Artistic Association "Oslay Tail": Characteristics of the association, representatives. Art Group "Oslay Tail": History of Creation and Activities Overlay Picture

Art Association
Artistic Association "Oslay Tail": Characteristics of the association, representatives. Art Group "Oslay Tail": History of Creation and Activities Overlay Picture

Artistic association "Oslay Tail". M.F. Larionov, N.S. Balovarova.

The "donkey tail" is a group of Russian avant-garde artists associated with the same exhibition, arranged 1912 in Moscow. He leads its shock name from the scandal in the Independent Paris Salon (where a group of mystifiers put in 1910 an abstract painting, in fact "written" donkey with a tail). The kernel of the Moscow Exhibition was the work of the group M.F. Larionov, who shortly before that came out with N.S. Blockarova and a number of other artists from the association "Bubnovaya Valet", deciding to organize their own, much more radical-avant-garde exposition. The works of the largest masters of Russian futurism were shown here (in addition to Larionov and Goncharova - K.S. Malevich, V.E. Tatlin and M.Z.Shagala).

The stylistics dominated the deliberate primitive, powerful color formal expression, the motifs of rural archaic or rude urban folklore.

Unlike the "Bubnovoy Vnet", which included in the tradition and as a long-term stylistic trend, the "donkey tail", organizationally without having collapsed in 1913, without forming the overall art paradigm. In any case, the ephemeral grouping was in history as an important stage of Russian futurism, which switched to this short period from the "Neofolkal" primitive to the spontaneous "radiant" abstraction.

M.F. Marionov studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in V.A. Serov, I.I. Luitan. I also met N.S. Balovarov, who became not only his wife, but also like-minded in creativity. From the beginning of the 1900s, Larionov actively participated in the artistic life, exposed not only in Russia, but also in Europe, and the great influence of Larionov had French painters. In 1902-06, he worked in the style of late impressionism ("Lilac Bush in bloom"). In 1907 - experiencing the impact of fusism and naive art, turned to a primitivistic manner, creating memorable (juicy color, sharp lines, sharp scenes) of the canvas ("Recreation of Soldiers"; "Spring").

Being on the edge of the artistic life of that time, by 1912 created a new artistic concept - raysmism, one of the first examples of abstract art in the discharge of the so-called "unprecedented creativity", in which the forms were formed as a result of the intersection of rays reflected from various items.

Painting and graphics N.S. Balovarova - originally impressionistic, then solved in the spirit of Formism - stands at the origins of Russian futurism. In 1907-1911 she managed, it is possible, more organically than any of the contemporaries - to connect the traditions of the "primitive" (Lubka, painted sign, etc.), as well as the tradition of icons, with new avant-garde trees. Special place in its art is occupied by genre-household topics ("Senokos", "Washing canvas"), as well as religious motives (the "Evangelical cycle"). Grozno-apocalyptic expression impress "Mystical Images of War". Decorating the forms of the visible world, the artist appealed to Cubaturism ("cyclist").

By turning the avant-garde into the "Art of Life", Goncharov and Larionov were engaged in the theater (project of artistic cabaret "Pink Lantern") and a movie (participation in the filming of the first Russian futuristic film "Drama in Cabare number 13"). Therefore, they were so organized by their transition to the scenography (at the invitation S.P.Dyagilev). Powerful picturesque plastic decorated potted production opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakova "Golden Cockerel" had noisy success in Paris. Working in the "Russian seasons", Goncharov, together with her husband, left Moscow, in 1919 finally settling in the capital of France.

1. Russian artists. / Ch. ed. Anisimov A.P. - M.: Case, 2003.

Many of Moscow Museums do not work on Mondays. But this does not mean that the public does not have the opportunity to get acquainted with the beautiful. Especially for the first day of the week, the editorial board launched the heading "10 unknowns", in which we introduce you to ten works of world art from the meeting of Moscow museums, combined with one topic. Print our guide and feel free to go to the museum.

Olga Rozanova. "City Landscape"

On February 5, 1912, 105 years ago, the first exhibition of the Society of Aviangardist Artists "Bubnovaya Valet" opened. Unlike the previous exhibition of 1910, which gave the name to society and which only 200 people visited, this had a deafening success: the whole Moscow spoke about it, and along with Russian avant-garders it could be seen here and the French and Matisse.

Peter Konchalovsky

Photo Gallery

The "Bubnov Valet" became one of the first avant-garde art associations in Russian art. It consisted of all artists who have determined the time of time in painting: Kandinsky, Malevich and Konchalovsky worked side by side, destroying the borders and breaking the skies of academic traditions. Artists of the "Bubnoy Vnet" united the desire to fill the painting with the color and energy of Formism and Cubes, they experimented with the form, crushed the volume, broke the plane, and in general were very close to their French colleagues Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Russian artists came to Paris specifically to get acquainted with them and adopt scenic discoveries. But, as it turned out, the question of the further existence of the association in this was concluded - to go after European masters or mix their experiments with Russian folk traditions.

Ilya Mashkov

Photo Gallery

Ilya Mashkov and Peter Konchalovsky were one of those who decided that French painting Field Cezanus was closer to Russian Lubka. When half of the artists left the "Bubnovaya Valet" in 1912, it was these two who retained the community, becoming his ambassadora. In 1916, Konchalovsky and Mashkov came out of the association, and in 1917, on the eve of the revolution, it broke up. However, the revolution made its own adjustments to the work of all participants of the "Bubnovoy Vault" without exception.

Mikhail Larionov

Photo Gallery

Military India During a rocket test destroyed the space satellite, which was located at a low near-earth orbit, announced in appeal to the nation of the Prime Minister of the country of Narendra Modi.1 of 5

But Mikhail Larionov decided that the Russian primitive drawing and folk creativity are much more interesting than the French sizes. In 1912, together with his wife Natalia Goncharova, he comes out of the association, organizing his name "donkey tail". Of course, he does not deny the achievements of colleagues, which is obvious even in a still life with pears of 1915, written as if the artist was behind the artist during the creation of a picture of Matisse himself. Nevertheless, he begins to actively borrow folk motives. For example, in the cycle of the seasons, along with the primitive image of the girl, symbolizing the winter, the text is given, which resembles a luffic tradition.

Natalia Goncharov

Photo Gallery

Military India During a rocket test destroyed the space satellite, which was located at a low near-earth orbit, announced in appeal to the nation of the Prime Minister of the country of Narendra Modi.1 of 5

Natalia Goncharova is doing the same: in her work and even in one work ("in the artist's workshop"), Matisse (still life), Cezanne (black contour) and Orthodox icon of Our Lady, who inscribed in the picture space, can be combined. At the same time, where Goncharov seemed to appeal to a traditionally Russian topic and depicts peasants collecting a brushwood, the snowflakes frozen in the frosty air turn into a purely decorative motive, absolutely not peculiar to the traditions of Russian painting.

Kazimir Malevich

Photo Gallery

Military India During a rocket test, destroyed the space satellite, which was located at a low near-earth orbit, announced in appeal to the nation of the Prime Minister of the country of Narendra Modi.1 of 3

It is difficult to imagine the most famous worldwide Russian avant-gardeist than Malevich. Is that Kandinsky. But it was from the association "Bubnov Valet" the avant-garde road of these artists began. Each of them chose his way - Malevich "invented" Suprematism, and Kandinsky became the main Russian abstractionist. In fact, these two phenomena "grew up" from the creative association and the exhibition held 105 years ago. Of course, the Black Square is geniant. But before, and after him, Malevich had a huge number of excellent figurative works, landscapes and portraits.

Ivan Klyn.

Photo Gallery

Military India During a rocket test, destroyed the space satellite, which was located at a low near-earth orbit, announced in appeal to the nation of the Prime Minister of the country of Narendra Modi.1 of 3

Ivan Klin was one of the nearest like-minded people Malevich and actively developed the ideas of Suprematism. But this attachment lasted for a long time: in the "Bubnovaya Valet" he was led by a passion for impressionism and postminglyness, interest in color, they are also challenges with the key of love for a suprematic form. The artist was closely in the rigorous boundaries of clean forms. Gradually, he focused his attention on unlimited compositions, still lifes, illustrations for books and posters, actively engaged in the design of campaign materials.

Vasily Kandinsky

Photo Gallery

Military India During a rocket test, destroyed the space satellite, which was located at a low near-earth orbit, announced in appeal to the nation of the Prime Minister of the country of Narendra Modi.1 of 3

Vasily Kandinsky, regardless of the joining "Bubnovaya Valnet", became the founder and theorist of abstract art, one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. He took part in collective exhibitions, but it is still impossible to call it a full participant in the association, since already in 1911 he, together with his friend, by the artist Franz Mark, founded the Blue Rider Blue Horseman in Munich. Therefore, Moscow events concerned him indirectly.

Alexandra Exter

Photo Gallery

Military India During a rocket test, destroyed the space satellite, which was located at a low near-earth orbit, announced in appeal to the nation of the Prime Minister of the country of Narendra Modi.1 of 3

In 2001, an exhibition "Amazon of the Russian avant-garde" opened in New York, where the works of Natalia Goncharova were presented, Alexandra Exter, Olga Rozanova, Love Popova, Barbara Stepanova and Hope Udaltsova. This exhibition made a real exhibition in the world of art: on the wave of feminist protests, the organizers showed the world that Russian avant-garde was half female and that anywhere in the world no longer had such a powerful crushing movement, as in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Olga Rosanova

Photo Gallery

Military India During a rocket test, destroyed the space satellite, which was located at a low near-earth orbit, announced in appeal to the nation of the Prime Minister of the country of Narendra Modi.1 of 3

Popova in his work took place through a lot of stylistic stages and artistic directions: cubism, futurism, Suprematism in the spirit of Malevich and even "Bubnovy Valnet" were only temporary periods for her. But such was the fate of almost all members of this association. The speed and variability became the defining properties of the Russian avant-garde, so there is nothing surprising that this epoch so rapidly gave birth and washing new experimenters.

"Oslin Tail" - grouping of young artists who separated from

"Bubnovoy Vnet" and organized in 1912 in Moscow together with members

"Union of Youth" of the same exhibition. Among its participants - M. F.

Larionov, N. S. Notigarova, K. S. Malevich, V. S. Bart, A. V. Shevchenko, etc.

The exhibition clearly showed what the creative aspirations of its organizers

they differ from the art of "Bubnovietovts". If the latter are focused

mainly on modern French painting, then Lariona,

Goncharova, their like-minded people turned out to be interesting to connect achievements

the newest European Schools with National Russian Arts. Hence interest

these artists to folk creativity, looby, iconopys, as well as

primitive forms of the image, children's drawing, the art of the East, in

which they discovered clean, primordial traditions.

The "donkey tail" is the name of the art exhibition in 1912, and then the associations of Moscow painters distinguished from the Bubnov Valet group: M. Larionov, N. Goncharova, K. Malevich, V. Barta, A. Shevchenko, and others.
The split of the "Bubnovaya Vault" occurred on fundamental considerations. If the majority of Bubnovottsev, among which were R. Falk, P. Konchalovsky, A. Kubrin focused on a new French painting, then the artists of the Ollay Tail sought to connect the picturesque achievements of the European School with the traditions of Russian folk, naive art, peasant primitive painting, Lubka, Iconopy, the art of the East. The reason for the original name was the hoax, which happened in the Paris "Salon of Independent" in 1910, when a picture was exhibited under the same name, really "written" the tail of the donkey. On this occasion, young Russian artists said: "Now we raise the glove. The audience thinks that we write a donkey tail, so let we be a donkey tail for it "1. Pictures of Larionov and Goncharova - group leaders - confirmed this challenge to public opinion, they differed intentionally rudeness, simplifying the form, stylizing under a folk primitive. So, the presence at the exhibition "Four Evangelists" and images of saints stylized gonchard under the lubok, censorship found blasphemous.

Pictures of leaders

groups were distinguished by deliberate coat of shapes, stylizing under painting

primitives. The exhibition justified the expectations of the organizers, making the impression

close to the scandal.

After the exhibition, the group of its organizers has retained the name "Ole

tail. "For the whole of the second half of 1912, they negotiated

entry into the "Union of Youth" as a Moscow branch. Other

the direction of work was the organization of the assembly on which they should have

the members of the "Oslay Tail" group, the Society "Union of Youth" and

"Bubnovaya Valts" to develop a joint program. but

principal discrepancies of aesthetic nature between the three these

groupings made a solution to this task impossible. By 1913, the group

The "donkey tail" actually broke down.

At his exhibitions, "Oslay Tails" showed not only their own works, but also works of children, "creativity" of Moscow Malyarov, wonderful signs of the Tiflis primitive painter Niko Pirosmanishvili, whom they discovered for the artistic public. V. D. Bubnova and Voldemar Matvey also participated in the expositions.

In 1913, the group broke up, and its Larion leader has already created a new abstract art - "raysism".

The organization was established in 1911. The organizers of the "donkey tail" became K. Malevich, M. Larionova, A. Shevchenko, N. Goncharov. Moscow artists who were part of the "donkey tail", gave exactly the name to their society due to popularity at the time of the painting drawn by the donkey tail. The picture was presented to society in 1910 at the exhibition in Paris.

Organization's activities

Participants in the artistic association organized exhibitions on which they showed not only their canvases, but also the paintings of their students - novice artists. Unfortunately, the organization broke up in 1913, not even time to officially register. The results of the activities of the art group were popular in our time paintings: "Bratka" and "Peasants, collecting apples" N. Goncharova, "Morning in the barracks" and "Recreation of Soldiers" M. Larionov, "Poultles" K. Malevich, "Sailor" and "Seller of fish" V. Tatlin. The assembly of Russian anti-garde artists "Oslay Tail", despite their short existence, left a noticeable trace in the history of Russian painting.