What was built by the Colosseum. Colosseum - a unique monument of an ancient Rome architecture

What was built by the Colosseum. Colosseum - a unique monument of an ancient Rome architecture

Coliseum - Ancient Roman amphitheater, located in Rome. It is the largest of all existing amphitheators and an excellent preserved monument of ancient Roman architecture. Most likely, it is the Colosseum that the first association, which arises from many people when mentioning the capital of Italy. That is, this antique monument can be considered a symbol of the city, just as the Eiffel Tower is considered a symbol of Paris, and Big Ben is a symbol of London.

Coliseum was erected for 8 years, from 72 to 80 to our era. Initially, the name of the Amphitheater of Flaviev was called, and the name of the Colosseum received from the 8th century, probably because of his sizes.

By its structure Coliseum It is a classic ancient Roman amphitheater. This is an ellipse, in the middle of which is the isna of the same form. In the circle of the arena, tiers of places for viewers were erected. The main difference between the Colosseum from other similar buildings - the form. Its length - 187 meters, width - 155. The size of the arena is 85 by 55 meters, and the height of the outer walls of the Colosseum is about 50 meters.

TOolimia He served the center for all Roman entertainment. It was played by Gladiatorovsky fighting, animal trauma, sea battles.

Commissal message

But in 405, battles were banned and the colosseum came to be launched. He suffered from the invasion of the barbarians, then served a fortress from hand to hand, and after which he gradually began to disassembled construction materials. Only in the 18th century, Benedict XIV took the Colosseum under his defense, and the Pope, who followed Benedict, conducted a number of restoration work.

Now the Italian authorities take care of the Colosseum. Partly, with the help of debris, Coliseum Restored and spent excavations arena, under which basements were found. But, unfortunately, the state of the Colosseum is far from perfect - rainwater, the vibrations of the modern metropolis and pollution threaten this monument to ancient architecture with complete destruction.

But, despite the partial destruction and loss of the former beauty, Coliseum still makes a huge impression and annually attracts a huge number of tourists. The Colosseum can be called one of the most famous world attractions, the main symbol of Rome.

MHC Grade 10.

"Baroque Epoch in Architecture" - Bust Louis XIV in Versailles. Apollo and Daphne. Architectural creations. Cathedral of the Smolny Monastery. Warred pattern. St. Andrew's Church. Masterpieces of Italian Baroque. Baroque. Church of the Trinity in Nicnics. Triton fountain. Piazza San Pietro. Temple dome in Castel Gandolfo. Baroque architecture. Winter Palace. Specific traits. Francesco Bromonney. Fountain of four rivers.

"The monuments of architecture of ancient Russia" - the Holy Gate. Rus for many years was a wooden country. Church of the Annunciation in Arkazhi. Architectural styles of Russia 12-13 centuries. Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky. Ilinskaya church. Saint Sophie Cathedral. Church of St. George in Old Ladoga. Church of the Intercession on Nerli. Dmitrievsky Cathedral. Elegant decorations. Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. Church of Boris and Gleb. Church of the Savior on Nearly. Pyatnitsky church.

"Architecture of Mesopotamia" - the walls of the palaces decorated the plates with convex images of people. Figuratively speaking, European culture rose from the waves. Amazing the achievements of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia in construction business. The construction of the palace attached great importance. Zikcurates were built in 3-4 yield, or even more. Architecture Mesopotamia. An integral part of the temple was zigkurat. The invention of the architects was the enormous achievement of Mesopotamian architects.

"Realism of the 19th century" - Charles Konach. Landscapes DuPre with cloudy sky and diverse motives. Jules Bastien-Lepage. Theodore Rousseau. Julien Dupre. The most interesting of the works of Kourba. Gustave Kourba. "The Earth Constable" was the Valley of the River Grandfathers in Suffolk. John Constable. Critical realism. Jules Breton. Realism in the pictorial art of the XIX century. Rousseau introduced the concept of "intimate landscape." "The Viesels". Leon Lermitt. History of realism.

"Temples of Ancient Russia" - the Temple is built from Knyavazy Tesan White Stone Andrey Bogolyubsky. Single-eyed four-headed Temple of the Cross System. The number of domes on the temple. UNESCO World Heritage List. XI - XII century. In Russia - the period of feudal fragmentation. Arch (arched window) - curvilinear overlap of the street in the wall. The walls of the temple decorates traditional white-chain thread. Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin (Tenty Church).

"Painting of the early Renaissance" - the fresco of Trinity, OK. 1427

Colosseum - Symbol of Rome

Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence. Fir Filippo Lippi 1406-1469. Mazacho Gwidi 1401-1428. Coronation of Mary. The focus of Florentine artists stood a man. Italian painter of the Epoch of the early Renaissance, a representative of the Florentine school. Andrea Manteny 1431-1506. Florence. Art began to fulfill the role of a universal way to know the surrounding world.

Total in the topic "MHC Grade 10" 51 Presentation

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Abstract on the topic:



  • 1colisey in ancient Rome
  • 2Koliziy in the Middle Ages and the New Time
  • 3Koliziy in the XX-XXI centuries
  • 4 Architecture Colosseum
  • 5 Using the image of the Colosseum
  • Notes


Coliseum (from lat. colosseus. - huge, colossal) or amphitheater Flaviev- Amphitheater, one of the largest arenas, a monument of architecture of ancient Rome. The construction was carried out for 8 years, in the 72-80 years of the new era as the collective structure of the emperors of the Flaviev dynasty.

Located in Rome, in a naughne between Esquilinsky, the Palatine and the Kolelyvsky hills, on the place where there was a pond, belonged to the Golden House of Nero.

1. Colosseum in ancient Rome

The embezzlement of the Amphitheater was launched by Emperor Vespasian after his victories in Judea. This is reported by Sveton:

Construction was completed in 80 by the son of the last - emperor title. The opening of the Colosseum was marked by games; Svetoniy writes about this:

Initially, the Colosseum was called, according to the generic name of the mentioned emperors, the Amphitheater of Flaviev (LAT. Amphitheatrum Flavium.), the current name (LAT. Colosseum., á Colosaeus., Ital.colloseo) established him afterwards, starting from the VIII century, and occurred either from the colossality of its size, or from the fact that the gigantic statue was located near him, erected by Nonon in honor of himself.

For a long time, the Colosseum was for residents of Rome and visitors to the main place of entertainment spectacles, such as the fighting of gladiators, animal trauma, sea battles (Naumakhiya) (presumably before construction under the shared premises under the brother and throne-head of the title Emperor Domitian). In addition, insignments were arranged in the arena of the Colosseum, during which the girls and women were raped by bulls, doses and other pets and wild animals). With the emperor Maccin, he suffered a lot from the fire, but was restored by the decree of Alexander North. In 248, Emperor Philipper was still celebrating in it with large representations of the Millennium of the existence of Rome. Horoni in 405 banned the Gladiatorial battles as dissenters with the Spirit of Christianity, which was made after Constantine the Great Meritating Roman Empire Religion; Nevertheless, the animal persecution continued to occur in the Coliseum to the death of the theodorich the Great. After that, sad times came for the Flaviev amphitheater.

2. Colosseum in the Middle Ages and the New Time

The invasions of the barbarians led the Amphitheater of Flaviev in the launch and marked the beginning of its destruction. From the XI century and until 1132, he served as a fortress for noble Roman giving birth, challenged influence and power over fellow citizens, especially for the names of Frangipani and Annibaldi. The latter, however, were forced to give the Colosseum to the Emperor Heinrich VII, who presented it with the Roman Senate and the people. Back in 1332, the local aristocracy arranged here for bulls here, but from this pore the systematic destruction of the Colosseum began. It began to look at it as the source of the production of building material, and not only falling off, but also the stones sacrificed from it began to go to new structures. Thus, in the XV and XVI centuries, Pavel II took from it material for the construction of the so-called Venice Palace, Cardinal Riairo-Palace of the Office (Cancelleria), Pavel III-Palazzo Farnes. However, a significant part of the amphitheater survived, although the building as a whole remained disfigured. Sikst V intended to take advantage of it for the device of a closer factory, and Clement IX actually turned the Colosseum to the plant to mining Selitra.

The best attitude of the Pople to the majestic monument of ancient architecture began not before the middle of the XVIII century, and Benedict XIV (1740-58) was the first to adopted it under her defense. He dedicated him to the Passions of Christ as a place, the blood of many Christian martyrs, and ordered the huge cross in the midst of his Arena, and there was a number of altars around the altar around him in memory of the Savior around him. This cross and altari were removed from the Colosseum only in 1874. Pope, who followed Benedict XIV, especially Pei VII and Lion XII, continued to take care of the preservation of the surviving parts of the building and supported the walls of the walls of the walls, threatened with a fall, and Piya IX corrected some of the inner stairs in it. Nowadays it is one of the monuments of Rome.

3. Colosseum in the XX-XXI centuries

With great attention, the Colosseum is protected by the current Italian government, by order of which under the leadership of scientists archaeologists, many flooded wreckage of the structure, where it turned out to be possible, inserted into previous places, and curious excavations were produced in the arena, which led to the opening of basements that served once To put forward a group of people and animals, trees and other scenery, and it may be possible to fill it with water and raise up the ships when Naumakhius appeared. Despite all the adversity, tested by the Colossee during the centuries, its ruins, devoid of the former external and interior decoration, to this afraids produce a strong impression of their harsh majesty and give a fairly clear concept of what was its location and architecture.

Losses for rainwater, atmospheric pollution (mostly car exhaust gases) and vibration from intensive urban movement led the Colosseum into a critical state. In many places, the architectural monument is required to strengthen. An agreement was achieved to preserve the amphitheater from further destruction between the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the Roman Bank. The first stage of the project includes the restoration and processing of arcade with waterproof composition and the reconstruction of the wooden floor of the arena, where gladiators once fought. The Rubublite newspaper in 1991 referred to the planned investment of 40 billion lira and calls this agreement "the largest union between public and private sectors, which ever listed in Italy to preserve the works of art."

Now the Colosseum has become a symbol of Rome and one of the most popular tourist objects. In the XXI century, the Colosseum turned out to be among the applicants for the title of one of the seven new miracles of the world, and according to the results of the voting, which were announced on July 7, 2007, was recognized as one of the 7 new miracles of the world.

4. Architecture of Coliseum

Like other Roman amphitheaters, the Amphitheater Flaviev is in terms of Ellipse, the middle of which is busy arena (also an elliptical form) and its surrounding concentric rings for viewers. From all structures of this kind of Colosseum differ in its magnitude. This is the most grandiose antique amphitheater: the length of its outer ellipse is equal to 524m, a large axis - 187.77m, a small axis - 155.64m, the length of the arena- 85,75m, its width is 53.62m; The height of its walls is from 48 to 50 meters. With such sizes, he could accommodate about 50 thousand spectators. Flaviev's amphitheater was built on a concrete foundation with a thickness of 13 meters.

The wines of the Colosseum are erected from large pieces or blocks from travertine stone or travertine marble, which was mined in the nearby town of Tivoli. The blocks were combined with each other with steel bonds with a total weight of approximately 300 tons; Local tuff and brick were also used for the internal parts.

Used arcade arcades typical architecture for Roman architecture with an order superposition.

Architectural and logistics solution applied in the Coliseum and the received name vomitoria. (from lat. vomere "Emplifier") is used in the construction of stadiums so far: the set of inputs are uniformly throughout the perimeter of the building. Thanks to this, the audience could fill with the Colosseum in 15 minutes and leave for 5. The Colosseum had 80 inputs, of which 4 were intended for the highest nobility and led to the lower row.

Colosseum in Rome: Majestic and Unique

Spectators easierly entered the amphitheater from under the arches of the lower floor marked with numbers from I to LXXVI, and climbed to their places on the stairs, which were also 76. These places were located around the whole arena in the form of rows of stone benches, rising one above the other ( Lat. Gradus). The lower row, or submission (lat. Podium), was appointed exclusively for the emperor, his family, senators and vadillars, and the emperor had a special, elevated sedney (lat. Pulvinar). The submission was separated from the parapet arena, high enough to protect the audience from attacking animals released on her. Then followed the places in general for the public forming three tiers (lat. Maeniana), respectively, tiers of the facade of the building. In the first tier, concluded 20 rows of the bench (now completely destroyed), the city authorities and persons belonging to the riders class were sitting; The second tier, consisting of 16 rows of the bench, was intended for people with the rights of Roman citizenship. The wall that separated the second tier from the third was quite high, the benches of the third tier were located on a coolest inclined surface; This device was able to give the third tier to visitors the opportunity to better see the arena and everything that happens on it. The audience of the third tier belonged to the lower estates. There was a portico on this tier who looked through the entire circumference of the building and adjacent to one side to his outer wall.

On his roof, during the submits, a sailor of the imperial fleet was placed, commoded to stretch over the amphitheater of a huge awning (lat. velarium.) To protect the audience from the scoring rays of the sun or from bad weather. This awning was attached using ropes to masts, placed on the top edge of the wall. In many places of the external eaves, it is also visible to the holes through which such masts, which escaped with their lower end into the stones protruding from the wall, as if the brackets, the fourth floor were still preserved. The venues for the audience were maintained from the bottom with a powerful vaulted structure, which consisted in themselves through the passing corridors (Lat. itinera.), cameras of various purposes and stairs leading to the upper tiers.

Colosseum lost two thirds of its initial mass; Nevertheless, it is still unparalleled: one architect in the XVIII century gave himself a work to approximately calculate the number of building material in the Coliseum, and determined its value at the prices of that time, 1½ million SWORD (about 8 million francs). Therefore, the Colosseum since ancient times was considered a symbol of the greatness of Rome. " While the Colosseum is worth"- said pilgrims in the VIII century-" will stand and Rome, the disappearance of the Colosseum - the Rome will disappear and together with him the whole world».

5. Using the Colosseum Image

Colosseum, as one of the most majestic structures, often acts as a symbol of Rome to the same extent, in which the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris, "Big Ben" - a symbol of London, the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin symbol, the symbol of Moscow, the Pisa Tower - symbol of Pisa, and Charles Bridge - symbol of Prague. With a schematic depiction of a map of Europe, Rome is often marked with a schematic image of the Colosseum.

Initially, the Colosseum was immortalized in the list of miracles of the world, compiled by the Roman poet Marzial in the first century.

Other examples of using the image:

  • Fight between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, in the film "Return of the Dragon", filmed in the Coliseum.
  • The burning Colosseum is depicted on the Nero screensaver. The reason lies in the consonance phrase "Neron, burning Rome" (English. Nero Burning Rome) and the name of the program (eng. Nero Burning ROM.).
  • Song of the rock band Aria "Colosseum".
  • Colosseum in games Age of Empires, Civilization III, Civilization IV, Commander - War Mastery, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Colosseum in the film "Gladiator" (2000)
  • Colosseum in the film "Teleport" (2008)
  • The Colosseum was destroyed by powerful lightning strikes in the film "Earth core: throw in hell" (2003)
  • The Colosseum collapses after 2000 years without people in the series "Life after People"

But films about gladiators are never removed in the Coliseum, it is not well preserved enough for filming. Therefore, the role of the Colosseum in the cinema most often performed by the Amphitheater Mark Anthony Gordiana in the Tisdre (El Jam, Tunisia) - the second largest in the world after the Colosseum and much better preserved.


  1. Light-touch. The life of twelve Caessees: Vespasian, IX, 1 - www.ancientrome.ru/antlitr/svetoni/vita-caesarum/vepsp-f.htm
  2. Light. The life of twelve Caessees: Tit, VII, 3 - www.ancientrome.ru/antlitr/svetoni/vita-caesarum/tit-f.htm
  3. Translation from English S.G. Zagorskaya, M.A. Kalinina, D.A. Kolosova 70 wonders of the architecture of the ancient world: how were they created? \u003d The Seventy Wonders of The Ancient World. The Great Monuments and How They Were Built. - M: Astrel Publisher, 2004. - 304c. - ISBN 5-271-10388-9

Colosseum from the south-east

Colosseum (Flavia Amphitheater)

Colosseum on ancient Roman coin 80 years

Colosseum view of farnsian gardens

Colosseum from the inside

Colosseum: reconstruction of the inner species

Colosseum in Sieve

The Amphitheater of Flaviev, or Colosseum, is located in Rome and is a big ellipsoid isna, erected at the very beginning of our era (I), during the rulers of the Flaviev dynasty. The ristar was used to carry out various exciting public entertainment events. Let's get acquainted in more detail with the history of the Amphitheater and will figure it out how many years Coliseia in Rome.

The purpose of construction

Who built the Colosseum in Rome and why? The construction of the amphitheater was started in 72, during the reign of Tita Flavia Wespiana (December 20, 69 - June 24, 79) in place, where the lake and the Gardens of the Palace and Park Complex "Golden House" of Emperor Nero.

The construction was part of a broader construction program, started by Vespasian, associated with the restoration of the former Glory of Rome, which was lost as a result of the Civil War after the death of the ruler-Tiran Nero. Also, the emperor pointed out the chasing of new coins depicting new buildings - the temple of the world, the sanctuary of Claudia and the Colosseum - in order to show the world that the reviving Rome is still the center of the ancient world.

origin of name

The first name of the attractions is Amphitheater Flaviev. As you can guess, such a name has received the structure in honor of the dynasty initiating construction.

And the contemporary name of the Colosseum (in English Colosseum) comes from a very large sculpture of Nero, who stood next to the theater, but disappeared without a trace in the Middle Ages. The vernal name is translated as a "huge statue" (from the English word Colossus).

Construction history

The main construction work lasted eight years. Amphitheater Flaviev began its activities already in 80, that is, during the reign of Titus, the first heir of the former emperor Vespasian. But only during the reign of another son, Domitian, finally ended all the work.

Financing was carried out by the looting of Jerusalem and selling prisoners from there (their number was alone than thirty thousand). Another hundred thousand slaves were delivered to Rome to mining a building material and the construction site.

Therefore, it turns out that the theater was built mainly of local minerals and bricks. So, the walls are erected from a major travertine marble, and for their finishing, a stone of volcanic tauca, limestone and bricks were used. The coliseum arreputes from light pumice.

Dimensions of the building

The finished Colosseum in ancient Rome was something that was not seen before. He had four floors and the height of the walls of more than 45 meters (about 150 feet), and in some places they reached 50 meters. The thickness of the foundation was 13 meters. And the size in length is simply amazed - the walls of the outer ellipse had a length of 524 meters. The Arena itself was 53.62 meters wide and a length of 85.75 meters. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Colosseum is 24,000 square meters.

Thanks to such an impressive size, the structure made it possible to accommodate up to eighty-five thousand spectators.

Amphitheater architecture

The Architecture of the Colosseum in Rome is also impressive - monumental arches located in three tiers, columns of Ionian, Tuscan, Corinthian orders.

The construction included eighty inputs. Four of them were intended for rulers. They were in the northern part of the construction. Fourteen entrances served for riders, the remaining fifty two - for the rest of the audience.

Scheme of occupied places in class affiliation (bottom-up):

  • senators;
  • know;
  • rest citizens.

The place of the emperor and his suits were located in the north and south.

The system of corridors and tunnels practically excluded the possibility of the crown and meeting of people from different classes.

Also, the architecture of the structure provided for the installation of the awning over the arena during too sunny days.

The purpose of amphitheater

In ancient Rome, to earn respect for the common population, the ruling class was necessary to launch mass spectacles. The Ariens of the Colosseum as it is impossible to suit this goal. Therefore, the gladiator fights (Munera), animal hunting (VENATIONES) and Navaichia (sea battles) often satisfied in the walls of the amphitheater.

Not only large material costs were required to hold such events, but also the rules and special regulatory laws. Therefore, the Roman emperors created the Ministry of Games (Ratio and Muneribus), which has been involved in these issues.

To visit the Colosseum could all be known to simple people, but only free citizens. Therefore, it is not surprising that all segments of the population could be met in his walls.

Gladiator fights

The role of gladiators were people who, in fact, were not needed by the state anymore for any other purposes and did not have any rights. Most often it was slaves and sentenced to death. These people were sent for battles not immediately. Initially, they needed to be prepared in gladiator schools.

Slaves had some advantage over criminals. In the latter there was no chance of survival - they had to die either in the arena during the battle, or during the fulfillment of the death penalty. Slaves had to act in the Coliseum only for three years.

After some time, volunteers began to be recorded in the ranks of gladiators - free Romans. Training lasted for several years before they were allowed to enter the arena. Gladiators were subordinate to the genus - the warden who had the right to live and death over the warriors.

Hunting for animals

No less popular in Coliseum was animal hunting. She was held in the first half of the day and was a kind of prelude to gladiatorial battles in the evening.

These ideas were the only opportunity for many citizens to see the species of animals rare for them, which were specially caught in different parts of the Roman Empire and not only. Among them were:

  • lions;
  • tigers;
  • elephants;
  • bulls;
  • the Bears;
  • crocodiles;
  • rhinos and others.

The height of the fence of the arena from the audience increased to five meters for the safety of the latter. And for more interest, the organizers exhibited mixed pairs. For example, Python against a bear, a bear against seal, lion against crocodile. But it was possible to see the classic contractions - lion against the tiger.

Another variety of competitions were fighting people against animals. Fighters were equipped with a spear and released in the arena.

Sea battles

The most expensive events held in the walls of the Colosseum were fighting called Navaichia, or sea battles. It was reproducing famous battles in the open sea. Arena was filled with water with the hardest hydraulic system.

Participants were almost always criminals who sentenced to death, sometimes specially trained sailors met in their ranks. For battles, ships were used, which were not inferior to the real combat.

For the period of Navaichi, such marine battles were delivered as:

  • extermination of the Athenian fleet in egosotamam;
  • the celebration of the Greeks over the Persians during Batlia with Salamine and others.

After the games

The history of the Colosseum in Rome has changed a lot with the spread of Christianity through Europe. With his arrival in Italy, the murder of people in the walls of the amphitheater stopped, as well as animal hunting. It happened in 405 by order of Emperor Honoria. In addition, the organization and conduct of the Games required considerable financial costs, which the Roman Empire could no longer go due to the economic crisis caused by the invasions of the barbarians.

The Colosseum in Rome began to use for simpler targets at different times:

  • for housing;
  • as a fortress;
  • as a religious abode.

Behind the construction stopped so hard to care for both the era of gladiator fights. The wall of the theater began to succumb to the barbaric attitude of people who stretched along their homes and for the construction of other buildings almost everything they saw and could carry. For example, the marble cladding and bricks of the Colosseum were used during the construction of Palazzo Venice, the Councils of St. Peter and John the Baptist. No less destructive influence was also the arising from the time of the earthquake. For example, as a result of the most powerful one in the fourteenth century, one part of the theater wall was destroyed.

Gradually, the Colosseum in ancient Rome was faded, leaving behind only a shadow.

According to researchers, the amphitheater only in five centuries (from the VI in the XXI centuries) lost almost two thirds from its original size.

Revival theater.

From all the way to disappear from the ground, the Colosseum saved the reputation of the sacred place, where Christian martyrs met their fate. But the results of modern historical research suggest that the fact that the fact of the Christian sacrifice in the walls of the amphitheater is no more than the myth.

Complete destruction ceased in 1749, when the Colosseum was recognized by the public church by order of Pope Benedict XIV. In the middle of the arena, the cross of a huge size was established, and around him - Altari.

The walls once a huge Colosseum not only left alone, but also began to gradually restore. Since then, reconstruction activities continue with minor breaks.

Today's Colosseum in Rome - a brief description

Until the fully restoration of the former majesty, the Colossey is still far away - only thirty percent remained from it from it from everything. But despite this, his ruins are one of the popular tourist attractions. The number of photos of the Colosseum in Rome is not inferior to such a Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican.

Among the restoration work carried out, which further increased interest in the amphitheater and increased the number of places to visit tourists, should include the following:

  1. Clearing and restoring underground tunnels designed as a place of waiting for the gladiators of their turnover to the arena (work was carried out in 2010).
  2. The restoration of the third tier of the theater, which was intended for the spectators of the middle class (the first works were carried out back in 1970).

To date, in free access, the places of the Colosseum:

  • arena and part of underground rooms in which you can feel all the power of the amphitheater and feel yourself on the site of ancient gladiators;
  • spectator places in the first tier, that is, the imperial and senatorial lodges, on some you can still see the names of the Roman leaders who were here;
  • almost all preserved galleries, stairs and transitions;
  • goal;
  • the upper galleries from which a stunning look opens, but it is possible to get there only to the winds.

The plans of the Rome authorities have a few more complexes of reconstruction work:

  1. Restoration of the inner zone of the theater.
  2. Complex restoration of underground premises.
  3. Construction of a tourist service center.

In addition to the tourist attraction, today the Colosseum in Rome serves as a place of a few worships of Pope of Roman. Also here were organized concerts of Americans Billy Joel and Ray Charles, the British Paul McCartney and Elton John.

And from July 7, 2007, the Colosseum description in Rome can be found in various publishers telling about seven wonders of light.

Where is the Colosseum?

The address of the Colosseum is the area of \u200b\u200bRome Celio, the Colosseum Square, 1. A detailed travel scheme can be considered on the official website of the amphitheater.

They also offer to get to the sights in the following ways:

  • on the subway, coming out at the station "Kolosso" (line "B");
  • buses with numbers 60, 70, 85, 87, 175, 186, 271, 571, 810, 850, C3;
  • electrical minibus No. 117;
  • tram line number 3.

Tickets are bought at the entrance to the Colosseum. But to get them, you have to stand in a common long queue, the waiting time in which can delay for several hours. Cashier herself closes an hour before the closure of the Colosseum. Some tourists go to the trick - buy a comprehensive ticket. It gives the right to enter three sights - Colosseum, Palatin and Forum. The price of such a ticket is about twelve euros.

The time of visits to the Colosseum may change. It depends on the work carried out on the reconstruction. With a relevant schedule can always be found on the official website. According to the latest information, the amphitheater works from 8:30 am to:

  • 16:30 (until February 15);
  • 17:00 hours (from February 16 to March 15);
  • 17:30 (from March 16 to March 28);
  • 19:15 (from March 29 to August 31);
  • 19:00 in the evening (from September 1 to September 30);
  • 18:30 Hours (from October 3 to 31).

Additionally, you can learn about the time of work and thanks to the information tablets placed at the entrance in the Colosseum.

Detailed description with photo. Interesting facts about the Coliseum and location on the map.

Colosseum - Amphitheater Flaviev

Coliseum - Grand Amphitheater in Rome, one of the most famous antiquity facilities. This is an authentic symbol of the Eternal City and one of its main attractions. The Colosseum is correctly called the Amphitheater of Flaviev - by the name of the emperor dynasty, at which this commander was built.


Built the Colosseum for only 8 years. Construction began in 72 AD. under the emperor Vespasiana, and ended in 80 AD. With the Imperitor Tit.

Becoming the emperor after the despot of Nero, Vespasian decided to strengthen his power. For this, he came up with an interesting move - to demolish the Palace of Nero (Golden House), who, together with the Park, held 120 hectares of the center of Rome and build imperial institutions, and poured a pond with a palace and build a grand amphitheater for the entertainment of the people.

The amphitheater was built slaves that were delivered to Rome after the military victories of Vespasian in Judea. In assessing scientists in the construction of the Colosseum, the work was involved in the work of 100 thousand slaves. Slaves were used for the hardest work - for the extraction and delivery of travertine from tivoli to Rome (about 25 km), lifting weights, etc. Also over the design of the Colosseum worked a large group of sculptures, artists and engineers.

The opening of the Colosseum was commemoration of grand games. The amphitheater was the center of cruel entertainment spectacles of ancient Rome almost for three and a half centuries - gladiator fights, animal trauma. Here are people and animals on fun crowd and patricians. While at the beginning of the 5th century, the emperor of the Roman Empire did not forbade gladiatorial battles. It was then that Christianity became the main religion of the Great Empire. And her one of the most colossal structures will know the most sad times.

The Middle Ages and the New Time left on the amphitheater strong scars: first the invasion of the barbarians led the amphitheater to the launch, then he was a fortress for noble childbirth, in the middle of the 14th century, a strong earthquake collapsed the southern wall of the amphitheater. The great structure turned into a source of building material - it was broken and disassembled for the construction of new buildings and church cathedrals and palaces.

So it lasted until the middle of the 18th century, until the Colosseum fell under the defense of the Roman Pope Benedict XIV.

Currently, the Colosseum is under state defense. Debris, if possible, were inserted into place. Yes, the amphitheater lost to the former inner and external attractiveness, but even such he just shakes. Despite the protection of the Colosseum still suffers - the urban environment, exhaust gases and vibrations do not benefit the giant.


The Colosseum is made in the form of a giant ellipse. This is the largest amphitheater of antiquity, striking with its sizes - the outer axis in length is 524 meters, the size of the site is 85 x 53 meters, and the height is 48 to 50 meters.

The walls of the Colosseum are built from large pieces of travertine. The amphitheater had many inputs and outputs. The lower rows were intended for the rich. People easier occupied the top rows. To protect against the scorching Roman Sun, masts were provided for which a giant awning was tightened.

  1. Initially, the amphitheater wore the name of Flaviev - the dynasty of the emperors built it. The name of the Colosseum was gained only in the 8th century and there was a colossal word from the Latin word.
  2. The foundation of the structure has a thickness of 13 meters.
  3. Thanks to the engineering and constructive solutions, the audience could fill the amphitheater in 15 minutes, and leave for 5 minutes. Some solutions that were involved in its construction are still applied in the construction of large sports facilities.
  4. The amphitheater had 80 entrances and 76 stairs.
  5. The Colosseum was accompanied by 50,000 people (according to some data 70,000). More than some modern stadiums!

Mode of operation and ticket cost

Mode of operation:

  • 08.30 - 16.30: November-February
  • 08.30 - 19.15: March-August
  • 08.30 - 19.00: September
  • 08.30 - 18.30: October

Ticket price

  • Adults - 12 euros.
  • EU citizens from 18 to 25 years old - 7.5 euros
  • Children (up to 18 years) - free

Tickets are available 2 days from the date of the first use. According to Tickets, you can also visit the Roman Forum and vice versa. There is a small trick: usually at the office of the Colosseum there are big queues, so tickets can be bought at the cash desks.

Online camera with a view of the Colosseum - http://www.skylineWebcams.com/en/webcam/italia/lazio/roma/colosseo.html

Video about Colosseum

The history of the Colosseum originates in the first century. e. It is saturated with bright events and facts. This grandiose structure has been preserved to our time almost in its original form. The very Coliseum, his rich history, interesting facts and events will be told in this article.

History of Coliseum

The Colosseum translated from Latin means "colossal, huge". It is also known as the Amphitheater of Flaviev (the dynasty of the Roman emperors). The Colosseum is a monument of ancient Roman architecture and one of the many attractions that Italy is known.

It is built between the Telician, Eskvilin and the Palatine hills. The construction of the Colosseum began in 72 years (I am a century of our era). During the reign of the founder of the Flaviev dynasty. Eight years later, in 80, he was consecrated by an amphitheater, which was built on the place of the pond, belonging to the well-known complex

Causes of construction

To be more accurate, the history of the Colosseum began in 68. That year, he changed the oath to the emperor, supporting the rebellious Senate. This led to the fact that Nero after 14 years of dictatorship committed suicide in the country estate near Rome.

His death led to the Civil War, which lasted as many as 18 years. In 69, the war was completed, the victory in it won Tit Flavius \u200b\u200bVespasian, the founder of the emperor dynasty.

Before Vespasian, the task was to reconstruct the center of Rome, not only to restore it, but also to strengthen its own power and cult, the eradication of any mention of its predecessor. A large problem for construction in ancient Rome Colosseum was Nero Palace, which was called the Golden House. The Palace himself and the plot adjacent to him occupied the area in 120 hectares in the very center of Rome.

Vespasian reconstructed most of the buildings, and those located next to the palace of the lake fell asleep, putting on the Colosseum in their place. All this large-scale event was rather symbolic, because the land that Nero used, now began to serve as a simple people.

Construction history

The ancient amphitheater was raised at the expense of funds that were obtained after the sale of military trophies. According to historians, for the construction and reconstruction of the whole complex of buildings in Rome, more than 100 thousand slaves and soldiers captured were delivered. They were used to perform the most difficult work, for example, during travertine mining in the quarries of the Roman suburbs of Tivoli. They also transported a stone from a career in Rome, on average the road was more than 20 miles.

Large groups of architects, builders, decorators and artists performed their tasks, removing an antique amphitheater. However, Emperor Vespashian was not destined to live until the completion of the grand structure, he died in 79. A year later, his successor Tit sanctified the Colosseum during its discovery.

general description

Like all other amphithers of ancient Rome, the Amphitheater of the Colosseum is built in the form of an ellipse, in the center of which is the isna of the same form. Concentric rings with places for viewers are built around the arena. From all other structures of this kind of Colosseum, it is distinguished by its impressive dimensions. The length of the outer ellipse of the Colosseum is as much as 524 meters, a large axis is about 188 m, and small - almost 156 m. Arena amphitheater reaches about 86 m, and in a width - almost 54 m, the height of the walls of the Colosseum varies from 48 to 50 meters.

The basis of the design is 80 directed radially pillars, fortified by the walls, as well as bearing vaults and overlaps. The Colosseum is so massive that the foundation reaching 13 meters in thickness had to do for its construction. Outside, the construction was separated by travertine, which was delivered from Tivoli.

Facade Amphitheater

The architecture of the Colosseum of Majestient and Grandinian, it is amazing with its splendor until now. In the outer wall of the amphitheater, which in height reaches almost 50 meters, is a two-stage base, and the facade of the building is divided into four tiers. Three lower tiers are arcade (somewhat identical in size and shaped arches, which are based on columns or pillars). This technique in architecture was very popular in the first century of our era.

The arches of the lowest floor have a height of a little more than seven meters, and supports that support them are achieved in a width of almost 2.5 m, and in the depth - about 2.8 meters. The distance between the supports is 4.2 meters. A columns having a Doric Orders are built in front of the arches, but the antablement (upper part) is created in another architectural style.

An interesting fact is that 76 Arches of the lower tier of 80 were numbered. Four who were at the ends of the axes remained without numbers, they were the main entrances in the Colosseum.

Top of the facade

Columns located on the second yarus of the Amphitheater of the Colosseum, relied on the attic (decorative wall), which was located above the initial tier. The arcade of the second tier differ from the arcade of the first height of the columns, as well as the fact that they have not a Doric, but an ionic order. Antablement, Attic, who served as the basis for the columns of the third row, was also less than the first tier.

The height of the arches on the third tier is slightly smaller than on the second, and is 6.4 meters. The main difference between the arches of the second and third tier was that the statue was in each opening. On the third tier, the walls were decorated with pilasters in Corinthian style. Through each pair, the pilaster was done window.

Name of the facility

Many ask the question: "Why did the Colosseum named the Coliseum?" It is worth noting that it was originally called the Amphitheater of Flaviev, as this dynasty of emperors was engaged in its construction. The name of the Colosseum was a lot later, it appeared in the VIII century. It denotes the colossality of this amphitheater, in the entire Roman Empire, there were no builds of this size.

However, there is a version that the Colosseum was so named because the colossus (statue) of Nero was standing next to him. She was made of bronze and reached a height of 37 meters. In the future, the emperor Commoda redid her, replacing the head of the statue. It is already difficult to say now, in honor of which the Amphitheater of Flaviev in the Colosseum was renamed, but both versions are quite consistent, and historians have not yet found the refutation.

Purpose of Coliseum

The Colosseum in ancient Rome for the simple people and for Patricziyev was the main place where various entertainment activities were held. Basically, there were boots of gladiators, which at the time were greatly popular. Also, the animal trauma and Navaichi (sea battles) were also performed. For marine fighting, the Arena Coliseum was filled with water, after which the battle began.

During the reign of the emperor McRen, in 217, the Coliseum building seriously suffered from fire. But with the next emperor, the Colosseum was renovated. In 248, the Millennium of Rome celebrated Emperor Philip in this construction in this construction. And in 405, the Colosses of Gladiatorovsky fights were banned by the emperor Gonenim. It was associated with the spread of Christianity, which later became the main religion of the Roman Empire. It was continued to carry out animal tribulations, but after the death of the emperor theodorich the Great, in 526, they stopped.

Colosseum in Middle Ages.

The history of the Colosseum in the Middle Ages was not the best. The invasions of the barbarians led to decline not only an amphitheater, but also Rome himself, gradually the Colosseum began to collapse. In the 6th century, a chapel was attached to the amphitheater, but it did not give the religious status to the whole construction. Arena, where gladiators used to fight, walked animals and arranged sea battles, turned into a cemetery. Arcade and vaulted spaces were redone under workshops and dwellings.

From the XI to the XII century, the Colosseum became a kind of fortress for Roman nobility, which challenged each other the right of power over ordinary citizens. However, they were forced to give the Amphitheater to the Emperor Heinrich VII, and he later bestowed his Roman people and Senate.

Local aristocrats at the beginning of the XIV century were arranged in the Coliseum of the battles of bulls, from the same time the construction begins to gradually collapse. In the middle of the XIV century, the most powerful earthquake causes the collapse of the construction, his south side suffered the most.

Colosseum in the XV-XVIII century

Since the Colosseum at that time was not one of the most famous sights of the world, he was gradually started to use as a building material. In addition to the fact that a stone was taken from the cropped walls, he was specially pulled out of the Colosseum itself. From the XV to the XVI century, from here, by order of different pontiffs, a stone was taken to build the Venetian Palace, Palazzo Farnes and the Palace of the Office.

Despite this barbarism, a significant part of the Colosseum has been preserved, but part of the structure was disfigured. Pope Sikst V wanted to use a surviving amphitheater as a climb production factory, and Clement IX made a plant for the production of Selitera from the Colosseum.

Only in the XVIII century, the pontiffs began to properly refer to this ancient majestic structure. Pope Benedict XIV took the Colosseum under his defense and began to consider it a place of memory of Christians who fell during persons from Rome. In the center of the Arena, a cross was installed in huge sizes, and there were several altars around him in memory of Christ's paths on Calvary.

In 1874, the Cross and Altari were removed from the Ariens of the Colosseum, and the new pontiffs continued to take care of the construction. At their disposal, the amphitheater was not only kept in preservation, but they strengthened those walls that could collapse.

Colosseum today

Currently, the Colosseum is under the protection of the state and the 24-hour security. The preserved fragments of the amphitheater, where it was possible, set themselves. Arena was decided to explore, and archaeological excavations were carried out on its territory. To surprise, scientists under the arena discovered basement. Presumably they were used as peculiar rhesis for people and animals before they went to the arena.

Despite almost two thousand years old and for heavy tests, the remnants of the Colosseum without internal and external finishes and are currently an unforgettable impression on a person who has produced here. Even in this state, it is quite easy to imagine what exactly the Colosseum in its best times. The monumentality of the architecture amazes its scale, along with this the exquisite romance style is visible. The Colosseum deservedly considered one of the most famous sights of the world.

Today, he continues to gradually collapse due to rainwater and atmospheric pollution. The Government of Italy developed a program on the restoration and preservation of this amazing monument of the history and architecture of ancient Rome. In the near future it will be implemented. For this period of tourists who come here from all over the world will stop letting in the Colosseum.

This construction has become one of the characters of Italy, as well as the Pisa Tower or Trevi Fountain. The Colosseum today claims to be one of the new wonders of the world. The following attractions are known among traditional seven:

  • Pyramids in Egypt.
  • Statue of Zeus in Greece.
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.
  • Mausoleum in Galicaroka.
  • The Colossus of Rhodes.
  • Alexandrian lighthouse.
  • Hanging gardens of seminimides in Babylon.

However, only pyramids are preserved from all listed attractions to our time. On the rest can be found only from myths and legends. The Colossey can be admired today, despite the fact that this construction is almost 2 thousand years. If you find yourself in Rome, be sure to visit this unique historical and architectural monument.

It is deservedly called the "coat of arms of Rome", because despite the vandalism and long-lasting destruction, which the historical monument is exposed, he also produces a huge impression on those who first managed to see the Colosseum.

History of Coliseum

One of the most famous structures in the world, the distinguishing mark of ancient Rome, the Colosseum, could never be built if Vespasian did not decide to destroy the traces of the reign of his predecessor Nero. For this, at the site of the pond with swans, which was decorated with the yard of the Golden Palace, a majestic amphitheater was built, accommodating 70,000 spectators.

In honor of the discovery, in the 80th, AD, the games were held, which lasted 100 days and during which 5,000 wild animals were killed and 2,000 gladiators. Despite this, the memory of the previous emperor was not so easy to erase: officially new Arena was called the Amphitheater of Flaviev, but in history she was remembered as a colosseum. Apparently, the name sends not to its own dimensions, but to the giant statue of Nero in the form of the God of the Sun, reaching 35 meters in height.

Colosseum in ancient Rome

For a long time, the Colosseum was for residents of Rome and visitors to the place of entertainment activities, such as animal trauma, gladiatorial battles and sea battles.

Games began in the morning parade of gladiators. The emperor and his family looked at the action from the first row; Senators, consuls, vadigliki and priests were sitting nearby. A little further sat Roman to know. The following rows sat middle class; After marble benches replaced with covered galleries with wooden shops. On the top sat plebey and women, and on the next slaves and foreigners.

The speech began clowns and cripples: they also fought, but not seriously. Sometimes, women appeared for competitions in archery. And then there was a turn of animals and gladiators. The battles were incredibly cruel, but Christians in the arena Coliseum did not torment. Only 100 years after the recognition of Christianity, they began to prohibit the game, and the battles of the beasts continued before the VI century.

It was the opinion that Christians were executed in the Colossee periodically, but subsequent studies indicate that it was the myth invented by the Catholic Church. During the reign of the emperor, Macrina Amphitheater suffered greatly because of the fire, but was soon restored by decree Alexander North.

Emperor Philip in 248 was still celebrating Coliseum Millennium Rome with grandiose performances. In 405, Honories banned the fights of gladiators, as disagreeable with Christianity, which became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire after the Board of Constantine Great. Despite this, the animal persecution continued to pass in the Coliseum to the death of the theodorich the Great. After, the Flaviev's amphitheater has come sad times.

Destruction of Coliseum

The invasions of the barbarians led the Colosseum in the launch and laid the beginning of it with gradual destruction. From the XI century to 1132, he served as a fortress for influential Roman families who challenged the power over fellow citizens, especially the Frangipani family and Annibaldi. The latter have been forced to give the amphitheater to the Emperor Heinrich VII, who, in turn, presented him with Senate and the people.

In 1332, the local aristocracy still arranged here for bulls, but since then the destruction of the Colosseum began. It began to look at it as a source of building materials. Not only falling off the stones went to the construction of new structures, but also specially broken out of it. Thus, in the XV and XVI centuries, Pavel II used material from the Colosseum for the construction of the Venetian Palace, and Cardinal Riario for the Palace of Office, as well as Paul III for Pallazo Farnes.

Despite this, a significant part of the Colosseum survived, although the building remained disfigured. Sikst V wanted to use it for the construction of a cloth factory, and Clement IX turned the Colosseum to the plant to mining Selitra. Many urban masterpieces were built from its travertine blocks and marble plates.

A better attitude to the majestic monument began only by the middle of the XVIII century, when he was taken under his defense Benedict XIV. He dedicated an amphitheater with the Passions of Christ as a place impregnated with the blood of many Christian martyrs. According to his order, a huge cross was installed in the center of the Arena, and a number of altars were erected around him. Only in 1874, they were removed.

Later, the Pope continued to take care of the Coliseum, especially the Lion XII and PII VII, which strengthened the walls of the walls, who fell into a fall, counterphorts. And Pei Ix repaired some inner walls.

Colosseum in our time

The current species of the Colosseum is a triumph of minimalism: a strict ellipse and three tiers with precisely calculated arches. This is the largest antique amphitheater: the length of the outer ellipse is 524 meters, a large axis - 187 meters, a small axis - 155 meters, the length of the arena is 85.75 meters, and its width is 53.62 meters; The height of the walls is 48-50 meters. Thanks to such sizes, he could accommodate up to 87,000 spectators.

The Colosseum was built on a concrete foundation with a thickness of 13 meters. In the initial form, in each arcas stood a statue, and the huge space between the walls was delayed with canvas with the help of a special mechanism, to control which a team of sailors hired. But neither rain nor sunny badly was a hindrance for fun.

Now, everyone can resemble the chips of galleries and imagine how the gladiators were preparing for the battles and wild beasts rushed.

With great attention, the current Italian government is guarded by the Colosseum, by order of which the builders under the leadership of archaeologists put out the broken fragments, where it was possible, for the same places. In the arena, excavations were produced, which led to the opening of basements that served in order to raise the arena of people and animals, various scenery, or fill in water and raise up ships.

Even despite all the grows tested by the Colossee during the existence, his ruins, devoid of internal and exterior decoration, still produce an indelible impression by their majesticity and make it possible to understand what its architecture and location were. Vibrations from permanent urban movement, atmospheric pollution and rainwater seepage led the Colosseum into a critical state. To save it, in many places it is required to strengthen.

Conservation of Coliseum

In order to preserve the Colosseum from further destruction, an agreement was concluded between the Roman Bank and the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage. The first step is the restoration, the treatment of arcade with waterproof composition and the reconstruction of the wooden floor of the arena. Most recently, part of the arches were renovated and problematic places of construction were strengthened.

Now the Colosseum has become a symbol of Rome and one of the most popular tourist objects. In 2007, elected one of the new seven "wonders of the world."

In the VIII century, the pilgrims said - "while the Colosseum stands to stand and Rome, the disappearance of the Colosseum - the Rome will disappear and with him the whole world."