Hyperbole in the literature: shaped exaggeration. What is hyperbole in literature - definition

Hyperbole in the literature: shaped exaggeration. What is hyperbole in literature - definition
Hyperbole in the literature: shaped exaggeration. What is hyperbole in literature - definition

Writing labor acquires special power of impact on human minds due to certain language means. The use of stylistic techniques makes artistic text especially expressive, emotional, leaves the reader an indelible impression from reading literature.

What is hyperbole in Russian

The stylistic reception, the name of which is borrowed from ancient Greek language and translates as an "exaggeration", is present in classical and modern works along with metaphor, epithet, metonimia, sync, etc. What is hyperbole in literature? This is intent to exaggerate the properties of phenomena, items. Language tool is used in Russian conversational speech for emotional strengthening, when it comes not to the transfer of dry information, the personal assessment of what is happening is emphasized.

The speech figure was a favorite means of expressing the authors of popular testes, epic. Writers whose works became a classic literature widely used. A visual gain contains humorous and satirical stories, poetic creativity. Exaggeration is used wherever it is necessary to allocate this or that fact of reality.

What is used for exaggeration in literature

The hyperbole clings attention to the expansion effect on the imagination, makes a new look at the facts of reality, feel their significance, a special role. Exaggeration overcomes the boundaries established by plaques, gives a person, the subject or natural phenomenon of supernatural characteristics. The expressive means emphasizes the conventionality of the world created by the writer. What is hyperbole in literature? The reception indicates the author's attitude to the depicted - elevated, idealistic or, on the contrary, mocking.

How is an artistic exaggeration

It is clear to understand what hyperboles in the literature need to know how to implement the gain inherent in the text of the artistic work. Expressiveness is achieved by a writer by using lexical hyperball, including the words "perfectly", "at all", "all". Metaphoric reception is based on a formal comparison. Frameological hyperboles in the literature are sustainable expressions. Quantitative gain includes the designation of the number.

Lexical hyperboles

Expressive is created in the literature by using certain words:

it is completely bad, completely incomprehensible handwriting, it is not good anywhere, it is known to all people.

Metaphoric hyperbolas

The figurative transfer contains such phrases: the whole world is the theater, the forest of the hands, the limitless ocean of love, promise the golden mountains.

Phraseeological hyperboles

Sustainable expressions are the following exaggerations:

goat is understandable, to beat as a baby, the contract is cheaper than the paper on which it is written.

Quantitative hyperboles

Numerical exaggerations contain such expressions:

thousand cases for the evening, a million times warned, a mountain of folders with papers.

Poetic examples of hyperboles in Russian

Expressiveness of the poetic work is achieved by exaggerating the values \u200b\u200bof the proposals:

But I love - for what, I do not know myself -

Her steppes cold silence,

Her forests of bourgear bars,

Spills of her rivers similar to the seas (M.Yu. Lermontov)

One hundred forty suns sunset gruel ... (V.V. Mayakovsky)

Midnight whirlwind - Bogatyr flies!

Darkness from Chela, with a dust!

Zipper from the eyes run ahead

Oaks are ridges behind (G. Derzhavin).

Goy you, Rus, my native,

Huts - in the riza of the image ...

Do not see the end and edges -

Only blue sucks eyes (S. Yesenin).

Literary exaggeration in prose

Stylistic reception found application in classical works of literature:

Meanwhile, before the eyes of the rod, the extensive, endless plain, intercepted by the chain of the hills. (A.P. Chekhov "Steppe")

A rare bird will take up to the middle of the Dnieper. (N.V. Gogol "Evening on the farm near Dikanka")

Unheard of activities suddenly boiled in all ends of the city ... (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city")

Video: Definition Hyperbole

Hyperbole (literature)

Hyperbola (_gr. ὑπερβολή, "Transition, exaggeration") - a stylistic figure of a clear and intentional exaggeration, in order to strengthen expressiveness and emphasizing the said thought, for example, "I told it a thousand times" or "We have enough food for half a year."

The hyperbole is often combined with other stylistic techniques, giving them the appropriate color: hyperbolic comparisons, metaphors, etc. ("Waves up the mountains"). The characteristic or situation can also be hyperbolic. The hyperbole is characteristic and rhetorical, oratorical style, as a means of a pathetic lift, as well as a romantic style, where pathos comes into contact with irony. From Russian authors to hyperbola, Gogol is especially inclined, from the poets - Mayakovsky.


Phraseologisms and winged words

* "Sea of \u200b\u200bTears"
* "Quick Like Lightning", "Lightning"
* "Numerous as sand on the seashore"
* "We have not seen for a hundred years!"
* "(Drunk) Sea by knee [and a puddle - on the ears]"
* "Whoever the old will remember - the eye of the eye! And who will forget-both! "

Antique examples

Give me a point of support, and I shifted the earth.

Hyperbolic metaphors in the Gospel

* "Why do you look at the straw in your brother's eye, and you don't notice a log in your eye?" (Matthew 7: 1-3 Gospel). In this figurative picture, a critically configured person offers to remove the straw from the "Eyes" of his neighbor. The critic wants to say that his neighbor does not see clearly and therefore it is not able to judge the healthy, whereas the whole log is interferes with the criticism itself.
* In another case, Jesus condemned the Pharisees for the fact that they are "advocate blind guides, heading mosquitoes, and swallowing camels" (Matthew's gospel 23:24). In addition, Jesus knew that the Pharisees were filled with wine through the fabric. These advocates of the rules came so in order to accidentally not swallow the mosquito and do not become ceremonially unclean because of this. At the same time, they, figuratively speaking, swallowed a camel, which was also considered unclean (Book Levit 11: 4, 21-24).
* "Vera with [tiny] mustard grain", which could move the mountain, - a way to emphasize that even a small faith can do a lot (Matthew's gospel 17:20).
* The camel is trying to pass through the needle ear - also the hyperbole of Jesus Christ, which clearly shows how difficult it is to have a rich man, leading a materialistic way of life, try to serve God. (Matthew Gospel 19:24).

Classics of Marxism

What a boulder, huh? What a guy man!
:::: V.I. Lenin - "Lion Tolstoy as a mirror of the Russian Revolution" (1908) :::: V.I. Lenin - "Three sources and three components of Marxism" (July - November 1914)


... Ivan Nikiforovich, opposite the balls in such wide folds, that if you feel them, then they could put the entire courtyard with barrier and buildings ...
:::: N.Gogol - Tale "The story about how Ivan Ivanovich was quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich" (1835)
Million Kozatskiy hats poured suddenly on the area ...

For one handle, my sabers give me the best herd and three thousand sheep.

:::: N.Gogol - Tale "Taras Bulba" (1835)
And at the same minute, couriers, couriers, couriers ... can imagine, thirty-five thousand alone couriers!
:::: N.Gogol - Comedy "Auditor" (1851)

Poems, songs

And be an elderly elder,
and that b no sadness and laziness,
i would just learn only for
what did Lenin talked to them.
:::: Vladimir Mayakovsky - Poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1925)
I would wolf would absorb bureaucracy.
There is no respect to the mandates ...
:::: Vladimir Mayakovsky - "Poems about the Soviet passport" (1929)
On the bear I, friends, will come out without fright,
If I am with a friend, and a bear is without a friend.
:::: Song from k / f "Secret Light". MUZ: V.SHINSKY, SL.M. Tanich
About our meeting - what to say there,
I waited for her as waiting natural Disasters,
But we immediately began to live
Without fearless consequences! "(2 times) "

As he asked - I did a moment,
To me each hour I wanted to do at night, marriage,
Because of you under the train jumped i,
But, thank God, not quite successful ... "(2 times)"

... and if you were waiting for me that year,
When I was sent to "Dacha" [ Country house - Nara (criminal jargon)] , -
I used for you all sky
And two stars Kremlinovsky in addition! "(2 times) "

And I swear - I will be the latter! -
Do not vries, do not drink - and I will forgive betray!
And I will give you big theater
AND Small sports arena! "(2 times) "

But now I am not ready for the meeting -
I'm afraid of you, I'm afraid of the nights of intimate,
As residents of Japanese cities
Afraid repetition Hiroshima. "(2 times) "

:::: Vladimir Vysotsky ,

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Watch what is "hyperbole (literature)" in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek. υπερβολη) The stylistic figure of an explicit and intentional exaggeration, which is aimed at strengthening expressiveness, for example. "I told it a thousand times." The hyperbole is often combined with other stylistic techniques, giving them the appropriate ... ... Literary encyclopedia

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    This term has other values, see hyperbole. Hyperbole (from other Greek. Ὑπερβολή "Transition; excessiveness, excess; exaggeration") Stylistic figure of expressive and intentional exaggeration, in order to enhance expressiveness and ... ... Wikipedia

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More than once he had to hear, and even use, such a term as hyperbole.

The hyperbole in the literature is used, as a rule, in order to designate the stylistic technique of a special exaggeration of the properties of the described phenomenon or the subject, thereby strengthen the impression.

In this article I invite my readers to go to the fascinating world of the native language. After reading the information filed here, you can get an answer to the following questions:

  1. What includes the concept of hyperbole in the literature?
  2. What is the purpose of it used?
  3. Whether we are, without noticing, we apply this in speech

I decided to split the article into three parts: first to tell more about the etymology of the word, then it will be about the history and reasons for the very concept of the concept and, finally, you will learn about the role of hyperboles in modern stylistics.

Part 1. Etymology and the current word definition

So, first of all, they deepen in history. From the point of view of the etymology, the word Greek origin of the "hyperbole" consists of two parts of "Hyper" and "Bole". The first translates into Russian as "over", "through" or "too", the second one can interpret, like a "throw", "kayan", "throwing". Approximately the 18th century in Latin appears and the meaningable "exaggeration" word "HyperBole" appears and begins to be widely used.

There is also the opposite term - limitations. And if the hyperbole in the literature implies an "exaggeration", then the litt, on the contrary, is used for a deliberate accumulation.

For example, the hyperbole can perform phraseological units "Sea of \u200b\u200bsmells", "Ocean of Love", "I have not seen a hundred years old", the lithota is "from thimble", "to file".

Part 2. Causes of the term

Probably, it is difficult to imagine that the desire to excessively exaggerate both the importance and the physical peculiarities of the subject originated in the thinking of man even during the times of the primitive-free system. Of course, the judgments of the first people on the planet differ significantly from the movement of the people of the present. In those distant times, simply did not exist a clear face between the fiction and actually existing concepts. As you know, many centuries ago hunters animated the world around them, leaders, animals, the phenomena of nature. They endowed them supernatural abilities, for example, incredible sizes, magical power, excessive dexterity and dodgy mind. Why? This process was simply inevitable, because It was a consequence of great dependence on the forces of nature, a misunderstanding of its patterns, the inability to master all what is happening or inability to explain for themselves the causes of this or that event. As a result, fear arose, a sense of defenselessness, dependence, and as a result of which - the imaginary gratitude, worship, surprise and exaggeration.

Part 3. hyperbole. Literature Classical and Modern

In order to give the work of artistic expressiveness, the authors try to use the various most common among which are metaphors, comparisons, epithets and hyperboles. Currently, such as hyperbole is used based on the interaction of the emotional and logical value of the same word.

I will give examples of hyperbolas in the literature: "This is already said about this for a thousand times" (there is a quantity), "the enemies are broken in the fluff and dust" (quality), "he left, and the world has ceased to exist for her" (emotions).

It is sometimes very difficult not to confuse hyperbola with comparison or metaphor, as they also often compare two objects. Remember that hyperbole in the literature always means exaggeration. Let's say "the feet of his legs were huge, like skis." At first glance, this example resembles a comparison, but, remembering what is actually a ski length, it can be understood that it is an exaggeration, and therefore hyperbole.

The author usually resorts to this stylistic admission to strengthen the impression or to sharpen the image. Modern realities also need to use hyperboles in order to enhance the effect of imagining or attract attention.

April 7, 2014.

Russian today is among the ten most beautiful and, according to linguistic estimates, there are about half a million words, not including professionalism and dialects. The great Russian writers contributed to the development of the Russian literary language, thanks to which the language was replenished with artistic and expressive means, which are used in writing and in speech today.

Development of the Russian literary language and the first trails

The literary Russian language began to form in the XI century, during the existence of the state, Kievan Rus. Then the first annals and masterpieces of the ancient Russian literature were created. Another thousand years ago the authors used artistic and expressive drugs (trails): personification, epithet, metaphor, hyperbole and litt. Examples of these terms are common and so far both in the fiction and in everyday speech.

The concepts of "hyperbole" and "limit"

Hearing for the first time the term "hyperbole", the experts of the story will certainly correlate it with the legendary country of hyperboree, and mathematics will remember the line consisting of two branches, which is called the hyperbole. But how does this term relate to literature? The hyperbole is a stylistic figure, which is used to enhance the expressiveness of the statement and deliberate exaggeration. It is easy to guess that this term has antonym, because if there is a means of exaggeration in the language, there must be a stylistic figure that serves to be understood. This artistic and expressive tool is the litt. Subsequent examples will clearly show what litters are and how often it is used in speech.

Video on the topic

Millennaya History Hyperbolic

The hyperbole is very often found in the ancient Russian literature, for example, in the "Word about the regiment of Igor": "Tom in Palotsk will call, it's too early to have the sophia in the bells, and he is a ringing of hearing in Kyiya." Analyzing the proposal, you can understand the meaning: the sound of the bell, which ranked in Polotsk, came to Kiev! Of course, in reality it cannot be, otherwise the residents of nearby settlements would lose his hearing. The term has a Latin origin: HyperBole in translating means "exaggeration". Hyperbola used almost all poets and writers, but Nikolai Gogol, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, was uncompressed in their works in their works. So, in the play of Gogol "Auditor" on the table stood "Watermelon in seven hundred rubles" - another exaggeration, because it cannot be so expensive to cost watermelon if he, of course, not gold. Mayakovsky in his "extraordinary adventure" sunset burning "a hundred forty suns", that is, incredibly bright.

Lithot in fiction

Finding out the meaning of hyperboles, it will be difficult to figure out what litters is absolutely. To this term also often addressed Gogol. In the story "Nevsky Prospect" he described the mouth of one person as small, who could not miss more than two pieces. Nikolai Nekrasov in the famous poem "peasant children" the hero is a peasant with marigolds, but this does not speak about his growth in a centimeter: the author wanted to lithua only to emphasize that an old low little man is driving a heavy firing. Offers with lithota can be found in other authors. By the way, this term happened from the Greek word Litotes, which means "simplicity, restraint".

Lithot and hyperbole in everyday speech

The person himself without noticing, uses hyperbola and lithotone in everyday life very often. If you can also guess the meaning of hyperboles thanks to the well-known single verb "hyperbulis" what litts is a mystery to many. Walking around, the rich will say: "I have money - a cat with a drink," and seeing a tiny girl walking down the street, you can notice what it is "thumbnail", and if it's a small boyfriend - "C-Finger". These are the most frequent examples of lithototes. Hyperball each of us also uses very often, for example, having happened by chance with a friend, the first replica will "have not seen a hundred years", and the mother, tired of doing the same remission of a fidget-son, will say: "I told you a thousand times!" . So, you can once again conclusted that not everyone knows what litters and hyperbole are, but it consumes these techniques even a three-year-old child.

The cultural significance of the trails

The role of stylistic shapes in Russian is large: they give emotional painting, strengthen images and make it expressive. Without them, the works of Pushkin and Lermontov would lose their magnificence, and now you can more confidently use beautiful speech turnover, because you know, for example, what is the litt.

In the literature it is impossible to do without these techniques that make Russian one of the most expressive, complex and rich. So take care of the same Russian language - this treasure, this is the domain, as Turgenev and other outstanding compatriots bequeathed to us.

Russian literature is a diverse speech turnover. In order to make it a brighter and expressive, people often use language-based language and stylistic techniques :, comparison, inversion and others. Everyone in his life, when reading one or another literature, probably met with such a concept as a hyperbole, without even suspecting the meaning of this term.

In contact with

Use in literature

Hyperboles in literature Very love to use everything without exception writers. They do it in order to decorate their works, making them more emotional, bright, filled.

And it is not at all surprising, because without this stylistic figure and her like any work would be empty, boring and absolutely uninteresting. Hardly such works would capture the attention of the reader, the excitement of his imagination, causing numerous bright emotions in it.

The hyperbole, in turn, is just helps to achieve such necessary effects. So what is hyperbole in? This is an artistic image. based on excessive exaggeration of reality.

Tip! Another definition of hyperboles is an exaggeration that is definitive, so it is very important to remember and keep in mind that it does not need to be understood literally!

What is the hyperbole?

They exempt the reader from the reality framework and attribute supernatural characteristics with natural phenomena and people. The hyperbole in the literature plays by no longer the last role, as it makes our speech more lively, and allows you to feel the emotional and mental state of the storyteller or the author of the text.

This allows them to clearly and correctly convey the verbal atmosphere of the story. Hyperbole function as reception - give brightness, emotionality and persuasive text. Also, it is often used by humorist writers to create in their works of comic images for characters, allowing the reader's fantasy to revive them in their imagination .

How to find hyperbola in the text?

Perform the task "Find in the text of the hyperbole" is simple enough, since among all others Speech ropesthey stand out in that they have Explicit exaggerations. Examples of use: "This girl from surprise had eyes the size of a saucer" or, "this dog was the size of an elephant."

All these phrases are visible exaggeration of reality, After all, you will not find a girl on the street with such big eyes or a dog size from an elephant, because these are simply no and cannot be in nature. These are the simplest examples of using the stylistic reception under consideration in the Russian literary language.

Attention!To find hyperbola in the text, it is enough to pay attention to an explicit significant exaggeration.

What is hyperbole in Russian?

Linguistics calls any excessive exaggeration of properties, qualities, phenomena or actionsto form a spectacular and attracting the attention of the created image of a hyperbole . It is used not only in literary language.

In the usual spoken speech, it is also a frequent guest. The difference of the first application from the second is that in its speech, a person uses already existing statements, and the writer seeks to create his own, exclusive statement in order to distinguish his own product from a variety of others.


Examples of hypers from artistic and colloquial speech:

  • "Blood rivers";
  • "Always late";
  • "Mountains of the corpses";
  • "I have not seen one hundred years";
  • "Scare to death";
  • "Speaking a hundred times";
  • "Million apologies";
  • "The sea of \u200b\u200bharsh wheat";
  • "I am waiting for a whole eternity";
  • "I stood all day";
  • "Though pouring";
  • "House for a thousand kilometers";
  • "Ivevly late."

Examples in fiction

We can say that all classic works It is held on the transfer of the author's emotions to the reader who moves it to the situation created by himself. The hyperbole in the literature, in classic works very actively used by many well-known authors.