The name of Daria in the Orthodox calendar (salty). Darius Roman, MC

The name of Daria in the Orthodox calendar (salty). Darius Roman, MC
The name of Daria in the Orthodox calendar (salty). Darius Roman, MC

Dashutka, Dasha - which only diminishing forms do not pick up to this old, cute female name! From time immemorial, it entered into our everyday life, and hardly anyone remember now that there is a word from the ancient Persian language. 2 root participated in his formation, the general value of which is "who owns a good gift." Like most female names, it happened from male. Who knows the story well, remembers the legendary Darisions - I, II and III, the kings of Persians. In Russia, Dariami was mostly called girls from the mortension, the nobility rarely wore it. At the beginning of the Soviet era, the name lost its popularity and again gained it by the end of the 70s of the last century. The real surge of hobbies was noted in 2009-2010. And now Dashutok is quite a lot in the urban and especially countryside.

Saints patrons

Calling so child, parents, of course, are interested in: And when's his angel's day? When notes the name of Daria Nameny, with whom it is specifically connected? Which Holy Dasha should contact prayers and whose icon give the girl when baptism? Let's try to figure out.

Traditions of deep old days

Many names have not only secular, so to speak, a worldly story, but also spiritual. It concerns this and our. Name Day Daria is observed both by Orthodox and Catholic religion. They are connected with several real women who have undergone great and unfair torments for Christ.

The first of them is Darius Roman, who lived in the 3rd century. He possessed amazing beauty and charm, lively mind and sincere conviction in the correctness of paganism. However, having married a Christian, I assumed to a new religion. Named Daria, firstly, are associated with its appeal and baptism. Together with her husband Chrysanf, she preached new norms of the human dormitory and the commandments of God. The authorities led by Claudia brutally pursued a family, but they themselves witnessed wonders and soon divided the convictions of their prisoners. Kara from the emperor did not make himself wait. Supporters of Daria and Chrysa Fan cruelly executed. And the unfortunate Christian itself was given to the crop and desecration: he was thrown into a pit with uncleanness, she was sent to a public house. However, as the ancient sources come to us, in the first years of the spread of Christianity often happened to the martyr wonders of the Divine. So here, the name of Daria, secondly, it comes to its missionary activities among the harlots, selling women and those who used their services. When someone tried to atheel on the body of an excellent saint, there was a huge lion near her from nowhere and defended the girl, while not depriving the life of the hulling. And Daria preached. And everyone who came across Sim Miracle was baptized and believed. Her husband and her husband also had amazing events: instead of the Smrade and the vastness of the pit, he was full of fragrance. Understanding that just so with the holy family, I can not cope, the emperor Numerian gave both executioners on torture, and then ordered to execute.

They accepted martyrdom, being buried to the ground alive. Both of both were counted on the Christian Church. Named Daria in Catholicism celebrate on October 25. In Orthodoxy, its spiritual, moral exploits were reflected in such dates as August 17-18, April 1 and 4.

From Romula to our time

In the saints, not only the Roman Daria is mentioned. History remembers another, reverend martyr, which was erected in rank 10 years ago (in 2003).

This is Daria Zaitseva, a nun, Znamenskaya in the village near Moscow. According to the denunciation, the woman was arrested before the Soviet power of the scoundrels. She did not hide her views and beliefs, and therefore in 1938 she was shot. So notes another Orthodox named after Daria. According to the church calendar, the day of death is recorded as a Zaitsev himself rehabilitated in 1989. A woman returned a good name, reputation was restored.

This is such an unusual fate of this name and its supports.

Holy Martyr Daria Roman worshi, together with his pious spouse Chrysanf - both were injured for faith in Christ and accepted painful death. All their lives and every act were noted by humanity and devotional service to the Lord. Many people, thanks to the educational activities of the spouses, believed in a single God and gained hope for the kingdom of heaven. Near the icons of Daria and Chrysanfa can pray for the atonement of sins, to strengthen faith, about good luck in everyday affairs and healing from the ailments.

What helps, and what to pray before the icon of the Holy Martyr Daria Roman?

Follow the icons of the Holy Daria Roman (as well as the images of Daria and her spouse Chrysanf) should pray for the atonement of sins, spiritual strengthening and finding faith. Parents can ask for help in raising daughters - the preservation of their chastity, salvation from temptations, temptations and tragic mistakes.

Darius Roman is revered as a patron of women who bear the name of Daria. Girls can contact her with prayers about life instruction, for help in making important decisions and overcoming any vital difficulties.

Also before the icons of Daria Roman, you can pray for the healing of ailments - both bodily and spiritual. They turn to the saint and with a call about spiritual support during grief and deep experiences.

Prayer Holy Daria Roman

On the bias of the Rogue, the martyr chrysanfe and Darius! The feat of good hung up to the Earth, the truth was perceived on the heavenly of the crown of the truth, the Eagle bought the Lord to everyone who loving him. The hint of your image is hijaceous to the holy image, we rejoice at the Preslav of the condance of your residence and read your holy memory. You, with the throne of God, bring our praying and bring to the all-melting God to forgive us everybody and help us with anti-goat Diavolsky, and the breakdown of sorrows, diseases, misfortunes and misfortunes and ever Evesie and will be advised by the concept of yours, whether and unworthy of the ESMA, video of Voice of the living, the Slavs of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now forever in the saints of his Slavimago. Amen

Life saint

In the Christian tradition, the Holy Daria Roman is honored together with his spouse chrysanf. The story of their marriage is amazing. Chrysanf was the son of a noble and rich man - the Roman senator. The young man got a brilliant education, was distinguished by curiosity and an inquisitive mind. Chrysanf grew up in the pagan family and confessed polytheism. However, the desire for knowledge and truth turned him towards Christianity. At first, a young man has studied the Holy Scripture only from curiosity, however, the deeper the divine word penetrated into him, the more young men opened towards the Lord.

As a result, Chrysanf accepted baptism and declared his love for Most High. The father of a young man was frightened for his son for himself and for his position. He sharpened Chrysanf in the dungeon and began to starve him hunger. However, the sufferers perceived it as an opportunity to pacify the body by post and ascetic life. From the imprisonment of the faith, it was only strong. Then friends advised the Father Chrysanf's father to return the young man to paganism not by deprivation, but wealth, pleasures and temptations.

They argued that faith Christians becomes stronger from suffering, but the everyday temptations, on the contrary, will help to retreat. Then the father of Chrysanfa prepared the best chambers for his son, ordered refined existences, all entertainment and pleasures, which then could be imagined. Entering the chamber, the young man began to pray to the Lord with requests that he helped him overcome all temptations, preserve spiritual purity and deep faith. And the Most High did not leave Chrysanf.

Then the same friends advised the Father of the young man to choose Chrysanph to his wife - a young, beautiful, clever pagan, which wisdom and caressing can return a young man to idolatry. In the bride for Chrysanf, Darius was chosen, the priestess of the temple of Athens. The girl was distinguished by an extraordinary beauty and a living mind.

Despite the differences in religious views, Darius and Chrysanf immediately liked each other. For all days, they were hot conversations about Christianity and paganism. And in Tog, the young man was able to convince Giving Giving that she worships the elements of nature, while they do not have a soul and consciousness, since they are creating one Creator. And it is precisely that he should be prayer, glorify it, believing in it.

By that time, when young people got married, Darius had already opened her heart for the Lord and adopted baptism. The marriage marriage was chaste - abandoning the carnal joy, they dedicated themselves to God.

When Chrisanf's father died, young people began to live in neighboring houses, each of which was externally similar to the monastery. Every day, Chrysanf accepted young men, and Darius - the girls who were told about the Holy Scripture. How much then a person appealed to Christianity - it is impossible to count.

A few years later, the bright affairs of the spouses became known to the city government. Daria and Chrysanfa threw in a dungeon, but they continued to enlighten people. Their efforts of faith in God found even pagan guards. The words of the saints were constantly reinforced by miracles: when Giving and Chrysanf tied with violent veins, they disintegrate themselves. When the shackles of wood put on their legs - it turned into a duch. When the last candle grid was taken from the dack - it was suddenly illuminated by wonderful light.

When rumors reached the ruler that his guardianship began to confess Christianity, he ordered to execute all the apostates from paganism, and Daria and Chryshanf to betray terrible torment. The holy was sent to the house of the Bludnitz, but no one could decode her body. As soon as the Sathomulubs tried to approach the girl, the lion appeared and distilled them out from her. And Daria at that time told visitors to the prodigal house about faith in Christ, and many have discovered a single God for themselves.

Then the angry ruler ordered to bury God and Chrysanf alive. They went to his grave together, smiling and glorifying the Lord. When the spouses were killed, numerous healings began to happen on the site of their execution. At the burial of Daria and Chrysanf began to train pilgrims, and in the nearby cave, they arranged something like a small temple. When the emperor found out about it, he commanded to fall asleep the cave together with all the people in her. Among the buried alive under the ground, Diakon Marian and Presbyter Diodor were found. Today they are worshiped with Godia and Chryshanf.

She was his wife of St. Chrysanf, who was born in a pagan family. In the youth, he read the new covenant, after which the light of the teachings of Christ enlightened his soul. Chrysanf accepted baptism and began to preach the gospel. His father was against the choice of his son and decided to marry him on the pagan fellow Daria. But with his sincere faith and love for God, Chryshanf managed to turn his spouse into Christianity. They decided to live, as a brother with a sister, and after the death of Father Chrysanf, they even dispersed at various homes. Residents, seeing how this family leads to Christ more and more people, began to complain about the Epara (the ruler of the province). According to his order, Chrysanf was given to terrible torment. Standing in faith helped Holy overcome all the tortures. Seeing this, the Epara and himself decided to become a Christian together with his family. Having learned about this, the emperor Numerian ordered to execute all members of the Epara family.
The fate of the Holy Daria is as follows: she was decided to send it to the womb. But the Lord kept his chief and attached a lion to her. Everyone who decided to start Daria with unclean thoughts, immediately received a stern contradict from the animal. Daria and there did not stop preaching the doctrine of Christ. At this time, Martyr Chrysanf was thrown into a pit with uncleanness, but Smerand immediately turned into fragrance.
After that, the emperor ordered the execution of believers. That day when Martyrs Chrysanf and Darius moved to the Lord, very many believers celebrated as a great holiday, a meeting of the chief of God's Savior. Having learned about this, Numerian commanded the cave, where Christians were. All of them died. Only the names of the two dead have come to us - this is Deacon Marian and Presbyter Diodor.

The Holy Martyr Daria Roman is revered by the Church with his husband - the Holy Martyr Chrysanf. Chrysanf was the son of the Roman senator. He received a good education in a philosophical school, and, having a curious mind, together with other sciences studied books on Christianity. Having imbued with Christian teachings, Chryshanf found the Carpophora hiding from the persecution of the persecution, accepted his holy baptism and began to openly preach the gospel.

Father Chrysanf, the fear of dismilies of Emperor Numerian, planted his son to the dungeon and Moril him hunger, trying to disapperate, so his Christianity. Chrysanf considered his opinion not by punishment, but learning in the post and silence of the modesty of Christian life. Having learned about this, noble relatives advised Father Chryshanf to surround her son with luxury and pleasures, explaining that imprisonment and hunger only strengthen the Christian faith of his son.

Following the advice of relatives, his father ordered to prepare the luxurious chambers for fun and the pleasure of his son. Chrysanf, surrounded by refined dishes, the best wine and the most beautiful slaves, warmly prayed to the Lord that he helped him in the fight against devilish temptations: "Take the shield and lats and rise to help me; Strip the sword and barrier to the pursuit of me; Say my soul: "I am your salvation!" "(Ps. 34: 2-3).

Seeing that the idea with pleasure and luxury did not help, Father Chrysanf listened to the next Council of relatives - to marry the Son on a beautiful, smart and educated paganster, which will be able to convince Chrysanf to return to the worship of the pagan gods. The choice fell on Daria - the pagan priestess of the temple of the goddess Athens, Darius was "beautiful face, smartly, studied all the books and all the wisdom ritics."

Chrysanf and Darius - both young, beautiful, educated people, with alive and grip mind, were among themselves long conversation about the truth of their religions. Chrysanf in these conversations managed to convince Glying in the fact that the natural elements do not have a soul, no reason that they are all created by a single god of the Creator, and it is not to read the elements who did not create the elements, and his own, all this created, who has established People. Darius believed in Jesus Christ and took her baptism. At the request of the father of Chrysanf, young people got married, but among them, they persuaded the holy life, quite devoted to God.

After the death of Father Chrysanf, young people settled in two separate houses arranged like monasteries. Darius led conversations and studied the law of God with young girls, and Chryshanf with young men. After several years, the ruler of the city became known about their educational activities and were taken into custody and committed to torment.

The pagan warriors instead of disrupting the saints from their faith, they themselves believed in Christ, watching miracles that took place during torture: strong bonds from the whores lived themselves broke, the tree on the feet of Chrysanf became dust, the gloomy darkness was covered with light, heavy stick, Touching the body, became soft. Chrysanf told the warriors: "If you want to come to my God, then not legs, and come to him with my heart, for God is close to someone who is looking for him with heart and faith." For a long time, Chrysanf with guards, and after the conversation of Claudius and his wife Ilaria, and his two sons of Jason and Mavr, and all the warriors with their families took Holy Baptism.

When the Emperor reached the Emperor that his warriors turned to a new faith, he commanded everyone to execute them. There was an abandoned cave, in which Christians and buried the bodies of the dead. The torment of the Saints Chrysanf and Daria continued. But God did not leave them without her help. Chrysanfu in his dark and saint dungeon starring light, and there was a fragrance. Giving, who was sent to the House of Bludnitz defended the lion. All those who tried to desecrate the Holy, Lev Valil to Earth, but left alive. Holy Daria preached to them Christianity and paid to the path of salvation. The pagans, who observed all these miracles, were ready to take holy baptism.

The angry emperor commanded to fall asleep Giving and Chryshanf Earth and stones, they came up with singing and prayers in the ditch, and retaining their spiritual marriage in death. On the site of the death of holy martyrs began to be made by the wonders of healing, pilgrims stretched here, chosen the cave nearby. Emperor Numerian has become known about these fees, and he commanded to fill out the cave of the Earth along with many Christians who were inside. Among those killed in the martyrs' cave were diodor of Presbyter and Marian Deacon, who are remembered by the Church with the Holy Godia and Chrysanf.