Characteristics of the main Ukrainian folk musical instruments. What is cymbals: the overall characteristics of the musical instrument folk and academic, in which the difference

Characteristics of the main Ukrainian folk musical instruments. What is cymbals: the overall characteristics of the musical instrument folk and academic, in which the difference
Characteristics of the main Ukrainian folk musical instruments. What is cymbals: the overall characteristics of the musical instrument folk and academic, in which the difference

Musical instrument: Cymbals

Belarus…. The magic country, the beauty of which is impossible to describe in words. It is not for nothing in vain, thousands of rivers and lakes of heavenly blue are a business card of the country. Century Belovezhskaya Forest, Polesie, Golden Fields, Windmills, as well as Vintage Castles and Fortresses - This is a little bit of what can impress the traveler who visited this amazing edge. Another vivid landmark of the country is its original culture (Belarusians are holy by folk customs and traditions). Melodic folk songs sound very beautifully, especially under the accompaniment of Cymbal - a string impact musical instrument, which has become a symbol of Belarusian culture, the sound of which decorates all significant events in the life of the people of this country. Russians have accordion and balalaika, Americans - banjo, the French - accordion, Scots - bagpipes, Armenians - duduk, and Belarusians - Cimbals. This tool is a national heritage to which in Belarus relate to a special trepidation, and the art of execution on it is gentle by generation to generation.

The history of the cymbal and many interesting facts about this musical instrument on our page.


Cymbals are a unique tool that has a rich musical image, it can sound like piano and as bells. The bright and gentle column color of the tool, its bright, but at the same time, gentle and long non-fading sound is extremely pleasant for rumor. Cymbals resemble Russian folk instrument - gusli.. But a significant difference between the two tools is the method of extracting sound: on the cymbals, it appears when the strings of the strings with special sticks or hammers. However, the techniques of performing equipment playing the instrument today are significantly expanded and include pizzicato, glissando, tremolo, flags, arpeggio and many others, from which the music cymbal becomes very diverse.

Cymbals having a large number of varieties may have both diatonic (folk cymbals) and chromatic system (academic concert cymbals). The range also varies from two and a half to four octaves. For example, at the professional instrument of the "Prima" model, it is located ranging from the "salt" to the third octave.

Notes for cymbal are written, as well as for piano, in two keys: violin and bass.


Interesting Facts

  • The cymbalist is the so-called musician - performer on the zimbalah.
  • In the Epoch of the Middle Ages, one of the most popular secular instruments was a type of cymbal, called Psalteria, which in his design had a small keyboard. It is believed that this particular tool is the progenitor of modern piano.
  • The Biblical Book of the Psalrtyar received its name from the tool of psalteria, accompanied by the Old Testament Human Hymns.
  • Cymbals were very popular in France already in the 14th century. This indicates the fact that the French composer and the poet Gille de Masho described in detail them in his treatises.
  • At the end of the 16th century, the development of cymbal, more precisely, their varieties - the Psalterry, was closely connected with the name of the wonderful German performer and composer of Pantalion Gebenstratht. He was so bright and virtuously performed his improvisation on the instrument enhanced to them that the King of France Louis XIV, fascinated by the musician's game, called the tool with a pantaleon, this name later and secured.

  • Outstanding Russian composer I. Stravinsky One day in the restaurant Geneva heard a cymbal. The sound of the tool liked the composer so much that he bought himself a tool and learned to play with hobby.
  • Famous film composers often use cymbal sound in their compositions to films. For example, K. Koppola ("Black Skakun"), D. Horner ("Star Path 3: In Search of Spock"), D.T. Williams ("Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark"), A. Despl ("Golden Compass", and "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"), L. Schifrin ("Mission is impossible").
  • In Hungary on November 3, 1991, the World Tsimbalists Association was founded, the main goal of which is the popularization of the tool. The organization includes representatives of 32 countries of Europe, Asia, America, Australia. These are performers, masters for the manufacture of instruments, composers, music publishers and musicologists. Association Once every two years in different countries of the world holds world congresses for sharing experiences and information.
  • National and international contests and festivals performers on cymbals are held in different countries of the world: Hungary, Belarus, Australia, Japan, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Mexico and others.
  • The word cymbala has another value. So sometimes they call sagates - a musical instrument in the form of small metal plates with a diameter of 2 cm, commonly used during the execution of a belly dance.


The case of academic cymbal of the "Prima" model has the form of a trapezium, the lower base of which is 100 cm, the top is 60 cm, and the lateral side is 53.5 cm. The case is covered with a dece, with several resonance holes located on it. Six Stands are installed on the deck - the strings of the strings at different intervals: quarts, quints, the defects and seconds. A large number of strings are tensioned on the deck: 29 rows of 2-3 strings, the height of the sound of which is adjustable with the help of clocks - verbils.

The cymbal body is usually made of maple, and deck - from the high-mountain resonant ate.

The tool is played by special wooden hammers - with beasts having a special curved shape, which, if necessary to mitigate sound, are tightened with leather or cloth.


Cymbals, which are very popular in many countries of the world, have a lot of varieties and most sought-after:

  • Hungarian concert cymbals are the largest tool in design, the housing, which is a heavy frame that stands on four removable legs. These cymbals have an extended range, chromatic system and a damper pedal for string.
  • Satur - tool received distribution in eastern countries: Turkey, Iraq, Iran, India, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. It has 96 strings and makes their wallands in the form of a trapezoid. The sticks played on the instrument are called mizrabami.
  • Folklore cymbals are a portable tool having small dimensions, dictional system and range within two, two and a half octave.
  • Appalacian cymbals are a tool that has spread among the peoples of North America. It has a narrow elongated shape in the form of eight or oval. This type of cymbal is distinguished by the presence of a grid, which is located in the middle of the case and raised above the deck per centimeter. The grief is located from 12 to 16 of the lads, the deck of the tool has two or four resonator holes. The number of strings on such cymbals may vary from three to five. The sound is extracted with fingers or mediator.

It should also be noted that for use in folk ensembles and orchestras, various types of cymbal were constructed, differing in height of the sound: Piccolo, Prima, Alto, Bass and Double Bass.

Application and repertoire

Cymbals attracted the attention of composers at all times. Among the famous musical authors who have paid special attention to the tool, including his voice to their works worth noting Ferenc Erkel, Zoltan Koday, Ferinets Sheet, Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky, Bela Bartok, Franz Lehar.

Cymbals, and currently being a fairly popular tool, which has a very extensive scope of application. They are greatly used as a soling, ensemble and orchestral tool. Cymbals are very universal, they perfectly sound not only the works of composers of past epochs, as well as the music of modern directions, for example, jazz compositions.

The music library for cymbal is very rich and diverse - it is transferring remarkable works of great composers of various eras and directions, as well as original works written specifically for the tool. Musical masterpieces of outstanding classics sound perfectly on the cymbals: I.S. Baha, A. Vivaldi, Handel. V.A. Mozart, J. Gaidna, F. Coopena, L.V. Beethoven, F. Mendelson, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, D. Shostakovich, R. Glyaer, G. Sviridova, A. Khachaturian. Among modern musical authors who pay special attention to the tool, it is worth noting P. Buleza (France), P. Davis (England), D. Kurtaga (Hungary), M. Kochar (Hungary), L. Andriène (Netherlands), I. Zhinovich (Belarus).

Famous performers

Cymbals, which enjoy large folk love, have always attracted both ordinary music lovers and professional musicians. The richest history of executing on the instrument revealed a whole pleiad of talented performers who made their work an invaluable contribution to the development of the instrument. One of the most famous cymbalists of the first half of the 20th century was recognized by the Hungarian musician Aladar Rat, who prompted the outstanding Russian composer I. Stravinsky not only to love cymbals, but also learn to play them.

The basis of the Belarusian performing school of the game on the zimbalakh was laid and subsequently glorified by the names of such outstanding performers as D. Zhar, S. Novitsky, H. Shmelkin, and I. Zhinovich, who was called "Belarusian Andreev" for his versatile creative activity. A significant contribution to the development of performing skill with its tireless creative activities was made by A. Ostometsky, V. Barkovich, Ya. Gladkova, T. Chengzova, T. Tkachev, Klimovich.

Currently, among well-known virtuoso performers who admire listeners with their performance and make a lot to maintain the popularity of cymbal around the world, M. Prei, M. Lukach , A. Denissen, M. Leonchik, S. Jurmesh.


The history of Tsimbal takes his origin in the Middle East to the distant ancient times from us. Their predecessors were tools in everyday life in our ancestors in the fourth millennium BC, and we learn about this from images found as a result of archaeological excavations in an ancient Sumer. For example, on a fragment of a vase, created by the sixty centuries ago, musicians with tools resembling lying harp were drawn. Similar images are found on the bas-relief belonging to the era of the board of the very first dynasty of the Babylonian kings, and they belong to the IX century BC. e. In addition, the tools that can be called the progenitors of the cymbal are mentioned in one of the parts of the Old Testament, in the book of the Prophet Daniel. For example, Satur, who, if you believe legend, was created by the remarkable personality of the biblical history - King David. Over time, the instrument has spread widely around the world, took an important place in the cultural life of the peoples of Asia, Africa, China, India, and then Europe. In different countries, he gained new names: in France it was called Timpan, in England - Dalisima, in Germany - Hacbroatt, in Italy - Salterio, in Iran - Santom, in Armenia - Eve, and in the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland , Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine - Zimbala.

The tool that conquering the increasing folk love was constantly modified, each wizard added anything to his device: the zimbalas changed the form and volume of the resonator body, in some cases even adapted the keyboard, and instead of the residential strings put metal. Special popularity for cymbals came in the XIV-XVI centuries. At this time, they firmly settled among the population as villages and cities, and in the Highest Society I walked a fashionable tool in home musice.

Cymbals were considered the best for the performance of various music and were used not only for solo and accompaniment, but also to play an ensemble with other tools. They sounded on various holidays, fair festivities, weddings and even court ceremonies. In the XVIII century, composers began to introduce cymbals in the score of the opera performances, symphony and oratorius. An example is the opera K. Glitka "Odohed Cadi".

Favorite many nations, the tool was constantly improved, but the real revolutionary transformations in the design of Tsimbal committed in the seventies of the XIX century a piano master from the Hungarian Pesta V. Schunda. He strengthened the cymbal frame, increased the number of strings, added the damper mechanism to join the strings, and also installed them for four legs. This tool has become a predecessor of concert cymbal, which today is particularly popular in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Moldova. And at the beginning of the 20th century, more precisely in 1923, on the initiative of a talented artist musician, the teacher D. Zakhar, together with the master of musical instruments K. Sushkevich, were modernized by cymbals, which not only enjoyed much popular in the Belarusian land, but also acquired status National symbol of Belarus. Somewhat later - in 1925 - a whole family of Tsimbal - Piccolo, Prima, Alto, Bass and Double Bass, who later entered the ensemble, and then to the Orchestra of Belarusian folk instruments.

Tsimbals are a tool to which in Belarus relate to a special trepidation, therefore the art of execution on it is gentle by generation to generation. However, cymbals because of their musical attractiveness are popular not only among the Belarusian people, they won love and fame in many countries of the world. Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Armenia, Greece, China, India - This is a small list of states where musicians-professionals are playing with great pleasure, but also ordinary lovers - Melomanany.

Video: Play Cymbals

What is cymbals? This is a string drum musical instrument. He has a flat trapezoid body with stretched strings. Through strings should be knocked out with wooden sticks to extract the sound. This is only a brief description of Cymbal. The history of development and application is very interesting. The further characteristic of this musical instrument will help in more detail in the meaning of the word "cymbals".


Cymbals are divided into two varieties: folk and concert-academic. In the process of its existence, this musical instrument changed and improved.

In the article R. V. Regionnaya "On the interdependence of the development of musical instruments and performing-style" form, dimensions and details of the design of the cymbal of folklore and improved ("Prima").

Both of these tools are the form of the right equally trapezium. In size, folk cymbals can vary.

The folklore cymbal has three, and sometimes two stands: on the right side - bass; On the left side - voice. They share the strings to quint and quarts. As a result, a source appears, which consists of three registers. From above, next to the main supports, there is a small additional, which is designed for one row of strings. Professional cymbals have six supports: two basic and four additional (lower and three top), which shake strings to intervals (seconds, prison and quint).

Tools differ in each other by the number of strings rows, the number of strings in one row, their length and cross section. Folk cymbals have most often the source in the amount of 2-2.5 octave. The basis is the diatonics with chromatism of some steps. The academic tool has a more advanced and chromatized sound.

Peculiar features

What is cymbals in folk and professional execution?

Professional cymbals performers set themselves to the floor, and folk - hold on their knees. Sound meal is carried out with the help of sticks - special hammers, which are called "hooks" in folk practice.

And professional, and folk artists hold hammers between the fingers (index and middle), the remaining fingers are collected in a fist. The hammers of the people's performers are not silent, the musicians play a metal tree. Professional music is more demanding on execution. It is necessary to dynamic and timbral variety of sounds. Therefore, academic cymbalists of the hammer are covered with suede, while a little cotton is used. The lifting of the hammers is the determining moment in sound recovery. If it is too tough - the sound turns sharp and unpleasant. On the contrary, if it is too soft - the sound is unclear, deaf.

What is cymbals in folk tradition

Folk cymbals are distinguished by the following characteristic features:

  • open strings are not harming;
  • the right and left hand have rigorous functionality: the right is performed by the melody, the left - accompaniment;
  • hammers are not trimmed;
  • when playing, cymbals are put on their knees, or hold on a special suspension.

Need to improve the instrument

The design and artistic function of folk cymbal, which were used in rural areas, did not change. Improving professional cymbal depended on the social environment. In the urban environment, the admission of performers for professional academic arts, as well as the requirements for professional execution, led to the need to reconstruct this musical instrument. Subsequently, this affected the performance level.

Reconstruction of the instrument

Cymbals are a musical instrument that has repeatedly modified for the purpose of improvement.

The reconstruction of the Tsimbal of the People's Tradition in the 1920s was engaged in D. Zhar and K. Sushkevich. They brought the sound of this tool in line with the requirements of academic execution.

In the process of reconstruction, the cymbals have undergone the following changes:

  • the range expanded to three octave;
  • the internal instrument device has changed, acoustic characteristics have improved, the timbre has become more saturated;
  • the shape and device of the hammers have changed, including the opportunity to use the welding of sounding strings, which made the execution more expressive;
  • the entire range of the tool was completely chromatized in a progressive movement, which facilitated the technical side of the execution;
  • a whole family of Tsimbal was created: Prima, Alt-tenor, bass and double bass.

Definition of cymbal as tools of modernity

The cymbals after the reconstruction began to be widely used both on the concert scene and in educational and pedagogical practice. As a result, the performing and pedagogical skill of musicians playing on this tool became actively developed and began to develop. Composers have created an interesting repertoire for cymbalists of various levels of preparation.

What is the cymbals used in modern practice? In the mid-1960s, there was a need to reconstruct the tool, with the aim of limiting the body of the Contractor. The manner of the game at which the musician kept cymbals on his knees limited his technical capabilities. As a result, the tool began to install three legs, which are screwed into its housing. It became possible to fully use all registers of the musical instrument, which contributed to the development of the performing equipment of the cymbalists.

- (from Greek. Kymbalon - Kimval), string drum and tweezing musical instrument. Trapezoid flat housing, when playing installed ... Ethnographic Dictionary


- (Polish. Cymbaly) - Multi-line impact musical instrumental origin. Participated in the People's Orchestras of Hungary ... encyclopedic Dictionary


- J. MN. Musical instrument: on metal strings beat hooks; Rod of small hussing. | Star. Kimvala, the genus of copper plates. With Cymb ... Dictionary Daly


- A musical instrument in the form of a box with strings, on which they hit with wooden hammers. Dictionary of Ozhegov


- symbolize two hemispheres of the Earth, the movement of elements. Used in orgies along with the drum and tambourine, especially in the ritual ... Dictionary of symbols


- a string percussion musical instrument such as a psalterry, consisting of a small trapezoid frame with stretched strings, by ... Encyclopedia Color


- Tsimbals - a string musical instrument, on the strings of which beechmolotchki with covered skin heads. Box in which on ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron


- Tsimbal, MN. Folk musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, on which they hit by two hammers ... Dictionary of foreign words


- Cymbal "Alla, Tsimbal, units. No (from · Greek. Kymbalon - Kimval). Musical instrument in the form of a flat drawer with metallic ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov


Trembit is a wooden pipe up to 4 meters long. Does not have valves and valves.

To make Trembit, it takes 3-4 years. Previously, it was made exclusively from the trunks of trees, which previously hit the lightning, which gives Trembitis a unique sound. Carpathian Trembit are made from ate (dead man) and halves of the tool are fastening without glue with dense rings from spruce branches. In the narrow end of the Trembit, the horny Dulce is inserted - the peeper. The melody is performed most often in the middle and upper case.

Used to report on various events (approximation of the quarrellies, wedding, death, funeral) corresponding to the call or sad melody, as well as for the execution of shepherd melodies. Her sound is ran out 15-20 km.

If you believe the Guinness Book of Records, then Trembita is the longest brave instrument in the world.

Sometimes Trembit includes orchestras.


Zimbal is a string musical instrument, on the strings of which beaten with hammers with covered skin heads.

The box in which metal transverse strings are stretched (usually 34) has forms of a truncated cone.

Building strings chromatic. The volume in large cymbals of three octaves: from Mi in a large octave to mi in the third octave.

At the same time, you can hit with hammers only for two strings. For the duration of sound, tremolo make with hammers.

Parts for cymbals are written, as for piano, on two lines in the keys of salt and the fa. Advanced cymbals have a pedal.

Flagole is the reception of sound recovery, which most actively began to be applied on the zimbalah in recent years. To extract it, it is necessary to easily touch the string at the place of its division into certain parts, and the other hand to produce a "blow" with a stick or tweezing, simultaneously with the "blow" finger to quickly remove from the string. "Flagolets" on the cymbals can be removed octave (sounds the octave above), two-octaves (sounds two octaves above), the quint (the quint sounds through the octave), the quint (sounds the quint through the octave) and the terbs (there is a circuit through the octave).

Execution with Surdine - "CON SURDINO" - extraction of dry muted sound. For the execution of "Surdines", the performer presses the necessary string in the place of her touch with a stand, and the other hand drives the strings in a normal place. With the help of a minor finger displacement in the one or the other side, the cymbalists can achieve different sound quality - deaf, dim and brighter.

One of the frequently used intake techniques used in the people's performance is arpeggio - execution of chord sounds, harmony one after another, consistently, both in the order of increasing and decreasing height. A frequent change of chords involves the dexterity of the hand of the performer for their joy, so that some sounds are not imposed on others.

A vibrant expressive means when playing a zimbalah is Glissando (sliding) - it is a sliding transition from sound to sound, which is carried out by sliding a finger, nail or sticks on the strings of chromatic order.

Less frequently in the cymbal performance is used by Vibrato. To perform this reception, you need a string to lower a little, and then on the other hand the stand is hand to press on the string so that it vibrate. From the frequency of pressing Vibrato can be rare and frequent.

Cymbals MN. The folk musical instrument in the form of a flat wooden housing of the trapezoidal shape with metal strings, which is impen with two chopsticks or hammers. Explanatory dictionary Efremova

  • cymbals - SUB., Number of synonyms: 5 Tools 541 Kimval 4 Santur 2 Khordophone 12 Chang 4 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • cimbals - Cimbals, al. The musical instrument in the form of a drawer with strings, to-ryy hit with wooden hammers. | arr. Tsimbal, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • Cymbala - (Polish. Cymbały, from Greek. Kýmbalon - Kimval) String shock musical instrument. Consists of a flat wooden housing of a trapezoidal shape with strained strings stretched over the top deck. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • cymbals - Orph. Tsimbala, -Al. Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  • Cymbals - Cymbals (Polish. Cymbaly) - Multi-line impact musical instrument of ancient origin. Participated in the People's Orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • cymbals - Cimbals -Bal; MN. Folk musical instrument in the form of a flat wooden housing of a trapezoidal shape with metal strings, along which two wooden chopsticks or hammers. Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • cymbals - (from Greek. Kymbalon - Kimval), String shock and tweezing musical instrument. a trapezoid flat case, when playing, installed on the knees or on the table or suspended over the shoulder on the belt, hit by two chopsticks, removing a long time Ethnographic Dictionary
  • Cymbals - a string musical instrument, whose strings beat hammers with covered skin heads. The box in which metal transverse strings are stretched (by usually 34), has a shape of a truncated cone. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  • cymbals - -Bal, MN. Folk musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, on which they hit by two hammers. Planted at the table of young; cut the loaf; Baked in Bandura, Tsimbals --- - and went to fun. Small Academic Dictionary
  • cymbals - cymbal, units. No [from Greek. Kymbalon - Kimval]. A musical instrument in the form of a flat drawer with metal strings, by to-ry, playing, hit with hammers. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • cymbals - cymbals, cymbal, cymbalam, cymbals, cymbals, cymbals Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  • cymbals - Cymbal, Tsimm, units. No (from · Greek. Kymbalon - Kimval). A musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, playing, hit with hammers. Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  • cymbals - Tsimbel w. MN. Musical instrument: on metal strings beat hooks; Rod of small hussing. || Star. Kimvala, the genus of copper plates. With zimbals (with trumpets) Wedding, and without cymbal (without pipes) Wedding! || Rod rumble for cleaning grain bread. Explanatory dictionary of Daly