Where Pavel Dmitrichenko is dancing now. Pavel Dmitrichenko returns to the Big Theater

Where Pavel Dmitrichenko is dancing now. Pavel Dmitrichenko returns to the Big Theater
Where Pavel Dmitrichenko is dancing now. Pavel Dmitrichenko returns to the Big Theater

Be my wife!

Shortly after her departure received a letter: "Now I am really happy what I am writing to you! Thanks for all the gentle words that you give. For me there is no greater gift than everything I feel, I read, see my soul from your soul. There is a wonderful movie "City of Angels" with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage . Perhaps you saw it. If not, you will definitely look when everything is fine. So, she was a doctor and lived in his turmoil microcosm. And he was an angel in a black long raincoat in the floor. It is a very thin, beautiful, sensual film, where his invisible presence in her life is shown. But at first she could not see him ... I won't continue to tell. So far, life so conceived that I, like Meg, in this anthill day and affairs. And you, wonderful and caring, is in my life every day. Therefore, you are also an angel ... And I thank you every day, as soon as I wake up ... "

How can it be?! After all, the same words I was going to write her! One piece of responsibility was attached to the Janina writing. More according to the instructions was not supposed, and I did not have enough paper all the time to write an answer. So much wanted to say! I tried to write very finely to fit more words. Only sent a letter and immediately began to count the days, in impatiently awaiting the news from Yana. The letter came quickly.

"Pasha, hello! February twentieth, a gentle day. Get your bright letter. From the first rows, feeling your good mood, breathe easier and calmer. Mood is a changering thing. Whatever it is, it is important that it cannot be delayed at a constant value. Probably, except in addition to the state of happiness. But when we are in a state of constant happiness, we cease to search for something and do not make special transformations, because it completely covers the eyes. "

Jan for the first time came to me in May, and the third of July 2014 we got married. My friends were allowed to attend the registration of marriage. In the very room for dates, we painted an employee of the registry office. So we became husband and wife. That's just a champagne had no drink. Predestened under the walls of the colony staged a real wedding: buudes in the club, shouted "bitterly!" And drank champagne. For this I then flew. After we painted, we had three more days of dates. Now every year we will celebrate not the day of the wedding, and these three days of the honeymoon ...

We are very happy. I believe that the case against me is completely fabricated, but still grateful to fate that it happened. After all, only after this story, we fell in love with each other. No humus without good. In life, never happens just so ...

Pavel Dmitrichenko. Scene from the ballet "Ivan Grozny" in the formulation of Yuri Grigorovich

The opera part of the Bolshoi Theater troupe called the dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko (we recall, he spent three years in conclusion on charges of organizing the attempt on the former Derukuk of Sergei Filin's ballet troupe) to lead the creative trade union of BT workers.

On their plans in the new capacity, as well as about the views at the current theater, Paul told us in an exclusive interview.

- So, Paul, you were chosen by the head of the trade union, if I correctly call the position ...

Chairman of the creative trade union of workers of the Bolshoi Theater.

- A few words - what will happen to your duties?

This is important for the artists themselves: apparently, there are internal problems, if they turned to me for help ... I am now far from some internal problems, but there was two weeks ago, I told me about these problems, and now they need my help precisely from a legal point of view.

Because the leadership of the theater, sometimes does not comply with their own rules that were prescribed in the collective agreement. And now there are many problems in the opera troupe. And I am always open to help, people have supported me in a difficult minute, also I am ready to support colleagues as chairman.

- Have you ever continued to remain a Bolshoi Theater employee? This line was not interrupted?

Interrupted. The trade union is another structure, it is independent, and is more supervisory authority over the employer. As for the theater - I did not return to it for one simple reason: I have not seen such a Hamsky attitude to artists for a long time. I gave myself a word that I would return to the profession only under the leadership of Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

Yes, but you went out in a big summer at a concert, in the room from the Swan Lake with the party of Prince Siegfried ...

What I went to this scene can be called a return to the profession. But in the theater, I repeat, I will return only under the guidance of Tsiskaridze, since only he has experience in communicating with the team, has a wonderful taste - whom to invite from ballet and opera leaders ...

Only with it is the flowering of the Bolshoi Theater. This is my opinion.

"So, what exactly happened that you called you?"

The rights of artists began to infringe. I lay down with a temperature, I did not know, but the assembly was initiated by artists, and just yesterday I was informed about what I was elected. And now I am ready to help them.

Trade unions in our country are historically not so strong as, say, in the West. It has always been a decoration. But your union will have real power?

Yes, our trade unions are not at all those that European. But if usually the trade unions headed people dependent on the employer, then I just am an independent person. I have no interests and fears regarding the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater. Therefore, I will be strictly acting within the framework of the law, strictly as part of a collective agreement, which the employers themselves and took. There are a lot of shortcomings. I know about them. Now we are slaughtering statistics and will require the execution of legislation on labor legislation.

- So what's the nature of the problem?

The main problem is that employees of the opera team on the basis of the contract are not completing the work that the employer is obliged to provide them. That is, the leadership is more easier to invite someone from the part to the contract, rather than engage in their employees. And we will seek people to work. Joke Lee: full-time employees of the opera troupe sit without work!

- Is there the same problem at the ballet troupe?

I have not met with the members of the trade union, but I think that the problem is everywhere. Therefore, in the next two weeks I will meet with a ballet troupe and discuss them with them. In any case, I am ready to stand up on their protection. I am pleased to help.

Remember, MCAT at one time shared on Chekhov and Gorky just because there was too bloated troupe. Is there a big one?

No, in a large troupe is not exaggerated. Moreover, it is written by the employer himself, how much he is obliged to give work to his employees, and how much is not required. And our task is to fight, nor there are barricades there, but simply seek legality. Because at the moment a collective agreement is violated. This is a violation of the law. We will conduct a dialogue with ...

- ... with general director Urim?

Yes. The dialogue is about keeping working norms. In the name of Urina, there will be appeals to sore problems. If the management goes to the dialogue - hears, recognizes his violations, then the problem will solve quickly.

- And if not?

If not - the commission is going further, if they do not decide through it - we will go to court. Why guys called me: Naturally, people have fear of the employer. And I have no fear, and never happened. Therefore, I became the chairman.

- That is, in the near future you will recover, and hold meetings?

First we will notify the superior organization - the trade union of cultural workers about what I have chosen. Then we will notify the employer, that is, the general director Urina is officially (I think that he already knows). And then let's start work, that's all ...

- Have you ever communicated with Urin lately? Everything is fine?

The last time we communicated last summer, it was ordinary communication, no counterpart, there were no problems ...

- Can you - this is many interested in going to the scene as a dancer?

Well, here last summer I went to the scene, then the injury happened - I talked my knee for a long time. Now the treatment is still in the process, and my dancer profession is still pushing me. But I did not finish my career.

- Pause, but temporary?

To this day - yes, temporary.

How was it difficult to keep yourself in the form at the time of conclusion and after? Is it possible theoretically?

Theoretically it is impossible. And I did not hold myself in shape. It was difficult then to enter this form. The strength of the Spirit was enough. But the body will not deceive. When this entry into the form took place, of course, there was wild pain in bundles, in the joints. Sat on anesthetic. But the goal was delivered, and the goal is achieved.

- But back: according to your forecast, the problem of the opera carpent will be solved?

In my forecast, any problem can be solved using a dialogue. If two people sit down - one nelluey and the second slightly - to a single decision they will come. Always find a way out. And if some kind of goning will prevail at the interlocutor, some significance, the desire to show that you are nobody, and I myself can do everything, - then, of course, it will be difficult to negotiate about something.

But, I hope, people are all smart, the exit will find ... Because when the team is dissatisfied, it can turn out already beyond the framework of the theater. We will try to solve it inside. Calmly. Quiet. Legically correctly.

The last question is in what capacity the big theater is now? Does he take over, is he stable, what is wrong with him?

If you take twelve years of my work, I can say briefly: it happened better. I have something to compare with. This is if not going into details. The fact that I saw over the years of my work is large (having in mind and opera repertoire, and ballet), it was better. The fact that now is not the best life of the Large.

- Did you have seen "Nureyeva"?

I saw passages. Briefly: ballet created on the scandal. Although the guys worked 100%, they are well done, in any situation work so much, the troupe is largely considered the best worldwide. And always such will be. And as in the essence of the performance - taste and color ... someone likes a naked man on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater, someone considers enchanting art. Someone believes that big is a clean classic.

And I believe that the scene is big - this is not an experimental scene, these are the established canons ... The dancer of Nuriyev himself became famous for the fact that they tried to show the director, but their talent. And the personal life of each of us is our personal life, you do not need to show it on the stage.

"To date, I already dance, and therefore I am in good physical shape, because without good training, one of the most complex ballets -" Swan Lake "- is impossible. What efforts and work it cost me to return to the profession is a separate story," - He stressed.

According to ballet criticism, a big need such an artist as Dmitrichenko. "From the point of view of an artistic, not moral possibility of returning only because on the roles he danced, very few performers. In this sense, he really needs the theater. However, whether he can physically fulfill these roles, should watch practitioners should look physically "," said Gordeyev. Recall that the former soloist is known for the roles of evil genius in the "Swan Lake", Spartak and Ivan the Terrible.

She added that there is nothing extraordinary in Paul's workouts on the theater sites. The fact is that large theaters with huge halls allow people who are not in the troupe, to go to their classes if they ask for this. For example, professional dancers who, by the will of the case, find themselves in a foreign city. With Dmitrichenko, of course, the situation is a bit different - it is in his hometown, but from the total flux, she explained.

Collective alignment

Four years ago, when Dmitrichenko accused of organizing an assassination attempt on Filin, the team of great in the opinion differed. More than 300 people then signed a letter in support of colleagues. According to Anna Gordeva, this is the majority.

Angelina Vorontsova, whose name two years ago tied up with an attack on the Khuduku Ballet Gabta Sergey Filina, made a marriage. But not with the dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko, who is now serving the term. Angelina became the wife of another man.

This terrible state of emergency in the world of art no one forgotten. Sergey Filin splashed into the face with acid, and one of the leading dancers of Big Paul Dmitrichenko was called the customer of this monstrous crime. According to the investigators, Angelina was his girlfriend, Filin did not give her to grow, in every way he oppressed, here Dmitrichenko and revenged.

According to the teacher and the first partner of Vorontsova in the Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Tsiskaridze, "In what they said and wrote, the truth percent for three". Tsiskaridze said that at the time of the crime of the crime, Paul and Angelina had almost parted.

A year ago, being in prison, Paul married, "Nikolai Tsiskaridze told. And recently, on September 21, 2015, Angelina married Mikhail Tatatnikov, Chief Conductor and Music Head of the Mikhailovsky Theater. There she is now in the state as a leading ballerina.

The ballerina was trying to break the backstage intrigues, which are quite a few ballet world. Who exactly, the csicaridze did not name. But she, as we see, everything is going well - both in the career, and in personal life. Already in the Mikhailov Theater in St. Petersburg, she danced 17 parties. But Pavel Dmitichenko Inrigan broke his career and life. Although in his fault, even after the court there are big doubts.

According to Tsiskaridze, Dmitrichenko will not return to the profession. Unlike Vorontsova, his career is completed. "It's not even worth deducting. Pasha, I think no one understands it. Ballet is daily workouts. Even six months or a year break for ballet too much. And here is too big a break, "Nikolai Maksimovich clarified.

Angelina Vorontsova Born in Voronezh on December 17, 1991. He studied in Gymnasium No. 4 and was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, performed at all-Russian competitions. Ballet began to engage in 12 years. In 2003-2008 He studied in the Voronezh Choreographic School, in which her teachers were famous in the past ballerina, folk artists of the RSFSR: First, Marina Leonkina, then - Nabil Valitova and Tatyana Frolova.

In 2008, the architecture of N. Arkhipova was adopted in the Moscow State Academy of Choreography. In 2009, he graduated from the Academy and was invited to the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. Rehearseled under the leadership of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, he was the first partner of Vorontsova in the performance of the Bolshoi Theater.

Since July 2013 - Ballerina Mikhailovsky Theater. In the current repertoire of the ballerina - the leading and solo parties in the ballet "Giselle, or Vilisa", "Swan Lake", "Bayaderka", "Don Quixote", "Cavalry", "Laurency", "Flame of Paris", "Class-concert "," Vain precaution "," Sleeping Beauty "," Nutcracker "," Romeo and Juliet "," Prelude "," White Darkness ". Participated in the tour of the Mikhailovsky Theater in the United States.

Probably the most unpleasant story in the modern history of the Russian ballet receives a continuation - information appeared that Pavel Dmitrichenko, who in 2013 was sentenced to imprisonment for organizing an attack on Sergei Filin, returned to the Bolshoi Theater.

True, we are talking, of course, not about joining the troupe of great and certainly not about participation in the production, but about the morning training at the teacher of Vladimir Nikonov. From the Russian media, the attention of this fact was given only the Internet version of Mk.Ru - the publication leads the words of one of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, who wished to remain unknown:

"Many, of course, when they saw it for the first time after a long lack, could not hide surprise. I know that he himself was afraid to come to the theater for some time ... In the summer until the end of last season, he came to the service entrance several times, met with friends, But the theater itself did not come, because I was worried about how his team would meet. And I was pleasantly surprised by a benevolent attitude towards him. There is absolutely no negative to him. Maybe units and perceived it is not too good ... But I don't even know that ... " .

Here are just some of them (spelling and punctuation are saved) :

"Dear Paul, your life, your personality and what you do is unusually inspired. You begin to believe in your strength and that everything is bad will pass, but heavy - will be overcome. And your willpower and character, it seems unlimited . With the admiration and wish of good luck. "

"You went through hell .... and won! Enjoy life, you are talent !! People are hung, but there is a dance, next to you a beautiful person, real friends - - no longer happen - - come to Boston! Let's make-machine Classes --- performances! ".

By the way, it was much more willing this news. Foreign publications picked up, including so authoritative as British The Guardian, American The New York Times and NBC, as well as French Europa Press.

So, Reuters leads the words of the press secretary of the Bolshoi Theater: "Dmitichenko really was discharged by his request for the morning visit to the Bolshoi Theater ... This does not mean that he will work in the Bolshoi Theater in the future."

General Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin Also spoke on this: "There are rumors that Paul Dmitrichenko returns to Big, and it will be a difficult situation. However, after 3 years spent in prison, it is no longer the same dancer, physical and emotional plan. Therefore, the main question is whether he can return the uniform that is necessary for the big dancer? Big is work, and it should be built on professional principles. "

Pavel Dmitrichenko, 2013

Recall, in 2013, Sergey Filin, who then held the position of the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe, was attacked - the artist splashed into the face of acid. For some time, Filin spent in the hospital, after which he had a few operations and passed a long rehabilitation, according to various sources, after this incident, he could not completely restore vision. In December of the same 2013, the court recognized the artist of the Bolshoi Theater Paul Dmitrichenko guilty in the attack and sentenced to imprisonment for six years. However, Dmiticchenko came out at par in May 2016.

Sergey Filin - among the judges Galladance Showcase Grand Prix in February 2016

Now he is 32 years old, judging by his comments from his colleagues and photographs, Dmitichenko began to look massive, the artist himself earlier stated that he performed physical exercises daily, while in prison. Sergey Filin is still in mid-2015 in the Bolshoi Theater. Then Vladimir Urin denied the presence of some dissatisfaction with Sergey Filin, and "internal factors" called the causes of separation.In the same year, Sergey Filin appeared on television as a permanent member of the jury show "Dancing with the Stars", and now hehe is the head of the workshop of young choreographers of the Bolshoi Theater.

photo on the main: page Dmitrichenko in Facebook