress dreamed. Baby Parents gave an unusual name - the mind.

Natalia Medvedev
31 years old, participant of seasons 1-3, 6 and 7

During work at Made in Woman / Comedy Woman Natalia, like many colleagues on the show, became his wife and mom. The former participant of the famous KVN team "Fedor Dvynyatin" brings up his son along with the former captain of the team "Stareko" by Alexander Kopel.

Polina Sibagatullina
40 years old, project poetess, participant of seasons 1-7

The participant of the KVN team "The St. Petersburg national team" was married to the former director Comedy Woman Dmitry Efimovich, but eventually broke up with a man and a project.

Dmitry Khrustalev
37 years old, male project, participant of seasons 1-5 and 7

Since the time of KVN Dmitry almost never changed!

The former Participant of Comedy Woman's show Ekaterina Baranova commented on the Day. The news about the dissolution of the project composition. About such plans recently reported Producer Show.

"Yes, you're seriously?! I didn't know about it!" Ekaterina laughed, having heard the question of the correspondent of days. - Honestly, it's no secret that the producers are looking for new participants. Casting has been announced for a long time. And I have been announced in social networks. Often the girls are written: they say, tell me the phone Natalia Andreevna, we want to pass the casting. "


The actress suggested that some participants will not leave the project. "Believe me, Natalia Andreevna will remain!" - said Baranov and added that he did not plan to return. "I'm no longer young blood. Participation in Comedy Woman was an interesting experience, but you need to move forward," she concluded.

Recall that the producer and participant of Comedy Woman Natalia Epprican was made in a characteristic joking form, however, as it turned out, Natalia Andreevna was really gathered to change the composition of the show.

"All, girls, run home," announced an Eprician from the stage during the filming of one of the episodes. - Home, go home. Dear friends, and I declare Casting in the Comedy Woman show. I didn't say something? Home, Home - rest. "

Later, she explained that the project needs new people: "Comedy Woman is constantly developing, it is not worthwhile. Any show is sooner or late, we need changes, new faces are needed and young blood is needed, and often a complete change of the existing composition." According to Eprician, Casting will begin in the coming days, and the fate of each participant will be solved individually.

Natalia Eprician (40) - permanent leading and producer of the Comedy Woman show on TNT TV channel. Plays Natalia Andreevna most often strict bosses. Such she is behind the scenes of the project. Eprician often had to make complex decisions. For example, with whom it's time for the girls to say goodbye.

Comedy Woman.

In an interview, the project "And to talk?" Eprician said that he was heavily all to part with Polina Sibagatulline (42), which left Comedy Woman three years ago. Madame Polina simply did not cope with a heavy shooter of filming. "Yes, it was difficult to part with Polina. And at the time of our fees, she was for me the closest man. I talked well with the whole team from Peter. But the moment comes when a person just ends in humor. It is also characteristic of our program, and for Comedy Club. We shot many programs right away, it was physically hard. And at some point, the Polina became difficult to cope. I do not condemn it in any way. Work in such a rhythm is really hard, "Natalia said.

Polina Sibagatullina

Elena Borschov (37) had to fire from the project. As Natalia admitted, at some point the actress became the hostage of his own image: "In KVN, everyone joked on her eccentricity, and I did not want it. It is impossible to speak forever only about the appearance of Lena. As a result, it happened that the themes just dried up. But the contract was terminated on its initiative. At some point, she brought his contract that did not suit everyone. There are not only money there were conditions. "

Elena Borscheva

But the loudece was the bottom of the shower star Natalia Medvedeva (33). The actress said that the shooting colleagues did not always relate to it respectfully, and at the framework of the show she was not allowed to be implemented. Epprican voiced his version of what happened: "We didn't just parter. That were their reasons. But I will probably not talk about this topic. I can't say that we had a conflict, she is like a child. What conflict? She simply changed to such a moment that she had to move on. "

Shows "Comedy Vumen" - a popular show-channel show today. The show attracts a virtuoso participant's virtuoso game - women are so professionally jumped into the image that they do not leave the chance to the audience, forcing them to laugh and laugh. But earlier everything was not so rosy - a few years ago the project "hung in the hairs" due to low ratings. The shows wished to close, explaining this in the lack of funny jokes and diversity. But the actresses and the creators did not give up - new faces were invited. The participants changed, and with them new images appeared, thanks to which the ratings increased markedly - this was saved by the female humor.

Today in the show "Comedy Vumen" 10 existing participants. Everyone has their own achievements behind his back - someone is already a professional actress, and someone is just beginning. But the composition is diluted with both men who, like girls, are constantly replaced. However, permanent individuals actresses cannot be forgotten - their names and names for hearing, their game is celebrated in other projects, they admire the films, they are admired, some even lies. For greater informative, consider the list of participants for 2017.

Natalia Andreevna - Eprician Natalya Ariakovna

Biography Natalia Ariakovna is fascinating and interesting. In his youth, the actress participated in the KVN Megapolis team, but it did not prevent her from getting a profession in the specialty economist - the girl graduated from the Russian University of Economics. Now she is the founder of the show "Comedy Vumen."

Natalia Ariakovna became the founder of the club humorous project "Made in Woman", the existence of which dates back since 2006. The idea was so impressed by the producers of the TNT channel, which allowed her to express himself on television. Since 2008, the first issue of the show "Comedy Wumen" on the TNT channel.

Around Natalia Ariakovna walks a lot of rumors - someone speaks of her personal producer, which is the founder of the show, many argue about direct relationship with actor Ararat Keszyan. Yes, Natalia has a younger brother, his name is Garik and he is engaged in music, but far from television. The producer does not have an actress - she really found a project, is his ideological inspirer, the majority of scenes and dialogues writes. Natalia Ariakovna took part in the creation of the "University" series, wrote dialogues for the scenario, and also starred in one of the issues as the head of his natural show.

Rumors and speculations leave Natalia's identity. Already in 2016, a new version of the collapse of the show "Comedy Vumen" is coming. So, Natalia Eprician himself in 2016 announced the formation of casting on his own show - the girl wanted to introduce new faces in the frame. This provoked a wave of a certain bewilderment - why change the composition of the show, if, according to the audience, all girls are in their places. As Natalia itself says, life goes, the foundations are changing, so new images should be introduced into the show - they are needed for new scenes and new ideas. Thus appeared in the show Tatyana Dorofeeva - a cleaner who dreams about the scene. Her appearance arose a little earlier, but the actress was completely settled only at the end of the 7th season. Now the shooting of the new series "Comedy Vumen" is suspended - Natalia Epprican is working on updating the composition, but at the same time it does not want to lose the current participants.

Personal life of Natalia Ariakovna - a mystery. It is only known that in its 38 years a woman is married and wants to give birth to a child. Most recently there were rumors about the novel with Dmitry Khrustalev. But these speculations were immediately dispelled by the Epprician itself. And Dmitry Khrustalev still became the temporary seduder of the participant of the show, he became not Natalia, but Ekaterina Varnaba.

Sex symbol - Ekaterina Vladimirovna Varnava

About sex symbol show everyone says - this is Catherine Barnaba - a participant of the show from the first release. You should not expect that in scenes you can meet sexual notes of physical nature. Sexuality of Catherine is based on its figure and manner of behavior - and this is only an image. In the life of Varnabas, a completely different person - she prefers to quietly behave in people, not flirting with unfamiliar men. Moreover, a woman cannot boast of her stormy life.

Back in his student years, when the girl played in the team KVN "The team of small peoples", Catherine paid her studies more time and her creativity - she wanted to reveal how the choreographer, but the artistry and sense of humor turned activities in the other side. In the future, when heights were already achieved in humorist, Catherine has met for 2 years with a married man - her feelings were strong, but the mind spoke about the ban.

Posing with a married person due to spiritual torments, Catherine began to meet with Dmitry Khrustalev. These are two unique people, completely different, but such passionate. Surprisingly, the audience and fans did not believe in their relationship - the growth of Catherine is 181 cm, and Dmitry is only 167 cm - the public is not used to such a difference. The couple lived together, was preparing for marriage, but the wedding did not take place.

Today, Catherine takes part in the "Comedy Vumen" show, is the leading numerous show and gears of central channels, film sessions are filmed and participates in photo shoots for magazines. Among the magazines in the list of the Varnava there is also a male magazine "Maxim" - naked girls so and hurt a strong half of humanity. So Varnaba starred for the magazine in 2012 - the release had a huge success.

Gopnitsa - Maria Olegovna Kravchenko

The famous Gopnitsa of Russia successfully performs in the "Comedy Wumen" show, is a happy wife and mother of the beautiful daughter Victoria. Maria Kravchenko was improved on the screens - at first her image was quite a storm, more personified a typical Gopnitsa. But after a couple of seasons, the spectators saw a changed Kravchenko - the participant began to play in scenes of various character, but at the same time her credo of the Gopnitsa did not change.

Maria Kravchenko went to the team of KVN "Misiis national team", but then passed into the "team of small peoples", where he went along with the girlfriend at the Catherine Varnau's workshop. Woman makes a dizzying career and has already become filmed in movies in high roles.

Descendant of Genghis Khan - Ekaterina Anatolyevna Bulkina

Catherine Bulkina can rightly be considered a "nail of the program" - precisely from its appearance of the show "Comedy Vumen" made a turn in the game and productions. It was from its appearance that scenarios were changed and approaches - not simply pop numbers with monologues began to appear in programs, but also full-fledged scenes with reincarnation in different images.

Catherine comes from Yoshkar-Ola, where her son Oleg is living now. The actress itself became popular thanks to the game in the KVN team "Four Tatar", where he was captain on part-time. In the future, its humorous activity smoothly flowed into the show on TNT. Thanks to this, the actress has acquired its meaningful popularity - it was to invite the leading numerous shows of the central channels to their birth, the actress was repaired in commercials, it becomes the face of products of world brands, film and serials, where she gets only the main roles.

Perhaps the secret of the success of the bullina lies not only in the humor and artistic talent - the weight of the girl allowed her to take off to the top of the roles of a certain character. These are magician women's experience, real Russian representatives of medium-sized population. Ekaterina Bulkina easily copes with the roles of "rejected" wives, but at the same time eclipses even the youngest and sexy girls.

Despite the happy family life, although in separation with the child, Catherine decided to change appearance - to lose weight. The actress was able to reset as much as 30 kg of excess weight, but did not lose his charm slightly continued lady. Unfortunately, the new image did not "fit" on television, and Catherine was forced to return her 10 kg back. Thus, the smallest Ekaterina did not lose the role of a magic and experienced woman of the Russian middle layers in the show "Comedy Wumen".

Simple Russian Baba - Tatyana Vasilyevna Morozova

It is impossible to submit the "Comedy Wumen" show without a real Russian woman Tatiana Morozova - a native of Ufa and the participants of the KVN team "True national team." Despite a long-lasting game in the Ufa team, popularity has acquired only in with
ostav team KVN "Persons of Ural Nationality". Here, Natalia Eprician, who was already invited to the role of Russian women in the "Comedy Wumen" to the role of Russian women in 2008.

It was a happy chance to declare Russia and make a career in such loved by humor and acting skills. For the sake of his own formation, Tatiana moved to Moscow and went to work with his head, which never regretted. The actress already in 2009 married a Moscow businessman Pavel Titorov, and already in 2013 she gave birth to Daughter Sofia.

Today there is no sensational news about the participant - it works on calling and glad to an elongated happy ticket to the acting future.

Nadya - Nadezhda Olegovna Sysoeva

The regular participants of the show were constantly updated with new persons - it appeared Nada. She could not pick up a more eccentric nickname, so for youth and fragility, it was nicknamed. Nadezhda Sysoeva took part in theatrical productions, and since 2002 he began to play the KVN team "Territory of the game".

The image of a silly blonde is not docked with her real knowledge - Nadezhda graduated from Krasnoyarsk University of non-ferrous metals and gold. The actress is engaged in sports, rolling rollers, bike. Loves shopping.

I don't have to talk about my personal life for a lot. Of the most famous novels, only relations with Pavel Will in 2011 are distinguished. The couple met shortly, but their novel extended the head of the public - the public belonged to their novel skeptically, but the lovers themselves began to strover about the wedding planned in 2012. Despite the passionate and at the same time, romantic relationships between young people occurred - the true causes are not stipulated, even the world and all-in -king Wikipedia is silent about the premises of separation.