Italian singer Russos. Greek singer Demis RUSSI: Biography and personal life

Italian singer Russos. Greek singer Demis RUSSI: Biography and personal life
Italian singer Russos. Greek singer Demis RUSSI: Biography and personal life

For his career, the singer Demis Russos sold 100 million copies of albums, becoming the most successful performer of Greece. Despite the fact that today the artist who participated in the recording of the soundtracks to the films "Fire Chariots" and "Running on the Blade", is no longer alive, according to music lovers, the unique creativity of the vocalist will exist until in the hearts and memory of the faithful Fans sounds his amazing voice.

Childhood and youth

Artemios Venturis Russos was born on June 15, 1946, located in the River Delta of the Nile of Alexandria (Egypt). He became the first son (there is a younger brother Kotas) Nelly and Jorgosa's parents. During the Suez crisis, the family of Russosov changed the place of residence, having moved to the homeland of his ancestors to Greece. Demis thrust for art was inherited. Mom of the future singer, Nelli Mazlum, was a professional dancer, and father Jorgos, though earned her bread, working as an engineer, perfectly played the guitar.

It is not surprising that such an exclusively talented couple, children to jabling mathematical formulas and the study of chemical compounds from childhood preferred creative self-realization. Demis is a smart and talented boy. He sang well, so parents gave it to the choir of the Greek Byzantine Church. Five years spent there, did not pass in vain: Russos studied the musical theory, learned to play the double bass, pipe and even the organ.


In 1963, Russos met with talented musicians who, as well as he, wanted to make a successful career. Soon there was a group of "Aphrodite" S Child ", in which Demis became a vocalist. The Other REOPLE and Plastics Nevermore composition brought the team first fame. In 1968, a military coup in Greece, and Rousse, with his rock team left Paris.

There he turned active creative activity, and soon about "Aphrodite" S Child "spoke all of France. The song" Rain and Tears "rose for the first lines of European charts in a couple of days. It was followed by the release of albums" End of the World "and "IT" S Five about "CLOCK". Despite growing popularity, Demis decided to leave the group and do a solo career. The last album "Aphrodite" S Child "-" 666 "- was finalized and released after the breakdown of the group.

Solo career

In 1971, the first solo disk of Russos was released - "Fire and Ice". Two years later, the new work of the artist appeared on the store shelves - "Forever and Ever". On the plate there were at least six hit songs ("Goodbai May Love", "Velvet Mornings", "Lovely Lady of Arcadia", "My Friend The Wind" and "My Reason"). A video clip was removed on the Forever and Ever track.

In 1973, the performer of the song "Adagio" has already performed with concerts around the world. In 1974, at a concert in the Holland, the vocalist fulfilled the single "Someday Somewhere". This composition has become a forerunner of the third plate "My Only Fascination". In 1975, three works of demis - "Forever and Ever", "My Only Fascination" and "Souvenir" - led the top ten of the best albums in England.

The album "Universum" (1979) released in four languages \u200b\u200bwas popular in Italy and France. The success of the record is obliged to be released a month before the release of Singlam "Loin Des Yeux" and "Loin Du Coeur".

In 1982, Attitudes appeared on the shelves, but the album did not have commercial success. To rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the listeners, Demis recorded a new job with a cover version of the tracks of the fifties and sixties called "Reflections". Then the singer went to Holland, where the singles "Island of Love" and "Summerwine" recorded, and also released the "Greater Love" album.

In 1987, the vocalist returned to the native land to work on the album with digital records of the versions of their best hits. A year later, the Release of the plate "Time" took place. The same name with the title of the song was also released as a single.

1993 was marked by entering the light including the modern version of the "Insight" records "Morning Has Broken". In the period from 2000 to 2009, three albums were released: AUF MEINEN WEGEN, Live In Brazil and Demis.

Personal life

Despite the fact that in the amourous piggy bank of the charismatic musician, in addition to wives, there were hundreds of the victims of Persons, to affect the subject of personal life Russos did not like. The first wife of the Greek singer was the girl named Monic. Young people legalized the relationship at the very beginning of the creative path of demis. The lady, who gave the vocalist daughter Emily, refused to divide her husband with fans.

Realizing that the spouse of a quiet family life prefers glory and fame, a woman a couple of months after giving birth was given to a divorce and with an infant child in his arms left to France to relatives. There was no year after the collapse of the family, as the artist married the second time. Chief singer called Dominica. The girl gave birth to a spouse of the heir, who was called Syril.

Baryshnya blinded by love did not believe the materials regularly published in the newspapers about her husband's intrigues and sacred believed that the believer during the touring tours retains her loyalty. So it continued until Russos himself was admitted to his spouse in the commitment perfectly at one of the concerts of adultery. Forgive betrayal Dominic could not.

True, unlike the first spouse, the woman did not take the child, considering it appropriate to leave the Son on the care of the mother of Demis in Greece. The American model of Pamela became the next wife Russos. With a mannequin, the performer of the song "Goodbye, My Love, Goodbye" met in a bookstore. Even before legalizing the relationship, the lovers were on the verge of life and death.

In June 1985, the couple became hostages on the flight of Athens-Rome. Then militants from the Hesbolla grouping for a week held passengers of the aircraft under the dowl of machine guns and even shot one person in front of those present at the charter of adults and children.

At that time, the Demis was also known in the Arab countries, therefore, when the terrorists found out in it a popular artist, Roussess had to be performed for the invaders of the song. Out of the shock after a couple of months after liberation, the pair suacised her relationship. True, this union collapsed.

The longest marriage of Russos was a novel with his last wife Maria Teresa, a Frenchwoman who worked as an instructor on yoga. They met in 1994. Then Marie, throwing everything, went for her beloved in Greece. It is worth noting that until the end of his days, the famous artist did not make sentences of his hands and hearts beloved, preferring to the legitimate relationship.


A talented musician died on January 25, 2015. Close singer did not want the news about the sustainable death of demis to negatively affect the parliamentary elections, which were outlined for this day, so the press learned about the death of the artist only on January 26. The fans alerted the secrecy of relatives who did not disclose the cause of the death of the famous composer and could not decide on the date and place of the funeral ceremony.,

As it often happens, the people who kept in ignorance began to put forward their versions of what happened. According to the first theory, the artist died of a wrapping against the background of his obesity of the exacerbation of chronic disease, along the second - Russos died from the deadly disease, which he intentionally did not report media.

A little later clarified the situation to the native daughter of Demis - Emilia. The girl gave an interview for one of the French magazines, in which she stated that her father for a couple of years fought with pancreatic cancer. It is this terrible diagnosis and interrupted by the events of the tenor. Mourning ceremony took place on January 30 of the same year. The grave of Demis is located on the first cemetery of Athens, where the traditions are buried only by noble and famous Greeks.


  • 1971 - "Fire and Ice"
  • 1974 - "FOREVER AND EVER"
  • 1982 - "Attitudes"
  • 1984 - "Reflection"
  • 1979 - "Universum"
  • 1980 - "MAN OF THE WORLD"
  • 1989 - "My Friend The Wind"
  • 1993 - "Insight"
  • 1995 - "Gold"
  • 1996 - "Too Many Dreams"
  • 2000 - "AUF MEINEN WEGEN"
  • 2006 - "LIVE IN BRAZIL"
  • 2009 - "Demis"

To the 70th anniversary of the birth of Demis Russos

Demis, Russos had, truly, a completely unique voice, and here he could not compete any singer in the world. The second equally unique voice had the Great Polish singer Anna Herman, which in the USSR loved and appreciated much more than in her homeland.

Demis Rousse. Hits of different years

Demis Rousse - Man - Epoch!

The Great Greek Artist was born in Alexandria in Egypt on June 15, 1946. His real name Artemios Venturis Russos.

In his memories, he forever retained live memory and love for his hometown: "Alexandria is a city with the Greek spirit built by Alexander Great (Macedonian), with a large Greek community and the strong Orthodox patriarchy.

When I remember my childhood years, pictures of children's memories sometimes give me the feeling that I watch the film on the novels of Agatha Christie ...

From Alexandria I gave my love for the scene. This love in our family was tradition. She suffered from my father, and my mother. We wanted to please people. "

His parents - Georgy and Olga - were famous Greeks in Egypt: Mother was a famous singer, and father, although he was an engineer by profession, played on a classic guitar.

Little Demis has studied music and consisted in the Byzantine Church Church in Native Alexandria. When the Suez crisis broke out under the pump, his family lost all his property and was forced to return to Greece.

Already in Greece, his passion for music at the age of 17 led him to the iDols group known then, where he met Wangelis Papfanasiu (famous all over the world as Vangelis) and Lucas Sideras, with whom he will create an Aphrodite's Child rock group (" Child Aphrodite ").

The group has become widely known in 1968 during the Paris Spring thanks to the Rain & Tears song. Music for the group wrote Wangelis Papafanasiu - he also played the keys, and tenor Demis played the double bass and was the main performer.

Specific tenor demis, which was often called the "fat man with a subtle voice," helped a group of defenders world fame. From 1968 to 1971, their singles for three years have invariably occupied the first place in European charts.

Demis Mare himself believed that the success of the group provided the correct "timing": "The entire Paris was on fire, chuckled from tear gases, and we sang ... Rain & Tears."

Demis Roussos (Aphrodite "s Child) - Rain and Tears

The group recorded several singles, three of which received worldwide success. The most significant was their last single - their "swan song" - called "666 - Apocalypse of John", which is considered one of the classic in progressive rock music.

Demis has its own solo career in 1971 with a single "We Shall Dance", which was not marked by a special success. But the breakthrough occurred a couple of years later with the song "Forever and Ever", which took the first places in the chait-parades of many countries in 1973

Demis Roussos - My Friend The Wind, 1973

The world glory of the singer brought the songs "My Friend The Wind", "My Reason", "Velvet Mornings", "Goodbye My Love, Goodbye", "Someday Somewhere" and "Lovely Lady of Arcadia".

Photo of a joint tour of Joe and Demis Magazine Salut Les Copains, 1973

Demis Roussess and Joe Dassin, 1973

In collaboration with Wangelis Papfanasiu (Vangelis) in the 1970s, the Sex Power plate was published (sometimes this entry belongs to the Aphrodite's Child group), and in 1977 - "Magic".

But the most successful and well-known joint work was the song "Race To The End" from the movie "Chariots of Fire" ("Fire Chariots"), who received the Oscar Award.

The songs of Demis Russos came out in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, in many countries of Europe and Latin America. In total, he recorded 42 albums, and their total sales exceeded 70 million!

In 1982, his book "A Question of Weight" ("Weight Question") comes out in which the singer talks about his victory over an excess weight: he managed to reset for 10 months 50 kg, having lowered his weight from 147 kg to 97!

After a long period of the fight against the depression, which he suffered for more than 10 years, Demis Rusaress returns to the scene in 1993 with the album "Insight", known as "Morning Has Broken".

In subsequent years, the singer continues his career, speaking around the world with concerts and recording discs.

In 2003, he opposes the leaders of 40 countries at a concert in St. Petersburg at the 300th anniversary of the founding of the city.

In 2010, the World Tour, dewented by the 40-year-old anniversary of his professional career begins from Athens Demis.

Demis Rousse and Charles Aznavour

In September 2013, France awards the Greek singer to the Order of the Honorary Legion - the highest award of the country.

Awarding Demis Russos Titul Kavalera Order Honorary Legion

A peculiar tribute to the singer expressed Russian astronomer Timur Kryachko, who gave his name to the asteroid of the Solar System with the asteroid (279226 demisroussos - 2009 UR103).

Demis Roussos dramatically stand out against the background of the dominant Western style and his peculiar voice, and a unique stage, and a special manner of contact with the viewer, not similar to other prototypes of Western style.

The style of clothing, behavior, thick, fluttering beard - all this fascinated by the viewer even before the singer began to sing, "he did not remain anything, as completely surrendered to the power of the unique voice of his pet.

An interesting case occurred with the singer in June 1985. Demis Rousse, together with his future wife, Pamela flew out of Athens in Rome Flight 847 TWA.

The flight was captured by Lebanese terrorists, and the plane made a forced landing first in Beirut, and then in Algeria. The singer had to spend on board for several days along with terrorists.

Having learned that among the hostages there is a DEMISS, they not only asked him an autograph, but also celebrated his birthday on June 15 and freed him a couple of days later, one of the first.

The popularity of the singer in the Arab countries did not interfere with even the great popularity of this Greek in Israel, where he often toured and recorded one of his hits "Golden Jerusalem".

Its popularity was huge in Russia, and Demis Russess answered this reciprocity.

In one of his interviews in Moscow, he stated: " Russia is my second homeland. I love your audience very much and I love to come to Moscow very much.

It seems to me that I already know this city perfectly, and still, at each visit, I discover something new for myself, I always find out what to do and what to see in my free time, although some kind of mandatory program never planning myself in advance.

I still love Russian cuisine very much, although I don't really understand it, honestly. I love dumplings and pancakes and, of course, your famous black caviar, "he shared.

As for food, he admitted that it occupies an important part in his life: "For me, the main thing is music, food and women, and exactly in this order."

Artemios Venturis was born in 1946 in the coastal Egyptian city - Alexandria. From the very childhood, he joined music, because his father played his father from youthful years on different musical instruments, and the mother was a singer.

The boy began to sing from an early childhood, when Mom took him to the local church. There he repeatedly performed and sang in the choir. When Artemiosa was 11 years old, his whole family had to move from Egypt to the capital of Greece, where he spent his entire future. The move was founded to reign in the native country of the singer crisis, which interfered with his rich family to continue to earn. In Greece, he began to receive musical education, learned to play guitar, organ, pipe and some other musical instruments.

The real musical career of the young man began in 1963, when he with two buddies founded his own group. The guys performed on many Greek sites and became fairly recognizable personalities within their country. But the period of the military coup in Greece began, and the young men were very hard to promote their creativity. They decided to move to the capital of France - Paris. There, they published their first world-famous composition - Rain & Tears.

Solo Music Career

Believing in your musical forces and making sure that the group only limits the creative space, Artemios leaves from the team, takes the alias "Demis Russos" and begins the solo career.

For many years of his work were very contradictory. Some songs, such as "Happy to Be On An Island In The Sun," rose to the tops of world musical tops, and some were not sold in hundreds of copies. To keep the interest and attention of the public, the Contractor arranged real costume show programs at its concerts. In 1986, within the framework of the World Tour, Demis Rusare was visited by the USSR.

Personal life

The artist was married three times. From the first two wives, he had two children - daughter and son, there was no children in the third marriage. In 1985, the musician, together with the Third Wife, was hostage to the terrorists in the plane, which flew to Rome. A couple along with other people kept in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, a whole week. But the operation for the release of hostages was successful, and the spouses returned to normal life.

For a long time, Demis, Russos suffered from obesity. In the late 70s he weighed about 150 kilograms. After the incident in Beirut, he began to lose weight rapidly and lost a third of his weight. In 1982, he published a book "How I lost weight."

The musician died in 2015 in the capital of Greece, Athens, where he was buried. The cause of death was the pancreas cancer.

Artemios Russos, the Son of Greek Parents, George and Olga, was born on June 15, 1946 in Egypt, in the city of Alexandria.

Artemios's father was a successful Greek architect, but life ordered so that the whole family, including the mother Olga and Brother Demis - Kostasa, had to run. Another recently flourished family turned into poor emigrants. During the Suez crisis, they left all their property and returned to their native Greece. Demis, forced to support the family, began working as a musician in the cabaret, because even at school I learned the game on the guitar, pipe and piano.
In 1963, he organized his first group of "Idols," where he played the bass guitar and worked on the singing. Once a soloist asked him to sing one or two songs during a concert while he rested. Artemios accepted the offer and sang the classic song "The House of the Rising Sun" and the big hit of the time of Percy Sloreza "WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN". The audience was fascinated, and since then, every night he was asked to sing again and again.
In Greece, he formed a new group "We Five", where he himself became a soloist. In 1968, Artemios met two Greek musicians - Lucas and Wangelis, which subsequently brought his career international scope. They decided to create a new group and leave Greece in order to "conquer the world." Artemios, whose first name fell to demis was a singer and bassist, and Wangelis is the main composer of the group and keyboard player. After they were deported from the UK due to the lack of permission to work, the Trinity went to Paris in May 68th, hitting just in the period of cruel clashes between the police and students.
Lou Reisner, a well-known producer ("Tommy" of the group "The Who"), wanted to become their godfather and gave the group name "Aphrodite`s child". The team enjoyed great success, but then broke up. Demisu, as the main element of the ex-group, the record company provided a chance to become a solo artist. His first single "We Shall Dance" came out with the album called "On the Greek Side of My Mind", and immediately found himself in the best five European charts from Italy to Spain, France, Holland, Germany and Scandinavia. A few months later, the singer again met his old friend from the group "We Five" S. Vavitanosa, who wrote new hits for him: "My Friend The Wind", "Forever", "Velvet Mornings" and others. With his group, Demis, Russos traveled with touring the whole world in eight years. In Bra-Zilia, he collected a 150 thousandth stadium. This before it reached (on the same stadium) only Frank Sinatra.
In 1978, he left the scene to think about his career and private life. After that, he left where no one knew him - on Maliba Beach to California. In 1985, he decided to return to records of records and scenic performances. He again recorded 20 songs in living concerts and made an album called "The His-Tory of Demis Roussos" ("History of Demis Russos").
In the 90s, Demis has survived a kind of revival. The 1993 year album "Insight" ("intuition") was sprinkled in France and represented the modern, almost techno version of the Morning Has Broken "Morning Has Broken" melody ("Morning collapsed").
In 1995, two albums saw the light: "In Holland" ("in Holland") and "Immortel" ("Immortal"). "Immortel" was an alloy of world ethno-music, synthesizer landscapes and popular French chanson.
The artist continued his discography with a highly revolt album "Serenade" ("Serenade"). The plate is a collection of masterpieces of the Western classic opera in modern sound.
Demis broke up with "Br Music" in 1997 and returned to the Mediterranean music of his homeland. The result was a pleasant rumor a collection of pop melodies called "MON ILE" ("My Island").
And "Br Music" engaged in reprinting and recompulating the musical material of Russos. As a result, the company released "The Phenomenon" ("phenomenon"), exhaustive four-disk box sets, representing 30 years of music of demis.
Returning to work after a small pause, Demis recorded a new CD "AUF MEINEN WEGEN" - a combination of new songs and processing of the old classics. Recorded in Germany at the end of the 98th year, Auf Meinen Wen reached its goal represented by the German audience, who loved him all these years. Performing songs in German, Italian and English, Demis deftly retains a mixture of styles that listeners await, but this time with a full-fledged group and less support for keyboard programming. "Fiesta Fiesta Brazil" has a Latin base with the full oven. "Cinderella" and "Hello" - nice ringtones in the style of Rggie.
Now he is mainly fulfilling his old haslers who listen to in Russia with pleasure.
Demis Russos has an apartment in a fashionable Paris suburb of Nei, which he bought in 1974, but he spends almost half of the year in his Greece. Russos lost. If in the peak of your fullness, that is, until 1985, he weighed 146 kilograms, now his weight ranges from 110 to 125. Slimming began after stress, which he survived after the plane in which he flew with his second wife, He was hijacked by terrorists and five days the singer spent in captivity.
Russos was married three times and has two children from different marriages - the daughter of Emily, which is already 31 years old, and the son of Sirill, who is 26. Demis has a girlfriend from which he has already lives seven years. But civil marriage, so formally loving "Greek nightingale" can offer the hand and the heart of anyone. Is it just about all of the promises to marry him remember? On March 8, Russos met at a party in Surgut with a 22-year-old student Elena Kurakova and offered her hand and heart. She does not scare the difference in age, because Demis is a star and a unusual person!

On June 15, it could be 81 years old in controunded by Demisa Rousse. The most famous Greek singer left life in January 2015, but his beautiful and instantly recognizable voice still remains with us. The site has collected the most interesting facts for you about the creative career of Russos, as well as the famous, little-known and simply unexpected videos with the participation of this colorful Greek.

Young years

The most famous artist from Greece was born on June 15, 1946 in Egypt, in the city of Alexandria, in the Greek family. The family of the future singer was musical - the Father was a classic guitarist, and the mother - singer. It is not surprising that, in full support for parents, Demis has studied music from the most young years. Since childhood, he sang in the church choir of the Greek Orthodox Church. The atmosphere of Alexandria, in which the mixing of languages \u200b\u200band cultures also reigned from antiquity, also influenced the musical education of the boy - among other things, he listened to jazz, as well as Arab and traditional Greek music. Its first musical instrument has become a pipe.

Despite all the musical hobbies, at the young age, Demis always dreamed of becoming an actor. He regularly participated in school productions. The fact that the scenic skill has always been with Demis perfectly illustrates the next video shot by Italian television in 1975 - the singer dances on it with a pop-diva rafaella car.

When Demisu was 15 years old, a Suez crisis occurred in Egypt, foreign organizations began to close, and the family of Roussers had to escape from Egypt to Greece, capturing only the most necessary. In Athens, young demis, he tried to support his broken parents. To bring at least some money in the family, he began playing a pipe in jazz ensembles, and then on a bass guitar in different pop groups. Once the vocalist of his then the group disappeared the voice, and Demisa had to go to the microphone on a pair of songs - at that moment he realized that he could not only play musical instruments!

Home career and political problems

The first pop group, to which Russos joined, was called The Idols. It was in this team that he met his future colleagues in the group of Aphrodite "S Child - Evangelosha Papataanssiu (who at that time was already very famous in Greece under the name of Wangelis), Drummer Lucas Sideras and Guitarist Silver Culuris.

Unfortunately, the problems associated with politics continued to persecute Russos and his friends. In 1967, Greece came to power the so-called "black colonels", and in the conditions of military dictatorship prospects for rock music practically left. Russos, Wangelis and their musical colleagues decided to leave the country. The destination of young musicians was London, in which the most interesting and important in rock music took place at that time. However, at the entrance to the country of musicians who had no money, nor concrete plans, they simply unfolded and sent to the aircraft ... to Paris.

In the French capital, musicians managed to achieve a contract with a solid recording label Philips. And although under the contract they were made at all funny money, it was at least some chance to record their own plate. However, here the group was waiting for the difficulties associated with politics. At that time, when the Greeks were preparing for the launch of their musical career, Paris was covered by student unrest. The first session of recording had to be postponed due to the fact that riots took place in the city.

"Child AFORDITIS" declares itself

APHRODITE "S Child: Lucas Sideress, Wangelis and Demis Rousse

The first single of the group called Aphrodite "s Child (" Child Aphrodite ") became the song" Rain and Tears "(" Rain and Tears "). This elegant and sublime composition immediately became a grand hit in many European countries and diverged more than a million Circulation. On the basis of the song "Kanon Re Major" of the German composer of the Baroque Johann Phaelbel era, and Boris Bergman was the author of the text - the English poet and the writer of Russian origin. However, if you believe Demisu Russos, the lyrics have little to do with romantic feelings: "Idea "Rain and Tears" arose after the police used a tear gas bomb during student demonstrations. The bombs have formed "rain", from which tears came to his eyes. "

The success of the single "Rain and Tears" and the first album of the group, "End of the World" allowed Aphrodite "S Child Write your second album," IT's Five O'Clock ", in England - on the same studio Trident, where the Beatles They recorded their song "Hey Jude". And the album itself, and the title song, released on a separate plate, were again adopted with the delight of the listening public.

The end of the world or the end of the group?

However, inside the group was not so smooth. Between Wangelis and Rousse, the conflict was called: Wangelis was more interesting to sit in the studio and work on new music than to play on the stage, but Rosause could not afford to stop touring - unlike Wangelis, he did not compose songs, did not receive copyright, and therefore the main Source of his income remained live performances. Under time, the conflict between the leaders of the team was settled in peaceful way - Wangelis remained in the studio to corpe over the music, and Russos went on tour with Aphrodite "S Child and the invited keyboard player (on the Vangelis video presented below).

However, a truly split group the following project Wangelis, a very ambitious album "666" - adaptation of the revelation of John the Theologian in the style of progressive rock. Roussess and other musicians Aphrodite "S Child opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a serious and complex album, they believed that the group should hold closer to lyrical pop music, which brought them a commercial success and recognition of a mass listener. While working on the album Rusarem and Wangelis practically Did not talk to each other.

The resulting double album turned out to be so experimental and not similar to anything from the modern music that the sound recordings refused to produce him. Among the fans of the disk was even Salvador himself, who compared this monumental work with the famous Sagrada Cathedral of Familya in Barcelona. By that time, when the album was finally released in 1972, Aphrodite group "S Child did not exist.

Demis Rousse: "I am obsessed with a number of 666, because the best way to fight the enemy is to know him, and of course, my enemy is a devil, like the enemy of any normal person. I am Orthodox, but I am very discovered. I quite respect the Jewish Talmud because I read it, and I also read Koran. "

The beginning of the solo career

The first solo single of Demis Russos, the famous song "We Shall Dance", came out in 1971. The musicians Aphrodite "S Child Lucas Sideras and Silver Culuris took part in the composition of the composition, and therefore it is not surprising that it sounds like another Aphrodite's Child number" lyrical "sample. Text to the song wrote already familiar to us Boris Bergman, and music is Russos, By proving that he knows how to write melodies no worse than his colleague Wangelis. The single entered the first solo album of Russos, "Fire and Ice" (in some countries it came out called "On the Greek Side of My Mind"). Oddly enough, nor Single nor an album of serious success in charts had.

A breakthrough in a quarry of Russos came with the release of the second album, "Forever and Ever", in 1973. And the album itself, and both singles from it (the title number and "GoodBye My Love, Goodbye") headed the charts in a number of European countries.

By the mid-1970s, the career of Demis Russos reached a peak. His plates headed the charts throughout the continental Europe. BBC television company even removed the documentary "Phenomenon of Russos" about him, although the British success of the singer was quite modest at that time. Nevertheless, the record with music from the film was headed by the British Chart, bringing the singer's long-awaited solo success in Misty Albion. At the same time, America never conquered Rousse. However, the driving Greek, who did not hesitate to be neither his roots, nor of his kind, and seemed to be a genuine personification of Sibertism, was not too dull. So far, the musical critics were raised over the "singing tent" and the "fat sex symbol in a bathrobe", lovers of light music were simply heard by his songs, from which the Mediterranean's fresh sea breeze had romantic, romance and her vacation by the sea.

In later years, the singer always recalled the musical era with the warmth, which brought him success. What is the secret of the attractiveness of old music? The opinion of Russos: "Now the talent is in the service of technology, but in the 60s and 70s were in the service of the talent."

Man of the world

Despite all the love of Greek music and culture, Demis, Russos always felt like a "man of the world" - this is exactly the so-called his solo album of 1980. Perhaps the fact that he had to become a refugee in his youth twice, put his mark on the further world view of the singer: "I always felt someone who has no special roots anywhere, and I think all my subsequent life has proven it . I could go anywhere - come and live here, no problems. It doesn't matter for me, where you are, important with whom you and how you feel. " For the artist who spoke in seven languages, this statement is not empty words.

By the beginning of the 80s, Russos was at the disposal of the estate in the vicinity of Paris, real estate in the south of France and private aircraft. However, the singer did not sit back. He continued to produce new albums, and also struggled with overweight: for ten months of 1980 he managed to lose weight from 145 kilograms to 100! He described his experience in very exciting and full of funny stories the book "Question of Weight", published in 1982, instantaneous with a bestseller and with those repeatedly re-delivered.

In the 70s and 80s, Russos did not stop periodic cooperation with Wangelis. The former colleague on Aphrodite "S Child took an active part in the work on Albums of Russos" Magic "(1976)," Demis "(1982) and" Reflection "(1984), on the last of which even joined the former guitarist Aprodite's Child Silver Culuris . In turn, Russos in 1982 took part in the record of the currently cult soundtrack of Wangelis to a no less religious film Ridley Scott "Running on the blade" - his vocals can be heard on the "Tales of the Future" composition. At that time, the participation of Russos was not Noted on the output of the records, and only many years later, this annoying mistake was fixed on the reissue of the disk. It is interesting that some fragments of the soundtrack with Russos have not yet been published officially. All interested listeners can pay attention to, for example, on musical accompaniment to The scene, where Decarden sends a replicant Zoror in the nightclub of Tafffi Lüs.

The singer who had everything

On June 14, 1985, Demis Rusare again turned out to be the focus of all over the world - although it was the attention he wanted to avoid the most in the world. Athens flight plane - Rome, where the singer and his wife Pamela was captured by the terrorists of the Islamist group of Hezbollah, who demanded the liberation of Lebanese prisoners from Israel prisoners. The singer was hostage for several days - and even met his birthday in captivity. Terrorists reacted to Rousse with respect and even asked to sing for them. And although many newspapers with indignation reported that the singer consequently answered their requests, Rousess himself always stated that he never sang for terrorists and was not going to do this.

According to Russos, the sad experience of staying in captivity for terrorists went to his advantage - helped rethink his life and to take music with new forces. The tireless Greek continued to perform and sign up until the end of his life. Of course, at concerts, he never forgot about his classic numbers. Whether he was not tired of singing "Forever and Ever," - asked someone Russos one of the journalists. The singer replied:

"Not. All my songs are my children, and I do not think that any father ever can get tired of their children. Otherwise he is a bad father. "

The total circulation of the issued records of RUSSOS includes 60 million. His last album, "Demis", came out in 2009.

The famous singer left for January 25, 2015 at the age of 68. In one of the interviews, Demis Russos said:

"If I die tomorrow, I'm not going to die in stupid. I saw everything. I lived everything. I had everything. "