The story of Savelich. Characteristics of the hero Savelich, Captain's daughter, Pushkin

The story of Savelich. Characteristics of the hero Savelich, Captain's daughter, Pushkin
The story of Savelich. Characteristics of the hero Savelich, Captain's daughter, Pushkin

One of the secondary characters of the work is the archite Savelich, represented by the writer in the image of the faithful servant of the main character of Peter Greeneva.

Savelich, who had previously dying and participating in combat campaigns, together with the older grine, is distinguished by sound ambition, integrity, intelligence and consignment. The old man takes care of the Baroic property and knows the price of money, so it is able to fight for each master's penny, as well as clothing and utensils, while showing the funny features that combined with unprecedented stubbornness in everything concerns the things of the Barin.

To the young Mr. Savelich is experiencing feelings similar to the decen, surviving for the Barin and, grumbling, giving him the right advice. Being a true Russian representative of the peasant class, Savelich really honors the commandments of the great-grandfather and fathers, regularly performing the Barski will and hard to care about Petrush Grinev, not offended by the insult and the colors of the owner.

The characteristic features of the old man Savelich are manifested in his actions in relation to his beloved Barina, in which Savelich is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of salvation of Petrushi. This happens at the time of Duel Greeneva with Schvabrins, and when meeting with Emelyan Pugachev, when Savelich rushes on his knees before the leader with a prayer for saving Barin from the gallows and offers to exchange Greeneva to his own person. At the same time, Savelich does not receive any promotion in the form of grateful words from Peter, who perceives the actions of the servant as his usual fulfillment of his duties, proving Savelich about his debt to obey the boyars of orders. Savelich is not offended by Petrush, as it perceives such a coldness and indifference Barin as the only possible fact of attitudes towards a person of his simple origin.

Revealing the image of Old Savelich in the novel, the writer describes in his example of a typical representative of a common Russian people, which is a serf peasant, distinguished by devotion, loyalty, a sense of self-esteem and characterized by the positive qualities of character capable of self-sacrifice, love, compassion and generosity.

Option 2.

Archka Savelich - Grainyov landowner serf peasant. This is an elderly person who has no family and children. He raises the Barski Son Petrush from five years and loves him as his own. Savelich taught him to read and write in Russian. In the twelve years, Greenyow hired a Frenchman's governor for the boy, to which the uncle was very offended. Subsequently, the foreigner was fired for unworthy behavior, and Savelich was not enough of this. He believed that the Frenchman did not affect the rapid mind of the child.

When Peter was sixteen years old, his father decided to send him to the service in the fortress. Savelich Grineeva instructed to go along with young men: help him in everything, take care of his health and protect against all the vitality of life. Uncle with all responsibility refers to the duties assigned to him. He strictly monitors the wiseness of the spending of the pupil and the safety of his property. Savelich can not be called a wordless holop. He with deceive care of Peter for an unreasonable drunkenness lost in billiards money. Moreover, he stubbornly insists on not to give the debt by Major Zurina than Petra puts in an uncomfortable position. Protecting his honor, Grinyov is forced to remind Savelich, which of them is the owner. Later, the Barin will not bended to ask the servant of forgiveness for his unworthy behavior. This speaks of the respect of Peter to Savelich and about loved ones, trusting relations between them. In turn, the uncle considers himself guilty that he did not watch for inexperienced young men.

Savelich is a brave and devotee. He is ready in the moments of danger to Peter to sacrifice his life for him. During the Duele of Green and Schvabrins, Savelich rushes to the rescue of Peter. When Pugachev executes the defenders of the fortress, the uncle rushes towards him and offers to hang himself instead of Greenwood, which saves the pupil from imminent death. Savelich in his unnecessary zeal before Barine sometimes looks ridiculous. He constantly reminds Pugacheva about the Peter-Hare Tulupplication. When the robber gives Greenhouse freedom, Savelich places him a list of things, demanding them to return, which turns him into bewilderment. Nevertheless, Pugachev performs part of its conditions.

Despite his subanence, Savelich has proud and self-esteem. He is offended by the words of Petra's father about what he watched the young sneezing poorly and was heavier in his duel. Savelich is not justified, but it is responsible for not deserving the humiliating words, as honestly performed his duty. At the same time, he does not blame Peter, but on the contrary, protects him, considering that everyone can make a mistake.

At the end of the story of Grinyov with Savelich, they break up. Peter hardly managed to persuade the uncle to deliver his bride Masha Mironov in the Manor of Grnevy, convincing that only he could entrust the most expensive.

Pushkin in the image of a simple peasant Savelich reflected the best qualities of a Russian man.

Overace Savelich in the story Captain's daughter

Previously, in every rich Russian family, a servant was assigned to the child, who he taught him, helped in everything and supported to the end of his life. Not exception has become the little Grinyow, who was prescribed Swelli in the servants.

Savelich is a rather old man who protects the young Barina Greenyowa. Grinyov in one moment says that Savelich protects not only his very, but also its savings and clothes. The old servant does not like everything in foreign and non-Russian, he is very afraid of the fact that one of the Green Tech teachers is a Frenchman. These concerns are confirmed by the fact that young Grinyov becomes dependent on a person not the most noble, who loves many girls, drinks a lot and does not fulfill their duties.

Savelich is not like ordinary servants of the time, because he does not reptile in front of his Barin, he is a strong character, a little proud and is not afraid to speak or do something against Greenwood, not because he does not respect him, but because he does not respect him, but because he is much Older, and therefore wiser and often knows how to do it right.

Savelich is a very brave person, which is especially emphasized in the situation when Greenwood want to execute. A very important scene between Grneeve and Savelich occurs when a person from Zurina comes for money, which were played in the cards. Grinyow Meld to give money, and the old man resists in every way. Then Peter crosses the face of friendly relationships and shows Savelich that he is the owner in this house, he is a barin. Savelych became bitterly from such a relationship and words of his friend, whom he considered almost his child, to which a true parental love showed. By giving up a hundred rubles, Savelich realizes that the last decision is always for Barin, for the Grinyow, but with care to protect Peter from the restaurant as soon as possible.

Savelich respects himself, as he shows his answer to the letter of Father Peter Greenieva, where he calls Savelich the dog and swears in every way. Savelich himself says that he is not a dog, but a devoted and faithful servant, that in his understanding is very different concepts.

I think that Savelich is a noble, intelligent and devotee servant of her beloved Peter, whom he nursed and taught everything from five years. If you think about, this father for Greenyov was not his native father, but Savelich. I'm sorry that almost no one has seen this, the Father Greenywa will always swollen Savelich, Grinyov himself did not understand the excessive concern for the old man.

Sample 4.

The meaning of the life of Savelich comes down to protect and defend Peter Andreevich from the dangers, to defend his interests, to preserve the Baroic property. The dedication of this person is absolutely limitless: he is ready to go to death for his Barin, protecting him from Sablikina and the gallows of Pugachev.

Despite such dedication, Savelich's behavior cannot be called a manifestation of moral serving. To a certain extent, it is independent, grilling, stubborn. The old man is distinguished by a good temper, although his stubbornness, naivety and innocence, he sometimes delivers a lot of hassle. Savelich knows the price of things and money, so it is angry for Greenene for the boggling Tulup for them long.

From the very beginning of the novel and the last of his events, Savelich's archite is next to his pupil. In previous years, he participated in the military campaigns of the Premier Major retired, Father P.A. Greeneva. Knowing how badly, Executive and the intelligence of his combat comrade, Andrei Grinev, not doubting a minute, entrusted him the initial education of his son.

As soon as the boy turned 12 years old, the French governor prescribed to him was prescribed from Moscow. Savelich did not approve such a decision, because he felt some jealousy to the French teacher. This jealousy manifested itself in the grumble of the old man. At the same time, being a witness to the french governorates, Savelich was never engaged in influence. The teacher enjoyed this and continued to pretend that he had a child to science. When the young man was 17 years old, the Senior Grinyow decided to send his son to the service, and Savelich sent him as a strive and servant. During the service, Grinevo appreciated the dedication and reliability of Savelich. That is why he entrusted him to the fate of Masha Mironova, which he sent along with his uncle to the estate of his parents.

Savelich has a sense of self-esteem. Especially brightly, this feature is manifested in comparison with the nobleman and the officer of the Swabridge, who possessed the slave consciousness and for the sake of saving his life was ready to fall into the legs to the robber.

The image of Savelich is somewhat comic. There are situations in which the character performs ridiculous actions. Nevertheless, in the fatal moment, when the main character was led by hanging, it was Savelich Savior Greeneva.

This hero embodies the image of the faithful servant of the old era, the Russian peasant of that time, which became the predecessor of such images in other works of domestic fiction

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Savelich Characteristics and image in the story of Pushkin Captain's daughter


1. The main characters of the work.

2. Savelich. Characteristic and image in the story "Captain's Daughter"

2.1. The character of the hero.

2.2. "Not an old dog, but faithful your servant."

2.3. Feats Savelich.

3. The tragedy of serfdom.

"Captain's daughter" - a historical story A.S. Pushkin A, based on real events. The main characters of the work - a bold and noble officer Grinev, defenseless and courageous beauty Masha Mironova, a cruel and two-friendly traitor Shvabrin and, of course, the ruthless and kind Bunctar Pugachev. These colorful multifaceted images do not cease to amaze and endure the reader on the pages of the story.

However, Savelich's old servant Greeneva is equally important and bright hero. At first glance, he takes an insignificant place in the narration, but, carefully looking at his words and actions, you begin to understand that an elderly servant plays a special, meaningful role in the life of the main characters. For example, if it were not for him, the Grineh would have done a lot of mistakes for his youth and would even be executed if it would not intercept the old servant.

In the story, Savelich appears in front of readers an older man, a little twistful, a bit stupid, but very smeared and devotees. Grinove characterizes him as non-drinking, which was a rarity for a single serf of that time, "for sober behavior of a granted ... in uncle." Savelich is very tied to his Barina, he taught him a letter and treated him as to his son. Most likely, everything is good that Ginev had in himself, he got from the example of a faithful servant.

The elderly fortress is described by a very economic, household man: "... I went to the apartment, I was allocated, where Savelich was already shopping." He knows how to properly dispose of money, it cleans well and prepares. Despite its dependent position, the old man knows how to read and write, likes to defend his personal opinion, even arguing with Barin. In addition, Savelich has insight and observation: "Savelich listened to the view of great displeasure. He looked with suspicion to the owner, then on therapy. "

Relationships of the old servant with their gentlemen are noteworthy. He loves them from the bottom of his heart, hard care about their well-being. For him, serfdom is a way of life, he does not realize that it may be somehow different, he humbly obeys Barina and sincerely loves him. Therefore, Pugacheva - the liberator of the peasants, he calls the "villain and the robber." And although Savelich belongs to Grinevo as his own child, it can be seen that a young man does not feed on the old servant of response feelings.

Of course, he in his own way tied to his "uncle", respects him, listens to his advice, sometimes talking to him on equal footing, but at the same time in the appeal of the officer to his servant swaying, condescension and coldness. This is especially obvious when the young man unjustly Orugga Savelich for told his father about the duel. And Grine-senior, in turn, insults the servant for the fact that he did not report her! In this ridiculous situation, the old fortress looks a noble and just man. He is not offended by his owners, as it understands their feelings, does not hide the malice. He firmly defends his human dignity, but it makes it humbly, drowning in himself offended: "I am not an old dog, and the faithful of your servant, the Lord's instructions are listening ..."

Despite its respectable age and slave submissions, Savelich is ready to follow the victims for his young Mr. He rushes to Pugachev's feet and asks to execute himself instead of a young owner. He risking his life, presents the head of the rebar of the bill, joining the Barskoye. But many kind and bold acts of Savelich remain unnoticed by his lords. This is the entire tragedy and all the cruelty of serfdom, where the servants did not consider people where the victims of the peasants were taken as due, where there were no friendly ultrasound, ordinary gratitude and sincere affection between the rich and poor.

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V. F. Odoyevsky After reading the "Captain Daughter" wrote: "Savelich Miracle! This face is the most tragic ... "Why, in fact, when you read Kiiga, so sorry becomes Savelich, because he passed through all the trials and misfortunes, who fell into his share and Greeneva? The answer is only one: Savelich - serf, he has a slave consciousness, he cannot lead a full-fledged life, because he lives his owner's life.

Savelich is a subyarded man, humble and devoted to his Mr. He is a smart, performed feelings of self-esteem and sense of duty. It lies a huge responsibility - he is engaged in the upbringing of the boy, while experiencing truly father's feelings for him. Such is the portrait of Savelich, if we consider this image of the surface.

A detailed acquaintance with Savelich begins after the departure of Peter Greeneva from home. The author constantly creates situations in which the protagonist makes misconduct. And only the faithful Savelich always helps, saves, smoothes the situation. Indicatively, at least a case with Zurin, when grieving drinks and loses a hundred rubles. Savelich, who laid the Barina to sleep, taking care of him, does not want to give money, because he is responsible for the Barsky Son. But Grinevo makes him pay a debt, arguing that the owner of Waine to do what he wants, and the servant is obliged to perform his orders. Such is a moral, grafting with education, and both Barina and a servant. Savelich will not once cut off his barin, but at the same time he never hears words of gratitude. He is not surprised at this, because it was so necessary for the time immemorial. He does not come to mind, which may be different.

In some cases, Savelich without any hesitation is ready to sacrifice its life for the Barin. Recall that episode when he ran to the venue of a duel with a pinch to obscure his pupil with a breast. What does he get in response? Only undeserved accusations are that the parents about the duel! Moreover, on the other hand, on the side of Grneev, the older, the servant is accused, but only in the opposite - that he is not a duel!

Peter Grinev in this situation did not even think about writing his father and defend the devotee Savelich. The old servant himself writes a letter in which the humility and humility exhibits the will of Barin. But for this, he had to suppress his human dignity, pride, stroke the insult in himself, to forget the insults. This causes and admiration, and acute pity to a decent person crushed by serfdom.

Finally, Savelich literally makes a feat when it rushes to the legs Ipugachev with a request to spare a barin. He is ready to take the place of Greeneva Pa Hallows. At this point, he least thinks about his life, only the fate of Barin is worried. The worst thing is that Grineland remains absolutely indifferent to the dedicated act of his servant, and Savelich takes it indifference as proper.

When the folk riot began, Savelich remained devoted to his owners, read Pugacheva "Village" and "Robber". Although it would seem, Pugachev defended Savelich's right, was his intercession. But devotion to the owners has already entered the soul of the old fortress and suppressed a natural human desire for freedom. Pugachev and Savelich - both people from the people. But how much their characters differ! This was especially clearly manifested in the scene, when Savelich applies to the leader of the rebel "Register of Baro Good".

The scene produces a strong impression. Pugachev rises above the crowd, playing the emperor. At this time, Savelich comes out and gives him a list. It is very interesting to be one detail: Savelich is able to write, but Pugachev cannot read the paper, he has to resort to help close. This episode, oddly enough, does not at all humiliate Pugachev in the eyes of the reader and does not make it ridiculous, and good reveals his spiritual world. Savelich is not humiliated. On the contrary, this episode is once again revealed as its dedication to the owners and high personal advantages, including courage. He is ready to put himself down again to protect what he considers himself to defend himself. In this case, it is a Barsk property, but with exactly the same dedication of Savelich sacrificed himself for the life of the owner. The scene ends the fact that Pugachev leaves, the whole people follow him. Savelich remains one with the registry in his hands. But he just once again performed a feat. And again no one noticed this. Apparently, this is the fate of the servant - its high gusts are perceived as something proper. Sometimes these gusts are funny, sometimes annoying for Mr., but never, nor in a single case they were not assessed.

The writer sympathizes Savelich. Revealing his drama, telling about his countless unnoticed victims, he forces us, readers, love old man.

In his story, Pushkin showed not only the freedom and rebel of the people, but also the opposite side of the medal - humility and obedience to some of its representatives, including Savelich. The old man has a self-consciousness, because he is in the power of traditions. Savelich lives in the interests of his owner, not believing with his own, and he has no own interests. Lifestyle, which has developed in the House of Grieving, seems to him the only possible. Its position is determined initially, so he cannot respond to the insult. This is the tragedy of the image of Savelich, and if we look wider by the tragedy of the whole Russian people, the centuries of the stray of the fortress of the fortress.

In the "Captain Daughter" we meet truly Russian characters who are equally with nobility, dignity, honor and vaccinated power of dignified position, slave psychology. These features are noticeable in Savelich. The author truthfully shows the image of Savelich, Uncle Grneev, a serf peasant in different life situations, giving the hero's opportunity to show all the qualities inherent in it. Savelich cared for a little Barina, as his own son: worried when Petrusha was sick, outraged when the Frenchman was discharged to study the Frenchman. And when the Grineh reached the age of majority and was sent to serve the Fatherland, Savelich followed him everywhere and did not even even save him from death.

Savelich is a subyarded man, humble and devoted to his Mr. He is a smart, performed feelings of self-esteem and sense of duty. It lies a huge responsibility - he is engaged in the upbringing of the boy, while experiencing truly father's feelings for him.

"Captain's daughter" is a story in which Savelich is shown not as a humiliating servant. So, in response to the unfair and rude reproaches of the Greeneva-Father, he in his letter calls himself "the faithful of your servant", "slave", as was customary at the time when contacting the gentlemen of serfs. However, the tone of the letter of this hero will penetrate the feeling of human dignity. Sincere wealth, the inner nobility of his nature is completely disclosed in deeply human and completely disinterested attachment of a lonely, poor old man to his pupil Petrushe.

At first, Petrusha is a careless and frivolous preventive son, the idleness, dreamed of a mild, fulfilled the pleasure of the life of the metropolitan guards officer. All these features of his character clearly act in the episode of the meeting in Simbirsk with a hussar officer Zurin and in circulation, in connection with this, with a devotee, he is not for fear, and for the conscience of Savelich. Imitating an adult, he rudely and unfairly puts Savelich to "fitting", as it seems to him, the place of serf servant, a slave. "I am your master, and you are my servant ... I advise not to twist and do what they are ordered," he says Savelich. The head of the old man is sometimes in Petra: "... I wanted to break out to the will and prove that I'm not a child." He screams to Savelich and at the same time it is aware that the circle of her right is and deeply "sorry for the poor old man." Peter becomes a shame that he so rudely cost the old man, sincerely tied to him, tirelessly trick about him. In that he himself asks for forgiveness from his servant, his real essence reveals: the ability to recognize his guilt, his sincerity and a good attitude to Savelich.

All his behavior later Peter Andreevich Grinev proved his loyalty to the covenants of his father, did not change what he considered his duty and his honor, no matter how much the concept of honor and debt is determined and limited to its class, noble prejudices.

In his story, "Captain's daughter" Pushkin showed how gradually the identity of his hero is transformed. From nature, there are many worthy qualities in it, but they achieve genuine disclosures only in life tests, and we see how a frivolous young man, almost a boy, becomes a man, a mature man who can respond to his actions.

The image of Savelich in the story "Captain's daughter" is one of the main. This historic story A. S. Pushkin has long entered the circle of child reading and school programs. It is studied and analyzed, in particular, the main and secondary characters are considered in detail. In this article we will talk about one of the key heroes of the work.

The image of Savelich in the story "Captain's daughter"

Savelich is a secondary character of the story. Despite the fact that it is not a major person, his image is very important for understanding the work.

Our hero is the courtyard, serf. The nobility had a tradition to put a servant to her children. And when Parsley Grinev reached the five-year-old age, Savelich put it to him, who used to serve as strong. The servant was very attached to the small Barich, which literally grew up in his eyes.

Savelich understands that it lies responsibility for the fate of a young man. But not only the debt to the parents of Greenyev is the reason. The servant sincerely loves Parsley, hesitantly cares about him and worries his future. Savelyich's life is devoted to serving Barina, he does not know the other way.

Appearance description

Let's start with the characteristics of the appearance to disassemble the image of Savelich in the story "Captain's daughter". This is how Parsley says about him: "Strengthened ... for sober behavior of a granted in uncle." A little known about the appearance of Savelich, he is already a meal man - "old man" with "gray head". He dressed, like all the fortress, clothes is simple and worn.

Speech characteristic

Sovereich's speech in the story "Captain's daughter" allows partly to understand the character of this hero. This is how he talks about his lord: "The child is combed, washed, fed." That is, he perceives parsley as a child and refers to it, respectively. This is how he draws to him: "You are my light," "Fight to obstinate you with a breast from the sword."

On the other hand, Savelich considers himself a slave, a faithful servant: "I am a slave," "I am a faithful servant, and not an old dog," "I always worked hard."

The speech of the hero is replete with spaciousness and is not always correct from the point of view of the laws of the Russian language. This is not surprising, as it is from the fortress, so Pushkin brings it closer to the people as close as possible. In the end, Savelich is just a collective way of a Russian person.

Character of Savelich

The image of Savelich in the story "Captain's daughter" is very multifaceted. This is not a template character, but a full-blooded personality with its ideas about honor, order and law.

We list the main features that characterize this character:

  • A devotee, faithful, responsible and caring servant.
  • Good - this characteristic gives him himself
  • He does not drink that for the peasants was a big rarity.
  • Economic - he purchases everything you need for his Barin, watches his clothes and contains a room clean.
  • He likes to teach a young owner - it was impossible to take it if he "will be for the sermon."
  • Very stubborn - "not to open the stubborn old man", "Knowing the stubbornness of the uncle ...".
  • Grilling - "I turned around again."
  • An incredulous - "glanced suspiciously."
  • A big amateur argue and bargain.

Savelich has its own ideas about the debt and honor. When his young barin gets drunk and play great, he says that Parsley should not pay money. On the one hand, this is a violation of noble honor, and on the other - justice. After all, those with whom Grynev played, took advantage of his youth and intoxication. Therefore, Savelich wants to do the way everyday wisdom tells him.

Despite all his care, the servant does not hear from his young Mr. even words of gratitude. And what is the most amazing, does not wait for it. Savelich does not even believe that he needs some kind of encouragement. So they believes all other fortress people.

Salvation of life

The full characteristic of Savelich in the story "Captain's daughter" is impossible without analyzing the episode of the Battle of Greeneva with the Swabrine. The servant is ready to challenge his owner and perhaps the scoundrel himself. He interferes in a duel of young Lords, and then tells Greennev's parents about all the parents. He does it not from evil, but because he believes that so correctly.

And what a remuneration is he getting for it? Parsley displays Savelich for told all his parents. And then the older grine accuses the servant that he did not bring before, before the duel took place. At the same time, the young barin himself was also present, but did not even think about entering the devotional old man.

Another bright moment is the order of Pugachev to hang Greenland. Hearing this decision, Savelich falls to the legs of Tirana, begging to spare "Child." In return, he is ready to give his life. At the same time, he appeals to logic, saying that it would not be a Pugachev sense in the death of Greeneva, and for the living you can ask the redemption. This suggests that the servant is completely nonsense.

Thanks to this intercession, Grinevo stays alive. But even words of gratitude do not hear Savelich from him.

The value of the image of Savelich in the story "Captain's daughter"

Savelich is primarily a reflection of positive folk qualities. In this regard, the value of the character for the story is completely defined. Through it, Pushkin characterizes all the serfs. In addition, through this image, the writer is trying to reveal an unfair attitude towards these subanels and their slave submissions of such injustice.

Savelich is opposed to a completely different part of the people - those who joined Pugachev. These people are capable only on robbery and cruelty, they betray their leaders in the event of the first danger. They are opposed to Savelich in everything.

The hero embodies all the positive qualities that are endowed with the Russian people. He is faithful, ready to sacrifice himself, withouttenless, honest. On the other hand, the image of Savelich is very tragic. The drama character is that all his efforts and good deeds remain unnoticed and unpleasant.

Savelich's description in the story "Captain's daughter" is a kind of appeal to the nobles that are accustomed to the slave submissions of their servants and began to perceive it as proper. Pushkin encourages them to remember that the fortieth people are also people and deserve at least a little respect.