IV International Festival "Jazz Seasons in Lenin Gorki. Jazz seasons in Lenin's slides for whom will suit

IV International Festival
IV International Festival "Jazz Seasons in Lenin Gorki. Jazz seasons in Lenin's slides for whom will suit

On July 7 and 8, ten teams from Russia, Armenia, Sweden and the United States will perform in one of the most picturesque corners of the Moscow region at one of the most important jazz Open-Airs of the Moscow region: Producer Company Igor Butman present in the former residence of Vladimir Lenin IV International Festival "Jazz Seasons".

The ancient estate Gorki in the south-east of the near Moscow region, near the current city prominent, in the last century, powerful merchant families owned - the last owner was the widow of the Savva Morozov's industrialist. After the revolution of 1917, the estate was nationalized and became the suburban residence of the new authorities. In the early 1920s Here, the last months of the chairman of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar Vladimir Ulyanov, known to the whole world under the party nickname "Lenin". And from 2015, a jazz festival is held here every summer.

For two days, ten teams will come to the scene of the festival: a group Leonid & Friends. - Sensational Russian national team on the execution of the repertoire of the classics of American jazz rock band Chicago., drummer quartet Oleg Boutman with American vocalist Elliott, Quintet Trubacha Hayka Grigoryan, Group "Pi", Sextet Alt-Saxophonist Ilya Morozova and vocalist Victoria Kaunova. Big jazz orchestrap / U Trubach Peter Vostokova, ethno jazz project Van Quartet. (Armenia-Russia), Igor Butman and Moscow jazz orchestraas well as american trumpeter Ambroz Akinmusir (Ambrose akinmusire.) with your quartet and swedish vocalist John Nilsson (Jonah Nilsson.) who glorified performances with the stars YouTube. - Swedish fusion group Dirty Loops..

Artists of the festival and days of their performances:

  • July 7.
    Jonah Nilsson (Sweden)
    Leonid & Friends.
    Elliott (USA) and quartet Oleg Butman
    Quartet Ike Grigoryana
    Large jazz orchestra P / near Peter Eastokova.
  • July 8
    Van Quartet (Armenia-Russia)
    Sextet Ilya Morozova and Victoria Kaunova
    Ambroz Akinmusir (USA)
    Moscow Jazz Orchestra P / at Igor Butman.

Moscow region, Gorki Leninsky, Home Alley, 1. Beginning of concerts at 15:00. Details and travel to

The full program "Jazz Seasons" 2017 is announced - the annual festival in the Museum-Reserve Gorki Leninsky! This year, the musical event will be held on July 8 and 9.

Jazz Seasons program 2017

July 8

  • Oregon / USA
  • Igor Butman and Moscow jazz orchestra
  • Trio Oleg Acactov
  • Amber Sept.

July 9.

  • Tony Momrelle / United Kingdom
  • Tina Kuznetsova - Zventa Sventana
  • (Pipe) and EILENKRIG CREW Group
  • NEW ALLEGRO Nikolai Levinovsky and Igor Butman with the project "Legend"
  • Olga Sinyaeva and Sextet Anton Chekurova

The beginning of concerts at 15:00.

Known full program "Jazz seasons" 2017

Ten teams from Russia, the United States and Great Britain will perform in one of the most picturesque corners of the Moscow region - the Museum-Reserve Gorki Leninsky. This is the full part of the participants in the acquisition of the International Festival "Jazz Seasons", which will be held in 2017 in the midst of summer.

The list of previously announced stars of the Russian and foreign jazz scene complemented the famous Trumpeter and TV presenter Vadim Eilenkrig and his Eilenkrig Crew group, the team of Amber Sept, The Project of the Future young vocalist Yaroslav Simonova and LRK TRIO, as well as Sextet Anton Chekurova with the participation of the star show "Voice -2 "Olga Sinyova.

One of the main events of July 8, will certainly be the return of the legendary Fusion group Oregon to Russia after almost 15 years!

The first festival day will open by an explosive cocktail of young ambitious projects Amber Sept Yulia Perminov and Ignat Kravtsov and The Project of the Future of the phenomenal 13-year-old vocation owls, pianists and composer Yaroslav Simonova, LRK TRIO and soloists of the Igor Butman orchestra soloists - Eugene Break and Sergey Dolkova!

A unique pianist and vocalist Oleg Neatats, together with her trio, will present an acoustic set, which will like to lovers of classic jazz meinstream. The first day is the performance of the world famous Moscow jazz orchestra under the control of Igor Butman.

The second day of the festival will amaze the diversity of the palette of styles of even the most sophisticated listeners!

On July 9, the "jazz seasons" will perform a popular ethno-project Zventa Sventana Tina Kuznetsova, the star of the British cooler Tony Momrell, as well as the Sextet of the Young Saxophonist Anton Chekurov together with Olga Sinyaneva vocalist, who will perform a set in the style of Contemporary Jazz.

Eilenkrig Crew.

For fusion and funk will be responsible for the pet pet, virtuoso and charismatic trumpeter Vadim Eilencrig and the New Allegro group of the legendary Pianist Nikolai Levinovsky with the participation of Igor Butman.

On the territory of the reserve, gaming zones will be organized for children, Fudcourt and many useful interesting entertainment for the festival guests. Children under 10 years old entrance is free. "Jazz seasons" traditionally pass with the support of the governor's program "Our Moscow region."

July 7 and 8 Ten teams from Russia, Armenia, Sweden and the United States
Perform in one of the most picturesque corners of the Moscow region!

For what the festival "Jazz seasons" is called one of the most
memorable open-air of summer?
First of all, for a unique combination of stunning nature
The nature reserve, the beauty of the architectural ensemble of the vintage estate slides,
Almost chamber, family atmosphere and, of course, first-class composition
Participants invited by the producer of the festival by Igor Butman.

Every year, "jazz seasons" are collected in the open air several
thousand spectators! This is not surprising - after all, according to tradition, the scene is
Outstanding jazz performers. Participants in the festival were already
Randy Brecker, John Bizley, Leon Foster Thomas, Tony Momrelle, group
Oregon and the best representatives of the Russian jazz scene - Oleg Butman,
Quintet Sergey Dolkova, Alina Rostotskaya, Juliana Rogacheva, Trio
Oleg Akratova, Vadim Eilenkrig and his group Eilenkrig Crew, and many
Others. In 2018, the festival guests are waiting for an equally ambitious program!

The chadliners of the fourth "jazz seasons" will be Ambrose akinmusire
(USA), Jonah Nilsson (of Dirty Loops / Sweden), big jazz
Orchestra Peter Eastokova, Van Quartet (Armenia), as well as Igor Butman
and Moscow jazz orchestra. In addition, on the festival its creativity
View "Leonid & Friends", Elliott (vocals / USA) & Oleg Quartet
Butman, Quintet Ike Grigoryan, Group "Pi", Sextet Ilya
Morozov and Victoria Kaunova.

July 7, on the first day of the festival, an inimitable performance will be held
Vocalist and Pianist from Sweden John Nilsson (Dirty Loops). Some
years ago John did what millions of musicians dream about - became
Worldwide known in just 1 night! As part of the Dirty Loops Group
I performed several cover versions of the hits that brought the project millions of views on YouTube and world glory. Today is among
Fans of creativity Musician Soloist Maroon 5Adam Levin, singers
Brian McNight, Rodney Dzherkins, Dallas Austin, and even Stevie Wonder and
Quincy Jones! Also on July 7 at the main summer jazz scene
Moscow region will perform the group "Leonid & Friends", Singer Elliott (USA) and
Quartet Oleg Butman, Quartet Ike Grigoryan. On the same evening guests
The festival will be transferred to the Golden Epoch of "Jazz Fever", which
Recreate for them a large jazz orchestra Peter Eastokova.
July 8 The festival program will hit the variety of styles even the most
Temptured listeners!

On the second day at the "jazz seasons" will perform
Ethno-jazz project Van Quartet (Armenia), young, ambitious,
Joint Independent Music Banner Team "Pi", Sextet
Ilya Morozova and Victoria Kaunova, as well as a quartet of the resident of the label Blue
Note, the winner of the two main jazz contests named after Telonus Monk
and carmine carmine, one of the most important musicians of modernity Ambroz
Akinmusir (USA). Complete the second day by the performance of world
famous Moscow Jazz Orchestra under Igor

In addition to connoisseurs of jazz music, the festival will combine lovers
painting, floristics, sports and just wanting to spend their own
Weekends in the circle of relatives and friends. Spectators will be able to see how
Pictures are created, to participate in master classes, lectures and competitions.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobiev on July 8 visited the IV International Festival "Jazzovy Seasons" in the Leninsky Municipal District, he, together with the musician Igor Butman and the State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Fetisov signed football balls and presented them with the guests of the festival, the press service of the governor and the Government of the Region reports.

Music Open-Air, which traditionally takes place on the territory of the Museum-Reserve "Gorki Leninsky", was organized within the framework of the governor's program "Our Moscow region." For two days, more than 6 thousand people visited him, refined in the material.

"A very good popular event, four years ago, Igor Mikhailovich Butman organized him. Music lovers, art here are going traditionally during these summer days. And yesterday, and today the festival collects. I wish further the festival to develop so that it attracted people more. I am sure that Igor Mikhailovich has a lot of creative teams that he supports, and we will see here new stars, "said Andrei Vorobiev, who quotes the press service.

Producer and ideological inspirer of the festival - the famous saxophonist, People's Artist of Russia Igor Butman. At his personal invitation to the Gorki Leninsky traditionally come outstanding jazz musicians, it is noted in the material.

"I am very glad that the Government of the Moscow Region and our governor Andrei Yuryevich Vorobiev supported the idea of \u200b\u200bholding this wonderful festival in the town of Lenin. I was here a schoolboy on the excursion, and we talked about what a great idea would make this festival in this place. And already on the 4th year in a row, a lot of people come here with families, walk, look, walk on excursions, listen to excellent music and enjoy communication, "said Igor Butman, his words are provided in the message.

As noted in a press release, the festival organized a broadcast of the World Cup Match. Andrei Vorobyov, together with Igor Butman and the State Duma deputy, Vyacheslav Fetisov "Jazz seasons".

"The governor's software approach throughout that happens here, supporting famous people so that they can carry culture in those places that are important for the country are very important. Igor Butman invites the most famous jazz musicians here. This is the very bridge that combines the people in order to once again understand, realize that such personal relationships change their life for the better. The festival turned the Gorki Leninsky in the real country, "the press service quotes Vyacheslav Fetisov.

This year, the festival gathered 10 teams from Russia, Armenia, Sweden and the United States, representing a variety of jazz directions - from the classics to the avant-garde. On the first day, a speech of vocalist and pianist from Sweden John Nilsson took place. Popularity to him came in just one night, as part of the Dirty Loops group, he performed several cover versions of the hits that made millions of views on YouTube. Also, the Leonid & Friends, the singer from the USA Elliott, the Quartet of the Ayke Grigoryan and Oleg Butman, as well as a large jazz orchestra of Peter Eastokowa, were made on Saturday.

According to the press service, on the second day of the festival on the stage, the ethnjase-project Van Quartet from Armenia, a young and ambitious team, playing independent music, "Pi", Sextet Ilya Morozov and Victoria Kaunova, and a resident of the Blue Note resident of the resident of the Labe Note. Of particular interest was the performance of the winner of the two main jazz tenderers named after Telonius Monk and Carmina of Cairoso, a virtuoso trumpeter from the USA Ambrose Akinmusir. This musician has established itself as a master, varies between the world of jazz, classics and hip-hop. The festival was completed by the concert of the world famous Moscow jazz orchestra under the control of Igor Butman.

As noted in the message, in 2018, the Jazz Seasons festival entered the top 10 musical Open-Airs of Russia.

"We have a non-profit project, why do we keep it so supporting in the framework of the governor's program" Our Moscow region "? Because the content of the festival, the program itself a priori is more expensive than tickets. We cannot dear tickets to sell: People here come with families, friends, six to seven people, - it should be available. But at the same time, we have an impeccable program for quality, and this is the difference from commercial, concentrated festivals. Each time Igor Mikhailovich Butman and his team, who owns stunning connections with a jazz world, have the opportunity to invite the most vivid musicians to Moscow, "said the Governor of the Moscow Region on Culture in the rank of Minister Nammin Shiraliyev, her words are also given in the material.

Within the framework of the festival, free master classes were also held on jazz music, painting and pottery. Visitors were able to play mini-football, board games, participate in quiz. Games for children, cycling and are also organized. A competition for the best photo in "Instagram" is also organized, the main prize is a soccer ball with autographs of the festival participants, is a message.

For what the festival "Jazz Seasons" in Lenin Gorky is called one of the most memorable Open-Airs of the summer? First of all, for a unique combination of the stunning nature of the reserve, the beauty of the architectural ensemble of the ancient estate roller, chamber, almost a family atmosphere and, of course, the first-class composition of the participants invited by the producer of the festival by Igor Butman.



Gorki Leninsky, Moscow region.

How much is

The cost of tickets from 2500 rubles.

Description of the event

For the first time, "jazz seasons" took place in 2016 and collected several thousand spectators in an open-air! This is not surprising - outstanding jazz performers - Randy Brecker, John Bizley, Leon "Foster" Thomas and the best representatives of the Russian jazz scene - Oleg Butman, Quintet Sergey Dolkova, Alina Rostotskaya, Juliana Rogacheva and many others.

In 2017, ten teams from Russia, Great Britain and the USA were performed at the festival: Oleg Acratov Trio, Vadim Eilenkrig and his Eilenkrig Crew group, Tony Momrelle, Oregon group and many others. In addition to connoisseurs of jazz music, the festival combined lovers of painting, floristics, sports and just wanting to spend their weekends in the circle of relatives and friends. The audience was able to see how paintings were created, to participate in master classes, lectures and competitions.

For whom will suit

For adults and children, fans of jazz music.

Why you should go

  • Grand program of the festival
  • Stunning music
  • Beautiful venue