Game journey to fairy tales in the summer camp. Scenario

Game journey to fairy tales in the summer camp. Scenario
Game journey to fairy tales in the summer camp. Scenario

Game script

"Travel with fabulous heroes"

Fairy: Hello, dear friends! My name is _________________.
Today we are invited to visit the fairy tale. Yes Yes! It was she, a fairy tale, will be a hospitable mistress of our game "Travel with fabulous heroes." Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Child response)
And I love. Merry and sad, terrible and funny, fairy tales familiar from childhood. Our ideas about the good and evil, about the world and justice are connected with them.
Fairy tales love both children and adults. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world.
In fairy tales are committed by the most incredible wonders.
And today we will travel to this mysterious world of fairy tales. What do you think, why did I come to you in such an unusual dress? (Child response)
Today I am not just _____________, I am a storyteller. And I will help you, remember your favorite fairy tales, meet with your favorite heroes. I will help you in this journey to be merry, inquisitive and witty.
I suggest you go to the Road Path: White Light to see, to see people, show yourself.
The track we have to be distant, through the forest is dense. On the way, we will meet obstacles, and we must overcome them.
I know that you guys are very friendly and bold. During the trip you will help and cut down each other. True, I say? (Child response)
Before being to us in a fabulous forest, we will take everything by arms and close your eyes. As soon as you hear the magic sounds, immediately open your eyes. Ready? All closed eyes? Then - on the road! In the world of wonders and magic!

(Music sounds)

Here we are in the fabulous forest. But I. mouse-norushka! She will be our guide on the journey. She prepared us the first test - the game "What is your fairy tale?". Now she will give you riddles about heroes from fairy tales, which many children love. I think you love them too and easily recognize the heroes and determine what kind of tales are they.

First task "What fairy tale are we from?"

    Who is in a lot in the forest flies? And in the hut live there? Who children always scolding fairy tales listening does not give? - Who is it? Guess?

    In Sousse, he scrapers, on sour cream it is disturbed, on the window it is a booze, round side, ruddy side rolled ...... (bolokok)

    Grandma girl loved her little woman, her hat gave her a hat, the girl name forgot his own, and well, tell me the name.

    Pulled the word -
    Padded stove
    Right from the village
    To the king and princess.
    And for what, I do not know
    Lucky lucky?
    « By magic »

    Treats young children
    Treats birds and animals,
    Through his glasses looks over
    Good doctor ...

    She is beautiful and mila,
    Her name from the word "ash".

    Round nose, patch,
    It is convenient to rummage them in the ground,
    The tail of a small crochet,
    Instead of tufels - hoofs.
    Three them - and what
    Brothers friendly are similar.
    Guess without tips,
    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

    Near the forest, on the edge,
    Three live in the hut.
    There are three chairs and three circles,
    Three cribs, three pillows.
    Guess without tips,
    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
    Three Bears

    The fat man lives on the roof,
    He flies all above.

    Man is elderly
    Here with a barking beard.
    Offends Pinocchio
    Artemon and Malvina,
    And in general for all people
    He is the sealing villain.
    Knows any of you
    Who is it?
    Karabas Barabas.

    Wooden chickenpie
    From the fairy tale in our life penetrated.
    Pets of adults and children
    Obelchka and fideller
    Pumpsman, merry and plow.
    Tell me, what is his name?


    And this was friends with Pyratino himself,
    Its name is simply guys - ...

Fairy:And I prepared the second task for you. It's called "Collect a fairy tale"
You will give you magic envelopes, you need to collect a tale and define its name.

Second task "Collect a fairy tale"

Fairy: And here is the first guest.

(Music enters Pinocchio)


Hello guys!

Did you recognize me? What is my name?

And from what kind of fairy tale?

Oh, yes you have a door that I am looking for. My golden key is suitable for this door. Let's try to open it


Wait, wait for Buratino. You are very in a hurry to open a wonderful door.

Remember how much you had to withstand the tests before you found the door in the watchhead Pope Carlo.

Let the guys try to go through some obstacles, because the door to the fairy tale does not open.


And what obstacles?


Come on, first check: Do they know the fairy tales well.

Third task "Magic Pouch"

Pinocchio: You need to choose a fabulous object from a magic bag, and answer what kind of tales he is

In the bag: Golden Egg, Big Wooden Spoon and 2 Smaller, Arrow, Key

(Children choose fabulous subjects and explain what fairy tale they meet)

Fairy tales:

"Ryaba chicken" - a golden egg;
"Three Bear" - a large wooden spoon and 2 smaller;
"Tsarevna-Frog" - Arrow Ivan-Tsarevich. "Buratino" - a golden key

Fairy: Well done! And again we continue the journey. Our mouse is completely bored and invited you to play.

Mouse-norushka: I want to see what you are attentive and friendly. Now I will call you various items. If this subject is edible, then you need to loudly pat into your hands, and if the unbearable, then sock loud. All clear? Well, then I start.

Fourth Task "Edible - Inedible"

Apple, snow, spoon, pie, plate, porridge, candy, pancakes, cup, sour cream, snowman, hat, brush, sausage, cookies, tablecloth, doll, ball, phone, soup, chocolate, marmalade, orange.

Fairy: Well done boys! We and you have the last task of the "fabulous relay". We need to find out what the fastest teams.

Fifth task "Fabulous relay"

Fairy:That ended our journey in the world of wonders and magic. Thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales, we were able to go through this path. Did you like the journey to fairy tales? (Child response)
Tales teach to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and bold. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in good luck, love their homeland and protect the weak.
Saying goodbye to you, I want to say that you are wonderful and very talented guys. I love you all. Bye. And to new meetings.

Scenario of the children's holiday "Traveling on fairy tales"

for children 3 years

Travel-army. The main hero is Carlson. Two groups of children travel around the stages where they are celebrating fabulous heroes with games. 4 stages. 1 Group of children begins a trip clockwise, another against. After passing all the stages, the children return to Carlson, who presents the medal "Honorary friend Carlson"

Leading - Hello guys!

We happily see you today in such a wonderful, warm, summer day.

(The presenter draws the attention of children to an extraneous sound).

Guys hear what is this noise?

Probably someone in a hurry to visit us.

(Carlson runs under merry music).

Carlson - I look, I am Polon Dvor guests.

How many children gathered!

I am Carlson,

The most cheerful in the world.

Therefore, I like me to adults and children.

I am the most beautiful, brought up

Smart and moderately dug.

Hello guys! I'm so glad to see you all!

Leading - Thank you Carlson, which flew to visit us.

Carlson - And what about! After all, I missed you so much! Without you, I became very boring! And since I was not used to bored, I invite everyone to dance.

(Children perform dance "Dance of Little Ducklings")

Carlson - guys and you know that I am a champion on raptying mysteries. Do you know how to solve riddles?

Leading - Da Carlson, and the guys we guess any riddle.

Carlson - But now check. I will depict you an animal, and you have to guess who I show.

(Carlson depicts a cow, frog, bear, cat)

Carlson guys, do you like to listen to fairy tales? Do you know a lot of fairy tales?

(Educaters with children list all familiar fairy tales: Kolobok, Repka, Ryabina, etc)

Carlson - Guys! Today I invite you to travel on your favorite fairy tales! Your favorite characters are already waiting for you and really want to play with you! And so that you do not get lost, I give you Magic balls, they will show you the road! Well, I will look forward to you!

Children start a trip.


Fairy Tale "Kolobok"

Children meet grandmother and grandfather, begin to beat the beginning of the fairy tale "Kolobok" and as soon as grandmother baked a bunker, asks children

Do they know what the fairy tale end? Children tell that the kolobka will eat fox and grandmother suggests saving a ball. Children get into the circle and transmit each other a bun first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

2 stage

Fairy Tale "Repka"

Children meets grandfather and repka. The grandfather stood that he could not pull out the repkah and asks to help children recall, whom he had to call for the rescue, children with an educator were called in order of heroes. Children put on the head of the hero mask and offer to stand in order as in a fairy tale.


Fairy Tale "Rumor Rumor"

Children meets grandmother with grandfather and chickens Ryab, briefly tell, about the fact that the chicken rush is not easy, and they could not break it and explain why they could not break, because the hands were weak, but in their hands there were power, You need to knead your hands and offer children the game "Hammers". An attached laptop is attached to include MUC accompanies.

4 stages

FROMshatter "Teremok"

Children meet a bunny and a mouse cry and tell children that they had wonderful teremok who broke the bear and ask to help children build them new terems from soft modules.

After all the stages on the return to Carlson.

Carlson - Guys Have you liked to travel for fairy tales? What are you great! You have become my best friends! And I want to give you a medal of friendship so that you never forget me and are more commonly invited to visit! And I do not say goodbye to you all the good guys! To new meetings!

Event in the summer camp. Scenario

Scenario. Game journey through the country of fairy tales

Esateychik Inna Nikolaevna, Teacher of the Russian language and literature Stakhanovskaya Secondary school I - III steps No. 32, Irmino.
Description: This development is intended for teachers and teachers organizers for the organization of summer leisure in school camps or recreation camps. The tasks of different types are offered, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, interest in literature. Take part in the game can guys of different ages.
Purpose:organize leisure students, educate interest in literature.
- develop memory, observation, intelligence, speech of students;
- Teach the guys to act well and organized;
- bring up a feeling of collectivism and partnership, interest in literature and reading in general.
Equipment:illustrations for fairy tales, illustrations with modes of transport, route sheets, suits for "hosts" of destinations (grandma fairy tales, postman, a scientist, musician, art historian, Ole Lukoil).
Preliminary preparation: Reading fairy tales, tales conversations, determination of the venue of the game (destinations: Library, Museum - if there is a cabinet, on the site, etc.), the preparation of route sheets, appointment and training for the game.
Conditions of the game: while moving from item to item, the guys squad holds hands.
Event flow
Leading. Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual day - we will go on a journey through the "country of fairy tales". We will visit in different countries, from different authors, we will meet with different heroes of famous fairy tales. You are waiting for contests, interesting questions, tasks and meetings. And now I want to introduce you to our honorable guest - a grandmother fairy tale.
(Enters the "grandmother-tale")
Grandma fairy tale.Good afternoon, dear kids, listeners and readers of fairy tales! How many people gathered you here. I am very glad to see you all and I will be happy to invite you to the "Fairy Tale". But first you have to choose, what kind of transport you would like to travel (demonstrates illustration with transport). A, choosing transport, appoint captain, crew commander, chief driver, driver ...

(Teams choose transport for travel and captain teams)
Leading. Well, now the tale grandmother will hand over each team the route list for which you will travel. It contains destinations that you need to visit. But you only need to follow the route sheet. (The order of destinations for different detachments changes so that two detachments are not at the same time)

(Grandma-Tale Hands the captains of the commands of the route sheets)
Grandma fairy tale. If the fairy tale is knocking on the door,
You are impassing her
Because a fairy tale - Bird:
Slightly squeeze - and not to find.
You are for the threshold,
And it is not ...
Only thousands of roads
Disamed in the light.
What will she go?
Where will she seem?
Wide her, or walk,
Or rush from where
Only where there is a fairy tale
There will be a miracle ...
She has wonders stock
And always ready
Every time for all for us
Golden word! (Sergey Isotov)
Leading. Guys! We wish you a successful journey and good achievements in it. And we and the grandmother and a fairy tale will wait for your return.
Grandma fairy tale. In good way, boys and girls!

(Teams go to the specified route)
Author's street.
Exchange terms: For each correctly found match - 1 point. Maximum number - 16. (Sample of answers: B - 1 - B)
Storyteller.Greetings, young readers and lovers of fairy tales on the street by the author. Here live wonderful authors from different countries. To continue the journey, you need to establish communication arrows: the author is a portrait - a fairy tale.

(Answers: Mr.-B, A-2-B, B-3-A, B-4-E, S-5-G, Zh-6-F, E-7-D, D-8-Z.)
(The command is given a certificate card - see picture. The command performs the task and the talener in the route list indicates the result).
Storyteller. Well done boys. You coped with the task and can continue the path. Good luck!
Fabulous mail
Exchange terms: For the correctly named hero - 1 point, for the name of the fairy tales - 1 point. Maximum - 14 points.
Postman. Glad to see you, dear friends. I waited for assistants. There were many telegrams on our mail, but they are all without a signature. I want you to help me determine who sent these telegrams.
(Gives a team bag with telegrams and guys read the telegram and call the hero of the fairy tale, who sent it, and his address (fairy tale). Then the postman notes the result in the route sheet).
Texts Telegram:
- "Sorry, I can not come, because I passed my boots to repair ..." (Puss in Boots)
- "We can not meet. The egg crashed - the grandfather cries and the woman cries. Should calm down ... " (Roast chicken)
- "He fell into an unpleasant situation. Sleaving on a leaf of a river pita. I want to get rid of the nasty toad. I will come later". (Thumbelina)
- "I can not leave the post. We must go to the right, left and guard the oak with fairy tales. " (Cat scientist)
- "So put an arrow that flew in an unknown direction. Busy her search. " (Ivan Tsarevich)
- "So hurried to leave the ball that lost a shoe. Waiting, maybe returned. " (Cinderella)

- "Thorough Mom. Be sure to find it and ask for forgiveness. When I delete and deserve forgiveness, immediately arrive. " (Boy star)
Postman. You correctly called the heroes of fairy tales. I hope that we will raise them. And I wish you a light road in the future of your journey.
The quarter is intellectual.
Exchange terms: For each correct answer - 1 point, for the correct explanation - 1 point. Maximum number - 10 points.

Scientist. Hello guys!
I'm a scientist,
Very waiting for the people of your passionate.
I prepared for you tasks,
To check your logic and knowledge.
I think that your mind
To tell me that too much and why.
Embreshore to the tasks
Together, everyone decide together.
The task: Find too much and explain why.
1.A. S. Pushkin, S. Marshak, R. Kipling, K. Chukovsky. (Advanced - R. Kipling, as all Russian writers, except R. Kipling).
2. "Ugly dot", "Cinderella", "Snow Queen", "Wild Swans". (Advanced - "Cinderella", She wrote Sh. Perro, and the rest of the fairy tales - G. H. Andersen)
3. Step, mouse, swallow, mole. (Advanced - stepmother. She is not the heroine of the fairy tale "Thumbelina")
4. "Cat in boots", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Vasilisa lovely", "Porridge from the Ax". (Advanced - "Porridge from the Ax", since all the fairy tales are magical, and this is household).
5. "Kolobok", "Tale of Fisherman and Fish", "Crane and Heron", "Ivan-Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo". (Superfluous - "Tale of a fisherman and fish", because this fairy tale is the author, and the rest-the-art)
Scientist. You guys, well done -
We coped with the task.
Cut all the ends
Demonstrating both logic and knowledge.
I wish you from the soul,
So that in the path of the trouble did not know
And the victory was won.
Good luck in the journey.
Picture gallery.
Exchange terms:it is necessary to fold four illustrations in 3 minutes and call what they are a fairy tale; During the time - 4 points (if you managed), 5 points (if they coped before), 3 and less (if not invested during); 1 point for each correctly collected illustration and one point for the name of the fairy tales. Maximum number of points -13.
Art critic.Infinitely glad to welcome you in our temple of art. But we had trouble - I can't imagine all the pictures, since recently robbers were taken to us in the gallery and painted pictures on the part. To find out what pictures were, you need to restore them.


("The beauty and the Beast")

("Alice in Wonderland")

("Alladina lamp")
(Gives a team a few envelopes with cuts cut into pieces to fairy tales - illustrations are offered below, and you can cut them arbitrarily. The guys should fold the pictures as quickly as possible and call the fairy tale. Time is taken into account when issuing the result)
Art critic. Well done boys. You saved our gallery. Now these pictures will be able to see other children. Thanks for the help. I wish you success.
(Notes the result in the route list)
Music Salon
Exchange terms: For each correctly admitted melody - 1 point and for each executed passage from the song - 1 point. Only five melodies: the total number of points is 10.

Musician(music leader). Hello guys! In our music salon, guests are always happy to guests, true connoisseurs of music and singing.
What is a song?
This is a true friend.
Song is joy,
Calling laughter around
Thousand melodies, votes surf ...
Nothing in the world
Music wonderful,
Because the music is always with you!
You love musical cartoons and movies based on fairy tales. Many songs of them are probably familiar to you. Many have become loved ones. And many you even love singing yourself. I suggest you play the game "Guess the melody." I will play a few music melodies, and you have to call from what movie or cartoon this song and move several lines.
(Songs: Cinderella "Become in the circle", the princesses of fun "And I don't want, I don't want to the law ..." From the cartoon "Flying ship", the song of the Bremen Musicians, the song Turtle Tortilla from "Buratino", the song proteins from "Tales about Tsar Saltan" and Others.
Note: Songs The head may pick up at his discretion; You can play them on a musical instrument or listen to audio recordings; Melodies should be no more than five.)

Musician. Hooray! On the trail of narrow
Occur sometimes
Poem with music
Like a couple in spring ...
And that sometimes, hearty,
Merge then
They are in the understanding of the eternal
Like - air, bread, water.
They sing wonderful
It is still light
And, becoming a good song -
We will delight people! (Vadim Sevennin)
Guys, live with music in the shower. Let her please you.
Boulevard Secrets
Exchange terms: For each correct answer - 1 point, if invested during; Optional 2 points, if they coped faster; Maximum number - 6 points.
Ole Lukoil. They say that fairy tales does not happen ...
You do not believe! Who told you so much?
He who has grown, completely forgets
How sometime he dreamed of childhood.
It is said that there are no miracles in the world.
Lit! Believe, there are miracles!
The main thing is only to believe in them, like children,
And they will visit you immediately. (Marina Locin)
Greetings to you on the boulevard of secrets.
(Gets a big multicolored envelope)
In this envelope, the secret is hidden,
His declassifier, should answer.
In this, your captain will help you:
What he will show - try to learn.
Your team commander will be a pantomim, and how good will you show your answers. Calling from the envelope a picture, you need to show with gestures and movements to show what is depicted on it. And the team should call the subject. On one picture - 30 seconds.
(Envelope Pictures: 1) Magic Wand

2) Magic Mirror

3) Sword-Claden

4) boots-boosters

Leading. Where is the sky blue there is a city of gold

With a wonderful gate under a bright star.

The characters of fairy tales are living with rainbow flowers.

And you, my friend, to visit them ready to go ready?

(Children's responses.)

But the way to this city

Not so simple.

Many fairy tales

Must know the guest.

Game "Yes! Not!"

Lukomorya has all year round

Is the cat go around oak? (Yes!)

The casket hangs on the oak

Is it lies with the Children's Crown? (Not!)

Near the river on dry foam

Suddenly blooming flowers? (Yes!)

Sits yellow repka

In the ground very tight? (Yes!)

In the kitchen asked for wagon

Huge pan? (Not!)

To go to the flight

Yaga bought a helicopter? (Not!)

Fox wanted to eat okrochka

Yes, she didn't get her crumbs? (Yes!)

The door opened suddenly

And everyone disappeared somewhere? (Yes!)

Not easy, gold

He demolished the egg row.

He immediately sold

Jeweler Baba. (Not!)

King, undressing, light

Uponate in milk,

And then in the boiler with water ...

Yes, and suddenly became young. (Not!)

But the game came the end,

Who answered, he is well done! (Yes!)

Leading. The fairy tale loves children.

There is no wonderful in the world,

There is no more beautiful and mile,

It is always interesting to her.

Friends here fox and cat,

Ready to the wedding of the blind mole,

But there is a dash -

The bride rushes over the sea.

Says here the Totoshka,

The piano sits a cat.

The village rides the oven.

What fairy tales is it?

(Cat and Fox "," Thumbelina "," The Adventures of the Ellie and her friends "," Koshkin House "," By whining kettling ")

Quiz "Name a fairy tale."

· "The wolf went to the river, lowered the tail in the hole; The matter was winter. He sat, sat, the whole night promoted, his tail and live; I tried to raise: it was not there "

("Liser-sister and Wolf")

· "Fox asked for a bunny to warm up, and the bunny was kicked out"

("Fox, hare and rooster")

· "He took the old woman wing, the box screamed, in Susku died, and the flour of a handful of two. Kneaded on sour cream, baked in the furnace and put it on the window to say "


· "The goat was let the mother and told her how the wolf came to them and wanted to eat them"

("Wolf and Goat")

· "Two eyes fell asleep, and the third looks and sees everything, everything - as a red maiden in one ear climbed, and the finished canvases picked up. All that saw. The triguity of the mother told ... "


· "Girl came, looking - Bratz not! Abnul, rushed there and here -No! She clicked him, looked with tears, lost that it would be bad from his father with his mother, - Brantz did not respond "

("Swan geese")

· "And in the evening they met again in the pure field. Moroz's elder brother - blue nose, laughing and mittening the mitten sicks, and the younger brother frost red nose, cracking yes heels "

("Two Frost")

· "Brought the old woman of the boiler.

Alar soldier washed away, lowered the boiler, poured water and put on fire ")

("Porridge from the ax")

· "Crane knock-knock nose on a plate. Pounded, pounded - nothing falls!

And the fox licks himself and licks the bash, so everything herself, "

("Fox and Zhuravl")

· "They were frightened, the vest was thrown and ran home. Grandmother fell on the shop, the granddaughter of the grandmother hid, the chicken took off, and the mouse under the stove struck "

("Fear has big eyes")

Leading. Fairy tales you know a lot.

Ahead of us is waiting for the road.

Will lead the tangle on it,

The key will open the lock to us.

And the lock is not simple,

Like the key is gold.

Under the "Song about Pinocchio" (SL. Y. Entin, Muses. A. Rybnikov) with a golden key runs by Pinocchio. He performs a free dance.

Pinocchio. The key, the key is golden,

Doors come to us soon.

Brighter let the lights burn,

The fairy tale is waiting for the guys.

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio appear.

Lisa Alice.

Hello, good Pinocchio.

Matter with you again.

What are you hiding behind your back?

There, probably golden?

Basilio Cat.

Let's go to the tavern with us.

Buratino. Not on the way today with you.

Magic key with me.


I must help the guys.

Lisa Alice.

When gold sparkles

My heart just melts.

Jeweler B delivered -

Everything would be in gold:

Bracelets, earrings and ring

And a pendant like a heart.

Cat Basilio.

Yes, and I would get a little

Provide old age.

Lisa Alice (dreamily).

Became used we are rich then

Painted b to the Emirates.

Cute, good Pinocchio,

If you give us the key,

We are quietly spent.

Basilio Cat.

Well, if I do not get

We, my friend, will beat you.

(Threatens to fist.)

Pinocchio. Well, of course, so be.

(Turns the key)

Try to catch me.

Basilio's cat and Lisa Alice are trying to catch Pinocchio, but they do not work. They face foreheads at the moment when Pinocchio across them. Forgetting about the key, starting the brawl between them, then go.

Pinocchio. The key, the key is golden,

Doors come to us soon.

Let them shine brighter paints,

And the guys meet fairy tales.

Staging the fairy tale "Hare and Yozh"

Bushube and Zakonyka,

And to meet him Yozh,

On the spiny ball looks like.

On the one hand, a bunny appears, with another Yozh.

Hedgehog. Hello, Zainka-friend.

Where do you jump?

Hare. On the meadow

I want to walk a little,

To be born, play.

Hedgehog. And take me with you.

Hare. What to do me with you?

You can't run quickly.

Hedgehog. You do not sleep at me!

Immediately doubted immediately.

Hare. Well well! So laughter!

Well, in the forest faster than everyone!

Hedgehog. It's how else to say!

Hare. I can immediately prove.

Run with you soon

We charge all animals.

Hedgehog. No, Bunny, not now.

We will postpone everything for an hour.

I will come immediately on the meadow.

Hare. I am waiting for you there, my friend.

Discover in different directions.

And in the grass thick disappeared.

Came running home, puffed,

With the door immediately shouts:

Eugene appears.

Hedgehog. Hey, hedgehog, cut out,

Hedgehog enters, in his hand holds a cup.

Stand in the side of tea.

Hedgehog. What happened, a cute husband?

Then bearing ripe pears.

Waiting for a long time dinner.

Hedgehog. Oh, thanks, only - no.

Little time with us.

Meeting with a hare in an hour -

There is a competitor,

From me a job.

Hedgehog Something whispering hedgehog in the ear.

Turned, ran away.

Yuzh runs away, then hedgehog leaves.

There is a bunny, on the other hand there appears. Under the sound of music, the Yozh makes the workout.

That is a little striking

Steel together:

Hare and Yozh become together.

Hare and Yozh.One two Three!

Yozh quietly side

Not ahead - to my home.

Hare runs, Yuzh slowly leaves.

The hare in the meadow flies,

The wind only whistles in the ears.

And he runs without looking back,

Only sparkle heels.

Here is the finish. Waiting for Yozh,

On the spiny ball looks like

And laughs:

Hedgehog. Lost.

Grunted Zainka under the nose:

Hare. Oh, hurt to tears.

He did not notice the substitution.

Blank, go.

Child. All children love a fairy tale very much,

After all, the fairy tale is good,

What is a happy junction in it

Already soul soul.

And on any tested

Brave hearts agree

In impatience of the expectation

Prosperous end.

V. Berestov. "Story".

Leading. The fairy tale loves children.

No more beautiful in the light,

And, of course, there is no mile -

It is always interesting to her.

In fairy tales, good always wins evil. In this struggle, magical things sometimes help positive characters.

Competition "Magic Things".

Competed two. They are in turn call magic items. The one who cannot once again call the magic subject loses.

Leading. Along with positive in the fairy tale there are negative heroes. Listen to the riddles about them.

On forest edge

She lives in the hut.

Hut on legs

Walks along the paths. (Baba Yaga)

View Overhead from the fairy tale "Morozko".

Appeared suddenly attack -

Furgent mouth

The tail is huge on the ground ...

What kind of beast? Tell me. (Zmey Gorynych)

View Overhead from the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Goryyn"

Shines a river under the moon,

It looks at the sky ... (water).

Look inside of the cartoon "Flying Ship"

Most of the people

Who, tell us? .. (Koshchei)

View Overhead from the fairy tale of "Koschey Immortal".

Competition "Negative hero".

tea + e + genus (magicians)

lun + poison + co (witch)

Leading. Magician people no

Witch on the broom flies ...

Whatever it was that evil

Good ultimately wins.

The song "Good Tales of Childhood" is fulfilled (Sl. R. Christmas, music. E. Martynova.)

Leading. So it's time

In the opposite way to us, Devora.

Died immediately paint,

Farewell, wonderful fairy tales.

Title: Scenario of the festive event in elementary school "Travel to the city of fairy tales"

Position: Educator of the Explosion Group
Place of work: Municipal State Educational Institution "Belovskaya Secondary School"
Location: Sl. White Belovsky district of the Kursk region

Scenario of summer entertainment for children of senior preschool "Journey to a fabulous country"

Yakimova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education for theatrical activity of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107 of the general array of sight" Dresktyvkar Republic of Komi.

Why do we need fairy tales?
What is looking for a person in them?
Maybe good and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins,
Tale teaches us to love.
In the fairy tale, the beasts come to life
Start talking.
In the fairy tale everything is honest:
And the beginning and the end.
Bold Prince leads Princess
Vental under the crown.
Snow White and Mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
Leave us a fairy tale pity
As a cozy cute house.
Read fairy tales to children!
Teach them to love.
Maybe in this light
It will be easier for people to live (P.Nikolaeva)

(In the photo - the teacher from the TV shows "Visiting the fairy tale" A.Zueva)

Fairy tales are an invaluable gift left to us by our ancestors. Nothing can replace them. When, if not in childhood, believe in fabulous magic? Fairy tales read in childhood, forever remain our friends. Feelings from their readings accompany us throughout life. Fairy tales are a little bridge that we help us, adults, get into the world of childhood, helps to establish a connection with the kids. It is especially valuable to travel along with the guys on a fabulous country will be familiar to them mischievous characters - Cloon Clap and Cloinesss of the Iriska, with whom they met in past entertainment.

So, I propose a scenario of summer entertainment "Travel to a fabulous country" for children of senior preschool age. It is a continuation of the leisure cycle "The sun rays smiled having fun" and "Magic Chamomile", the main characters of which are clown flip and clowning Iriska. In warm weather, entertainment can be spent on the street. Development can be useful to educators (educators, musical leaders, educators of additional education), working with children of preschool age.
It is possible to hold a holiday with one or more groups of preschool children.

purpose - Creation of good, positive mood in the process of fabulous travel in a friendly and friendly atmosphere.

- in the game form to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about familiar fairy tales, their content, characteristic features of the characters;
- develop reader interest;
- continue to develop the ability to improvise to the music, using expressive movements, characterizing the given character;
- contribute to the development of speech, memory, attention, imagination, intelligence, associative thinking when guessing mysteries, the singing abilities of children, as well as speed and agility;
- educate in children interested and respect for fairy tales.

- Music center, discs;
- carved clouds in the number of children;
- foam nose-patch, horns;
- mirror;
- Magic book;
- Illustrations with the heroes of fairy tales;
- mats (2 pcs.);
- Big sizes (2 pairs);
- Kegley (2 pcs.)

Preliminary work:
- selection of musical material;
- preparation of costumes heroes;
- a few days before the holiday, hanging out in groups of posters;
- preparation of clouds in the number of children;
- making a magic book;
- Preparation of the necessary attributes;
- reading fairy tales, listening to audio recordings with fairy tales, guessing riddles about the heroes of fairy tales, singing songs from fairy tales;
- Preparation of apples in the number of children.

Entertainment participants (adults):cloon Cloep, Clounes of Iriska, Cat Scientist.

Under the melody of the screensaver to the TV shows "Visiting a fairy tale" ("Come, Tale", author V. Dashkevich) Children of two senior groups enter the music hall, sit on the chairs.

Music leader. Hello, dear guys! You again to visit us - and it's great!
The picture is written by paints,
At the paints bright color.
Life is decorated with fairy tales,
Fairy tales wondered light (A. Maltsev)

Music leader. Do you think that fairy tales decorate our lives? Why is fairy tales a marvelous light? (children's responses)

Under the merry music from different doors, clown cream and clown of Iriska enter the hall. Clepes on the nose Piglet, Iriski on the head horns.

Everyone in his own way welcomes children: Iriska shakes all his hands, flock raises one of the legs in children and greet his leg.
Clown and Cloanes notice each other, begin to laugh. Cloes from laughter falls to the floor and rides back.

Clo. Oh, I can not! Oh, dying! Oh, keep me!
Toffee. Look at yourself! Laughter, and only!

Cool and Iriski are watching each other and continue to laugh.

Clo. What is your head, Irisk?
Toffee. And what's in there?
Clo. Here is a mirror, look at yourself! (gives Irisk a mirror)

Iriska looks in the mirror, surprised, transfers it to a cool.

Toffee. Now look at yourself!

Cloes look in the mirror, stops laughing, surprised.

Cloep (frightened).Iriska, can we have been eaten something wrong in the morning? BUT?
Toffee (thoughtfully). It seems I understood, cool, what happened and why are you with you!
Clo. Understood? Speak as soon as possible!
Toffee. Where have you been today in the morning? BUT?
Clo.I? In a fabulous country. So what?
Toffee. So. I, too, today was in a fabulous country, stayed in different fairy tales. And in one detained longer. That's the result! Guys, tell me, in what fairy tale I delayed? ("Wolf and 7 Cats")
Toffee. What are these funny these goats!
Clo. And then I got into what fairy tale? ("Three pigs")
Clo.Eh, and I played out with these mischievous brothers!
Toffee. I think there are horns and a patch to us (Remove).Cool, how I love a fabulous country!
Clo.I, too, Iriska, there is so much interesting!
Toffee. Guys, would you like to visit this country? (children's responses)
Clo. But you can only go there those who love and knows fairy tales! You love? Do you know?
Toffee. Of course, Cloes, know and love! They gave the fairy tales in which we were with you today!
Clo. Well, then on the road! The journey begins!
Toffee. And we will go to the fabulous journey, we are on the magic clouds. Deliver them and flew!

Children get out of chairs carved clouds, get up on them, put hands on the shoulders to each other and, the sign "Clouds" (music of V.Shinsky, the words V.Kozlova), "fly" to a fabulous country.

At the end of the song, everyone sit down in their place, the clouds are put under the chairs.

Under the musical theme of the cartoon "Pink Panther" (Henry Mancini) comes out of the cat Scientist (you can use any other melody from fairy tales).

Cat scientist(tells a purring voice) Guests granted us!
Hello my friends!
Cat scientist is me!
I am friends with fairy tales
I apologize to guestness!
Cat scientist. I am a magical cat, I know about the fabulous country, everything is all and here everyone knows everything! Come with my task, then I will miss you.

The cat shows kids illustration with the image of the heroes of fairy tales, the guys call the fairy tales in which they meet:
- Fox ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Zayushkina Hut", "Zhikharka", "Lisa and Zhuravl", etc.)
- Bear ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bear", "Apple", etc.)
- Hare ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Fox, Hare and Rooster", "Hare - Missor", "Apple", etc.)
- Wolf ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Fox-sister and Gray Wolf", "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Red Hap", etc.)
- Baba Yaga ("Gus-Swans", "Baba Yaga", etc.)
- Muha ("Fly Codochoha")
- Yozh ("Hare and Yozh", "Apple")
- Grandfather and Baba ("Ryabina", "Kolobok", "Morozko", "Snow Maiden", "Gus-Swans")

Cat scientist. Well done, coped with the task! I miss you! Here you have my magic book! You leaf her and in different fairy tales! And I have time! Bye! (goes out)

Toffee. We begin to flip! (leafs) Page first - "Riddle"!

Children guess the riddles about fabulous heroes, but the deposits do not pronounce, and depict.

1. Near the forest, on the edge.
Three live in the hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Show no hint.
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Children under musical accompaniment depict bears.

2. Nose Round, Pigatch,
It is convenient to rummage them in the ground,
The tail of a small crochet,
Instead of tufels - hoofs.
Three them - and what
Brothers friendly are similar.
Show no hint,
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Children under musical accompaniment depict piglets.

3. From the flour he was a liver,
The sour cream was disturbed.
On the window he was confirmed
On the track rolled.

Children under musical accompaniment depict a kolobka.

4. Born at mom daughter
Of the beautiful flower.
Good baby just!
In. There was a baby with an increase.
If you read the fairy tale
You know how the daughter was called.

Children under musical accompaniment depict an a cheer.

5. In the deaf forest in his hut
Alone lives the old woman.
Broom she is not half a sweat,
Broom - Stabushkin Airplane.

Children under musical accompaniment depict Babu Yagu.

6. This fabulous hero
With tail, sucker
In his hat he has a pen,
The whole striped itself.
He walks on two legs,
In bright red boots.

Children under musical accompaniment depict a cat in boots.

7. waited for mom with milk.
And let the wolf in the house ...
Who were these
Small children?

Children under musical accompaniment depict a goat.

Doctor (Aibolit), Fly (Codochoha), Red (Cap), Dad (Carlo), Crocodile (Gene), Winnie (Pooh), Baba (Yaga), Koschey (Immortal), Ivan (Tsarevich), Old woman (Shapoklyak), Crumb (Raccoon), Postman (Pechkin), Old Man (Hottabych).

Toffee. What guys are you guys! You know everything! We continue! Next page - "Who said?"

Irisk and Clap are pronounced in turns of the phrase. Children guess a fairy tale and a hero who said this phrase.

1. "How to around me, how to emphasize, go bulls on the Zakolem!" (Fox from the fairy tale "Fox and Hare")
2. "Do not sit on Pozook, do not eat a cake,
Bear grandmother, carry grandfather "(bear from the fairy tale" Masha and the Bear ")
3. "Do you warm your maiden, whether to you, red?" (Frost in the fairy tale "Morozko")
4. "Divide it with an apple on equal parts, and let everyone take himself on a piece" (bear in the fairy tale "Apple")
5. "Apple tree - apple tree, tell me where Geese - Swans flew?" (Masha in a fairy tale "Geese - Swans")
6. "Grandma, why do you have such big hands?" (Red hat in the fairy tale "Red Hap")
7. "Dear guests, help,
Spider - Zloda Short! " (Fly in a fairy tale "Fly-Codochuha")
8. "Stove - Mother, hide me" (Masha in a fairy tale "Geese - Swans")
9. "Butterfly - Beauty,
Eat jam
Or do you dislike our treat? " (Fly in a fairy tale "Fly-Codochuha")
10. "True, Toffee! Old man's daughter in gold is taken, and the old woman is not taken married "(a dog in the fairy tale" Morozko ")
11. "Do not blame, Kuma, more with nothing" (Crane in a fairy tale "Fox and crane")
12. "Calm, only calm!" (Carlson from the cartoon "Kid and Carlson")
13. "Guys, let's live together!" (Cat Leopold from the cartoon "Adventures of Cat Leopold")
14. "Goodbye, cute swallow! Goodbye! Thank you for my summer so wonderful in the summer! " (Thumbeller from the fairy tale G. Адедерсен "длямочка")

Clo. And this fabulous page shed! We continue! Page "Fabulous song"!

Cocks and iris take turns show illustrations with fabulous heroes. Children need to remember and sing one by one couplet songs that felt fabulous heroes: a red hat, a bunker, crumb raccoon, goen, crocodile gene, Bremen musicians, water, Cheburashka. While singing children include song phonograms.

Toffee. There was a page "Fairy Song", and now "Cheerful dance"!Songs hit, it's time to dance. Will help us in this magic fabulous rug (If there are many children, you can use two rugs).

Participants simultaneously occur on the rug with one foot, starts playing funny music, everyone is dancing. Then also simultaneously remove the legs from the rug - the music is grumbling. The game is held several times.

Toffee. What fabulous hero had such boots? (children's responses)
Clo. Here we are with you now and follow the shoe of the cat itself in boots!

The wire there is a mobile game "Boots - Slorvers".
If one group of children is present on the holiday, they are divided into 2 teams. If two groups, as in our case, then 2 commands are selected. The optimal number of team players is 8-10 people. It is necessary to run to the finish line (kegli) in large boots. Deadly, it is necessary to stop and make a beautiful bow. Then go back to the team, remove the boots and transfer them to the next player. The team wins, the participants will cope with the task faster (not only the speed, but also the quality of the bow on the finish). The game is accompanied by cheerful music.

Cloep (takes into the hands of a book of a scientist cat).Guys, and it was the last page in the magic book of the Scientive Cat. Let us leave it for those who come here after us to the country of fairy tales.
Toffee. Once we donate the whole book, it means it was time to go back to kindergarten!

Children take out carved clouds from under chairs, now they are sitting on them and, the song "Clouds" (music of V.Shainsky, the words V.Kozlova), "fly" to kindergarten. While singing makes a removing fabulous country and its inhabitants.

Clo. So we returned back!
Toffee. Did you like our journey?
Clo. Iriska, see what all the guys have a good mood, cheerful.
Toffee. This is all because we visited the wonderful fairy tales who teach good! And decorate our life!
Let the heroes of fairy tales
Give us warmth,
Let good forever
Wins evil (Yu.entin)

Cloes and Irisk are distributed to children fabulous "Molding" apples, say goodbye to them.

Under the song "There is a lot of fairy tales in the world" (Music of V.Shainsky, the words Yunthina) children come out of the musical hall.