Characteristics of the main characters The fate of a person. "The Fate of Man" the main characters of the fate of a person characters and their description

Characteristics of the main characters The fate of a person. "The Fate of Man" the main characters of the fate of a person characters and their description

The Great Patriotic War even after many decades remains the greatest blow to the whole world. What a tragedy is for the fighting Soviet people who have lost most of the people in this bloody duel! The lives of many (and military, and civilians) were broken. The story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" truthfully paints these suffering, not a separate person, and the whole people who staging on the defense of his homeland.

The story "The Fate of Man" is based on real events: MA Sholokhov met a man who told him his tragic biography. This story was a practically finished plot, but did not immediately become a literary work. The writer kept his idea of \u200b\u200b10 years, but outlined it on paper in just a few days. And he dedicated E. Levitskaya, who helped him to print the main novel of his life "Quiet Don."

The story came out in the newspaper "Pravda" on the eve of the new, 1957. And soon he was read on the All-Union Radio, heard the whole country. Listeners and readers were shocked by the strength and truthfulness of this work, it won well-deserved popularity. In a literary attitude, this book discovered a new way to disclose the topic of war for writers - through the fate of a small man.

The essence of the story

The author accidentally meets with the main hero of Andrei Sokolov and his son Vanyushka. During the forced delay in the crossing of men, they talked, and a random acquaintance behaved his story to the Writer. That's what he told him about.

Before the war, Andrei lived like everything: wife, children, economy, work. But then the thunder rushed, and the hero went to the front, where he served as a driver. In one fatal day, Sokolov's car fell under the shelling, its contushot. So he was captured.

The group of prisoners led to the church for the night, a lot of incidents occurred on this night: the shooting of a believer who could not desecrate the church (did not even produce "to the wind"), and with him and somewhat randomly fell under the automotive service of people, help the doctor Sokolov and others wounded. Also, the chief hero had to strangle another prisoner, since he turned out to be a traitor and was going to issue a commissar. Even during the next distillation to the concentration camp, Andrei tried to escape, but was caught by the dogs who deprived him of the last clothes and everything was sophisticated that "the skin with meat flew by flocks."

Then the concentration camp: inhuman work, almost hungry existence, beatings, humiliation - that's what I had to survive Sokolov. "They need four cubic meters to work out, and each of us and one cubic meter is enough for each of us!" - I did not care Andrei. And for this appeared before Lagerfür Muller. The main character wanted to shoot, but he overburden the fear, bravely drank three stacks of the Schnaps for his death, for which he deserved respect, loaf of bread and a piece of Sala.

Closer to the end of Sokolov's military actions were prescribed by the driver. And finally, there was an opportunity for escape, and even with the engineer, whom he drove away. I did not have time to subscribe the joy of salvation, he segiously: he learned about the death of the family (shell got into the house), and in fact all this time lived only hope for a meeting. Alive remained one son. Anatoly also defended his homeland, they simultaneously approached Berlin from different sides. But right on the day of Victory killed last hope. Andrei remained at all alone.


The main topic of the story is a man in war. These tragic events are indicator of personal qualities: in extreme situations, those traits of character are revealed, which are usually hidden, it is clear who is actually. Andrei Sokolov before the war did not differ especially, was like everything. But in battle, survived the captivity, constant danger to life, he showed himself. It was revealed truly heroic qualities: patriotism, courage, resistance, will. On the other hand, the same twisted as Sokolov, probably, also no different in ordinary peaceful life, was going to betray his commissioner to heal in front of the enemy. So, the product is reflected in the work and the topic of moral choice.

Also M.A. Sholokhov concerns the topic of willpower. War took away from the main character not only health and strength, but also the whole family. He has no home, how to continue to live, what to do next, how to find meaning? This question was interested in hundreds of thousands of people who survived similar losses. And for Sokolova, the concern for the boy Vanyushka, who also stayed without a home and family became a new meaning. And for the sake of him, for the sake of the future of his country, you need to live on. Here is the disclosure of the topic of finding the meaning of life - his real person finds in love and hope for the future.


  1. The problem of choice occupies an important place in the story. Each person stands before choosing every day. But not everyone has to choose under the fear of death, knowing that your fate depends on this solution. So, Andrei had to decide: to betray or remain a faithful oath, bend under the blows of the enemy or fight. Sokolov was able to remain a worthy person and a citizen, because he determined his priorities, guided by honor and morality, not an instinct of self-preservation, fear or meanness.
  2. In all the fate of the hero, in his life trials, the problem of the defenselessness of a simple person in the face of the war is reflected. There is little that depends on him, the circumstances of which he tries to go out at least alive on it. And if Andrei was able to save himself, then his family is not. And he feels guilty for it, although it is not so.
  3. The problem of cowardice is implemented in the work through minor heroes. The image of the traitor, which for the sake of momentary benefits is ready to sacrifice the life of one-panel, becomes a counterweight image of the brave and strong spirit of Sokolov. And such people were in war, the author says, but there were fewer them, only therefore we won.
  4. Tragedy of war. Numerous losses suffered not only soldier parts, but also civilians who could not protect themselves.
  5. Characteristics of the main characters

    1. Andrei Sokolov is an ordinary person, one of many who had to leave a peaceful existence of in order to defend their homeland. Simple and happy life, he changes at the danger of war, not even representing how to stay aside. In extreme circumstances, he retains spiritual nobility, exhibits willpower and durability. Under the blows of fate, he managed not to break. And find a new meaning of life, which gives in him kindness and responsiveness, because he sheltered the Syrota.
    2. Vanya - a lonely boy who has to spend the night where it is necessary. His mother was killed with evacuation, father at the front. Talked, dusty, in watermelon juice - it appeared before Sokolov. And Andrei could not leave the child, introduced himself as his father, giving a chance for further normal life and he and him.
    3. What washed the work?

      One of the main ideas of the story is the need to take into account the lessons of war. On the example of Andrei Sokolova, not something that could make a war with a person, but what could create with all mankind. Folded concentrated prisoners, orphaned children, destroyed families, scorched fields - it should never be repeated, therefore it should not be forgotten.

      No less important is the idea that in any, even the most terrible situation, it is necessary to remain a person, not like an animal, which acts from fear only on the basis of instincts. Survive - the main thing for any, but if this is given by the price of betrayal of yourself, his comrades, the Motherland, then the saved soldiers are no longer a person, he is not worthy of this title. Sokolov did not betray his ideals, did not break, although he passed through the fact that the modern reader was even difficult to imagine.


      The story is a short literary genre that reveals one storyline and several images of heroes. "The fate of a person" refers to it.

      However, if you look at the composition of the work, you can clarify the general definition, because it is a story in the story. Initially, the author tells the will of the fate and talked to his character. Andrei Sokolov himself describes his difficult life, the narrative of the first person allows readers better to penetrate the feelings of the hero and understand it. Copyright remarks are introduced to characterize the hero from the side ("Eyes, as if sprinkled by ashes", "I didn't see the same tears in it as if the dead, extinct eyes ... Only big, litterly, rubbed hands finely trembled, trembling chin, trembled solid lips") And show how deeply this strong person suffers.

      What values \u200b\u200bwill the Sholokhov promoted?

      The main value for the author (and for readers) is the world. The world between states, the world in society, the world in the soul of man. The war destroyed the lucky course of the life of Andrei Sokolov, like many people. Echo of the War still does not subside, therefore her lessons cannot be forgotten (although it is often recently revalued for political purposes, far from the ideals of humanism).

      The writer also does not forget about the eternal values \u200b\u200bof the personality: nobility, courage, will, desire to come to the rescue. The time of the knights, noble dignity has long passed, but true nobility does not depend on the origin, it is in the soul, it is expressed in its ability to mercy and empathy, even if the world around the world collapses. This story is an excellent lesson of courage and morality for modern readers.

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The immortal work of M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" is a real one simple people, whose life was completely broken war.

Features of the composition of the story

The main character here is not submitted here, not a legendary heroic personality, but a simple person, one of the millions of people who touched the tragedy of war.

The fate of a person in wartime

Andrei Sokolov is a simple rural worker, who also worked as everything in the collective farm, had a family and lived in the usual measured life. He boldly goes to defend his fatherland from the fascist invaders, leaving, thus, his children and his wife on the mercy of fate.

At the front for the main character begins those terrible tests that turned his life. Andrei learns that his wife, daughter and younger son died as a result of aviation attack. He is very hard going through this loss, as it feels his own guilt in what happened to his relatives.

However, Andrei Sokolov has the sake of which he has left the eldest son, who during the war was able to achieve significant success in the military business, and was the only support of his father. In the last days of the war, fate prepared for Sokolov, the latter's latter blow killed opponents.

Upon completion of the war, the protagonist, morally broken and does not know how to live on: he lost his loved ones, the native home was destroyed. Andrew is arranged by the driver in a nearby village and begins to get drunk.

As you know, fate, pushing a person in the abyss, always leaves him a small straw, according to which, if desired, you can get out. Salvation for Andrei was a meeting with a little orphan boy, whose parents died at the front.

Vanechka never saw her father and reached out to Andrei, as she craved that love and attention that showed him the main character. A dramatic peak in the story becomes the adoption by Andrei solutions to satisfy Vanechka, which it is he who falls his father's father.

The unfortunate child who did not know in the life of love, caress and good attitude towards himself with tears rushes on the neck of Andrei Sokolov and begins to say that he remembered him. So, in fact, two disadvantaged orphans begin a joint life path. They found salvation in each other. Each of them had the meaning of life.

The moral "rod" of the character of Andrei Sokolova

Andrei Sokolov had a real internal rod, high ideals of spirituality, unshakfulness and patriotism. In one of the episodes of the story, the author tells us how exhausted by hunger and labor works in the concentration camp, Andrei, all the same was able to maintain his human dignity: he had long refused food that the fascists offered him before they threatened him to kill.

His hardness caused respect even among German dukes, which ultimately still have a smarter over him. Bread and fat, which they gave the chief hero as a remuneration for his pride, Andrei Sokolov divided between all his starving models.

Creativity Sholokhov is closely connected with the epoch, in which he lived. His works are a special look at life. This is an adult look, hardened by the harsh reality of a person who loving his homeland and the values \u200b\u200bof people who met the hazard. These people died in order for us to live in a free country so that the tears of happiness are brilliantly in their children.

During the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov set itself a goal - to strengthen the love of the Motherland from the Soviet people. The story "The Fate of Man", written in 1957, is an amazing work on how two souls exhausted by the horrors of the war years are found in each other support and meaning of life.

Andrei Sokolov is an ordinary person, his fate is similar to thousands of other destinies, his life is similar to many other lives. The main hero of the story with enviable persistence carried out on his share of the test. He perfectly remembered hard parting with his family when he went to the front. He can't forgive himself that during the farewell pushed his wife, who premeditated that this is their last meeting: "I squeezed her hands and pushed her shoes lightly. Pushed it seems lightly, and the force - then I had a fool; She backed up, the step was three steps and again it goes with small chambers, his arms stretches. "

At the beginning of Spring, Andrei Sokolov was twice wounded, contuge, and, the worst, was captured. The hero had to move inhuman tests in the fascist captivity, but, nevertheless, he did not break. Andrei still managed to escape, and he again returned to the ranks of the Red Army. This man made a tragic death. It hears the scary news on the last day of the war: "Stray, Father! Your son, Captain Sokolov, killed today on the battery. "

Andrei Sokolov has amazing courage and spiritual fortress, experienced horrors do not make it embittered. The main character leads a continuous struggle within himself and comes out of it the winner. This man who lost his people relative to him during the Great Patriotic War, finds the meaning of life in Vanya, who also remained orphan: "Summary Little Wheel: Lichkoy All in Watermelon Juice, covered with dust, dirty, as dust, dishonorant, and eye-asteris At night after the rain! " It is this boy with "bright, like nebushko, eyes" and becomes a new life of the main character.

The meeting of Vanya with Sokolov was meaningful for both. A boy who has died at the front, and mom killed the train, still hopes that they will find it: "Folder, relatively! I know you will find me! I don't find anyway! I waited for so long when you find me. "Andrei Sokolova wake up father's feelings for someone else's child:" I pressed to me and all trembling, as if the blade was under the wind. And in my eyes fog and, too, a shiver beats, and the hands are shaking ... "

The glorious hero of the story again makes some soulful, and perhaps the moral feat when takes the boy to himself. He helps him stand on his feet and feel necessary. This child became a kind of "medicine" for the crippled soul of Andrei: "I went to sleep with him and for the first time in a long time I fell out calmly. ... I wake up, and he will athlete under my arm, as a sparrow under the clash, quietly snaps, and before that I get joyfully in my soul that I don't tell words! "

"Two orphaned man, two grains, abandoned in other people's edges of a military hurricane of unprecedented strength ... What are they waiting ahead?" - asks in the final of the story Maxim Aleksandrovich Sholokhov. One thing is definitely - these people will still find their happiness, and otherwise it cannot be.

A deep, light faith in a person will penetrate the story of Sholokhov. It is very symbolic and the name, for this work expresses not only the fate of Andrei Sokolov's soldier, but also the fate of Vanyushi himself, and indeed the whole country. "And I would like to think," Sholokhov writes, "that this Russian man, a man of an inexhaustible will, exhausted, and near the father's shoulder will grow by the one, which, wondered, can withstand everything, everything will be able to overcome on his way if the Motherland calls it."

I think the heroes of the "fate of a person" are typical for their time. Millions of people remained orphans in the brutal war of 1941-1945. But the resistance and the courage of the generation, which has found the strength to believe and wait. People did not get out, but, on the contrary, they were rallied and became even stronger. And Andrei Sokolov, and Vanyusha, who is still a very small boy, - people volition and persistent. Perhaps it helped them find each other.

In my opinion, Sholokhov assumed the Holy Duty to tell humanity the harsh truth about what a huge price paid the Soviet people for the right to be free and for the right to make the next generation. War of cruel and heartless, she does not understand who is right, who is to blame, she does not spare no children nor women, nor old people. Therefore, the subsequent generations are obliged to know the whole truth about it.

The main character of the story, front-line driver, a man who passed through the whole war. During the Civil War, he lost his father, mother and younger sister, and during the Great Patriotic War - his wife, two daughters and son. Andrei was a native of the Voronezh province. With the beginning of the Civil War, he was submitted to the Red Army, in the Division of Kikivize, and in 1922 he left for Kuban to bare on Kulakov.

The orphan boy is five-six of the story. The author does not immediately give the portrait characteristics of this character. He completely unexpectedly appears in the life of Andrei Sokolov - a man who passed the whole war and lost all his relatives. I will not notice him immediately: "He lay on the ground Smirnekhonko, tuned under the angular chores."

The narrator

I told this story when I accidentally met Andrei Sokolov and Vanyushka on a crossing over the river.


Andrei Sokolova's wife, orphan, kind and loving woman who gave him three children, son Anatoly and daughters - Nastya and Olyshka. Died from accidental hit of air bibles in the house. Together with her died and two her daughters.


Son Andrei Sokolova. After the death of mother and sisters, went to the artillery school, from where he reconciled to the front. He arrived before the title of captain, had six orders and medals, was a battery commander. Died on May 9, 1945 from the bullet of the German sniper.


The doctor in captivity, who provided medical care to the Soviet fighters that came to captivity. Helped Andrei Sokolov to stick to the shoulder.


The traitor who, being in captivity, wanted to give the rod to the fascists. Sokolov, together with a pleasant strangled it.


German, the commandant of the camp of prisoners of war, where the Russians were kept. He loved them to beat their face every morning, calling it "influenza prevention." I wanted to shoot Andrei Sokolov, but he surprised him, abandoning a snack when the German was generously poured by the Schnaps before execution. Instead of shooting, Müller gave him bread and sala.


A German officer, whom Andrei Sokolov drove by car in captivity, in Germany. After they were transferred to the front line, Sokolov helped him with a blow on the head and, alkalizing the front line by car, twisted it to his own.

Ivan Timofeevich

Sokolova neighbor in Voronezh. He told him that his house was bombed and his wife died with her daughters, and then gave his address Anatoly.

With the prototype of the main character of his future story, Mikhail Sholokhov met in 1946. The fate of Frontovik him so interested that at the same time he gave himself a word to write about him a story. But this plot of Sholokhov returned only after 10 years.

The main characters of the story "The Fate of Man":

Andrey Sokolov - Frontovik, driver's chauffeur 40. Strong man, working, open and honest. He liked the driver's work. In the war, too, was a chauffeur. Once in his life, he decided to kill a person - a traitor who was ready to give his commander. When Muller gave him bread and fat, he brought everything to the last crumb brought to Barack, where the laces were divided between prisoners. Deciding to escape from captivity, he grabbed Major, whom he drove at that moment. The information contained in the Major portfolio turned out to be very valuable for the Soviet command.

Irina, Andrei's wife, the pupil of the orphanage, not by the years is messenger, soft, affectionate. With her kindness pacified her husband. He loved her husband, children. I never allowed to raise my voice to him, he treated, from the hangover, if Andrei had to go through with friends.

Anatoly - A capable young man, well studied, was capable of mathematics. After the house was bombed, asked for a front. He graduated from the artillery school, he drove to the captain's title, had front-line awards. "Parent walked from all over."

Lagerführer Muller - Negative hero. Command camp. Apparently, he was he from the Volga Germans. "In Russian spoke, as we and I and I, and even on" O ", we had a native Volzanin. And the Mother was a terrible master. " It can be assumed that Muller managed to somehow flee to Germany during the period of deportation in 1941. Low growth, dense, whiteobry. According to the appearance, Müller was obvious albino. And a cruel man by nature. Ruthlessly beat prisoners before work, and called this influenza prevention.

Vanyushka - orphan. Shoust guy, gullible and naive, like all children. Vanyushka was afraid to lose his father again, so at first I even went to work with him, I went to meet him to the elevator. Good, gentle child, intelligent, not by age.