Gamma for guitar (notes and tabs). Variable stroke

Gamma for guitar (notes and tabs). Variable stroke
Gamma for guitar (notes and tabs). Variable stroke

Gamma - This is the sequence of notes that are included in the tonality of the work. In this case, this is the sound, which forms the tonality of the D Major, or la-minor - as they are parallel to each other. The notes at the same time go one after another in a certain sequence.

This material is necessary for each guitarist, since it is precisely on the basis of the Hamm and their applicatures, solo-lots are built, as well as based . Thanks to these knowledge, you will be able to build interesting harmonies and sequences of chords, as well as, if necessary, you will clearly understand what rules to break the song to sound unusually and interesting.

First of all, because it is the basis of the foundation. Having having learned the applications and all the positions of the basic range with the whole notes, you will understand how it is in generally embedded, and by analogy, it is already independently finding other boxes. In addition, you will make the first steps in improvisation, and begin to master the art of inventing solo batches for the guitar.

Brief instruction on the right game Gamm

  1. Observe ,and always play it only. Take an average pace for yourself, and gradually increase it.
  2. In addition, try to make additional exercises also under the metronome - for example, play syncopes, or triols, dools, quarters, and so on.
  3. Try to remember the applications so as not to look at the neck when playing.
  4. Having learned how to build a gamma, try without looking at other applications, build it anywhere in the griff.

Gamma D Major Theoretical Part

Like any major gamma, it builds on the principle - tone-tone-halftone-tone-tone-halftone. In this case, the notes sequence is very simple - C D E F G a B C. That is, you just need to play all the full notes on the guitar - and you will get the gamut.

Sustainable steps are called the notes of the gamma, which, with simultaneous game, give the so-called tonic sober - that is, the chord. This is always the first, third and fifth stage - this rule applies to any tonality, only notes are changing. In the case of up-major, these are notes up, mi and salt.

In addition, there are also unstable steps that, if necessary, can be removed - which occurs, for example, in major and minor pentatonic. In addition, they themselves are intense, and they must be resolved - that is, to change the note on a steady step. IN Such notes are always on the second, fourth, sixth and seventh places.

Gamma D Major for beginner 5th positions

As already mentioned above, the D Major seems to be a sequence of notes to the rein, respectively, in different boxes, its applicature will be primarily repelled from it. Below, in addition to the explanation, will also be presented.taba D MajorSo that you even easier to exercise in the game of this gamma.

How to play a gamma di-major

Buy yourself mechanical, or use ,and play only for him. This is very important because you immediately teach yourself to a flat and clear game. In addition, it is very desirable to learn all the positions so that when improvising is not lost and continue to play on any guitar Lada. Try with the game to use all your fingers - it will be much more convenient to fulfill your parties and not get lost during quick solo.

1 position

The first position is based on the seventh way. Notes are played consistently, the numbers indicate the fingers that need to clamp the freight. You can transpose the same diagram to other tonality.

2 position

Going to three Lada below - now Tonic is on the tenth. Please note that the scheme has practically not changed, and besides this, it involves notes from the last position. This is very important because understanding this principle, the build gamma becomes easier.

3 position

Now we go to the first Lada. Everything is repelled from him. This is the easiest scheme in all the tonality.

4 Position

Move into the third Lada. Pay attention to the fact that in this scheme the first notes on each Lada are the latest notes from the previous boxing.

5 position

It starts from the fourth Lada, and ends on the seventh - in this way, you pass the full circle, and return to the first position.

Gamma Pre-Diez Major / Gamma Re-Flat Major - 5th Positions

In fact, to assimilate these positions, it is enough to simply move all the boxes listed above one way down vulture.

1 position

The first position begins with the eighth Lada. At the same time, the box is exactly the same as in the range of D Major, just everything is transferred to half the tone.

2 position

The second box begins with the ninth Lada, and completely repeats the scheme of the second position from the Gamma to Major.

3 position

The third position begins with the first Lada, and looks a little different than Boxing to Major. The reason is that all open frets change to the squeezed first.

4 Position

5 position

The last position in which we return to the eighth Lada are. In this case, everything starts with the sixth.

Exercises for the game Gamma Du-major

Below are several exercises to work out the gamma of the D Major. Together with the detailed description also goes and audio tracks, where it will be possible to disassemble them in more detail. In addition, all these exercises can be transferred to other tonality without any problems.

First exercise

It uses Lada from the seventh to the tenth on all strings except the first and second. You need to start from the middle finger, since it is with such an applicatory that you will be easier to work and play. Everything is played by sixteenth notes, so carefully adjust the tempo.

Second exercise

It also uses Lada from the seventh to the tenth. From the very beginning, you can press several notes at once, because they are located on one string. Everything is executed in exactly the same sixteenth notes.

Third exercise

Looking like a previous exercise, the only difference is that all the strings are involved, as well as the rising rising, and not descending. In addition, in some places you will need to use Legato to ensure that the transition between notes is smooth.

Fourth exercise

A more complicated exercise that offers you to use the strings not in a row, but through one. This will allow your finger better to move, as well as more actively train your little finger.

First of all, it is necessary to repeat once again that the gamma should be played exclusively under the metronome. Take care of him from the very start of classes, and in the future you will be much easier to work on music.

In addition, try to regularly engage and independently work out all the gammas and tonality. Learn the theory, as it will be useful to you in composer activities. The exercises presented above are not the only one, and you can find a lot more - to work Legato, Ham, as well as speeds and techniques of the game.

Gamma La-Minor is one of the twenty-four gamps that each guitarist needs to know. It is inside the tonality of La-Minor, and the knowledge of notes from it allows you to freely improvise inside it. In essence, it is seven notes that are in each other in a certain sequence, which constitute a tonality.

Why learn the position of gamma La-Minor?

First, for improvisation. Any solo party is first of all the game of the desired notes, which are just taken from the Ham. In addition, knowing the necessary boxes and positions, you can write music much easier to write, compose , pick up chords to your own and strangers. It is much easier for you to be given interesting arrangements, as well as the creation of multi-layered and interesting music.

Prior to that, we have already given such instructions, and, in general, nothing has changed from that time. She still consists of four main items, which is extremely desirable to follow the progress of your game to go, and you grew up like a musician.

La-minor is a tonality parallel to di-major. Simply, this means that they contain the same notes that can be used in both tonalities. Therefore, the easiest way to build a position of La Minora is to take it. , and play it from La. You should get a b c d e F G A. If you explain more comprehensively, then you need to simply apply the standard scheme for constructing the gamma - tonic-tone-halftone-tone-tone-halftone-tone. It works to all minor positions.

Gamma La-Minor Natural View of 5 positions with tabami and appliquors

Natural species means that in these positions there are only complete notes of the gamma, without changes and modulations.

Gamma Application La-Minor on the guitar

Below are the five positions from which you can repel, playing in this tonality. Please note that they can not go from tonic, but they still constitute a gamut.

1 position

This gamma begins from the 7th Lada and descends down the strings until the 10th. Points in the picture shown with what fingers clamp the frets for the competent game. Please note that this scheme can also be transferred to other positions, and nothing will change for you.

2 position

The second position goes from the first - now the first note is on the 10th Lada - there, where the first gamma ended. Remember this moment, because so it will be much easier for you to memorize all positions.

3 position

You went down all over the octave of the griff, so we will now move on to its beginning. This position is played from zero Lada. The scheme remains exactly the same as it was before.

4 Position

This box is played from the third Lada, and descends to the fifth. You can transfer the scheme below, and nothing will change for you. Between this and first boxing remains exactly one position.

5 position

The last box, which comes from the 5th to the 7th way. You can pay attention to how the latest notes are higher on the neck of positions become the first for lower. It is worth keeping in my head, because in the process of improvisations to remember them is thus much easier.

Harmonic gamma la-minor 5th positions

The harmonic gamut is also called "Eastern". It contains in itself Arab motives that can be used to diversify their compositions. The difference is that the seventh step to halftone increases here, in this case - G #, or AB. That is, in the range you play G # instead of G. Due to this offset, you will immediately notice the difference in the sound.

1 position

This position begins the same from the 7th Lada, however, the difference is that you also clamp an additional way before a note la - that is, on the 6th Lada of the fourth string, and on the 9th Lada of the second.

2 position

Similarly, boxing begins with the same Lada, but new notes sound at the eleventh Lada of the fifth string and the thirteenth third string.

3 position

He also begins with zero Lada, but new notes are added. They are located on the 4th Lada of the Sixth Strings and the 1st Lada of the Third.

4 Position

This position of the harmonic gamma begins with the 4th Lada instead of the 3rd. New applications are also added here and notes are shifted on the first and six strings.

5 position

The last position begins also from the 5th Lada. It adds new notes - the 6th way the fourth string and the 4th way first. Notes are also removed on the first two strings of 8 Lada.

Exercises for the game Gamma La-Minor

Below is a list of exercises that will allow you to work out positions and better remember, from where and how they start. In addition, it will develop the speed of your fingers. In order to more effectively learn them, you should learn Since the exercises are made in it.

First exercise

The first exercise begins with the eighth Lada and uses four strings. You gradually go down on them, playing the same pattern inside the gamma. Please note that the notes are sixteenth everywhere - therefore it is important to make a tempo convenient for you.

Second exercise

This scheme begins from the tenth Lada of the fourth string, that is, in fact, it can be combined with the lesson. It is played by a variable stroke and gradually rises from the vulture.

Third exercise

It is very similar to the first exercise, but all the strings will use at once. It also begins with the eighth Lada and repeats the approximately the same pattern, slowly going down.

Fourth exercise

Last exercise will require greater coordination. In this case, the blows go through the string, so you need not to touch the unused frets. Practice to play it first slowly, gradually increasing the pace.

Play gamma under the metronome. This will give you a feeling of rhythm and flat game.

Exercise at least an hour per day, look for other exercises on the Internet.

Try combining the tasks described above, losing them without stopping.

Start with a slow pace, if you feel that something does not work, and you are playing dirty or do not fall into the metronome blows.

This article is intended for beginner solo guitarists who started to conquer only the first freaks of the Grid and think about how to start learning, in order to break down the fluency fluency, to learn the location of the notes, to achieve proper sound recovery and finally playing "guns" of their idols - steep Shredders and bluesmen.

So where to start? The first step is Gamma to Major, on the guitar, of course, it can be played within the entire griff and in any position. But, as they say, everything is his ceremony. Let's start with the first - that is, from the first position. And it does not matter, acoustics or electric guitar for you, no matter what kind of musical direction you prefer, the study of the hammies is a competent, the correct start - for improvisation, writing and playing melodies. From simple - to complex; From simple four-stroke melodies - to rock symphony.

Take a guitar in the hands, "arms" by the mediator - we start to engage!

It is worth noting that playing the gamma (whether, including this) allows you to get rid of the cloth of the location of the notes on the Guitar Guita - where the note is up to where Mi, where Fa, etc. Memorization will occur in the process of classes, naturally and not forced. The main thing is to intelligently play every note.

Get acquainted, this is a gamma to a major on a guitar in one octave: it starts from to the small octave (the fifth string, 3 ways) and ends before the first octave (the second string, 1 way).

She sounds like this:


Gamma is written in two ways: top record (where the violin key is depicted and size 4/4) is notes; The lower (numbers on the lines) is a tabulature (indicates which string and on what frets you need to press a note).


As part of these articles, we will not go into the study of the reading of notes from the sheet, and more concentrating on a purely practical question - how to play. But, one way or another, if you are not familiar with this science, it makes sense to gain a tutorial on notice literacy and fill the gap of missing knowledge (Azov at the first stage will be enough - where is the note, the notes duration, what is the size and rhythm).

Near each note, the number indicates how the finger of the left hand play it (1 - index; 2 - medium; 3 - Unnamed; 4 - Mysinets).


Six lines are the guitar strings: the top is the first string (thinner); Lower - sixth. Figures are frets; Zero means an open string, that is, it is not pressed on the grief. For example, a number 2 on the third line means that the third string must be pressed on the second Lada. All numbers (freedoms) recorded in the tabs correspond to the notes located on a talny mill (seemingly parallel to them).

How to play?

To begin with, you need to download sheet music / tabs gamut to major guitar -< >. The archive has an image entry, as well as a GTP file for the Guitar Pro program; Which option is better to solve you.

Open the gamut to be in sight, before your eyes when you will master it on the guitar.

Sound meal

Notes are extracted by a variable stroke - that is, alternately: the first note is a blow down (the designation "bracket" under a note), the second note - the punch up ("check mark"). Follow the right hand: in this case, the repeat of the stroke is not allowed (2 times up or 2 times down).

Tabulatory analysis

The first note of gamma is a note before: As indicated in the toba, press it with a nameless finger on the third Lada of the fifth string. Punch mediator - down.

Second note - Re: This is an open fourth string. In the tobaches - zero on the fourth line means the string does not need to be pressed; The fingers of the left hand only slightly lift so that they do not interfere with sound recovery, but do not remove completely with the griff. Remove the sound with a bracket of the mediator - up (variable barnant!)

In the same way, analyze / disassemble the location of each note, and, accordingly, then remove it. Having reached the highest note of this major gamut (before the first octave), move in the opposite, downward, direction (as it is recorded in the notes - to the lowest, first, note).

Watch out for the actions of the right hand (barcode!) And left (Application!). It is very important to take notes by the fingers that are listed near each note. Do not try to play quickly. Your task is now - remember The location of the sounds on the grief, their sequence, and with what a finger what a note is pressed.

Playing at Tempe

After parsing the music / tabs, you can proceed to rhythmic losing of the gamma - at a specified pace, withsting the corresponding duration of each sound.

You will need a metronome; Any - mechanical, electronic, online (posted on a web page) or as a computer program will be consolidated.

Install in the metronome pace of 30-40 beats per minute (BPM), and then turn it on. Play gamma sounds synchronously with blows; Each metronome kick is a note (string kick). Get smooth sound - slow and not delaying.

If you do not have time, you are confused, notes sound not clearly (muffled either with the ghosts), reduce the tempo.

Well, if you play a major on the guitar - clean, smoothly, without errors, you can increase the pace (but not much!) For example, try playing synchronously with the audio example (see above) - 50 BPM. You can download it -< >.

Exercise in the loss of the gamma 15-30 minutes a day. Let's rest your fingers: do not allow pain and overwork in hand brushes. Each sound is consciously realized, that is, analyze - what a note is removing (up to, re, ...), remember it visually on the grief and on the rumor.


Get sure the gamma execution at pace 50 BMP. With this minimum performing equipment, you can go to the next step - playing simple melodies in to the major.


In this article we will talk more about the gammah. You will find out what they need and why they attach such important.


What is gamma? This is a limited notes sequence selected from 12 possible, which create the desired color to sound. In other words, the gamma for the musician is the same as the paint artist. The artist chooses the color you need to write a picture, and the musician chooses notes from the gamut to create a melody. The best way to describe a separate gamut is to bring the list of intervals between notes. We use the term "Tone" or "Semitone"That allows you to record a formula using capital letters, t (tone - tone) and S (semitone - halftone).

Some guitarists for the designation of the intervals use the letters W and H - the title from the words "half" (Half) and "whole" (whole). There is also a way to specify the number of halftone (1 or 2). In any case, these three ways are identical and everyone gives us a major range intervals:

  1. T t s t t t s
  2. W W H W W W H
  3. 2 2 1 2 2 2 1

(tone - tone - halftone - tone - tone - tone - halftone)

Let's see how it works. Choose gamut - Sol-Diez Major (G # Major). At the initial stage, we know two things. First, our basic note (or tonic) is salt diges (G #). Secondly, we will use the formula of the major gamut.

Thus, we begin with our Sal-Diez, and add the first step of the formula to which T - tone. So, starting with salt-dishes and moving up onto the tone (or two halftone), we come to a la-dish (A #).

G # + T \u003d A # (Sol-Diez + Tone \u003d La Diez).

A # + T \u003d C (la-dishes + tone \u003d up).

In the next step, we start with before and process with the formula - now we must add halftone, which will lead us to Diez (C #):

C + S \u003d C # (up to + halftone \u003d up-dispesis).

If you continue in the same vein, then we will get the following:
C # + T \u003d D # (pre-diez + tone \u003d re-dispesis),
D # + T \u003d F (re-dispesis + tone \u003d Fa; Recall that there is no such notch as a Mi-Diezer),
F + t \u003d g (fa + tone \u003d salt),
G + S \u003d G # (salt + halftone \u003d salt-dishes).

Thus, we built our gamut Sol-Diez Major, consistent with our formula of the major range:
G # A # C C # D # F G (Sol-Diez, La-Diez, to, Pre-Diez, Re-Diez, Fa, Salt).

Most of the GAMM contains 7 notes, but this is not an exact rule. As an exception, the minor pentatonic contains only five notes (its formula 3 2 2 3 2 - I use numbers here instead of t and s, because it is passed to the pair tone and halftone, which together make up 3 half notes and which together are easy to write as 3, instead of something like "T + 1/2", but these records indicate the same thing). Some gammas have more notes, for example, chromatic gamma contains all 12 notes.

It is important to note that many guitarists use the step designation of the formula of the gamma. For example, for a major gamma, it looks like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, and for Lidia Lada: 1-2-3-4 # -5-6-7. The difference is only in the increased fourth stage. It is used to facilitate working with the construction of the lads, let's say if you know the appliqué of the major gamut, then you can easily build the Lidi Lada in just an increase in the fourth stage of the major gamut on the halftone.

Gamma and Applications

Gamma is a group of notes with a certain interval between them - as I described it higher. These intervals determine which applications we must use to reproduce the desired gamut.

Major Gamma Application:

If you know the application of one major gamut, you know how to play every major gamut in the guitar when it is standard. To play a major gamut (C Major), start its appliqué with up to the sixth string. To play a re-major gamut (D Major), start the appliqué with re. Etc.

The same applies to any other gammam, if you know the applicature, then immediately start with any tonic you need, and you will play a gamma.

Applications were created to use Hamm in standard strict. The gamma is part of the musical theory, because the gamma is only an idea until they play them and the way we, guitarists, we draw the theoretical gamut into action - this is the use of appliqué, which allows us to extract the desired notes.

I repeat that the applicature I gave you was invented specifically for the standard building. If you drop the system and play a gamma to Major on this application, then it will not contain those notes that are included in the di-major gamut (up to-MI - F - Sol.).

Gamma has not changed - Gamma D Major still contains notes to, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. However, from the moment the guitar is configured differently, you need to use new applications to play the right notes of gamma - to, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

Thus, Gamma is a merger of notes, a characteristic feature of which is to reproduce a certain character of the sound when playing. All applications that you learn in further articles is just a convenient way to play the gamma, this is a kind of template for building a gamma from the notes you need.

In the above three notes on the string. The notes on the string can be four (although it is difficult to play), two (used in pentatonic), even you can play the whole range on one string. All this variety of combinations gives us new applications.

Gamma and tonality

You learned that the tonique determines the tonic (the first stage of the gamma). Gamma and tonality are very closely connected, but the gamma is not a tonality. The name of the tonality depends on the gamma - it is a little misleading.

Key - Tone melody center. The tonality indicates chords and notes to which the melody is hard. You can write a song in which the melody begins with the Gamma to Major, and then briefly switches to the gamut of La-Bf Major, just one - two clocks, then return to before.

The fact that we returned to before, helps us see this note as a tone center or the heart of the melody, the basis for which we invariably return. The base is "tonality", and in most cases, we begin the melody from the gamma that corresponds to the tonality. In some cases, we will not move away from the gamma that corresponds to the tonality, without changing the tonality of music.

Change of tonality is called modulation. In this case, we change the tone center of the melody, and we will use a new gamut (or a set of gamps) to which it will become. The melody will be built in such a way that the new tonality becomes its center, and the old tonality and the gamma associated with it will remain only the history until we return the reverse modulation.

Thus, the tonality is an anchor for the melody, Gamma - a tool for creating a melody, and an application - a tool for the embodiment of the GYM on the Guitar Grope.

Value of Ham in Music

In music terms, Gamma is the note palette, from which you can choose notes necessary to build chords, solo melodies, accompaniment and everything else, in the hope of getting a good sound.

Take a look at this: before becoming a poet, you need to master the Russian language. Gamma is music language, and there are many ways to combine them with each other to create interesting compositions.

Ignorance of the hammist looks like an attempt to write a poem, without using words. I admit that in some cases it will work, and the result will be wonderful, but the possibilities will significantly expand if you become adhered to generally accepted means of expression that gamma are.

There are many types of gamps. Think about them as an increase in your vocabulary and receiving new original ways to express your ideas.


Let's go back to the appliqués. When studying applicatures, as a rule, shall be divided by the sequence of the lads of the grid on the "boxes". Boxing is just a group of gamma notes, which can be easily played without unnecessary vultures. Boxes are designed to move up from the lower string E, and playing a single type of gamma by another, starting with any note that it was not.

There is an important circumstance regarding boxes / applicatures. This is what they remain the same, regardless of what tonality you play your gamut. If you play a gamut of the D Major using a specific boxing or an application, and you want to play a gamut of La Major, all you have to do is to move the appliqué up the vulture on 2 Lada. Why is that?

Let's figure it out. Bde and la separated by 2 halftons. If you move the box up from the vulture, then none of the intervals between notes change. Thus, you play exactly the same formula, only using another tonic. This means that you must study every appliqué once, and you can use it for each of the 12 notes!


The source of confusion for some people is the fact that many applications notes indicated as the lowest is not tonic. If you think about it, then it is correct. Let's start with the Gamma Sol Major. Our first boxing should begin on the lower string E, 3rd Lada - which is salt. We add notes, starting with this Lada to build a gamut:

G a b c d e f # g a b c d e f # g
(Salt, la, si, up, re, mi, phase, salt, la, si, up, re, mi, phase, salt).

To build the next box, we would have to move away from the salt up one tone to the 5th Lada, which is la. Now, we start to build our gamut from there:

A b c d e f # g a b c d e f # g a
(La, si, up, re, mi, pha dez, salt, la, si, up, re, mi, pha dez, salt, la).

7 notes are required to get to our tonic salt!

It is not difficult - you just have to understand what a note is tonic, and where it is. However, it will be more common to happen that there are no suitable notes below or below the tonic, which would be part of the gamut and fit for the game (in this way, the game will begin with tonic).

Tonic is very important because it is determined by the gamma that you play (along with the type, major, minor, etc.). Although there is no rule that it says that you should always start the range from Tony. Imagine a range like a notch palette from which you need to choose suitable for the game.

What gamma needs to be taught?

Any gamma, what you want! Gamma is an important part of your creative arsenal. The more Hamm, which you know, the more ways you have for self-expression. Note some of them.

1. Minor pentatonic.

This is the first gamma, which most people study. It is simple, because it contains only five notes, and immediately opens up huge opportunities for improvisation and blues / rock style games.

2. Major Pentatonic.

This is a variation of minor pentatonic, they are very similar.

3. Major gamma.

One of the main gamps in music.

4. Natural minor gamma.

Together with the major gamut, they form the basis of all the music. In fact, the pentatonic is a minor gamut, only with several missed notes. Thus, wherever you use a minor gamut, you can also use pentatonic.

With a set of the aforementioned Ham, you will perform rock, and probably you can play 95% of music with which you know. You can be a very competent musician, even if you stop at this stage. The following gammas are more limited to use, and have a jazz sound. They will bring new shades to your music.

5. Harmonic minor / melodic minor.

Two variations of the minor gamut, which sound in a special, especially harmonic minor.

6. Major and Minor Lada (Ionian, Dorian, Frigian, Lidi, Mixolidian, Eoli, Lokurian).

Natural frets are actually variations of the major gamut, which are built according to the special rules. Depending on the Lada, which you use, they will give music various shades. Major natural freedoms are great for studying, after you fully figure out the gamma mentioned above.

By that time, when you master the major freight and other gammas, you will become an experienced musician, with a large range of features.

7. Exotic gamma.

There are hundreds of exotic gamps, many of them are used in certain types of folk music.

Each type of gamm will be paid special attention to other articles. At this stage, you only need to understand what we use them and why they are so important.

Today's article will be devoted to the guitar game exercises. These exercises are designed to increase the technique and the speed of the game. In the future, they will help you play complex musical passengers. We have already passed the preparatory stages: I studied, figured out what it was and now it's time to combine all of these knowledge and apply them in practice. Our task learns to play gamma on the guitar. How these gammas are recorded on a tin one, and what key signs are present there, I hope you have read. If not, then the entire list of Hamm and their key signs are presented. I will present the appliqué of several gamps. It is best to play them with a mediator (down-up-down-up). So you can achieve a clear and high-speed game. Naturally, the gamma should be started at a slow pace and preferably under.

In order to understand how to play the gamma on the guitar, you need to position the left hand in the first right. In general, its position is similar to the one when you pour chords, only your fingers need to keep a little more wider so that they are located above the appropriate frets. With the help of minimizing your movements, you can achieve high speed of the game and fluidity of the fingers.

Left position

Now look at the applicature of specific gamps for the guitar. The guitar grade is shown as on ordinary. For the ultimate clarity, I list the strings from top to bottom: Mi [E] -Si [H] -Col [G] -re [d] -l [a] -mi [E]. Under the vulture numbered the frets, and the numbers in the circles indicate the numbers of the fingers that the strings should be clamped. You can also say that it is tabulatures of a guitar.

Gamma Salt Major

Gamma Sol Minor

Gamma to major

I would like to show one more variant of gamma appliqués to major.

Gamma to Minor

Gamma Mi Minor

I want to clarify that playing gamma in the city of Minor and Mi Major on the guitar needed with the open sixth string, as it is tonic - notes (marked with a circle).

Gamma Mi Major

Gamma La Minor.

Gamma needs to start playing with the open 5th string. That is why the name of the string is arranged in a circle.

Gamma la Major

This gamma also, as well as the previous one begins with the open 5th string.

Gamma Re Minor

Gamma D Major

Gamma C Major

Gamma Si Minor.