Ivan Tea: photos of plants and beneficial properties. Grass Ivan Tea: Application and Medical Properties

Ivan Tea: photos of plants and beneficial properties. Grass Ivan Tea: Application and Medical Properties
Ivan Tea: photos of plants and beneficial properties. Grass Ivan Tea: Application and Medical Properties

Flowers use Cyprus or Ivan tea is valued in folk and traditional medicine. They have a nice sweet scent and a lot of useful substances in the composition. Flowers are used in fresh and dried in cooking, cosmetology, treatment. In order not to pass by such a find, we learn how Ivan tea flowers looks like and what they can be useful.

Description of the Ivan Flower

A narrow-walled Cyprus or Ivan tea grows in open and sunny places, chooses dry ground. From the middle of June, bloom begins, a bunch of small boots appears on the top of the stem. The color of Ivan tea colors varies from light pink to snow-white. Most often, the petals of a gentle-violet shade are found, because of which Cyrere from afar can be taken for lavender. The flowering period lasts a month, in conditions of moderate temperature, the petals do not fall up to 45 days.

What does Ivan tea flower look like:

  • bud is four, divided into four petals, as many stamens and cups
  • in diameter, each flower is not more than 3.5 cm
  • petals are not pubescent, oval shape, sometimes pointed to the outer edge
  • all buds are placed on the upper brush of the stem, the length of this brush reaches 45 cm

Flowers of Ivan-Tea - Medonos, in the center of the bud there is a series of pollen grains. When touching, they leave the light yellow trail. Flowers Ivan-Tea fall away by the end of August, boxes with seeds appear in their place.

In the peak of Blossom, Cypete narrow-leaved publishes medical-flower flavor. After collecting and processing the smell of inflorescence, he suffers a little and changes. In the drying form, the flowers of Cyprus acquire a grassy fragrance with tropical notes. Thanks to this property, Ivan-tea flowers are widely used for brewing as an alternative to traditional tea.

Interesting fact: During the collection of Cyprus, you can confuse with placan grass. She has inflorescences too closer to the top of the stem, the shade of flowers is similar, the height of the plant coincides with Ivan-tea. You can distinguish them by the number of petals: in Cyprus them 4, and at the gloom-grass 5-6 petals. In order not to collect useless herbs, read the photos of Ivan tea colors.

All parts of the Cyprus are narrowly applied in health purposes. Green parts contain a lot of iron, vitamin C and vitamins of Group V. Flowers of Ivan tea contain a haelerol - a high molecular compound that is used in the fight against inflammation. This substance is tested in the field of treating oncology.

Nutritional value Cypria per 100 grams:

Chemical composition of Ivan Flowers:

  • vitamins Groups in: B9, B12, B6
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • vitamin K.
  • retinol.
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • molybdenum
  • potassium
  • manganese

In addition to the vitamin row and minerals, fresh petals contain mucus, flavonoids and fiber. They help with the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, purify the intestine and improve its motorcy. Vitamins of groups in a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve the cognitive functions of the brain. The positive effect of admitting Cyprus with mental disorders has been proven by the Russian scientific center of neurology. Depending on how the Ivan tea flower looks like, the composition may change. For example, in white petals less vitamins, but more mucus, and purple contains more iron.

Useful properties of Ivan tea for the body:

  • for the nervous system: possess a sedative effect, the sleep improves, reduce anxiety
  • for the urogenital system: reduce inflammation, apply under prostatitis and cystitis, normalize menstrual cycle
  • for the gastrointestinal tract: envelop the mucous membrane, reduce pain during gastritis and ulcers, have a light laxative effect
  • for cardiovascular system: strengthen vessels and heart muscle, magnesiums in the composition of Ivan tea flower improves the heart
  • for the whole organism: used as natural antioxidant, remove free radicals, increase the stock of vitamins

Contraindications in the colors of Ivan-tea are not much. It cannot be taken if an allergic reaction was revealed, with low blood flowing, urolithiasis. During pregnancy, on the background of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, before the reception, Ivan-tea should be consulted with the doctor. In some chronic diseases, it is forbidden to take on their own medicinal herbs, check with the doctor if Ivan tea can you. Children under 6 years old are not recommended to give flowers to Cyprus.

Interesting fact: In Canada, the pharmaceutical company patented the substance Enotein in, which local scientists were allocated from the inflorescences of Ivan-Tea. The component showed a good anti-inflammatory effect with almost no contraindications. Today, this substance is isolated from flowers to Cyprus to create therapeutic cosmetics.

Application of Ivan Flowers

Beautiful and fragrant Ivan tea flowers are used as decoration, additive to tea, medicine. Within 4 days, cut brushes with inflorescences will preserve in water and will not lose the flavor and appearance. But, given the mass of useful properties, the flowers of Cyprus are rarely used for the decor, in most cases they prepare a decoction or dried for the workpiece.

Fresh colors decoction

If you prepare fresh petals of Cyprus in a water bath, a healing decoction with anti-inflammatory and sedative effect is obtained.

3 tablespoons of colors Cook in 0.5 liters of water in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, cover and postpone slowly cool in a warm place. The cooled decoction to strain through a clean gauze or a small siter.

How to use : With insomnia and headaches, drink 100 ml of rage 30 minutes before meals. With pain in the throat rinse the throat 3-4 times a day. The decoction to use slightly heated.

Infusion of dried flowers

Such a drink will also bring gastronomic pleasure, and benefit for the body. If you wish to dried petals, you can add leaves of Ivan tea.

250 ml of water boil and leave for 10 minutes a little cool (water should be + 80-85 degrees). 2 teaspoons of dry inflorescences of Ivan-Tea pour hot water and cover tightly. Leave the mixture to be for 15-20 minutes. Polling not necessarily.

How to use : Drink 1-2 cups per day with ulcers, gastritis, enterite. For strong sleep and with a cold, take 250 ml in warm form before bedtime.

Most people with a healthy lifestyle are well known what Ivan-Tea flowers look and what they are useful. Small purple inflorescences with four petals - treasure for CNS, gastrointestinal tract and immunity. The sooner you will get acquainted with this plant, the more benefit you can get.

A source

Wikipedia: Ivan tea narrow

Video "How to collect Ivan tea flowers"

The fragrant and delicious drink, the original Russian, who is prepared from an amazing Ivan tea plant, is also extremely useful. Moreover, our distant ancestors knew much more about it than themselves, because successfully applied their knowledge in practice, which became even healthier and stronger than they were before. It is about what is, as well as what useful Ivan tea for a person and will be discussed. It is necessary to pay attention to this miracle-grass, which is still needed to collect and dry, after which it acquires its outstanding properties, as well as quality.

We understand from the very beginning: what does Ivan tea look like And where it grows

In recent years, there is a more clearly trend towards returning to their Slavic roots more clearly. We are increasingly looking into the past, and it is worth saying that it is at the ancestors that can learn a lot of things that useful, such as the centuries was checked and worked out. For example, the tradition of drinking ordinary black tea came to us from the east, namely from China, but after all, many people used to eat a wide variety of herbs, not only as a medicament, but also just for their own pleasure. Among such delicious and most useful drinks, this is an amazing plant. What does Ivan-tea, the photo look like, shows visual. Undoubtedly, many know this weed and even remembers her smell.

Where it grows as well what does Ivan tea look like: photo Give full view

It is worth starting with the fact that the scientific name of Ivan tea is Chamérion AngustiFólium, and easier, Cyprus is a narrowish, ordinary. Moreover, the genus of these perennial herbs includes fourteen individual species, and it is possible to use them for cooking, almost everything can be used, but in most cases there is exactly the type that has been named earlier, it is precisely collectively, dried, and then brew a fragrant drink from it. In addition to the scientific Latin name, there is this grass and other names, for example, Bogorodicina grass, copory tea, hidden bar and so on.

It has really narrow, elongated and fairly small leaves, as well as bright, pink inflorescences. Ivan-tea is growing almost widespread in the northern hemisphere, because our huge homeland has become a real home for him. This grass prefers not very dry, mainly sandy soils, it can be easily found on the edges of the forests and on the rogs, among the bushes, as well as on the meadows of ponds, lakes and rivers. The flowering of the plant begins approximately at the beginning or middle of June, and by September already ends.

Tradition about Ivan-Tea

It is said that a long-time boy lived Ivan, and he loved to walk in the barefield, and in a red shirt. Here are people having red in green, and began to laugh: "Looking out, Ivan, tea, wanders already!" Since then, it has been done, the flock of the grass with the red colors of Ivan-tea.

It is wonderful that Ivan-tea drank in Russia, as already mentioned, from ancient times, and even put it even to the table of the king. They sent this grass as well as beyond the limits of the native state, where he was highly appreciated as healing and extremely useful. How to collect, dry, as well as how to brew Ivan-tea, not everyone was correct, and the recipes were transferred from the Father to the Son, from one generation to another. Moreover, the plant is suitable in the whole. Its leaves can be added to salads, rooted roots, like cabbage, and drying them, even prepared a special flour from which tasty pancakes baked.

From difficult to simpleness: what is useful to Ivan tea for a person

It is worthwise will also stop on the fact that Ivan tea for women and men is useful, which unique properties and qualities have, and what is actually due to. In fact, Ivan-Tea absorbed a lot of useful substances donated by nature. It also has a unique property - the plant does not absorb any harmful substances, does not accumulate radiation and so on. Therefore, tea from this amazing plant is suitable, even if it grows in a not very well-safe area.

  • Ivan tea is a truly unique plant, according to its antiseptic, as well as antiflogistic qualities. Moreover, he left far behind such natural antiseptics, like, for example, bear ears, evava bark and any other.
  • If we talk about how the Ivan tea for men is useful, then for the "second heart" of a male organism, that is, for the prostate gland, this is a real manna heavenly. Moreover, in the complex treatment of a variety of inflammatory processes, as well as infections, even official medicine confirms the benefit of this unique herb. In addition, it has a general toning effect, and has a beneficial effect on potency, and so on.
  • The plant also has a beneficial effect on the normalization of pressure, gently leading it to the desired indicators, has diuretic properties, and also restores the water and electrolyte balance of your body.
  • Included in the unique composition of Ivan-tea flavonoids, sedatives, vitamins belonging to the group B, as well as magnesium, have a sedative, and even a light sleeping pills.
  • In this small, at first glance, the grass is such a stock of vitamin C, which is no one plant growing in our latitudes, can not boast of similar.
  • The beneficial effect on the work of the digestive system can also be noted in this plant.

And this is only the top of the iceberg, as the useful qualities of Ivan-Tea millet increments. For example, it has an simply total antioxidant effect, due to the high content of the most flavonoids, keratinoids, salts of various organic origin, magnesium and manganese and, as already mentioned, Vitamin C.

Put the right questions: like when to collect Ivan tea for drying

Many people, after they learn about all the useful qualities and properties of the plant, begins to interest the other question, namely, how to collect Ivan tea, so that the decoction of it turned out the most useful and high-quality. As you know, blooming the plant begins in June-July, then, just the right time for the collection of Ivan tea occurs, since it is in this period that it is most saturated with the useful substances. However, it is worth knowing that as soon as the flowers become fired, the collection of plants should already be stopped.

You should not forget that Ivan-tea photo, when to collect, in no way you can not damage all the plant completely, because if everyone would pull the grass without a sense, then soon they would simply disappear from the face of the earth. Therefore, it's not enough only when to collect Ivan tea , After all, it is also necessary to understand how to do it right. For high-quality collection, the plant takes the top, and then remove the leaves by spending on the stalk down. And for tea, not only leaves themselves are suitable, but also flowers. If you are not fully understood what and how to do, it is necessary to see how to collect Ivan-tea video, which is located just below. Moreover, it is available about Ivan-tea, how to collect and dry it, if I wonder, you can search and continue from the same author, it is available on the network.

We make a drink from grass: how to dry Ivan tea at homeand how to brew it

It is clear that the Ivan-tea leaves and the rules collected by all the instructions and the rules must also be dried correctly. It is the field of the correct workpiece that it will turn completely completely, because it will have all its useful components. This is a rather complicated process, therefore it will be necessary to give him a lot of time, and also carefully perform step by step.

Drying Ivan-Tea - the case is not easy

  • First of all, the leaves need to be knit, not to put it, but it is to bore. To do this, it is necessary to spread them in a dark place, with a layer, not more than three or five centimeters, and then leave on the knocks, not forgetting to regularly turn them.
  • The next day, leaves will have to twist each separately in their hands until they become dark, like tea leaves.
  • Further, all the leaves need to be folded into a large enameled bowl or pelvis, and climbing the cloth, put in a warm place to complete its fermentation. The warmer will be where you put a bowl, the faster the process will end. It is understood that everything has already come to the end point, it is possible in a gentle-thick, fruit-flower smell.
  • But that's not all, as you are waiting for, actually drying. To do this, first the leaves must be carefully cut, spread on the deck and put it in the oven for an hour at a temperature of one hundred degrees. However, real herbalists do this without applying funds donated by civilization. They prefer to dry out Ivan tea in the sun, and the effect turns out the same, only time to leave somewhat more.

How to brew Ivan tea at home

When all the details, about the grass you understand, it remains to understand, Ivan-tea how to brew, so that it turns out not only delicious and fragrant, which is also not at all, but also kept all his healing properties and quality. In fact, everything is completely simple and here it certainly will not work out.

  • Rosen the usual brewing teapot boiling and put 2-3 spoons of dry Ivan tea. It also does not prevent add a few dried flowers.
  • Fill the grass with boiling water and leave the minutes for ten and fifteen to stretched.
  • Moreover, water in chairs can easily add, two or three times it will not hurt.

It will only remain figure out about Ivan-tea how to brew and drink it need it to have the highest efficiency. And it is worth understanding that no special schedule for its use will need, because this extremely pleasant and fragrant drink can be used at any time of the day, and without any restrictions.

By the way, it is worth saying that for tea there is no completely no contraindications, except, individual intolerance of substances, which is contained in the raw materials. Among other things, a long-term reception can have a slightly laxative effect, which means it is time to take a break and for some time abandon such drinking, but with the restoration of all functions, you can return to the reception.

Ivan-tea or Cyprus is a narrow-cutting - a real gift of Mother Nature. From him, our ancestors were preparing a healing drink, which served as a wonderful medicine from many diseases, strengthened health. Cypete can be found in various regions of the country. This is not a single plant, it forms extensive thickets. It is necessary to harvest the raw materials at the time of bloom to carry out the collection, you need to know exactly what Ivan tea represents and what an amazing plant looks like.

Ivan Tea Description

Most often in nature, Ivan-tea can be found, whose height does not exceed 1.5 meters. But sometimes this grass reaches two meters. Rhizome plants thick, has a dense brown-yellow peel. The kidneys appear very quickly, so in the garden plot you can plant some of the root of the plant.

Cyprus has a straight stem of the rounded shape. It is thickly covered with short stiff leaves. Lesson leaves, up to 12 centimeters in length. Ends of leaves pointed, Lancel-like shape. The edges of the leaves can be with small teeth or solid. On top of a dark green leaf, and at the bottom of the junction, although sometimes you can find leaves with pinkish and reddish shades.

Flowers of boiled pale pink or pink or red color. Rarely in nature is the Ivan tea, blooming with white. Flowers are large, with a diameter of about 3 centimeters. They are going to creeps-shaped inflorescences, the length of which can be 40 centimeters. The flowering period begins in the second half of summer, goes on about a month. Before the rain, Ivan-tea flowers are closed, so the fee is better to do in dry and sunny weather.

At the end of flowering, fruits appear, which resemble a fluffy box in the shape of a pod. Seeds are oblong, naked, with white thin hairs, they are easily transferred to the wind, flown a few kilometers from the parent plant. The germination of seeds is quite weak, they do not tolerate the neighborhood with many plants, especially with trees or shrubs.

Application of Ivan tea

Cypria has been published in Russia, the recipe for its preparation was transferred from generation to generation. To get a healing and delicious decoction, the leaves of Cypria were first collected, then dried, covered with boiling water, peathed into mortar, laid out and dried in a Russian oven. Cavory tea in the village of Koporier was manufactured in a more complex way, making it fermented. Grass Cyprus was used to brew healthy tea.

From fresh leaves, soups and salads were prepared, added to dishes when prepared fresh roots, obtained from dried roots of flour from which bread and cakes were baked. Even Puhu Cypria people found the use, the Pooh was rushed, they knocked out the shawls, pillows, pillowed by the Pup of Ivan-tea were lungs, sleeping on them was sweet. From the fibers of the stem fought strong ropes.

Useful properties of Cypria

All parts of Cyprus have healing properties: stems, flowers, leaves, roots. The above-ground part is collected during the flowering period, trying to choose the period when the flowers did not fully revealed. Roots are collected in November, the young shoots are harvested in May.

Studies conducted by scientists showed that anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties are characterized for Ivan-tea, so it is successfully used to treat colitis, ulcers and gastritis. Often, the decoction is used as a strengthening and prophylactic agent in heart disease.

In the leaves, Cyprus contains a record amount of vitamin C, so the plant Ivan tea is recommended for frequent colds, during the period of recovery after the disease, under the skin diseases. Many in the Cyprus manganese, iron, copper, vitamins, biologically active substances. Due to the saturated composition, the grass is an excellent tonic, soothing, a well-fastener.

For outdoor use for healing of wounds, ulcers and bruises apply compresses with decoction of Ivan tea. Plant components are part of some cosmetology products - masks, cream, lotion.