Igor Talkov: Life, full of mysticism, cheating and pain. Tatyana Talkova: "The word" widow "is not about me

Igor Talkov: Life, full of mysticism, cheating and pain. Tatyana Talkova: "The word" widow "is not about me

The last time Igor Talkov celebrated his birthday at 34, without having lived a month before the 35th anniversary. On October 6, 1991, his life broke off the fatal shot, which sounded behind the scenes of the St. Petersburg Palace of Sports "Jubilee".


Talcova's biography is rich in strange events. "He was always surrounded by a lot of mystics, and the faith in God helped him with this," said Vladimir musician brother (by profession the sculptor). According to the relative of the star, "after the famous song" Russia "was written, Igor saw black hands in a dream, trying to strangle him ..."

Another unusual story happened in the early 80s, when Talcov with their colleagues-musicians flew on tour. In flight there was a dangerous situation: the plane suddenly began to shake (according to one information he found himself in a thunderstorm cloud, in others - when landing jammed the chassis). All the passengers smashed, but Igor calmly said: "Since you are with me now, it means nothing will happen. Because I am dead not in a plane crash. I will be killed with a large number of people, and my killer will not find. " What happened in reality.

Soon after that anxious flight Talcov wrote the song "I'll be back." And for the year to the tragic death, the singer starred in the painting "Over the last feature", where his hero is the leader of the gang, shot from the gun.

Born at freedom

By the origin of Talkov - from the nobles. The grandfather's grandfather was the Cossack kind, by profession - a military engineer, grandmother - Polka, uncle consisted in the royal army in different officer ranks. Because of this, Father Igor, Vladimir Maksimovich, was repressed, as well as the mother, Olga Schwagarus (in Maiden) - the daughter of the "enemies of the people" from Stavropol: Miscellaneous Germans and Cossacks.

Worked Olga Yulievna at the mine. With the first husband lived less than a year - he, the son of "fist", shot himself before arrest. Their child, Victor, was born in a Mariinian prison and died there from hunger. Total woman spent 10 years in places of detention.

In the village of Orlovo-Roseovo Chebuli district of the Kemerovo region, Olga met Vladimir Talkov, who served a punishment on the same, "anti-Soviet" 58th article. There, for barbed wire, in 1953 they had a son of Vladimir. His younger brother Igor was already free. The village of His appearance became the village of Welder of the Khchekinsky District of the Tula Region, where after release a family was sent to move somewhere.

From the last forces

Brother Talkova recalled such a story. Being a teenager, Igor went to the river with his friend. Having rolled down on the boat, and the tired of rowing, the guys began to jump from her into the water - fled to each other in front of another ability to swim, which they recently traveled. At some point, Yura sailed away from the boat, frightened, choked, began to fluff helplessly and as a result sinking. Igor rushed to help without delay. I managed to grab the already losing consciousness of the comrade.

Igor Talkov-ml. Photo: East News

"He told Jura by his shoulders, the place was balancing with him on the water surface and at the same time shouted, called to the aid. Soon he began to sink himself, but did not let him go. Ashore pulled them together, "Vladimir has restored the course of events.

Virtuoso Games on Pans

Poems Igor began writing in early childhood, at the same time began to play on improvisational "musical" instruments: metal plates, banks, pots, frying pan and covers from them, on a washing board. Becoming older wrote down to the Music School in the Bayan class.

The hearing of Talcov had absolute, so any melody easily reproduced "on rumor". But the study of notes was not categorically categorically, along the solfeggio and notice, the trojakov did not rise above. The high school student independently mastered the game on the piano and guitar, and later added to these tools added the play of the violin, bass guitar and drums ...

Stroybat as a rescue from the court

Talkov did not have higher education. As a child, the future artist dreamed of becoming a hockey player. I recorded in the diary: "I will die, but I will become a hockey player," and began to train seriously - first on my own, then in the hockey team of the district center Shchekino, and soon was awarded a diploma as her best player. After receiving a certificate of an average education went to Moscow to enroll in the sports school "Dynamo" or CSKA. But it was not adopted.

Then Igor "failed" on the entrance exams in the theater school. The future artist summed up literature: he did not know the content of the novel of Gorky "Mother". Talco was lucky enough to get to the Tula Pedigrement on the Physics and Technology Faculty, but, no failure to make friends with the exact sciences, he was ruled there only a year.

Photo: Global Look Press

The educational and creative process interrupted the service in the army. The accelerated shipment was the performance of 18-year-old Igor on the central square of Tula with a criticism of politics held by the head of state Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Avoiding the court managed only thanks to the intervention of the famous athlete-cyclist Kondratyev, who performed with Talcov in the Tula musical ensemble. But only under the condition: to send to military service - in the Moscow region Stroybat. After demobilization, the apolitical musician became a student at the Institute of Culture in Leningrad, but also for a while ...

Perfect wife

Musician met with his life companion in the cafe. At that time, Tanya was professionally engaged in sewing fashionable clothes. The dance with her laid the beginning of the novel, the culmination of which was the conclusion of marriage in 1980. These strong relationships launched 11 years, up to the death of Igor. Their son was then 9 years old. After the death of her husband, Tatiana settled on Mosfilm Assistant director for the selection of actors. Igor Talkov Jr. was engaged in music - following the example of the Father.

With mom, wife and son. Photo: facebook.com/talkoff

According to people from the relatives of Talkov, his choice of life companions was ideal. So even the mother-in-law Tatiana thought. According to her, the spouse never reproached her husband, did not scold and did not require anything from him.

"She completely sacrificed himself, dissolved in it. She defended, warned every desire, - Rechangeed Olga Julia. - Patience was limitless. If even Igor had a new passion, he told his wife about his novel on his novel - as the best friend. I answered my disturbance: "She does not gentle about my marital loyalty, but it knows exactly that I am honest."

Warned in advance about treasures

About such a family relationship, Igor and Tanya agreed before going to the registry office. He warned the bride about what other women would inevitably appear inevitably, and it took this fact as proper. From the words of the mother-in-law, explained to her: "He is a fond of nature, because other women are for him - like inspiration like a muse. And no one understands it. "

Photo: Global Look Press

Tatiana herself, commenting on his loyal attitude towards the treason of her husband, said this: "I realized what I was going, connecting my destiny with a man of such an extraordinary talent. My feelings were higher primitive jealousy. It was obvious to me that insist on his physical loyalty to a coffin just stupid. Igor fell in love quite often, the women of these deified, endowed with non-existent advantages. Then she died, telling me about his hobbies. And I always understood him. He turned my world. "

And Igor characterized his wife so: "Next to me a woman worthy of real, great love. She is relatively me and the closer than everyone ever surrounding and surrounding me. Sometimes I think: what I was looking for somewhere around the horizon, always existed next, just I did not notice it. Soothes one thing: never touched our relationship. "

Pain soul

In addition to music, Igor was passionate about psychology, astrophysics and philosophy, and his main interest was a domestic history in which he was excellently focused because he studied thoroughly, seriously. Daily diverged the time for this - read a huge number of special literature, digging in the archives where the rare information found.

At concerts, where, by the way, Talcov always sang "live", he could talk for hours about the history of Russia, discuss historical events with the audience. "Songs are the shortest path to the heart and mind of a person ... - wrote a musician in the" monologue "book. "My duty is to convey to mind and the heart of the listener what my soul hurts and shout. Russia is the pain of my soul. Fight for good - the essence of my life. Victory over evil - the purpose of my life ... "

Wife Igor TalkovaTatyana There was an ideal woman for him - she not only never demanded nothing from Igor, but did not start the stormy quarrels and disassembly, even if rumors came out about some other Random Roman Igor. This was the wisdom and love of his wife Igor Talkov. And he justified his frivolousness to what would still remain with her, and new relationships are needed for inspiration.

In the photo - Igor Talkov and his son and son

Of course, it was not easy for her to take it and it's not known what she had in the soul, but everyone around Tatyana Talkova Explained such an attitude to the treason of her husband by the fact that he is a fond of nature, and the new emotions are needed for creativity. With his wife, Igor Talkov met at the Metelitsa cafe, where she came along with his friends. In this cafe, at that time, fancels were often gathered, and girls wanted to buy themselves branded things before riding to the south.

In the photo - Tatyana Talkova

Igor Talkov, who at the time he worked in the group "April", also came to "Meltelitsa" to sit with friends. His appearance was very spectacular - he was dressed in a long raincoat, presented to him by the famous Spanish singer Mitchell and ripped jeans. He suggested that the girls take part with him in shooting TV shows "and well, girls," they agreed, and Tatiana refused. After this meeting, Igor began to call Tatiana every day, and one of her girlfriends organized her a meeting with a singer. Six months later, they began to live together in the same apartment with Tanina Mom, a year after acquaintance got married, and after another year, Igor Talkov's wife gave birth to Son Igor. At the insistence, she left his job, and completely devoted himself to her son and her husband who wanted her always was at hand.

Tatiana Talkova was not easy to learn about his husband's novels, and he was very in love. Igor met with Margarita Terekhovaya, Saxophonist Albina Bogolyubova, Elena Kandaurus - a dancer from his team. She understood that many women dreamed of being close to the famous singer, and he never told them that he had a wife and son. And when his fans learned that the wife of Igor Talkova exists, many of them tried to meet her and even make friends to approach their idol. According to Tatiana, her husband is shortly before the fatal day, as if preferabicing his death, he managed to confess before her, tell me that she did not keep her loyalty, and she, as always, forgave him.
Also read.

On November 4, Igor Talkov would have been 60 years old. Journalists met with a widow artist to find out how she lives.

Today, October 26, a sad anniversary for loved ones and fans of Igor Talkov. 25 years ago, the artist died from a gunshot wound right at the concert. On November 4, Talkov would have been 60 years old. Journalists met with a widow musician Tatiana. " The word "widow" is not about me. I was and remain my wife Igor ", "The woman said.

Now Tatiana works and nursing with grandchildren. " Life was divided into "to" and "after". The first year and a half was very hard. I could not believe that Igor would not return. 12 years I worked only by my wife. And when Igor did not, my friend returned to the profession. Now I work as a casting director. Loudly said, but I am a fairly well-known person in this area. And I am comfortable and interesting to me. I work in the cinema, pick up the actors. And I'm lucky, because we work on very interesting projects and with very good directors. ", - told Tatiana.

The son of Talkov Igor went in the footsteps of the Father, taking music. "Igor is engaged in music, but does not go to the show business. His name was many times, in different contests television, but he refuses. He is very dubbed - in good sense. And gave me grandchildren. So it happened that the granddaughter lives with us. She moved to Germany with her mother. But we have excellent relationships with them. Then the artistic girl. Performs everywhere and always: a high pedestal on the street will find and immediately begins to sing. Well, two more grandson I have Svyatoslav and Miroslav "- Widow told.

Speed \u200b\u200babout the death of the artist. As the publication reminds, the conflict behind the scenes broke out due to the priority speech Talkov and Aziza. Skotashka happened, during which Talkov was shot. According to the conclusion, he fired accidentally in the artist his director Valery Svyfman from the pistol of a friend Aziza, Igor Malakhov.

Tatiana told that many years tried to find out the details of this dark history. However, she realized that Igor would not return it, but the more dipped into the details, the stronger she was scared. " My friends were told: "Tanya, calm down, we will not find out anything. There they gave such money to lean everything! " Who gave someone - I will never know this, I will probably not recognize. The revolver from which Igor was killed was not thrown into the river. He appeared in a few years. There are people who have already passed into the world of others, in front of the nose whose nose"," Said the widow.

Tatiana told that long before the arrival of Talkov at the concert Igor Malakhov walked on all instances and demanded that Talkov and Aziz changed places. Hashfman for some reason did not solve the question quietly. " Hisfman's actions were such a provocative nature that it is impossible to believe in their unintentionalness. Who clicked on the trigger - the question, but Hashman did everything possible to happen"," Noted a woman.

She stressed. What Igor was no matter to whom and after whom to perform. In general, Oleg Gazmanov's concert was closed. Talcov asked Hashfaman to bring Malahov to him to discuss the situation. "I painfully want to know who actually stood at all that happened, who was written the script and the tragedy was written. As for Malakhov and Hashfman, it seems that they just have rehearsed this situation"," Concluded Tatiana.

The woman stated that he did not believe in the random of the tragedy. "Perhaps Hisfman and Malakhov were in collusion. Malakhov in court said to our girlfriend Masha Berkova (she worked at Talkova Dresser. - Ed. Ed.): "If you know what kind of scum is this hatchman!". What is war, if he allegedly did not know him at all? And Hashman did not immediately fled to Israel. He did not escape. I quietly left and the investigator pushed him into it. I knew about his immediate departure and spoke, screamed ... But my words did not want to hear. But as soon as Nesfman left, the next day he was announced by the main suspect. And what was it worth these months while he did not leave, every day to see him, meet, talk ... Why did Nichfman gave the revolver, the most important evidence for which the ballistic examination could be made? Why did Malakhov immediately let go, believing in his innocence? These questions do not give me rest. "- Talkov's widow admitted.

Interestingly, the day before the death of singer Tatiana called and said a strange phrase: " Pass Igor that it was decided. And the answer is positive. " "A little later I learned that Igor appealed for help to organs. So the reasons were. He requested that he always attended a person with the right to carry firearms. This man should have joined them in Sochi on October 7th. But on October 6, Igor was killed in St. Petersburg. "- Tatyana's story completed.

Igor Talkov is a singer, an actor, a musician who became famous for his extraordinary appearance and a creative approach. For his short life and a short career, Talkov was able to become one of the famous rock musicians of the 80s. His creativity caused a variety of critics reviews, including negative, but this does not cancel the fact that for a relatively short term of its musical activity, the singer was on top of popularity. After the death of the artist, his memory was immortalized by a memorial plaquel on the wall of the lyceum, which he graduated.

Growth, weight, age. Years of life Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov's music is difficult to attribute to some one genre, he wrote the composition in the style of rock, pop, and was also fond of the author's song. Versatile music, lyrics and the personality of the artist attracted many listeners who today want to know not only the biography of the musician, but its growth, weight, age. The years of life Igor Talkov seized even Soviet times, so the artist died and not learning that he could soon live at all in another Russian. Igor Talkov died on October 6, 1991.

Biography and personal life Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov was born in 1956. Since childhood, the boy liked humanitarian sciences and music. In the young years he was engaged in a music school, he studied to play on the accordion, and also consisted of a youth ensemble and led the chorus. The guy had musical abilities and exceptional hearing, he himself learned to play a piano and guitar. At the age of sixteen, the young man created his first group, where he played and sang, and after school he participated in several. Being a child, Igor very much wanted to become a hockey player. The guy trained a lot, did not miss classes, and after graduation I went to Moscow to go to the school of hockey clubs Dynamo or CSK. True, never did.

The guy was in finding a future profession for several years. He became interested in the theater, and tried to enter the theater school. Another attempt ended in failure, Talcov entered the Pedic Institute in Tula, where he studied just a year and realized that he was fascinated by creativity, and it was necessary to follow this path. As a result, Igor is studying at the Institute of Art and Culture in Leningrad, but again throws his studies, and he is taken to the service in the army.

A few years later, the guy smiles good luck - he becomes a bass guitarist, at that time, the Spanish singer Michael, with whom tours throughout the Union. This experience allowed Talkov to continue to cooperate with famous allied teams, he also was part of the April group. In addition to performances with different groups, the artist gave many solo performance of the author's song, he read lectures and poems, and also starred from the director Alexei Saltykov - played Ivan Grozny.

Biography and personal life of Igor Talkov and after his death interest many.

Family and children Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov belonged to the famous noble genus Talco. His grandfather changed the surname to save children from unnecessary suspicion, but it did not help. Parents of the singer were repressed and served in places in conclusion, where they met. There was also a senior brother Igor - Vladimir, who later became a sculptor, and creates monuments throughout Russia. Despite the fact that Father Vladimir Maksimovich was a Muscovite, after the liberation, the family was forbidden to return to the city, the father of Singer died in 1978, and Olga Yuliev's mother survived the Son for 16 years.

Igor met his wife aged 23, and lived with her until the day of his death, the son of Igor was born in marriage.

The singer has always been in a creative search, but throughout its activities, he wanted him to be not only a career, but also a family and children. Igor Talkov was remembered thanks to his charisma and amazing life.

Son Igor Talkov - Igor Talkov

Son Igor Talkov - Igor Talkov went in the footsteps of his father. So the fate was formed that only ten years was able to raise her son Igor Talkov. Son Igor Igorevich Talkov inherited not only the name, but also the musical career of the Father. Until the 10-year-old, the Star Father of the boy managed to lay him love for music and sports. Already at an early age, Talcov-Shade played well on the guitar and engaged in martial arts. Today, the musician has already been 35 years old, since 2009, the son of the singer is the founder of his own group "Mirimir". Talcs have already become his father, with the second wife, the musician raises two children.

Wife Igor Talkov - Tatyana Talkova

Igor and Tatiana met in a cafe. The girl liked the young performer so much that he immediately invited her to the dance, and then at the shooting of the transfer in which he participated, and in which Tatiana was to be held in the crowd. Two years later, a couple signed up, and Tatyana Talkova, Igor Talkov's wife, gave him a son. The singer adored his child, he spent all the time with him, and in general was an exemplary family man. After the death of the artist, a woman could not come to himself for a long time. To distract from thoughts and at least somehow continue to live on, she entered the university, he wanted to learn to a psychologist. But soon left this venture. Today, Igor Talkov's wife - Tatyana Talkova works at Mosfilm.

Killing Igor Talkova

Today it is impossible to say with one hundred percent confidence, whether the murder of Igor Talkova was planned in advance, or it was an accident. That day in the Sports Palace of St. Petersburg, a concert was held, in which many stars participated, including Talcs. The Musician's wife heard how he quarreled with one of his guards, and Togo brought out of the dressing room, after which he pulled out a gun and began to scuffing among the security. Talcs ran out on a cry, and immediately was killed by a direct shot in the heart. The investigative authorities have already understood who killed Igor Talkova. As a result, all the evidence indicate that the singer was shot dead by the administrator of his group, which at that time had already left for Israel. The case was suspended. The funeral of Igor Talkov was held at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Wikipedia Igor Talkova

Talcov remembered to everyone as an extraordinary and talented person who is not afraid of expressing his opinion, a man, a good family man and a popular singer. Wikipedia Igor Talkov reveals the details of his biography, has a list of his songs and discovered discs, the names of films, in which Igor was filmed, as well as the milestones of his creative path. In Moscow, there is a museum of Igor Talkov, and the Russian artist created a picture dedicated to the singer and the named Talkovo field. Igor Talkov will forever remain in the hearts of the listeners and in the time for which he may have been born.

Igor Talkov - Soviet singer, songwriter and actor who could touch on the heart of each listener with its compositions. He wrote about experiences, personal tragedies and nationwide problems, but the main thing is that his work has never left people indifferent.

The musician never wanted big fame and did not dream of becoming a television star, he was engaged in told him the heart with the only goal - to be heard.

Childhood Igor Talkova

The future star of Patriotic rock music was born on November 4, 1956, in the family, the prospect of which was below average. Igor grew up in the city of Shchekino Tula region, although his father, Vladimir Maksimovich, was a native Moskvich. Such a remoteness from the previous place of residence was due to the fact that his mother Olga Yurievna and Dad were repressed. They met in places of detention in the Kemerovo region. Later, when they were rehabilitated, they were sent to the Tula region, banning the father of the future singer to return to his hometown.

Noteworthy is the fact that in the father's line, the relatives of Igor belonged to the noble class, served in the royal army. Initially, the surname of the ancestors was Talko, and the father of the musician changed it, in order to save children from repression.

The boy has a brother who was born in the zone in 1953. Despite poverty and parental problems, the future musician in childhood was a cheerful and very active boy.

Igor began his creative psychos at a fairly early age. At the time when classmates played football and made lessons, the boy could already boast of his first small poem. However, it was not a children's quatrain, but a full verse with adult deep thoughts.

Being a high school student, the guy helped organize school concerts, and he himself, of course, did not miss the opportunity to speak in front of the audience.

Student of Igor Talkova

The singer owns the game on several musical instruments. In Bayan, he learned to play music school, but the piano, guitar, violin and drums he managed to master his own.

After graduation, Igor was determined to enter the theater university, but he failed the exam in Russian literature. However, on this attempts to get a higher education ended. Talcov entered the Tula Pedagogical Institute. Having studied there just one year, the musician was transferred to the Leningrad Institute of Culture, but he did not hold out for more than a year.

In 1975, Igor went to the city square, but not as a participant in the next Rock group, and to reveal the policy of Leonid Brezhnev's policy. After his words, the guy wanted to put in prison, but the famous Tula cyclist Kondratyev Igor became his defense. Of course, it was possible to avoid the court, but in return Igor was sent to the service in Nakhabin.

It was the army that helped rethink his views and change the life position. The young man began to study the history of the state anymore and understand the seriousness of many situations. In the army, his ideals changed and the search for new life guidelines began.

Home Career Igor Talkov

Returning after the army, the guy actively began to promote his musical talent. At various times, he played in such groups as "April", Kaleidoscope, Eternal Movement, and also helped other teams to make arrangements.

However, most of all in the world he wanted to create his own team and glorify it to the entire Soviet Union. Until a certain point, the guy did not work out, so he had to play in other groups.

Together with Irina Allegrova Igor was a soloist in the ElectroLube group. At that moment he had one hope that Tukhmanov would allow him to perform his compositions, but it did not happen, so he soon left this team.

After a little time, the young man began working in the "leisure" of the Perovsky district, where everything was finally able to hear his own songs. He was provided a couple of hours in various programs, but this was enough for self-expression.

One of these speeches was for the young musician fateful. Sveta song "Clean ponds" really liked the listeners and brought Talc's desired popularity. However, the singer rejoiced not long, because from now on he began to associate only with lyrical music, and when he decided to return to his still, sharp and straight style, then many of the fans were not delighted.

Igor Talkov - Pure Ponds

Finally, in 1987, Igor created the Rock Group "Rescue Circle", which immediately became popular. The team toured across the country, giving people hope and faith to the future. By 1989, they created more than 200 compositions. Most songs of the musician are written in the Civic Topics, so that his music is true, he visited the archive daily and studied the history of his state.

Even more popularity came to the musician after the premiere of a video clip on the song "Russia" during the show "before and after midnight"

Personal life Igor Talkova

In the summer of 1979, Igor met the girl to Tanya in the cafe "Metelitsa". The meeting was fateful, and young people began to meet. Next year, the musician took his half the proposal of the hand and hearts. On October 14, 1981, the Son was born from the family pair, which was named after Father - Igor.

After the death of her husband, Tatiana began working in the Mosfilm film company, and the son at the age of 15 began to engage in music. In 2005, Igor Talkov Jr. released his first solo album.

Last years of life Igor Talkov

Already in the 90s, Igor Talkov was able to appear in front of the audience not only as a diverse singer, but also as a talented actor. He starred in kinocartes as "Prince Silver" and "Over the last feature." The first film is dedicated to the life of the king Ivan the Terrible, there are also such actors as Nikolai Kryuchkov, Valery Garkalin and Stanislav Lyutin.

The second film about the difficult fate of the once famous boxer, who will be associated with the gangsters. In the film, Evgeny Sidikhin, Georgy Aivazov, Vladimir Brezhnev, and Alexander Filyas.

Igor Talkov - Summer Rain

In 1991, Igor and his group spoke with his own concert program "Court" throughout the country. On October 5 of the same year, the musician gave a solo concert under the guitar in the village of Gzhel, the Moscow region. During the execution of the song, the string burst. It was his last performance.

Death of Igor Talkova

The legendary singer was killed on October 6, 1991 during the stars concert in St. Petersburg in the Concert Hall of Jubilee.

Igor had always had a gas gun in the case of self-defense, he took it out, came out and made three shots in Malakhov. Eviating, aziza friend lost his vigilance than Igor's guards used and disarmed it. Malakhov managed to shoot twice, but missed. In the scuffle, the gun fell from his hands. Immediately after that, another shot was happening, which killed Talkova direct hit in the heart.

According to investigators, it was found that the decisive shot made Valery Svyfman, who picked up a gun. Although no one knows how true it is. Perhaps the third shot was able to make Malakhov.

The pistol was not found. And Hiswhman eventually fled to Israel a few months after the incident. The legendary musician buried on October 9 in Moscow.