Hannah and sensational plastic surgery: a new face is the path to success. Hannah before and after plastic

Hannah and sensational plastic surgery: a new face is the path to success. Hannah before and after plastic
Hannah and sensational plastic surgery: a new face is the path to success. Hannah before and after plastic

In the world of show business, one magnificent wedding has become more! Singer Hannah married the Black Star Inc Director General. Pavel Kurdenova, more famous as Pasha. In an interview with Hannah and Pasha told the story of their love and told about the fight against stereotypes and how it is not easy when your husband is also a part-time

Photo: Andrei Bid Pasha and Hannah

And Anna - and this is what the name of the singer Hanna - we meet at Black Star Inc.. While her husband is delayed, we say literally about everything in the world: about fashion, financial crisis, about animals and travel, about children ... Anya herself dreamed from childhood to be a singer, engaged in vocals and went to music school, and then seriously fascinated by sports ballroom Dancing. "Every day, when I went to bed, I said:" Mom, you imagine, will come some famous coach to us in Cheboksary and take me to Moscow. " Mom answered: "Well, how will he take you? Nobody is never taken. " "True," continues Anya, "Moscow coaches came, conducted seminars and left. Of course, when I, a twelve-year-old girl, suddenly offered to go to Moscow, my mother let me go without thinking. " The grueling workouts at the thirteen hours per day did not pass without a trace: at sixteen, Anya was very sick. After three months spent on the hospital bed, she was sent "retired." "I had a terrible depression: the dances were for me to everyone," the girl says. - We have every weekend there were competitions, and this is like a drug. " It was boring just going to school, and beauty contests came to replace the dancing. And although in the life of Anya, the girl is very modest and assures that he does not consider himself a beauty, she still managed to win eleven beauty contests in a row. By the way, after one of them, she met his future husband - Pasha. "I noticed him much earlier," the girl smiles. - My mother and I watched the TV, on the "MUZ-TV" there was some plot about the Black Star company, first showed Timati, and then - an interview with Pasha. I say: "Mom, see what kind of boy is beautiful, light, on dad looks like, such a voice is pleasant. I wish me such a husband. "

You can say, Anya, you have programmed yourself to get acquainted with Pasha.

Anna: Yes, it was just two months before I got acquainted with him. I left for a beauty contest to Turkey. Won it. The organizers asked me to stay for several days to shoot jewelry. In the morning we went for breakfast, and in the next table sat Pasha with a friend. ( Turning to her husband.) You will continue further.

Pasha: It is worth noting that at that time I was a concrete womanist. We are looking at each other: two beautiful chicks are sitting in front of us. ( Smiles.)

A.: Well, what chicks? Girls!

P.: Two girls, good. We started laughing loudly, somehow play with them. Usually girls themselves approached us to meet, and these are not. I thought: one of them is too beautiful to miss her, you need to go. ( Smiles.) After a long persuade, Anya left his phone number, then, already in Moscow, we began to communicate, but since I was spoiled at that time with female attention and serious relationship was interested in me, I did not offer her anything.

A.: Yes, and I then had a young man.

P .: Two years we just talked, sometimes met. Then the moment came when I realized that I was tired of all these boys and feasons. Thoughts began to appear that it is time to tie with a ragged life.

And then you remembered about Any?

P .: We met with her by chance.

A.: Like a movie. I then lived in Kiev and came to Moscow to a young man who offered me to marry him. He was quite an adult, he had a child. He said that I was the perfect option for him. Do you imagine? I was then twenty years old. He gave me three days to making a decision. This time I decided to spend with girlfriends. We went to the restaurant, come in, and there some kind of boiling, I watch: Leps, Timati. I immediately understood that Pasha should also be there.

P.: Anya wrote me a message: "Are you here?" I descend, I look at her, and everything is turning inside me.

A.: At night, he wrote to me that it was one of the best days in his life, that he decided a lot for himself and that I need him most about the world. And I understood: the guy fell in love. Just so he would not write such a message. I explained to my young man that I could not marry him, as I love Pasha. She said no and went back to Kiev.

P: In a week I come to Kiev, I call Anna, and she: "What did you come?" - "To you". - "Come on, do not tell, probably, you are just doing here." And I really came to pick it up in Moscow. Two weeks later, Anya moved to me.

Pasha when you understand what you want to see Any in the role of your wife?

P.: In fact, that day, when I saw her in the restaurant, I realized that she would be my wife and mom of our child. But three and a half years we just lived together, without thinking that the mark in the passport is important.

A.: I am not of those for whom the wedding is the main event in life. In my head there was never thoughts: "Lord, well, when will he make me an offer?!" I also knew that we would all our lives together, for this we do not have to put a stamp in the passport.

P: But at some point I realized that the official status for you was still important.

A.: Stamp in the passport is not important for me, but for a child. It is correct and natural, and not because I want it.

P.: Here you see, without any explanation there, just so right, and that's it. ( Laugh.)

Anya, when Pasha made you an offer, did you agree without thinking?

P: She burst out! ( Smiles.)

A.: Well, not quite. So, a little bit blocked. ( Laugh.)

P.: My parents still live together, love each other. And they are a sample for me. It was always important for me to marry once and for all.

And how did everything happen?

P.: I decided to make an ane offer at the end of last year, but all the time I did not work. On the twenty-third of January, on her birthday, I ordered a table in a restaurant, which is located at the hotel at the highest point of Las Vegas. There were musicians, flowers, luxurious limousine ... We rolled through the panning lights in the city and went for dinner. In the restaurant, I realized that I made a mistake when I tried to concierge, which described this restaurant as a magical place. The place turned out to be terrible. We got up and left. As a result, I did Anna offer in Moscow on the day of all lovers, sitting on the balcony overlooking Moscow ...

Anya, you probably immediately went to choose a dress?

P.: Pipe with this dress was! ( Laugh.)

A.: I postponed the choice of dresses until the latter, in the end I bought it the day before the ceremony. There were more important things than ride from morning to the evening shopping and look for a dress. I have no time to go shopping and salons. Look: I go with such a manicure for four weeks. ( Shows her hands.) I'm ashamed, I hide your nails, but there is no time to go to the salon. And it's not a joke.

And on the preparation for the wedding time was found? How much did you do it?

P: half a year. Since the celebration was not conducted in Russia, then the preparation was required to be appropriate. We ranked in Moscow, in the Kutuzov registry office. There were only our parents and the closest friends, but the celebration itself wanted to make a beautiful and memorable. Last year, during the rest on the island of Capri, we were on the lighthouse and from there they looked at the sunset, and the vintage of the guests from the Italian wedding passed by. It was like a movie. And we decided: if you marry, then only there. And exactly a year later, we played a wedding in this incredibly romantic place.

Anya, tell me honestly, for those two years that you communicated with Pasha as a Friends, you did not have any thoughts to get acquainted with him to fulfill your long-standing dream and become a singer?

A.: Even there was no thought. I'm generally opposed to use someone. I did not think that my husband would be producer. Just lucky I was lucky. ( Smiles.)

P.: But I try to "crutches" to anyone. And it turns out that, leaning, a person moves, but he cannot walk. For Any, I did nothing and do not. She was not a ready-made artist who came with his music. Anya knew how to sing, I saw that leaving the scene, she shines. But she needed to "grow up." Three years, while we met, she developed. It was necessary that people understand that it reached a certain level. I did not want to hear in response: "Of course, she is your girl for whom you just want to find a hobby."

And now Finally, Anya Dorosla to the level of artist.

P.: Now yes.

I wonder if you manage to abstract from personal relationship when it comes to work?

P .: Anya is very rawny, it is painful about the assessment and comments, I think, like all the ambitious people who want to be the best in everything. And when the conversation goes about a career and she suddenly begins to be offended, I explain to her: if she wants to become a big artist, then my comments and criticism should not concern our personal life.

A.: First time, of course, it was very hard. If he says that he doesn't like something, then it makes it very clearly, and not like this: Favorite, let's talk about it. In the work Pasha is very tough.

Perhaps men think so faster comes.

A.: Yes, do not tell. I then did not perceive it as a producer. We didn't even have a producer contract. Imagine a young man who is constantly shouting at you. Naturally, I thought he did not like me, and offended.

P.: I all said that this is not her that she climbs not there, where it is necessary, and she just has nothing to do.

A.: I worried much because of this. Could break all night. And he did not calm me, did not say that everything would be fine. It was a shame that people are so narrowly thinking. I have been engaged in music since childhood, and if I wanted to use Pasha, I would do it immediately, and not five years after our dating.

Now, do you have a producer contract?

P.: Yes. Moreover, we even had a "swing" about financial conditions: I suggested her alone, and she "rolled me" to others. ( Laughs.) I said: I want to earn myself, and not sit on the neck. Anyway money in one family.

Anya, have you been satisfied with financial conditions?

A.: Yes, completely. I think he is too. Truth?

P.: Yes. ( Laughs.)

Are you a wife balving?

P.: Sometimes Balua. She does not complain. I would like her to feel even better, and for this I hardly work.

A.: Paws, pamper. In fact, it is very caring, soft and gentle.

P.: And I thought, on the contrary. ( Smiles.)

The biography of this charming girl and Show-Woman causes an authentic interest among thousands of admirers of her creativity. What is the name of Hannu, what is her height, age, the weight, where she did, how much did plastic operations, and why it became famous, this is only a small part of the questions that are interested in fans.

Hannah singer - biography

Future ascending star of pop, actress, talented dancer was born in 1991 in Cheboksary (Chuvashia). The real name of the singer is Anna Ivanova. Her biography is saturated, full of take-off moments. Hannah was professionally engaged in dancing, he passed to the CCM, he participated, won in a variety of competitions. Plastic, grace, attractive appearance was not rated on numerous beauty contests (Miss Volga, Miss Chuvashia, Miss Russia 2010 (Ivanov reached the final).

Hannah's singer was not immediately filed - she conquered the capital, performed in the group "Aleco" club. Wheel 2013, after long-term training, the girl released the first track, which became famous - "I'm just yours." Then the video of a future celebrity came out, who conquered many Russians. Hannah's husband is the director of Black Star, the founder of which was Timati. Pavel Kuryanov significantly contributes to the promotion of his star wife, it criticizes it intelligently, teaches the "own" scene. In relations, collaboration does not affect the pair, Hannah - singer continues to listen to her husband and "grow."

Pasha and Hannah - Love Story

For a long time, the singer did not pay special attention to his personal life, did not consider the wedding the main event of women's fate. The singer Hannah and her husband met the Turkish beauty contest, 2 years old supported warm friendships. Then Black Director Star decided to win the heart of the girl. The couple began to meet and soon played a modest wedding. Honeymoon was not held on the beaches of Monte Carlo, as the fans considered, and in the Maldives. Numerous professional photos of impeccable newlyweds delighted many fans.

Khanna songs

The singer sang with Yegor's crum in 2014, it was her second song on the Russian scene. By this point, Hannah has already made plastic, has changed beyond recognition, the girl's face has become more "media" than the usual Slavic inappropriate appearance. The popularity of Hannah's songs grew, she tried himself as leading on TV channel Ru.Tv. Then the "piggy bank" of the singer was replenished with two new songs - "lost his head", "Mom, I fell in love." 2016 was replenished with a new hit - the "Omar Khayyam" track quickly began to conquer listeners of popular radio stations.

Hannah in Instagram.

The girl follows fashion - often located online in well-known social networks. She has an official website, accounts in VKontakte and Instagram. Anna is very popular, her pages quickly scored many subscribers. Singer Hannah in Instagram will regularly post new and old photos from recreation, concerts, interviews, demonstrating an excellent figure, sweet, depotable with plastic lear and a variety of leisure.

Hannah in contact

Singer Anya Ivanova daily visits all his accounts on social networks, does not allow fans to forget about it. A 25-year-old star will post a photo of various focus - both personal (with her husband and girlfriends) and professional, made at events. Hannah in contact is actively expressing a life position, motivates fans, talks about every day, about hobbies of music, a secular life. The life of the singer is really interesting, there is something to learn. But even recently, the girl was filmed in the series in Ukraine and was unknown to anyone.

Video: Who is Hanna

Singer Hannah never sits in one place, seeking all new heights. Blonde beauty, dancer, model is not the entire track record of the artist. For new victories and achievements in the network, Instagram is watching more than 1,000,000 subscribers. The largest number of disputes, oddly enough, cause the photo of the Hannah singer, on which the loved one is difficult to learn.

Biography of the singer Hannah

Hannah is just a scenic pseudonym creative girl. At an early age, she was very fascinated by the work of the dancer of the Latin American dance of Hannah Kartunen, so in consequences so called.

Early Hannah

The biography of the artist until 2013 remained no one for anyone, and with the beginning of the growth of career it became known that the real name and surname of Artistki Anna Vladimirovna Ivanova, and she was born on January 23, 1991 in the beautiful city of Cheboksary. Her family was far from music, but a girl had loved to perform with a small years, standing on a stool. In addition to the usual, the girl graduated from a music school, where he was engaged in choral singing and vocals. The future star was fond of ballroom dancing and acting game.

Beauty Contests and Dance Career Hanna

  • In addition to singing, Anya was seriously passionate about the ballroom and sporting dances, over time, the passion turned into a professional sport. At the same time, she not only danced in his homeland, but also represented Russia abroad.
  • Understanding that in Moscow, the prospects are much more than in Cheboksary, the girl moved to the capital.
  • Grueling workouts and round-the-clock employment played a crucial role, and in 2006, Anna was as part of the Aleco dance team. Many victories contributed to the fact that the blonde became a candidate for the masters of sports on modern dances. At the age of 16, the dancer suned the disease that brought it out of professional dances.

  • After recovery, Hannah decided to test herself in the model field. In 2009, she ranked first places in Miss Chuvashia competitions, Miss Apollo and Miss Volga.

And in 2010 it was waiting for prizes on Miss Viva Volga-Don and Miss Volga International. However, the most interesting model considers the contest of the beauties "Miss Russia". Despite the fact that the beauty did not enter the top 10, the experience was obtained by a colossal.

Participation of Hannah in TV shows

In parallel, Anna studied at St. Petersburg State Economy University at the Faculty of Economics and Management. Student life absolutely did not choose a young model, so at the first opportunity she rushed into Los Angeles, where he studied musical skills. Upon returning to the Motherland, he starred in the episode of the film "Family Dramas", and then in the TV series "Bar" Duck "on the Ukrainian TV channel Tet and in the TV series-thriller" Dark Diaries ", for which Anute had to move to Kiev.

Music Career Hannah

By the 22-year-old age, Anya tried many professions, and did not even suspect that all the undertakings by the time were only her first "pen samples".

  • In 2013, Anna decided to try to embody children's dreams, thereby determining the beginning of his solo career. The first song "I'm just yours" over time with stunning success, the debut video was published.

  • In 2014, Hannah became the star of the musical television channel RU TV, where the singer worked the leading music program "Hip-Hop Chart with Khanna", from this point on the singles and clips of the girl with enviable popularity spinning on many channels.
  • Just a couple of years of speeches, and in the pocket of the singer Award MUZ-TV "Breakthrough of the Year" and the nomination for the Golden Gramophone premium.

Designer beginnings Hannah and shooting for men's magazines

  • In 2015, celebrities managed to try as a designer of fashionable clothes. She became the author of the Gold X capsule line, released specifically for the Black Star Wear brand.

  • Beautiful and sexy artist do not avoid filming in a male gloss. In 2015, candid pictures appeared on the pages of the Maxim magazine known in Russia, on which Hannah was almost naked. The editors immediately called the Hannahet's artist due to special clean beauty.

Plastics of Hannah artist

Plastic operations of Hannah are most discussed on the network, and it is not surprising, because the difference between modern and early snapshots is simply amazing. Comparing the photos on which Hannah is captured before and after plastic, we note such changes in appearance:

  • Correction of lips. Even despite the fact that Hannah to the plastics conquered not one judge of many beauty contests, the girl decided to polish his appearance. After the rapid start of the singing career, a significant increase in lips occurred.

As soon as new photos appeared on the network, the fans scored alarm, as they considered the brute force of the lips. Hannah's actress herself is proud of his appearance after plastic, but the Internet users consider it another unrecognizable Mukhlo Russian pop.

  • Rhinoplasty has become a fashion trend. If Hannah looked attractive before the operation, then after the nose correction, the look acquired a gloss and chic of the metropolitan parties.
If you compare the photos on which Hannah before and after the operation, some positive facial changes are clearly visible. The back, the tip and wings narrowed, and the nose as a result became subtle and aristocratic.

  • Cheeky. Fans believe that Hannah after the operation received so embossed, stingy cheekbones. The singer itself says that the cause of changes to the face is a competent makeup and.

Beauty secrets The girl is systematically divided into his interviews and in instagram.

  • It is saying that Khan pumped up the chest and passed liposuction, but this information is no more than the speculation of the journal. The chest of singers is changing only from the underwear used, and the ideal figure is the result of painstaking work on itself in the gym and healthy nutrition.

Hannah growth - 175 cm, and the weight of the singer froze at a mark of 50 kg. Additions to the portrait became repainting in a bright blonde and an eyebrow tattoo.

Personal life of Hannah artist

The personal life of the singer becomes not only the topic for the questions of journalists, but also inspiration for writing new songs. Anna's future husband for the first time saw on TV, then he fell in love with this cute man. The chosen was Pavel Kuricanov, who is popular with Pasha, co-owner and general director of the Black Star Wear brand and directly by Black Star Inc.

The live meeting occurred after the victory of the model in the beauty contest "Miss Kemer International" in Turkey, where Pasha and Timati arrived at the next concert. After a long communication, Pasha transported the beloved to Moscow, there became her husband and part-time producer. Since the most patients are inseparable.

Interesting! The fans of the progress trend in choosing a partner for the Black Star Inc. members, as all the chosen are similar, as on the selection, for example, Hannah is difficult to distinguish from the ex-girlfriend of Timati.

Singer Hanna is called Anna Ivanova. 28-year-old girl - a multiple winner of beauty contests. Bright and talented, she successfully makes a career in the Russian show business.

Hannah's husband Pavel Kuryanov

In 2010, Anna won an important contest - Miss Kemer International. He passed in Turkey. It was there that she met the future husband Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha). He is the director of the famous Black Star label, the best friend of Raper Timati and his right hand.

Pavel Kuricanov

Paul interested the spectacular blonde, but only fleeting. The young man later noted that she was not like "ordinary mannequins with a beautiful figure and a blank head." They talked a little, exchanged phones.

"Husband ️️"

2 years young people communicated like pleasures. They have seen from time to time in the company of general friends, but there was no speech about the novel. The singer had a young man, Pashaya "was spoiled by female attention."


According to Hanna, during one meeting came insight.

"We realized that we love each other and should be together."

The proposal of the hand and heart Paul made a girl for Valentine's Day, during a festive dinner. The situation was very romantic. Anna notes that the spouse is able to make beautiful gestures.

Paul is able to charming

In July 2015, they signed in the Moscow registry office, but the magnificent wedding ceremony passed abroad on the island of Capri.

"It was the most unforgettable day in my life."

The holiday turned out simply chic, as evidenced by numerous photos.

Hannah says that half a year left for the preparation. The star notes that she did not have a serious relationship with men.

"I didn't love anyone as much as I love Pasha, so we can say that I did not have love ties before."

The spouse promotes the girl as a singer, and as Hannah says, work is the only theme, because of which they quarrel: "He often screams on me, I'm offended, but he does not understand what's wrong? Criticism in the case, and not to my address. True, all this quickly passes. "

Singer Hannah is waiting for a child

In April, the celebrity was visited by one secular event, which was announced that Hannah is waiting for a child. Births are planned for September.

Hannah and Paul are waiting for a child

The gender of the baby can already be determined, but young people do not want to know. The singer says that it does not matter who is born, if only the child was healthy.

"Pasha wants a boy, and I am a daughter."

Hannah easily tolerates pregnancy. It continues to actively tour, write new compositions.

Get on maternity leave The girl is going at the end of June. Spouses have not yet decided where childbirth will be held. Most likely, in Germany, but it is not known.

How today lives Hannah family and Pasha

Anna and Paul live in luxury apartments in the center of Moscow. They travel a lot. Favorite place of rest - Maldives. There they spent the first anniversary of the wedding.

The family has several cars from leading brands. The singer, by the way, is perfectly driven by the car: "I like to be driving. It is so amazing when a huge heavy car listens to a fragile woman. "

Hannah loves to be driving

Anna plans to return to work almost immediately after delivery. For a newborn, Nimut Nyanyu.

Hannah and Pasha.

The girl says he can not afford a full-fledged 3-year-old maternity leave.

"I want to earn money myself. For me, the remarks are unacceptable for me that a producer husband provides me.

Now Anna finishes, and several months will rest, prepare for childbirth.

"If I work, I work without interruptions"

She communicates a lot with fans in instagram, publishes fresh photos and videos, responds to the most interesting questions.!

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24.12.2016 13:38

From early childhood, he was engaged in a music school in the class of piano and sports ballroom dancing.

In school years, sang in the ensemble, performed at city events and participated in charitable concerts. In 2014, the solo musical career began.

The first singles of the singer, who fell into the charts of leading radio stations and channels of the country: "Mom, I fell in love" (2015), "Lost" (2015).

Anya collaborated with the producer center of Timati "Black Star Inc.", and this largely predetermined her fate and helped to arrange a personal life.

In 2015, she married Bak Star Label Director General Pasha.

If you consider Khanna's career by year, it turns out:

2006 became part of one of the most prestigious dance and sports clubs of Russia "Aleko"

2007/2008 Prize winner of dance competitions: "Cup of Novorossiysk", "Caucasus Cup", "Cup of the Volga Federal District", "Cup of the Volga Federal District"

2011 Learning in New York Film Academy in Los Angeles, Acting for Film (specialty Actor Cinema), participation in the TV series "Bardak", "Diary of the Dark City", "Family Melodramas", etc. (Ukraine)

2014 duet with Egor Crem "modest to be not in fashion", the clip "To the summer it is not concerned," the Internet video "is better not", the leading TV channel RU TV

- Performance on Big Love Show in the IC "Olympic" (Moscow) and in the Ice Palace (St. Petersburg)
- "Lost" - Soundtrack series "Eternal Vacation" on the STS

Appearance of pseudonym

Anna's name happened from the Hebrew named Hanna. The second reason why this pseudonym was chosen was that in childhood Kumir Anna had an outstanding Latin American dancer Hanna Cartunien.

Music style

Modern dance pop music.


Omar Khayam (2016)
"When he goes out" (2016)

"Lost" (2015)
"Mom, I fell in love" (2015)
"Instagram" (2015)

"Better not" (2014)
"So that the summer does not end" (2014)
"Sky" (2014)
"Mannequin" (2014)
"I'm just yours" (2014)
"Modest to be not in fashion" (2014)
"I know" (2014)
"So know" (2014)
"Sighs" (2014)


"Modest to be not in fashion" (Feat. Egor Cre) (2014)

Video clips

Year / Clip / Director

2016 / Omar Haim / Katya Yak

2015 / Lost head / Katya Yak
2015 / Mom, I fell in love with Alexey Kupriyanov

2014 / Better No (Internet video) / Anton Dwarves
2014 / so that the summer does not end up / Rustam Romanov
2014 / modest to be not in fashion / Rustam Romanov

2013 / I'm just yours / Missura brothers

Hannah (Anna Ivanova Kurdenova): Photol

Hannah (Anna Ivanova Kurdenova): Pages on social networks

Instagram instagram.com/offi_hanna

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