Magic Gin game guess characters. Game akinator

Magic Gin game guess characters. Game akinator
Magic Gin game guess characters. Game akinator

Ah, East, this mysterious world, washed with the sultry breath of sands and old legends ... If you have been preserved on our land of wonders, then surely it is here! One of these miracles is waiting for you in a series of online games "Akinator", where you have to join intellectual duel with the most real Gin! After all, you remember the story of Ali Baba, who was lucky to find a magic lamp. Who would not want to acquire such a wonderful souvenir and fulfill their cherished desires! But you should be careful! Despite the fact that the magic contract makes Gina hostage, in whose hands the lamp turned out to be, these creatures are known for their cunning. In any desire, the snag lies, and Gin with pleasure will use it to turn the desired against you! Sometimes they offer people something like a game, the bid in which is the fulfillment of dreams - or loss of freedom. It was such a jin that she met our heroes, Arno and Jeff.

Lamp with foaming

There were friends-travelers, Arno and Jeff. Once they decided to go on an expedition to the distant east. Breaking through the desert on camels, they noticed on the slope of the sand dune something unusual. Their attention was attracted by a brilliant object, transfusing under hot sunshine. Having disappeared and approaching closer, they noticed that in front of them an ancient oil lamp just like in fairy tales! It must have lacquered here for many years until the wind bold a layer of sand and did not reveal her the eyes of trains.

The first thing that came to friends in the head - the lamp should be lost to cause Ginn. Of course, none of them perceived this assumption seriously, but the adventure excitement and the insane hope that some magic was really enclosed in the lamp, forced them to perform all relying manipulations. Wanderers have lost her a couple of times. Nothing happened. Finally, for the third time the lamp brightly flashed in Arno's hands, while becoming very hot. Arno dropped it into the sand, and from the nose of the lamp poured a thick smoke from which an unimaginable creature with human features has grown. Friends understood that this is Jean.

Resting and yawning, like after a long sleep, Ginn said: "Hello, I am a legendary akinator. I can speak in any language of the world. For many centuries, I slept in the desert, but you woke me up, and now I will show you the power of my magic. But not at once. First you must play with me in one game. Sign any character - and I guess it by asking you a few questions. If I do not succeed, you will win, and I will fulfive three wishes. Just answer honestly, otherwise you will have to stay in the lamp instead of me! "

Arno and Jeff were equally intrigued and frightened by the offer of Ginn. Finally, they decided to experience fate. Each of them faded the character, and Ginn began to carefully ask questions to find out who it was. Following the rules of the game, friends honestly answered them, and Ginn easily guess his intended names. He was very pleased with himself and asked the travelers to come up with new riddles for him. The conversation has continued for many hours, Arno and Jeff are tired, but Jeans did not lag behind.

In the end, having imagined the moment when Ginnes was once again distracted by the praise, they quietly escaped and rushed ones. But all their attempts to escape were in vain - with the help of their magical abilities, Ginn easily found them, wherever they were, penetrating the walls and twisted by air, and indifferently asked to play with him yet.

"What do we do? - asked Jeff from Arno. - He will be so pursued and will never calm down! " But Arno had an idea about this. "Take it with you to France," he replied. - There he can guess characters as much as you like! "

Play with a akinator!

How did our heroes come out of a difficult situation? Very simple! They created a website where the akinator could play around the clock with the whole world, guessing one character after another. You can also try your hand in a duel with Ginnom. Although he considers himself invincible, but it is not at all. You can come up with such a character that even he is confused and will remain with the nose! But remember that the answers should be honest. Otherwise, how do you remember, you will have to sit in the lamp itself to the protrusion of the century.

Genre: Twenty Questions (online game)
Country: France.
Developer: Arno Megre, Jeff Affairs
Publisher: Gun Media
Gaming Engine: Limu
Platforms: Android, IOS, Windows, Browser, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Java, Linux, Fire OS
Game modes: single user.
Release date: 2007
Official site:

Akinator is a great entertainment in a circle of friends, which will be appreciated by representatives of all ages and generations. A clever and fun game, which is quietly flies time.

How was the "Akinator" created?

The Internet game "Akinator" has become a real revelation for millions of users who have decided to communicate with this mysterious Gin. It was enough to make a certain character in my head, after which Jin begins to ask leading questions. For example, is your character with Microsoft? " Or "your character for more than 40 years?". After answers to all questions, the player will be shocked because Jin is very precisely guessing and the characters of films, and real media persons, and literary heroes. But how does this amazing game work?

The initial English version of the Akinator was launched online Arno Megre and Jeff Business in 2007. To the current moment the game is presented in the web version, and for all leading mobile platforms (iOS, Windows Phone, Android). Gin by name Akinator promised the gamer to guess his character, spending no more than 40 questions on this process. The player is only required to answer the leading questions correctly, let's give Gina Tips. It is not necessary to have some accurate knowledge about the specified character, since it is also provided and the answer "I don't know" or "not sure", "rather, yes, what is not", etc. "

Usually, it is enough to set 20 questions that form more than a million unique combinations to guess the character akinator. These questions make it possible to identify the area in which a mysterious character is located (what is his field of activity, is it in real life, is a scientist, politician, musician, etc.). Gradually, the program database is narrowed, and then the character appears on the screen. In the case of a real person, a photo downloaded by the user is often displayed.

Since the Akinator work requires a huge amount of information for the work, in the first year after the release, the accuracy of the answers guessing was extremely low. But Arno Megre and Jeff Deli constantly improved algorithms, the application was self-learning and developed. For the miscalculation, complex mathematical formulas that constantly produce a sample on the answers of thousands and thousands of players was used. What are them more, the higher the final accuracy of guessing. The project was huge popularity in 2008 in the form of an online version available through a PC browser. Then the game was ported and mobile platforms.

By 2016, Gina Akinator, as a rule, is required to ask the player no more than two dozen questions! The highest accuracy is ensured and thanks to the stable activity of users, because the game in English-speaking countries has several large communities. If a acinator for some reason failed to guess the character, there is always the opportunity to make it in the database yourself.

The akinator can be played on the computer, as well as a version for a smartphone and a tablet that you need to download from the official website of Google Play.

East - True Miracles! Here you can find what is no longer in any part of the world. For those who want to plunge into one of these mystical riddles, we suggest playing a akinator to the game. In this online entertainment you will meet with Gin and join him into an intellectual duel.

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At first glance, the plot may seem fairly simple, but one should not forget about all the stories associated with the magic lamps and their inhabitants. These performers of desires have always been famous for cunning and resourcefulness. Combining himself a contract with Gin, according to which he will always serve you, do not think that this creation will unconditionally fulfill all your requirements. Believe me, he will find a way to benefit from each of your wishes. Some, especially dangerous individuals, are ready to even wrap the desired against the person himself, if it is profitable to do this. It is such a character who will meet the main heroes of the game Akinator. Arno and Jeff will have to play the game, the bid in which their own freedom will be.

Plot Akinator

The app will tell us the story of two friends who went to the fascinating expedition to the distant unexpected East and accidentally found an ancient oil lamp right in the desert. It is not known how much time this item lay in the sands, but now the wind opened her to the travelers, so you, as the discoverer, will have to open her mystery.

Friends are decided to lose one of the sides of the find and cause a spirit that lived in the legend inside. On the one hand, they were insanely inspired by the fact that such magic could really exist, and on the other, they preparing a kind of danger, because no one knew what it could end. Upon completion of the ritual, from the magic item went smoke and from there a certain creature appeared, resembling a person.

"Greetings you, I am a acinator. For a long time I was in a closed space and slept in the deep desert until you woke me up. Now I want to thank you and show all the power of my magic. To do this, you will need to participate in one fun. I will fulfill 3 of your desires if I can't guess who you will make me. If I call the faithful name, I will get freedom, and you will take my place. "

The heroes wanted to experience fate, and they chose the personalities that Akinator had to be called. Arno and Jeff began to play turns and respond to questions that they demanded the rules of the game Akinator. The wizard easily coped with the puzzles and won once, while friends decided to escape from him at the right moment. But, everything turned out to be much more complicated, the whole magic creature passed through the walls and each time appeared where the guys were. They were in complete confusion and did not know how to do it until one of them offered to take a wizard with him on a trip to France, where you can solve an infinite number of personalities.

Transaction with akinator

Finally, our travelers came up with how to get out of this situation and get rid of themselves from the society of an annoying resident of Eastern lands. This salvation was the website, on which the akinator is guessing the characters who are mounted around the world around the clock. You can participate in this entertainment online, or download the game on android, or on a computer. The full version of the arcade is available in Russian, and it does not need to pay any money for it. Such fun is suitable for both boys and girls, of any age, just one should not forget about the conditions of the magic spirit who will atone and on your free life, as soon as you sit at the screen and start the game akinator.

Show the trick and dexterity, so as not to fall into the trap of this deceiver, able to invent anything, for the sake of purpose.

Who is a akinator? This is an ancient genie, some miracle that turned out to be in the wild after many thousands of years spent in the lamp. Of course, during this time, the world's usual world has changed. But the akinator did not be surprised, but quickly learned to use the Internet, downloaded information about everything in the world and even created a special application in which he could boast of his knowledge. Everyone who comes to his site, the akinator offers to play his favorite game.

To do this, you need to guess any character - for example, the Cat Leopold, the singer Whitney Houston, actor Tom Cruz - which Ginn will need to guess, asking you clarifying questions. For example, does your character really exist if he is still alive or died, a man is or a woman. Some questions may seem very strange. For example, does your character wear shoes or does he have a mobile phone. But all this gives the akinator the necessary grains of information to collect the one-piece image. Ginn has a huge base base, among whom it needs to choose the correct option for a limited number of attempts. And it does not always have it. Some characters akinator have to guess from two, or even three times. And someone he can simply not know. But you always have the opportunity to add an unknown akin name to his list, thereby making Ginna more smarter. In the latest version, the option of riddling not only people, but also items. So now playing with a akinator has become more fascinating! Check, with how many attempts jinn guesses such simple things like a TV or pillow!

Ginn Akinator originated ten years ago due to the efforts of two programmers from France. The magical creature, similar to the good ghost from Arab fairy tales, can guess any character you will make out. The riddled hero may be like real and absolutely fictional film protagonist, cartoon, games, or something else. Akinator asks you questions that have only 40 in stock. If you guess the riddle for 40 questions it does not work, Ginn has 2 more attempts to try happiness. It happens that genie does not know your character, and then it can be added to the database. Sometimes it happens that the akinator is guessing the character less than 40 questions. Usually, the magical creation is very quickly and accurately answers the question. Interestingly, the game is considered to be single-user.

How to play?

In order for the game to start, just click on "Play". It takes place in the form of a question-answer. Gaying the akinator of the riddled hero, asking intriguing questions. Usually these are common questions that can be answered only "yes" or "no". Ginn can ask the hero or not, whether the character is a book or take away from life, and so on. In addition to answers: "Yes" and "No", there are still 3 philosophical responses in the game: "I don't know," "not entirely / hardly" and "perhaps / partially".

Gradually answering questions, you give genie the opportunity to make a portrait of who he guess.

Each new question is becoming increasingly specific, and the akinator is clearly clear how close it is close to the rays. As soon as the solver ripens to answer, he tries to do it. From the first attempt may not work, and then the wizard uses his second opportunity.

It is possible that Kudesnik and does not guess the mystery. Then he asks to make a mandated hero into his database, providing a certain minimum of information about him.
If you have an account in my world, you can make friends and relatives.

Recently, Akinator has become possible to make people and non-residential objects.

If you want a little visually diversified the wizard and the game, then there are potions, with which you can add new heroes, change the appearance of Ginn and the background of the game itself.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is, first of all, in the development of the intellectual abilities of the gamer and his attention. "Akinator" is designed for those who like to defeat the brains and considers themselves an erudite.

Playing with Ginnom, you and your own horizons are expanding, and the database is replenished!